Standard size in Photoshop. How to resize an image in Photoshop

If you have no desire to save any information about calls made, messages sent and received, as well as pages viewed in browsers, then you just need to delete the history on Android. This can be done either partially or completely.

How to delete history on Android using the application

To delete your Android search history, you can use special application Quick cleaning. With its help, the history in the user's browser, the history of his calls, as well as the history that is saved when searching on Google Play are cleared.

In addition, it will become impossible to view search information on YouTube. Using such an application is quite simple.

  • Launch the application
  • Check the boxes for data that should be hidden
  • Click the “Clean” button

It is important to know that some applications cannot be cleaned using this program, but it sends you straight to necessary settings and you will need to clear everything manually. Unnecessary files V mobile device are deleted by clearing the cache. Tips and instructions for deleting the cache can be found in the article.

How to delete calls on Android

To clear the call log on Android, you need to:

  • Open the Phone app
  • Select the “Magazines” section
  • Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Click “Clear call log”

You can also delete calls selectively:

  • Open call log
  • Select call
  • Click “Call Details”
  • Click on the cart on the right top corner

How to delete browser history on Android?

How to delete history on the Internet

This browser is a built-in application in some smartphones. To clear the history you need to do the following:

  • Open the browser and go to the menu
  • Select "Settings"
  • Find and click on the items “Clear history” and “Clear cache”

These instructions are suitable for standard Opera browser, as well as for Opera Mini, Opera Max and Opera beta. To delete history in Opera you need to:

Chrome is standard browser on naked Android and smartphones from Google. To delete history in Chrome you need to:

How to delete history in Firefox

The Firefox browser is considered one of the most fast browsers, that’s why so many people loved it. To clear history in Firefox, you need to:

  • Open browser
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Find the “History” item
  • Click “Delete web surfing history”

The most popular mobile browser in RuNet - Yandex. To clear history in Yandex on Android you need:

To find out how to clear history in the Yandex browser, you need to repeat all my steps.

  1. In the settings menu that opens, we move the mouse cursor over the “History” item. The “History Manager” sub-item from the drop-down list will open.
  2. We press the left list key once on it, after which it will open in separate tab browser – “History Manager”.
  3. There is also a shortcut key combination this menu. To do this, we need to press the Ctrl+H key combination on the keyboard at the same time.
  • After opening the “History Manager” item using any of the listed methods, a page with visited sites will open in your browser.
  • Here you can select the necessary pages and delete them, or completely delete your entire browsing history - for all time.
  • In order to delete the history of visited pages in the Yandex browser, you need to hover the cursor over the “Clear history” button by clicking once with the left mouse button.

After this, a pop-up window will open with settings that you can choose at your discretion.

  1. By clicking on the “Delete the following items” item from the pop-up menu, select the time for which you need to clear the history.
  2. The pop-up menu contains items such as deleting history for the past hour, past day, past week, past 4 weeks and for all time.
  3. The default option is to delete the following elements for all time.

Having selected the time for which you want to delete your history of visited resources, proceed to the selection additional settings, namely, we need to select items such as browsing history, download history, cookies and other site data, files saved in the cache, passwords, form autofill data, and the last item – saved application data.

Having selected the items we need and the time for which we need to delete the history, click on the button just below to the right - “Clear history”. The process itself takes from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the amount of history you have accumulated.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and clear, and now you yourself know how to delete history in Yandex browser. If you want to receive my lessons by email, write your email in the box at the end of the article, and I wish you good health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

All the pages we view on the Internet are recorded in a special log. And if someone sits down at our computer, they can get into it. This means he will be able to see all the places we visited, and even read the correspondence.

This journal is called History and, fortunately, entries from it can be deleted.

How to clear history on your computer

Google Chrome. To erase your browsing history in Chrome, you need to click on the button with three dots. It is located in the upper right corner, under the “Close” button (red cross).

Select “History” and “History” again.

A list of Internet pages that have been recently visited opens. You can remove individual addresses from it. To do this, click on the small arrow button next to the page title and select “Remove from history.”

And if you need to remove all pages for a certain period of time (for example, today), click on the clear button at the very top of the list.

A small window will appear. At the top, select a time period and mark with birds what exactly needs to be removed.

Yandex. To clear the visit log, click on the small button with horizontal lines in the upper right corner and open History.

If you need to delete one page, hover the cursor over it and click on the small arrow that appears. From the list, select “Delete from history.”

And if you need to erase more data from Yandex, click on “Clear history” on the right above the list of sites.

In the window that appears, select a time period and indicate what exactly needs to be deleted.

Opera. Menu (most top button left) - History

For removing specific page in the list, hover the cursor over it and click on the cross on the right.

If you need to erase more entries, click on “Clear history...” at the top right.

In the window, select the time period and data type. It is better to leave three birds, as in the picture below.

Mozilla Firefox. - Journal - Delete history...


In the window, select the time and data that you want to erase. I recommend leaving only three birds, as in the picture:

To delete pages manually (when you only need to erase a couple of addresses), go to full version log: - Log - Show the entire log. And there we delete it piece by piece through right button mice.

Internet Explorer. - Security - Delete browsing history…

To clear by day: - “Log” tab. Delete required pages or days/weeks via the right mouse button.


This way we erase log entries, information about downloads and clear the browser memory (pages, photos, videos). But all passwords and logins that the program remembers remain in place.

This means that if you, for example, logged into your mail or Odnoklassniki/Contact/Facebook without entering any logins or passwords, then everything will remain that way. And anyone at this computer will be able to do the same: type the address and open your page. That is, he will receive full access- will be able to read the correspondence, delete something, add something.

To prevent this from happening, you need to erase cookies and passwords. And for global cleaning and everything else. This is done by checking certain boxes in the deletion box.

And all because many users do not remember, and some do not even know, their login passwords. And after such cleaning, they are unable to log into their pages and mail. And then they write to me: save me, help me, what should I do?! But nothing can be done - previously you had to think and connect your mobile number to each page and mail.

How to prevent sites from being included in history

Nowadays every browser has a special private mode, the so-called Incognito. You can open your program for the Internet in this mode and then nothing will be captured. But everything will work as before: sites will open, files will be downloaded, bookmarks will be added.

Immediately after exiting incognito mode, the browser will erase everything that happened there:

  • entered passwords
  • cookies
  • search queries
  • URLs of visited pages

Note: this will not protect you from viruses or make you invisible on social networks.

How to open anonymous mode

Google Chrome. - New window in incognito mode

Yandex. - Advanced - New window in Incognito mode

Opera. - Create a private window

Mozilla Firefox. - Private window

Internet Explorer. - Security - InPrivate Browsing

To clear data from time to time Yandex browser, you need to know how to delete history in the Yandex browser.

Yandex browser– one of the most popular in RuNet and has a pleasant user interface.

It is also able to provide comfortable and fast work online.

To do this, go to home page search engine and click on settings at the top, as shown in the figure below.

In the window that opens, the user can configure the recording mode search queries to history, clear the list of previously used queries, and completely stop recording new queries.

Click on the clear button to delete your search queries.

Is it possible to restore earlier? deleted history?

To find out how to restore it in your browser, use the built-in tools operating system. To restore using save points, follow the instructions:

Finding the recovery window

  • Browse other points and click on “Next”;

  • Select one control point, which corresponds to the time when the browser history has not yet been deleted;
  • Review all recovery data and click on “Finish”.

Completing the restore