Beautiful girls forum smf 2.0. First steps in search engine optimization Simple Machines Forum: removing copyright and external links

Are common
Requires PHP and MySQL to work.
Convenient and flexible template system.
Extensive user and access rights management capabilities.
Supports a large number of different languages.
Open and well documented source code.
Keep track of new and old unread topics, not just since your last visit.
Designed for optimal performance and scalable.
Working with multimedia. (XHTML, XML, RSS, WAP)
Multilingual user support
Package manager that automatically installs or removes mods (hacks)
o Search the entire forum, category/section or within a given topic.
o Search your private messages.

All actions, invisible to the user, require a session-based authorization code.
Administrative actions require the user's password (not based solely on cookies).
Main operations are blocked by time and IP address to prevent hacking.
The number of login attempts for certain IP addresses can be limited and time-blocked.

Forum Settings
Ability to display page creation time and page request counter.
Switching the forum to maintenance mode, allowing only administrators to log in.
Censorship of words. Both the whole word and its parts.
Ability to break long words into parts.

Sections and Categories
Grouping sections into collapsible categories (depending on the settings, categories can be pinned or not collapsed).
Changing the order of sections within categories
Change the order of categories.
Ability to create subsections within sections.
Appointment of moderators for sections.
Allowing access to the section to certain user groups, including Guests.
Configure access rights for each user group at the partition level.
Ability to show new posts in a subsection even if the main section does not have new posts.

User Registration
Registration is required before entering the forum.
The user is required to agree to the forum rules before registering.
The ability to completely disable user registration (allowing only moderators to register people).
Possibility to confirm registration via email.
Possibility of approval of registration by a moderator or administrator.
Registering new users through the administration center.

Navigation and User Authentication
Several safety checks during navigation.
Option to remind your password via email with confirmation (without sending your password).
Authentication is based on both cookies and sessions (works when cookies are disabled).
Cookies can be set local to the resource path.
Ability to configure the time during which cookies will be accepted for authentication.

User management
Sortable, searchable public list of users (available by permission).
Sortable extended list of users in the administration panel with search functionality.
Shows all error messages caused by the registered user and his IP address.
Shows all error messages caused by a specific IP address or range of addresses.
"Who's Doing What" view - displays users' current position (available by permission).

Multi-partition statistics (available by permission).
Online time tracking, in seconds, for a registered user.
Track topics, posts, new users and visits per day.
Individual statistics of registered users available from their profiles.

News and Announcements
Ability to create message boards (users can be notified about a topic automatically).
The ability for the user to independently disable receiving notifications.
Ability to send a private message or email to all users at the same time.
Possibility of displaying one news or randomly selected news.

Means of communication
Ability to select the method of sending email (sendmail or SMTP, with or without authentication).
Possibility to send a topic to a friend.
Ability to view a print-adapted version of the theme.

Group of users
Create user groups to group registered users based on permissions, access rights and/or their appearance.
Assigning multiple user groups to one registered user, with one group as the primary group for that user.
Define a user group that is automatically assigned to a user based on the number of messages he has.
Defining the maximum number of private messages allowed for each user group.
Assign graphic symbol(s) to registered users according to their primary group.
Ability to determine which user groups are allowed access to the section.

Imposition of Prohibitions (Bans)
Denying access to users based on their nickname, email address, IP address or hostname.
Supports extensions for email address, IP address, and hostname.
Enabling the display of the reason for the ban (available for viewing by the banned user).
Including notes in the ban (viewable only by administrators).
Possibility to choose between a complete ban, a ban on posting messages or a ban on registration.
Ability to set the duration of the ban.

Integration with External Programs
Possibility of integrating parts of the forum software into an existing website using SSI or PHP.
o Latest topics or publications.
o Latest news publications in sections.
o Latest polls.
o Several forum statistics.
o List of online users.
o Menu.
o News.
o Search.
o Login/logout.
o Current events/birthdays/holidays.
Ability to export forum data using XML/RSS
o Latest users.
o News.
o Latest publications.

Wireless Access
Supports WAP, WAP2 and I-mode protocols.
View sections/topics/posts with a reduced page size.
Ability to log in and log out (not for WAP 1.)
Ability to see new topics/sections with new answers.
Ability to quickly jump to the first unread reply.
Ability to publish new messages (not for WAP 1.)

