Operating systems today. Which operating system is better

Many of you may have heard that there are other operating systems for your computer besides Windows.

In this article we will make a brief overview of the most famous representatives of operating systems, and perhaps you will want to change your life by trying another OS.

Let's start with the most common one.


Windows XP

This operating system appeared quite a long time ago; 3 Service Packs and a lot of pirated assemblies have already been released for it. There are so many of them that you are unlikely to find one that is similar to XP, released by Microsoft. One of the most famous such assemblies - ZverCD. It is so famous that it is sold in stores. Its main advantage is its ease of installation and the fact that the same disk contains many programs that will be useful to you, including the K-Lite Codec Pack (a collection of codecs for viewing audio and audio). video).What is also noteworthy about it is that the drivers are installed themselves during installation. I digressed a little from the main topic. So, the pros and cons of Windows XP.


  • The first and most important advantage of Windows XP is that you get used to it. You know how to use it, you almost never have problems with it, and if you do, then hackers, a weak computer, slow Internet are to blame - in general, everything except. Also, you are very accustomed to its interface, which you will most likely be uncomfortable with others.
  • The second, important plus is that most programs and games are not released. Of course, they can be run on other operating systems, but it will be more difficult than on .


  • Windows xp requires more resources than other operating systems; it does not have such an abundance of settings as on other systems.
  • Programs for it are mostly paid, that is, you will have to either pay or live knowing that you are using illegal software (of course, for many programs there are free alternatives that do not always differ much in functionality. People do not use them mainly because they do not know about them or because of the same habit).

Windows 7

Now let's stop thinking about the past and look at what we have now. Windows 7 solved many problems that arose in Windows XP, introduced many conveniences that you will constantly enjoy, and along with it new problems appeared.


  • Improved visualization has appeared (ease of use, desktop widgets).
  • Now, when you insert a device, Windows 7 will immediately install a driver for it from the Internet for you.


  • Despite the changes, windows is still windows. Therefore, the disadvantages are the same as for XP.


*nix is ​​a similar operating system created by student Linus Torvald. Significantly different from Windows, used mainly by programmers or for servers. But there are not only distributions for servers and programmers, but also for ordinary users, so why do the majority use Windows, and not a licensed one? It’s elementary, because, I’m not afraid to repeat myself, people are used to Windows, and some people don’t have time to relearn. We would really have to relearn if we lived in, say, 2005. There are now enough distributions available to choose the right one. There is even one that has an interface identical to the Windows interface. But we will focus on the most common and most suitable distribution for ordinary users - Ubuntu.

Ubuntu 10.04

I decided to take the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version because it is significantly different from the previous ones - it is Ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx. It solves the main problem of Linux - connecting to the Internet. Unlike previous versions, you don’t need to configure anything in this version, you just install the Wicd program, click the “connect” button and you have access to the Internet. Internet access is very important on Ubuntu, updates are released almost weekly, also with each installation of an English-language program, you can check whether it has a Russian language by going to the language settings and installing all the updates there. Also, compared to previous versions, the number of problems has decreased. Ubuntu comes out every six months, which is also important. Now let's move on to the pros and cons.


  • Ubuntu starts up many times faster than Windows. You can also change the user quite quickly.
  • There is no need to manually install drivers; it is possible to connect different sources to update the system and applications.
  • There will be almost no problems with downloading and installing applications; you do not have to go into the browser to find and download the program, just go to one of the application management managers, find the desired application there and install it.
  • Lots of settings. You can customize the system completely to suit yourself. The interface is customizable to the smallest detail. Also, there are many sites on which all setup processes are described. One of them is Ubuntuology. Everything is described there, starting with installation.
  • Some programs have been ported from Windows to Ubuntu. That is, you can safely use your favorite browser Opera/Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome on Ubuntu, talk through your usual Skype and Mail.ru Agent.
  • No viruses. This means that you do not need to install an antivirus. There are dangerous terminal commands that you can accidentally run from the Internet, but it all depends on your attentiveness. Also, Ubuntu has a built-in Firewall.
  • Ubuntu offers codecs for audio and video to download as needed. This is why an Internet connection is so important.


