What is ping in speedtest. Ping how long should it be

Team PING this is probably the most used network utility command line. PING present in all versions of all operating systems with network support and is a simple and convenient means of querying a host by name or its IP address.

A special control message protocol is used to exchange service and diagnostic information on the network. ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol). Team ping allows you to send a control message like Echo Request(type is 8 and is indicated in the ICMP message header) to the addressed node and interpret the response received from it in a form convenient for analysis. The data field of the sent icmp packet usually contains characters of the English alphabet. In response to such a request, the requested node must send an icmp packet with the same data that was received and the message type Echo Reply(the type code in the ICMP header is 0). If any problem occurs during the exchange of icmp messages, the ping utility will display information to diagnose it.

Command line format:

Ping [-t] [-a] [-n number] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r number] [-s number] [[-j Node list] | [-k Nodelist]] [-w timeout] finalName


-t- Continuous sending of packages. Keyboard combinations are used to complete and display statistics Ctrl+Break (statistics output and continuation), and Ctrl+C
(statistics output and completion).-a
- Determining addresses by host names.-n number
- Number of echo requests sent.-l size
- Size of the data field in bytes of the sent request.-f
- Setting a flag that prohibits packet fragmentation.-i TTL
- Setting the lifetime of the package (the "Time To Live" field).-v TOS
- Specifying the type of service (field "Type Of Service").-r number
- Record a route for a specified number of hops.-s number
- Time stamp for the specified number of transitions.-j listNodes
- Free choice of route from a list of nodes. - -k listNodes Tough choice
route according to a list of nodes.-w timeout

- Maximum time to wait for each response in milliseconds.

Examples of using: ping google.com - echo request to a node with the name google.com

with default parameters - the number of packets is 4, the length of the data array = 32 bytes. ping -6 ya.ru - node ping ya.ru

using IPv6 protocol ping -a

ping -s computer ping -6 ya.ru computer from source Used when the computer has several network interfaces.

ping w 5000 ya.ru- ping with a waiting timeout of 5 seconds (default - 4 seconds).

ping -n 5000 -l 1000 site- node polling website 5000 times, in packets with data 1000 bytes long. Acceptable maximum length data - 65500.

ping -n 1 -l 3000 -f ya.ru- ping with packet fragmentation prohibited.

ping -n 1-r 3 ya.ru- send 1 echo request per node - node ping with display of the first 3 transitions along the route.

ping -i 5 ya.ru- ping indicating lifetime TTL=5. If more hops along the route are required to reach the end node, the router that interrupted the delivery will respond with the message “The time to live (TTL) has been exceeded while transmitting the packet.”

  • Using PING to step-by-step diagnose Internet access problems:
  • Generalized connection diagram for a computer (tablet, laptop) home network) with the end node removed can be represented as follows:

    The most common network with IP addresses / is used as the home network. We are talking about IPv4 - IP protocol version 4, where 4 bytes are used for addressing. IP addresses It is customary to represent them as decimal byte values ​​separated by dots. Each device on the network must have its own unique address. In addition to the address, the network settings use mask network (subnet mask). The mask has the same format as the address. The combination of address and mask determines the range of addresses that belong to local network- The first and last addresses in the range are not assigned to individual network devices because they are used as the network address and broadcast address. Usually the router address is set to or This is not a mandatory standard, but is used quite often in practice. The one bits of the mask define permanent part IP addresses of the network, and zero ones are allocated to individual nodes. Meaning 255 is a byte with its bits set to one. The netmask serves as a means of determining the range of IP addresses belonging to the local network. Devices with such addresses are reachable locally, without using routing. Routing is a way of exchanging data with network devices not belonging to a given local network through a special device - router(router, router). Routers are specialized computers with multiple network interfaces and specialized software providing the forwarding of IP packets between the sender and recipient located in different networks. Several routers may participate in such forwarding, depending on the complexity of the route. Home router- the simplest type of router that forwards packets addressed to external networks to the next router in the provider’s network. The next router checks whether the end node's address is reachable locally, and either forwards the data to it or forwards it to the next router according to the route table. This happens until the data reaches the recipient or the packet's lifetime expires.

