Recovering deleted history in Yandex Browser. How to restore history in Yandex browser after deletion Yandex does not show saved copies

Hello! Today is a post about a painful issue for most novice website builders. I had to answer the same question very often in the comments - how to remove pages from search, which were previously indexed, but due to circumstances were deleted and no longer exist, but are still in the search engine index. Or the search contains pages that are prohibited from indexing.

You can’t really expand on the comments, so after the next question I decided to give this topic special attention. First, let's figure out how such pages could end up in searches. I will give examples based on my own experience, so if I forget something, please fill it in.

Why are closed and deleted pages in search?

There may be several reasons, and I will try to highlight some of them in the form of a small list with explanations. Before we begin, I will explain what I mean by “extra” (closed) pages: service or other pages prohibited from indexing by rules or meta tag.

Non-existent pages are searched for the following reasons:

  • The most common thing is that the page has been deleted and no longer exists.
  • Manual editing of a web page address, as a result of which a document that is already in the search becomes unavailable for viewing. Particular attention to this point should be given to beginners who, due to their little knowledge, neglect the functioning of the resource.
  • Continuing the thought about the structure, let me remind you that by default, after installing WordPress on the hosting, it does not meet the requirements of internal optimization and consists of alphanumeric identifiers. This is due to CNC, and a lot of non-working addresses appear, which will remain in the search engine index for a long time. Therefore, apply the basic rule: if you decide to change the structure, use 301 redirects from old addresses to new ones. The ideal option is to complete all the site settings BEFORE opening it; a local server can be useful for this.
  • The server is not configured correctly. A non-existent page should return an error code of 404 or 3xx.

Extra pages appear in the index under the following conditions:

  • The pages, as it seems to you, are closed, but in fact they are open to search robots and can be searched without restrictions (or robots.txt is not written correctly). To check the PS access rights to pages, use the appropriate tools for.
  • They were indexed before they were closed in available ways.
  • These pages are linked to by other sites or internal pages within the same domain.

So, we figured out the reasons. It is worth noting that after eliminating the cause, non-existent or extra pages may remain in the search database for a long time - it all depends on the frequency of visits to the site by the robot.

How to delete a page from the Yandex search engine

For removing URLs from Yandex Just follow the link and insert the address of the page that you want to remove from the search results into the text field of the form.

The main condition for a successful deletion request:

  • the page must be closed from indexing by robots rules or the noindex meta tag on this page - if the page exists but should not participate in the search results;
  • when trying to access a page, the server should return a 404 error - if the page has been deleted and no longer exists.

The next time a robot crawls the site, deletion requests will be completed and the pages will disappear from search results.

How to remove a page from Google search engine

To remove pages from, proceed in the same way. Open Webmaster Tools and find the Remove URLs option in the Optimization drop-down list and follow the link.

We have a special form with which we create a new deletion request:

Click continue and follow further instructions to select the reason for deletion. In my opinion, the word “reason” is not quite suitable for this, but that’s not the point...

Of the options presented to us, we have:

  • deleting a page page from Google search results and from the search engine cache;
  • removing only the page from the cache;
  • deleting a directory with all addresses included in it.

A very convenient function for deleting an entire catalog, when you have to delete several pages, for example from one category. You can monitor the status of your deletion request on the same tools page with the option to cancel. For successful removing pages from Google the same conditions are required as for . The request is usually completed as quickly as possible and the page immediately disappears from the search results.

A snippet is a block with information about the found document. It may consist of the following elements:

","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"circle","direction":["top","right"],"alt":"Title", "coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","right"],"alt" :"Favicon","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true),("shape":"circle","direction":["top","right" ],"alt":"Document address","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":[" top","right"],"alt":"Help icons","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle" ,"direction":["bottom","left"],"alt":"Document (site) abstract","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true) ,("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","right"],"alt":"Quick Links","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false, "hasBottomCallout":true),("shape":"circle","direction":["top","right"],"alt":"Additional information","coords":,"isNumeric":false, "hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false)]))\">


A favicon is a site icon next to the title of the found document.

For detailed information about the requirements for a favicon and how to place it on a website, see Yandex.Webmaster Help.

Document title

For detailed information on how the title is formed in search results and whether it can be changed, see Yandex.Webmaster Help.

Document address

Help icons

Badges are assigned by a special algorithm based on user behavior data and can indicate user trust in the site.

Additional Information

The button next to the document address allows you to go to a saved copy of the page, view all documents found by request on this site, or complain about the search results.

Saved copy

If the original document is not available or Yandex considers it potentially dangerous, you can view the last saved copy of this document. To do this, follow the link Saved copy.

What to do if the saved copy does not open

We cannot guarantee that saved copies will be displayed for all pages, as this depends on a very large number of factors. For example, a short-term absence of a copy may be due to some work being carried out on our side or due to updating the search databases. Please wait for a while.

If the saved copy of the site still does not appear, please let us know.

