What to do iPhone 5s. First start or how to activate iPhone? Unlock your phone using Find iPhone

Today the iPhone is super popular and in demand. Its excellent screen, which gives an incredibly high-quality picture, has captivated millions of users. Practical design, popular interface, convenient applications will not leave you indifferent to this crowning creation of Apple. But what to do if even such a perfect device has problems. For example, it simply does not turn on. In this case, it is very important to correctly diagnose the cause. Only then act.

First of all, you need to diagnose problems

We will describe the most common causes of problems and tell you what to do.

When the iPhone looks at you with a blank, black screen, don’t rush to panic. This doesn't mean it's over. Most likely, the reason is that the battery is completely discharged. The second reason could be frozen iOS. It is easy to rehabilitate the device. The main thing is to do exactly what we tell you.

If the reason that the battery is low is because the iPhone was left in the cold for a long time, then first you should warm your device in your palms. Then connect the device to the charger for fifteen minutes. If the reason for your iPhone not working is a low battery, it will turn on soon. If this does not happen, perhaps frozen iOS is to blame. Then you need to press the HOME and POVER buttons simultaneously and hold them for ten to twenty seconds. Soon you will see an apple burning on the screen. Release the buttons and after about a minute iOS will start.

If in this case the long-awaited apple does not burn, we will tell you what to do. You need to turn on/off silent mode on your iPhone two or three times in a row. Then connect the charger for fifteen minutes. This operation, as a rule, always gives a positive result.

If these steps are unsuccessful, try changing the charger and cable. Perhaps they are the culprits that the iPhone does not turn on. If, moreover, you are not using the original, but a cheap Chinese counterfeit, this may be the reason.

2. If the buttons do not work

There is also the following option: the iPhone does not respond to button presses, and the screen of the latest application is frozen. The first thing to do in this situation is to reboot the device in forced mode. To do this, hold down the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time, and after ten to fifteen seconds you will see the apple light up on the screen again.

It happens that the device still does not turn on. Then you should connect to the charger and leave the iPhone to charge for fifty to sixty minutes. You will soon see the charging screen light up. If this does not happen, carefully check the connector socket, charger and cable. Perhaps they are the reason. Try the same procedure using a different battery source.

3. If the iPhone does not turn on, but the apple is constantly on fire

Another unpleasant situation that often occurs among users of the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5S is that the apple on the screen either lights up or goes out. In this case, do not test the strength of your nervous system. Most likely, there was a problem restoring your iPhone from a backup. What should you do in this situation? Recovery mode and the computer on which you should first launch iTunes will help you. Then connect the USB cable, but for now only to the computer. Your next action is to turn off the iPhone completely, getting rid of the apple, which is still on and off. To do this, you need to hold down the “HOME” and “POVER” buttons. Next, press “HOME” and connect USB. This should be done until the iTunes logo appears on the screen and next to it there is an image of a plug. You will see a message on the screen that recovery mode is running. All you need to do in the future is click the “Restore” button.

4. If all methods fail

What to do if you've tried everything, but the apple still doesn't appear on the screen of your iPhone? There is a special recovery mode - DFU. It is designed to restore iOS firmware when all your other attempts have failed. Let’s say right away that this mode should be used only as a last resort, because if it is activated, all data from the iPhone will be lost.

So, first you need to connect to the charger for five to ten minutes. Once you're connected to your computer, check to see if your device shows up in iTunes. If this does not happen, go to DFU mode: simultaneously hold down the “HOME” and “POVER” buttons for ten seconds, then release “POVER”. Next, hold the “HOME” button for fifteen to thirty seconds until iTunes writes “Recovery Mode”. Don't expect further that the screen will thank you and show you an apple, as usual. Evidence of successful entry into DFU is the absence of any image on the screen. If you want to restore the firmware in your iPhone, find the “Restore iPhone” button in iTunes. To exit this mode, simply unplug the cable from the device and press “HOME” and “POVER” for ten seconds. After these manipulations, the iPhone should reboot.

