How to change where you download files from the Internet. Windows Boot Setup

Updated – 2017-01-25

. Can be customized application program. You can customize the operating system. You can configure computer equipment such as a video card, sound card, LAN card, and so on. Is it possible to configure booting Windows? It turns out it is possible.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with which operating system the initial bootloader loads and in what mode it launches it, then you can reconfigure the bootloader itself.

There are also special modes downloads operating system, such as , last mode successful configuration and others. You can read more about them in the article. For now, let's set up Windows boot.

To control the initial boot of the computer, use a special menu. It is not always displayed when the computer starts, but only when several operating systems are installed on it.

It happens that you intentionally or accidentally installed another operating system, and now when you boot your computer you need to choose which system to boot from. You get a little lazy and the wrong system loads.

We have to reboot everything and seize the moment. Is the situation familiar? So, to prevent this from happening again, it is necessary configure Windows boot.

Go to the main menu Start, select - SettingsControl Panel . Finding the icon System, click on it with the mouse and open the dialog box “ Properties of the system ».

Go to the tab Additionally and press the button Options in Group. A window will open.

The Windows operating system allows you to change the path of some user folders that are located in the user profile. So if you suddenly need to change the location of the folder Downloads on your own. This may be useful for those users who frequently download large files from the Internet using Microsoft Edge or other Internet programs. This article will show you how to reassign your own path for the Downloads folder in two different ways. .

Every time after the next kernel update Microsoft browser Edge, the path to the Downloads folder will have to be updated again. Don't lose sight of this moment.

In the article How to add Save As to Microsoft Edge? I considered the possibility of changing the file download dialog for Microsoft Egde and now every time you download any file, the browser will offer you the option to save the file as. But if you don’t need such functionality, but just need to change the Downloads folder to your own, then read this article further.

Change the location of the Downloads folder in Explorer

Let's first look at the easiest way to change the location of the Downloads folder using the properties of this folder.

Open Conductor on your Windows 7, 8, 10 computer. Click right click mouse on folder Downloads in the navigation pane, and select Properties.

Downloads - Properties

In the window that opens, go to the tab Location and enter new way For desired folder downloads.

New Download Location

At the same time, you can move already downloaded files new folder Downloads. Then press the button Yes to move all files from the old location to the new one. Otherwise, click No.

Move a folder

Now the download folder will have a new location, and all files downloaded through Microsoft Edge will end up in it.

Changing the path to the Downloads folder in Registry Editor

If you prefer to work with Windows registry, then this method will allow you to change the path to the Downloads folder using the registry.

Run registry editor and go to the next section:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

Find key with string %USERPROFILE%\Downloads. By double-clicking on the line, change the parameter to the value of the path you want to set.

Windows Registry Editor

Close Registry Editor. Now the Downloads folder has new address location. Restart your computer to save your changes to Registry Editor.

It should be noted that files that were located in the Downloads folder at the default address will not be moved to a new location, unlike the first method. If you need to have these files in a new location in your Downloads folder, move them to the new folder yourself.

Many novice computer users are wondering how to change where they download files from the Internet so as not to search for them in all folders on the computer. Today I will tell and show you how to create your own folder on your desktop for downloading all files from the Internet, and how to configure your browser so that all these files end up in it.

When you download files from the Internet, by default they end up in special folder, which is located in not very convenient location. IN different versions In Windows, these folders are called differently and are also located in different places.

In Windows XP, this folder is called Downloads and was usually located either among the system files or in the My Documents folder. Everything depended on the build of the operating system. IN Windows Vista/7/8/10 this folder is called Downloads and is also hidden. You can find it through Explorer.

It always amazes me how newbies still manage to find their downloaded files. Why did the developers put this folder somewhere far away? Unclear. And we will create our own download folder and place it on the desktop.

Right-click on a field free of files and in the drop-down list, select Create a folder.

Rename it as you wish. I usually call her " Downloads" Now let's change the appearance of this folder so that it is visible. To do this, right-click on this folder and select at the very bottom Properties.

In the window Properties go to the tab Settings, go down to the very bottom, and click on the " Change icon».

Select the folder icon you like and click the button OK, Then Apply, and close the window Properties.

