Newsletter to VK group. How to send a newsletter to a VK group? The feasibility of mass mailing

A good VKontakte newsletter can bring you a lot of new customers and, accordingly, money. However, not everyone knows how to send VK mailings correctly. In this article we will understand all the intricacies - how to make VK mailings effective.

  1. Which accounts to use
  2. Where is the best place to send your newsletter?
  3. Rules secure mailing(no ban)

Which accounts to use for mailing on VK

With rare exceptions, it is better to use purchased accounts for mass mailing on VKontakte. There is always a chance of getting banned for spam, even if it is a high-quality mailing to the target audience. It’s better to buy well-filled autoregistration registers with storage right away. Accounts must be confirmed by phone (so that there is no captcha for every action). In general, the main thing is that they are filled out and alive; if you haven’t visited them for a long time, it’s better to sit in them for a while before sending them out.

Well-chosen accounts are the first step to effective mailing without bans.

Where is the best place to send your newsletter?

There are a lot of places (platforms) on VKontakte where you can leave your message. Some people prefer to send mailings directly to LANs, this also makes sense, but it is often more expedient to send mailings in VKontakte groups; below we will discuss why this is so. So, where should you send a newsletter on VK and how does it affect bans:

Where Probability of ban Limit Efficiency
PM High 20 / acc / day good
Group walls Average 100 / acc / day good
Comments Average 100 / acc / day Average
Discussion topics Low 500 / acc / day Average

Of course, everything is conditional and depends on the task, but on average this is the situation. It turns out that we can send messages in DM, everyone will read them, choosing Right words They will also be interested in them, but nevertheless, with a high degree of probability you can get a ban. You may get banned even before all 20 people you sent have read your message. The probability of a ban for sending messages on VKontakte is the highest. It will have to be taken out due to the number of accounts, impeccable randomization and a correctly detailed target audience.

Or we can send messages to groups or comments on VKontakte, here it’s easier with bans, but the effect is not the same. However, due to less strict limits, the result may be better. At the same time, by saving your account, you can make several more mailings. In groups you are not the only one writing, so it is important to stand out. Beautifully designed posts that attract attention work well.

Discussion topics. An underrated site in my opinion. It was especially effective in 12-15 years old. Then from there it was possible to receive hundreds and thousands of referrals from several accounts and without bans. The VKontakte ban priority is the lowest here, and the limits are the most generous. One catch - it’s difficult to find really active discussion topics on your topic. For goods and services, urban discussion topics like Flea Market work well. But you need to sift carefully good topics from slag ones, you can even manually go through the parsed ones.

VKontakte mailing program

You can try spamming manually. But it will get boring quickly, believe me. In addition, you can manually send mailings from only one account, which greatly reduces efficiency.

High-quality VKontakte mailing can be done using the program. The program has a clear interface, perhaps better system randomization in the market, multi-threading, sends posts everywhere (even in broadcasts and products), has support for any attachments and everything necessary functions for secure mailing.

Secure Mailing Rules

Message text

It is clear that there must be randomization. But which one? Simple randomization like (1|2|3) is already quite primitive and does not change the message mask. We need an extended one so that we don’t have to change specific words– and the essence and length of the message. For example, in a mailing program there are several levels of randomization - regular, extended, macro, and this can be spiced up by replacing characters. Only such randomization allows you to be confident in the mailing.


It is clear that the link must be redirected and randomized :)) But how? For some reason, some people mistake shortcuts for a redirect - no, guys, these are not redirects and VK sees your final link. It can even see regular redirects. If it is possible to leak not through a direct link, do so. There will be fewer problems. But if you need to directly follow the link, then use blogger and any other platform for landing pages/blogs. You can not do a direct redirect, but merge it to the article - and from there to your website. Not as effective, yes, but safer.


Photo – make it unique. VK stores the hash and if you re-upload it again, it will be the same photo for VK as before. A pixel in a photo is unlikely to help. Rotation by 2-3 degrees, inversion and sometimes filters work. It’s best to take separate photos for each post if their meaning is not significant. Same thing with video.

The target audience

A well-chosen target audience solves two problems at once:

  1. People don't complain about you through the Spam button.
  2. Conversion to transition higher

If you are an active user social network“In Contact”, you are probably already interested in the question of how to create your own official group. In fact, in order for it to become truly popular and visited, it needs to gain subscribers.

Currently present a large number of ways you can grow your community. There are both paid and free options. Today we decided to tell VKontakte users how to send a newsletter. After all, this question is currently very relevant.

This term refers to a way to send personal messages to your existing subscribers and friends. Of course, a newsletter for strangers you physically will not be able to create, since this is simply impossible at present, but at any time you can order paid advertising from a social network. For some, such a service may be too expensive, but for others it is not necessary, in the case where the administrator wants to use his strengths and capabilities. By the way, you can send personal messages with various offers. For example, if your group sells goods, then you can inform in this way about pleasant conditions or promotions, competitions, and so on. "VKontakte" is a social network that can bring good traffic, and this also attracts money.

