The Windowssystem32configsystem file is damaged or missing. Quick solution to “Windows can’t start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\config\system file is corrupted or missing” error in Windows XP

The message that the Windows\system32\config\system file is damaged causes real panic among some users. You can understand them - damage to the registry can hardly be called a pleasant event. However, you shouldn’t worry too much: you can try to recover the files.

The main difficulty in eliminating such an error is the inability to start the system. Therefore, there are not many options for fixing it, but they still exist, so try to restore it windows file system32 config system every user can.

Before you start using additional software and replacement damaged file, try more easy way– download latest successful configuration systems.

You shouldn't rely on this method, but sometimes it helps solve the problem.

When choosing this Windows operations will attempt to replace existing configuration files with the data that previously provided correct loading. If this error correction option does not help, you can move on to other recovery tools.

File recovery

Restoring Windows\System32\config\system to general outline is a replacement for a damaged file from backup folder"Repair"

This procedure can be performed in several ways, the features of which will be described below.

If you are using Windows XP, try returning workable configuration using the recovery console.

CHKDSK will scan the disk, look for errors, and try to fix them. After rebooting, check if the system starts working. If not, move on to the next method.

ERD Commander

Since you can’t get into the Windows system, you’ll have to use the mode ERD Commander and try to restore the file through it.

After restarting the computer, try logging into Windows again - the error about the presence of a damaged file should no longer appear.

Manually replacing files

All points Windows recovery XP are stored in System directory Volume Information\restore(E9F1FFFA-7940-4ABA-BEC6- 8E56211F48E2)\RP\snapshot. Here you can also find working registry files and replace damaged data from the System32\Config folder with them.

A similar replacement can be made from another system directory– the “Repair” folder, which contains backup copies of the registry created during Windows installations. The main disadvantage of this method is the need to reinstall some programs, since information about them will not be in the new registry.

Command line

If you don't have a LiveCD or installation flash drive, you can try to restore the system using command line. To get into it, press the F8 key when starting your computer and select “Safe Mode with Command Line Support.”

The main thing when using the command line is to correctly specify the drive letter on which the operating system is installed. This is usually the C: drive, but there may be other options (D, E).

To replace, you need to enter several commands sequentially:

    1. Backup: copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\system32\config\system.bak.
    2. Deleting a damaged file: delete c:\windows\system32\config\system.
    3. Restoring from a backup: copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system.

All files from the “config” folder are restored in a similar way - you just need to replace the “system” value at the end of the command with “software” or, for example, “sam”.

After rebooting, the computer should start normally, without displaying a message about corrupted system files.

Hello! Help me please. When you turn on the computer, it gives the following error: “Windows could not start, perhaps this was due to a recent change in the hardware or software configuration” and the reboot begins. And so on in a circle. I never found any restore points. What to do?

Expert answer:

Hello, Nikita! This error, in its essence and difficulty of elimination, is in many ways similar to the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).

Option 1

The error text also contains standard recommendations for troubleshooting, which unfortunately do not always help, but it’s worth a try. To do this, insert the installation disk into your computer or bootable USB flash drive With operating system"Windows". Next, you should simply follow the installer’s recommendations to install and fix damaged files and boot sectors.

Option 2

If unsuccessful, try again bootstrap operating system, press the “F8” button to access the “ Extra options downloads". this section It is worth paying attention to two points “System Restore” and “Safe Mode”. “System Restore” is carried out by analogy with the steps described in “Option 1”. “Safe Mode” - the operating system will boot with minimal “baggage”, which allows you to bypass errors and load the OS (not always). If you managed to boot into Safe Mode, open “Start” - “Accessories” - “System Tools” - “System Restore” and “roll back” the state of the operating system to the last successful configurations.

Option 3

The error text contains the line “Status”, opposite which the error code is indicated, the most common is “0xc000000f”. The elimination methods are the same as described above; in addition, try the following:
  • When you turn on the computer, depending on the model, hold down the “BIOS” key - this can be “F2”, “F10”, “DEL”.
  • Find the section " Hard Disk Drivers", with two lines active, highlight the first and press "Enter".
  • The second line is called “SATA: 4S-WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0” and it is this line that should be moved to the first place using function keys“+/-” or “up/down arrows”.
Save your changes and wait until you reboot. Unfortunately, general recommendations This ends here; as a final piece of advice, you can reinstall the Operating System. And in order to save the data on the media, you can temporarily move the media to another computer and transfer everything you need or not format it when installing the OS.

File Windows\system32\config\system damaged or missing, you and I may receive such a message during the initial phase of loading the operating system. The error occurs when serious damage registry I’ll tell you right away there are few ways to fix this problem, but they exist. The main difficulty is that you cannot boot the operating system. I'll give you four ways to fix this problem, but you'll need a Windows XP installation disk or an ERD Commander disk, or at worst a simple Live CD.

