Notebook application for Android. Quick notepad

  • Android application Memoires, version: 1.8.13, price: free.
  • Android application Catch, version: 4.5.7, price: free.
  • Android application Freenote, version: 7.9.8, price: free.
  • Android application Som Note, version: 1.1.6, price: free.
  • Android application Jorte, version: 1.4.18, price: free.
  • Android application Quick notepad, version: 1.1.4, price: free.
  • Android application Wunderlist, version: 2.0.7, price: free.
  • Android application Som ToDo, version: 1.0.7, price: free.
  • Android application Task List, version: 2.5.0, price: free.
  • Android app Springpad, version: 3.2.7, price: free.

Save memorable memories and photos, make a shopping list in the form of a list and just remember an interesting thought: modern devices simply created for this. And most tablets and smartphones are installed for this special applications. Typically, the most popular note manager is Evernote. It is quite multifunctional, convenient and versatile. But, in my opinion, this is precisely what spoils it. When a lot of notes accumulate, it begins to noticeably slow down, it is simply impossible to work with a poor Internet connection, just as it is impossible to simply draw (without a separate program Skitch, with which I barely managed to synchronize it), a shopping list, to-dos, photographs - that’s all for Evernote notes. I have nothing against this application, and I actively use it, but the above disadvantages made me look for an alternative.

I downloaded applications, tested them, deleted them. Although the latter was rare and I have accumulated an impressive database of similar programs: more than 90 pieces. And, of course, there are the best among them. But I can’t single out just one of the best ones and write only about it. All applications have their own purposes, with a list of which I started the review. In continuation of my review of ten browsers, I offer the same number of programs for saving notes.

Most often, such applications are installed on smartphones, where every megabyte counts. Therefore, I will indicate how much memory each application takes on my device. They usually weigh less when installed, but some notepads store notes in the device's memory. I have about 10 notes in each.

The review will not be just a list of ten applications: for convenience, I have grouped them into three:

Diaries: applications for saving your favorite photos, videos, recordings and simply as electronic analogues of personal diaries.

Notepads: apps for saving notes, drawings, and sudden ideas.

To-do lists: and more. This could be a shopping list, an appointment list, or a lunch menu. These applications are often called task managers.

And one more app that fits into all of the above categories and definitely deserves your attention: Springpad. His description is at the very end of the story. In one of the reviews I mentioned it as an application for saving bookmarks from browsers, but its capabilities are much more! This is a real social network. You can read posts of other users, comment, like. But in order not to share your shopping list and links to your favorite sites with others, just specify private when creating a diary, and it simply turns into an analogue of Evernote, just much more convenient.

But let's talk about all the notebooks in order.



Version: 1.8.13.
Price: free.
6.95 MB.

An excellent application for keeping a personal diary. A beautiful, pleasant interface, convenient controls, unusual functions and confidence in the complete safety of dear memories made it my only replacement for a paper diary.

First, I will describe a couple of shortcomings that I discovered, so that I can then calmly describe the advantages of the program.

The first drawback of the app is that there is no smoothness when flipping through multiple photos from one post, and you have to almost use force to move the photo away and look at the next one. This will not please those who are used to controlling the device with light touches. It is not possible to enlarge the image at all.

The second drawback: one day the application simply hung the tablet! I don't have a reset button and have to press the power button until my finger starts to hurt, after which the tablet turns off with a terrible sound. This is, of course, a drawback of the tablet, but even if you have reset button, you probably don’t like to use it (if only because you have to go looking for a pin). But this was the first and, I hope, the last time. Just now.

Firstly, the program itself determines not only the location, but also the weather (by the way, very quickly and accurately), and even the phase of the moon! Little things, but nice.

Secondly, you can choose the color of the text, make the font bold, write in italics or underline. Or we can do it all together.

Thirdly, there are a lot of cute, unusual emoticons with which you can convey your mood.

You can also add a picture to the recording or record a voice.

The program has enough functions not only for writing, but also for sorting records.

By the way, regarding maps: I don’t know whether he takes information from Google maps or independently determines the location, although it’s more likely the latter, because he thinks that now I’m sitting in the middle of the river...

And another nice feature of the application is the ability to save recordings in rtf, zip or HTML formats, and send photos to a Picasa album.

Overall this is a great journal!

Version: 4.5.7.
Price: free.
97.79 MB.

Like last time, I’ll start with the shortcomings so that I don’t get distracted by them later.

The first drawback for Russians is the English interface, which has not yet been translated into any other languages.

Secondly, unlike Memoires, it is not possible to change the font color here.

Thirdly, the labels do not look very nice: to attach them, you need to put # and enter a word, which will be the label.

These are all the shortcomings that I noticed (although I often and actively use the program), there have never been any crashes.

So let's move on to the advantages:

The bright orange icon immediately suggests that the program is not boring ☺. And indeed it is. You can create up to 5 lists (in the free version) and place a new note (photo, reminder, voice recording) in any of them and even in several at once.