Show more from the site

You can also set restrictions for site searches in settings.


If you feel that the search results do not match your request or contain inappropriate information, you can let us know. Click the Complain link and in the dialog box that opens, indicate the reason for the complaint:

    Inconsistency with the request.

    Shocking or unpleasant information - images and text with repulsive content (for example, accident victims, scenes of violence, serious physical pathologies).


    Search spam - pages whose owners try to deceive them to raise them higher in search results ().

You can complain about a single document found or about the entire search results page.

After verification, the review will be taken into account by automatic Search algorithms to improve the quality of Yandex search results.

Abstract of the document (site)

A brief description of the document is compiled based on the text of the document, from which sentences or parts thereof with query words are selected. If Yandex considers such a description not informative enough, it can supplement it with a description of the page, which was compiled by its owner.

If the annotation displays the phrase "Page contains links", this means that the found document does not contain the words of the search query, but they are present in the text of links to this document from various Internet resources.

Please note that the site annotation is not static, but depends on the user's search query. For more details, see Yandex.Webmaster Help.

Quick links

Using quick links, you can jump to the desired section of the site directly from the search results page.

Quick links are generated automatically by the Yandex robot. In Yandex.Webmaster Help you will find information about what is needed to create quick links for your site, and whether they can be changed.

Special data

Using extended information about the found document, you can find out the address and opening hours of the organization, the date the page was last modified, the format of the document, etc.

The saved copy in Yandex is the version of the page that is listed in the Yandex search engine.

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When viewing the search engine results for a query entered by the user, in the snippet of each site you can see a block with additional information. One of the sections of the block with additional information is “Saved copy”.

To understand what a saved copy of Yandex is, let's look at a simple analogy. Imagine that you have written a report or an essay. You submitted your work, sent it to the competition, but before that you managed to copy it. Then you need to do this work again for another competition. In order not to write everything again, not to restore all the details in your memory, you take out the saved file and write a new essay using it. The saved Yandex page performs the function of this copy. With its help, you can view the site if, for one reason or another, there is no access to the Internet resource.

Why do you need a saved copy of a page in Yandex?

First of all, we note that a saved copy in the Yandex search engine is an important tool for an SEO optimizer. With its help, you can see which version of the document has already been indexed by search engine robots and is participating in ranking, and which pages have not yet gone through this process. Thus, the presence of a saved page in Yandex is an indicator of successful indexing.

  • When working with Internet resources, a variety of situations may arise. In particular, technical work is periodically carried out on websites: making adjustments to the design/changing the template/editing or deleting text materials. During this work, you can easily make a mistake that leads to negative consequences: the disappearance of the design/text/other element, changing the template not according to plan, and so on. Surely every website developer has had such a sad experience. If there is a backup option or a high-quality hosting is connected, through which you can return everything as it was - great. But beginning resources, as a rule, do not have this opportunity. In this case, a saved copy of the page in Yandex will help. With its help, you can see how everything was at the time of indexing by robots and restore the appearance of the page and correct errors. But keep in mind that storing a page in the index does not last forever, and if a robot visited it during a period when it was already inoperative, you may well not see the old information...
  • Another situation when a saved copy of a page in Yandex will be useful: while working on the site, you changed the text material in order to increase the relevance of the pages. Now you need to see if the page where you made the changes has refreshed. You can do this by viewing the saved copy.
  • Websites are often unavailable; there can be many reasons for this: technical problems, hosting has expired, and so on. To access the site in this situation, you need to find the saved copy and view it. Thus, the benefit of saved Yandex pages is obvious.

How to view a saved copy of a page in Yandex

All modern search engines, and Yandex is no exception, allow users to open the necessary web documents through their index. This can be done quickly using special services or manually. In the first case, services will come to the rescue: Page Promoter in Firefox, RDS bar for Chrome and others. However, plugins may periodically work incorrectly and fail, so you also need to master the manual method.

First way

Open the Yandex search engine and enter the address of the desired page or the query you are interested in in the search bar. In the search results, we see that there is a small arrow in the snippet of each result. Click on the arrow and select “Saved copy”. After that, we will visit the site, its saved page from some past date.

Second way

The method is to use special browser extensions/plugins/online services. The most popular today is the “RDS bar”. The plugin's interface is more than simple; with its help, you can view the latest changes to the page, when the page was last visited by a robot, and therefore a copy is provided for this date. If the desired page has not been indexed by Yandex, its saved copy will not be displayed in the search engine results.

Why is there no saved copy of the page in Yandex?

Sometimes, when searching for a saved copy of a page, you may not see the desired item when you click on the arrow in the snippet. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. The first option is incorrect operation of the PS. Yandex itself admits that it does not guarantee the availability and display of such copies for all pages due to a large number of reasons.

2. The second situation - in the document code there is a meta tag “robots” and it has the value “noarchive” - caching is prohibited. To avoid a drop in traffic, you need to carefully configure such things.

What could be the consequences of not having a copy in Yandex?

