Disable the service additional package 1 GB. The whole truth about additional Internet packages on MTS and how to disable them

MTS Internet packages will be useful for those who would like to have unlimited access to the network. Unfortunately, this is not available to many people. Unless we use the Smart Unlimited package from MTS - in this case you really have unlimited, except that you have to distribute wifi for money. And everyone else will have to either be content with what they have, mostly accessing the network at home from a computer, or choose a TP with a lot of traffic, or connect an additional MTS Internet package, fortunately, there are various ways for this, we will consider all of them in detail them, both for Smart tariffs and for all others.

Why do you need MTS Internet packages?

Why is this even necessary? For example, in order to go online even after your main Internet package has run out. What if you were watching your favorite TV series online, downloading a movie, or just communicating on social networks every day and at the end of the month you ran out of traffic, and you don’t want to wait a few days for a new one to connect? This is why additional packages are needed. They can be one-time or permanent.

  • One-time- connected it once, used it until the end of the month or within 24 hours, and that’s it. It is recommended for those who usually have enough traffic, and then in one of the months suddenly there was an overspending and they just need to renew once in order to hold out until the standard package is updated.
  • Permanent- connect once and use every month. It’s convenient if you don’t always have enough traffic, but minutes and SMS in TP are quite enough. In this case, in order not to change the tariff, you can use additional packages. Available on Smart tariffs.

How to check the balance of the MTS package

There are many options to check the balance of the Internet package on MTS. The easiest way to do this is through, since it displays the balances for all your options for using traffic - according to your tariff, connected options and additional Internet packages. But if you don’t have a computer at hand right now, it’s inconvenient to go online from a phone or tablet, and you haven’t installed the MTS LC mobile application, then all you can do is use USSD commands. Here are the main ones with which you can check the balance:

  • Traffic on Smart tariffs - *100*1#
  • The rest is additional. packages - *111*217#
  • All internet options(SuperBit, Bit, Bit-Smart, Mini-Bit, as well as Internet Mini, Super, Maxi and VIP and MTS Tablet (regular and mini)) - *217#

Don’t forget to press the call button after each dialed combination - you will receive the rest of the traffic immediately in a reply SMS message. It's free.

How to connect additional Internet package on MTS

So, we figured out why this is needed, now let's move on to the most interesting part. We will figure out how to extend the Internet on MTS so that it continues to work at high speed. As we already wrote, if there are permanent options, there are one-time services. The latter are Turbo buttons for different amounts of traffic; they can be used on any tariff plan. And permanent ones are an additional MTS Smart Internet package - accordingly, it is valid only for Smart TP (but for everyone without exception).

Previously, there were periodic Internet packages of 200, 300, 450 and 900 megabytes, but now they are no longer available for activation. They can only be used by those who managed to connect them earlier.

Additional package for Smart tariffs from MTS

Another option is the option " Smart for your own" - you just need to activate it once, and then it will automatically connect you to 500 megabytes of traffic for 75 rubles (for all tariff plans except: Smart Nonstop, Smart Top and Smart+ - there you connect 1 GB for 150 rubles) as soon as it runs out previous volume. In total, you can use no more than 7 bonus Gigabytes per calendar month (that’s 15 such packages). Moreover, in your Personal Account you will see all this additional Internet, but in fact, no more than 500 MB are active at any time. not to activate it or disable it, but it is cheaper than the same volume in Turbo Buttons, so in some cases it may be more profitable.

Profitable, convenient, as it costs less than Turbo buttons. But there are only two proposals and their pitfalls. You can connect an additional 500 MB or 1 GB of traffic monthly. The cost, respectively, is 75 and 120 rubles per month. Plus - it's cheaper, minus - this subscription fee will be charged monthly until you turn off the service (read how to do this below). How to connect?

  • 500 MB(75 rub/month) - using USSD combination *111*526# or SMS to number 5260 with text "111" ;
  • 1 GB(120 rub/month) - using the command *111*527# or by sending "111" to a short number 5720 .