You can attach photos to already written posts without going into editing mode. It's a small thing, but nice.

Using the widget, you can take a photo and add it in just five seconds! You can also record your voice.

If you are afraid of forgetting about an important task, you can set a reminder.

Unlike the previous diary, viewing the attached images is a plus. Zoom, scroll - everything is fast and smooth.

You can also attach documents in pdf and rtf formats to the text and quickly transfer them to other devices or delete them.

You can add stars to posts, but unfortunately this is not a five-star rating, just a "favorite" type mark.

The program is updated frequently and gets better with each update.

I would also like to write a little about the “attachments” to the application, i.e. programs that do not work separately, but only complement Catch. First, I’ll tell you about an application that will be useful to owners of Samsung devices. Catch Sketch Samsung add-on.

This is an application that allows you to draw on a photo or just with clean slate and synchronize with Catch. Essentially the same as Skitch for Evernote. But the application runs only on Samsung, which is clear from the name. Unfortunately, I was unable to try this extension on my Sony.

Nothing to do with Apple. This is something like a personal diary, which essentially does not provide anything new. But for some reason it’s very inspiring. Especially reading the "help" section. Everything there is in English, but those who understand this language are well convinced of the need to write down all their feelings. It is suggested that you set yourself the goal of writing continuously, every day for a week, two and three weeks.

And at the end of the week something should appear in the main application. I haven’t even typed a week yet and won’t be able to tell you much, but as soon as I find out, I’ll write in the comments.

You can’t get by with just dry characteristics: my own opinion about the program is positive. There's something strangely compelling that doesn't allow me to ignore this app. I used it on my computer as an extension for Google Chrome. (I have so many extensions on it that it takes half an hour for Google to load!) And one of them was this program. How glad I was to find her on Play store! I entered under my name and enjoyed the memories. Syncing across devices makes it a worthy alternative to Evernote and one of my favorite secret journal replacements.


Version: 7.9.8.
Price: free.
1.23 MB.

There are a lot of complaints about this program for its inconvenient, incomprehensible interface. Judging by the reviews, many people delete it a couple of days after downloading. At first I had the same impression, but after understanding it, I realized how amazing it is!

Your hands are truly free to do whatever you want and this is the only app with such amazing features and definitely deserves your attention. As for the interface (in English, by the way), don’t be alarmed: I’ll describe everything in detail.

There are 6 writing modes:

  • on the keyboard (everything is as usual, nothing special);
  • manuscript (this is something! more details below);
  • and drawing

(the other modes are manuscript types).

And none of the functions can be called unfinished: the drawing tool is professional editor: There are many interesting brushes, you can precisely adjust their transparency and thickness, work with layers and freely choose colors using the palette.

Drawing games are another hobby of mine, and you can be sure that I’m praising this feature for a reason: it’s rare that a special program provides so many possibilities!

The manuscript is really very convenient!

You write on almost half the sheet, and then, depending on what you have chosen, it either immediately falls into place in the field (although there are no problems with writing, for example, a dash over the letter Y), or you need to press the DONE button. This is if you want to artistically display each letter. You can choose any color and pen thickness.

Typing on the keyboard is no different from typing in other programs.

Switch to previous page or you can create a new one using the buttons below. (At first it’s not clear that these are buttons until you touch them.)

Pages are displayed in a grid, like thumbnails or a calendar.

The application is very unusual, and if you enjoy testing new applications as much as using them, Freenote will undoubtedly become your favorite program.


Som Note

Version: 1.1.6.
Price: free.
21.64 MB.

This is the app I use to write this review, interesting program with a nice interface and just a good notepad:

Som note. Yes, exactly som, not some, because this is not an English application, but rather an Asian one. Although I still don’t understand whether it’s Japanese or Chinese. But everything else is very clear: a notepad, with the ability to group it into nice multi-colored folders, and an interface lined like in school notebooks.

And now in more detail.

When you open the program, the following icon appears:

This means that all your notes are in the cloud. The free storage size is only 100 MB, but unlike Evernote, this is not a monthly quota, but a fixed size. Although you can add a little memory: for example, by inviting friends: for each invited friend, the same amount more MB until the size reaches 1 GB. This is already the limit, and if this memory is not enough, it is suggested to buy the pro version. The developers are understandable: they are asking for their honestly earned money. Moreover, the application has no advertising and is made conscientiously. There are useful widgets. Incl. and with scrolling and stretching, which is very nice. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find out the prices: on the Play Store only free version(at the time of writing this review). In fact, the program is free, a premium account is just registration + money. Read more about the transition.

However, the functionality of the program, even with a free account, is not very limited, which is good news: there is no recovery of a deleted note and password protection. This is what the interface looks like:

The process of creating a new note:

The widget is very convenient: you can write new notes without opening the application itself.

or delete the entry:

The application can easily claim to be the main custodian of your records, and does an excellent job of its function.

