Where to find the sheet orientation in Word. How to make a book page in Word: Several original ways

Portrait and landscape orientation are used to indicate the type of paper in which it will be presented to the viewer. If the paper is presented as in a letter with the short side at the top it is called portrait or portrait, and when the long side of the sheet is at the top, for example, as when printing a slide from a slide show, the sheet orientation is called landscape or landscape(see diagram on the right).

Paper began to be called this because in books and albums the sheets were often placed exactly as in the diagram.

How to change sheet orientation from portrait to landscape and vice versa in Word

In real life, it is enough to rotate the sheet 90 degrees to the left or right. But in the Microsoft Office environment, changing the sheet orientation is more difficult. Go to “Page Layout>Orientation>Portrait or Landscape”:

Change sheet orientation in Word from portrait to landscape

Using the terms Portrait and Landscape orientation

You may sometimes hear terms such as “A4 book size” or “A3 landscape sheet”, but using these terms is technically incorrect since sheet sizes do not change depending on orientation. It is better to use “A4 Portrait Size” or “A3 Landscape Size” to make your intentions clearer.

Stapling Portrait and Landscape Sheets

All books are published in horizontal or vertical format. Most books are glued together on the left side of the sheet in portrait orientation along the long side, this ensures that they are stronger and more durable. If books are stitched along the short edge, it is considered to be in landscape orientation.

Using the instructions below, you can learn how to make a book page in Word (for different versions of the program), in case your pages are displayed in landscape format.

Competent work with such a large word processor as MS Word requires the user to have knowledge of document formatting.

The portrait orientation of a document page is also called portrait - the text on the sheet is printed from bottom to top, and the height of the page must be greater than its width.

Classic documents (various reports, term papers and diploma papers, abstracts, etc.) are usually printed on sheets of portrait orientation.

Changing orientation in Word 2003

This version of Word is older and is no longer supported by Microsoft.

Some new editor formats may not be reflected correctly, and as a result, almost all file formatting may be lost.

Quite often, the page mode setting also gets confused - instead of portrait, it becomes landscape, and vice versa.

Also, the text moves beyond the document margins, so the file may require additional formatting and restoration.

Since the interface of this version of the program is somewhat different from the new versions, it is necessary to consider in more detail how to change the page to a book page.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Create a standard document and open it;
  • In the main program window, select “File” and open the options window. It will look like this;
  • The window consists of several tabs with which you can adjust the settings of document sheets. Find the Orientation field. It is located in the "Fields" tab. Select portrait as shown in the image above. Click OK.

In this version of Word, you can also control how the layout of sheets is applied to the entire document.

To do this, in the sample field, set the application mode: to the entire file or only to its individual pages.

Advice! When creating a document in portrait orientation, you may need to adjust the margins. They can also be configured in the document page formatting window. This is especially useful when creating cheat sheets.

Changing orientation in Word 2007

This version of the word processor from Microsoft has an updated interface that is more open and user-friendly.

Due to the fact that the program supports most of the new file formats with office documents, you can open them without encountering formatting problems, as often happens in earlier versions of the program.

To change the page orientation in this version of the program, follow the instructions below:

  • Go to the page layout tab, which is located on the toolbar in the program window;
  • Select the "Orientation" field and open the drop-down list;

  • You will be offered two options for possible layouts. Select bookstore. All pages will automatically accept the selected option. If necessary, adjust the document margin sizes so that the text does not extend beyond the page.

Make book orientation in Word 2010 and 2013

New versions of Word are practically no different in interface from the previous version.

However, when you try to change the page layout, the margins are automatically adjusted so that the text does not extend beyond the page.

To change the page mode, open the layout tab, select “Orientation” and in the drop-down list, click on book page view.

This process is shown in the figure below.

Creating landscape and book pages in the same document

To set up display of both portrait and landscape orientation in one document, follow the instructions:

  1. Select all the text you want to change;
  2. In the markup tab, select “Fields” and use the drop-down list to go to the document custom fields window;
  3. Select portrait orientation and in the Apply box select “to the end of the document.” Click OK.

The selected pages will have portrait orientation; to set up landscape for other selected pages, use the instructions above, only select landscape in the orientation column.

Using the same principle, you can make only 1 page portrait or landscape. Select the required page and customize its appearance according to the example shown in the figure.

Also, after all the manipulations,

Many users, working in a text editor, often do not know how to make a landscape sheet in Word, that is, change the page orientation from portrait to landscape. Often, this needs to be done when we need to place an inscription, drawing or graph on one page that does not fit the width of the book sheet. To do this, you need to change the page orientation to landscape. You will find how to do this in this article. By the way, since not all users keep up with the times and have not updated their MS Office to the latest version, we will look at how to complete the task in different releases of MS Word.