    The PING command can be used to diagnose individual nodes:

    ping this is the ping of the loopback interface. Should run without errors if installed and in in working condition network software components.

    ping your IP or name- ping to own address or name. Should complete without errors if all IP protocol software is installed and is working properly network adapter.

    ping router IP address- must be performed if the computer’s network card is working, the cable or wireless connection used to connect to the router is working, and the router itself is working. In addition, the IP settings must be such that the address of the computer and the router belong to the same subnet. This is usually the case when network settings are performed automatically using the router's DHCP server.

    ping yandex.ru- poll the node named yandex.ru. If the survey fails, the reason may be not only the lack of communication with the provider’s router, but also the inability to determine the node address yandex.ru due to problems with software name resolution.

    ping poll the node with IP address If polling by address is completed without errors, but polling by name ends with a message about an unknown host, then the problem is in name resolution. The reason may be that the provider's DNS server is not working. In this case, you can try changing it in the network connection settings to public DNS Google servers with addresses and Also, the problem may be caused by poor communication quality with the provider, which is accompanied by too long response times and packet drops.

    ping -t yandex.ru- perform ping before pressing the CTRL+C combination. When you press CTRL+Break, statistics are displayed and the node polling continues.

    Ping -n 1000 -l 500 - ping 1000 times using messages 500 bytes long. Pinging with standard length packets of 32 bytes can be performed without errors, but with long ones - with errors, which is typical for wireless connections at low signal levels in conditions of intense interference.

    Ping -n 1 -r 9 -w 1000 yandex.ru - perform ping 1 time (switch -n 1), issue a route for the first 9 transitions (-r 9), wait for a response 1 second (1000ms)

    As a result of executing this command, the route trace is also displayed:

    Exchange of packages with yandex.ru with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from number of bytes=32 time=36ms TTL=54
    Route: -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: sent = 1, received = 1, lost = 0
    (0% loss)
    Approximate round trip time in ms:
    Minimum = 36ms, Maximum = 36ms, Average = 36ms

    IN in this example, a chain of 9 routers is built between the sender and recipient of the packets. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the version of the utility ping.exe for Windows, the number of transitions can take a value from 1 to 9. In cases where this value is not enough, the command is used tracert

    The absence of an echo response is not always a sign of a problem, since sometimes, for security reasons, some hosts are configured to ignore echo requests sent by PING. An example would be the node microsoft.com and some routers in small ISP networks.

    Using PING in batch files.

    Often, the PING command is used to organize delays in batch files. The loopback interface is pinged indicating desired value packet counter specified by parameter -n. Echo requests are sent at intervals of 1 second, and the response on the loopback interface arrives almost instantly, so the delay will be approximately equal to the counter minus one:

    ping -n 11 delay of 10 seconds.

    The PING command is used in batch files to determine the availability of IP addresses. Since the survey result is not reflected in any way in the ERRORLEVEL variable, instead of analyzing it, a search for certain characteristics is used in the PING standard output data. If you look closely at the messages of the ping.exe program when polling an accessible and inaccessible node, you will notice that they differ significantly

    ping 456.0.0.1- ping to a non-existent address

    The response to such a command may differ from the specific version of the utility, and may be something like this

    The ping failed to find host 456.0.0.1. Check the hostname and try again.

    ping yandex.ru- ping to the yandex.ru node address

    Response to ping of an accessible node:

    Exchange of packages with yandex.ru of 32 bytes:
    Reply from number of bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=55

    Thus, to solve the problem of determining the availability of a node in batch file, it is enough to analyze the characteristic words in the output of ping.exe upon a successful response. Most typical in in this case presence of a word TTL. It is never encountered when an error occurs and consists only of characters from the English alphabet. To search for "TTL" in the results of ping.exe, it is most convenient to chain its execution with the command to search for a string of characters FIND.EXE(ping and find pipeline). If the text is found by the FIND command, then the value of the ERRORLEVEL variable will be equal to 0

    ping -n 1 COMPUTER | find /I "TTL" > nul
    if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto LIVE
    ECHO computer is not available
    unavailable state routine
    :LIVE - start of the subroutine for processing the node's availability status

    In more simple version you can use the commands:

    PING yandex.ru |find "TTL=" && ECHO Yandex pingable- the ECHO command is executed if the ERRORLEVEL value set by FIND is 0, i.e. the node yandex.ru responds to ping.