Themes and Templates
The ability to allow or not your users to choose their own theme.
Ability to reset all users' settings to use the same specific theme.
Ability to install a new theme through the administration center.
Templates compliant with XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0 standards.
The administrator can add smiles (emoticons) and sets of smiles.
Registered users can choose which set of emoji they want to use (or not use at all).
Themes can be installed using the Latest and Best Themes panel, which allows you to get information about the latest and greatest themes from the official website.
Ability to edit the theme using SSI capabilities.

Posting Messages
Possibility of spell checking.
"Quick response"
o Users can disable or minimize Quick Reply.
o Ability to quote messages from other users.
o Also contains a spell check feature.
A large number of BB codes to use.
Ability to configure the time during which messages can be edited.
"Insert Quote" function in the message window to quickly quote previous replies.

A poll can be added to or removed from existing topics.
Ability to customize the survey expiration date.
Possibility to hide survey results until the end of the validity period.
The ability to hide results from users until they vote themselves.
The ability to determine the number of votes that one user can cast.
Surveys can include up to 256 answer options.

Attaching Files
Allowed either depending on the user group or depending on the section.
The filename can be encrypted for increased security (so you can attach .php files, etc.)
Ability to limit file types for attachment.
There may be a restriction that allows only registered users to view attached files (mainly by disabling direct links).
Ability to insert images into messages.

Calendar Features
Shows birthdays, events and holidays.
Shows calendar information in the partition directory.
Possibility of linking an existing theme with a calendar.
Option to allow only certain users or groups to post calendar events.
The user who publishes the event can edit it.
Events can spread over many days.

Moderation Tools
Ability to block a topic and unblock it.
o Topics locked by an administrator cannot be unblocked by anyone else.
The ability to allow users to apply moderation, but only to those topics that they created.
Link “Report to moderator”.
Ability to delete or change messages.
Ability to connect and separate topics.
Ability to move and delete topics.
Ability to “attach” topics.
Recycle Bin/section for all deleted topics and publications.
Moderation log, which shows the actions of moderators and does not allow deletion of the log, except for the first day.
AJAX editing:
o Editing a publication without refreshing the page.
o Double click to edit topic names in a section.
User Profiles and User Options
Ability to hide your email address from other users.
Select your favorite topic from the installed forum topics.
Selecting a set of emoticons from the available sets.
Notification by email
o About new topics by sections.
o About individual selected topics.
o About private messages.
Possibility of logging into the system in “invisible” mode.
Options to hide avatars and signatures of other users.
Possibility to download downloaded avatars. Ability to change the size of the loaded avatar.
You can use personal text, an avatar, a signature, which, when changed, is automatically updated in all your publications.

User Resources
Icons for topics in which you left messages.
Ability to view replies to your messages.
Collapsible “Additional Options” on the message sending page.
Ability to view recent messages.
Ability to display a list of all topics that have new replies since your last visit.
The ability to see who is viewing the same sections or topics as you.
Topics that span more than one page have a list of hyperlinks to each page by page number and an "all" hyperlink.

License: freeware

Everyone knows that I simply cannot live without Joomla, but, in my opinion, there is no good forum for components. That's why I work with forum engines. One of the new ones that I just recently started using is Let's start a new SMF category with hopefully useful stuff. We start small, and as beginners it’s very useful.

First steps in search engine optimization Simple Machines Forum: removing copyright and external links

Let me make a reservation right away that I only work with smf 2 and this article will relate specifically to this version of the free forum engine.

And so, regular readers know how much I don’t like to put “10” external links to the official websites of engines, including forum ones. That is why, first of all, we remove the copyright and as many as 4, attention 4 external links of the form " SMF 2.0.2 | Simple Machines | SMF © 2011 | XHTML"! To do this, connect to the site via FTP forum/Themes/ name of your theme/ and edit the file index.template.php. Naturally, at the very bottom there is a code (about line 330) that displays external links that we don’t like so much. Therefore we delete: "

  • ", theme_copyright(), "
  • " And "
  • ", $txt["xhtml"], "
  • ". It’s all so simple and easy. In the coming publications, expect new materials on promoting and optimizing forums on SMF/

    This includes many custom templates for personal and professional board designs.
    SMF is written in the popular PHP language and uses a MySQL database.
    It is designed to provide all the functionality required from a whiteboard while having an absolute minimal impact on server resources


  • bbli General characteristics:
  • admin panel
  • Comprehensive template system.
  • Advanced permission and user management.
  • Supports multiple languages ​​at once.
  • Open and well documented source code.
  • Track new and old unread topics, not just from last visit.
  • Designed for optimal performance and scalability.
  • Multi-information output. (XHTML, XML, RSS, WAP)
  • Multi-language support with a large community.
  • Package manager that automatically installs or removes mods (also known as hacks.)

