How to set up a NETGEAR JWNR2000 Wi-Fi router with a PPPoE connection. Best ways: How to connect a WiFi router to a computer

Good day!

Many users are intimidated by setting up a Wi-Fi router on their own, and when purchasing it, they also order a service to connect and configure it.

In my opinion, the price for this service in many stores is too high (sometimes up to half the cost of the router) - especially since many can cope with this operation on their own (you just need to figure it out a little).

I also want to immediately add that if in the future you need to change your password, settings for Internet access (or anything else), you will still have to go into the settings of the router and figure it out yourself...

That is why I wrote this small instruction article, with pictures and explanations of each step. I hope the step-by-step presentation of the material will help you figure out how and what to do.

And so, let's go in order ☺...

Addition! You can also read my other article on how to connect and configure the Tenda FH456 (N301, F3) router from scratch -

Step-by-step instructions: connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi router

Selecting a location and placing the router

Many users make one mistake - namely, they place the router next to the computer (for example, on the system unit). No, for testing and initial setup this is acceptable, but for continuous operation of the device this is not good in all cases.

The fact is that depending on where your Wi-Fi router is placed, the level of network reception in different parts of your home will greatly depend. Significantly reduce the Wi-Fi signal: load-bearing thick walls, mirrors, metal doors, etc.

Therefore, you need to position the router so that it is approximately equidistant from all devices that will connect to its network (and also so that there are minimal obstacles to the network signal). An example of unsuccessful and successful placement of a router in a 2-room apartment is shown in the layout below.

On the issue of choosing and placing a router in an apartment

An article about how you can strengthen your Wi-Fi signal -

In general, I think the message is clear: depending on the location of the router, the quality of the network signal, speed, errors, etc. will depend.

Connecting the router to the computer

A typical router delivery consists of (example in the picture below):

  • the router itself;
  • power supply;
  • network cable (usually 1-2 m long). Used to connect the router to a PC (laptop) and configure it;
  • operating instructions;
  • antenna (there may not be an antenna - in some routers it is built into the device body).

Those. there is everything you need to start connecting and setting up the device.

The connection itself comes down to the following:

  1. Connect the router with a network cable (which comes with the router) to a computer or laptop. By the way, please note that the router, as a rule, has 4 LAN ports for this (most often marked in yellow). On some routers, the marking may be Ethernet instead of LAN;
  2. disconnect the Internet cable (coming from the provider) from the computer system unit and connect it to the router: to the WAN or Internet port (usually marked in blue);
  3. connect power to the router and turn on the device;
  4. If everything is done correctly, various LEDs on the device will begin to blink...

If shown schematically, the Wi-Fi router becomes like an intermediary between your computer and the Internet cable from the provider (see picture below).

Important! Connecting the router to a PC (laptop) using a network cable is necessary for the initial setup of the device. Subsequently, the cable can be disconnected and the router placed in a more convenient place.

Configuring network card settings

Before you go into the Wi-Fi router settings, you need to correctly configure the network card (especially if you previously had different default settings).

First you need to open a tab in the control panel - Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections . The easiest way to do this is to press the Win+R button combination, enter the command ncpa.cpl and click OK.

How to open network connections || ncpa.cpl

Then you need to open select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and open its properties.

In the "General" tab, set to obtain an IP address and DNS server automatically. Save settings.

Obtain IP address and DNS server automatically

Such settings are suitable in 99.9% of cases, because... your Wi-Fi router has an active DHCP server looking at the local network - which will give a free IP address to your computer/laptop.

Entering the router settings (device IP address)

To go into the settings of a Wi-Fi router, you need to know its IP address (which you just need to enter into the address bar of your browser and go to it).

Each router has its own IP address for settings. In most cases he , but there are exceptions:

  1. address for D-Link and NetGear routers: ;
  2. address for TrendNet routers:

Important! Also pay attention to the stickers on the body of your Wi-Fi router - almost always the IP address is indicated on these stickers. By the way, on the same stickers you can find the login password for accessing the web interface.

After you enter correct IP address to enter the router settings and press Enter - you will see a window asking you to enter your login and password (example in the figure below).

As a rule, in most cases both the login and password will be admin. If you can't log in, try leaving the password field blank.

