Learn the multiplication table for a 7 year old child. How to explain multiplication and division to a child: simple techniques for parents

At some point, parents will definitely be faced with the question: how to quickly learn the multiplication table for a child? He cannot cope with this task on his own; he needs help from adults. And also - correctly chosen memorization methods.

Basics of training

To help your child quickly learn the multiplication table, it is best to first explain to him the essence of this action. He already has the concept of addition and subtraction. Let us explain that 2 multiplied by 2 means adding two twos, that is, 2+2.

More complex examples can be given: 3 multiplied by 4 means adding three 4 times - 3+3+3+3.

It’s good to back up your explanations with real examples that a child can understand: “Grandfather brought 2 sets of markers for you and Ksyusha. Each contains 5 pieces. How many markers in total will you get? How will we calculate: 5 plus 5 or 2 multiplied by 5? And so, and so we get 10.”

Gaming techniques

How to quickly learn the multiplication table for a child? Of course, use gaming visual techniques. Take a box and balls. We put them in a box in pairs. Then the next two balls, then another and another. It turned out like this:

Methods for learning multiplication tables

Various methods will help your child learn the multiplication tables quickly. The fact is that some children are good at memorizing numbers simply mechanically (at this age, this type of memory is quite well developed in them).

Some will need visual reinforcement: videos, drawings, emotional support, gaming techniques and tools such as online games and poetry work well.

Multiplication tables - where to start?

The child needs to be explained how the Pythagorean table works: there are numbers in columns and rows, and where they intersect, we look for the answer - the product of numbers, for example, six by eight is forty-eight (6x8 = 48).

You can start studying the table with its usual version. Explain to your child right away that you shouldn’t be afraid that it’s so big at first glance. Many examples there are already known and do not require memorization.

For example, multiplying by 1 and 10. What does it mean to multiply a number by 1 - take it 1 time. Two will remain a two, four will remain a four, and so on. That is, the number will not change. And multiplying by 10 is also easy - just add a zero to the number: 5x10=50.

Multiply by 2, by 5 and learn squares of numbers

How to quickly learn the multiplication table for a child - memorize the simpler options first. Multiplying by 2 is usually not difficult for children. It's like adding another one to a number.

You can then learn how to multiply by 5. The answers will end in either 0 (even numbers) or 5 (odd numbers).

The next stage is memorizing the squares of numbers. You can’t do this without repetition and reinforcement. The child just has to remember that 8 by 8 is 64, and 9 by 9 is 81.

Usually the first difficulties begin with multiplication by 3. Here it’s time to introduce additional memorization methods - visual techniques, for example, playing cards or associations using poetry. About them - a little lower.

How to multiply by 6, 7, 8 and 9

This stage is the most difficult, and some examples you just need to remember. You will have to constantly repeat these few of the most difficult pieces with your child until the numbers become automatic.

The main thing is to show the child that he already knows almost the entire table, but there are mere trifles left. These are the insidious meanings that are so difficult to remember:


About changing factors

Adults understand that 4x3 = 3x4. But the child needs to be explained that if the factors are swapped, the result will not change.

Then it will be much easier for your student to remember how much, for example, 7 times 4 is. If he forgot, let him remember multiplying 4 by 7. This is an important point in learning the multiplication table.

Different methods for learning the multiplication tables

A variety of ways to study the multiplication table helps you find the one that's right for your child.


All sorts of online games on the Internet also promote memorization, but the most reliable and proven method remains the visual method using memory cards.

Make cards with examples: for example, write 7x8 on one side and the answer on the other. How we play - the child takes a card, answers the question and turns it over to see the answer. If he answered correctly, he keeps the card for himself; if not, he takes another card. The one with the most cards wins. The game involves repetition and memorization, but in a fun way.

One such option is digital lotto. Enter the answers from the table into the cards and make cards with example tasks. Gameplay stimulates memorization.

Multiply on your fingers

There is a way to count - on your fingers. Suitable for multiplying by 9. You need to place your hands palms down and straighten your fingers. We need to multiply 7 by 9. Bend the 7th finger and look - the number of fingers before it will be equal to tens in the answer - 6, and after the 7th finger - to ones, that is, three. We get 63.