  • Safety:
  • All actions easily require a session based on an authorization code.
  • Administrative actions require the user's password (and do not rely solely on cookies.)
  • The main actions of time and IP are closed, preventing "knocking".
  • The number of attempts to enter a number from a specific IP can be limited and time blocked.

  • bbli Forum settings:
  • Ability to display the time the page was created and the number of requests on the page.
  • Place the board in maintenance mode, which allows only administrators to log in to the system.
  • The word is censored, either a full or partial word.
  • Ability to break up long words.
  • Boards and categories
  • Group of boards in prefabricated categories.
  • Set categories as awkward.
  • Changing the order of fees within categories, or the order of categories.
  • Create subsections consistent with other boards. (sub board)
  • Link board moderators.
  • Allow some membergroups access to the board, including only guests.
  • Configure permissions for each membergroup at the board level.
  • Ability to point new posts to subsections, but nothing new to the parent.
  • Participant registration;
  • Registration is required before entering the forum.
  • Require users to agree to terms and conditions before they register.
  • Disable member registration completely (allowing only for moderators to register people).
  • Require email authentication by sending an authentication link.
  • A moderator is required to approve the registration.
  • Registration of new users from the admin center.
  • Navigation Members and Authentication
  • Several safety checks during navigation.
  • password option, confirmation email. (does not automatically reset password).
  • Both cookies and session-based authentication (works without cookies.)
  • Cookies can be set locally in the path, globally for all subdomains, or normally.
  • Adjustable expiration time for authentication cookies.
  • Member Tracking and Tracing
  • Sortable and searchable public members (available with permission.)
  • Powerful sorting and searching of admin members.
  • Show all (error) and IP addresses of messages made by a member. (user track)
  • Show all (error) messages from an IP address or range. (IP track)
  • See who's doing what (available with permission.)

  • Statistics
  • Several desktop statistics (available with permission.)
  • Track a member's online time in seconds.
  • Track topics, posts, new members, and hits per day.
  • Statistics for individual members, accessible from their profile.
  • News and announcements
  • Ability to create message boards (Participants are notified of topics automatically.)
  • Members option to disable applications.
  • E-mail or private message to members by membergroup.
  • Show news feed or fader.
  • Connection
  • Ability to choose Sendmail or SMTP (with or without authentication).
  • Ability to send a topic to a friend.
  • Viewable and printable version of the theme.

  • bbli Membergroups:
  • Create membergroups for group members by permissions, access rights and/or appearance.
  • Link multiple membergroups to one member, with one membergroup as the main group.
  • Define membergroups that are automatically assigned based on the number of messages the user has.
  • Define the maximum number of private messages a group is allowed to have in a membergroup.
  • Associate the graphic symbol(s) in the membergroup by the primary group.
  • Determine which membergroups are allowed to access the board.

  • Ban
  • Ban members based on their username, email address, IP address or hostname.
  • Supports masks for email address, IP address, hostname etc.
  • Include the reason for the ban (visible to the banned user).
  • Enable ban note (only visible to admins).
  • Choose between a complete ban, a "no after" ban or a registration ban.
  • Enable end time for bans.
  • What's new In this issue:

    • This patch focuses on resolving several memory issues caused by some changes in 2.0.7, as well as fixing a crucial bug that caused boards to appear in a seemingly random order for forums running MySQL versions 5.6 and above.
    • This also fixes a rare bug that can cause a database error when incorrect data is passed to the Search Users form.

    What's new in version 2.0.6 / 1.1.19:

    • Several security issues have been identified in and release lines and have been resolved with this patch.

    What's new in version 2.0.5:.

    • Critical security patch

    What's new in version 2.0.4 / 1.1.17:

    • Several critical security issues have been identified in the two versions that are supported and are fixed in this update.

    What's new in version 2.0.3 / 1.1.17:

    • Security patch with version number:. SMF 1.1.17 SMF 2.0.3 and

    What's new in version 2.0.2 / 1.1.16:

    • SMF 1.1.16 SMF and 2.0.2 contain security patches.
    • Several bug fixes for SMF 2.0.x are also available with the patch.

    What's new in version 2.0.1:

    • a sensitive token was sent in the URL, allowing a CSRF vulnerability (ModerationCenter.php).
    • HTML facial fixes for spoofing and injection prevention. (Load.php, subs, Members.php).
    • Fix undefined index (ManageMaintenance.php).
    • Some versions may not contain the small type. (Subwoofers-Package.php).
    • Some updates may fail because the file hash does not exist in the attachment table. (upgrade_2-0_mysql.sql).

