Using gadgets in education as a tool of SMART technologies. Gadgets at school: pros and cons

The use of gadgets in education as a means of motivating modern primary school students.

Kadushkina Natalya Vladimirovna

Primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4 of Maloyaroslavets

Nowadays, people actively use gadgets. This activity is increasing rapidly every year.

Young people are the main users of gadgets; in the field of education, gadgets provide great amount new opportunities designed to improve the learning process and make it more fun.

Getting an education is one of the most important stages in a person’s life, which determines his future. The world does not stand still - it is developing, and at a very fast pace. And the faster the changes occur in modern world, those better people realize the importance modern education and knowledge of current technologies. New technologies could not help but affect the sphere of education.

In the field of teaching, electronic devices provide such opportunities as:

  • make learning activities more meaningful;
  • make the educational process more attractive and modern;
  • do educational information more interesting by attracting visual images;
  • make the lesson visual and dynamic;
  • improve the quality of education, increase children's motivation to study.

It is no secret to many that for a person to work effectively, he needs motivation.

Motive – this is what the activity is for. (Lidiya Ilyinichna Bozhovich.)

Motivation – a complex mechanism for a person to correlate external and internal factors of behavior, which determines the occurrence, direction, and method of carrying out activities. (Lidiya Ilyinichna Bozhovich)

Likewise, motivation plays a very important role in studying. important role, the student must understand why he needs to learn the subject. He must have a strong desire and a clear understanding of what he will receive after mastering new material and consolidating the old. If the motivation is very deep, then such students, with such motivation, are much easier to teach. Their thought processes begin to flow more actively, they become interested in the material, and they perceive information more efficiently and quickly. The student develops a need for this information and this knowledge.

It is known that the most effective method teaching is a visual demonstration and simultaneous explanation of the material being studied. Classic and integrated lessons, accompanied by multimedia presentations, on-line tests and software products, allow students to deepen the knowledge acquired previously. Using animation in slides allows the teacher to give students a more vivid idea of ​​what they heard in the lesson. Students enjoy immersing themselves in the lesson material. Increased motivation and cognitive activity is achieved through a variety of forms of work, the possibility of including a game moment: if you solve the examples correctly, open the picture, insert all the letters correctly - you will move closer to the goal of the fairy-tale hero. Gadgets give the teacher new opportunities, allowing him and his student to enjoy the exciting process of learning, not only expanding the walls of the school classroom with the power of imagination, but with the help latest technologies allows you to immerse yourself in a bright, colorful world. This activity causes an emotional uplift in children; even lagging students are willing to work with gadgets.

gadget (English gadget - gizmo, device, device, trinket) a device designed to facilitate and improve human life.

All gadgets can be equipped different applications in all academic subjects.

Phone, PDA, netbook, laptop, tablet, e-reader - this is not the entire list of gadgets that can provide invaluable assistance in teaching any subject. Today, many educational institutions, including ours, make extensive use of interactive whiteboards, which have already proven to be highly effective. Experts in the field of education, after a number of studies, have come to the conclusion that the effectiveness of learning when using gadgets increases many times over. Also, the use of various gadgets significantly increases the interest of students in studying a particular subject. New devices allow you to use computer applications during the learning process and work with them, write and draw using special electronic markers, and also save all the results of your work on a computer or on any medium. In addition, it becomes possible to use appropriate Internet services.

Laptop . It is very convenient to use it in lessons during repetition and consolidation of material. I use it in Russian language lessons and mathematics lessons.

Each textbook has an electronic appendix

Smartphone . This is a gadget that a child will never part with. Here is one of its uses. In the surrounding world, grade 2 of the educational complex "School of Russia" we have the topic "Indoor plants". A group of three girls, using a smartphone, and later a laptop, created a presentation “The World of Indoor Plants” and presented it in class. However, they did not stop there. They decided to make this topic the theme of their project work. Our school has a program projects are protection design work at the end of the academic year, as well as scientifically practical conference"Science Day", which takes place annually on April 1 for students in grades 2-11. The girls continue to work on this project, and now they are studying the stage of replanting indoor plants, and are also filming a video about it. And in computer science lessons we are now learning how to make a video and insert it into a presentation.