Now go to your browser. I'll show the folder settings in the four most popular ones: Google Chrome,Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex.

In the browserGoogle Chrome

Let's start with Google browser Chrome. On the right top corner click on the three horizontal stripes

And choose Settings

On the settings page, go to the very bottom and click on the link Show additional settings , and look for a block Downloaded files.

Click on the button Change, and indicate our download folder.

Now you can close the settings window and all files will be downloaded to our folder.

In the browserOpera

In the upper left corner, click on the Menu button with the browser icon, and select the item Settings. You can open this menu with hotkeys Alt+P

On the settings page we find the block Downloads, click on the button Change, and indicate our folder.

In Mozilla Firefox browser

In the upper right corner, click on the three horizontal stripes or at the very bottom of the browser window, select the gear icon Settings.

For those who don’t understand what we’re talking about, I’ll show you everything in pictures:

This is what the boot menu looks like when installing the latest Windows 8 OS.

And this is what the menu looks like when installing the latest Windows Vista, 7.

Before Windows Vista (Windows 2000, XP), all changes to downloads were made to the file boot.ini. Boot.ini is a system file that contains information about the Windows operating systems installed on your computer. This data is displayed while the computer/laptop is booting. In order to change the boot parameters, just open the boot.ini files with any text editor and make changes.
Starting from the operating room Windows systems Vista (Windows 7, 8, 10) boot.ini file has been replaced by the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) file. This file is more versatile than boot.ini and can be used on platforms that use a means other than the BIOS to boot the system.

But how do you make changes to boot options in Windows Vista 7, 8, 10? There are two ways for this provided by Windows developers:

1 With GUI;

2 Using the command line.

Change boot options using GUI in Windows Vista, 7, 8.

To use this method, press the key combination "Win" + "R", In the "Run" line, type msconfig, and press Enter.

It must be said that quite a few settings are available this way, but for most users this will be quite enough. This tool will allow:

1) Get information about the current and default boot systems.
2) Edit time (timeout). After this time, the operating system set to boot by default will be loaded without user intervention. To do this, specify the time (in seconds) in the "Timeout" field.

3) Change the default system to boot. To do this, select which system you want to boot by default (without external intervention) and click the "Set as default" button.

4) Delete unnecessary entry from boot menu. Select the entry you want to delete and click the "Delete" button.

All changes will take effect after pressing the "OK" button and rebooting the system.

Change boot options using command line (bcdedit) in Windows Vista, 7, 8.

More ample opportunities The bcdedit utility provides a way to change boot parameters. Bcdedit is a command line tool designed to manage boot configuration data. It can be used for various tasks: Create new vaults, modify existing vaults, add boot menu options and more.

To get to know this team better, run command line with administrator rights and run the command:


In this article I would like to go into more detail on examples of using the bcdedit command .

Example of using bcdedit.

Before you start making changes to Windows boot loader, you first need to create it backup copy. To do this, create a BootBackup folder on any disk and enter the following command at the command line (the command line must be run as Administrator):

bcdedit /export D:\BootBackup\bcd

If you feel that something has gone wrong, in order to return everything to original state run the BCD restore command:

bcdedit /import D:\BootCopy\bcd

Where is D:\ drive where the BootBackup folder is located.

The next step is to find out basic information about your BCD. To do this, run the command bcdedit.

identifier– ID of a particular record;
device– shows the partition on which the download files are located (this can be the operating system or the BOOT folder);
osdevice– shows the section on which the system files operating system. Typically, the values ​​of the device and osdevice parameters are equal;
path– if device defined a disk partition that contains operating system files, then this parameter defines the rest of the path to the operating system loader;
default– shows the ID of the operating system that is loaded by default, if the operating system in which the command line was launched is loaded by default, the default parameter is assigned the value (current);
displayorder– shows the order in which records about bootable systems are located;
timeout– timeout (see above), the value is shown and set in seconds;
locale– indicates tongue boot menu or menu additional parameters downloads;
description– shows the name of the operating system displayed in the boot menu.

How to change the default operating system.
Specify the value /default and the ID of the OS that should boot by default.
bcdedit /default (ID)
Now the operating system with the specified ID will boot by default.