    PING Server64 |find "TTL=" || ECHO Server64 not pingable- the ECHO command is executed if the ERRORLEVEL value set by FIND is not equal to 0, i.e. node Server64 did not respond to ping.

    What is ping in internet speed? This parameter indicates the delay of the signal from the user’s computer to some server. The value is shown in milliseconds (that's one thousandth of a second). The lower it is in a multiplayer game, the lower the delay on various actions executable in gaming software. Today we’ll take a closer look at how ping is measured, how normal it is, and how it relates to connection speed.

    Ping is influenced by many factors: the stability and speed of the network connection, the range of the server with which data is exchanged, the type of connection, and the congestion of the Internet channel.

    Due to high ping, the game has many control problems, which include the hero’s reaction to the user’s actions or unexpected teleportations of other players. An increase in value may occur due to unstable internet, long distance to the connection node, the functioning of background software, which gives additional load. If the ping speed is low, then everything works fine, there is no need to change anything. If the latency is high, you definitely need to reduce it.

    What is normal ping, and how to find it out? It's quite easy to do this:

    • You can use the command line provided in Windows. Open it;

    • enter the command “ping resource name or IP address” (type “ping gogle.ru”);

    • Information about the immediate delay will appear, as well as the number and % of lost packets.

    What is ping in Internet speed: we use additional commands to check

    You can diagnose signal delay using more complex commands:

    • ping -t allows you to run constant check parameter. This helps determine more exact values or check the stability of the connection over a long period of time;

    • tracert– used to trace to some resource or server. This will help you figure out at what stage you experience a sharp increase in latency or packet loss.

    Other commands will most likely not be needed ordinary users computer, but to view them you can simply enter “ping” or “tracert” in the command line.

    • Deactivate all background applications or utilities that load the Internet;
    • If used Wi-Fi router, you should connect your PC to the network via an Ethernet cable. At full use wireless connection, the signal becomes weaker;
    • Check that there are no kinks, breaks, or twists on the Ethernet cables;
    • Do not use drivers for network cards or routers that come with the operating system; they rarely function correctly. It is better to install software from the developer network card, Wi-Fi adapter or modem;
    • If you use mobile data transmission, you should ensure stable signal quality by installing a modem or 4G router near a window. It is important to choose high-quality USB cables;
    • Download the most new version browser for accessing the network;
    • Regularly check your computer equipment for viruses and other malicious software.

    If all of the above points do not help, you should contact the technical support of your provider, because it does not provide a high-quality Internet connection.

    Reducing ping in games

    The previous instructions will help with this procedure, but there are other methods for reducing ping:

    • Many multiplayer games have a server select feature. There is no need to choose servers that are overloaded or located as far away from you as possible;
    • Use only official gaming software;
    • Eliminate third-party modifications and add-ons, they often seriously load the processor or Internet channel;
    • Sometimes increased ping occurs due to lack of power central processor, in this case, it is necessary to lower the graphics parameters that affect the CPU (the video card is not taken into account here);
    • In the OS antivirus settings, activate " Game Mode", this will stop downloading updates and other background work;
    • For the most dynamic PC games you should not use mobile transmission data. The quality of this connection is not enough for good gameplay, which can lead to a serious increase in performance. Many users are interested in whether ping depends on Internet speed? Of course it depends. So the speed should be maximum.

    What is ping in internet speed? As you can see, the quality of the computer depends on this value. Try to check this indicator regularly and keep it constant.

    Hello friends! Today I’ll tell you how to reduce ping! Those people who play online games constantly ask how to check the ping and how to reduce it. In this article I will tell you in detail what ping is and how to reduce it.

    Ping is the time it takes for information to be sent to the server and returned back. That is, I’m from Odessa and go to the Kiev site, this is the ping time until the information reaches Kyiv and returns back. Typically the ping time depends on your ISP than better speed Internet, the lower the ping will be. By the way, I recently wrote an article about, where I described all the tariffs and benefits. You can watch a video about this.

    When you wander around the Internet, you don’t notice the difference between 20 ping and 150. But people who play online games can immediately pay attention to this. Because online games load the Internet a lot and its speed must be good, then the ping will be good. By the way, you can read here. This is all clear, let's see how to make the ping less.

