Inverted image in Skype windows 10. Solving the problem with an inverted camera image

IN modern laptops The camera has already become a mandatory attribute. Many actively use Skype and other programs that allow you to work with web camera.

Sometimes there is a problem: webcam image is upside down. Practice shows that this happens most often on laptops ASUS. Why Is the camera image upside down?

Let's consider 3 options to correct this shortcoming.

Camera setup

Most often a camera is needed in the program Skype. You can try it there too rotate image in the required direction.

Go to Skype menu "Tools". Then go to "Settings", select item "Video Settings" and press the button "Webcam Settings".

In the window that appears, go to the tab "Camera Control". If your laptop supports the functions of this window, then you can rotate the camera to the desired angle.

On some laptops at the point "Camera Control" parameters are inactive. In this case we go to next point.

Installing original drivers

Why Is the camera image upside down? More often inverted camera on a laptop ASUS (perhaps on others too) arises due to automatic installation drivers for the camera from Microsoft. This usually happens when reinstalling Windows.

To solve the problem it is enough download original drivers for laptop.

Website technical support ASUS can be found here: other brands, check their support site)

There you need to enter the name of your laptop model and after finding it in the database, press the button "Drivers and utilities". Select from the list your version Windows ( how to determine 32 or 64bit your system,).

Find the item in the list "Camera" and expand it.

If there are several camera options in the list, then device ID, choose the one that suits you driver. This can be done in "Device Manager" in Computer Management.

After downloading and installing original driver the image should become normal.

Webcam program

If the previous options could not help you, then you can use free versionManycam programs.

It can be downloaded from the site:

After installation, a window will open where you can rotate image in the required direction.

After setup, roll up program Manycam without closing.

Then where you want to use the camera open settings and select camera ManyCam.

IN Skype it looks like this:


I hope that following the recommendations of our website, you were able to return the camera to correct position. If all the above options do not help, then write details of the problem in the comments, I will try to help you.

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Upside down is, unfortunately, a fairly common problem. Typically, an inverted image of a webcam built into a laptop or connected to a desktop computer appears in the program after the operating system has been reinstalled or some driver has been updated. So, the camera in Skype is upside down, what should I do? How to fix the problem?

There are three main solutions: installation official drivers, changing camera settings and using a third-party software.


The problem with the drivers is the most common reason problems on Skype. Skype upside down is no exception. Sometimes it happens that the wrong drivers are installed on your computer.

Why is Skype upside down? There are the following reasons:

  • All drivers were installed in automatic mode during installation operating system. Typically, this installation occurs when using pirated assemblies.
  • Drivers were installed using one of the common collections called “driver packs.”

Compliance check

To determine which driver responsible for the operation of the webcam is installed on your computer, you need to open the device manager and find your camera in it. Usually this device is located in the “Image Processing” item.

If the camera is found, you need to click on its name right click mouse and select properties. In the camera properties dialog box that opens, there is a “Driver” tab. By clicking on it, you can see the date of development, as well as the supplier. If Microsoft is listed as the latter, and the date is very far from the current one, then we can say with great confidence that the reason that the camera in Skype is upside down is precisely the driver: the standard one is installed on the computer, and not the one that designed specifically for a certain model webcams.

To install the correct driver, you need to go to the official website of the company that manufactured the camera or laptop. There you can download software for the desired model absolutely free.

Camera settings

It may also happen that even if you install the correct drivers designed specifically for your webcam model, problems still occur in Skype. Skype may be upside down due to incorrect device settings. Moreover, this can also happen in other programs that use images from the camera.

In this case, you can look for options that will help return the image to normal looking, directly in the settings of the camera itself.

Settings options in Skype

The fastest and in a simple way For an unprepared user, going into the device settings is to launch Skype, where there is a “Tools” item in the menu. By clicking on it and going to the settings, you need to select “Video Settings”. Here you can see the inverted image and camera settings.

All models have a different settings dialog. Most cameras have the ability to rotate the image. Items may be called “Rotate n degrees” or “Flip vertically”. If the first option is available, then the rotation must be set to 180 degrees.

This is the most easy way to get to the camera settings. After all, almost everyone has Skype installed, and the camera may not appear in the device manager or control panel.

Another setting option is to use a program to control the webcam, which is often installed along with the driver. It may have options for rotating the image.

Using third party software to solve the problem

If the above two methods did not help, and Skype is still upside down, what should I do? It is possible to flip the picture so that it is displayed correctly using other programs. One of the best is Many Cam. It is completely free and is almost 100% likely to help solve the problem.

Installing the program is not a difficult process at all. It is recommended to refuse installation during the process additional utilities, which the program will offer to the user. They are completely unnecessary. A plus is support for the Russian language.

After the program is installed and launched, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the “Video” tab in it, then “Sources” and select the vertical reflection item.
  2. Close the program (when you click on the cross, it will not close, but will work in the background).
  3. Opening upside down will no longer be a problem if you select the item created by the Many Cam program and bearing its name as the camera to use.

Now everything is ready. The problem is resolved. You can chat on Skype again! Skype upside down will no longer bother you, as the image will be correct. The only drawback free program is the presence of its logo at the bottom of the screen. But this is a minor thing, because the camera now works correctly.