Advertising intrusiveness

Let's first understand marketing, how newsletters work, and how users respond and react to them. When a message arrives from an unfamiliar user who addresses them by name, and it contains a link leading directly to their profile, some people are surprised, but many have long been accustomed to receiving advertising in this way and have long turned a blind eye to it. “VKontakte” is a social network whose scale is practically unparalleled, and, accordingly, it is not so difficult for other users to find you, even if they are not your friends or subscribers. For example, they can find you through special form. The same applies to your mutual friends.

Preparatory work

If you have created your personal group, you have already managed to fill it with unique and interesting content, which you think will be interesting not only to you, but also to other users, then it’s time to start sending out mailings. Before you send messages, you will need to do some preparation. So, carefully compose not only an interesting and attractive sample, but also check that it is written correctly and without sending messages “VKontakte” should be done carefully and with caution. If you have your personal page and you are the creator of the group, in this case we recommend using a second, third-party account to distribute invitations, which you are not so afraid of losing. New account you can register or buy it yourself; currently there are a large number of stores that provide similar services.

Spam protection

Experts do not recommend sending an advertising message with an invitation to a group to all users in a row, since the system will definitely notice such an action and consider it spam, and, accordingly, under such circumstances you can very quickly lose your account. This will happen even if no complaints are filed against you from those users to whom you have already sent such an invitation. If you want the VKontakte newsletter to be really high-quality and without problems, then you definitely need to know about the special rules, which we will now tell you about.

No advertising slogans

If you read the first part of this material and you are an active user of VKontakte, now you know how to send a newsletter. But you should still remember the most important nuances and details that are categorically not recommended for such actions. In the subject of a message that you plan to send in the future, never write the words “free”, “promotion” and so on, since such letters are immediately sent to the Spam folder, and users practically do not read them and in most cases delete them. If someone stood in front of you important question, associated with the social network “VKontakte”: “How to make a newsletter?”, then remember that it is very simple, the most important thing is to prepare responsibly.


If you have additional accounts, it doesn’t matter whether they are registered by you personally or you bought them, you should test different advertising messages, and only in this case will you be able to find the most best option. So we solved another problem regarding the social network “VKontakte”: how to make a newsletter. Try our tips and don't be afraid to experiment.

It's no secret that many people use the Internet not only for communication and entertainment, but also as a source of additional income. Sometimes, even as a source of main income. IN global network, there are many ways to benefit. Starting with the simple: clicking on links, reading emails, and ending with serious projects: a blog, website or even a social network. Most of these methods require advertising. It is impossible to simply order a design and software part social network, buy hosting and domain, and get thousands of users without quality marketing. The program described below, of course, will not solve all problems, and most likely it will not be suitable for large projects. But if you have opened your own small blog or website and you have less than a hundred visitors a day, then this is exactly what you need.

Nowadays, no one is surprised by hundreds of messages in mailbox with offers to buy something, for example. We receive these messages not only by mail, but also on social networks, instant messengers, etc. In most cases, these messages do not interest us and, as a result, irritate us. But, in general, not always. Sometimes, gentlemen, spammers, they hit the target. Wait, what am I talking about... most likely, if you are reading this post, you are not a user irritated by spam, but quite the opposite - you are looking for ways to promote your service.

Posting VK is a program that will help you send out your advertising messages on the VKontakte social network. The program is capable of writing on group walls and sending private messages to users who are subscribed to these groups. In addition, the program is able to independently search for groups using the desired keywords. This will help you find the right one target audience for your messages and as a result more real clients in future. Watch a short video demonstration of the program, after which we will analyze the algorithms in more detail.

And so, the “Manage” button opens a window with a list of your VKontakte accounts. It is possible to add an unlimited number of logins and passwords. This was done in case of temporary or permanent blocking of the account used by the program. If this happens, the program will not stop working. She simply logs in to another profile.

In order for the program to start searching for groups, you must enter a keyword into the appropriate text field and click the “Search” button. When you reach the number of groups you need, you can click the “Stop” button. The VKontakte server displays no more than 1000 groups in search results. When the limit is reached, the program will stop itself. Search results are added to a special list. Double click by a list item, will open the corresponding group in the built-in browser. The list has context menu for more fine tuning mailings.

The “Groups” and “Users” buttons open dialogs for setting up messages that will be added to group walls and sent to users’ DMs. A photo can be added to messages.

To start sending out you need to click the “Start” button. The program will begin to go through the list of groups and perform actions in accordance with the settings (join groups, write on walls). In each group, the program will search for posts or comments from subscribers and add the number of users you need to the database for further sending of personal messages. If the user has blocked messages from “non-friends” from being sent to him, then the program will send a friend request and attach a message to it. VKontakte allows you to send no more than 20 messages to “non-friends” per day; if the program exceeds this limit, it will also send a friend request with the message. Sometimes, when adding users as friends, the server asks you to enter a captcha. Not included in the program manual input, but it is possible to send a captcha to for automatic recognition.