    What's new in version 2.0:

    • Fixed login protection system
    • Real name spoofing prevention
    • MySQL 5.5 compatibility fixes
    • Several related PostgreSQL fixes
    • Hook integration fixes
    • Several UI fixes
    • Fixes related to user profile updates
    • Fixed update scripts


    • PHP 4.1.0 or higher
    • MySQL 3.23.4 or higher
    • 512 kilobytes of disk space in the database
    • two and a half megabytes of disk space on the web server
    • Apache or IIS

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In today's article we will talk about the issue of choosing the best option for a site forum on Joomla 1.5, and we will also look in detail at installing the SMF engine on the server. So, why do we need to integrate (the user base will be common) an external conference engine into Joomla?

    Doesn’t this CMS really have its own conferences set up as ? Of course, they exist, but they are all seriously inferior in functionality to SMF.

    Problems with choosing a conference for Joomla

    Before deciding to experiment with installing and integrating the above-mentioned engine, I tried several conference components. The best of them, in my opinion, was Kunena. So you can try out this component and decide for yourself whether it is right for you.

    If you decide to try the Simple Machines Forum, you should keep in mind that the latest version 1.1.11 has an alternative in the form of beta version 2.0. The functionality of the beta is significantly higher than the classic version, but the very fact that it is still a beta version indicates that it is not completely stable. Personally, I didn’t take any risks and installed version 1.1.9 (1.1.11 had not yet been released at that time) and it is with its example that I will talk about the integration of this forum with Joomla 1.5.

    Now about the JFusion component for Joomla. This component provides universal user integration across all applications by expanding the user base, which does not use kernel hacks. JFusion will allow you to integrate site and forum users. Currently free support is provided for the following applications: vBulletin, phpBB3, MyBB, SMF, Magento, Moodle, gallery2 and dokuwiki.

    Additionally, JFusion provides several useful modules, for example, a module for recent messages in a conference that is inserted into a website template, as well as an internal search plugin. User group synchronization is also now available, thanks to which you can link groups between all the applications you use.

    This component is certainly good and multifunctional, one might say it’s simply a godsend. And where can I download this miracle? Yes, actually, on the developer’s website. The latest current version is JFusion 1.7.8 RC. Well, we have Joomla installed, files with localization packages (Russian language) for SMF and JFusion have been downloaded, it’s time to start installing the conference engine and setting up the integration of their mutual work.

    Installing Simple Machines Forum

    Let's start by installing the forum engine. Its latest versions can be downloaded, and the Russian language pack, both in utf-8 encoding and in 1251 encoding, can be downloaded.

    We will install SMF in a separate site folder. Let's say that the site on Joomla opens at, then the forum should open at To do this, you need to connect to the server via FTP via FileZilla and create in the main directory (where we have all the files and folders created after installing Joomla), a new folder “forum”, in which we will install the conference engine.

    To create a new folder in FileZilla, just right-click in the right window of the program, where files and directories on the remote host are displayed, and then select “Create Directory” from the drop-down menu. So, the folder has been created, now you need to copy the installation files of our forum into it using the same Filezilla.

    These files must first be extracted from the archive, which you downloaded from the link given above. Next, in the ftp client, in the left window, open the smf_1-1-9_install directory with the Simple Machines Forum engine files, and in the right window open the folder we created in the Joomla directory.

    Select, while holding Shift on the keyboard, all the files in the left folder (of the conference engine) and right-click on any of them. From the drop-down menu, select “Upload to server”. We wait for the download to finish and proceed to the next step.

    We immediately upload the forum Russification files to the server. Previously, we downloaded the Russian language pack for the version we needed and the text we needed from this page. In my case, this is You need to unpack it and copy the Themes folder in it to the root of our SMF engine, where there is already a folder with the same name. During the copying process, the necessary Russian translation files will be added to various subfolders of the Themes folder (more than 150 pieces).

    Basic forum settings specified during its installation

    Go to the browser and enter in the address bar, where by we mean the address of your website. This should begin the first step of installing the SMF engine, where you must first enter the name of your forum in the “Forum name” field. To enable the Russian language in the installation wizard, you need to select it in the upper right corner of the window. I will show you how to configure the settings when the English language is selected.