Some laptop users are experiencing webcam problems. Mostly this happens poor quality, blur or other image problems. But in this moment I would like to talk about how to flip the camera on a laptop.

Flipping an image on a webcam

To solve your upside-down image problem, you need to install the driver that your laptop requires to support the built-in camera.

So, you can do this by going to “my computer”, then right-clicking in the free area of ​​the window that opens, selecting properties, and entering the device tab. All are displayed here active devices. To download the necessary driver, you need to further select the “image processing devices” item and find the webcam in it, click on it several times, and copy the “id” of this device.

You can contact any search engine, and your “id” will reveal many required drivers. You can also download them easily. But there are also cases when the camera is not defined in the device manager, then you need to look for the driver yourself, that is, enter your laptop model into a search engine, or visit the manufacturer’s website.

Do not open the panel under any circumstances, because without professional knowledge you will simply damage the peephole. The laptop camera shows upside down due to the lack of software, and in rare cases the peephole could not be installed correctly by the manufacturers.

In the event that an upside-down camera on a laptop is indeed a manufacturer’s error, you should contact any service center and don't risk your laptop.

DIY repair of an upside down webcam

You need to carefully open the panel on the laptop monitor to avoid cracks. After the panel is removed, the question arises: “how to turn the camera on a laptop?” The fact is that this peephole rotates, but this will not solve your problem, since when you rotate you only change the focus of the image. You need to completely encircle the peephole and rotate it 180 degrees.

If your laptop model does not have exactly the same built-in webcam as in the previous description, then most likely you will not be able to do without a soldering iron.

You need to remove the eye and solder it upside down, and then you will get a satisfactory result, but it is better to turn to a professional for this.

Good luck, and remember that your computer will only work as long as you take good care of it.

We offer two options to solve your problem.

Option #1. Adjusting webcam driver settings

The cause of a problem such as an upside-down image in the camera is usually due to incorrect settings its drivers. To fix this, you first need to go to the section called “Tools”. Then find the “Settings”, “Video Settings” item and go to the “Webcam Settings” subsection.
In it we find the parameters that interest us:

  1. Image mirror flip (purpose – mirror image rotation from the left side to the right).
  2. Image vertical flip (purpose – vertical display of the picture).

Here you just need to check the box next to the parameter that is needed in your case and click on the “OK” button. After this, the image should display correctly.
These parameters can also be found using the regular Device Manager. To do this, go to “My Computer”, then “Device Manager” (via “Properties” and “Hardware”).
In it you will need to select the “Image processing devices” item, after which a list will be displayed in which you can see the webcam installed on your computer.

Option #2. Reinstalling drivers

If the method described above did not help, then the problem most likely lies not in Skype itself, but in the installed drivers. In this case, you need to try replacing or updating them on the website official manufacturer.
First, we find out the code of the computer’s webcam, which is displayed in the “Device Properties” window (the “Information” item):

Most often, if the problem of an inverted image is not in the settings, then installing the correct drivers latest versions should definitely help.

One of the most common problems of many users is the inverted image of the laptop webcam or desktop computer on Skype and more. More often this problem occurs after reinstalling Windows OS or updating system drivers, in particular, webcams. In this article we will tell you how to fix this problem.

We will look at 2 main solutions: installing official drivers and changing webcam settings.

Method 1: Installing drivers

Most often, the problem occurs on Skype, although other options are not excluded. The most common cause of an upside-down image is drivers. The problem occurs either when updating already installed ones, or when installing new drivers that were not downloaded from the official website. For example:
  • Drivers are installed automatically during Windows installations. (Or assemblies with ready-made driver packages).
  • The installation was performed from some driver pack (for example, the well-known Driver Pack Solution).
To find out the type and version installed driver for your webcam, launch the device manager (shortcut “Win+R” and enter “mmc compmgmt.msc” in the “Run” field),

then find your webcam (Image Processing Devices menu) and double click open the Properties menu.

In the properties window, go to the “Driver” tab and look at the driver provider, as well as the development date. If Microsoft Corporation is indicated in the supplier field, and the driver release date is no longer relevant (2006 - 2009), then with a high probability we can say that the reason for the inverted image of the webcam is precisely a problem in the drivers, since a standard one is installed on your computer universal driver devices.

To install drivers directly for your model, go to the website of the manufacturer of the webcam or your laptop and go to the support and driver downloads section. All necessary drivers can be downloaded absolutely free. After installing the driver, restart your computer and check the camera's operation by making a test call.

2. Webcam settings in Skype

In some cases, reinstalling the driver may not help. It seemed that they were installed correct drivers, are designed specifically for your webcam model, but the image on Skype is still upside down. IN in this case You can try setting up the camera directly in the Skype client itself.

To open the camera settings, launch Skype and go to “Tools” - “Settings” - “Video Settings”, then under the inverted image, click the “Webcam Settings” button. A dialog box will open in which you will see various settings(different for each model).

Find the item “Flip vertically” (in the English version Flip Vertical or Rotate) and set the rotation to 180 degrees.

Note: Some webcam models do not have the ability to rotate the image. In this case, you should look for a utility for working with the camera that comes with a driver or separate application on the manufacturer's website.

Camera control software supplied by the laptop manufacturer.

If none of the above options help, try completely uninstalling the device driver (in the same Device Manager) and performing a clean install.