How to install and configure a WiFi router - from A to Z. Step-by-step instructions

Such a thing as setting up a router today is at the same time one of the most common services, one of the most common problems among users and one of the most frequent requests V search services Yandex and Google. On my website I have already written more than a dozen instructions on how to configure routers of different models, with different firmware and for different providers.

However, many people are faced with a situation where an Internet search does not yield any results for their needs. specific case. The reasons for this can be completely different: a consultant in a store, after being scolded by the manager, recommends you one of the unpopular models, the remains of which you need to get rid of; You are connected to some provider that no one knows about and has not described how to set up a Wi-Fi router for it. The options are different.

One way or another, if you call a competent specialist to provide computer help, then most likely, after fiddling around for a while, even when encountering this router and your provider for the first time, he will be able to configure required connection and wireless network. How he does it? In general, it’s quite simple - it’s enough to know certain principles and understand what exactly setting up a router is and what actions need to be taken in order to do it.

So this is not a setup guide. specific model wireless router, but a guide for those who would like to learn how to configure any router for any Internet provider on their own.

Detailed instructions for various brands and providers you can find.

Setting up a router of any model for any provider

We will have to make some remark regarding the title: it happens that setting up a router of a particular brand (especially for rare models or imported from other countries) for a certain provider turns out to be impossible in principle. Also happens marriage, or some external reasons- problems with the cable, static electricity and closures and others. But, in 95% of cases, understanding what and how it works, you can set everything up, regardless of the equipment and which company provides Internet access services.

So, what we will start from in this guide:

  • We have a working router that needs to be configured
  • There is a computer that is connected to the Internet (i.e. the connection to the network is configured and works without a router)

Find out the type of connection

It is quite possible that you already know what type of connection is used by your provider. This information can also be found on the website of the company providing Internet access. Another option, if the connection is already configured on the computer itself, is to see what type of connection it is.

The most common types of connections are PPPoE (for example, Rostelecom), PPTP and L2TP (for example, Beeline), Dynamic IP (Dynamic IP address, for example Online) and Static IP (static IP address - most often used in office centers).

In order to find out what type of connection is used on your existing computer, it is enough to active connection go to the list of network connections on your computer (in Windows 7 and 8 - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center shared access- Change adapter settings; in Windows XP - Control Panel - Network Connections) and look at the active network connections.

Options for what we will see when wired connection approximately the following:

  1. One single connection is active local network;
  2. The local network connection is active and one more - High speed connection, VPN connection, the name does not have much meaning, it can be called anything, but the point is that to access the Internet on this computer they use certain parameters connections that we need to know for subsequent configuration of the router.

In the first case, we are apparently dealing with a Dynamic IP or Static IP connection. In order to find out, you need to look at the properties of the local network connection. Click on the connection icon right key mouse, click “Properties”. Then, in the list of components used by the connection, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 IPv4” and click “Properties” again. If in the properties we see that the IP address and addresses DNS servers are issued automatically, then we have a connection with a dynamic IP. If there are some numbers there, then we have a static IP address and for subsequent configuration of the router we should rewrite these numbers somewhere, they will still be useful.

In the second case, we have some other type of connection. In most cases, this is PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP. Again, we can see what type of connection is being used in the properties of this connection.

So, having information about the type of connection (we will assume that you have information about your login and password, if they are required to access the Internet), you can proceed directly to the setup.

Connecting a router

Before connecting the router to your computer, change the local network connection settings so that the IP address and DNS are obtained automatically. Where these settings are located was written above when talking about connections with static and dynamic IP addresses.

Standard elements for almost any router

Most routers have one or more connectors labeled LAN or Ethernet, and one connector labeled WAN or Internet. A cable should be connected to one of the LANs, the second end of which will be connected to the corresponding connector network card computer. The cable from your Internet provider is connected to the Internet port. We connect the router to the power supply.

Administering a Wi-Fi router

Some router models come with software that is designed to make setting up the router easier. However, it is worth considering that in most cases this software only helps to set up connections to large federal-level providers. We will configure the router manually.

