Advertising in text blogs. Main types of blog advertising

Elena Burdyugova, Marketing Director at

The approximate “cost of a blogger” can be estimated by multiplying the number of subscribers by 2 rubles. Thus, advertising with bloggers from the Top 10 costs from 80,000 to 500,000 rubles. For advertising, it is better to choose thematic blogs with the target audience of your business. The price for posts in niche blogs is significantly lower than in top blogs, and the number of conversions (when a person takes a targeted action on the advertiser’s website) in specialized blogs is likely to be higher.

The use of advertising in blogs is relevant for b2b businesses (with a wide audience, for example, IT, consulting, finance, law) and almost any b2c (tourism, clothing, auto industry, e-commerce) except for businesses with fast transactions, for example, taxis. Advertising on blogs has minimal effect both for highly specialized b2b businesses - industry, construction equipment, machine tools - and low-quality products and services.

In the first case, this is due to the fact that it is difficult to reach a narrow segment of the audience using blogs. In the second, because in the blogosphere a dissatisfied client reacts much faster than offline, for example, he can raise information noise in the comments and cause reputational damage to the brand.

Pricing in the blogosphere

There are several metrics by which the cost of advertising on a blog is estimated, here is the most common one:

1. Top 10 LJ and celebrities - from 80,000 to 500,000 rubles per publication. The cost depends on personal ambitions and popularity. Most often, ready-made text is placed marked “Advertising”.

2. Top 50 LJ - from 25,000 to 300,000 rubles. The approximate “cost of a blogger” can be estimated by multiplying the number of subscribers by 2 rubles. Many people post ready-made text marked “Advertising,” but there are also bloggers with a creative approach.

3. Top 500 LJ - from 3,000 to 30,000 rubles. Here, the cost of publication can be easily calculated using the formula SK * 15 = cost in rubles, where SK is social capital, which reflects blog traffic according to LiveJournal.

4. Thousands - from 1500 to 3000 rubles. Most often, the cost of publication in rubles will be approximately equal to the number of readers, but regional bloggers often value their work much cheaper.

5. 400-1000 friends - from 100 rubles to 2000. It’s good if you dug up a treasure and discovered a narrow-themed blogger who has not yet been spoiled by advertisers. More often in this price segment there are sites with inflated indicators and non-unique content.

Select thematic blogs with the target audience of your business. It is better to choose a small, narrowly focused blog where your the target audience than a blog with high traffic, where there is no way to assess the quality of the audience. The price for posts in niche blogs is significantly lower than in top blogs, and the number of conversions (when a person takes a targeted action on the advertiser’s website) in specialized blogs is likely to be higher.

Use blog communities to publish your materials. Popular communities in the blogosphere, such as “one day of mine” in LiveJournal, are good suppliers of clients for your project. If you interest the reader with an advertising message, other users will repost the ad on their blogs for free. This way you will increase your audience reach.

Develop a publishing system. If you are publishing information from a pool of bloggers, you need to develop a publishing system. For example, in the beginning you use bloggers with larger audience, then with a smaller one. The result is a pyramidal structure, very convenient for an information explosion.

Convey as much information as possible about the product/product/service, including photo and video materials, USP and promotions. How more information, the more opportunities for the blogger’s creative flight. More creativity - the publication will interest readers more.

Offer a product to a blogger for testing.

Create an interesting promotion for readers. For example, compete for products in a thematic competition.

Participate in the discussion in the comments from a corporate account.

Allocate a budget for promotion opinion leader posts. Recently, LJ has introduced many useful promotional tools.

Auction and calendar promotion

The first is highlighted in yellow and obeys strict rules, but sometimes here you can advertise a recording very inexpensively, starting from 100 tokens per hour (100 tokens = 30 rubles). Calendar promotion (blue block) is more suitable for advertising purposes: it has no format restrictions and allows you to book a specific time to promote a recording, but costs from $100 per hour.

Promo in magazines

This tool allows you to place promotional posts on a specific blog for a fixed fee. True, the price that the blogger sets on his own often does not correspond to the effectiveness of the placement.

Reposts are the broadcast of a publication in other magazines. Allows you to attract additional audience to the blog where advertising is posted. Officially, the cost of a repost directly depends on the social capital of the blogger and can vary from $20 to infinity.

Unofficially, some bloggers are ready to post your post even for less than a dollar, but it is unlikely that you will be able to attract real people through such reposts. The greatest effectiveness is achieved with proper targeting or through negotiated reposts with top bloggers.

Not only large but also small businesses can advertise their products and services in the blogosphere for free. You just need to find a blogger who likes your products and offer him an interesting idea for publication. For example, a successful case for free placement in 2011, when the advertiser paid for an exclusive product and interesting idea for the post was published for free.

In the following articles I will talk about the possibilities free advertising in the blogosphere and methods of placing paid advertising (in what form is it better to place paid advertising).