There is another interesting method for multiplying by 9. You need to multiply a given number, for example 6, by 10 (6 by 10 = 60). Now subtract 6, you get 54.

Repetition is the key to memorization

To make it easier for your child to remember, give him visual aids. He must constantly see examples before his eyes and repeat them. You can decorate the table brightly and colorfully and hang it in the children's room and kitchen. This way the information will be remembered easier.

Educational poems

For many children, especially those in the humanities, it is much easier to memorize the table using a poetic form. The most famous similar poems were written by Marina Kazarina and Alexander Usachev:

Multiply five by six
As a result, we get THIRTY.
And five is seven - easy to count -
The short answer: THIRTY-FIVE!
Once a deer asked an elk:
- What is seven eight? —
Elk did not bother to look into the textbook:
- Fifty, of course, six!

Cartoons for memorization

If you set yourself a goal, you can find a lot of interesting cartoons to help those learning the basics of multiplication. Children always respond well to this form of presenting material, so we recommend actively using it. An example is in this video:

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The multiplication table is a basic concept in mathematics, which we become familiar with in elementary school and which we then use throughout our lives, regardless of profession. But children are in no hurry to memorize endless columns, especially if the task happened during the holidays.

website will give tips on how to easily learn the table with your children and make this process fun.

Pythagorean table

Despite the fact that the task is to learn, that is, memorize, the table, first of all it is important to understand the essence of the action itself. To do this, you can replace multiplication with addition: identical numbers are added as many times as we multiply by. For example, 6x8 means adding 8 times 6.

Highlight identical values

An excellent assistant for learning multiplication will be the Pythagorean table, which also demonstrates some patterns. For example, what about When the factors change places, the product does not change: 4×6 = 6×4. Mark such “mirror” answers with a certain color - this will help you remember and not get confused when repeating.

It is better to start studying the Pythagorean table with the simplest and most understandable parts: multiplication by 1, 2, 5 and 10. When multiplied by one, the number remains unchanged, but multiplied by 2 gives us double the value. All answers to multiplication by 5 end in either 0 or 5. But multiplying by 10, in the answer we get a two-digit number from the number that was multiplied and zero.

Table to consolidate the result

To consolidate the results, draw an empty Pythagorean table with your child and invite him to fill in the boxes with the correct answers. To do this, you only need a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. You need to draw a square and divide it into 10 parts vertically and horizontally. And then fill in the top line and the leftmost column with numbers from 1 to 9, skipping the first cell.

Of course, all children are individual and there is no universal recipe. The main task of a parent is to find an approach and support his child, because we all once started with such simultaneously simple and complex steps.

First you need to do two things: print out the multiplication table itself and explain the principle of multiplication.

To work, we will need the Pythagorean table. Previously, it was published on the back of notebooks. It looks like this:

You can also see the multiplication table in this format:

Now, this is not a table. These are just columns of examples in which it is impossible to find logical connections and patterns, so the child has to learn everything by heart. To make his job easier, find or print the actual chart.

2. Explain the working principle

When a child independently finds a pattern (for example, sees symmetry in the multiplication table), he remembers it forever, unlike what he has memorized or what someone else told him. Therefore, try to turn studying the table into an interesting game.

When starting to learn multiplication, children are already familiar with simple mathematical operations: addition and multiplication. You can explain to your child the principle of multiplication using a simple example: 2 × 3 is the same as 2 + 2 + 2, that is, 3 times 2.

Explain that multiplication is a short and quick way to do calculations.

Next you need to understand the structure of the table itself. Show that the numbers in the left column are multiplied by the numbers in the top row, and the correct answer is where they intersect. Finding the result is very simple: you just need to run your hand across the table.

3. Teach in small chunks

There is no need to try to learn everything in one sitting. Start with columns 1, 2 and 3. This way you will gradually prepare your child to learn more complex information.

A good technique is to take a blank printed or drawn table and fill it out yourself. At this stage, the child will not remember, but count.

When he has figured it out and mastered the simplest columns well enough, move on to more complex numbers: first, multiplying by 4–7, and then by 8–10.

4. Explain the property of commutativity

The same well-known rule: rearranging the factors does not change the product.