How to change the boot delay value
To change the delay before the operating system starts loading, run the following command:
bcdedit /timeout XX
where XX is the number in seconds, the default is 30 seconds.

Removing an entry from the BCD and boot manager done with the command:
bcdedit /delete (ID)
There is a peculiarity in executing the command: if a known record is specified as the ID, for example (ntldr), then the command must be executed with the /f key:
bcdedit /delete (ntldr) /f
If the ID is written in alphabetical digital code, the /f switch is not needed.

In order to get more detailed information about the capabilities of the bcdedit utility, you must use the help bcdedit/?

In Yandex Browser, files from the Internet are downloaded to system folder“Downloads”, intended for downloading data. In this article we will look at how to change the download path in Yandex Browser. Download folder is a special system folder on the computer for temporary storage of downloaded files.

All users using any browser, sooner or later, will use the function of downloading files from the Internet to their computer. Situations often arise when you need to download a file, archive from the Internet, save an image, photo, download a video or music file, or in other similar situations.

Downloading files from the Internet occurs using the browser itself, or using an extension (for popular browsers created a large number of similar extensions) installed in the browser. All downloaded files are saved in the downloads folder.

Where are files downloaded from the Internet saved in Yandex Browser? With default settings, in Yandex Browser, downloaded files are saved in the “Downloads” folder, which is located in the user profile along the path (in operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7):


It is assumed that after downloading files from the Internet, the data will remain in this folder for some time until the user finds it permanent place on your computer. For comfortable work, I recommend on the computer, organizing convenient storage information for more efficient work.

Some users may not find the download folder location suitable for their default browser settings. The user can independently select any folder on the computer to store downloaded files.

There are different reasons for changing the download in Yandex:

  • uncomfortable;
  • The location of the downloads folder is not suitable;
  • for greater safety of important data.

In the first case, it means that to open the folder (not in the browser itself) with downloaded files, you need to make a few mouse clicks. By choosing, for example, the Desktop folder to save files, the downloaded files will always be visible.

The second case is relevant, for example, due to the fact that there is not enough free space on the computer. system disk. When downloading files big size, on disk small size, does almost everything free place, which negatively affects the performance of the computer.

Therefore, it makes sense to move your browser's downloads folder to another local disk computer. Read the article on my website on how to move the system “Downloads” folder to another computer drive.

The third case involves saving files downloaded from the Internet in a download folder located on another drive. Sometimes, users download important files to their computer from the Internet. There is not always time to sort files “into shelves” on your computer in a timely manner.

In the event of a failure in the Windows operating system, it is impossible to do so, the user will have to perform reinstalling Windows. In this case, the downloaded files will be lost. Therefore, placing space to save files on another drive will save important information, even in the event of serious problems with the system.

In these cases, it is necessary to change the download path in Yandex in the browser settings. How to change the download in Yandex by selecting a different folder on your computer?

How to change the download folder in Yandex Browser

In order to change the download location in Yandex. Browser do the following:

  1. In the upper right corner of the browser window, click on the “Yandex Browser Settings” button.
  2. IN context menu select Settings.
  3. In the “Settings” tab, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on the “Show additional options” button.
  4. Scroll to the "Uploaded Files" section. By default, downloaded files are saved in the Downloads folder, which is located in the user profile.

  1. Click on the "Change" button.
  2. In the Browse for Folder window that opens, select a new location to store the downloaded files. You can first create a folder for downloads, for example, on another drive on your computer, and then select it as the download location.

In this image, I have selected the Desktop folder to save downloads. Now the downloaded files are via Yandex Browser will be saved on the computer desktop.

A file download indicator is displayed in the upper right corner of the browser panel, informing the user about the download status while downloading a file from the Internet.

Pay attention to the settings: “Always ask where to save files” and “Open office format files in the browser (for this they are downloaded to).

If you activate the first setting, the browser will always ask where to save the files before each download. You can choose any convenient places.

Yandex Browser can open files in office formats, as well as video and audio files in popular formats directly in the browser.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can independently change the download folder in Yandex by selecting a different folder in the Yandex Browser settings to save downloaded files from the Internet.