How to connect a navigator on Android. What to do if GPS does not find satellites on Android

Any modern gadget has GPS in its arsenal. This is a special receiver that allows you to determine your exact location, indicate a short route, and view a map of the area.

If you need to constantly use GPS, then you should figure out how to turn it on on your tablet. First, let's look at the main points:

— connected Internet does not guarantee high-quality GPS operation;

— you should configure all the parameters yourself, since by default they may show inaccurate data;

— the absence of a signal indicates an incorrect choice of GPS type.

How to enable GPS on your tablet

Open the curtain at the top, you will see an item with a pointer icon (always used in Google Maps). Click on it. That's it, you have turned on the GPS.

Open some map app and see if it shows you everything correctly and how good the signal is. If nothing works, then you should wait about five minutes. Of course, you should stand on the street or close to the window. Naturally, it won’t work in the metro.

The GPS feature is very useful for tablet owners. This is especially true for people who are constantly on the move, traveling to different cities, or simply afraid of getting lost. Its connection occurs in a matter of minutes. No additional settings required.

Modern tablet computers are complemented by navigation models by default. The vast majority of them work properly and without interruption. It is enough to activate a useful function using the system settings, turn on maps and find your own location or get directions to the desired point. The user can independently configure the GPS on the tablet. How to setup?

Selecting and configuring GPS operating modes

You can and should enable the function from the notification panel. This function is called from the main menu using a special button that looks like a needle. To correctly determine the default or user-installed configuration mode, you should:

  • Go from settings to personal data.
  • Find the “Location” menu, and then open the “Modes” tab.

The Android operating system offers several options to choose from. This includes, in addition to saving battery power, high-level accuracy based on the device’s sensors. New devices have different names of points (coordinates, sources, GPS satellites).

High accuracy allows you to quickly determine your location, but it is also the most expensive in terms of energy. Battery saving or network coordinates is a mode that involves using only a wireless network to search for roads and locations. Sensors or satellites only work in open areas with good signal reception.

How to configure GPS on a tablet using the engineering menu?

Problems of long connections, periodic loss of satellite and network signals, incorrect operation and unstable networks - all this can be encountered by a user not only of cheap Chinese equipment, but also of famous manufacturers. To quickly troubleshoot problems and bring your tablet and GPS module back to normal, you can configure the engineering menu yourself. This will require super-administrator root rights, and the user performs all actions only at his own peril and risk.

To configure the engineering menu, you should:

  • Having turned on the WiFi wireless network, as well as the GPS module, you should go out into the open area or onto the balcony.
  • Open the engineering menu. To do this, you will need to enter several key combinations: *#*#4636#*#* or *#15963#*, you can also *#*#3646633*#*#. The specific combination is selected depending on the tablet computer model. If all the suggested options are not suitable, you can download the Mobileuncle ToolHero program. She suggests the corresponding item on the menu.
  • The menu that opens should be scrolled until the Location tab opens. Here you should open Location Based Service.
  • The menu that opens allows you to activate the not always active Enable EPO items (suggests the coordinates of the satellites, as well as their trajectory), as well as Auto Download.
  • Returning to the previous menu, you need to find the YGPS button. It will allow you to view all satellites. All those marked in red are seen by the tablet, but cannot use them due to incorrect network settings.
  • In the Information menu, click on the full button. After a few seconds of break, you should also press AGPS restart.
  • In the Satellites tab, you can see how the tablet connects to satellites, after which they are highlighted in green.

After saving and rebooting the device, all satellites will be caught without problems.

A quick guide for beginners - how to enable GPS services on Android and other location functions. Once you have completed the setup process, the next step will undoubtedly be to enable the location service, because... many modern applications are based on this function.

Many people often skip setting up this feature of their mobile phone, especially when the screen displays a message about such location services, which mentions GPS tracking, precise location and access to information about the exact location of the smartphone user.

The first thought that comes to the mind of an ordinary user is “I don’t want the world to know my location every minute,” and he safely turns off the phone, hoping to view this information later, without even trying to figure out why and how to set up GPS on Android.

However, you need to know and understand that there is nothing wrong with this. If you come to your senses and still decide to enable the location detection function on your smartphone, this article is for you. Any user should know how to get this feature back, since many of the applications they use will simply be “crippled” or even “defective” if location services are not enabled.

Many people are scared to see an application asking to use the user's current location, but it must be remembered that in most cases this is done to improve the performance of the smartphone or a specific application.

Will be useful

With the correct location information provided, apps like Google Maps will correctly and correctly indicate your location, and therefore can help you find route information, see nearby places and, most importantly, guide or transport you from one place to another. Besides Maps, consider apps like Foursquare, Instagram And Facebook

, all of which use your spatial location to tag photos or mark a visit to your favorite restaurant.

It is important to know

It would be difficult to live without authorized location services, and it is almost impossible to fully use a modern smartphone without such navigation.

Brief instructions on how to enable location services


On most phones and many cellular carriers, GPS services are typically stand-alone and free.

When providing the service of determining the position of the telephone in space, a corresponding check is carried out by the cellular operator, which uses fixed cellular towers (towers) to perform this operation. Using several control points, the operator will be able to indicate your exact location based on the coordinates of the location of communication points and the response speed of the wave to them.

How to properly configure GPS on Android? There is no need to invent anything or perform complex manipulations - GPS settings on Android are performed automatically.