  • Setting up Ubuntu may seem complicated and time-consuming to you, because most of the time it is. You can do without it, but to really enjoy Ubuntu, you'll have to go through the setup process.
  • In fact, there are few ported programs. In order for you to use the same programs as on Windows, you will have to install one of the programs designed for this (for example, Wine), configure libraries, fonts, and install the Directx driver, if needed. Or install Windows on a virtual machine. In general, again setting up.
  • Not all programs can be installed from the Application Center. Some will have to be downloaded from the Internet manually, and some of them are not in deb format (Debian installation package, installation is similar to installing exe), but in tar.bz2 format, that is, in archives. You will have to unpack and install them manually.
  • Fans of the game may have problems. Of course, a lot of games are released on Ubuntu, but in order for you to have access to your Steam, for example, you will have to either install Windows on a virtual machine or configure Wine.

Also, after this version, versions of Ubntu 10.10 and 11.04 were released, but nothing new except the alternative Unity graphical shell that could be added to the pros or cons appeared.


An operating system created by Apple Corporation. We will not analyze it in detail, we will describe it in general terms, without touching on individual distributions, since not everyone can afford it, only if it is a pirated copy, which is not so easy to install. The operating system itself is not sold separately; it is sold only with Apple laptops and desktop computers. One such laptop will cost you approximately 50,000 rubles, it is clear that there is an overpayment for the brand, but despite this price they are bought, which means there is still something remarkable in it.

It is impossible to imagine the operation of a computer without an operating system, since it is a kind of transmitter between the equipment itself and various programs. Today there are several OS options with their pros and cons. Many people, especially wanting to upgrade their PCs, are interested in what is the best operating system to install on, because the ease of use of the equipment primarily depends on this. Since all operating systems are created for specific tasks, before making a choice you need to write a list for yourself regarding what you will use the computer for.

Which operating system is best for a computer?

So that each user can make the right choice for himself, we will consider the two most popular and frequently used systems - Linux and Windows. It is between them that the main struggle for championship takes place. As for Mac OS, there is essentially no point in considering this version of the OS, since it is used only on Apple computers.

Speaking about what is the best operating system for a PC, let's look at the main positive aspects of two popular options.

Windows Pros:

  1. Many programs are written specifically for this system. In addition, you can find a lot of high-quality free software.
  2. The system can work both on older computer models and on modern technology.
  3. A user-friendly interface that is familiar to a huge number of users, since it is the most popular OS option.
  4. To install and configure the system, you won’t have to look for a specialist for a long time, since every service can cope with this task, and experienced users carry out the setup themselves.
  5. According to experts and users, this is the best operating system for games.

Pros of Linux:

  1. One of the main advantages is accessibility, since this OS is completely free. This applies to all software.
  2. All additional programs are located in one place - the repository, which makes searching easier.
  3. So far there are no serious viruses for this system that could cause harm. It is the most secure OS because there are many mechanisms to restrict access to information.
  4. Good stability and speed of operation, and the flexibility of the system allows it to be used as a base for a server and home machine.
  5. Linux doesn't need a lot of resources compared to .
  6. Continuing to understand which is the best operating system, it is necessary to dwell on the disadvantages of both options.

Cons of Windows:

Cons of Linux:

  1. Few additional programs and games have been developed for this OS. In addition, programs designed for Windows do not work on this OS.
  2. There is no strong support like a competitor, so use Linux, as they say, at your own peril and risk.
  3. Many specialists do not work with this OS, which means that finding a service where they can help solve problems will not be so easy.

We reviewed the best operating systems for PCs, which will allow you, depending on your own preferences, to make the right choice.

On the official Microsoft website, news topics often appear that the Windows 10 operating system is breaking all records in terms of the number of installations and use. However, as statistics show, the situation looks completely different. Everyone's favorite Windows 7 is in the lead and is unlikely to give up the new Ten in the next few years.

What do 2017 statistics say about the popularity of operating systems?

Despite the fact that Microsoft announced the end of support for some of its products, due to the increase in virus attacks, all operating systems starting with Windows 2000 have received updates. Because of this, the popularity of legacy systems has increased. However, not enough to talk about mass installation of old products. Nevertheless? the popularity of Windows XP increased by 0.28%, Windows 7 maintained its position at 49.04%, and the much-hyped Windows 10 added only 0.02%. Therefore, according to statistics from the first half of 2017, Windows 7 remains the most popular operating system.