    How to reduce ping

    In order to reduce ping we need to dig into the registry. To do this, go to Start > Run and enter the regedit command there, after which we will go to the registry, and then we will follow the branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile after double-clicking on NetworkThrottlingIndex there will be “a” ( hexadecimal system calculus), and we need to select ffffffff and click OK.

    After which we restart the computer and we already know how to reduce the ping. I cannot give you a 100% guarantee that the ping will decrease. But if you notice a slowdown in programs or your computer starts to slow down, then change everything. Or read the article

    Ping is the period of time it takes for a computer to respond to a user's request. In other words, this term can be understood as the time interval during which a packet sent from one computer reaches another computer on the network and returns back. The higher the ping, the longer the page will take to open in the browser. But we can still tolerate this shortcoming. The biggest inconvenience is a high ping value for those who like to play computer games online.

    Ping in computer games

    Many novice gamers are interested in what ping is in games and how it manifests itself. This can be clearly explained with an example computer game"Counter Strike". In this first-person shooter game, the gamer controls a soldier while playing with other people on the Internet.

    When the player presses the shoot button, a signal from the game installed on the shooter's computer goes through the network to the player's computer, which controls the character at whom the bullet will land, and then returns back. In case of high ping, this signal will travel its path for a very long time. This will result in the bullet not being fired immediately after pressing the fire button. The opponent will have time to hide, and after a few seconds (depending on the ping value) a shot will be fired.

    What affects response time

    The following factors influence how quickly a signal travels from one computer to another and returns back:

    1. Provider.
    2. Game server.
    3. Server location.
    4. Operating system settings.

    If we talk about the provider, important role The width of the channel and its quality play a role. Of course, quality plays a major role. There are cases when, with a 100-megabit channel, the ping reaches a value of 300 ms, and with a 10-megabit channel - 5 ms. An example would be a highway. From point A to point B it is faster to drive on a flat asphalt road with two lanes than on a six-lane dirt road with big amount yam.

    But don’t discount the channel width. Even with good connection a narrow channel can cause high ping due to simple overloads. Again, a parallel can be drawn with a beautiful road and a highway with a lot of traffic jams.

    Also, the response time may increase simply due to the fact that the server is located very far from the gamer’s computer, and the signal is forced to travel very a long way roundtrip.

    Reasons for high ping

    There are six main reasons for increased ping:

    1. Problems with the Internet provider.
    2. Infection personal computer viruses.
    3. Reinstalling Steam.
    4. Antivirus software and firewall.
    5. Problems on the game server.
    6. Active downloading of content.

    All this can cause long page loading times and lags in online games. If the user is not an avid gamer, but is simply browsing the Internet, he does not even need to know what ping is. In the game, it plays an important role, and knowledge of how to solve this problem is simply necessary.

    The provider has a problem

    In this situation, the user himself cannot do anything. In order to check if the provider has problems, you need to open the command line and enter: ping IP address of the game server. In the case where the response time is more than 100 ms, the reason for the high ping is problems with the Internet service provider.

    There is no other choice but to call the provider and tell about the unpleasant situation that has arisen. Usually this problem is resolved within 24 hours. However technical support can make everything faster and even advise the user what actions should be taken to avoid similar situations in the future.

    If contacting technical support does not help, you should consider changing your provider. You can consult with familiar gamers who do not have problems with ping.


    Very often, the cause of high ping is infection of the operating system with viruses. By mere presence malware the ping in the system will not increase, but this happens when viruses cause the operating system to independently begin downloading large files into hidden mode. It leads to slow work Internet.

    Solving this problem is simple - just download an antivirus and scan your computer for malware, and then remove those found. Situations arise when a virus blocks access to official websites antivirus programs. In such cases, you can either download the file from other websites, or find it on the Internet additional utilities, which are capable of scanning a personal computer.

    If the antivirus is unable to detect malicious file, and the user is sure that the cause of the high ping is a virus, then there is a very radical way solve problems. It consists of reinstalling the operating system. But it comes to such measures very rarely.

    Problems with Steam

    If there high ping at good internet, the reason for this may be incorrect setting Stima. This can happen when the program has been reinstalled and the settings have not been set.

    To solve the problem, you should open the program and go to the “Downloads” tab, which is located in the settings. To fix the problem with a high ping value, you need to select your connection speed. In some cases, it is worth restarting your computer before turning on the game.