The lack of a copy in itself will not have any negative impact on promotion. But the reasons that led to the absence can be harmful, so deal with them.

What a problem with page copies can really lead to is difficulties when working with link exchanges.

For example, in Seopult today there is a parameter that controls whether there is a saved copy in Yandex. This parameter is called NIC - No Index Cache. It indicates that the page does not have a saved copy. No one will buy links from such a resource; no one wants to take risks and pay for something that may not be useful.

As you can see, a saved copy in Yandex allows you to solve a number of problems and optimize the use of Internet traffic. These recommendations will allow you to quickly open and view them.

Any web browser, including Yandex.Browser, stores your browsing history, which allows you to return to a previously opened site at any time. If your browser history has been cleared, you still have the option to restore it.

Restoring history that was deleted in Yandex can be done using both standard Windows tools and third-party tools.

Method 1: Using Handy Recovery program

Site visit data is stored on your computer as a file in the Yandex profile folder. Accordingly, if the history has been deleted, you can try to restore it using programs for recovering deleted files.

On our website we previously discussed in detail the process of recovering history using the Handy Recovery program using the Opera web browser as an example. The peculiarity of this program, unlike other recovery tools, is that it completely restores the previous folder structure, while most other programs allow you to restore found files only to a new folder.

For Yandex.Browser, the recovery principle is exactly the same, but with the small exception that in the left area of ​​the window you will need the folder "AppData" choose not "Opera", A "Yandex" - "YandexBrowser". Exactly the contents of the folder "YandexBrowser" you will need to restore.

During recovery, be sure to close Yandex Browser, and after the process is complete, try opening it and checking for history.

Method 2: Searching for a visited site through the cache

If you have only cleared resource visit data in Yandex Browser, but the cache has not been affected, you can use it to try to “fish out” a link to the desired site.

Method 3: System Restore

Windows has a wonderful system restore feature that allows you to return your computer to the time when your web browser still had browsing data available.

You just need to select the appropriate recovery point, which corresponds to the period when the Yandex history was not yet deleted. The system will perform a recovery, returning the computer to its functionality exactly at the selected moment (the only exceptions are user files: music, movies, documents, etc.).

For now, these are all the options that allow you to restore data from visiting web resources in Yandex.Browser.

Hello everyone dear friends! Recently, a week ago, I encountered such a problem on one site that all my pages fell out of the Yandex search engine index. To be honest, I thought that some kind of error was imposed, although up to that moment, all the pages got into the index very quickly and sat there for 1.5 months perfectly.

During these month and a half, I only wrote articles and did nothing else illegal. Therefore, I was offended that Yandex did this to me. Naturally, I didn’t want to leave this whole matter and return the pages to the index as quickly as possible. I checked my site on the service and found out what it says to me: There is no saved copy in Yandex!

To be honest, I didn’t understand anything why a copy of the site was not there. I started looking for the problem and came across one site where it had a similar problem, that is, there was also no saved copy of the site in the Yandex search engine. But because of this, his pages did not fall out, but simply dropped in position.

I still hoped that with the help of his site I would solve the problem. It turns out that he was missing a copy in Yandex due to the fact that there was a tag on his site pages noarchive, which was automatically enabled when using the WordPress plugin – Robots Meta. In the settings of this plugin, the option was enabled to prohibit making copies in search engines, that is, a tag for pages was written - noarchive.

This plugin was not installed on my site, but I still checked all pages for the presence of this tag, not only the pages, but also the robots.txt file. In the end, I didn't find anything. That is, this option was out of the question for me; there was no such tag on my resource.

I had no choice but to contact the technical support service of the Yandex search engine and find out the reason (see how):

In the Yandex webmaster, for the site ********** it is displayed that there are 57 pages in the index, but in fact there is 1 page. I check it on the xtool service and it gives me the message: There is no saved copy in Yandex!

I checked my site for the noarchive tag and it was nowhere to be found. Tell me why the site was completely in the index for 49 days, and now there is only one main page of the site?

After 1 day I received a response from Yandex:

Currently, it is impossible to find out what caused the exclusion of pages on your site, since such information is not stored. In the near future, your site should begin to be indexed and then be able to appear in searches. Most likely this will happen within two weeks. Please wait for the specified period to expire.

That is, I still had hope that my site would be indexed normally, that this was some kind of misunderstanding and the pages fell out due to some error, because hope dies last.

As a result, the whole next day I watched as my site was “stormed”, that is, there was 1 page in the index, then 8, then 57, and so on every day, the numbers changed. But today there was an update and now the pages are all back in the index, which I am very happy about. So, if you have such a problem, the reasons may be as follows:

  • The site contains the noarchive tag
  • The noarchive tag is included in robots.txt
  • Temporary problems with services or search engines

In general, if you have such a situation, then you should not panic right away, look at all the possible reasons, take the steps that I did, and then draw conclusions. Good luck to you dear friends and see you again!