, all of which use your spatial location to tag photos or mark a visit to your favorite restaurant.

You just need to wait a while and the global system itself will determine your location.

Location Services Google Maps primarily uses Wi-Fi signals to determine your coordinates. Do not turn off your Wi-Fi wireless Internet connection; this will allow the necessary applications and programs to automatically connect to the network and determine your location. Standalone GPS services use GPS satellites to determine your location and then sync them with your phone's internal software.

Battery status when using GPS

It has long been said that services that automatically detect a phone and indicate its location on a map significantly drain the battery or even damage it. Whatever one may say, using built-in applications from time to time to find your location, of course, leads to a certain energy consumption.

But don't forget that as times change and technology advances, providing location services can consume less and less internal battery power.

Many people are scared to see an application asking to use the user's current location, but it must be remembered that in most cases this is done to improve the performance of the smartphone or a specific application.

Constantly turning location services on or off consumes battery very quickly. It is much more profitable to keep services turned on at all times.

Universal methods for turning on GPS

As with any Android tutorial, there is no single guide for all types and models of smartphones and tablets. The user interface layout is constantly changing. Let's try to take a more specific look at how to enable GPS, trying to cover the largest number of possible situations that may arise when connecting to a location service.

How to enable GPS on Android? There are only two methods - this using the Quick Access Toolbar and using the Settings app. This step-by-step guide shows you how to enable the Location setting on your Android smartphone to use GPS in the apps or services you want.

Method #1: Using the Quick Access Toolbar

  • Bring up the Quick Access Toolbar: Place your finger at the top of the Android screen and slide it down. The Notification Center will open in the away menu. Note: You don't need to unlock Android to open Notification Center.
  • Click the Quick Settings icon. He looks like a small gear with white squares around it in the top right corner of the Action Center. The Quick Settings menu will open in the slide-out panel. Note: If you press the larger gear icon for a while (literally a couple of seconds), you will be taken to the Settings app.
  • Click the Location button in the Quick Settings panel. The Location icon will turn bright white or blue, making it clear that it's turned on.
  • These manipulations will enable all location services for your phone or tablet (if they are installed as basic or downloaded as additional).

All modern Android smartphones and tablets are equipped with a GPS module. This allows these devices to be used as GPS navigators. In addition, the presence of a GPS module allows you to leave GPS tags on photos and use many other useful functions. In this regard, many novice users are interested in how to enable GPS on Android. This article will tell you how to enable location services (GPS) on your Samsung Galaxy.

Why do you need GPS?

A GPS signal helps you understand where in the world you are now. This is useful for several reasons:

  • The navigation app will help you not get lost in the forest;
  • With navigation you can navigate even in an unfamiliar city;
  • You can easily find the address you need;
  • You escape from traffic jams - the “Traffic” service helps you avoid them;
  • Various apps show you nearby eateries and shopping centers;
  • GPS helps determine your speed.


Two ways:

  • Via the notification panel
  • Through phone settings

Method 1: Using the notification panel

1. Open the notification panel

  • To do this, swipe down from the top of the screen.

2. Swipe down again on the notification panel

  • This will display several additional icons.

3. Swipe sideways on the icons

  • A second page of icons will appear.

4. Click the "Location" icon

  • The icon will turn blue, which means your GPS is turned on.

Method 2. Through phone settings

1. Open Settings

2. Click "Connections"

3. Scroll down and tap Location

4. Move the switch to the “On” position

Almost all modern smartphones are equipped with a GPS chip. The navigation module is also present in most tablet computers running the Android operating system. However, not all users know that the chip is often disabled by default. As a result, such people are surprised that there are no geotags on the photos, and the Google Now service does not show the route to their home. Fortunately, you can enable GPS on your tablet and smartphone without any effort.

Why do you need GPS?

Decades ago, GPS satellites were only available to the military. But the Americans quickly realized that big money could be made from navigation chips, applications and maps. As a result, ordinary people gained access to the technology - they just needed to acquire the appropriate device. Initially, these were specialized GPS navigators. And now the navigation module has seriously decreased in size, and therefore it can be built even into an ordinary smartphone.

A GPS signal helps you understand where in the world you are now. This is useful for several reasons:

  • The navigation app will help you not get lost in the forest;
  • With navigation you can navigate even in an unfamiliar city;
  • You can easily find the address you need;
  • You escape from traffic jams - the “Traffic” service helps you avoid them;
  • Various apps show you nearby eateries and shopping centers;
  • GPS helps determine your speed.

In short, a navigation chip can be very useful. But you will have to pay for using it. If you decide to turn on GPS on Android, then get ready for higher power consumption. This is most noticeable on older devices that do not support A-GPS technology. Also, inexpensive ones have a problem with GPS signal reception. Ours will help you get closer to solving it.

GPS activation

But enough of the lyrics... Let's find out how to enable GPS on an Android phone. This is done very simply:

Step 1. Go to the device menu and tap on the “ Settings».

Step 2. Here select " Location».

Step 3. Click on the item " Mode».

Step 4. Select location mode " According to all sources" or " By GPS satellites».

On smartphones running more current versions of Android, GPS can be enabled through the notification panel. To do this, just activate the button "GPS"(depending on the manufacturer, it may have a different name). By long pressing on this item you can go to the location settings and change other parameters. For example, enable energy saving mode or high accuracy.

Note: On smartphones and some other devices, the item names may differ. For example, the section " Location" may have the name " Geodata».