  1. First of all, this problem occurs due to many errors on the hard drive, try using the CHKDSK C: / R command in the recovery console, the errors will be corrected and your system may boot. You can also remove your HDD and connect to another system unit, then from another Windows check your system partition for errors, you can read the full article on using the utility
  2. You can boot from the ERD Commander disk and try to apply a system restore. By the way, the disk system administrator ERD Commander can help out in other ways too difficult situations, read full article about this tool.
  3. Another way. If you had system recovery enabled, then you will need an ERD Commander disk or any Live CD. This is the point. We all know that Windows XP stores restore points in the folder
  4. Last option. If system recovery was disabled for you, then you need to replace your damaged registry files with files from the C:\Windows\repair folder, this folder contains backup copies of your registry created by the operating system during its installation, this can be done using any Live CD .
  5. Now about each method in detail.

File Windows\system32\config\system

To implement the first method, we need a Windows XP installation disk, so we boot into the recovery console. Those who don’t know how to do this can read our article. In the recovery console, let’s check our system disk(C:) for errors. At the start of loading from installation disk Windows XP, the screen will display “ Press any key to boot from CD...”, press any key at once, otherwise the message will disappear within 10 seconds and boot from installation Windows XP won't happen.

To restore Windows XP using the recovery console, press R

Enter the administrator password. Enter the administrator password. If there is no password, then press Enter on the keyboard.
When using the Chkdsk program in the Windows XP Recovery Console, they mainly use the /R parameter, which includes the functions of another /P parameter. Therefore, we will use the /R parameter
Enter Chkdsk command/r
and press Enter, the hard drive is checked for errors.

Second way.

To implement the second method of eliminating the error The Windows\system32\config\system file is damaged or missing We need an ERD Commander disk, we boot from the disk.
Click start, then system tools System Tools->System Restore and select system restore. Select a system restore point and restore.

Third way.

We all know that Windows XP stores restore points in a folder

System Volume Information\restore(E9F1FFFA-7940-4ABA-BEC6- 8E56211F48E2)\RP\ snapshot , and so, the folder highlighted in red contains intact registry files. We need to copy these files and replace the damaged registry files with them from the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder
We boot from the ERD Commander disk or any Live CD; if you are working from the ERD Commander disk, we do not connect to the system, that is, at the beginning of loading the ERD Commander disk, select (None), otherwise you will not be able to replace the registry files.

go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\Config. Use the slider to open the full file name and delete (Delete) damaged registry files. Before deleting, you can copy them somewhere just in case, you never know.

System Volume Information\restore(E9F1FFFA-7940-4ABA-BEC6- 8E56211F48E2)\RP\ snapshot , select the files, right-click and select Copy to…


Now we paste these files in place of the deleted ones in the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder.
Select the folder C:\Windows\System32\Config and click OK. Backup files registries are copied to replace damaged ones. Then we go to the Config folder and rename them, deleting the unnecessary ones - REGISTRY_MACHINE \, thereby leaving new registry files SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM.

Fourth method
You can also replace your damaged registry files with files from the C:\Windows\repair folder; this folder contains backup copies of your registry created by the operating system during its installation; this can be done using the ERD Commander disk or any Live CD. But be aware that some of your applications will refuse to work and will have to be reinstalled, since the system state will be shown at the time of installation.

Backup copies of the registry files created during the installation of Windows XP are located in the repair folder located at

C:\Windows\repair . We go into it, select and copy Copy command to... the registry files we need SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM,

Then go to the folder C:\Windows\System32\Config, select it and click OK.

Backup registry files replace damaged ones. Replace file?

We agree - Yes

Typically, the system32/config/system error occurs when registry files are deleted or fatally damaged, which is especially true in XP. Or rather, important system files.

An error in these files prevents Windows from booting. And when I try to download, a message appears: Windows cannot start because it is missing or corrupted.:

next file


To restore this file, run the installer... Sometimes this message appears instead blue screen

with error code STOP: c0000218.

The recovery method described below saves everything installed files and programs.

You will need an installation CD or USB Windows. If you don't have a disk drive, create one Rufus program installation USB.

Set your computer to boot from CD or USB.

When this is done, restart your PC and...

If you are using CD.

When you see a message to boot from the installation disk, press any key. If you don't have time, reboot your PC and try again.

If you are using USB.

If bootable usb, created by Rufus, a message will appear asking you to press any key to boot from USB. Quickly press any key. Again, if you didn’t have time, restart your PC and try again.

After that Windows installer will begin downloading files and drivers. Then a blue screen will appear, with 3 options.