I discussed in more detail how to enter the router settings, what passwords and logins, IP addresses, and what to do if you can’t log in in this article:

Setting up a router (router)

If the password and login were entered correctly, then you should be taken to the web interface (with a bunch of different settings, links, etc.). Each manufacturer and different router models have a different interface.

But there is one thing in common: the menu is usually located on the side or on top. The basic settings in the menu are also identical and are set in a similar way. So, having looked at how one router is configured, you can configure another by analogy...

As an example, I’ll take such a popular brand of routers as TP-LINK (with “green” firmware in Russian).

Cloning the MAC address of an old network card

The fact is that many providers charge extra. protection that checks the MAC address. And if the MAC address does not match (or has been replaced) - access to the network is blocked.

To clone a MAC address, in TP-LINK routers you need to open the “MAC Address Clone” link (in the “Network” section). If you have an English version of the firmware, then look for a link like "MAC Clone".

Addition! Not long ago, I published separate instructions on cloning a MAC address on my blog. -

MAC address cloning

Setting up Internet access

Setting up Internet access mainly depends on the network design of your Internet service provider. The necessary parameters for accessing the network must be specified in the contract for the provision of Internet connection services. Most often, PPPoE is used in Russia (note: a dynamic IP address is issued upon connection. To access you must enter your login and password).

It is impossible to open the WAN (Internet) tab in the router and first specify the connection type (for example, PPPoE, see “2” in the figure below). It is also necessary to indicate username and password (see “3” in the figure below, data can be taken from the agreement with the Internet provider).

All that remains is to save the settings. In most cases, you do not need to enter anything else. Now the router can access the Internet - and the Internet should now appear on the computer that is connected to it with a network cable.

All that remains is to configure the wireless network...

Setting up a Wi-Fi network

To set up a Wi-Fi network, you first need to open the "Wireless Settings" tab (or in English "Wireless Settings"). In this tab you need to specify the network name - i.e. the name of the network that you will look for to connect on your gadgets: tablets, phones, etc. (in some cases, if there is a bad signal, it makes sense to select a channel.).

Then you need to open the “Wireless Network Protection” tab (or in English "Wireless Security") and select the type of protection. Today, one of the best types of encryption is WPA2-PSK, which is the first in the list (we select it).

The PSK password is the password that you will need to enter when connecting to a Wi-Fi network.

Actually, after saving the settings, the router will reboot, and then you can connect to the Wi-Fi network and use the Internet.

That's all the setup...

I understand that in this article I did not consider many subtleties that in particular cases can have a great impact on the operation of the network. But, probably, all of them cannot be provided for in one article.

As I work on the site, I will touch on this issue more than once...

Setting up a router is not very difficult, contrary to popular belief. Anyone can cope with this task; you just need to follow these instructions.

1. Connecting wires

First, you need to connect an Internet cable to the wifi router. It plugs into the WAN port, which is also often called the Internet.

Then you need to connect the router to the computer. One of the ends of the Internet cable is inserted into one of the holes in the WAF router itself, and the other end must be connected to the network card on the personal computer itself. If there is no cable, you can resort to a wireless connection, but it is best to use a wired connection at this stage.

Now you should connect the router to an outlet. The router should turn on, which will be indicated by a glowing light on it, but some router models may also come with a power button, which will need to be turned on. After which you need to give the router a few minutes so that it can fully boot.

2. Checking the correct operation of the Internet

If you bought the Wi-Fi router not in a regular store, but through an Internet provider, then it is likely that they could have already set it up for you. In this case, after the first step, the router will automatically load the previously specified settings and the Internet will be ready for use after half a minute.

To check if the Internet is working, just launch any browser on your computer and enter the names of several sites into the search bar. If all website pages load as they should, then you can safely skip the next paragraph of the article and proceed to the fourth step.

5. Setting up a home Wi-Fi network

To protect your home Wi-Fi network, it is important to choose high-quality security settings. While in the router settings menu, you need to go to the section that is responsible for setting up the wireless network (the name of the section may be in English or slightly different, but the essence is the same in any router). In this menu you need to set the most complex password. It will be used to allow you to connect other devices other than PCs, for example, tablets, laptops and smartphones, to the Internet via Wi-Fi. As a means of protection, it is better to choose WPA2-PSK encryption, where you will be required to provide a password of 8 or more characters. After which it is important to save all changes, as well as write down the new password somewhere on a piece of paper so as not to forget it.