    Firewall and downloads

    As mentioned earlier, in order to lower the ping, you need to download an antivirus. However, there are times when it is the antivirus that can cause a slow Internet connection. The problem can be resolved very simply. All you need to do is turn off your antivirus and firewall, but don’t forget to turn them on again before you start surfing the Internet.

    Another reason for high ping may be the active uploading of data to the network or downloading from the network. In this case, you just need to pause the data transfer.

    Service problem

    Very often, the cause of high ping in KS or another online game is a problem in the server. The user cannot solve it.

    In this situation, there is nothing else to do but wait until the server administration independently eliminates the cause of the problem, after which the ping will return to normal. In order not to wait, you can simply change the server for a while.

    Registry manipulation

    This is one of the least effective ways to solve the problem. It involves making some changes to the operating system registry to reduce high ping, which is not advisable. Such actions can cause irreparable damage to the operating system and lead to the need to reinstall it.

    First you need to open the registry and go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile. Then you need to open the file in this folder. In this file the parameter will have the value a. Instead, enter ffffffff. After this, you need to save all changes and restart the computer.

    Checking the connection

    To check ping, you need to open the Start menu and in the list utilities find and open command prompt. You can quickly do this by pressing the combination Win keys+ R. In the window that opens, enter the following text and press Enter: ping server address -n 10.

    You can also find on the Internet special programs, which make it possible to check ping, but using them is strongly not recommended. Everything that is necessary to check the quality of the Internet connection is installed along with the installation of the operating system, and third-party programs can harm the computer by infecting the system with viruses.


    This program can solve the problem of high ping in games. It allows you to increase throughput and reduce response time. CFosSpeed ​​aims to optimize traffic on every Internet connection using two or more data streams.

    This ping lowering program also performs a number of other functions. Firstly, it is able to support high speed the connection works even during active downloads. Secondly, CFosSpeed ​​reduces the number of problems during playback of audio and video files.

    One of latest updates version for smartphones, the program was optimized, which significantly improved the quality mobile internet. Trial CFosSpeed ​​version available for 30 days, after which you must purchase the program.

    Reducing ping in Counter Strike 1.6 using CS Ping

    The game "Counter Strike" is one of the most popular in the world. And many gamers are wondering how to reduce ping to a minimum. The great popularity of the shooter was the reason why a large number of programmers began to develop programs to lower ping. One of these is CS Ping.

    The size of the utility is just over one megabyte. The operating principle of CS Ping involves installing the correct config automatically. The program generates a config depending on the computer data.

    After downloading, you need to copy all the files to the game folder and run the program. In the window that opens, you need to go to the config and click “Show”. After this, CS Ping will automatically create settings that need to be copied and pasted into the game settings file, replacing the existing configuration.

    Ping optimization in WoT

    World of Tanks is another very popular online game all over the world, and long time response is very annoying for many gamers. Leatrix latency Fix is ​​a program for lowering ping that initially supported WoT, but over time the developers expanded the list of supported games, which included such popular products as Warface and Point Black.

    In order to lower your ping using this program, you just need to download and install it. After that, you can open the game and enjoy it. In many games, the ping decreases by about half.


    This is a utility that makes it possible to check whether a personal computer or laptop has the rights to connect to the server.

    To open Telnet on a device running a Microsoft operating system, go to the Control Panel and select “Turn features on or off.” In the menu that opens, check the box next to Telnet client. Then you need to open the Start menu, find the command line and enter the following text: telnet site address 25.


    Ping lowering software is not a panacea. Lovers computer online games They are trying in every possible way to eliminate the problem of high ping, if any. And very often they resort to installing third-party programs. This is not recommended because similar software may harm your computer.

    Much more effective way is manual setting ping. Also, very often the ping can be increased due to problems with the provider. Contacting your Internet service provider is the most effective way to reduce ping. Third party programs really capable of reducing response time or at least eliminating spikes in ping. However, not all of them are safe. Even if installing such a program does not infect operating system viruses, similar utilities can steal user personal data. Therefore, before installing such dubious programs, you should think about whether it is worth it and try to find another way to solve the problem.

