How to turn on a MacBook if it won't turn on. What to do if your Mac won't boot and freezes at the Apple logo

Many of you have probably heard that Apple's operating system is famous for its reliability and the low number of errors and failures that occur during operation. However, Mac OS, unfortunately, is not perfect and one day it may simply not boot for no reason at all.

Without a doubt, this behavior of your Mac can be caused by a number of different errors, which need to be eliminated in different ways, but the author of this article has recently increasingly encountered a situation where MacBook won't boot after operating system update(Mac OS Sierra in this particular case) and makes three loud squeaks, repeated with a certain frequency.

Unfortunately, this can happen to any of us, and contacting a service center is often not timely and, of course, not cheap. Luckily, there's an easy method worth trying before you take your Mac anywhere. Judging by the reviews on foreign forums, it helped many people save money on using the service, and such a “hint” has helped the author of this article more than once. This is what we will talk about. So, what to do if your MacBook won't turn on?

Error appearing when booting Mac

As mentioned above, a computer can behave in a similar way due to a number of different errors (at least 4, judging by the help on the Apple website).

However, in our case, the sequence of actions and the patient’s symptoms look like this:

  1. you have installed an update to the Mac OS operating system (or the computer installed it itself if you have auto-update enabled);
  2. when you turned on (rebooted) your MacBook, instead of the expected operating system loading bar, you saw only a black (well, slightly gray, the side backlight of the monitor still turns on) screen;
  3. Looking at this “light black” screen, you heard three long sounds like “beep-beep-beep”, repeated at intervals of 5 seconds.

Having carefully studied the official Apple website, we find the symptoms and description of our error:

"Three consecutive beeps, repeated with a five-second pause: RAM did not pass the data integrity check."

Okay, I see, it's a RAM error on our MacBook. But the officials somehow forgot to offer any solution. But we found it, and it turned out to be as simple as shelling pears. Of course, it’s not a fact that this method will help you 100%, but it’s worth a try, because... for many it is works.

By the way, judging by discussions on foreign forums, the following MacBook models most often produce this error and do not turn on: MacBook Air a1466, MacBook Pro a1278 and a1260. It is from the first that we are writing this article.

Solving the problem - resetting SMC parameters

So if your MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac mini or Mac Pro won't turn on and beeps- This indicates a random access memory (RAM) error, which can most often be resolved by resetting the System Management Controller (SMC).

Depending on what device you have, follow one of the algorithms below.

If you have a MacBook with a non-removable battery

And most modern models are like this, then the algorithm of actions for you is as follows:

If you have a MacBook with a removable battery

Although, in my opinion, these have not been produced for a long time, but just in case, we proceed as follows:

If you have an iMac, Mac mini, or Mac Pro

That is, one of Apple’s desktop computers, then resetting the system management controller (SMC) parameters is even easier:

Using the method appropriate for your Mac, you will most likely see the usual Mac OS loading window - this means that the problem is solved.

What does resetting SMC affect?

If you are not very knowledgeable about computers or are simply encountering such a procedure for the first time, then before performing the steps described above, a completely reasonable question may arise: “Will I lose important data or settings on my MacBook as a result of resetting, because this procedure is somewhat similar to "hard reset" on some gadgets?"

We hasten to reassure you - no, you will not lose anything important. If you are really interested, then take a look at the list of functions for which the system management controller (SMC) is responsible, the parameters of which we reset:

  • response to pressing the power button;
  • response to opening and closing the display lid on Mac laptops;
  • battery resource management;
  • temperature control;
  • sudden motion sensor;
  • ambient light sensor;
  • keyboard backlight;
  • status indicator control;
  • battery status indicators;
  • Select an external (rather than internal) video source for select iMac displays.

Alternative option - rearrange the RAM

If the option suggested above did not help and your MacBook still does not start, then you should try an alternative method. However, it is not suitable for any Mac computer, but only for those whose RAM can be replaced and not soldered on the motherboard (as is done in most modern Mac models).