The first time the subscription fee will be charged immediately for the entire month, then on the date you activate this tariff option. USSD command *217# You can check your balance at any time as part of this service. If you change the tariff, including to another from the Smart line, the option will be disabled and you will need to connect to it again. If you haven’t used up all the traffic in a month, it burns out and doesn’t move on to the next one.

MTS turbo button - for all tariffs

What if you use some other tariff plan of this mobile operator? In this case, you can use the Turbo Digger. There is more choice here: 100 and 500 MB, 1, 2, 5 and 20 GB - your choice. Plus, there used to be Turbo nights (when at night from 1 am to 7 am Internet traffic was not taken into account at all when the option was connected, but now the connection is not available, and those who switched to it earlier can use it under the same conditions for a 200 ruble subscription fee per calendar month). Let's understand the intricacies and connection of the Turbo button.

How to connect the MTS Turbo button

It’s very simple - either go to the application or personal account on the website, or use USSD commands and SMS with the required text to the number 5340 from the list below.

  • Increase traffic by 100 MB(35 rubles) - send “05” to the short number 5340 or dial the USSD combination *111*05*1#
  • Extend Internet for 500 MB(95 rub.) - send “167” to the same number 5340 or by command *167#
  • Turbo button on 1GB(175 RUR) - USSD command *467# or by sending "467" to 5340
  • Increase by 2GB(300 rub.) - via SMS to number 5340 - “168” or a combination *168#
  • For tablet on 5GB(450 rub.) - similarly send SMS “169” to 5340 or dial the command *169#
  • Super Turbo on 20GB(900 rub.) - text “469” all the same to 5340 or using the USSD request code *469#

As you can see, nothing complicated. Features: all options are one-time - connect once, use it, then, if there is not enough traffic again, you will have to connect additional Internet packages from MTS again. One more nuance. The 500MB turbo button only works 24 hours, then the unspent one simply burns out. But all the rest have already expired 30 days from the moment of activation.

How to disable additional packages on MTS

Add. packages for Smart tariffs will charge you money every month, you only need to activate them once. So, if you no longer need them, you can turn them off. To do this, go to your personal account on the mts.ru website or mobile application, or simply use the following USSD commands:

  • For additional package 500MB- combination *111*526# or SMS "111" to short number 5260.
  • For additional package 1GB- team *111*527# or SMS to 5270 with the text "111".

Disabling the option " Smart for your own"(auto-renewal for 500MB or 1GB for 75 and 150 rubles) - USSD combination *111*936# .

Disable Turbo button for any volume does not make sense, since it is a one-time use and even if it is decontaminated, no one will return the money you spent. So, once activated, use the features until the end of 30 days or 24 hours (in the case of Turbo 500 MB). Unless you decide to decline the option " Turbo Nights" - in this case, type the command *111*776# and press the call key.

Plus above we talked about periodic Internet packages- you won’t be able to activate them, but you can disable them so as not to spend extra money if you no longer need them. To do this, dial the USSD command on your mobile phone *111*348# - suitable for disabling any of these four options.

So, we have analyzed all the options for MTS Internet packages for various tariffs, all their features, as well as methods of connection and disconnection. Now you just have to choose what to use - some kind of permanent option, an option with automatic renewal, or the ability to independently choose when and how much traffic to connect - here the choice is yours.

When connecting a new tariff plan or purchasing a SIM card, you need to carefully study the terms of its operation, paying special attention to the services included in the basic content of the tariff. Some of them are capable of being inactive for a long time, but if the subscriber accidentally uses them, they will require payment. All of the above also applies to the “First Internet Package” option of MTS.

This service can be extremely useful and profitable. But in order to properly take advantage of all the benefits, users must promptly read its description and decide whether they need it.

