How to hide all photos in contact. How to hide photos in contact


Do you want only your friends to know about your life from your photos on VK? You can easily restrict access to them using privacy settings.

How to hide photos in VK, we will explain today in this article. For any album on VK it’s easy to install closed access just for you, for friends or relatives, also create an album for just one specific person.

To do this, you need to go to the “My Photos” section on your page and click on the “Show all albums” button. Click on the desired photo that you want to hide and go to the album where it is located. In the right corner, find the “Edit Album” link.

Right below the album cover and description, you will see a question: “Who can view my album?” and a proposal to select the circle of those people to whom it is visible. Expand this list and set the appropriate settings.

To ensure that only some friends see the photo, and for the rest they are hidden, click on the “Some friends” item and select, from the pop-up list, those people to whom you intend to show the photo.

If you want to hide the photos in which your friends or acquaintances tagged you, on the main page in VK, go to “My Settings” and select the “Privacy” tab; the second item in the “My Page” field is the question “Who sees the photos in which I was tagged " By selecting “Only Me”, you can hide tagged photos from prying eyes.

It is also possible to hide the photo map. The photo map marks where you were when you took the photo. If you don’t want to tell anyone about where you’ve been, in the “Who can see the map with my photos” item in the privacy settings, it’s better to check “Only me.”

If you are confused and not sure that you have hidden the photos you wanted, scroll through the settings page in VK. At the very bottom, click on the link “See how other users see your page.”

So that your photos are not visible in the feed on home page, move your mouse to the photo on the main page and click on the gray cross that appears when you hover over it. It is impossible to hide the photos that you posted on the wall; they will be visible to all users who are interested in your page. Therefore, for important photos in VK it is best to create separate album and don't download them.

How to hide saved photos in VK

VK has special function, which allows you to save the photos you like or need for work. When saved, they are automatically transferred to the Saved Photos album. You can also see this album in the list of all albums. However, when you click on it, you cannot hide the contents like in a regular album. To hide saved photos, it is best to move them to another album.

To do this, select the required photo from the saved ones.

To do this, select the required photo from the saved ones. Just below it, you need to find the “Actions” tab and click on it. Next, select “Transfer album” and select a pre-created one hidden album. It's good to have few photos. Transferring them this way is not a difficult task. But it happens that there are more than 300 saved photos, you need all of them, but you don’t really want to transfer them.

Especially for quick transfer photo in VK there is a “Transfer” application that will help you quickly transfer photos from one album to another. Add it to your list of applications. And choose what and where you will transfer. You can also save photos locally in the application.

How to hide comments to photos in VK

Are your photos being commented on by people you don’t understand or don’t know? Or do you want comments on your photos to be available only to you? You can easily hide comments.

Users of the popular social network VKontakte can often see uninvited guests on their page. Sometimes they act rudely, leaving inappropriate comments on your photos. To prevent such arbitrariness, you should think about how to hide VKontakte photos, and then the problem will be solved.

How to hide VKontakte photos from strangers

You can hide your photos from prying eyes on VKontakte in the following way. So, log in to the site using your details. Then on the right, find the “My Settings” item and go to this tab. Once you are taken to another page, go to the Privacy tab. The page will refresh again, on it you should find the item “Who can see photos of me” and select “Only friends”. If you select this option, third-party users will not be able to view your photos, much less comment on them.

In addition, you should pay attention to the item “Who can see the photos in which I was tagged.” Opposite it you should select “Friends only”. After that, click on the “Save” button.

If you want to view hidden photos of your friends and relatives, you can find out the easiest way to do this from our article -.

Hiding an album with photos

If you need to hide an entire album with VKontakte photos, you should proceed as follows:

Go to the “My Photos” tab. Hover your mouse over the album you want to hide. On the right top corner you will see a pencil. Click on this icon. A window will immediately open allowing you to edit the album. Below the title and description, you'll see a tab that says "Who can view this album." In the drop-down window, check the box next to the desired option, which will include the following:

  • "Only me";
  • "Only friends";
  • "Friends and Friends of Friends";
  • “Everything except...”;
  • "Some Friends";
  • "Some friend lists."

Now you know how to hide saved VKontakte photos, and you will probably use one of the methods described above. You may need additional information about closing the album, you can read about this in our article.

Some users create simply gigantic volumes of photo archives with hundreds of different albums. And they all face one serious problem: how to set up privacy correctly, how to show certain users only those photos that they can see.

Let's look at everything using a fictitious example in the form of step-by-step instructions.

In the privacy settings we can close or open the viewing option certain category friends, not all friends at once. But to do this, you first need to assign these very categories of friends. The VKontakte service itself initially creates several such lists. It divides your acquaintances into relatives, close friends and friends from school and other educational institution. But of course, such a division is far from complete. You create the main lists of people yourself, and distribute your acquaintances among them. You can assign an unlimited number of different groups to users. Moreover, there are several groups for each of your friends. The resulting groups can be divided as follows: no access, low level access, intermediate level access and high level access. This way, it will be much easier for you to navigate among your lists and you won’t get confused.

Step two. Hidden and open albums VKontakte photos.

For example, you have ten different albums. With varying degrees of frankness. And your teacher should not see the same things as your boyfriend (girlfriend), although they are both your friends. You can close all albums from a certain category of friends at once. This feature can be found in settings. But in order to close individual albums, you will have to edit each one.