    Internet ping directly affects connection speed. Thus, one of the methods for diagnosing the quality of a connection to the World Wide Web is checking the ping. If it turns out that the problem is precisely this parameter, users are trying in every way to lower their ping. Many people reinstall the system or change providers. But is it worth resorting to such radical measures? How to check ping and internet speed?

    This concept refers to the reaction time of an Internet connection and is its characterizing feature. In simple terms, the parameter shows how quickly the client computer sends a request to the server and receives a response. The indicator is measured in milliseconds. Checking ping and internet speed means assessing the quality of your internet connection. This check compares the number of sent and received packets.

    In order to understand what the Internet ping should be, there may be different reasons. Some people check the indicator purely out of interest, while others collect statistical data. The main reason for checking ping is, as a rule, poor quality of the Internet connection. You can understand that the speed of your connection to the World Wide Web leaves much to be desired by the following signs: * pages load too slowly; * Internet connection is interrupted every now and then; * media files are not loaded, errors appear; * online games slow down and crash. What should be the normal Internet ping? So, a high Internet ping determines slow speed connections.

    Diagnostics of connection quality before problems arise can also be carried out in the following cases: 1. To determine gaming service. For some users, the online gaming industry is a way to earn money. It would be better to “ping” the server in advance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. 2. To select resources for posting information. To implement the project, hosting is required. The service is available in a variety of variations in World Wide Web, but making a choice can be difficult. One of the indicators of the quality of a hosting provider is the ability to access your own information resource at any time without interruption. 3. In order to know how the ping of your own electronic resource is determined in other countries.

    The definition of what ping is on the Internet and the factors influencing the indicator can be combined into three categories: 1. Distance. The more intermediaries there are between the points of sending and receiving information, the longer the geographic distance of the server from the client computer. 2. Workload. The ping value increases in direct proportion to the number of simultaneously running online applications. 3. Equipment. A significant factor determining the quality of the connection is the technology with which it is achieved. By the way, this statement applies to both the server and the client computer. The type of connection will also influence the speed in a certain way: direct, wireless, modem. Depending on the devices (modem, wi-fi router), the speed will also be different.

    In order to determine what the Internet ping should be, you first need to check the indicator for own computer. The pinging method depends on where the indicator will be diagnosed. If the procedure is carried out for personal purposes, then you can use the following method: 1. Select the key combination Win+R. 2. Enter in command line command cmd, 3. After clicking OK, type the word ping. 4. After pressing the space bar, enter the website address. 5. After pressing Enter, all the information will be displayed on the screen.

    If the number of packets sent is equal to the number of packets received, then this is a normal ping for the Internet. For optical fiber, this figure should be one hundred milliseconds. With this value, no critical changes in the operation of the Internet will be noticeable. A ping of up to one hundred and fifty milliseconds is considered acceptable, above that is a problem that needs to be solved.

    In order to find out what the Internet ping should be, various online services are used. Ease of access, wait times and other information can be obtained to further analyze your own information resource. By the way, the statistics include users from all corners of the Earth.

    There are several online services for testing ping, the most common of which are the following: * Ping-admin. This service is used by people all over the world and provides information on accessing various electronic resources for computers that can be located anywhere. To use the resource, you need to enter the address of the site you are interested in and press Enter. *

    It is logical that after testing (especially if the results of the parameter evaluation did not satisfy the user), the question arises of how to reduce the Internet ping. Basically, advice on changing this indicator is given by avid gamers, because they are the ones who most often struggle with lowering ping. From general recommendations The following tips can be highlighted: 1. To make the ping value minimal for visitors to your own web resource, you need to carry out segmentation. This means that it is necessary to select from all site visitors target audience. You should determine the geographic location of users and select a server that provides hosting services in the required region. 2. In order to remember as little as possible what ping is on the Internet, you need to unload the Internet channel. This means simply closing useless applications. 3. Carrying out the defragmentation procedure. Ping depends not only on technical characteristics devices, but also on the order in the computer. The work will be faster if the files accessed by the program are arranged in an orderly manner. 4. Selecting an Internet provider that provides the best quality services. 5. Use of proxy servers. Danger this method reducing the ping rate is the possible loss of some data packets. The ping value is important characteristic the quality of the Internet connection and the comfort of working at the computer. Sometimes testing is necessary for preventive purposes. If obvious problems appear, you should use one or more methods to lower the ping.