Version: 1.4.18.
Price: free.
5.39 MB.

There is no way to ignore a program in which you seem to have the power to change appearance whenever you want. But more on that later. First I'll write the general functions.

The Jorte app is less of a notepad and more of an organizer with a bunch of widgets that take up 2.5 pages! Although in essence they are the same widget, just different sizes.

Notes and to-dos are displayed in convenient calendar, which can be scrolled with movements left and right.

You can paint any day any color! The controls are intuitive and pleasant. Although the application is only half translated into Russian.

However, there are no problems with translation. The application perfectly replaces not only a paper organizer, but also the standard, not so flexible and slightly faceless solution from Google, in which you need to register. Jorte allows you to start using it immediately after downloading and change it beyond recognition! And now in more detail. In order to change the boring standard interface, just choose one of the seven proposed topics. But the matter does not stop there. You can change any theme beyond recognition using a variety of color settings:

remove cell markings, or, conversely, make them clearer, and even change the font by copying the font file to the specified folder.

But, of course, the functionality of the program is not limited to just the ability to change the appearance. (no matter how strange it may sound) you can organize things in it! And even with great success! For each day, you can choose your own color, add a task, ask the program to remind you of it, and set up holidays. Both personal and national.

There is a search for notes:

The interface is more than clear, so I don’t see the point in describing every detail in detail. Everything is intuitive, and using the application brings only positive emotions. During the entire testing period there was not a single crash. Everything works quickly and does not slow down. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that it constantly occupies RAM as a background process, most likely because it has a reminder function.

Jorte is more than just a calendar or organizer. It's two in one and it's very convenient. In addition, the application does not require any payment.

Quick notepad

Version: 1.1.4.
Price: free.
0.89 MB.

The name speaks for itself. You can really create a note very quickly. No need to worry if you forgot to click the save button: recordings are saved automatically, although if you wish, you can close the program without saving the recording.

The customization options are not replete with changes in the interface, as in Jorte, but thanks to this, the program weighs very little. There were never any flights.

From additional functions You can note the ability to encrypt with a password and select the storage location for notes.

It's really very convenient. You can also make the editor as black as the program interface itself and choose the font size.

There are quite a lot of applications for saving notes with a minimalist interface, trimmed down for the sake of size and speed. And "Quick Notepad" is one of them. But for some reason I was inspired by the resemblance to the icon of a standard Windows program, which you also probably recognized. Therefore, having many similar programs at my disposal, I entrusted the storage of notes to him.

Task Managers


Version: 2.0.7.
Price: free.
12.88 MB.

When it comes to organizing things in Android, this program is always popular. I downloaded it after reading a recommendation in a magazine and remembered that I had used it on my computer as an extension for Google Chrome. This is really very convenient program with a nice interface, which is perfect for downloading to all your devices. And now a little more about the functionality.

To-dos are displayed as a list, you can mark them with stars, or mark that you have already done it.

It is possible to sort by folders.

You can mark the matter with a branded red flag or set a reminder.

Completed cases are not deleted, but are simply crossed out with a red line. This is even good, because you can immediately see how much has already been done. You can create task lists, and I didn’t notice any restrictions on their number. A very nice feature that I have not noticed in any similar program: creating subtasks and adding notes directly to the tasks themselves. This really helps, because all the explanations on how to do something won’t fit in one line. This is exactly the problem I had with Any Do, an application that I mentioned in the browser review. Wunderlist was a good replacement and that's why I didn't include Any Do in this review.

It's nice that you can synchronize things by logging into your account.

The interface is intuitive, pleasant, even a little “homey” design, which is so lacking in many task managers. However, there is an application that I am more used to and mostly use, the widget of which easily takes up half of the desktop, and justifiably so. More about him below.

Som ToDo

Version: 1.0.7.
Price: free.
9.80 MB.

Having gotten used to using Som Note, which I wrote about above, I also downloaded a task organizer, the name of which clearly indicates its relationship with the program on which I am now typing these lines. It has the same memory limitation as Som Note, I think this is because Som ToDo is only an addition to it. Of course, this is a full-fledged separate application, which can be logged into using the same account as Som Note.

The first thing I like about the application is the two widgets: with arrows for scrolling through tasks and with the ability to scroll.

The latter can also be stretched, although given the ability to scroll, this is not necessary. You can add a new task or delete/complete an existing one directly from the widget (without opening the application). This is so lacking in other applications.

When you first open the application, you are prompted to register or log in using your name. But you can avoid this step and register later, or just forget about it if you don't intend to sync notes between devices.

You can sort your tasks by creating the same cute, multi-colored folders as in Som Note. You can star them and cross them out, add a note to the task, just like in Wunderlist, but unlike the previous one, you can’t add subtasks item by item. This is a drawback, but a minor one for me.