Extracurricular activities provide us with great help in working on projects - “I’m learning to create a project” by R.I. Sizova, R.F. Selimova. We have been working on it for the second year now. In these classes, we get acquainted with the concept of a project, learn to formulate themes, tasks, and goals of our projects. We learn to work with various sources of information. And of course, we do all this using various gadgets, in this case we'll talk about laptops and PCs. This year we are getting acquainted with various mini-projects of children. One of them was a mini-project of the boy Arseny in task No. 4 “Choosing assistants in working on the project” - “My Dream House”. We were asked to create our dream home. To complete this task, we turned to the PervoLogo 4.0 program, with which we have been working for the second year. Working with this program is our overall class, long-term project.

1. At first we just learned to draw.

2. Now we are learning to design. Create pictures.

3. At the next stage we will learn to revive our heroes. They will walk, fly, jump, run.

4. And the last stage, which is also the product of our project, is the creation of a cartoon - we will come up with a plot ourselves, we will create and voice it ourselves.

Tablet . As already mentioned, you can install all kinds of educational applications on gadgets. One of my class's favorite applications is the UCHI.RU application. Olympics that this one offers educational portal, we perform at school (laptop). But children successfully complete subject cards with tasks at home. A gadget such as a tablet (iPad) helps them with this. The tablet often serves as a library, in which all educational literature is available and you can find any book to read.

To summarize the above, it should be noted that one of the advantages of using gadgets in teaching is improving the quality of education due to the novelty of the activity and interest in working with gadgets. The use of ICT in lessons significantly increases its effectiveness, speeds up the process of preparing for a lesson, allows the teacher to fully express his creativity, provides clarity, attracts a large number of didactic material, increases the amount of work performed in the lesson by 1.5–2 times.

Having understood everything functionality gadgets, we can confidently say that this is a universal tool for accessing additional resources for mastering secondary school subjects.

Gadgets do not replace live communication with a teacher and other sources of information, but given children’s interest in the Internet, they increase interest in studying the subject.

Thank you for your attention and good luck with your creative endeavors!


1. Article “The role of gadgets in educational process students."



4. Official representation Samsung on the Internet. [ Electronic resource] // Access mode

5. Official representation of HTC on the Internet. [Electronic resource]//Access mode


Slide captions:

The use of gadgets in education as a means of motivating modern primary school students. Natalya Vladimirovna Kadushkina, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, Maloyaroslavets November 16, 2017

Opportunities: make learning activities more meaningful; make the educational process more attractive and modern; make educational information more interesting by attracting visual images; make the lesson visual and dynamic; improve the quality of education, increase children's motivation to study.

A motive is something for which an activity is carried out. (L.I. Bozhovich.) Motivation is a complex mechanism for a person to correlate external and internal factors of behavior, which determines the occurrence, direction, and method of carrying out activities. (L.I. Bozhovich)


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Every parent has thought about the question: which tablet to choose for their child. But not everyone asks themselves at what age they can start using it. Introducing children to a smartphone or tablet is natural in our time, but it must be rational and measured. Gadgets are, on the one hand, a toy, and on the other, a means of development. And children develop in the direction that interactive application developers offer them.

Why are tablets so attractive to children?

Tablets are attractive because they cater to the need for gaming. Vivid visualizations, expressive images, change of scenery, mobility of objects, the opportunity to interact with characters and figurative models captivate the baby and stimulate cognitive activity. Thinking during preschool childhood is visual and practical and only then moves to visual and figurative.

At what age should you start using them?

It is better to start using a tablet at the age of 4-5, although many modern children become familiar with it much earlier. This is not scary if interaction with the device is regulated by adults. Before you give a tablet to a child, you need to think several times about the purpose for which we are doing this. Parents must independently decide from what time to allow their child to use the gadget, why and for how long. It is very important that there is complete agreement between all family members about these rules.

Under no circumstances should you shove a gadget into a child so that it does not interfere. Unregulated use of gadgets is harmful. The child on a subconscious level will feel his own uselessness for his parents. And then the tablet will replace them for him.

This is the most dangerous scenario that develops addiction in a child.

Even if you gave a gadget to a child, communicate with him!