The main characteristics of the mentioned option are extremely simple and will not surprise subscribers. According to the information provided by the mobile operator, the offer includes:

  1. 3 GB Internet traffic;
  2. available within a month;
  3. the balance of the package is not carried over to the next reporting period;
  4. speed depends on the client's location.

Additionally, you need to know that exhausting the limit will lead to automatic activation of an additional package of 500 MB. The subscriber is provided with up to 15 additional packages per month. Their exhaustion will require the owner of the SIM card to independently activate the option with additional megabytes.

To whom is it available?

The service is basic on 3 tariff plans for mobile phones:

  • Red Energy;
  • Per second;
  • Your country.

It remains in “sleep” inactive mode while the user is not using the Internet. Its activation is triggered by the first visit to the network using at least 3 MB of traffic. If the SIM card owner spends less on the Internet, the option will remain unused, and the connection to the World Wide Web will occur under the terms of the “Basic Internet Tariff”. At the same time, the operator provides a 100% discount on the use of the basic tariff.


According to the current conditions, the option is available throughout Russia. At the same time, the cost and procedure for use do not change even while the client travels around the country. Changes in connection speed are possible, but they are related to the characteristics and quality of communication in each individual subject, therefore it is impossible to influence this fact.

The interaction and compatibility of the option with similar MTS services deserves special attention. At the moment, simultaneous use of several Internet options is not allowed. The exception is the mentioned basic tariff.


After activating the “First Internet Package” option, MTS debits 12 rubles from the client’s account daily. The debit occurs regardless of the amount of funds on the SIM card balance. The exception is when the card is blocked due to lack of funds and negative balance. The subscription fee is renewed immediately after unblocking.

When using additional packages, 75 rubles are debited from the SIM card account. This is the cost of each additional 500 MB of Internet traffic.

How to connect your first MTS Internet package?

At several of the tariffs listed above, activation of the service is not required, since it is among the main ones and is available to subscribers initially. In other cases, you can connect the offer using standard methods:

  1. through your personal account;
  2. by calling the contact center;
  3. by turning to the employees of the company's communication salon for help.

Connection is free and will not lead to debiting of funds.

How to disable the “First Internet Package” on MTS?

It will not be difficult for users to find an answer to the question of how to disable the “first Internet package” of MTS. To deactivate the service, you should:

  • make the appropriate changes in your personal account on the operator’s official website;
  • ask support service consultants to perform similar actions;
  • dial and send the special USSD command *111*1431# ;
  • contact the employees of the communication salon;
  • use the service guide;
  • disconnect via the official mobile application.

Activating an alternative Internet option that is incompatible with the one described will also lead to disconnection.

The leading cellular communications company MTS, in addition to various service packages, also provides the user with Internet access on a phone, tablet, and Android mobile devices. Nowadays, additional traffic packages are relevant, especially since this makes it possible to contact your friends and colleagues through social networks and mail, often this is important for the subscriber’s direct work.

The Internet has long taken a strong place in our lives, so MTS connects packages for any tariffs with the difference that in some cases this is done automatically, and in others you need to do it yourself. The connection is always timely, but users do not always know how to disable the Internet option. And sometimes it is necessary, especially when its speed is slow.

Disabling MTS Internet on your phone

Using a phone while consuming Internet services can cause considerable financial costs, so MTS users who have an additional megabyte package added automatically want to turn it off immediately. Unfortunately, there is no single command of numbers and symbols to disable it - each tariff or even service in the package has specific speed dial options.

To do this, you need to know the combinations used for the main MTS tariffs and packages.

How to disable additional Internet on MTS?

Additional megabytes of Internet on MTS are usually provided on favorable terms - this option is tied to Smart tariff plans. Today they are the most popular because they have many advantages.

As soon as the tariff is activated, additional traffic is connected, but you will have to disable the Internet using the established combinations. And this is necessary, because if there is no need for an additional package, then there is no need to pay money that will still be debited from the account.