5. The service center will come to the rescue

If, despite all your efforts, you were unable to revive your iPhone on your own, you will have to turn to specialists for help. But remember that only with proper handling will your favorite gadget serve you faithfully for many years.

The genius of some people is simply impossible to deny. Just look at Jobs, who set a new standard for the whole world in terms of mobile devices. Not a single manufacturer has been able to deviate from the established canons for a whole decade. But all thoughts about greatness and genius disappear when the iPhone 5s does not turn on; it is unclear what to do in such a situation and commercial geniuses are in no hurry to explain themselves.

Why does iPhone break?

No device can work without failures. More precisely, not a single high-tech device can fail once during its entire service life:

  • iPhone is smartphone, assembled from dozens of different components.
  • Each part of the iPhone, in itself, is a small miracle and the result of scientific and technological progress.
  • All these components are connected to each other thanks to rather fragile cables that have the ability to fail at the most inopportune moment.
  • The “human factor” cannot be ruled out; not every user can boast of handling fashionable gadgets with care.

In such conditions, sooner or later the phone will stop showing “signs of life,” and problems will arise with the sensor or some services. This is inevitable; you should prepare yourself for such a turn in advance. Understanding and looking for the culprits in this case is not the most reasonable solution; it is better to try to correct the situation yourself.

Do-it-yourself equipment repair

Official dealers always advise taking products to service centers and do not try to fix the problem yourself:

  1. This is beneficial to the manufacturer from a commercial point of view. For the repair of any, even the most insignificant malfunction, you can issue a good bill.
  2. This is convenient in terms of diagnostics. It is much easier to try to restore a device when you know for sure that no one has dug into it or performed any manipulations before you.
  3. This is sometimes simply unacceptable to the user. The user needs the device in working order within a couple of hours, and the service center advises to come in 3-4 days.
  4. This can take a significant toll on your budget. Even minor, but regular breakdowns outside the warranty period will cost a pretty penny.

And we’re not just talking about iPhones or even phones in general. The manufacturer is really interested in a minimum number of breakdowns and malfunctions in the products sold. But even more, corporations want the user to turn to them for help with all the difficulties that arise, and not solve them on their own.

iPhone turned off and won’t turn on: what to do?

If your iPhone refuses to turn on:

  • Simultaneously hold down two buttons - “Home” and “Power”. Sometimes this action already helps to achieve the desired effect.
  • Press the buttons and hold them in this state a little longer. Even after half a minute, don’t despair; the phone may still begin to show signs of life.
  • Put your device on charge, you may not have noticed how the battery fully sat down
  • Let it charge for 15 minutes, even if just recently the battery was almost full. If only you knew how lithium batteries suffer in the cold.
  • Click the sound switch a couple of times. From a theoretical point of view, this should not affect the performance of the smartphone at all. But in practice, such manipulation sometimes really helps to restart an already hopelessly “extinguished” device.
  • Launch iTunes on your PC and connect the cable from your iPhone. While connecting, you should press “Home” on your phone. This is an option to quickly restore your smartphone; just click the “Restore” button on the screen.

All these methods of checking the phone’s functionality will not take more than a minute. And what’s even more interesting is that they will not harm the device itself in any way. Just think, no one opens the case, no one gets into the “insides” of the iPhone. If you can’t start the phone yourself, you can safely contact the service center.

What to do if your iPhone is dropped and won’t turn on?

Mechanical damage is a separate issue:

  1. Malfunctions caused by a fall or other physical impact are always more difficult to correct.
  2. Any problem is associated with the destruction or serious damage to part of the iPhone.
  3. Most likely, you won’t be able to do it without turning to specialists for help.
  4. The problem may be due to damage not to the part itself, but to the cable that connects it to all other components.