The child will understand that in fact he needs to learn not the whole, but only half of the table, and he already knows some examples. For example, 4×7 is the same as 7×4.

5. Find patterns in the table

As we said earlier, in the multiplication table you can find many patterns that will simplify its memorization. Here are some of them:

  1. When multiplied by 1, any number remains the same.
  2. All examples of 5 end in 5 or 0: if the number is even, we assign 0 to half the number, if it is odd, 5.
  3. All examples of 10 end in 0 and begin with the number we are multiplying by.
  4. Examples with 5 are half as many as examples with 10 (10 × 5 = 50, and 5 × 5 = 25).
  5. To multiply by 4, you can simply double the number twice. For example, to multiply 6 × 4, you need to double 6 twice: 6 + 6 = 12, 12 + 12 = 24.
  6. To remember multiplication by 9, write down a series of answers in a column: 09, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90. You need to remember the first and last number. All the rest can be reproduced according to the rule: the first digit in a two-digit number increases by 1, and the second decreases by 1.

6. Repeat

Practice repetition often. Ask in order first. When you notice that the answers have become confident, start asking randomly. Watch your pace too: give yourself more time to think at first, but gradually increase the pace.

7. Play

Don't just use standard methods. Learning should captivate and interest the child. Therefore, use visual aids, play, use different techniques.


The game is simple: prepare cards with examples of multiplication without answers. Mix them, and the child should pull out one at a time. If he gives the correct answer, we put the card aside, if he gives the wrong answer, we return it to the pile.

The game can be varied. For example, giving answers on time. And count the number of correct answers every day so that the child has a desire to break his yesterday’s record.

You can play not only for a while, but also until the entire stack of examples runs out. Then for every wrong answer you can assign the child a task: recite a poem or tidy things up on the table. When all the cards are solved, give a small gift.

From the reverse

The game is similar to the previous one, only instead of cards with examples, you prepare cards with answers. For example, the number 30 is written on the card. The child must name several examples that will result in 30 (for example, 3 × 10 and 6 × 5).

Examples from life

Learning becomes more interesting if you discuss with your child things that he likes. So, you can ask a boy how many wheels four cars need.

You can also use visual aids: counting sticks, pencils, cubes. For example, take two glasses, each containing four pencils. And clearly show that the number of pencils is equal to the number of pencils in one glass multiplied by the number of glasses.


Rhyme will help you remember even complex examples that are difficult for a child. Come up with simple poems on your own. Choose the simplest words, because your goal is to simplify the memorization process. For example: “Eight bears were chopping wood. Eight nine is seventy two.”

8. Don't be nervous

Usually, in the process, some parents forget themselves and make the same mistakes. Here is a list of things that should never be done:

  1. Force the child if he doesn't want to. Instead, try to motivate him.
  2. Scold for mistakes and scare with bad grades.
  3. Set your classmates as an example. When you are compared to someone, it is unpleasant. In addition, you need to remember that all children are different, so you need to find the right approach for each.
  4. Learn everything at once. A child can easily be frightened and tired by a large volume of material. Learn gradually.
  5. Ignore successes. Praise your child when he completes tasks. At such moments he has a desire to study further.

Knowing the multiplication tables by heart is one of the prerequisites for the successful study of a modern child. Often, our children find it difficult to memorize both the entire table and its parts. We have already written about the multiplication table in verse and today we want to continue this interesting topic.

Vladimir Bublik offered his own version of how to quickly learn the multiplication table. He writes: Visually, quickly, cheerfully, consistently and naturally, the child learns the basics of mathematical logic. In a short cartoon based on Look, we liked it:

Educational channel for children Kapuki 4 Plus offered his original version of studying the multiplication tables based on the famous computer game Angry Birds:

We also tested another simulator to test knowledge of the multiplication table. Took 1720th place by correctly answering 10 questions out of 10. Try it, maybe you can do better?

Our colleagues from 4brain.ru offer various options for memorizing the multiplication tables, in particular in the form of playing cards or poems by Marina Kazarina About Multiplication and Alexander Usachev Multiplication, they are on our website. Oksana Turkina's video with finger multiplications didn't seem very simple to us, but nevertheless, maybe it will be useful to you.