Be interested in what he watches, what he plays, why he likes this or that game, what exactly he likes about this game, etc. Try to select and recommend educational content. Well, of course, the tablet shouldn’t take up everything free time child. Any gadget should offer other types of activities as an alternative.

For older children, smartphones play a more significant role. They help adapt to society through social networks and instant messengers. But, again, an adult must advise the child on what is useful for him and will help him in his studies, development of intelligence and personal qualities.

Children need to be taught to write SMS, address the interlocutor in a polite manner, take into account the status, gender, age of the interlocutor and the conditions of the situation in which the communication takes place.

Why is it important not to prohibit, but to explain?

I liked the incident I recently witnessed on an airplane. The father told his sons, twins about ten years old, about correct use smartphone and its alternatives. The boys said that they would fly on the plane and play games.

Their father answered that, firstly, they should not turn on electronic equipment during takeoff, and secondly, it would be better for them to read a book. Reading develops intelligence better because it engages other brain structures, the development of which will then have a more positive impact on learning. So the father tried to explain to the children that the thought processes that are activated when reading a book are this moment priority over playing on a tablet.

This was the first time I heard parents explain to their child that when reading, the brain performs completely different operations than those it performs during games.

It was a completely understandable explanation. And the children heeded him. Here it must be added that reading a book is undoubtedly a useful activity, but some interactive educational programs, developed with educational and developmental goals and mastered only with the help of technology, also have a positive effect on the child.

If parents talk to their children all the time and try to explain their actions, then their opinion is listened to. In the future, children in a situation of choice themselves ask: why is this better, why is it more profitable or advantageous to do this?

What does a complete ban on gadgets for a child lead to?

The more we prohibit, the more we want. A reasonable explanation and a clear answer to the question “why not?” are the best means in the fight against prohibitions. Many parents do not think at all about the fact that the child must be encouraged to independently answer the question “why not?” Parents often act on the principle “You can’t. And period! But the children don’t get a proper explanation.

"Why not? Others can, but I can’t...”

Parents should be able to find words that would really sink into the child’s soul and be remembered. During the process of explanation, the child will understand that the parent is not just forbidding, but is worried about his development and wishes him well in later life.

Cooperation with a child is the most effective way to manage his behavior.

Most effective method- when parents ask the child to ask himself why something is forbidden to him. “How would you answer this question yourself?” This is the art of talking to a child. This is how a conversation begins. If a child feels a caring attitude towards himself, on a subconscious level he concludes: “They care about me, they love me, my parents need me, they are interested in me.”

How much time can a child spend with a tablet?

Unfortunately, there are not many studies that would show the exact percentage of positive and negative effects electronic devices on the development and health of children different ages. Tablets are used every day all over the world and if they were truly dangerous, they would have been banned a long time ago.

If we turn to the most stringent Russian sanitary and epidemiological standards, which are prescribed for preschool educational organizations, then they do not contain articles on the use of electronic products for the little ones. But we know that already in kindergartens teachers use a computer, an interactive whiteboard, and a multimedia projector.

Let's hope that such standards will still appear in the next edition of SanPiNov for preschoolers.

Concerning primary school, then the SanPiNs of 2010 indicate how long a child can interact with electronic products. The answer is no more than 15-20 minutes continuously. But how many times during a lesson you can use these items with a break is at the discretion of the teacher. Therefore, the main advice is to take regular breaks and monitor your child’s fatigue.

What is the use of tablets and smartphones?

Gadgets are useful if the “filling” has a developmental and educational effect on the child. What is put inside (games, educational programs, books) has a positive impact on the development of the child’s thinking, develops visual and figurative memory, auditory memory, and the emotional sphere in the same way as ordinary books and board games.

The advantages of gadgets are that everything in them is bright, imaginative, dynamic, and exciting. Often the child feels directly like a hero of the events taking place on the screen; he believes in what is happening, just as we once believed in fairy tales from books. And psychologically this is justified.

However, it must be taken into account that high mobility and changeability of events can sometimes have a negative impact.

For example - to irritate, cause negative emotions, awaken fears. The psyche of children has not yet strengthened, so we always talk about the dosage of using devices. You need to be careful when giving tablets to children with developmental disabilities: children with hyperactivity syndrome, children with poor health who tend to get tired quickly.