Text: Elena Burdyugova, Marketing Director of

The year is coming to an end - busy, intense, fruitful - different. Thank you for choosing our company to promote and develop your Internet projects this past year. We have achieved a lot together, and there is still much to be done. May the trust between us not fade away, and may cooperation in 2018 be productive and successful.

There are only a few days left until the upcoming holidays. We sincerely congratulate all our advertisers, bloggers, partners and friends on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

Thank you for choosing Blogun to develop your brands. We tried to please you with innovations to make using the service as convenient as possible for you.

For example, in 2016 you got the opportunity to create advertising campaigns on Instagram, select only high-quality sites, and even evaluate the work of our specialists technical support. All this undoubtedly affected the quality of our joint work!

We will try to exceed your wildest expectations and make a breakthrough in the coming year. After all, our friendly team works for you with maximum return for your success. Let 2017 be a time of great success and achievements for all of us!

How do we work on holidays?

During the New Year holidays (from December 31 to January 9), the Blogun service team will work on holiday schedule: All applications and questions will be processed from January 09. Emergency issues can be resolved by e-mail - hotline@site.

We remind you that replenishing your account with electronic money works around the clock, without weekends and holidays.

On November 21, 2016, it became known about the launch on Instagram new feature live video broadcasts of the Stories section - Instagram Live, which is beginning to change the entire landscape of Instagram marketing and, according to experts, will soon completely kill Periscope. Damir Khalilov (one of the most competent Runet specialists in promoting social media) prepared a detailed infographic, where he clearly explained what it is and how to live with it ( Click on the infographic to open in full size):

Text transcript of infographics

Everything you need to know about INSTAGRAM LIVE

  1. Variation Instagram Stories in live video format
  2. Maximum duration - 1 hour
  3. The recording is not saved and disappears immediately after the broadcast ends.
  4. Users can like and comment
  5. You can open or close the comment option
  6. You can open the broadcast for all friends, or only for selected ones

How to start?

  1. Scroll the feed from left to right to the camera screen
  2. Select Start Live Video

Where is it displayed?

  • In the Stories line
  • In the "Interesting" section
  • In the "Top Live" section

Subscribers receive notifications about the broadcast

What to use it for?

  • Prompt communication with the audience
  • Reports from the scene
  • "Unobtrusive" reviews of products and services
  • Broadcasts from behind the scenes

P.S. A bit more useful information on the topic in our blog:

What global changes in SMM took place in 2016? According to Damir Khalilov, one of the most competent Runet specialists in promotion in social media, “everything that could change on Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram and even Odnoklassniki has changed.”
About what has changed in in social networks in the past year, look at the infographics ( Click each of the five pictures to open in full size).

Why is it profitable to order advertising on my blog?

The first and most important parameter– this blog has been running for more than 4 years and all the articles on it were written only by me. On average, I spend about 5 hours writing an article, in which I try as much as possible to reveal the topic of the issue raised. The quality of such articles can be judged by the number of comments left on it; these are my regular readers who are always interested in something new and are happy to wait for fresh material. The blog constantly hosts various competitions and promotions, so interest in it does not fade, and the number of readers and subscribers is only growing.

On this moment I have more than 3,500 subscribers who receive your promotional materials in the proper form.

Attendance and, along with it, blog indicators are constantly growing. Therefore, you will receive the effect of advertising long after its placement.

Blog traffic and metrics

Trust Level –

Indicators Alexa Traffic Rank – this indicator is constantly improving and currently amounts to – link

TIC and PR indicator –

The total number of subscribers is more than 3500 people

The average number of comments left on articles is 40-50.

Blog audience

Types of advertising on a blog

1) Review of your service/product/product. The most popular and popular type of advertising. The review includes writing a full-fledged article of 3000-4000 characters with your wishes and recommendations (the article contains screenshots, and it is also possible to record an explanatory video). The article is broadcast on home page blog and gets into the RSS feed, and is also announced on such social networks - Twitter, Vkontakte, Facebook, Google +1, Odnoklassniki, Moi

Also, I publish the announcement of your review in my groups Facebook And In contact with, which allows an even larger circle of people to learn about your service.

At your request, I can insert into the review the information you provided. keywords, which will allow you to receive visitors from search engines and thus convert them into your customers.

Examples of completed reviews:

Work price: $100

The work completion time is 3-5 days, depending on my workload.

I offer the following places on the blog for placing your banners (the price indicated is per month of placement):

Banner size Blog location and position Price Status
468*60 At the beginning of each post at the top No. 1 2200 rubles free
468*60 At the beginning of each post from the top No. 2 2200 rubles free
468*60 Below after each post No. 3 2400 rubles free
468*60 Below under the comment form No. 4 1800 rubles free
240*400 In the sidebar under the block “My YouTube channel” No. 5 2400 rubles free
240*400 In the sidebar under the “Top commentators” block No. 6 2400 rubles free
240*400 In the sidebar under the “Top commentators” block No. 7 2400 rubles free
240*400 In the sidebar in a special block “Please note!” No. 8 3600 rubles free

4) Guards in articles. An effective tool getting new clients by placing a link at the beginning or end of the post.