This concludes the description of the main features and algorithms. This post was not created for the purpose of advertising the application. The program was developed to order and the customer was not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​​​distributing it. But you can order the development of a similar application with the functions you need. The program can be developed for any social network or any website. I also accept proposals for the development of applications on other topics. An application with functions similar to those described in the post from $100. Write letters to: [email protected]

The social network VKontakte has added a function that allows you to send personal messages not to one person, but to a list of people at once. Moreover, this can be done legally, without imposing any sanctions or fines. You don't need to use this third party applications, scripts or bots. Just add the application - sending messages to VKontakte.

In order to implement this feature, you need to have your own VKontakte community and set up messaging in the community settings - community management. In community management, you need to go to the application section and then click on add an application - sending messages.

  1. set the name of the button that will be displayed
  2. select visibility (to all or not all users)
  3. click save settings

But in order for this feature to be activated for you, you need to check whether you have messages connected in your community. Without this, you will not be able to activate the ability to send mass messages to VKontakte. Messages allow VKontakte users to send a message to the community administrator through the “write a message” button, which appears at the very top next to the community name.

After you have activated the VKontakte messaging application, you need to go to the application settings. Click “application management”, go to the “settings” tab and set the welcome text on the subscription page, this text is displayed on the page that opens when you click on the newsletter subscription button. Accordingly, here you need to set your own text that clearly explains the essence of your newsletter.

Next you need to create a mailing list. Click “create mailing list” - enter the name of the mailing list and choose to display the list to users - hidden or not hidden. Function hidden list makes it possible to collect a list from third-party sites using a script. For example, if you want to collect a subscriber base for sending messages, which will be available only to one list, then select hidden mode.

You can also create a mailing list for those VKontakte users whom you have parsed using third party services retargeting. But unfortunately, they will not be able to send messages, that is, it is possible to add users, but messages can only be sent to those who entered into a dialogue with your community - subscribed or wrote messages to the community.

How it works: people sign up for your mailing list, get on your mailing list, and then receive your newsletter messages. This function ideal for those whose business is exclusively related to the VKontakte social network.

Since this feature is new, there is little information on how to work with it correctly, but the principle is approximately the same as with sending emails. You can become a pioneer in testing this function by starting to experiment with sending VKontakte messages.

If you have one line of business, then one newsletter is enough for you, and if you have many directions, then create several newsletters and send newsletters of interest to your readers. Having created several types of newsletters, a VKontakte user can select the newsletter to which he wants to subscribe.

The sent message looks almost like a regular VKontakte message - text and attachment. It is possible that in the future there will be opportunities this application will expand and it will be possible to send messages formatted as emails, that is, beautifully laid out wiki pages.

Before you decide to turn on this channel into your marketing, then do not overdo it with the messages you send, otherwise your newsletter will be perceived as spam and users will most likely unsubscribe from you. It is also possible that the VKontakte network will introduce some penalties for spam mailings.

Now the time has come that people are on social media. networks have a very large amount of our precious time, we have long been thinking about how to make sure that VKontakte messages are sent en masse to private social networks. VKontakte network. Over time, we found a way to do this, and a super amazing program for sending messages on VKontakte called Posting VK but there are others too.

The very sending of messages via the VKontakte network makes it possible not only to send messages, but also to promote various sites, custom pages, groups and even forums. IN regular version This program lacks various checks, the connection to the site is turned off, updates do not work and HOSTS are not destroyed.

Accordingly, becoming a member of the ban list is easy and simple. Better in in this case, use some other created account.

The incomparable leader in messaging is great program VKBot, which significantly facilitates communication on a social network and improves the process of use, since the program for mass sending messages on VKontakte has been working for several years and there have never been account bans or other unpleasant problems. The program has managed to win and deserve respect from active users Internet networks.

In order to start the process of sending messages, you need to launch the program, then log in and click on the “Send” button. In the window that appears, you need to enter any inscription at the user’s discretion.

In the newly opened menu, you will need to select the option of what you would like to perform. That is, send it to the wall, as a personal message to friends, private message or in other ways.

In the new sign, the user writes a message. The text of the message is at the discretion of the person. The mailing list, to some extent, is considered spam.

That is why when using such a program you need to be very careful and wary. It is best to keep the number of messages sent to a minimum, and you should not use the newsletter simply for the sake of curiosity.

You can choose more simple parameters and perform actions carefully. In this case, the user will be able to avoid being blacklisted by site administrators.

We would also like to provide to your attention the following programs who will help you with further work with newsletter on social media VKontakte network. We have uploaded all these programs into an archive with instructions for use that you can download:

VkFriendsMessage- The program for sending messages to the walls of VKontakte groups works with many accounts and can send a large number of messages to friends. It is possible to support proxies.

Mix Poster - Free program which is always updated and can automatically send messages to the pages of all your friends and groups in social network VC.

Social robot- This is a social bot for sending messages on VKontakte that can send comments to photos, videos to all given groups and open walls on social media. VK networks. The program supports anti-bot, and you can enable automatic recognition of anti-captcha.

Feedron- A good anti-spammer and spammer in general. This is a great program for lazy people which can parse all new topics and messages in general from the specified groups, including automatically posting them in the specified places. The program is automatically updated and is free.