If you have one of these computers, then this option may well help you, you just need to know how to get to the RAM slot. The algorithm of actions is very simple:

That's all. Now you know what you can try first if your Mac won’t start and beeps with a nasty signal. We hope that one of the options suggested above will help you solve this problem and save a significant amount of money on contacting a service center.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that Apple technology is of high quality and reliable. It is worth noting that most modern and recently released laptops from other manufacturers are much inferior to the MacBooks of 2008. All available models in the line work without failures or freezes, but this does not guarantee uninterrupted operation of the device. Sometimes unexpected situations happen. This is exactly what this article is dedicated to. Let's look at the reasons why your MacBook may not turn on, and how to fix them.

How can you tell if your MacBook won't turn on?

In order to understand that the equipment does not turn on, you do not need to have skill or any special knowledge. When loading, it is enough to pay attention to what is drawn on the screen. If an icon appears in the form of a gray folder with an exclamation mark on it, then there is a problem with the laptop. There is no need to panic right away. If there is no system failure, then laptop technologies are capable of protecting all the data on the hard drive.

How to reset settings?

If a slight freeze occurs and you don’t want to spend a lot of time with recovery, you can use the EFI memory quick rollback function. All data after this will not be deleted and will remain on the hard drive. What needs to be done for this? First, turn off the laptop by holding down the Command-P-R-Option buttons and pressing the power key. It is worth pressing on them until the loading screen appears. This will quickly get rid of freezes, the memory will be cleared, and the operation of the MacBook will be completely restored. In the future, to avoid such troubles, it is better to backup your computer and place it on any cloud storage. Then, in the event of an unexpected failure, it will be easy to restore all data.

If after such manipulation the laptop still does not start, then you need to check the condition of the hard drive, as well as how the cable is attached to the motherboard.

Possible reasons

Before choosing ways to solve the problem, you need to determine why the freeze occurred. The question of why the MacBook won’t turn on will bother every owner who finds himself in this situation. What caused the software to turn off: a system failure, a memory or processor error, or some other problem? In addition, the breakdown could also occur as a result of unstable operation of the operating system. Often such a reaction occurs in a laptop during the update process. Sometimes this happens when you connect an incompatible device to a MacBook. This problem can be easily solved - just turn off all additional equipment.

Fixing the problem: first method

First of all, you should use a safe way to turn on your laptop - Safe Boot. What is it for? When working with it, the MacBook only downloads software that has been verified and installed from certified sources. In order to turn on the laptop in this mode, you need to press the Shift button and then carry out the usual manipulations. Unfortunately, the download process can be long, but you shouldn’t rush or interrupt it, because all data should remain unharmed.

If the user needs to do a detailed boot in order to understand why the failure occurred, then they should start turning on the laptop in the usual way, additionally holding down the Command, Shift and V keys. Then the MacBook will boot into safe mode with the ability to view all the startup details. In other words, Verbose Mode is additionally activated. What does this mean? This download method allows you to find out all the information about the utility and driver files, as well as see all the errors that occurred as a result of their operation.

If after such a launch the laptop functions normally, then it can be loaded as standard. But sometimes this method does not help solve the current problem, then you need to proceed to the second option for troubleshooting. If after this the MacBook Pro does not turn on, what to do, you can understand further.

Fixing the problem: second method

Of course, a laptop may freeze and not turn on for many reasons. If we assume that the problem is with the hard drive, then you can use the Disk Utility program to check its status.

First of all, you need to turn off your laptop. If the display shows a gray/blue/other color screen and this cannot be done, you will have to forcefully turn off the power. To do this, just hold down the start button for 7 seconds.

Now you can open recovery mode. It is from this that you need to launch Disk Utility. How to do it? You need to hold down the MacBook's power button, as well as Command and R at the same time. After this, the user will see a screen with utility icons installed in the operating system. You need to find the Disk Utility program and run it. Now you need to find the name of your hard drive on the screen and enable checking it. After finishing, you need to fix all the problems and restart the laptop. However, if the MacBook turns on and off, and the methods described above did not help, then proceed to the next step.

