Computer programs for elementary school.

free program social network for phones and tablets operating system Android. Thanks to this application, users will be able to be online anytime, anywhere, and stay informed. latest news your friends. You can download Odnoklassniki for Android for free on our website.

Screenshots Odnoklassniki →

The Odnoklassniki application gives access to almost all the functions of the full version of the site, and even expands them somewhat in mobile application. You can chat with friends, view and comment on posts in the news feed, set global status, upload photos and edit them, share useful links, and much more.

The free program Odnoklassniki can work in background, which allows you not to miss important news or messages. The phone will notify you of every new message or comment.

Deserves special mention new interface programs OK. The developers took into account that many find it too difficult to understand the new, unusual interface, and multi-level menu takes too much time. Therefore, they gave users an easy and quick access to all the features of the program on your Android phone or tablet. Anyone can easily master the application and customize it to their liking. Chatting with friends has never been easier. To get started you need download Odnoklassniki for Android free in Russian at the link below.

A few years ago, Odnoklassniki introduced its own audio player, superior to most analogues. His mobile Android the version is not demanding on connection speed, so you can always have your favorite music at hand. Ordinary mobile internet will be quite enough to play audio recordings without delays and buffering. All you need to use the application is a phone with Android based connected to the Internet. Odnoklassniki for Android free download is a great opportunity to stay with the project, or join it if you have not already done so.

This program generates examples from the multiplication table. The solver needs to write down the correct answer in a special field and click the CHECK button. After clicking, the program will display the result.

You can skip tasks by clicking on the example you want to skip, but all gaps will be counted and after clicking on the RESULTS button, the number of correct and incorrect answers, as well as the number of missed tasks, will be shown.

The program will be useful to everyone who wants to repeat and consolidate their knowledge of the multiplication tables.

For the program to work, it must be installed on your computer. virtual machine java(JVM).

Subject: Mathematics

The program generates number series of different lengths (up to 12 characters) and displays them on the screen. The user selects the display time of the series and its length. After pressing START, the series is shown and after specified time disappears, and the user must repeat it. The program is quite easy to use and will be useful for memory development. The program requires java installed on your computer to run.

Subject: Metasubject

Automatic diagnostic analysis. The table presents 4 methods: “Questionnaire for assessing the level of school motivation of N. Luskanova”; “Student survey” (according to N.Yu. Yashina); Methodology “What am I?”; “Attention test” (P.Ya. Galperin, S.L. Kabylnitskaya).

For each method, a table has been compiled with automatic output of results. Points must be entered in the cells gray. The findings for each indicator are entered into the Diagnostic Summary Sheet. The archive includes diagnostic materials.

Subject: Metasubject

Target Audience: for 3rd grade

Analysis of dictation and grammar assignments in 1st grade with individual diagnostics for each student.

The teacher marks the work; if the student made a mistake, you need to put + from the drop-down list, if there were no mistakes, leave the cell empty. The upper cells are active - you can enter the classification of errors. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student. The table contains instructions.

Subject: Russian language

The table presents a list of educational achievements that the teacher evaluates in students at the end of the year. A 5-point system is used for evaluation (description attached). A report is displayed for each student after filling out the main table.
The template allows for changes: you can change the class by a quarter, as described in the table. The table was compiled based on the material of L.I. Berdikulova. (the document is included in the archive).

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for teachers

Analysis and processing of control cheating in 1st grade with individual diagnosis of each student.

Teacher in top cells enters the text of the work; makes a mark for the work; the number of corrections the student made when cheating; indicates errors and the words in which they were made. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student; if many mistakes are made, recommendations “How to copy the text correctly” are displayed, which can be printed for parents.

The table contains detailed instructions.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 1st grade

Analysis and processing of data on the surrounding world (VPR) in 4th grade. After filling out the table on the achievement sheets for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program primary general education.

On the "Analysis" sheet, the mark will be placed only after entering the option number.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for 4th grade

Analysis and processing of data on the Russian language (RLP) in 4th grade. After filling out the table on the achievement sheets for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education.

After entering the results for each task, the program displays an analysis of the work performed. The number of correctly completed tasks and the names of students who completed each task are displayed. On individual sheets for students, the skills acquired during the course are displayed. high level; skills to look out for.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 4th grade

Odnoklassniki is a program through which you can independently create exclusive group photos. These can be photographs of graduates, classes, kindergarten groups, various groups and much more. You will have a huge number of tools at your disposal to work with. With their help, you can place any number of photographs on a sheet, choosing a place for them yourself; each of them can be adjusted and placed in an original thematic frame.

You are given the opportunity to create text captions for photos, both for each individual photo and for the entire group of photos. You choose the text color, font, size and writing style yourself, using the many proposed effects for editing it. To complement the plot, you can put background picture, which you also set yourself, using your imagination and imagination. Finished work Can be printed in unlimited quantities for everyone present in the photo.

It is very convenient that while editing photos, all layer-by-layer changes are saved, which will allow you to edit photos from any stage you choose. You will be able to create entire web pages of group photos, as the resulting photos can be converted into html format. Use your inspiration to create unsurpassed and original photographs, and the incredibly easy-to-use and very easy-to-understand Odnoklassniki program will help you with this.

The 21st century has not just arrived, as ordinary people usually talk about it, but has become firmly entrenched in people’s heads. And if it concerned only the so-called generation of “children of the 90s” - but even their fathers and mothers, and sometimes grandparents, are simply thoroughly imbued with the trends of the modern era: innovations in all spheres and industries, perfection of technology and genius engineering and design ideas. And they don’t just get into it – it becomes an integral part of their life.