I would like to note that gadgets do not always contribute to the development of systematic thinking in children. Quickly jumping from button to button, switching from one fragment to another forms the so-called fragmentary or “button thinking” - it is also called discrete. But when it comes to interaction with educational products, on the contrary, one cannot do without systems thinking.

How does the platform develop a child’s thinking?

Interactive courses "" are built on curriculum, which relates to the Federal Educational State Standard. It contains smooth transition from figurative to abstract-logical thinking.

First, the child learns mathematical operations on objects that surround him in life. Then, instead of objects, substitute objects are used - cubes, balls, beads. All this helps to visualize a mathematical situation or math problem. For more high level abstraction, signs and symbols appear, which are embodied in numbers, formulas, graphs, diagrams, diagrams and drawings.

When a child labeled, for example, four balls with the number 4, this is the first transition to abstraction.

Remember how Malvina and Pinocchio did? Malvina tells him: “Imagine that someone gave you two apples.” And Pinocchio replies: “No one gave me two apples!” This is an example of concrete thinking. Pinocchio is not yet able to imagine the situation mentally. First graders also have difficulty doing this. Therefore, first they are taught to count on candies and apples, then on cubes and counting sticks. And only then are they introduced to numbers, mathematical expressions and comparison signs.

According to research by psychologists, the transition from visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking to abstract-logical thinking begins around 6-7 years, at the time when the child starts school. This is the most comfortable time to get acquainted with educational programs and the interactive platform “”.

Let your child study mathematics, the Russian language or the world around him on the tablet. This way he will get more benefit than from questionable aggressive play.

Some researchers argue that the use of gadgets increases student motivation and learning efficiency, while others are convinced that technology interferes with the development of creativity and creativity. That is, there is no consensus on this matter yet, so today we will try to sort everything out.

Laptops, smartphones and other gadgets have become such an integral part of life. modern children that the question of their use in school is becoming more and more relevant. It is this question that today causes heated debate, both among specialists and on parent forums.

While some parents worry that children are already spending too much time with electronic toys, other moms and dads worry that schoolchildren will be deprived of access to information resources and will not be able to call home if necessary.

At the same time, teachers belonging to the older generation adhere to conservative views and consider it unnecessary to introduce technology into the educational process. But young teachers, on the contrary, try to adhere to the most progressive pedagogical methods and use modern technologies at every opportunity.

Current state of affairs

As paradoxical as it may sound, in Russian schools the fight against gadgets goes hand in hand with their introduction into the educational process. While parents and experts argue about whether gadgets at school, V educational institutions The usual chalk boards are gradually being replaced with interactive ones, more computer classes are being equipped, and rural schools are being connected to Wi-Fi.

According to experts, the use of modern technologies expands learning opportunities in schools. At the same time, they note that children are often distracted by personal tablets and smartphones, which reduces concentration and interferes with the absorption of information.

Technologies in education

To date, several experimental projects have been launched in the Russian Federation, within the framework of which teaching with the help of modern technologies has been introduced in certain schools.

For example, in 2013-2014 in Tatarstan by Intel a 1:1 model was implemented. Its essence lies in the fact that during lessons each student gets access to a computer connected to local network, while the teacher’s computer is central. This allows the teacher to send assignments to the entire class at once, collect the results of the work, and organize research activities without wasting extra time. The teacher also controls the launch of computer programs, access to various Internet resources, and the length of time students work at the computer.

The first results of the project showed that pupils Those who took part in the pilot project showed better academic performance than the control group from schools with a standard program.

Ban on gadgets as entertainment

Teachers note that if high school students at least During classes, they rarely use smartphones and do not place them on their desks, then with younger students everything is much more complicated: they often start playing right in class, which is why the teacher has to interrupt the lesson and explain that this cannot be done. It is unnecessary to explain that normal learning of educational material in such conditions leaves much to be desired.

The quality of studies is also worsened by the fact that schoolchildren spend most of their breaks in the company of not their classmates, but electronic gadgets . Why are breaks between lessons needed? During recess, students should rest before the next lesson. However, gadgets do not allow them to properly disperse their attention, as a result of which the child becomes more tired during the day, and his ability to concentrate decreases.