The website multiplication.com (in English) invites children to solve multiplication problems as they play. We chose this one, with a helicopter. The task is to bring the required load 24, 85 or any other to the correct answer. The advantage of the game is that the child has time to think while he controls the helicopter. You can play. Besides this game there is also

Nowadays, many parents believe that a child, even before entering first grade, should learn not only to write and count, but also to know the basic techniques of algebra: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. That is why mothers and fathers are faced with a serious question: “how to teach a child to learn the multiplication table”?

Basic rules for obtaining optimal results

Of course, you can teach your child using basic methods (they are described below). However, parents who are determined to make it easy for their child to learn the multiplication tables must not only learn special techniques (with which they can teach their child the multiplication tables much easier and faster), but also choose the most optimal method for their child.

Regardless of which method you choose, the following rules must be carefully observed:

  1. To make learning easy for a child, frequent breaks are necessary;
  2. An objective assessment of the child’s abilities is necessary: ​​a preschooler simply cannot physically learn the entire multiplication table in three hours;
  3. Be sure to praise your child for every success, no matter how small;
  4. It is strictly forbidden to scold a child if he cannot learn something. It is best in this case to take a short break and then return to the stumbling block again;
  5. Try to turn learning the multiplication table into a game: if the child finds it interesting and fun, then all the knowledge will be absorbed much faster than if parents force the fidget to sit with boring books.

Basic way to learn multiplication tables

A parent who is seriously thinking about how to learn the multiplication table with a child can, in a burst of inspiration, remember his own childhood: counting sticks, a blackboard, a strict teacher and a huge table completely filled with numbers. This is the table that is most often used in schools, so it is recommended to spend at least the first lesson with it.

First, you should print (or draw) two versions of the tables: the first is completely filled out, and the second is only with numbers around the edges. It is advisable that the second table be large, since the child will enter the numbers independently.

During the first lesson, try to explain to your child the basic meaning of multiplication: it is the same as addition, only multiple times. Use small numbers as an example to show how multiplication works. An example option might look like this:

“Here are numbers two and three. In order to multiply three by two, we need to add three and three. How much will it be? That's right, six!”

What should you do after the first “trial” lesson with the table?

If everything went well, try working with the table again: explain to your child the peculiar “mirroring” of multiplication:
“Now let’s see what two times three is. In order to calculate this, we need to add two to two, and then add two again. Let's write them down in a column. How much will it be? Good girl, six! You see, three times two is six, and two times three is six. Now you’ve learned the first rule of multiplication: changing the factors (these are the numbers you multiplied) will not change the product (the number you got in the answer)!”
Be sure to praise your child.
“See how quickly you counted! Learning the multiplication table is easier than it seems at first glance!”

Be patient.

If a child cannot quickly perform the addition operation, there is no need to prompt him: he will definitely count on his own, he just needs more time than an adult.

If it took a short amount of time to explain this rule, then you can start filling out the part of the multiplication table with the number 1 (usually children quickly understand the meaning of multiplication by 1). As soon as the child’s attention begins to wander, you should stop the lesson - the preschooler will not learn more material.

When you click you will have a large printable table

Subsequent classes

Make a large number of multiplication table example cards. Before each lesson, be sure to let your child solve familiar examples, otherwise the knowledge will simply be forgotten.
Small tricks will help you remember results easier
After your child learns multiplication involving one, you can try multiplying a number by a ten, or tens by a number. Teaching a child to add an extra zero to each number will be much easier than, say, teaching him to multiply numbers by six.

Multiplying by two, three and four. Usually these actions are not particularly difficult, since they can be easily counted on your fingers.

How to teach a child to multiply by five? It’s very simple: any even number will end in 0, and any odd number will end in 5. Counting them is a matter of technique.

I've practically learned the entire multiplication table. But how can you easily and quickly learn multiplication by the most difficult numbers: six, seven and eight?

Most likely, you will simply have to memorize them: even adults often get confused when multiplying these numbers.

Is there an alternative to the table?

If during the first lessons you see that it is clearly difficult for your child to remember even the simplest examples, do not swear at him under any circumstances, but start trying alternative methods.