To do this, select Photo Albums - edit album - who can view this album. And there we already select one or several categories of friends. There you can also assign an album view for everyone except “insert category”. This is in many cases the most convenient function website "Vkontakte". You can also edit the ability to comment on photos of this album, for everyone, for certain groups, for no one.

Step three. How to block one photo from groups of friends.

Unfortunately, the Vkontakte service does not have such a function as closing individual photos in an album. But there is a way out. True, you will have to create a separate album for this. Next, we place our photo in this album, and then we edit this entire album.

Step four. How to completely block all photos from the user.

Privacy settings won't help here, unfortunately. After all, your avatar is also a series of your photos. She can be seen in any case. But if you want to completely limit your page from unwanted user, then you will have to add it to the “black list”. To do this, open the settings option, select the “black list” tab and enter there the address of the page of the user from whom we want to close.

Using the settings described above, you can limit access to your photos to any category of your friends or users who are not your friends.

Under some circumstances, users of the VKontakte social network may need to hide personal photos. Whatever the reason for the concealment, the administration has already provided everything necessary for these purposes to each user.

Before you begin the process of closing photos, it is recommended to prioritize the importance, since in some cases the images are easier to delete. If you still need to hide the photo from one or all users, follow the instructions below, depending on your case.

First of all, it is important to understand that there are quite a lot of cases when you need to hide your photos and the solution to each individual problem requires consideration. In most cases, literally any problem with VKontakte photos is resolved by deleting them.

When going through the process of hiding your photos, remember that in some cases the actions taken are irreversible.

The instructions below allow you to easily resolve the problem of hiding pictures on personal page in one form or another, depending on what you want to achieve.

Hide the preview photo on your personal page

As you know, on the personal page of each VKontakte user there is a specialized block of photos, where various pictures are gradually collected as they are added. Both downloaded images and those manually saved by the user are taken into account here.

The process of hiding photos from this block is normal for most users and cannot cause any serious problems.

After all the manipulations have been completed, the hiding can be considered complete. Please note that removing pictures from this feed can only be done manually, that is, there are no trusted extensions or applications for these purposes.

Hide a tagged photo

It often happens that a friend or acquaintance tags you in a picture or photo without your knowledge. In this case, you can use the special social settings section. VKontakte network.

In the process of hiding photos where you were tagged, all actions take place through the page settings. Consequently, after following the recommendations, completely all pictures where you were tagged will be removed.

Now, if someone tries to tag you in a photo, the resulting tag will be visible only to you. Thus, the photo can be considered hidden from outside users.

The VKontakte administration allows you to upload absolutely any photos, but with some minor restrictions on the age rating. If any user has published an ordinary photo of you, the only way out is to personally apply for removal.

Be careful, the privacy settings for tagged images apply to all photos without exception.

Hide albums and downloaded photos

Quite often, users face a problem when they need to hide an album or any photo uploaded to the site. IN in this case The solution lies directly in the settings of the folder with these files.

If your privacy settings allow an album or a certain number of images to be seen exclusively by you as the account owner, then these files will not be displayed in the photo feed on your personal page.

If you need to set unique privacy settings for only some photos, you will have to do everything manually.

The privacy settings for a photo album, in most cases, do not require verification. If you still want to make sure that the settings are correct, that hidden pictures are visible only to you, you can ask a friend to go to your page and make sure on his behalf whether the folders with pictures are hidden.

By default, only an album is private "Saved Photos".

To date, the VKontakte administration does not provide the ability to hide any individual image. Thus, to hide an individual photo you will need to create a new album with suitable settings privacy and move the file to it.

Take care of your personal data and wish you good luck!

You probably know that in social network You can upload photos to VKontakte. Sometimes this is done to show your friends where you have been and what you have seen, and sometimes you just want to hide your photos from prying eyes. This is what we will do in this article.

Hiding photos on the main page of VKontakte

You've probably noticed that the last photos you uploaded are loaded on the main page. So, it turns out that some of them can be hidden. Let's see what I mean and how it's done.

Go to your page, hover your mouse over the right corner of the photo you want to hide on the main page. Look at the screenshot and everything will immediately become clear to you:

They write to us that this photo will no longer be shown in this block. This action can be canceled by clicking the “Cancel” button:

How to hide photos that I've been tagged in

Go to “My Settings”.

Go to the “Privacy” section. Opposite the item “Who can see the photos in which I was tagged”, set “Only me.”

That's it.

How to hide some photos from others

I have already reviewed it. So follow the link and read how it's all done.

Now let's figure out how to hide a separate album. Go to “My Photos” and go to the “All Photos” tab:

Find the album you want to hide and click on the pencil in the upper right corner. This button means “Edit Album”:

Opposite the item “Who can view this album”, set “Only me”. This means that no one except you will see the pictures that are stored here:

In order to transfer a photo to a hidden album, you must first find it, and then click on the “Actions” link under it and select “Move to Album” from the drop-down menu:

How to hide an album on an Android phone

Launch the VKontakte application for Android. In the left menu, click on the camera icon and go to the “Albums” tab. We find the one we need and in the upper right corner of his avatar we find three vertical dots and click on them.

From the drop-down menu, select “Edit”:

A menu pops up in which there is an item that is already familiar to us, who can view.