The easiest way to do this is by dialing the following numbers and characters: *111*936# followed by a call, and the message will require the shutdown number – 2.

If you refuse additional traffic on the "BIT" service, you will need to use the number 2520, using the number 1 as the text, and to restore the package, the number 2 to the same number.

To disable additional packages of megabytes of the “SuperBIT” option, the SMS text to be sent to number 6280 will be 1. If you send the number 2 to this number, the option will be restored.

Attention! You can always disconnect from the Internet using MTS options directly on the company’s service, through your account.

Disconnections using your phone

When a subscriber uses the MiniBIT service, immediately upon accessing the Internet, an additional 10 megabytes are connected, as another 10 are used up, and so on. To disable it, just dial *111*62# and select 2.

The “BIT” tariff option assumes traffic in the amount of 75 MB/day and runs in all MTS networks. To disable it, enter the command *111*252*2#

The MTS “SuperBIT” service provides up to 3 GB of additional traffic packages - this volume is enough for most active user actions on the Internet - downloading video and audio, correspondence on social networks, storing files in cloud storage and much more. This is the most expensive option and you can also refuse it using the command *111*628*2# on your smartphone.

Note! All messages sent to 111 are absolutely free.

How to disable the Internet on the Super MTS option?

Super MTS Internet allows you to use all the capabilities of the network: go to any resources, download various files, use email, but since some users do not need this and, moreover, it costs a considerable investment, you can disable additional traffic packages.

For “BIT Smart” dial *111*8649#, to disable “SuperBIT Smart” – *111*8650#

The Smart Mini tariff plan, if the subscriber does not need Internet access, can simply turn off the transmission of information.

If the client wishes, MTS provides the opportunity to disable additional traffic for one day. To do this, you must enter the following combination: *111*67#. You can also cancel the package for a day by sending a message with the text 670 to 111 or use your MTS personal account.

Attention! Those who want to refuse additional Internet traffic on the Maxi tariff plan will have to change the tariff itself, since deactivation is not provided.

You may have already noticed that the MTS operator is slowly abandoning unlimited mobile Internet in favor of paid additional traffic. Today, the vast majority of MTS Internet tariffs and options have an auto-renewal Internet function. Since many subscribers do not like this innovation, in this review we will look at how to disable additional Internet on MTS on various tariffs and tariff options and refuse auto-renewal of traffic.

Automatic renewal of mobile internet is available on the tariffs of the “Smart” line, the “Ultra” tariff plan, as well as the Internet options “BIT”, “SuperBIT”, “SuperBIT Smart” and “Internet Mini / Maxi / VIP”. This means that after the main Internet package is exhausted, paid additional traffic packages are automatically activated. Within a month, a subscriber can be connected to up to 15 such packages! Of course, this can lead to high costs for communication services. Therefore, in some cases it is better to disable the additional MTS Internet, and, if necessary, purchase additional Internet traffic through.

How to disable additional Internet on “Smart” and “Ultra” tariffs

  • Mobile Internet on tariffs and extended with additional Internet packages of 500 MB and costing 95 rubles.

    To disable auto-renewal on these tariff plans, dial the USSD command on your phone ✶ 111 ✶ 936 #.

  • On the “Smart Zabugorishche” and “Ultra” tariffs 1 GB of additional traffic is provided. The cost of one Internet package is 150 rubles.

    You can also refuse additional Internet on these tariffs using the command ✶ 111 ✶ 936 #.

How to disable auto-renewal on “Internet Mini / Maxi / VIP” options

Additional traffic on Internet options is managed via SMS commands.

  • To opt out of the auto-renewal option "Internet-Mini"(500 MB for 75 rubles), send a message with the text 1 to the short number 1600.
  • Additional mobile internet on "Internet-Maxi" in the form of Internet packages of 1 GB and costing 150 rubles, you can turn it off by sending an SMS with the text 1 to the short number 1610.
  • Auto renewal "Internet VIP" is carried out through additional Internet packages of 3 GB for 350 rubles each. To turn them off, send an SMS with the text 1 to 1660.