The method of studying the multiplication table with the help of poetry seems interesting: now there are entire books that make it possible not only to easily improve “sagging” numbers, but also to learn the multiplication table from scratch. Fairy tales about numbers are also interesting: in a humorous form they can tell about one of the most difficult operations of mathematics to understand: multiplication.

However, studying with the help of poems or fairy tales alone can be infinitely long without the use of such additional techniques as flashcards. Remember that the child’s brain needs tireless repetition - only then will the information be not only mechanically learned, but also understood. And this is a guarantee that the baby will not forget the multiplication table until old age.

How can you understand in advance whether it is easier to learn the multiplication table through a simple table or by adding poetry games with your child? Remember the child’s character: if he is a strong humanist, then games will definitely appeal to him, thereby making the learning process more fun.

Toys always help

If you have absolutely no ideas on how to quickly help your child learn this complex multiplication table, then take advantage of a win-win option: your child’s favorite toys.

The only criterion for toys is that any outsider should easily understand that they illustrate multiplication. For example, when you multiply three wheels from a car by two, you should get exactly six wheels, and not four wheels, a bumper and a headlight (in this case it will be extremely difficult to teach a child!). Also, if you choose to learn with toys, then don’t try to teach your child to count on their fingers instead – these are two completely different methods!

One of the most interesting ideas was the idea of ​​one father to use a huge number of LEGO parts, which were scattered in huge quantities throughout the apartment. Taking the smallest piece as one, the father began to show his son the basics of multiplying by two, three and four (after all, there was a lot of LEGO, so they did not experience a shortage of pieces). As a result, all the lessons were held in the form of a game, and the father could not even imagine that teaching his son multiplication would be so easy and quick!

Many parents have helped using interactive sound posters in teaching. In this case, memorization occurs better than during a regular lesson or cramming.

Fingers and multiplication

Oddly enough, you can quickly learn the multiplication table even on your own fingers!

Many parents do not approve of children's habit of checking all calculation results on their fingers, arguing that it is easy to count only small numbers on their fingers.

In fact, this is not entirely true: you can easily learn the multiplication table (and quite quickly!), using only your own fingers and knowledge of interesting mathematical patterns (however, this will not save your child from solving examples to repeat the material).

Multiplying by NINE using your fingers - instant results

Of course, with the simplest examples everything is clear: ten fingers are enough for calculation. But what about multiplying by nine?

In fact, you can: for example, multiplying by nine is done incredibly quickly: in just one step. We need to count (starting with the left thumb) to the number that we multiply by nine (or by which we multiply nine). Numbers to the left of it will give tens, and numbers to the right will give units. This is truly a fantastic method. Makes multiplying by nine much easier.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to learn a table in this way without repetition, so choosing this approach requires a large number of practical tasks.

Change is necessary

Regardless of the child’s age, he needs a large number of breaks (preferably every 10-15 minutes), otherwise it will not be possible to easily learn the basic laws of multiplication: after 10 minutes of continuous classes, the child will be distracted every now and then by a cat, a ray of sun peeking through the window, a ringing sound heard on the street and so on.

How to maximize the level of effectiveness of classes? Firstly, you should draw a table with a clear lesson plan (there should be short breaks in it) and follow it all the time.

Secondly, you need to be imaginative: you can learn the material in a playful way. For example, you can create your own card game.

Game example: cards are created (their number may vary, repetitions and bonus cards are possible). The main thing is that the child knows all the examples on the cards participating in the game. The basic rule of the game is that the player, without looking, draws a card and solves the problem within a certain time. The one who scores the most points will win. Bonus cards can add an amount of time, give you the opportunity to choose an example, and so on.

Thirdly, do not hesitate to divide into parts: learning one large table is more difficult than many small tablets.

In addition

  • It would be a good idea to hang a table above your baby’s bed, as well as in his playroom: even without studying, he will automatically glance at it, thereby gradually memorizing the numbers;
  • Train all your child’s skills more often: instead of multiplying seven by eight, ask your child to name numbers that, when multiplied by each other, will give 56;
  • If your child is already going to school, ask the teacher about her teaching methods. It might be worth using a similar method to learn the material faster;
  • Be patient: it is easier for your child to learn the material when he is not limited in time, at least at first.

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