If you have already “opened” your iPhone, this experience can be repeated again:

  • Inspect the contents carefully.
  • Try to look for cracks, signs of impact or compression.
  • Inspect all cables and correct them if necessary.
  • Check it out.

Sometimes this is enough to get the phone working again. If you don’t understand anything about electronics, have never seen microcircuits and don’t know which side to hold the soldering iron on, it’s better to take your iPhone to a company service center immediately after a fall.

When it comes to relatively expensive equipment, it is sometimes cheaper to pay for someone else's work than to try to do something for the first time.

Should I tell specialists about the cause of the malfunction? If the iPhone is under warranty, you can remain silent about it or confidently prove that the phone never fell anywhere. Warranty cases for mechanical damage do not apply, but maybe you’ll get lucky. Issues of conscience are a separate topic. Has the warranty expired? Then feel free to say this, this will simplify the diagnosis of the device.

How to fix an iPhone 5s on your own?

If your favorite phone suddenly stops turning on, you need to:

  1. Don't panic, pull yourself together as quickly as possible.
  2. Check that the charging port is in good condition; it could be deformed or clogged with dirt.
  3. Make sure the phone charges properly when turned off. The reason may lie in a faulty iPhone battery or problems with the charger itself.
  4. Press two buttons - “Home” and “Power”, hold them in this position for up to a minute.
  5. Play with the sound switch, then hold down the two treasured buttons again.
  6. Connect your phone to your computer, having previously launched iTunes on your desktop device. Automatic recovery may start.
  7. Put the iPhone on charge overnight and check its performance in the morning using all the methods described above.

None of the options bring you closer to solving the riddle? Well, it's time to entrust this problem to real specialists.

Every year the number of users with Apple products increases, but many newcomers have absolutely no idea what to do and where to run if their iPhone 5s doesn’t turn on.

Video: what to do if iPhone 5s does not turn on

In this video, phone repairman Oleg Romanov will tell you how you can revive an iPhone 5s that won’t turn on:

The perfect design and high optimization make the iPhone 5/5s synonymous with reliability for many years, but despite this, Apple cannot avoid all problems.

Don’t give in to the illusion, a situation where the iPhone 5 won’t turn on can happen. Although it is very well designed, over time it can develop problems such as freezing, overheating, or turning off and not turning on.

If your iPhone 5 won't turn on after turning it off, this is a sign that you need to read the tips below.

After trying these few tricks, there is a 90% chance that you will fix it yourself.

iPhone 5 won't turn on - turn it on with the program

If your iPhone 5 does not turn on, you can turn it on using a proven program -

Moreover, it will also fix problems with iOS that lead to problems - of course, if the phone fell or something burned, the program will not fix it.

For every violation of the integrity of iOS, ready-made solutions are provided, and it is impossible to get confused in the interface.

Give it a try. The program works on all iOS, including the latest eleventh, and has been tested in practice.

iPhone 5 won't turn on - connect to a working charger

All older generations of iPhone are subject to a sharp decrease in battery levels. This is especially noticeable when the phone overheats (for example, a combination of high screen brightness, WiFi, Bluetooth and applications running in the background).

Another factor that causes your phone to overheat is intense solar radiation.

All this causes the iPhone 5/5s to fail, misjudge and show the wrong battery charge.

If the iPhone does not want to turn on due to low battery, then after connecting to the charger, a battery with a red stripe should appear on the screen.

Remember - the device will not turn on immediately, but only when it is charged to at least 5%, so be patient. The problem is not solved? Go to the second point.

iPhone 5 won't turn on - force restart

After connecting the phone to the charger, it still does not want to turn on.

The next thing you need to do is reboot it. To do this, hold down the on/off button for a few seconds.

If your iPhone 5/5s turns off, it should turn on - if the result is negative, move on to the third point.

iPhone 5 won't turn on - a hard reset should help

A hard reset is often confused with simply turning off a smartphone. Although a soft reset is only possible when the Disable bar appears on the screen, a hard reset is possible in any situation.