If you carefully study the statistics, you will notice that the decline in the popularity of Windows 7 began with the release of Windows 10. However, as new updates were released, massive errors appeared, and PC resources were devoured by the new Windows 10, the Seven began to regain its positions, and the first began to gain more slowly popularity. Perhaps in 3-4 years, when the latest operating system from Microsoft is finally brought to perfection, Windows 7 will lose its position. However, it is too early to talk about this. The stability of Windows 7 can be the envy of any currently used OS.

Also for the first half of 2017, a table of browser popularity is presented, which clearly indicates that Google Chrome, Mozilla, Safari and Opera are steadily increasing in popularity. Internet Explorer and Edge browsers, on the contrary, are moving forward slowly.

The statistical data presented in the tables is collected by StatCounter and NetMarketShare based on an analysis of 2.5 million websites around the world.

The entry into the world and then into the domestic market of Windows 8, and after that Windows 8.1, significantly changed the ranking of operating systems in terms of their popularity among the people. Over the past year, demand for XP along with Vista has almost halved.

As a result, the number of Windows 8 and NT users has naturally increased. At the beginning of the year, only 4.8 percent switched to G8. In September of the same year, this figure was already 10.2 percent.

Windows 7

It is curious that with the advent of Windows 8, the prevalence of the previous edition not only did not decrease, but, on the contrary, even increased slightly. The reason for this is most likely a decrease in interest in Windows XP, given the fact that Microsoft management intends to stop supporting the operating system "of all times and peoples."

The advantages of the “seven” are not essential. Anyone who has used Windows 7 knows what we're talking about.

Seven has stability, a high-quality graphical interface, and a multifunctional Explorer that supports drag-and-drop. Statistics show that over 55 percent use “seven” and therefore it is number one in the TOP operating systems.

Many users, having tried all the “delights” of the new Windows 10, rolled back to seven.

Windows 8

The second position in the ranking of operating systems belongs to Windows 8. It is known that the “eight” officially appeared in the fall of 2012. Windows 8 was received very poorly by the user audience. The main reason for dissatisfaction was the unusual interface, which was intended for touch devices.

What hasn't been said about Windows 8! The platform turned out to be another failure of the Redmond company: buggy, unsuccessful and inconvenient in every sense.

However, six months passed, and the number of dissatisfied users began to decrease. The eighth Windows could not surpass its predecessor, but offensive epithets in its direction ceased to be heard. Many people are expecting the release of a mobile version of the Windows Phone 8.1 operating system, which is reported in detail on Gadgetick.com. Users are looking forward to this event in the spring.

The modified G8 is mainly used on tablets and other devices that support touch screens.


Third position in the operating system rating for MacOS. This platform is being developed by a well-known Apple company. Despite the fact that MacOS is a stable, reliable and beautiful platform, the “axis” has not received mass distribution.

Unfortunately, this operating system can only be installed on Apple computers, which are positioned as high-quality devices at a high price.

The lack of compatibility with hardware from other developers is the main disadvantage of the Mac OS. It should also be noted that MacOS loses in convenience when compared with the “seven” and “eight”. Considering the shortcomings, MacOS has increased security, is virus-resistant and has a colorful design.

Windows XP

For a long time, Windows XP was in a leading position. Computer users were fascinated by its simplicity, lack of high requirements for hardware resources, and stability.

This platform has made history. XP was officially discontinued in the spring of 2014. Nevertheless, this operating system continues to be used.

She will still be able to hold out for a certain period of time. However, demand is constantly decreasing. Sooner or later, this platform will repeat the fate of the previous Windows 2000 and 98.


No operating system has such a variety of editions, modifications and builds as can be seen with Linux. Despite this fact, the total number of Linux devices cannot be called impressive. Mint and Ubuntu are in demand. These platforms have a convenient graphical interface. Linux Mint is known to resemble Windows.