Since the use of gadgets for games interferes with the absorption of information, they are often banned in schools. Management has the right to include a ban in the charter, but this does not allow teachers to take smartphones and take them outside the school (for example, take them home). The maximum permissible countermeasures are a conversation with the director or keeping the gadget with the teacher until the end of the lesson.

Today there is a complete ban on personal gadgets in educational institutions is being discussed at the legislative level: it is expected that schoolchildren will hand over phones/smartphones, laptops/tablets at the entrance to school. However, most parents are against this idea, since it will deprive them of contact with their children. In addition, we must not forget that modern phones allow children to take photos of homework, record video notes with the teacher’s permission, and quickly find information.


In 2017, Rostec launched another pilot project UEES - Unified Electronic Educational Environment. During the implementation of this project, a number of schools in the Sverdlovsk region received from the NCEO ( National Center electronic services) a complete set of electronic devices for integrated modernization of the educational process.

Funding for this project exceeded 450 million rubles, but in the future such costs should justify themselves. In particular, electronic textbooks eliminate the need to print more and more paper sets, and the use of electronic books and interactive whiteboards eliminates the need to purchase countless maps and other teaching materials.

Competent implementation modern gadgets in schools opens up great opportunities for increasing the effectiveness of teaching. For example:

  • During lessons, less time will be spent on organizational issues,
  • it will be possible to demonstrate to the whole class at once, for example, images through a microscope lens,
  • 3D printers in schools will allow children to be interested in the subject, clearly demonstrating what is being discussed.

Although educators are generally wary of modern technology and prefer traditional teaching methods, those who participated in the pilot projects note the benefits of such programs and agree with their benefits.

Gadgets in foreign schools

Pioneer in implementation innovative technologies in schools can be considered Australian scientist Gary Stager. Back in 1990, he initiated a project in which he implemented the 1:1 method in a private school in Melbourne. The equipment was purchased with funds provided by the parents of the schoolchildren. The experiment turned out to be successful - even in the absence of the Internet, students' performance increased noticeably.

Today, the educational process in educational institutions in most developed countries of the world is as computerized as possible. Thus, in England, more than $450 million is spent annually on the modernization of schools, with a significant portion of the funds provided by charitable organizations.

Despite widespread computerization, many Silicon Valley workers prefer their children to study in schools that do not use IT technologies. In their opinion, gadgets do not allow children’s creative potential to develop normally and prevent them from acquiring communication skills. They are confident that mastering a computer is easy and children can always do it later. But immersing yourself in the world of technology too early can lead to addiction and complicate life in the future.

By the way, the children of the famous Steve Jobs, who is considered a pioneer of the era of information technology, also studied at a school where they abandoned the use of IT technology. Moreover, he introduced a moratorium on the use of electronic gadgets at home during dinner, at night and on weekends.

Note that in the realities of the Russian Federation, introduce into educational process gadgets not so easy. However, today the first steps are being taken in this direction and more and more specialists are speaking out in favor of promoting computerization.

In our age of information technology educational institutions More and more often we have to turn to modern technical gadgets. Now that computers and interactive whiteboards have become an integral part of the educational process, more and more gadgets are appearing that can help or hinder children while studying. But another problem arises - under the guise of studying, children sit on social networks, play and watch TV series right during classes. The website service decided to find out the opinion of teachers - how they feel about the gadgets that children use in class (phones, tablets, e-books etc.) How useful are they for the educational process and do they help (or, conversely, hinder?) schoolchildren and students in their learning?

I have a positive attitude towards gadgets if they are used for educational and cognitive purposes. The modern student is mobile, able to grasp things on the fly. It is now becoming important for a teacher to: visualize the material, supervise independent work, and modern gadgets and devices help him with this. The problem is that the child most often uses everything mobile devices for fun.

Alena, college teacher

I have a negative attitude towards gadgets, because students just sit in class, staring at them and doing nothing. I think they just get in the way. Although, I know that some colleagues are trying to use them in the educational process.

Nadezhda, history teacher

If children used e-books and smartphones to read, it would be just a fairy tale. But they mainly use expensive gadgets bought by their parents for selfies and games, so I have a rather negative attitude towards them, it’s good that I didn’t have gadgets at their age!