It works better than just turning off your phone. A hard reset is equivalent to disconnecting the phone from the power source by removing the battery.

Try performing a hard reset according to the instructions below.
  • Hold down the Home and Power buttons at the same time. / Off" for about 10 seconds (it is important to press them simultaneously).
  • Wait until a white screen appears with a black logo in the middle.
  • Release the buttons and wait for the device to recover.

If even a hard reset doesn't help, move on to the next step.

iPhone 5 won't turn on - return to factory settings

If your iPhone5/5s still won't turn on, the most advanced action you can take is to factory reset the phone.

NOTE: Before performing this operation, make sure you have a backup of your phone.

REMEMBER: Restoring to factory settings is equivalent to erasing all data and settings on your phone.

READY: In this case, simply connect your phone to your computer, turn on iTunes and select the "Restore" button.

If this doesn't even help, follow these instructions:

  • Connect the USB cable to the charging port, but do not connect it to your computer.
  • Click the Home button.
  • While holding the Home button, connect the other end of the USB cable to your computer.

If you follow the right steps, iTunes will turn on and the iPhone will automatically enter recovery mode, allowing you to completely restore your phone.

Why does the iPhone 5 light up or blink and won’t turn on?

Your iPhone has turned off and won’t turn on, but the apple lights up or blinks when starting up? This happens and is eliminated, but the whole pain is that there is more than one reason.

One of the common reasons is that the battery is discharged, but the owner seems to have enough charge.

If you are sure that the charger is working, connect it for half an hour (you can connect it via a cable to the computer) and turn it on again.

If it turns on only before the apple, then pressing the “Sleep” and “Home” buttons for 10–15 seconds often solves the problem.

But unfortunately, firmware does not always solve the problem, since the cause may be hardware.

For example, the power button has become obsolete. Although you can’t call her fragile, there are problems with her.

The charging controller may also fail, the battery may expire, or the flash memory may fail (it changes, but it is comparatively expensive).

The worst thing is if problems arise with the motherboard, since sometimes it is better to buy a new iPhone than to tinker with it (depending on what happened).

iPhone 5 won't turn on - contact a specialist

If the smartphone still does not turn on, this is a sign that external help will be imminent.

It often happens that the error turns out to be a common one, and fixing it takes a few minutes.

Therefore, if you do not want to deepen the defect or lose data on your phone, you should go to the service.

Not all problems are user error. Sometimes the phone does not work due to factory errors and faulty software.

I know from experience that when an iPhone does not want to turn on, the problem is most often related to the battery, a damaged charging connector, and a software error.

However, you can correct the last point yourself - Good luck.

The iPhone line is the most popular phones in the world, breaking all sales records. After purchase they become favorites.

Agree, it will be unpleasant if one fine day your most beloved and expensive gadget stops turning on.

How to turn on iPhone 5s if it won't turn on? The solution to this problem will be discussed below.

Causes and solutionsCauses of malfunctioniPhone 5s:

there can be many, but the most common

Problems with the power controller

The power controller is an element that is responsible for charging and correct operation of the device’s battery. The reason for failure may be a low-quality charger (a cheap Chinese counterfeit of the original iPhone charger), the phone being dropped, or water getting inside.

If the controller does break down, it needs to be carefully re-soldered. It’s better not to try on your own; you might damage the board, and it’s not cheap, especially for the iPhone 5s.

Video: iPhone 5s repair

Water ingress

If you manage to drop your phone in water or some other liquid, experts recommend immediately putting the smartphone in a plastic bag or container, and then transferring the container with the phone to the nearest service center as quickly as possible. If the gadget stops turning on after getting wet, then the chances of it being repaired are minimal.

If there is no service center nearby, then do the following:

  1. immediately turn off the phone and take it to the service center without turning it on;
  2. check the moisture indicator. It is located in the headphone jack. If water gets inside, the color of the indicator will change from white to red;
  3. If you notice that the indicators are red, immediately remove the battery from the phone. To do everything correctly, we recommend watching training videos from professionals on the Internet.