Among the positive qualities of Linux, it is necessary to note stable operation, free of charge, fault tolerance, low demands on system resources, virus resistance (a small number of malware have been created for this operating system).

We will not predict the further development of Linux, but we can assume that this platform will be an operating system for “experienced” users for a long time.


The collapse of Windows, which hotheads spoke so confidently about, did not happen. They will still express their opinion on this matter.

A new OS was released and the expectations of many were not met. The results are not very good yet, improvements are required. She has every chance of becoming a new disappointment and turning into another target for attacks. One thing is clear: Windows will be popular for a long time.

21 comments. to “Rating of operating systems”

  1. Evgeniy

    Windows XP is the fastest and most productive system even in 2018.

  2. Pavel

    Microsoft has been leading the market for many years not because it extracts money from honest citizens. People pay for the performance of systems, a nice interface, convenient settings, performance and a bunch of useful software for the professional activities of a huge number of specialists of various stripes. They are the ones who earn their bread and butter by using products from Microsoft and. And how many of you honestly and always bought licensed products from Microsoft? The best were Windows 3.11, NT35, XP, 7. Ten now also works fine. We use Linux distributions only for servers.

  3. Switchboard forks

    We choose Windows 10 from a professional leader in software production.

    And to sit in a so-called “operating system”, assembled on your knees by a bunch of homemade ones that do not give any guarantees and do not provide technical support, and in the age of high technology enter commands in the terminal, posing as a great user, is at least nonsense, and the fact that it’s for Linux there is no virus, so they stupidly don’t write them under it, because there is nothing valuable in it - THE SOURCE CODE IS FREELY ACCESSED, what’s the point of fucking hacking it, don’t make people laugh, and security doesn’t depend on what system you BURN YOUR DATA on ON THE NET, shkolota)))

  4. Vova

    I've been using Windows 10 since it came out, upgrading to Windows 10 Pro. I’ve already forgotten that xp, 7, and I can’t even remember, especially about their glitches.

  5. Andrey

    I use openSUSE Linux, and for those who also want to get off the Windows needle, I recommend Linux mint. Windows 7 is also installed on another PC, but I use it less and less, and apparently this will be the last Windows for me. I don’t even think about Windows 8 and 10 - I’ve already said goodbye to this “step back”.

    • Denis

      don't talk bullshit to the masses

  6. Andrey

    Windows 8,8.1 are the best for me!

  7. Max

    Windows, Windows... The best and most understandable was and is OS/2, but alas, it died in God... what a pity

  8. Vladimir

    I agree that XP 64 worked faster and more reliably than all systems (I note for certain software), and on ordinary hard drives, but there were difficulties with firewood for printers.
    But in general, of course, there is no ideal system (operating system), everything is flawed.
    Regarding convenience, this is how and what I’m used to, if there was one standard for everyone, I’m sure everyone would be happy and unhappy at the same time, but I think this is the right way.
    In my opinion, there was a good idea for a modular computer; at our rate of development, it would last for a long time, but while we live in a world where money rules, this is not beneficial for manufacturers.
    In general, I understood the opinion about the best system subjectively.

  9. Rovsh

    I can’t help but agree, XP 64 showed such speed, but a big drawback was that SP3 was not released for it, as far as I know. I used it for a long time until I was forced to move to the seven.