To begin with, I propose to consider how to complete the task assigned to us in MS Word 2003, since its interface is very different from subsequent releases. If you have this version of the product, then do the following:

After this, the settings are applied to the entire document.

How to make a landscape sheet in Word version 2007 and higher.

If you are a more advanced user and have already updated your Microsoft software package a long time ago, you have probably noticed that the interface of the new versions has been quite redesigned and has a ribbon menu structure. If you have not yet had time to familiarize yourself with all the functions of MS Word, and you definitely need to know how to make a landscape sheet in 2017, then we take the following steps:

After these steps, all pages of the document will take the form of a landscape sheet.

We make landscape orientation for some pages of the document.

Very often, when writing reports, abstracts, term papers and dissertations, when placing in a document any drawings, graphs or other data that do not fit in width on a book sheet, you need to rotate this sheet. If above we looked at options for how to make a landscape view for the entire document, now we will look at how to apply the settings to only one sheet. I suggest you familiarize yourself with two settings options.

First way:

After the changes have been made, you will see that only the document pages we selected have adopted landscape orientation.

Second way.

The second way to create landscape pages involves using the Breaks function. To implement this method, do the following:

After saving the settings, the specified section will have landscape page orientation.

Let's summarize.

Today we looked in detail at how to make a landscape sheet in Word. I hope that this small instruction helped you get the desired result. And in the future you can easily change the orientation of both individual pages in the document and all of them. I believe that the information in this article will be relevant for many students and schoolchildren who have the goal of writing a report, essay or any other work, but are poorly familiar with the functions of a text editor.

Working in the word processor "Word" - formatting not only text, but also all pages. You can change the layout of a sheet in Word using standard program functions.

How to turn a page in Microsoft Word 2010

You can apply styles to a file created in Word and create unique formatting. Using a word processor, you can save time creating any type of document.

Standard document page format

By default, the program is set to portrait document orientation - the page is turned vertically towards the user. Most files are formatted on book pages: reports, coursework and dissertations, abstracts, reports, books and others.
Sometimes, in order to place a table or three-dimensional picture, a page is made in landscape orientation. Changing the position of the sheet is available in the Word program. Landscape orientation accommodates large illustrations and diagrams.

Let's look at how to flip a sheet in Word and how to make one sheet landscape in a word processor.

The easiest and fastest way to make landscape orientation in the program

Let's consider the process of changing the position using the example of Word 2013, a common updated word processor. To make a landscape view in Word, follow the instructions:

  • Find the tab for page layout on the toolbar;
  • the change occurs by clicking on the drop-down list in the “Orientation” field. Select the landscape version of the page. After completing this action, everything in the open file will become landscape;
Fig 1. In the orientation field, select portrait or landscape

You can also set landscape orientation in Word using the Page Options window. Click on the options icon as shown in the image below:

Fig 2. Second method of change, through the parameters window

A window will open for detailed editing of the open file format.

Fig 3. Editing the format in the page settings

The following sheet parameters can be changed in the window: position of pages, difference in headers and footers, width and height of margins, beginning and end of sections and paper size. To flip a sheet horizontally in Word, select landscape orientation.

Quite often in my work I have had to deal with a seemingly simple question. How to rotate one of the pages horizontally when creating a document in Microsoft Word, i.e. how to make one page of a document landscape? However, the remaining pages should remain in portrait orientation.

Usually, colleagues created a second document separately, made one landscape page in it, and after printing they inserted this page into the main document. But this is not very convenient.

In this article I will tell you how to make one page in Word landscape without leaving the document and without making unnecessary manipulations.

Let's say we are creating a new document. Our first page should be portrait (vertical), the second should be landscape (horizontal), and the third and subsequent pages should be portrait again.

1. Open a new Microsoft Word document. The cursor must be on the first page. In the top toolbar, select the tab "Page Layout" - "Breaks" - "Next Page"

2. A new page will appear in vertical orientation with a blinking cursor in the first line. Let's go to the point "Page Layout" - "Orientation" - "Landscape". Our second page has become landscape.

3. It remains to make the third and subsequent pages of vertical orientation. We already know the algorithm of actions. The cursor is on the second page. Click on the top menu tab "Page Layout" - "Breaks" - "Next Page".

4. Page 3 will appear, in landscape orientation for now. Let's go to the point "Page Layout" - "Orientation" - "Portrait".

Now all subsequent pages will be in vertical orientation.

In this way, you can rotate pages in a document as many times as you like. Thank you for your attention. I hope this article will help you.