Tasks can be hidden from others using a PIN code. Essentially it's just a password.

Overall, I like the application, perhaps I haven’t explored the alternatives very well yet, but I don’t need that: I’m quite happy with the program and its widgets.

Task List

Version: 2.5.0.
Price: free.
788 MB.

A simple name that clearly indicates the purpose of the program, a slightly rustic, unfinished (just white) interface and widgets without the ability to zoom or scroll. These are the first impressions. However, the application has one fun feature, which I will write about later, but for now a little about the functionality.

The program meets all standard requirements: it is possible to add a note to a case, sort them into folders and mark them as already done without deleting them.

Settings button:

To begin with, there are two lists: Private and Business. The interface is completely English, but everything is intuitive.

Creating a new task is almost no different from similar programs. Almost. However, there is one interesting detail: you can attach an icon to a task. The choice is quite large, and for those who are not in a particular hurry, it is really interesting. You can also place a circle in one of four colors to indicate the importance of the task. You can also add icons to folders.

Here's more about this.

Springpad is not just another notepad, it is a real social network that allows you to share news by publishing them in your public (not private) notebooks, and read the notebooks of other users. And, of course, you can like and comment. But if you don’t want to share your culinary recipes and vacation plans with someone, then just select Private in the settings, or when creating a new notebook, which I wrote about earlier. But I advise you to register in any case to avoid data loss and synchronize the application between devices.

The newly created notebook looks something like this:

A beautiful cover is created from images and videos added to the notebook.

Another nice feature of the application is the ability to create notes of different types, the main ones being post, photo, location and link. Others (book, TV program, recipe, audio) look about the same. You can also create a to-do list and this is a good replacement for the third item in notebooks.

A link in Springpad is not just a post you can click on, and creating one requires more than just copying the address. You need to wait for it to load, and if this is what you need (i.e. you copied the address correctly and the site icon appears) - click “Spring it”, and depending on what you added, a link to a photo, video or site page, it will appear in the corresponding section of the notepad. It is very convenient that page icons, videos and photos are loaded into the notepad. This allows you to work with them as with regular content.

There is also such a convenient thing as a notes board. There you can place any of the created notes, videos, places, or add a note as a “piece of paper”. All elements can be easily dragged around the board and there is no strict order to add new element- you need to click on one of the notes on the right, and to delete it, drag it down onto the cross that appears.

Board size is not limited visible part: It can be scrolled both to the right and down.

To see all your notebooks in list form, just click on yellow icon in the upper left corner.

I haven’t noticed any serious shortcomings, only occasional crashes. Unlike Evernote, the application does not slow down, even if there are a lot of notes accumulated in it. Overall, it’s an excellent alternative to all the notepads described earlier, but you shouldn’t ignore them either, because sometimes in highly specialized programs it’s easier to take notes on the go.

All the notepads I described were thoroughly tested, and for review I selected only every ninth application (I now have more than 90 of them) and tried to reflect my feelings from it. I sincerely hope that my review will be useful to you. With respect to Helpix readers,

Girl With a Silver Ring

First, a short comment on the title of the guide. You can replace the definition of “note manager” with the more capacious “organizer.” But typically, note management apps don't include an address book or planner, so the topic of organizers should be covered separately.

Programs for managing notes (simply notebooks) are not much more complicated than the task managers discussed earlier in terms of their functionality. IN in this case, the most interesting aspects of the review are:

  • Synchronization and backup
  • Editor functionality: supported data types, working with text
  • Organizing notes and working with lists: tags and other organizing methods, searching and sorting
  • Additional options: security, display settings, etc.

Guide participants:

  • Simplenote
  • m>notes
  • ColorNote
  • GNotes
  • Google Keep
  • Evernote
  • Springpad
  • Note Everything
  • WizNote
  • OneNote


Simplenote - simple free manager notes, available everywhere: for iOS platforms, Mac, Android and Kindle.

The application interface is extremely minimalistic. A list of notes is displayed on the main screen; tags can be used for organizing, which are subsequently accessible from the side column. Search is also available. The note contains only text; there are no formatting tools.

The main problem with Simplenote is immediately apparent, and it is related to language support. The fact is that the font size of the Cyrillic alphabet is noticeably different from the Latin alphabet. Accordingly, reading text with different styles is not very pleasant. The second significant problem is that Russian-language text is not included in the search.

There are few additional options - setting an access password and setting up the display of notes (sorting/as headings).

Summary. Thus, the Simplenote app lives up to its name. Very simple functionality, no additional features(e.g. no insertion of image, audio, etc.). Suitable for creating and synchronizing purely text notes - with the caveat that support for the Cyrillic alphabet is incomplete.