Marina, Russian language teacher

If the use of gadgets takes place during an exam or test, then I have a negative attitude towards it. And so they are always either on their phones or with tablets. In general, this hinders the teacher more. It’s unpleasant when a student doesn’t listen to a lecture, but hangs out on the phone. I’m not sure that teachers have the right to take away gadgets for a couple’s time, although some do so. There is a separate category of students who believe that a tablet/phone makes them smarter. They check every fact said by the teacher on the Internet.

Natalya, teacher at the university

I think that all the gadgets that are necessary for work should be provided by the school during the educational process, while the rest should be located outside the classroom. It is no coincidence that schools purchase packs, interactive whiteboards, etc. Modern phones, tablets, and e-readers are so multifunctional that the teacher spends more time monitoring whether the child has accessed a social network or is looking at photos from the last party again. In literature classes, electronics as one of the ways to carry texts with you are not justified: it is difficult for children to find Right place, they cannot set search parameters, visual memory, if read from the screen, does not work, there are no page roughnesses, bent corners, pencil marks that would hint where to look. In general, let the gadgets that belong to the children themselves remain at home for preparation and play, but let them only carry the results with them.

Anna, Russian and literature teacher

I have a positive attitude towards such things. These are information carriers, if they are used rationally, and not for toys, this is a blessing!

Yana, speech culture teacher

If they are used in educational purposes(calculator, book text), then they may well be useful. In all other cases, I have a negative attitude towards the use of gadgets, as discipline is violated and attention to the lesson is lost.

Julia, college teacher

The peculiarity of modern gadgets is their versatility and high technical specifications. This also creates problems in their use in teaching. Children are much more interested in using the resource of smartphones and tablets for games, the Internet for communicating on social networks and watching videos. Therefore, personal gadgets are more likely to interfere with the educational process. Special devices with disabilities access to certain resources and installation of applications, but not all schools have the opportunity to provide such devices to all students.

Sergey, English teacher

It would be strange to protest against the use of gadgets. The only thing is that reading from a phone is a lot of strain on the eyes, so I am against it. The rest is fine, it's there different functions- underlining, bookmarks, marks in the margins, very convenient for studying literature. And this is, in general, the main thing for us.

Lilya, teacher at the university

An e-book does not work in practice when you need to look for something in the text. Children sit with texts and see nothing in them, it’s inconvenient to search. And phones and tablets provide the minimum amount of information when you need some facts. There is no more help from them, they only distract.

Ilya, teacher at the university

I think that the use of gadgets in lessons is very distracting for children. Students, as a rule, explain the use of phones and tablets by the fact that they contain the information they need (for a report, independent work, directly Homework etc.), however in practice in 90% of cases they are used for entertainment. Unfortunately, at the moment, convincing students and their parents that the use of gadgets in lessons needs to be reduced is practically useless; not a single parent would deprive their child of a phone, for example. Although, of course, there are also those who do not allow children to bring tablets to school. In this case, everything depends on the loyalty of the teacher and the responsibility of the child himself.

Polina, teacher of Russian language and literature

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“The influence of modern gadgets in the educational process”

The influence of modern gadgets in the educational process

Oksana Aleksandrovna Shumskaya

English teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1”,

309996, Russian Federation, Valuyki, Belgorod region, st. Tolstoy, d.10

The influence of modern gadgets in the educational process

Oksana Shumskaya
the teacher of English language, MOU "SOSH No. 1",
309996, Russia, Valuiki, Belgorod region, ul. Tolstogo, 10

People in the contemporary world can hardly imagine their lives without modern gadgets. Different people appreciate new inventions differently. In spite of all drawbacks, gadgets have, their benefits are much more significant, as they save people`s time and let them enjoy life. Gadgets make people's lives easier.

Modern man can hardly imagine his life without modern gadgets. People react differently to new inventions. Despite all the shortcomings, the advantages of gadgets are much more significant, since they save time and allow people to enjoy life. New devices make our lives easier.

Keywords: gadget, disadvantages, new inventions, make our life easier, save time, advantages.

Keywords: a gadget, drawback, new inventions, make people`s lives easier, save people`s time, benefits.

Education is the process and result of a person’s familiarization with the knowledge accumulated by previous generations. Over the course of many centuries, people have learned and developed. New technologies could not help but affect the sphere of education. In Russia, relatively recently, modern technologies became available to a wide class of the population, so the rate of sales of gadgets is increasing every year.