Almost every router has a built-in administration panel that allows you to access all necessary settings. To enter it, it is enough to know the IP address to which you need to contact, login and password (if the router was configured by someone earlier, it is recommended to reset its parameters to factory settings before starting, for which there is usually a RESET button). Usually this address, login and password are written on the router itself (on a sticker on the back) or in the documentation supplied with the device.

If there is no such information, then the router address can be found out as follows: run command line(provided that the router is already connected to the computer), enter the command ipconfig, and look at the main gateway for connecting via a local network or Ethernet - the address of this gateway is the address of the router. Typically this is ( D-Link routers) or (Asus and others).

As for the standard login and password for logging into the router administration panel, this information can be searched on the Internet. The most common options:

And others…

Now that we know the address, login and password, we launch any browser and address bar Enter the router address accordingly. When we are asked about this, we enter the username and password to access its settings and get to the administration page.

Good afternoon friends! I am very glad to welcome you to our educational Internet portal “With a computer on “YOU”. We continue to analyze the plan in detail. Let me remind you that we have already chosen a specific local network technology (Wi-Fi or DSL), decided on the network architecture, purchased the necessary network components, we have completed the network educational course in detail and today an important and responsible stage awaits us - (Wi-Fi router).

The router is the key device home network. It provides access to the Internet, connects users with each other, protects the network from intrusions from “outside”, and is also capable of providing additional network services, making life easier for users.

1. If you are connected to the Internet via dedicated Ethernet line(the provider brought it to your apartment network cable), you will need a wireless LAN router that has a connector labeled “WAN” on the back panel. We will connect to it Ethernet cable provider.

2. If your provider provides you with Internet access using DSL technology (via a telephone line), then the following options are possible:

  • Wi-Fi router with built-in DSL modem (the most convenient option, but will cost a little more);
  • DSL modem with a built-in router with a point connected to it via Ethernet Wi-Fi access(a little cheaper, but you’ll have to configure the access point separately and we can do it);
  • DSL modem connected to Wi-Fi router(you will also have to configure two devices).

Which option to choose is up to you, it all depends on the price of the issue and what devices you already have at home.

Having prepared the devices, connect the provider’s Ethernet cable to the WAN port of the router (or telephone cable– to the LINE port of the wireless DSL router). Next, you need to connect a computer to one of the free LAN ports of the router, with which we will configure the router (once the configuration is complete, the computer can be disconnected). We turn on the computer, but do not supply power to the router yet.

Next, you need to establish a connection (set up a network) between the computer and the router. If your router has a DHCP server enabled by default, whose job is to assign IP addresses to connected devices, then make sure that the function is enabled on your computer automatic receipt addresses. To do this, do the following:

Double-click on the network connection icon in the task area (lower right corner of the desktop), the “Local Area Network Connection Status” window will open. Click on the “Properties” button. After that, in the window that opens, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click on the “Properties” button.

In the “Properties: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” window that opens, set the switch to the “Obtain an IP address automatically” position. Confirm set parameters by clicking on the “OK” button.

If the router is assigned a static IP address by default, you need to follow the same first steps, setting the switch in the last “Properties: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” window to the “Use the following IP address” position.

In the “IP address” field, enter a value that differs by one from the router’s IP address. In most routers, the default address is set by the manufacturer (you can check this in the instructions for the router), therefore the IP address of our computer will be Enter the appropriate subnet mask. Close all windows by clicking on the “OK” button.

Friends, if you forgot about how to set IP addresses and a subnet mask, and what they are in general, then return to our article and repeat it all again.

Great, we've done everything preparatory settings to configure the router via the web interface. Now let's open the router settings window. To do this, enter the IP address of the router in the browser line and enter the credentials in the appropriate fields: username and password (see the instructions for the router).

setting up a router with an ethernet connection to the Internet

1. After correct input credentials, the router settings page will open. For different router models, the settings may be slightly different, but the basic parameters are the same for all devices.

So, on the “SETUP” tab, click on the “Internet Setup” item and launch the Internet connection setup wizard by clicking on the “Internet Connection Setup Wizard” button.

2. Next, the wizard will offer to change the password, set the time zone, and only then proceed directly to setting up the Internet connection. The first step is to determine the type of Internet connection provided by the provider (you can clarify this point in the service agreement).