If everything is done on time and correctly, then the chances of restoring your favorite phone increase significantly.

It is worth saying that after the water it will no longer be possible to profitably resell the phone, except to an ignorant person.

Voltage drops

Apple technology is very demanding on the quality of the incoming current; accordingly, their chargers are made in a special way and have a complex design and operating principle. If you charge it with a non-original device, then even a small voltage surge can damage your smartphone.

When the voltage drops, the power controller mentioned above suffers. It can be replaced, the cost, thank God, is small, but an unpleasant aftertaste remains, and you don’t want to part with your favorite gadget for a long time.

The battery is old

A failed battery is another reason why the iPhone 5s won’t turn on. This happens rarely so far, since the phone went on sale relatively recently, but the further, the more often phone owners are faced with this problem. There is only one way out - replace the battery, you can’t do anything with it.

We recommend purchasing a new battery exclusively from a licensed Apple service center, this way you can insure yourself against purchasing a counterfeit.

If the battery, after charging, holds a charge less and less, and one day the device simply does not turn on, then the problem is 99% in the battery.

iPhone 5s won't turn on

There can be many reasons why the phone does not turn on, and all of them relate not only to our today’s hero, the iPhone 5S.

Won't turn on due to broken charging connector

If the phone is discharged and does not turn on when charging, or does not react at all to connecting the cable, then most likely there is a problem with the socket. It breaks very rarely, but it gets clogged all the time. Those who just bought an iPhone 5S have not yet encountered this problem, but there is still more to come.

The connector becomes heavily clogged with dirt, fluff, and other debris, as a result of which the clogs block the charging and connector contacts and they no longer touch.

You can clean the connector with a regular toothpick, but it is not advisable; if you are careless, you can damage the contacts, and then you will have to replace the connector altogether, and this is already a considerable amount of money.

A can of compressed air would be much better, but since you only need to clean one phone, no one will buy it, except perhaps service centers. By the way, some service centers can clean the sockets with compressed air for a thank you; they value regular customers and want to have more of them.

It is also worth noting that if you charge with a non-original charger, it can deform the socket, after which standard charging will not work correctly.

After car charging

The problem is that some people don’t know how to choose the right car charger for their iPhone. People are trying to save money, so they buy the cheapest options, which are not always of at least average quality.

After using a low-quality charger, the following may fail:

  1. battery;
  2. charging connector;
  3. power controller;
  4. specific power supply circuit.

As you can see, small savings on a charger can result in a decent amount of repairs.

If your phone stops turning on after using a low-quality car charger, there is nothing left to do but take it to a service center.

There is no point in trying to determine the breakdown yourself, or, moreover, to repair the smartphone, since with inexperienced hands you can render the phone unusable.

iPhone is a very complex piece of technology; we do not recommend reflashing it yourself under any circumstances. If you make even a small mistake, you could end up with a phone that never rings again, or that never turns on again.

There are a lot of reasons why the iPhone 5S does not turn on after flashing, but there are three most common:

  1. The Nor Flash chip is broken. It is responsible for the normal operation of the GSM module. Without this chip, the smartphone will not make calls, since the settings of all operators in the country are saved in it. The problem is solved by replacing the microcircuit at a service center;
  2. The NAND Flash chip has failed. She is responsible for the safety of personal data, that is, programs, notes, contacts, photos, music, and so on. It can be solved, like the previous problem, by replacing the microcircuit at a service center.
  3. Incorrectly installed firmware. Take your phone to an official service center and have them install a normal, working and stable version of iOS.

Unsuccessful updates can also be attributed to this section.

Video: Short circuit detection method

After the fall

If your phone does not turn on after being dropped from a great height, take it to a specialist. There is no way to do this without diagnostics. If external damage does not have such a strong impact on operation, then internal damage is quite capable of completely destroying the phone.