The m>notes app is only available for Android platforms. Despite the lack of synchronization and sharing, notes can be stored in Dropbox. However, when integrated with any cloud service You can implement such a scheme yourself on a mobile device.

m> notes suggests organizing notes into notepads. On the one hand, some users prefer this simple storage option. But in the end, there can only be one notepad per note, while tags give more freedom. Secondly, the free version of m> notes is limited to only two notebooks.

The application contains a simple editor with the ability to add images. Among the visual shortcomings, the weak font should be noted; you need to either get used to it, or change it by purchasing the full version of the program.

Managing notes is quite convenient: quick dragging and dropping in the list, searching through the text of notes. Tags are available in the form of icons - this is not an analogue of tags, but a kind of symbolic system for designating selected elements. The standard set includes 28 icons.

Integration with Dropbox was mentioned. Based on possibilities of this service, this involves storage different versions notes, backup. In addition to online reservation, it is possible to save notes to the phone's memory.

Summary. m> notes is a nice bright interface, quite convenient organization of notes and navigation, integration with Dropbox. There is no sorting or tagging, so when large quantities recordings may cause inconvenience.


The idea behind ColorNote is to create colorful reminder notes. Essentially the same text notes that can be assigned to specific date. The application can be used as a notebook and a “reminder” at the same time.

First, about the notes editor. Only text is available for their compilation. The peculiarity is that when entering you can refer to contacts from phone book, other ColorNote notes, wiki terms. In addition to working with text, you can enter lists - a clear analogy with todo managers. Also, given the reminders feature in ColorNote, this connection becomes even more tangible.

However, the most noteworthy aspect of this app is its convenient organization of notes. Sorting is carried out both by date and in alphabetical order, by color and other parameters. By the way, speaking of color, this is a really intuitive record keeping system. On both tablets and smartphones, it is easy to adapt the display for quick search on the screen.

Additional operations include sending a note to the archive or to the trash, from where it can be easily restored. It is possible to set a password, online synchronization with AES encryption and offline backup to an SD card.

Summary. ColorNote offers fun organization for notes and reminders. In total - good functionality, there are no complaints about the program. Support for multiple platforms would be welcome, but for now the app is only available for Android.


GNotes syncs notes using Gmail. The application is available on mobile devices running Android.

First of all, I was pleased with the notes editor in GNotes. It involves quickly inserting date, time, contacts from address book, compiling “checklists” of shopping lists. In addition to text, the content of a note can be video, sound, images, and handwritten input is available. Notes include features such as setting reminders, locking, and password protection.

Managing the list is quite convenient: search and sorting are available for these purposes. You can switch the display of notes: in the form of a list or thumbnails. There is a separate Folder List section for managing folders. Here, for example, you can hide from display in the sidebar. The GNotes widget is easy to pin to your home screen.

When you go to settings, you can see some additional options. Synchronization is also available here - both through a service account and via email, both manual and automatic. Notes are encrypted when backed up.

Summary. GNotes provides a complete notes manager, with excellent editing tools and customizable synchronization. The only criticism is that the connection with Gmail is not very obvious; some initial instructions are needed for the user.

Google Keep

When creating a note, a title and text are specified; an audio recording from a microphone, an image or a snapshot from a camera can be added. Each note is assigned a color (see ColorNote), making it easier to find in the list. Irrelevant notes can be moved to the archive; there is a text search.

In general, I have mixed feelings about organizing Google Keep lists. The display of notes cannot be made more compact (although there are 2 display modes). This arrangement looks good on a tablet screen, but in the case of small screen the place is being “eaten up”. And this is in the absence of sorting. There is no way to organize notes other than by color: there are no categories or tags.

Summary. A minimalistic service from Google, most suitable as a web service running on desktop platforms. IN mobile version Working with many notes is inconvenient; there are no features such as sorting and organizing by tags/categories.


OneNote for Android breaks records for downloads (1 000 000 - 5 000 000), but the average rating is quite low - 3.8. However, it is interesting to take a look at the app as part of the review.

OneNote integrates successfully with your account Live recording, it is convenient to use this product in the Office 365 cloud. The desktop, local version of OneNote also performed well as an organizer.

At first, the thought really arises that the application is pleasant and familiar design should not disappoint at least on the level basic capabilities. But, as it turned out, this is not the case. The main complaint is related to the organization of folders, or rather, the complete lack of it. OneNote doesn't have tags or categories. There is a default notebook, and only one. For creating additional books need to go mandatory check authenticity on the Office 365 service.

No sorting, no display modes: notes are displayed regular list consisting of headings. Perhaps the only possibility quick access- This is to create a note shortcut on the home screen.

By using visual editor OneNote allows you to create notes using images, audio, and lists. It helps that there is a basic formatting panel (see also WizNote).

Summary. The OneNote application attracts with the possibility of synchronization with the cloud, as well as integration with products Microsoft Office. Alas, on this moment OneNote has a lot weaknesses both in terms of functionality and convenience.


