How to make a light signal on an iPhone. How to turn on flash when receiving a call or SMS on iPhone

Because Since the iPhone does not have a separate notification indicator, as is implemented by other smartphone manufacturers, Apple developers suggested using the built-in LED flash for these purposes.

Starting from the 4th generation, the flash on a smartphone can be used not only in flashlight mode or photo/video shooting. It also serves as an additional alert signal for incoming calls, SMS messages, etc.

It is worth noting that enabling this option will result in increased battery drain. But if you use the flash instead of vibration and melody, and not all together, then the battery, on the contrary, will last longer.

Initially, this option was planned to help people with hearing impairment. But LED notifications can also come in handy if you're in a noisy room and your phone is on the table. In this case, vibration will not help, but you will easily notice the blinking flash on your iPhone.

Settings to turn on flashing flash on iPhone

To set the flash, follow the steps:

1 Go to the “Settings” menu.

2 Next “Basic” item.

3 Next “Universal Access” item.

4 Next “Flash warnings” item.

5 Activate the slider.

After turning on the flash, be sure to place your iPhone face down, otherwise you won't see anything.

Video instruction

Until the 4th generation of iPhone, there was no LED flash on Apple devices; those who wished had the opportunity to purchase it as a separate accessory. It even had its own name – iFlash.

Then the creators decided that it was impractical, so it migrated directly to the smartphone. Let's find out how to turn on the flash on iPhone 4.

Why and how to turn on the flash?

Nowadays, most smartphones have a flash; its main task is to improve lighting when taking photographs, but it can also be used for other purposes. One of these tasks is notifying the user about a call. If you work in a noisy environment where hearing a ringtone would be difficult, flickering will indicate that someone is trying to contact you.

The flash turns on in several steps.

  • We go to the settings section, select the main ones there
  • In this menu, the “universal access” item is important to us.
  • In the next step, activate the LED flash for warnings.

That's all, now the flash on the device will start blinking when making calls. She reacts not only to them, but also to incoming messages. If you set an alarm clock and place your smartphone close to you, you may be woken up by the flickering LED. There is an interesting point - it will only start flickering if the smartphone is switched to lock mode. In the active state, the LED signal will not light up.

Please note that using a flash for these purposes will negatively affect the battery life of the phone. If, after activating the function, it turns out that the smartphone began to work less than before, then you should not be surprised.

General information about using the flash

If you intend to use this part of the device in a more familiar style, then first learn how to switch your smartphone's cameras. All modern gadgets have two of them, the front one is for selfies. The iPhone is equipped with good cameras that allow you to take high-quality pictures even in low light conditions, but the flash is designed specifically to improve the perception of the device. To activate it, in shooting mode, find the lightning icon located in the upper corner of the screen.

There are several types of flash uses. If it is set to “Off”, then it does not work at all, “Auto” indicates action in automatic mode, when the device adapts to lighting conditions, and the LED will light up only if it is dark enough nearby. “On” forces the LED to work in forced mode, it is activated with every photo.

This is a useful thing, and if you download a utility from the app store that turns an LED into a flashlight, you can use your smartphone to illuminate the surrounding area. We hope that the setup will not cause any difficulties.

Not everyone knows that starting with iOS 5, Apple developers have added a feature for iPhone owners to automatically fire the flash when they receive calls and notifications.

In contact with

This feature can be useful not only for people with hearing problems, but also for those who would like to receive visual alerts instead of audio ones.

How to turn on flash for incoming calls and notifications on iPhone with iOS 13

1. Open the application Settings and go to the section Universal access.

2. Select an item Audiovisual material.

3. Set the switch Flash warnings to position On.

4. If necessary, also activate the option Flash in silent mode. When this item is activated, the LED flash will light up only when the ringer switch on the side of the iPhone is in

After activating the function Flash warnings Whenever your iPhone receives an incoming call or notification, the LED flash will begin to flicker.

If the function does not work (happens on older devices), reboot the device.

And most importantly, don't forget to make sure you place your phone face down if you want to see this feature in action.

How to turn on flash for incoming calls and notifications on iPhone with iOS 5 - iOS 12

1. Go to Settings and select a section Basic.

2. Scroll down and enter the menu Universal access.

3. Select a section Hearing and activate the switch Flash warnings.

Such blinking can be quite useful in life, because sometimes we listen to music loudly and in many other situations. Let's figure out how you can enable and disable this feature.

Flash flash on call when iPhone rings

But first, I’d like to talk a little about this function and how exactly it will work. After all, this is quite important information before using any function.

We all know that Apple takes people with disabilities quite seriously. Therefore, the iPhone has a lot of functions that help in working with this device.

One of them is a function that allows you to turn on the flash. It starts flashing when there is an incoming call or any notification.

There is also an option to make it inactive when you put your iPhone on silent mode. Everything is thought out quite seriously.

Today, ordinary people also use it. After all, you can come up with quite a lot of situations when this function is very useful.

For example, if you left your phone at the end of the room, you will be able to respond to the call faster. Also when listening to music at very high volume or with headphones on another device.

How to make/remove blinking on iPhone when making a call?

Like most features on the iPhone, you can turn this one on or off fairly quickly. With every iOS, customizing your smartphone becomes easier.

To activate this feature, follow these steps:

By taking these simple steps, you can get a great feature that will help you make your life a little easier. But do not forget also the fact that it is better not to use it at important meetings or events.


Now you are the happy owner of an iPhone, which, when there is an incoming call, can still play a flashing sound, in addition to the usual melody.

It is very easy to enable this feature, which will allow you to disable it at any time. Now you will use the flash not only as a flashlight or for taking photos, but also for notifications and incoming calls.

Ever seen how brightly your iPhone flashes when someone calls or receives messages? This feature appeared a long time ago, but some readers often ask our editors how to turn on flash for ringing on iPhone. This is quite easy to do, but keep in mind that your smartphone's battery can be seriously damaged if calls and messages on your iPhone are frequent visitors.

You can turn on the flash on your iPhone for both light notification of incoming calls and messages. However, it will only blink if your iPhone is locked. If the screen is active, you will not see any light flashes.

iPhone users with iOS 10 on board have the opportunity to set the flash to the iPhone ringer only in silent mode. More details have been written about this.

How to turn on flash for ringing on iPhone?

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your iOS device.

Step 2: Go to the Basic section.

Step 3: Select Accessibility.

Step 4: In the Hearing section there is a Flash Alerts option. Set the slider to the active position and exit Settings.

Now, during an incoming call, not only will there be a vibration signal, but also the flash on your iPhone will flash brightly, attracting your attention. It is worth noting that this function was initially designed for users with disabilities, but, as you can see, it is in great demand among ordinary “users”.