The most popular internal failures when an iPhone 5S is dropped:

  1. damage to the printed circuit board;
  2. disconnection or damage to the cable.

In the first case, you cannot do without a specialist. Repairing a printed circuit board is very complicated; it is almost impossible for an ignorant person to get the necessary parts.

As for the cable, it is enough to order an analogue of the damaged one and replace it. There is nothing complicated, you don’t even need to solder anything. In some cases, you can just put it in place and everything will work.

The most important thing is to watch the relevant master classes on the Internet before disassembling the phone, otherwise some elements may be seriously damaged.

After replacing the display

If the display is changed at a service center, then everything should be fine, but if you change it at home, on your own and without much experience working with Apple phones, then a problem can await you at any second. Something is slightly caught, and that’s it; when you try to turn it on, a “surprise” may await you.

If, when you turn on your smartphone, it gives you the branded “apple” and does not want to boot further, this means only one thing – the firmware has failed.

It is worth noting that in this case all your personal data from the phone will be lost. To prevent this from happening in the future, we advise you to constantly update your backups. If the apple is on fire, your data is lost. This is to put it briefly.

There is only one solution - take it to a service center to restore the firmware.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what problem happens to your beloved iPhone 5s, immediately take it to a service center! Do not try to fix the problem yourself, otherwise there is a high chance that you will have to buy a new phone.


Even if the breakdown seems insignificant, you should not take the risk, because the amount you plan to save may increase significantly to eliminate the breakdown after your repair.

Apple is the most popular brand in the world, not least thanks to its line of branded smartphones that break sales records. That being said, almost everyone agrees that Episode 5 was one of the best. Therefore, many prefer the same 5s to the new and not so far advanced, in terms of technology, eights and sevens.

There are situations when the 5s turns off and does not work, which forces the owner to panic and spend any money on fixing his favorite gadget. But even if 5s does not start, this is not always a reason to go to the service.

In some cases, the accessory can be repaired by the average person, but you will have to independently diagnose and find the cause of the breakdown. So what to do with the iPhone 5s if it doesn’t start and doesn’t show signs of life?

System failures

No matter how much Apple boasts about the reliability of its accessories, one of the main reasons why the iPhone 5s won’t start is a system failure. It is a common practice for one update by incompetent programmers to turn hundreds of thousands of phones into “bricks”.

This especially affected older models, whose hardware simply could not handle the early, unoptimized version of iOS.

So, if the phone turns off by itself and does not show signs of life, it is better to take it to the service if you have a warranty card. And when there is no guarantee, but your “satellite” has turned off and does not turn on, does not respond to charging, you have to fix everything yourself. Fortunately, it’s easy to do and you don’t need any programming knowledge.

The phone turned off and won’t turn on, what should I do? The main thing is not to panic and let the device discharge, and then put it on charge and simultaneously hold down the Home and Power buttons. This will take you to something like a “developer menu”, after which you can reset the latest updates yourself.

There is also an option to roll back through iTunes for PC, in most cases it is even easier.

But there is also a downside to this repair - in essence, it is a reset to factory settings, so most of your data that is not stored in the cloud will simply disappear. In order to avoid such a fate, make backup copies of your memory and transfer photos and other media to other media, and store important files in several copies.

Battery problems

It happens that the smartphone is switched off and does not turn on, and does not respond to power in any way. In such cases, the problem lies in the battery. Just recharge the phone battery after it is completely discharged, this will save most of the devices and let you know exactly the source of the problem.

If the phone started, the reason was in the battery, and you should order a new one. It’s more unpleasant if the gadget charges but doesn’t turn on. At the same time, you see the charge indicator and can already estimate that the phone is full of energy.

The problem may still lie in the batteries, and there is no better way to check this than by placing the battery in another gadget and seeing how it reacts. Does it behave the same? Then a new charger will no longer help you.