    • Stanislav Vladov

      SP2 Windows XP x64 corresponds to the security level of SP3 Windows XP x32, the numbering has nothing to do with it.
      All other versions of Windows that came out after Vista are actually a variation of it - according to the numbering of the kernel version after the fifth XP, they are still the same Vista-six, which for marketing advertising purposes was assigned serial numbers 7, 8, 10. In addition, with There are obvious problems with the score at Microsoft - they missed the nine, immediately jumping to the ten.
      The main problem of any Windows is hacker builds, hacked software, cracks, activators. Most users believe that if their antivirus program is silent, then everything is fine with their Windows...
      Strange people, however... Do you think that if, when using an infectious activator, you do not notice anything bad on your computer, this means that nothing bad is happening to your computer and system? These hacking programs are written by professionals and they know their stuff well! What is the benefit for them to work in the sweat of a programmer's face for free under capitalism? This is not communism, in which everything should be free and safe! Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. But the hamsters believe that these are all scarecrows and that hackers work exclusively for charitable purposes, with nothing to do, nourishing altruistic motives and spiritual love for these same hamsters, and also experiencing class hatred for the damned greedy bourgeois from Microsoft! What childish naivety! Yes, yes, turn off your antivirus - it’s not needed anyway! All cracks are harmless! Hackers are Mother Teresa! Even if your antivirus does not detect anything there, this is not a guarantee that there is nothing there, because programs for
      hacking your system is written by high-class professionals who know the principles of operation of anti-virus programs, and in order to make you part of a botnet, they develop ways to bypass the antivirus detection scanner that are simply unknown to the developers of your Caspers and web doctors. The fact that the system can slow down - in one case, immediately after using the activator, in another case a little later - is a scientific fact, experienced by myself and a lot of other freebie users. Use free “communist” software - Linux, BSD, etc. - if you cannot pay slavish tribute to the greedy bourgeois masters.
      In fact, with the release of the latest tenth version of Windows, the Microsoft system itself has turned into one solid Trojan horse - a spy program to meet the needs of the CIA, FBI, NSA, with an additional number of programs chock full of proprietary advertising spyware.

  10. Stanislav Vladov

    Windows XP x64 is the best version of Windows released by Microsoft so far, if you are a regular user and not an avid gamer who is constantly chasing the latest games. It provides all the necessary needs and is the most productive of all existing Windows.

  11. Andrey

    I have been a Windows user for over 17 years.
    Regarding the versions (... XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1) at the moment, imho, I consider 7 to be a complete, stable and safe system.
    XP - it's just time to say goodbye
    Vista - looked and threw it away
    8 - same as Vista
    8.1 - sawed cross-platform “under”

    I read here... about security (viruses, etc.) - don’t make people laugh.
    There is malware even for budget devices with a proprietary OS (which can be inserted... say into the custom firmware of these devices)!!!
    And if you choose between “axes”, then I chose Windows because (taking into account the popularity and prevalence) there are more security products for it!!!... even Microsoft itself is trying to twist something out of Defender.
    And by and large:
    1) Thinking about safety? - Don’t put “craft axes”!
    2) Don't want to be "hacked"? - Don't go online!
    3) Don’t want to be “infected”? - Don’t “poy” anything that gets into the “car”!
    4) “climb” and “pour”? — Set up the “axis”, antivirus and firewall!
    5) Can't set it up? - Study!

    P.S. Don't want to study? — See clause 1), 2), 3).

    • Alexey

      It seems like you don’t want to learn, but continue to eat cactus. For 17 years they have not realized that Windows is a leaky bucket, whose developers shake money from you every year. And if you don’t pay, they will spam you with advertising in every second application!
      I've been using Linux for 5 years, Windows was demolished in the first year of using Linux. There are, of course, small problems, but everything can be solved. And in general, there is no ideal system and there never will be!

      I work at a school and my whole life I have been dreaming about how to throw off this Microsoft creation and switch to Linux completely. Several factors interfere:
      1. At school, work programs are constantly required to be remade; Office is needed, and LibeOffice does not always open docks correctly.
      2.You are constantly required to work with presentations; children bring presentations developed in Power Pointe and are very upset if the presentation either does not work correctly or does not open at all from Linux.
      But all the Windows computers at school are filled to capacity with viruses; during an event or holiday, it’s scary to insert a children’s flash drive with music. But Linux doesn't care about these problems. You just open the flash drive and manually delete these hidden files with strange names and extensions like .exe .bin .com .dll .tmp where they shouldn’t be.

    • Marat 08/19/2014

      I wouldn’t say that I’m an ardent opponent of Windows 8, but still try to enter safe mode??? I’m sure that Windows 9 won’t take this into account either (of course there are ways). Although what I really like most about it is fast loading, flash drives are removed much faster than in other OSs, a functional explorer, etc. But at the moment I’m using Linux Ubuntu myself and I don’t want to switch back to Windows 8 yet, but time will tell. Maybe win 9 will justify itself well in the sense of price and quality. In the meantime, I don’t see any economic rationale for shelling out for the eight.