6. Changing the password responsible for accessing the router settings

It would be best to also restrict access to your router’s settings from outsiders. Usually the router is left protected by standard login and password, but it is best to change them to your own.

Installing a router using a personal computer is not very difficult, although the router usually comes with massive instructions that explain each step in clear language. However, there are situations when there is no desktop computer, no laptop or netbook, much less a specialist nearby, but there is a router and a strong need to use it right now.

Due to the existence of this problem and the fact that it sometimes really causes inconvenience, this article will explain in detail and consistently how to set up a Wi-Fi router without having a personal computer at hand. In this case, you will need to have a smartphone or tablet running Android, iOS, or Windows Phone, and of course the router itself.

If you decide to configure your router using a mobile device, then first of all you will need the router itself, as well as some kind of mobile device with which you can connect to the network. In addition, an Internet cable from the provider must be laid in the apartment (or house), that is, there must be Internet.

You can use different options for routers and mobile devices; in this case, we will consider examples of the Tp-Link WR-841N router and the ASUS-MeMO PadFHD10 tablet running on the Android operating system.

On a note! It is recommended to check in advance how they connect to the network, for example, by trying to connect to a free WI-FI point at some public catering outlet. This way you will get rid of problems with identifying internal problems of the mobile device, which you may confuse, for example, with problems with the router itself.

Speaking about the router itself, you can also choose any model that suits you, it doesn’t have to be Tp-Link. The most common and well-known models are considered to be such manufacturers as Upvel, Zyxel, D-LINK and others. They differ from each other for the average user mainly in the control panels.

Second step. Setting up a router using a tablet

Initially, according to the factory settings, there is no protection on Wi-Fi and your point is actually unprotected from anything. This way, you can connect your mobile device (in this case, a tablet computer is used as an example) to a Wi-Fi point with complete impunity, which is what you need to take advantage of.

So, you have connected your mobile device to the router. Next you need to configure it correctly.

Router settings via a browser on a mobile phone

This way you are in the settings menu of your router. Half the way has been completed, there is still a lot left.

Third step. Setting up Internet settings

From the very beginning, you must configure the router so that it is correctly associated with your Internet provider, that is, so that there are no further problems with connecting to the Internet and distributing Wi-Fi. To carry out this task, you must know a number of parameters that the Internet provider should have given you along with all the documents. First of all, such data includes the technology of the connection itself (Static (static), dynamic IP, PPPoE, PPTP, or L2TP), and thus, knowing how the connection works, the router parameters themselves. This information should be in the documentation supplied by the provider, but if it is not, you can check with technical support. In this case, you should clarify whether the supplier carries out the binding according to MAC address.

Advice! If your Internet service provider binds by MAC address, then it is recommended to contact this provider and ask them to bind your Internet to the MAC address of your router. This address itself can be found on the sticker below the router.

This is the most important aspect when setting up a router. If you do not take this into account, then although your devices will formally connect to the network, there will be no Internet itself.

These settings have a huge impact on the device and are essentially the core of its operation, so give them proper attention.

Fourth step. Setting up a Wi-Fi connection

Fifth step. Setting a password for a wireless network

Sixth step. Changing your access password

Now you need to change the standard login and password (those admin/admin) used when entering the settings menu in order to block access to the router settings menu for unauthorized people.

When the reboot is completed, the mobile device will most likely display an error stating that it should connect to this address (meaning IP: There is nothing terrible here: the point is that the device was disconnected from the router, but did not reconnect to it automatically, and in the future will no longer connect in this way, due to the fact that you set a password for this network connection, and when the device was rebooted - the protection took effect.

Therefore, in order to be able to work on the Internet, you will need to enter a password each time before connecting to the network.

To do this:

If everything goes smoothly, then everything is in order, and most likely there will be no additional problems during connection. This means that in this case the provider connects using “Automatic IP”, and thus the router sets all the parameters independently. In this case, at this stage you can already connect to the Internet and work.

However, there is another option: in some cases, providers use a connection such as Layer 2 Tuneling Protocol (L2TP), Point to Point Tuneling Protocol (PPTP), static IP, or Point to point protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) (used by providers such as Beeline , or in this case, sometimes you have to manually configure a number of parameters.