Faulty charger

What if the problem why the iPhone 5s does not turn on lies in the charger itself? This is also a fairly harmless option and can be solved by purchasing a new accessory, but how can you test your assumption without spending a pretty penny?

It is best to have a voltmeter and an ammeter with you; they will allow you to accurately determine whether power is being supplied.

Another way to figure out the reason why the device does not start and does not respond to charging is to try the power supply on another device. With the proper experience, you can disassemble the charger and replace the burnt capacitor or resistor yourself, or just buy a new one.

Flashing and viruses

Your phone won't start or work after you downloaded an application from an unknown source or decided to get super user rights? Then the guarantee automatically disappears, according to the agreement you signed when you first started the program, and you will have to get out of the situation yourself.

How to fix a smartphone that has a virus

It is possible to revive such a “brick”, but it will be much more difficult. The main thing, as soon as the iPhone turns off, is not to touch it. Let the gadget discharge completely, then connect it to the PC and see if the computer recognizes it and reacts at least somehow to charging. If everything is fine, then a regular system reset will no longer be enough, and since the Apple product stopped starting after the system was demolished, you need to put it back.

Here it is no longer possible to aggravate the situation; you have essentially erased iOS from permanent memory, so the screen has gone dark and will not turn on. The only solution is to upload it back there.

Since your actions will not aggravate the situation, before paying a specialist, try to fix the gadget yourself. Most of the programs for installing firmware are freely available, but finding licensed firmware is more difficult. Since you tried to reflash the device, all the necessary software is available on the PC and as soon as you find a suitable archive, try to repeat all your previous steps.

What to do if your smartphone is charging but won’t turn on

It’s much more unpleasant if the smartphone shows charging, but is not recognized by the system, then you just have to wait, literally. Set the device aside to completely de-energize the battery. This will take from a couple of days to a week, depending on the amount of the last charge.

Then connect it to the PC again and this time it should be recognized somehow. It doesn't matter if an unknown device or data storage device is seen by your computer. The main thing is that the device is in the system at all - this will be enough for recovery. And if even after a complete discharge nothing happens, then the problem probably lies in the hardware and you need to contact a service center.

What not to do

In a panic, people are capable of doing a lot of stupid things, and when it comes to technology, everything only gets worse. Firstly, do not disassemble the Apple device under any circumstances. Disassembly removes warranty tags, it is almost impossible to disguise scuffs on bolts, and a consultant, hearing the phrase “it won’t start after disassembly,” may well charge a couple of thousand, saying that you damaged some part or bridge while trying to find a breakdown.

Therefore, even if the device has gone out and died, then think about every action you take to repair it, so as not to make it worse. Even if you managed to aggravate the situation, it is better not to mention this to the service center and refer to the original problems with the phone.

There are situations when the iPhone is simply dead, and the owner begins to panic, “why won’t the iPhone turn on” and breaks it, starting to disassemble it and mindlessly tinkering with the circuit boards. Therefore, before carrying out any manipulations, diagnose the cause of the breakdown and carefully study the materials for correcting the breakdown.

And if the accessory suddenly runs out and this is not the first time the device turns off halfway through its charge, feel free to change the battery.

When should you go to a service center?

What to do if you drown it or drop it by hitting it on a hard surface is a separate question. Your task is to make sure there is no hardware failure by inspecting the case for cracks and dents.

Almost any “five” that does not work and does not start due to the user’s fault can be restored, but evaluate the feasibility of this. If replacing the board costs more than a new device, it is better to buy a new smartphone.


We tried to cover in as much detail as possible all the ways to solve the problem. Now, you should roughly understand what “symptoms” indicate what damage and how to correct each of them.

A more visual instruction video is below. Couldn't fix the problem and your Apple device still won't turn on? Then it’s better not to disassemble the gadget, but take it to a service center. Have you found another way out of the situation? Leave a comment and help others who might have the same problem!

See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

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