    • Forum URL (address or another URL of the SMF forum) - in principle, it will be entered automatically, well, if not, then enter
    • Gzip Output(Gzip compression), Database Sessions (sessions in the Database), UTF-8 Character Set (use UTF-8 encoding) - check all the boxes here
    • Allow Stat Collection(allow to collect statistics) - here you can choose to your taste whether to check the box or not

    Database settings for Simple Machines Forum

    • MySQL server name(server address where the MySQL database is located) - in principle, standard, in 90 percent of cases this is localhost. If you don’t know, check with your hosting)
    • MySQL username(database user name) - enter the user name to connect to the Database. Because I wanted to use the same database to install SMF as for Joomla, so I accordingly entered in this paragraph the name of the user that I created when installing the site engine.
    • MySQL password(password to access the database) - I think this is clear. In my case, the password for the database conference is the same as when installing Joomla
    • MySQL database name(database name) - enter the name you want to use. I entered here the same database name that is used for Joomla. If the database is missing, the forum installer will try to create it. But some free hosting sites do not allow you to create more than 1 database, so enter the name of an existing one.
    • MySQL table prefix(table prefix) - don't change anything here.

    Click “Proceed”. The next installation step is to create a forum administrator account.

    We come up with a username and password for logging into the SMF admin area, enter your e-mail and once again specify the password for the database. Click Finish. In the next window, check the box and click on the words “your newly installed forum” in order to get to the Simple Machines Forum we just installed. After installation is complete, be sure to delete the install.php and install_1-1.sql files if they were not deleted automatically.

    As we can see, in our case, the forum interface will be in English, but if we had chosen Russian at the first stage of installation, then the SMF would have opened immediately in Russian. I’ll tell you how to make the engine Russian after installing it, as well as how to configure the interaction of the forum with a site on Joomla 1.5 using the JFusion component.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    Simple Machines Forum project released a new update for SMF 2.0.x.

    The current version becomes SMF 2.0.7. Unlike previous ones, this release only fixes bugs, not vulnerabilities, but this does not detract from the importance of its installation. Besides the bug fixes, the main purpose of this update is full compatibility with PHP 5.5 version, which is becoming a common problem due to PHP updates on hosting sites.

    Users of SMF 1.1.x should be aware that some of the bugs that were fixed in 2.0.7 are still present in 1.1.x. For a number of reasons, it will not be possible to provide full support for PHP 5.5+ for SMF 1.1.x.

    In any case, SMF 2.1 is in active development - once the 2.1 release is declared stable, support for SMF 1.1 will be completely discontinued. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to consider migrating to SMF 2.0.x. We will provide whatever support we can to those preparing for the upgrade.

    SMF 2.0.6 can be upgraded to 2.0.7 using a package manager. You should see an update notification in your admin panel and package manager, allowing you to easily download and install the update. If you don't have an update notification, run the "Get files from Simple Machines" scheduled task in Task Manager.
    You can also manually download the update for 2.0.6 from the download page of the official website - smf_patch_2.0.7.tar.gz, and install it using the package manager.

    If you are using older versions of SMF, you can update with the full update package from the download page of the official website. Please be aware that using this update method will require reinstalling all of your mods.


    January 2014
    - compatibility fix PHP 5.5 merged into. (Thanks to all of you who contributed, but especially to SleepPy and Hoes)
    - Finish username if oversized when loading. (Thanks you he, TMcomputing will report)
    - Check that the group inheritance is actually going to be viable before you try it further. (He thanks you, tfs will be the report)
    - Made sure the calendar holiday plow disappears, corrected when previously incorrect.

    December 2013
    - Don't allow the plum reports functions to be opened, or for that matter, ignored, reports. (Reported by Kimmie)
    - If the downloaded file is somehow the size of an image but is not actually an image, do not try to treat it as an image.
    - somewhat less fragile Makefile cache.
    - ssi_fetchPosts did not respect the most important permissions. (Thanks to IchBin for the fix)
    - Confidentiality and original sending time was not saved in the mail queue in case of sending failure.
    - Incorrect variable used in mail queue processing (Thanks to Nao for initially finding the bug)
    - Topics with spaces in could damage the editor processing. (Thanks to akyhne for the report and akabugeyes for the suggested commit)
    - Made anti-XSS a little less picky header.
    - FIND_IN_SET was not always set properly to use PostgreSQL.
    - Multiple installed themes with options would not all be able to be selected properly.
    - Fields that are regex-validated could not be left blank (thanks to HappyBits and Emanuele),
    - Fix deprecated TYPE=HEAP (thanks to heusdens for reporting),