3. The following options are most common in our country:

  • DHCP connection (obtaining a dynamic address);
  • Username/Password connection (Internet connection that requires entering a login and password);
  • Static IP Address connection (obtaining a static address).

We will not consider the first option, everything is extremely simple: the router will receive all the settings from the provider automatically. In the second option, you must indicate the IP address (if the provider provided it to you), username and password (specified in the service agreement), and the name of the provider (optional).

4. If you have a connection option with static address, then indicate the IP address issued to you, subnet mask, gateway address and DNS server address.

5. If you are sure that you did everything according to the instructions, but there is still no connection to the Internet, then most likely your provider provides Internet access to devices with a specific MAC address. This situation may arise if your Internet provider has connected your PC to the Internet. Everything works, but when setting up the Internet through the router, there is no connection.

When connected, the provider's equipment remembers the MAC address of the device and subsequently provides services only to it. To resolve this issue, you must use the cloning function or manual entry MAC addresses on the router.

To find out the MAC address of your computer, double-click on the network connection icon in the task area (lower right corner of the desktop), the “Local Area Network Connection Status” window will open. Go to the “Support” tab and click on the “Details” button. The “Network connection details” window will open, where the first line will be your MAC address.

If you did everything correctly, then the Internet connection should be available on the computer from which you made the settings. To do this, open any page in your browser and enter any website address, for example, our blog. If the page opens, then the connection is established - everything is in order.

If you use a DSL connection, the settings will be approximately the same, you just need to specify Extra options(Port, VPI, VCI) provided by the provider.

wifi setup

1. So, let's move on to setup wireless connection. Again, go to the router settings panel (see procedure above). On the “Setup” tab, select “Wireless Setup” and launch the “Wireless Connection Setup Wizard”.

2. Next, specify the network identifier (name) and indicate how to create a key for Wi-Fi protection networks with encryption. I advise you to use the option to automatically generate a key. And also check the box to use WPA encryption instead of the outdated WEP algorithm. Click the “Next” button.

3. Settings are completed, the encryption key has been generated.

Remember it, it will be useful to you when connecting other devices to the router via wireless channel(you will need to provide the SSID and this key).

setting up wi-fi security

1. Change the password to access the access point configuration interface. The router has standard password access to the configuration interface, it is not a secret to anyone (it can be found on the equipment manufacturer’s website). To prevent scammers from gaining access to your Internet channel, first of all, replace the password with a stronger one (mix letters of different case and numbers, use symbols instead of letters, for example p@Ssw0rD).

2. Disable the ability to remotely configure the router. This option is provided by default to facilitate the provision of support services via the Internet. They configure or verify your settings remotely over the Internet. Disable this feature.

3. Enable encryption protection (WPA or WPA2).

4. Turn off your wireless network when it is not needed. If you do not use the access point (for example, at night or when you leave home somewhere), then turn off the router. A network that is down cannot be hacked.

5. Limit network access. Even in the most simple routers It is possible to configure filtering of computers by MAC addresses. Specify all devices on your network that you intend to provide Internet access to. All others will be unavailable.

6. Hide your network. In the functions for setting up wireless connection parameters, there is a function that allows you to disable name transfer wireless network(SSID). When searching for a network external devices your network will not be visible, and therefore you will not be able to connect to it.

So we looked at the basic steps of setting up a router. In the next article dedicated to, I will tell you about hidden possibilities routers - we will expand the capabilities of the router by changing the firmware of the equipment.

In routers such as TP-Link, Zyxel, Qtech, NetGear, Huawei, ZTE, D-Link, AsusThe principle of the default menu and settings is very similar.

This question arises for everyone who purchases a Wi-Fi router for a wireless Internet connection. So that the device transmitting the signal mobile gadgets, laptops and desktop computers, worked correctly, you need to change some standard options. It's not at all difficult to figure it out. The main thing is to understand how to enter the router settings. Once you have access to the general menu, you can install personal password connections to strangers could not use your traffic, and set some restrictions. Read on to find out how to do this.