And the most important and at the same time the most interesting thing is how differently they begin to perceive seemingly familiar things and phenomena familiar from childhood. Take, for example, the same classmates: previously this word was most often understood as real people, with whom we passed best years life - school years.

It was during this golden, without exaggeration, time that one could become such friends with someone that these childhood emotions would sit in one’s head for the rest of one’s life. It is from school that some become inseparable friends for many years to come. It is among classmates that people often find the love of their lives.

They meet with classmates a year, five, ten after graduation, and sometimes even more. What's wrong with this word now? But nothing... nothing bad, but a lot of unusual, surprising and interesting things, because now these are not only people with whom you once had to share a seat at a desk, but also a real social network.

And not just some dating site, or a simple resource where you can free time look through the pictures and listen to the music. This is one of the most popular social networks in the CIS countries.

You can endlessly argue about this, arguing in stereotypes and saying that nothing better than VKontakte or Facebook has yet been invented, and this is only an analogue for people of a past era - or you can simply download the Odnoklassniki application on your computer and quickly see the opposite .

Video review

Application features on PC

What can you do on the Odnoklassniki social network? In general, everything is the same as in all the most popular resources of the same type. What, in this case, is the application of the same name used for if you have a website that is quite well-thought-out and ergonomic in terms of design and has no problems with performance?

Everything is quite simple - as the motto of all successful people says: “everything good can always be made even better,” and in in this case it is fully confirmed in practice. To begin with, download Odnoklassniki to your desktop, putting an application shortcut there, and go there every time through an Internet browser - things are a little different, and the first undoubtedly wins in terms of speed and convenience.

Secondly, the site’s menu, for all its obvious advantages, can hardly be called intuitive - in any case, for beginners who have barely had time to register, the process of familiarization and subsequent adaptation risks becoming too long. It’s a completely different matter - a corresponding application with an interface changed for the sake of maximum user convenience: simpler, more convenient and understandable.

The next point is saving consumed traffic. Yes, for happy owners unlimited package a priori, such a problem does not exist from the Internet provider, since online they can do whatever they want and as much as they want - as they say, there will be no loss from them. But those whose tariff is limited a certain amount traffic, they cannot afford such luxury - however, they can get as close to it as possible.

In the case of classmates, everything is done very simply and again comes down to installing the application - using a special program code it automatically compresses the size of all media files viewed by the user.

In the settings menu, you can also disable the automatic playback of certain elements - for example, videos, or so-called “moving pictures” - files in the “GIF” format. Thus, even with the most active use You can always keep it within 1-2 GB of traffic - for comparison, when using the site through a browser, this volume can easily be multiplied by half, if not more.

Well, for the rest, as noted, this is a social network in in every sense this word: here you register and fill out a personal form with all the accompanying data, including photographs, audio and video recordings, here you create thematic communities, bringing together people with similar interests, here you can watch movies and listen to music, as well as play mini-applications tailored specifically for this resource.

Well, the most important thing is the concept of the network itself, what distinguishes Odnoklassniki from the same VKontakte. You can, of course, do whatever your heart desires here; in fact, this application can replace half of the entire Internet with this application - but its main idea is still the ability to communicate. And not just to communicate, but to find those with whom you would really like to communicate - people with whom you once studied, worked or worked together in a sports section, about whose fate and life it would be really interesting to learn.

Advantages and disadvantages of the application


Undoubtedly, the application has a lot of advantages. Among them are:

  • a convenient, almost intuitive interface, which in many ways goes against the grain of the original site;
  • speed of operation - even after downloading Odnoklassniki to a laptop or PC with a powerful configuration, even a sophisticated user will appreciate the difference in performance compared to working through a browser;
  • full functionality - creating a profile with the ability to include all personal data in it, the ability to create and join communities, categories of interlocutors: friends, acquaintances, relatives, etc., individual and group chats, video and audio player, built-in program for quick view images, integrated mini-applications and games without links to other resources and much more;
  • opportunity quick launch from the desktop.


As such, Odnoklassniki does not have any outright blunders. All site innovations are constantly monitored by the developers and transferred to the application - as a result, users periodically receive update packages, upon completion of installation of which previous shortcomings, operational errors, performance instability, etc. are eliminated.

How to install Odnoklassniki on your computer

As for the installation process, it will not cause any particular difficulties even for people who, as they say, communicate with the computer on first-name basis, and even then in a whisper. However, most ordinary people are much more accustomed to hearing that you can download the application on Android or the notorious iOS, rather than that, for example, you can download Odnoklassniki for Windows 7. This is quite natural - after all, it was originally developed for mobile platforms, and therefore downloading to a PC has some peculiarities. This is done in three ways:

Classmates- This popular program to communicate with friends, colleagues and acquaintances on the social network ( for a phone based on Android (Android), iOS or Windows Phone. The developers of this program did their best to make it as convenient and easy to use as possible. To use Odnoklassniki on your computer, you just need to go to the website and through it you can directly access your page on the social network. And for more easy access With mobile devices, we recommend that you download Odnoklassniki for your phone.

The design of the Odnoklassniki program for the phone is made in the same style as the official website of the program. Install latest version You can always download Odnoklassniki for free via a direct link from the official website without registration and SMS on our website.

Features of the Odnoklassniki 2019 program for Windows, Android:

  • Possibility of listening to your favorite music.
  • Video chat with a fairly high-quality connection.
  • Show instant notifications informing you about important events related to you.
  • Ability to upload multiple photos at once.

Often users want to download Odnoklassniki for Windows 10, 7, 8, but unfortunately there is no version for the computer. There is an Odnoklassniki application for Windows Phone.