The Evernote service deserves special attention, although the desktop version was already available on iXBT. Supported platforms include Mac OS, iOS, Chrome OS, Android, Windows, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and webOS. In all cases, the application has a completely Russian-language interface and an attractive design.

The note editor is notable not only for its formatting panel, but also for its convenient, neat insertion various types data (that is, the picture does not take up half the screen). Evernote allows you to create notebooks, tags, notes using audio, files, images, linked to GPS coordinates.

You can organize your notes using labels (tags). Convenient display, sorting (among other things, sorting by tags), search (in the premium version - also search by attachments). For quick access to recordings, you can create shortcuts that can be transferred to the home screen.

In addition to synchronization, you can use local notebooks. The only thing that won't please you about Evernote is the data limitation. paid version- 60 MB per month. A premium subscription removes this limit.

Summary. Both in design and functionality, Evernote stands out from other participants. Excellent cross-platform support allows you to use Evernote on both desktop and mobile.


In part, Springpad develops the idea with m> notes notebooks, but the toolkit of this application is noticeably wider. Springpad is less a notes manager and more of an organizer, with notification, scheduling, projects, and sharing features.

Regarding the functionality of the text editor. You can add text, a picture, or audio to any note (Quick Note). Besides quick notes, you can add recipes, movie lists, and other information to Springpad. For these purposes, notebooks (Nootebooks) are used in conjunction with tags and categories. There are also templates, among them you can even find projects (Work Project). A work project contains sections such as notes, tasks, and files, and other users can be involved in it.

You can open access to contacts from your address book. Discussion is available in notes; this is what comments are for. In the properties of a note, it is easy to change privacy, theme, color and other parameters.

Summary. Springpad offers convenient organization of notes in notebooks, a variety of formats, and a fairly convenient editor. The only noticeable omission, from the point of view of a Russian-speaking user, is the lack of localization.

Note Everything

Note Everything is an app for creating various types notes, using text, handwriting input, voice notes, barcodes, import from Google Docs.

Search is implemented both in all notes and in the text inside each of them. Folders and subfolders are provided to organize the collection. However, the organization of commands in Note Everything takes some getting used to, since to create a directory you need to go to the “Select Folder” menu and only then create it. In other applications, it takes a little less time to create a folder; here, hints help out.

The strength of Note Everything is its ability to import notes: from an SD card, from Outlook, from Note Pad and other applications. Export is not very clear, synchronization is not available, and there are practically no application settings.

Summary. On the one hand, Note Everything should highlight the functionality of the editor and the choice of formats provided. On the other hand, it would be nice to improve the organization of notes and improve ergonomics.


The main difficulty that arises when getting acquainted with WizNote is the language barrier: description of the application on Google Play- in Chinese, interface - in English. However, it should be noted right away that it is not difficult to get used to this order, especially since there are no problems with the Cyrillic alphabet (as in Simplenote): text search works, the letters do not “dance”.

WizNote's tools focus on notes. First of all, it is worth noting the friendly visual text editor, similar to OneNote. There is a formatting panel that can be easily collapsed. You can attach comments, audio, files, pictures to a note. Tags are used to organize records, search and sorting are available.

Although this application is positioned as a cloud application, the only relevant functions include synchronization with the service.

Summary. A good note manager, as evidenced by the relatively high rating on Google Play - 4.6 - with a small number of installations. If the developers add at least Russian localization, the popularity of the application will increase.

comparison table

ApplicationDeveloperRussian localization Android versionSortingSearchRemindersSync/Backup Format support
SimplenoteAutomattic, Inc.4.0.3+ + +/− (Latin)+ Text
m>notesdevmiles+ 2.2+ + + Text, image
ColorNoteNotes+ depends on device + + + + Text, lists
GNotesAppest Inc.+ 2.1+ + + + + Text, video, audio, image, drawing
Google KeepGoogle Inc.+ 4.0+ + + + Text, images, audio
EvernoteEvernote+ depends on device + + + + Text, image, audio, file, etc.
SpringpadSpringpaddepends on device + + + + Text, image, audio
Note EverythingSoftXperience+ 1.5+ + + + (pro)+ Text, barcode, audio, drawing
WizNoteBeijing Wozhi Co., Ltd.2.3.3+ + + Text, Audio, Image, Drawing, File
OneNoteMicrosoft+ 4.0+ + + Text, audio, image, list
05.12.2017 22:08:00

In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to use your phone as a webcam.

Notepads for Android! It is this solution that today replaces paper notebooks, which remained forever in the twentieth century and today can be considered truly archaic. Many of us have a smartphone at hand. But can we say that we use this gadget 100%? Our research has shown that most users use only 50-65 percent of its full range of capabilities.

What is good about notepad for Android?