First of all, you must establish a connection between the router and the Internet and your computer. To do this you will need to follow a simple algorithm:

  • connect the modem to the network;
  • insert the plug of the Internet provider cord into the appropriate connector;
  • connect the router to the PC using a regular network cable.

After performing these steps, the computer will “see” a new network connection and will notify you about it. The following indicators should light up on the router itself:

  • the router is turned on;
  • Wi-Fi signal is broadcast;
  • the modem is connected to the Internet;
  • The modem is connected to the computer.

On the router panel you will find the corresponding symbols. If all four indicators light up, it means that the connection to the router is established correctly. All that remains is to configure it correctly so that the Internet can work on landlines and mobile devices. To do this, you must know how to log into the router and change the standard options.

General instructions for launching the router web interface

Each manufacturer of Wi-Fi routers provides an individual interface for controlling modem functions. Outwardly they differ significantly, but, in essence, the principle is the same everywhere. The user launches any browser available on the computer, enters the router address and gains access to the device management page. It sounds extremely simple, but in fact it is not entirely clear how to access the router’s website. to install remote access, you need to know the router's IP. It must be indicated in the instructions.

If you do not have the instruction manual at hand, follow the following actions:

  • On the taskbar, find the network connection icon and click on it right click mice;
  • a small menu will pop up in which you need to select the control center;
  • after completing these steps, the network settings window will open, in it you need to find “Change adapter settings” (located in the vertical panel on the left side);
  • after going to the adapter options settings window, you will see a list of connections, including the one you need to configure;
  • By double-left-clicking the status window for this connection, click “Details...”

Having done this, you will see in front of you a summary of data in which nothing is clear. In the first column, find "Default Gateway". Rewrite the IP address opposite. This is the direct address to your router. There are two common options used by leading router manufacturers: "" and "". Less common is the address “”.

You already know how to access the router page, so do it immediately. Enter the appropriate set of numbers in the address bar and you will see the router interface in front of you. The last obstacle remains - authorization. Like router addresses, manufacturers specify standard values login/password to gain access to device options. You can find them out by reading the instructions for the router or reading the subsequent sections of this article.

Features of individual router settings

Using the information contained in this section, you will understand how to log into the router’s web interface. The data in the table below will provide access to Personal Area user through whom it is possible to easily install New Password connections to wireless Wi-Fi network, set a new router name and configure many other settings.


Video: how to enter the WiFi router menu

After reading this article, you have already received a general theoretical understanding of how to enter the router setup room. It's time to see this process with your own eyes. After watching the video below, you will receive answers to many related questions and will be able to cast aside doubts about the fact that you misunderstood the instructions. Follow the recommendations from the video and you will certainly be able to configure your modem.

The Internet has become an integral part of life, and every computer should have access to the network. At home, a connection via a Wi-Fi router is suitable for this, which provides the ability to use both a wireless connection (for laptops, mobile phones, tablets) and a cable connection (for desktop computers).

Where is the best place to install a Wi-Fi router?

For those who are considering options for how to install a router, you should start by choosing a location to place the device. This is influenced by several factors:

  • location of the provider's modem or cables, if used;
  • apartment layout;
  • location of the desktop computer (if any).

Exist different models wireless devices from Asus (Asus), TP Link, D-Link (D-Link), etc. They may have at different speeds data transmission, coverage area. This should be taken into account when you choose a location for the device, so that access is available anywhere in your apartment. IN in this case the best solution there will be a central point if the cable, the location of the modem and the desktop PC allow it. If you have to install the device closer to the computer in order to run a cable to it, then you need to focus on this factor.

How to connect a router to a computer or laptop

It’s easy to figure out how to connect a Wi-Fi router to a computer. The process itself is quick, but problems may arise with setting up the device. Separately below, we will consider the option of connecting a desktop PC via a wireless network and using a network cable. The option of how to connect a router to a laptop is practically no different. Before purchasing a receiver, please be aware that there are models on the market that do not support Wi-Fi distribution and act as an adapter (for connecting several devices).