To open the Recovery Console, press the R key on your keyboard. Click. A little further a black window will appear.

Wait for the line where it will be displayed:

Which Windows installations you want to include in the session (to cancel, press ENTER).

This line displays a list of all installed Windows. Typically there is only one system in this list, written as 1: C:\Windows.

Write down the number of the Windows installation you want to restore. In general, squeak the number 1 and press ENTER.

If you have multiple Windows installed, select the appropriate number (2, 3, 4, etc.).

(May not be needed) Enter your Windows password, and press ENTER. If there is no password, just ENTER.

(press ENTER after each command)

copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\tmp\system.bak

A message may appear indicating that the file was copied or not found. In any case, continue.

copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\tmp\software.bak

copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\tmp\sam.bak

copy c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\windows\tmp\security.bak

copy c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\windows\tmp\default.bak

delete c:\windows\system32\config\system

delete c:\windows\system32\config\software

delete c:\windows\system32\config\sam

delete c:\windows\system32\config\security

delete c:\windows\system32\config\default

copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system

copy c:\windows\repair\software c:\windows\system32\config\software

copy c:\windows\repair\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam

copy c:\windows\repair\security c:\windows\system32\config\security

copy c:\windows\repair\default c:\windows\system32\config\default

In the black window, type EXIT and press ENTER. The computer will reboot.

Now during restart, press any key and boot Windows from your hard drive, not from CD/USB.

What to do next.

Driver update.

Download and update the driver motherboard. Also update device drivers (printer, webcam or others). Look for them on the manufacturer's website.

Windows update.

Login Start – Control Panel - Windows Update and install all critical and important updates.

If after fixing errors in system32/config/system the computer still seems to be faulty, use the migration tool to Windows data backup copy hard drive. Then format your PC and reinstall Windows.

If a user has a problem when Windows 7 does not start on a computer or laptop, then this article will help solve this difficult problem. Starting Windows 7 is sometimes impossible due to errors occurring in the system after hardware problems, incorrectly installed software, malicious utilities and so on.

But the most common reason why Windows 7 sometimes won’t load lies in the operating system itself.


In the case when all the initial stages Windows launch 7 on a PC or laptop runs fine, but Windows 7 still doesn’t start completely, which usually confuses novice users. Although if available detailed instructions, the question: “What to do?” will not appear even for beginners. If the problem is caused by hardware failure, then it will be indicated by a signal from the laptop speaker or desktop computer during POST test. If this is the case, then the OS will not start.

But if the problem is of a software nature and the process stops at the stage Windows downloads 7, this means that the user has encountered the most common problem that can be solved using an algorithm of typical actions.

Instructions for action

You must use an OS recovery tool. During the PC startup process, if Windows 7 does not start, the system often recommends that the owner of the computer or laptop select boot options. If for some reason such an offer has not been received, then the user can independently open this menu by clicking on the “F8” button. Then proceed to "Sevens".

What to do if the above instructions did not solve the problem?

To fix the problem when Windows 7 does not start, you need to use a CD with the OS:

  1. Insert the installation disk into the PC drive;
  2. Start the system from the disk (in the BIOS the appropriate order for booting the system from media must be set);
  3. In the window that appears, click on “Apply recovery functions that resolve OS boot problems” and click on “Next”;
  4. Then in the “OS Recovery Options” menu, click on “Startup Repair”;
  5. Wait until the system analysis is completed and the causes of failures are eliminated;
  6. Reboot the PC;
  7. In BIOS, set the system to start with hard drive (When exiting the BIOS, be sure to save the adjustments made);
  8. Restart the computer again;
  9. Ready! Windows 7 will now boot normally.

Using the command line

If for some reason it was not possible to restore Windows using the installation disk, then there is another way to do this through the command line.

First you need to take the steps indicated in the recovery paragraph normal loading"Sevens". The only change is that you just need to specify the section “Command Line” in the menu.

What to do when you fail to achieve a positive result by following the above instructions?

If success was not achieved and the user has already reached this part of the article, then the problem cannot be classified as a typical failure of a bootable OS distribution. It'll take everything further actions do it safely Windows mode. It is recommended to analyze drive “C” for the appearance of broken clusters.

To login " safe mode» you must do the following:

Why are preventive measures important?

Windows 7 has a special system that can make special reference points, with the help of which, if necessary, it is restored. By using this protection function, even a novice user can always easily return the OS to a working state.

For example, in case of failures due to incorrect installation of applications, drivers and other utilities such as codecs, or when errors occur due to adjustments being made to the registry.

It should be noted that in “Seven” it is possible to allocate a fixed amount of memory on the hard drive specifically for such protection of the operating system. Implementation available in Windows 7 self-configuration protect files along with system data, or you can do this separately.