Our research has shown that modern users prefer smartphones:

  • quickly and at any time take not only text notes, but also voice recordings. In both cases, the notepad for Android must contain good widget, which will eliminate long “digging” in the depths of the device and ensure almost lightning-fast recording of the necessary notes in memory.
  • text and voice are great, but even more often in our daily practice we need to quickly save images and all kinds of photographs. When determining the range of ideal notepads for Android, we selected those versions of programs that allow this task;
  • In third place is the ability to synchronize with laptops, netbooks, and desktop computers. Indeed, today many users prefer to duplicate important information, which can be lost irretrievably along with the smartphone;
  • and finally, almost every second user said that they would like to have a notepad for Android in Russian, which will help create a simple to-do list “for today.”

Based on the above requirements, we are ready to present the next selection of notepads for Android for your consideration!

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One of the important advantages of a beautiful notepad with a distinctly “spring” name is the ability to synchronize with the personal Internet service

This allows you not only to add, but also to edit entries while on the site. The program gives us the opportunity to create basic types of notes. Including text and audio, as well as those containing images. Many users emphasize the ease of use of thematic notepads for Android. Springpad also has the ability to tag certain entries.

However, there are other disadvantages of the Springpad notepad for Android. We are talking about incidents that users who create photo notes encounter. Unfortunately, practice shows that in this case part of the photograph ends up being “cropped off”. Another notepad for Android in Russian (“Note Everything”) allows you to solve the problem of displaying a photo in full screen mode. Unfortunately, this is not possible with Springpad.

Note Everything

These notepads for Android are used today by those who would like to not only create voice recordings, but also “scribble” text on a smartphone or quickly create simple lists. “Note Everything” is the “art” of making drawings with your finger on the screen! Unfortunately, there is no option to synchronize with one of the external services, which is loved by many Springpad users!

However, this notepad for Android in Russian boasts a paid version that costs only a few dollars. In addition to saving images, it allows you to create notes from QR codes. Would you like to transfer documents from Google Docs? “Note Everything” is at your service! Those who would like to take increased security measures to save information will certainly appreciate the ability to create automatic backup copies, which is provided by the paid version of the program.

Catch Notes

Many people choose the notepad for Android Catch Notes as a “storage” for notes taken, plans formed, ideas put into practice, contacts, audio recordings and photo archives.

You can use this notepad using different devices - iPad, computer browser, iPhone and, of course, Android. All the data – which is important! – are automatically copied to the device memory. This means that if you have lost access to the network, the entire range of information will nevertheless be available to you at any time. In addition to the standard set of sections called “My Ideas”, it is possible to create your own areas. But the free version allows you to add no more than five. There is everything you need for tag lovers. Despite the fact that “Catch” cannot recognize text from photos, many users find its advantage is that it is somehow simpler and more convenient than...


This unique notepad for Android was created specifically for those who would like to use the capabilities of programs of this kind to the maximum extent. Evernote users can save planned travel routes, scanned documents, site plans, city maps, and reservation confirmations in a notebook.

Any photos and files will always be available not only to you, but also to your friends and family, as well as work colleagues to whom you want to provide access. There is also a significant minus! Possibility of Internet connection – required condition access to free program. The issue, of course, can be resolved by purchasing the paid version. But not every rational user will agree to this. The program, however, easily recognizes texts with graphic files and pictures, and also provides the ability to collect information in thematic notebooks.

Circle best options outlined! The choice is yours!

If you are interested, you can read the article about.

For devices running Android OS. Oddly enough, applications that are so simple at first glance not only differ from each other, but also have a number of functions that would be the envy of full-fledged ones.

Here is a list of them in alphabetical order:

It would be logical to divide this nine into three categories, in each of which we will identify its leader. So, the first one will be devoted to multifunctional notebooks, that is, allowing you to work with notes, as they say, in full force. It will include ColorNote, Notes (Jacob Ras), Notepad (PowerAPP) and Notes (Yuli).

The second category includes simple notepads for simple tasks, that is, light programs, the main task which help the user quickly and easily make notes in a notebook. These are Fastnote, Just Notes (Moregas) and Noties.

The third will include those solutions that you can pay attention to, but nothing more, that is, unfinished applications that could possibly grow into very good ones. You shouldn’t forget about them, just as you shouldn’t give up. In the end, I myself am just a user (only an inquisitive one), which means I can make mistakes, so we’ll call the last category “Hoping for the best.” It will include Notepad (khronos) and “Notepad” by Dmitry Korotkov. So let's get started.

Multifunctional notepads

Simple does not mean primitive, as the notebooks discussed below convincingly prove. In some cases, they are even superior to organizers, because they can encrypt the recording, which, you see, sometimes helps a lot. But such applications have an unforgivable large appetite in terms of random access memory, as well as the complexity of setup and management.

The notepad should be able to quickly create a record, edit it if necessary, send to the right person and add a clear example. In this case, everything should be done literally on the go. Well, let's try to find such an application.