How to refuse additional Internet on the “BIT”, “SuperBIT” and “SuperBIT Smart” options

  • Internet package included in the option "BIT" is only 75 MB per day. Therefore, additional Internet packages are quite small - 50 MB. The cost of one package is 8 rubles. To disable auto-renewal of the Internet for the “BIT” option, you need to send a message with the text 1 to service number 2520.
  • Additional internet on option "SuperBIT"- these are traffic packages with a volume of 500 MB and costing 75 rubles. To prohibit the connection of these Internet packages, send an SMS with the text 1 to the short number 6280.
  • On options "SuperBIT Smart" the volume and cost of one additional Internet package is the same as for “SuperBIT” - 500 MB for 75 rubles. But the SMS command with the text 1 to disable auto-renewal must be sent to another number - 6290.

Now you know how to disable additional Internet on MTS. I hope that this short article helped you stop auto-renewing your mobile Internet and save a little on paying for operator services. And in order not to waste your main Internet package, you can disable auto-updates of mobile applications on your phone or completely block them from accessing the Internet.

At the moment, there are a lot of subscribers in Russia who use the “Smart mini” tariff plan from MTS. For almost all of them, the included packages of minutes and traffic are enough for a month of using the tariff and there is no need to activate additional packages. But what should those, for example, do for whom all the benefits of the tariff plan are quite enough with the exception of only Internet traffic, and how can you connect additional Internet on the “Smart mini” tariff plan on MTS? We will talk about this further in our article.
And so, you are an MTS subscriber and use the above tariff plan on your number. But during use, you found out that the included traffic package is not enough for you for a month and you would like to connect more Internet. There are many possibilities for this, including the following:

1. Activation of the “Additional package 500 MB” option. This traffic package is activated on your “Smart mini” tariff for a month. The cost of this service is only 75 rubles per month. You can activate the “Additional 500 MB package” on MTS using the command *111*526# or send an SMS with the text 526 to number 111. Thus, in addition to the package available in the tariff, you will receive another one in the size of half a gigabyte.
2. Activate the “Additional package 1 GB” service. An option similar to the previous one, but only providing a larger amount of additional Internet traffic, now in the amount of 1000 megabytes for a period of one month. The cost of connection is only 120 rubles per month. You can activate by command *111*527# or simply send an SMS with the text 527 to the free short number 111.

3. Activate the “BIT” option on your tariff and use the Internet unlimitedly and unlimitedly. At high speeds up to 75 megabytes of Internet traffic per day. The cost of the option is 200 rubles per month. You can connect using the combination *252# or in your personal account on the operator’s website.
4. Additionally, MTS subscribers can activate the “SuperBIT” service on their phone, which operates throughout Russia and offers subscribers, for just 350 rubles per month subscription fee, to receive 3 gigabytes of Internet traffic for a month without speed limits. You can activate the service on the “Smart mini” tariff using the command *628# or through your personal account.
In cases where you practically do not need mobile communications on your tariff, and you spend all your time on the Internet, then it would be a good idea for you to change your tariff plan, for example, to Internet Mini, Internet Maxi or Internet VIP, which will be for You are much more profitable and practical. Basically, that’s all we wanted to tell you today. If you have questions, you can easily leave them in the comments to the article. All the best.

When using the Internet from a mobile device, it is quite difficult to find completely unlimited tariff plans or options. Options acceptable to the subscriber, as a rule, imply a certain amount of traffic, which is updated every month. If this limit is exceeded, it becomes almost impossible to use the Internet, since the speed is significantly reduced.

For this reason, MTS subscribers regularly have to monitor the remaining traffic. The Internet, in fact, is not unlimited, because traffic is provided for a specific subscription fee. Plus, after exceeding the limit, it will be impossible to work comfortably on the Internet.

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