Setting up a router without a personal computer, using a modern smartphone or tablet, is not such a problem, since the operating systems that modern mobile devices run on are no different from classic desktop operating systems. Of course, it is best to use a tablet rather than a mobile phone, since it is very difficult to see small text on a small screen, but technically the above operations can be carried out on any device that supports Android, iOS or Windows Phone.

Video - How to set up a router without a computer

Network to the WAN interface, and also connect the device to the computer using a network cable. The WAN indicator on the case should

  • Turn on and launch your browser. In the address bar, type - this is the address with which you can access the device configuration interface.

  • The first thing you need to do is enter the login and password that protect the router settings. For a new device, the default login and password are the same: “admin” (without quotes). In the future, to ensure network security, it is recommended to change your login and password.

  • Configure Internet access settings. Typically, this is the Internet Setup page. Set the connection type to PPTP, enter the Internet access name and password provided by the provider; if the provider provides a static IP address and DNS server, then also enter these addresses in the appropriate fields. Set Connect mode to Always on.

  • Don't forget to save the settings you made.

  • In order for a computer connected to to gain access to the Internet, you need to check the TCPIP protocol settings. As a rule, obtaining the IP address and DNS server address should be done automatically.

  • To gain access to the Internet, you may need the router's MAC address. It can be found on the Status page, where other parameters of the current Internet connection are indicated.

  • If the Internet speed does not match that stated by your provider, try the router as follows: change the value of the WAN port speed parameter and save the changes again.

  • If you have difficulties connecting the router to the Internet, you should contact the technical support service of your Internet access provider, since problems can be varied, including depending on the provider.

    Related article

    When owners of desktop computers get a laptop equipped with wireless network support, the task arises of combining these two devices for simultaneous access to the Internet. Setting it up correctly router asus wl-520gc, you can solve the problem.


    Save the current connection settings to a separate file. To do this, click on the “Start” button, select “Settings” and go to “Control Panel”. In the new window, click on the “Network” shortcut. The “LAN” section will appear in front of you. Find the line “Local Area Connection” in it. Right-click to open Properties. Select the “General” tab and select the “Protocol” line. Click the Properties button. Create a text document and copy all the parameters from this into it.

    Set new parameters. Select the values ​​"Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain a DNS server automatically", click "OK".

    If you decide to install wi-fi at home, at work, or in any other place, then you definitely need to purchase a special device called a router. This is a special device that distributes wireless Internet at a certain distance. Routers are classified by power, number of connected objects, speed, range, etc. Therefore, if you want to purchase a router, be sure to check out its specifications. Once you purchase this device, you will need to install it. I am sure that 99% of users will have problems with this, so this article is dedicated to how to install a router.

    How to install a router - step by step guide

    There are a huge number of routers from different manufacturers, but the most popular are D-Link. That is why we will figure out how to install a D-Link wi-fi router.

    1) Open the box with the purchased device, take it out and connect it to the power supply. The lights on the front should light up. If they do not light up, then there is some problem with the router. On the back side we see several ports. We need a port labeled “Internet”, into which we must insert the plug that was connected to the computer.

    2) In any of the other ports we place the cable that was included with the router. This cable needs to be connected to the computer (to the place where we pulled out the Internet cable).

    3) Open any program that provides Internet access. We write the following numbers: This page is the main settings page. You don't need an Internet connection to connect to it.

    4) We continue to figure out how to install the router. We have opened an authorization page with the fields name and password. In the name field we write admin, and leave the password field empty.

    5) On the page that opens, select the Setup item, then the Internet Setup item on the left and then click Manual Internet Connection Setup.

    6) In the Internet Connection Type section that opens, select the item called PPPoE user name/password and select the Dynamic PPPoE item. In the Name, Password and Password Confirmation fields, enter the data that is specified in the agreement with your Internet provider.

    7) Look a little lower and see the “clone mac address” item. Click on it. In the Connect mode select item, put a dot opposite Always. The remaining items do not need to be changed.

    8) Discussion on how to install is almost complete. All that remains is to figure it out. In the device menu, which is on the left, select the Wireless installation item, then the Manual wireless connection setup button will appear in the center, click on it and look at the main settings menu that opens. In the Wireless section, check the box next to Enable wireless network, and in the Wireless network name field, write any name. We also fill in the Wireless Network Key field and remember it. This field will store the password for your wi-fi. It is needed to prevent neighbors and other strangers from connecting to the router.

    I hope that after reading this article, you have figured out how to install a router.