At the first stage, to gain access to the Internet, you need to correctly connect the wires to the device. Large manufacturers There are several routers, but the connection diagram always remains the same. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to connect a wifi router to a computer:

  1. Unpack and install the device, plug it into a power outlet. On the back panel, as a rule, there is a button to turn on the device: press it. If a signal is received, the lights on the router will light up.
  2. There are several sockets on the rear panel. One of them is always located on the edge and is painted in a different color (blue, yellow) with the signature WAN. Connect the wire from the modem or the Internet cable into it. You should hear the latch click, indicating that the cord is securely secured.
  3. If you need to connect a cable to the PC, then insert it into any of the empty sockets nearby and stretch it to the connector on the network card. When connected, the light should light up, which means there is a signal.
  4. When connecting wirelessly, you need to go to the network settings on the PC itself.

Wireless router connection

Most users are interested in the option of how to connect to a router wirelessly. In the case of a laptop, everything is much simpler, because it has a built-in module for Wi-Fi reception signal. When it comes to regular PCs, the situation is somewhat more complicated, because you will additionally need to purchase an adapter for a Wi-Fi network. They are easy to find in any hardware store and are often sold together with modems.

There are two options on the market Wi-Fi adapters for PC – external and internal. The first ones are connected via a USB cable and stand on the table; they look like a docking station for an Apple player. The second ones are mounted on motherboard via PCI connector. They work equally well, but external option can be disconnected and connected to another device, and the built-in one does not take up space on the table. The device should come with a driver disk and software.

After connecting to the computer, setup occurs in exactly the same way as on a laptop. In most cases, to enable computer Wi-Fi, you just need to find your connection in the list of networks and enter the password. If you are connecting for the first time, you may need to specify the settings that were given to you when concluding a contract with the provider.

Wired connection using twisted pair

Previously there was only one way to desktop computer connect the wifi router - cord. At first the cable from telephone line(sometimes still used), then others appeared that provided not only a computer with Internet access, but also a TV cable channels. This connection method is still used today, as a rule, for stationary PCs. How to connect a computer to a router via cable:

  • connect the provider wire to wi-fi router into the slot labeled WAN or Internet;
  • power cord should be inserted into one of LAN connectors;
  • the second end of the cord must be connected to the Ethernet port of the computer, after connection the light should light up (blink).

What to do if the router does not connect to the Internet

Even if you know how to connect a wifi router to a computer and have done all the necessary manipulations, a situation may arise that a connection to the Internet is not established. At the same time, everything works correctly through the cable, and the wireless network does not transmit data, but is visible in the list of connections. If you call the provider’s support service, the first thing the specialist will do is suggest unplugging wifi device, wait 3-10 minutes and turn it on again. In many cases this really helps.

If this method does not help, then there is a high probability that the computer cannot automatically obtain an IP or DNS address networks. To check the settings, you need to right-click on your connection, select “Network Center”, click on the image of the network connection and go to the “Details” tab. If the DNS or IP item is empty, then this is the problem. You need to call support and find out what values ​​need to be entered in the properties. After receiving them:

  1. Click on the connections and click on the “Properties” button.
  2. Find the item that ends with TCP/Ipv4. Click on it and click "Properties".
  3. Activate the “Use the following IP address” items, enter the data provided to you by your provider.
  4. Repeat the same for DNS gateways.
  5. Click "Ok" and close the remaining tabs.

Video instruction: how to connect a router to a computer

With the development of the level and prevalence of the Internet, the number of devices that use World Wide Web. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and even TVs all require an Internet connection to comfortable work. When there are more than two such devices at home, the question arises of how to connect them simultaneously. In this case, a useful device will come to the rescue - a router, the purpose of which is to distribute the Internet connection between various devices. There are several types of routers, so before purchasing, you need to determine which one is right for you.

By type of connection

The most common type is a router with an Ethernet connection. This refers to a standard network cable (called " twisted pair"), which can be connected directly to a computer. But if you want to connect several gadgets, then you must immediately connect a router (more on this below). The connection speed can reach 1 Gbps, it depends on the capabilities of your network card and provider.

The second type of connection is called ADSL. It is used to obtain an Internet connection via telephone networks and is more common in the private sector where it is not possible to connect via Ethernet. If you have a telephone at home, then there is no need to run additional wires. True, you won’t see speeds of more than 24 Mbit/s (this is maximum speed, subject to a high-quality modern telephone line).