    • SERG

      At least UBUNTU installs drivers for printers and devices itself, and it’s very difficult to get 8 to work correctly. Try attaching the HP 1102 just for fun.

    • visitor

      Linux - for advanced users? Made me laugh to tears! (for beginners this is the miracle of Linux)

Personal computer users prefer specific versions of Windows. The versatility and accessibility of popular software has made Microsoft inventions widespread among home and corporate users. Performance is important for comfortable use and quick task resolution, so it’s worth asking which system is known as the fastest Windows.

Rating of Windows operating systems

Microsoft released a series of Windows products to the world. Depending on the release date, there are individual software variants that can demonstrate characteristic performance prospects. It's worth taking a look at each of the available options to learn the advantages and disadvantages.

  • Windows 8 (8.1);

The fastest Windows is determined by technical parameters. You will need to install different versions of the software on computers with the same configuration in order to compare the performance of the software on the same hardware.

The basic participants in testing are special utilities that help determine the performance of individual aspects of work: images, calculations, loading and other operations. Research on this topic was carried out by different sources, which makes it possible to simply summarize the existing rating.

What determines how fast Windows works?

Each version of the software package is characterized by a thoughtful level of manufacturing. Work performance largely depends on the local resources of the computer - configuration and parameters. The power of the hardware can make every OS promising and productive. Optimization issues also remain open - clearing memory, deleting caches and other tricks. A clean ranking of fast operating systems is only possible when comparing system performance with the same hardware power.

The OS itself affects performance due to its own optimization. Hardware resources are important for performance, but software characteristics affect the correct and profitable use of available resources. This causes discrepancies in the response speed of different systems on identical computers.

Windows Vista came out in 2007, much later than XP. Vista has not gained user preference. Vista has become known as slow and unstable, which is why it ranks last among the presented developments. Vista has a nice design and a well-thought-out concept, but for the modern user there are no significant advantages to installing Vista.

Windows XP appeared in 2001 and spread quickly. The predecessors to the popular XP were ME and 95. The earlier systems were quickly driven out of the market by subsequent innovations. The XP option is considered suitable for older computers with weak resources. Until today, XP is installed on devices with a small amount of RAM and a low processor clock speed.

XP's popularity lasted until 2012. Subsequently, the corporation stopped supporting the product, but the lack of updates does not affect the performance and prospects. The release of new software products moved XP to fourth position.

OS number 7 was developed in 2009. Users quickly liked the new option, so it gained popularity and was installed on computers. Version 7 was the first to supplant XP, providing an updated alternative.

The new system received significant software improvements, worked smoothly and featured an attractive design. The OS's competition with XP left no doubt - the fast and productive OS received no complaints. The corporation's new development has learned to independently work with networks, install drivers for external systems and protect against viruses.

The presence of updated functionality made Windows 7 popular. The use of Windows 7 is common even today. The realized advantages of the software product place the OS in third place in the ranking and give reason to recommend installing a productive Windows 7.

2: Windows 8 (8.1)

Windows 8 was released in 2012. The standard interface is organized for the use of movable tiles. The Start button has been replaced with the Start screen. Users liked the functionality of customizing and grouping launch buttons and expanded the prospects for personalization.

Windows 8 introduced an app store and Microsoft account support for merging device accounts. Windows 8 did not gain popularity from version 7, although it provided an interesting alternative. It is recommended to install OS 8 for computers with average resource reserves, since the needs for fast operation of Windows 8 are higher than for classic XP.

The variant left the first position in the ranking in 2015. The new OS combined the strengths of the latest versions - 7 and 8. 10 quickly gained popularity and was installed instead of the old versions. The prospect of a free upgrade to 10 has become an additional trump card for the corporation.

Windows 10 is supported on devices: computers, netbooks, laptops, tablets and phones. The OS 8 interface, desktop and controls seem familiar and comfortable. The novelty of the solutions ensured the instantaneous operation of everyday processes, programs and games. The developers have introduced functionality for connecting devices on Windows 10 and Xbox One.

Improved security features make Windows 10 resistant to virus attacks and malware. The function of using biometric information and other specific functions has been added. The combination of the listed characteristics becomes the basis for a confident first position in the ranking.