Your links are placed ONLY in new articles that are broadcast on the main page and included in the RSS feed. The article is announced on such social networks as Twitter, Vkontakte, Facebook, Google +1, Odnoklassniki, Moi Also, I am publishing the announcement of the article in my Facebook groups and VKontakte, which allows an even larger circle of people to learn about your service.

The uniqueness of the article is 100%, the article is posted forever. In each post I put no more than 1 of your guards. The link must be purely thematic and the rel=”nofollow” attribute must be added to it.

— the price of a guard at the beginning of the article is 700 rubles

— the price of the guard at the end of the article is 500 rubles

I am also ready to consider your options for cooperation. To order a service, write to my e-mail – [email protected] or use a tool convenient for you feedback on the page with .

What is the advantage of blogs: first, all readers of the blog see the information, and then the entry is indexed and, if written correctly, the entry will be displayed in search queries Yandex, Google, etc., continuing to attract customers (read more in the section “Where do visitors come from”).

Now the statistics. At the moment (November 2014) z-alexey’s blog:

General information on blog views and visitors, by month for 2014 (data as of October 2014):

Where do visitors come from?

An important indicator is “Traffic Source”, which shows where visitors come to the blogger from. As you can see from the graph, almost 40% of visitors come from search engines. This means that the blog is very well indexed and appears in top lines search results in Yandex and Google.

In second place by traffic source is: “Transitions from social networks” - more than 30%. The fact is that all posts from my blog are automatically broadcast on Facebook, VKontakte and Twitter and this information is seen by users who do not have an account in LiveJournal, but use other social networks. In addition, thanks to likes and reposts, the post is distributed within these social networks. Moreover, automatic broadcasting is provided absolutely free of charge!

The answer to this question is provided by statistics on commercial interests. Here are the main categories that are of interest to my blog visitors:

Affinity index- the ratio of the share of visitors with a given interest on this site to the average share of visitors with the same interest on all Internet sites.
Share of visits- the ratio of the number of visits with a given interest to the total number of visits.

Gender and age of visitors

Cooperation options and prices

Several cooperation options are now available:

  • "Advertising. Basic package» - everything is simple here. You provide text and pictures advertisement. I'm posting it on the blog at specified time. The first line of such an entry will contain the inscription “Advertising. Text and photos provided by the customer." The cost of such an advertising post: 1,990 rubles.

  • "Advertising. Standard package» - You provide the text, andI take the photos (approximately 5 photos). The sources and non-exclusive rights to use these photographs are transferred to you. The first line of such an entry will contain the inscription “Advertising. Text provided by the customer." The cost of such an advertising post: from 3,990 rubles.

  • "Reportage"- this could be a trip to an event (for example: a store opening) or a report on the work of production. Photographing is carried out with subsequent publication of the photo report on the blog. If the event seems interesting to me and my readers, then I will be happy to do a report completely FREE. In other cases, the cost is determined individually. The customer pays for travel and accommodation. Examples of such reports can be .

  • "Review and test drive"- I talk about test drives of goods and services that I conduct personally. This includes both items I purchased and items that were sent to me for review. In both cases, both the pros and cons of the device (if any) are described. Typically such reviews arefree for the customer(details upon communication). Examples of such reviews can be

Why doesn’t “a lot” turn into “enough”, but instead becomes “few” again?
Alexey Vostrov.

These are services for advertising on blogs, communities and social networks. They have the most advanced tools for posting blog posts, advertising reviews and buying links. This list includes all the best representatives of this segment.

Blog advertising has a number of advantages over other types of online advertising, the most important of which is effective returns. A blog is a personal online diary and everything that is published in it is trusted by readers. Even an ordinary guard at the end of the main text can bring a lot of targeted visitors.

Advertising is also beneficial for the blog owner. Advertising means money, and periodic publication of advertising materials on a blog can bring its owner quite a decent income. What is a great incentive for further development blog.

And now I propose to move on to the list of services itself, which includes only proven advertising systems.

  • Blogger

    Blogun is the oldest service in RuNet for interaction between advertisers and blog owners. It was Blogun who set all the standards for the blog advertising market that currently exist! Guards, advertising reviews, hidden advertising on blogs, advertising on Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, etc. - all this appeared thanks to Blogun. Currently it is largest system with the most a large number both advertisers and blogs. I recommend using it first!

  • RotaPost

    RotaPost is an analogue of Blogun, which tried to get rid of its main shortcomings. True, over time, Rotapost looks more and more like Blogun. The advertising formats are the same, attempts to change the methods of interaction have only led to misunderstanding. The only interesting thing about Rotapost is that its owner and creator, thanks to his personal authority, was able to attract many authoritative and high-quality blogs to the service. In any case, Rotapost is a solid second place.

  • Advert Control

    Advert Control no longer works.

    Advert Control is a rather interesting service. Somehow I accidentally ended up on it and... since then I have been a regular advertiser there. I use it solely for SEO purposes. Those. I buy advertising on blogs that are in this service, only for recruiting reference mass. And it justifies itself.