A gadget is a small device designed to make a person’s life easier and better. Digital cameras, communicators, tablet computers, mobile phones, GPS navigators, MP3 players, flash drives - these are the most familiar gadgets for us.

The word gadget is translated from English as “a portable technical device that has a certain functionality in any area.” In the modern world, people actively use gadgets. High tech have become an integral part of our lives and it is difficult to imagine our life without them.

Gadgets at school are a special topic for discussion and it leads to heated debates both among parents and teachers. Using gadgets has a number of advantages, but a number of disadvantages. For some, using a gadget is an indicator that they learn better, while for others it is a completely opposite process.

On the one hand, all these tools are a tribute to fashion and this issue is more relevant in adolescence, when a student strives to take his place in the sun, so a sophisticated gadget enhances him in the eyes of others. Unfortunately, both children and adults are subject to the fashion for high-tech gadgets. On the other hand, gadgets develop logical thinking and fine motor skills, auditory and visual perception The child's attention is focused on what is happening on the screen.

Many modern schoolchildren are becoming Internet addicts. They experience a loss of interest in life and have problems communicating in real life. Often the Internet becomes a place where a student can be who he wants, and not who he is seen. You should start to worry if you notice that your child does not go out with friends, communicates little with his family and hardly talks on the phone. But, if the student’s range of interests is not narrowed to just the Internet, then it’s too early to talk about addiction.[2]

But what about health if a child does not part with his gadget? Many parents, of course, have heard about the dangers to health, including from gadgets. But what threat do they really pose? The first problem is the development of myopia, the second is the appearance of dry eye syndrome, when the tear film becomes thinner and the eyes turn red. In addition, children who are interested in computer games, excitability increases. Any technology emits radiation and this can cause serious illness. Therefore, prolonged sitting at the computer and long work using other gadgets is harmful to both children and adults.

Sometimes you feel scared for the younger generation when you see a group of children on the street, where everyone is buried in their phone. But if a child only jumps and runs, he will grow up uneducated. Therefore, parents must find a balance in how their child interacts with technology. The main thing, and this applies to any other issue, is that the golden mean must be observed and the right approach. Each parent must choose for himself how to raise his child and when to allow him to use the gadget.

The gadget opens ample opportunities to use applications that are very useful for development and learning. These are e-books that can be used both at home and in the classroom. On many modern mobile phones and smartphones, schoolchildren will be able not only to take videos and photographs, but also to process them. There are applications in which you can draw or compose music, you can install games and applications that develop logical and spatial thinking, memory and attention.

In an interview with Figaro Madame, one of the authors of the Academy of Sciences study, Olivier Houdet, said:
"Digital devices form flexible, fast, fractional, automatic and multi-tasking thinking in the younger generation. At the same time, they do not have the best effect on the ability to synthesize, abstract and classify information. This creates the risk of developing a superficial mind. So we need to preserve the slow, linear, deep or even profound thinking that book culture has shaped us with since the invention of the printing press, and continue to pass it on to our children. If they can combine one with the other, they will work wonders."

The world does not stand still. Do not forget that specialties in the field of information technology are not only the most in demand, but also the highest paid. Perhaps a passion for gadgets and computers will become not only a pastime, but will also develop into a future profession. So why protect a child from technical progress? You just need to teach your child to use gadgets correctly and it will open up for him. new world, the world in which to live.


1.Protopopova S.V., Makarenko T.A. Analysis of the use of gadgets by students in the educational process // Scientific and methodological electronic journal"Concept". – 2017. – T. 32. – P. 264–267. – URL:

2. Katz J.E., Rice R.E. Social consequences Internet use: access, participation and interaction. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

3. War on mobile phones: news about children //Health.-2005.-No.4.-P.78.

1. Protopopova SV, Makarenko TA Analysis of the use of gadgets by students in the educational process // Scientific and methodical electronic journal "Concept". - 2017. - V. 32. - P. 264-267. - URL:

2. Katz J.E., Rice R.E. Social consequences of Internet use: access, involvement, and interaction. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002

3. The War of Mobile Phones: news about children // Zdorove..2005.- No. 4.-P.78.