LTE connection is the third type of router. With this connection, you get wireless Internet via 3G or 4G networks. This is currently the most expensive and least common connection method.

If you have decided on the type of router, then you can proceed directly to the question of how to install the router. And you should start by choosing a location.

Choosing a place

Routers come in both wired and wireless varieties. If you need to connect both your phone and tablet to the network at the same time, then you should ask how to install a WiFi router at home. Moreover, wireless router does not exclude connection using wires.

Before connecting, it is advisable to choose the optimal location of the router. Avoid placing on concrete lintels or in remote corners of the apartment, as this will reduce the usable coverage area. The ideal place is in the center of the room. Most often, the connection location is limited by the location of the incoming Internet cable. It makes sense to immediately connect and configure the router. And only if the signal level does not suit you, then start worrying about the location.

Let's start connecting

The cable must be connected to de-energized devices. For an Ethernet connection, simply plug the incoming network cable into the special jack on the back of the router (labeled WAN). If you have an ADSL connection, then you should use a so-called splitter (included) to separate the telephone and Internet signals.

For initial setup You will also need to connect a network cable (also included) to your laptop or desktop computer. This is necessary to log into the administrative panel of the router. We will consider the connection process using the example of a router manufactured by TP-Link. If you know how to install a TP-Link router, then there will be no problems connecting devices from other manufacturers, since the principle is the same everywhere.

We go to the administrative part

In order to log into the device interface, you need to have the following data: IP address, login and password. This information is printed on a label at the bottom of the router. For most models, universal login information will work. Address:, which must be entered into the address bar of the browser. After entering the address and pressing the Enter key, a window for entering your login and password will appear (by default login admin And password admin). But there may be options, as in the photo below, where the settings page address is different. Therefore, check the label or instructions for the device.

After entering your login and password, you will be taken to the administrative part, where you first need to open the DHCP Server tab. There you need to activate this server, that is, check Enable or “Enable” (depending on the interface language), and click the “Save” button.

The next step in the process of how to install a Wi-Fi router is to determine the type of connection.

Connection type

If you do not have information about the type of connection, you should check with your Internet provider. Without the correct settings, the Internet will not work. The simplest option is a type called “dynamic IP address.” All you need to do is select this option and click the save button. In rare cases, you will also have to fill in the “Hostname” field.

More rare type- with static IP address- requires additional filling in the fields with IP address, default gateway, subnet mask and DNS server (provided by the provider). And when PPPoE connection(from the English Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet), you must fill in the fields with username, password and password confirmation.

After setting up the Internet connection, you can move on to the question of how to set the TP-Link router to wireless transmission mode?

Wi-Fi setup

To do this, you need to find a tab called “ Wireless mode"(options are possible). Then you need to enter the SSID name of the network and select mode mode. If you are not sure that all your devices support the most modern n-mode, then it is better to choose a mixed bgn option.

Next, you should save the settings and reboot the router. Then let's move on to the question of how to install WiFi router into protected mode. For these purposes, the settings provide a “Network Security” section. Here you should select the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption mode and enter a 12-digit password. In the future, this password will need to be entered one-time on each new device that you want to connect to the network.

After this step, the question of how to install a Wi-Fi router can be considered closed.

Possible problems

If you can’t log into the administrative panel, try changing your browser. For some devices different manufacturers there is poor compatibility with Google browser Chrome.

Be careful when entering the router's IP address. If the firmware was updated, it may become instead of (or vice versa).

If after setting up the router you have weak signal wireless network, then consider installing the WiFi router in another, more open location. Sometimes in administrative settings you can select the signal strength level. Some router models have detachable antennas. If you change them to more powerful ones, you will be able to significantly expand the coverage area without changing the router (which is much cheaper).


The instructions described above are universal. It will help you decide how to install a D Link, ASUS, Netgear, Linksys, etc. router. Differences can only be in the interface administrative panel or small nuances. Provided that you did everything correctly, all that remains is to connect your gadgets and enjoy the convenience of using the Internet wirelessly.