Of course, ColorNote is one of best notebooks for quick notes. There is synchronization with Google, reminders, lists and simple notes, the ability to send notes via messages and backup.

There was also restriction of access using a master password and online synchronization. Add to this absolute stability, low RAM consumption and a free license.

It’s quite difficult to find fault with this “comrade”. RAM consumption is normal - only 38 MB. At the same time, the application does not go anywhere, does not impose any obligations and does not ask you to buy anything. The only thing ColorNote insists on is a master password, but such a requirement is by no means superfluous.

Now about the main thing - how quickly the application can create a note. And there are no complaints here, just as there is nothing superfluous in the settings, which are presented briefly and to the point. You can get used to the program in about five minutes.

With a slight movement of the hand, 1.5 MB of distribution turns into 8 MB of busy space disk space and more than 100 MB of RAM consumption. Yes, the advantages are there - in front of you a full range of multimedia notes, customizable interface and text notes a-la Reader. However, the program did not live up to our hopes.

A notepad should be light and unnoticeable in the system, but how often do we use photo notes? Or do we speak a note into a voice recorder? Yes, there are professions that need this like air, but for most users such an application, sorry, will be garbage.

For everyone else who has flagship devices with two or more gigabytes of RAM, as well as four or eight-core processors, of course, you can play around. For example, PowerAPP would be very useful at MWC 2015 or another similar event, especially since it is free and uses the entire multimedia potential of the device to work.

The first thing worth noting is that the program does not have “lists”, stickers, a widget, or the ability to insert pictures or draw. There is also no synchronization with Google Calendar.

However, this is not an organizer, but a notepad that is easy to use, pleasing to the eye and easy to set up. In addition, there is password protection, synchronization and backup, but what else do you need?

No, of course, ColorNote is much more diverse, but it is closer to an organizer than to a simple notepad, and Fastnote is significantly inferior to the solution of the Jacob Ras studio. Everything would be fine if not for one “but”. The program's resource consumption is enormous for such an undertaking. 60 MB of RAM is not a pity, but it is decreasing.

Otherwise, I am pleased with the very convenient two-window mode with the ability preview, the ability to auto-correct words, as well as a text or numeric password that can be assigned to the application.

If we discard the poor design, crooked translation, and “no” settings, then Yuli, if not Yuli, can be called a fairly convenient and functional notepad that is worth paying attention to.

In light of recent events, you become paranoid, so autoloading and working with SMS is still superfluous for such a program, which is designed to take quick notes.

RAM consumption is normal. One of the features worth noting is the ability to put a password on a note, that is, on a note, and not on the notepad as a whole. For those who forget, there is a “reminder”: after half an hour, an hour, two hours, which you can also set yourself. The reminder is scheduled for specific year, month, week, day, hour and minute. If not "single tap to change title and content", there would be nothing to complain about.

In addition, you can add an image from the gallery, as well as set an entry in the widget, which, by the way, is also present, albeit clumsy. Moreover, each such entry has its own PIN code. Maybe you shouldn’t pay attention to translation if your hands are free for work?

Quick notepad– simple and functional application for recording necessary information in the form of notes. Perfect for instant recording so you don't forget or lose something important. The notepad is made in the most minimalist style, without unnecessary and unnecessary bells and whistles. Quick notepad is also convenient for everyday use Notebook, which was created specifically for speed dial short messages for further use And necessary information. By functionality and in appearance the project is very similar to regular Windows notebook.

Among the extensive list of such applications, this notepad stands out for its ease of use, which is so popular among current users. The project was completely created to fulfill its main functions - to serve in the format of a practical and understandable notebook. In the project, all new markups will be stored in an unnamed directory, and they will be available when the application is turned on. When the user has accumulated a lot of notes, they can be catalogued, for example, you can create a section for the necessary links or, for the most urgent notes. In the application options, you can customize the font size, cursor placement in the notepad, manual mode choose a location to reset notes, and it is also possible to set a password that will be included during the encryption operation on the flash card.

Main features of the Quick Notepad project:

  • Intuitive and clear software interface– the notepad has no unnecessary details, and it is not overloaded with incomprehensible control settings.
  • Fully adjustable appearance - you can change the size of the typed letters, the background and other available parameters.
  • The program can create and save files TXT format, which makes it possible to view and change them directly on your smartphone.
  • Miniature size and low energy consumption.
  • The program is adjusted to any display resolution.
  • Huge operating speed.
In the main program window, the user can view a list of previously created notes. Clicking on each note gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with them in more detail or retouch them. When you single-click and hold, a context menu will appear on the screen, which has a command to move to any directory, a delete command, and many other functions. Quick Notepad will appeal to all users who need to type short messages on your smartphone, mainly due to its unprecedented simplicity. It will quickly install and just as quickly begin to perform its intended functions. Be careful as your notes may be erased software which deals with cleaning or accelerating systematic work smartphone. So before using, add this application to the exclusions of these system cleaners.