Fixing the problem: third method

If the user has made a backup copy of documents, but cannot get to it due to a failure in the MacBook, then the third method will suit him. You need to enter the external disk mode, which is called Target Disk Mode.

How to launch it? A second MacBook is required. It is needed to connect them with one cable. Now you can turn on your own laptop. If any problems arise, you can hold down the power button for a few seconds until the logo appears. Now you immediately need to press the T key. Keep it in this state until the inscription appears on the screen in the form of Thunderbolt. External disk mode has started. At the moment, a laptop is actually just that, and not a familiar computer. If the download is successful, a new hard drive will appear. Thanks to this, you can easily transfer the necessary data to this medium. You are now allowed to restore your laptop. Even if the information is deleted from the main disk, it will remain on the new secondary disk.

Fixing the problem: fourth method

If none of the methods described above could help resolve the problem and its results, and the MacBook screen does not turn on, then the last option remains - reinstalling the operating system. In order to do everything correctly and not end up with a crash, you need to enable the laptop recovery mode. How to do this is indicated above in the article: you should press the MacBook start button while holding down the R and Command keys.

After this, the operating system will turn on. You need to find the Reinstall menu. A dialog box will open. You must follow all the instructions described in it. Now the question of what to do if the MacBook does not turn on should resolve itself.

Apple computers are highly reliable, but their owners sometimes run into trouble. Let's figure out what needs to be done when the MacBook does not turn on. If you didn’t manage to flood your laptop and didn’t drop it on the floor, the problem can most likely be solved without going to a service center.

First, you should perform an external test to ensure that the monitor and power adapter are working properly. The first applies more to owners of Mac Mini and iMac all-in-one PCs. Laptops manufactured before 2016 use a MagSafe magnetic port for charging. Its power cord is equipped with an indicator light.

When connected correctly, it should glow orange or green. The L-shaped magnetic latch can operate even if the contacts have not yet connected. In this case, the power cord is externally connected, but due to slight misalignment, power is not supplied. The latest generation of T-latches do not have this drawback. Make sure MagSafe is connected correctly.

All 12-inch models, and after 2016 – the MacBook Pro, use a power supply with a USB-C connector, which does not have a light indication. MagSafe remains only in Air. The cord of the new adapters has two identical connectors at the ends and connects to the laptop and power supply through a port.

Unplug it on both sides and plug it back in. The adapter can automatically interrupt the power supply if there is a disturbance in the electrical network. To reset the triggered protection, unplug it from the socket for one minute. Once turned back on, the computer should begin charging normally.


When the adapter is working properly, power is supplied and the apple on the lid lights up, but the screen is still black, you will need to reset the NVRAM/PRAM.

  1. Completely turn off the computer using the power button. Turn it on and immediately press the combination shown in the screenshot.
  1. Hold down all the keys until the laptop starts up, emitting the boot beep again. After the startup went smoothly and we are logged in, we need to check for updates. Click on the apple logo in the menu bar located in the left corner. Select the marked item.
  1. On the main page, click the indicated button to open the App Store.

The system will automatically check for updates. We install all available ones and, if necessary, update the OS to the latest version of High Sierra.

Resetting the SMC

The SMC controller is responsible for the power supply functions. These include battery management, response to closing and opening the lid, the operation of some system sensors and interaction with peripheral devices. In any case, if you feel like your Mac isn't working properly, forcefully restarting the controller may resolve the issues.

For Aimak monoblocks and all Mini versions, it is enough to disconnect the power cord for 15 seconds. You must wait at least five more seconds before turning it back on. For laptop computers, which include all versions of Air, Pro and 12-inch Retina, we perform the following steps.

  1. Turn off the device completely using the menu item shown.
  1. Disconnect the power cord. Press the three keys shown in the screenshot in the left corner simultaneously with the power button and hold for ten seconds. Reconnect the power adapter and turn on the laptop.

As in the previous case, we check and install available OS updates.

Consequences of the upgrade

Apple has made it almost impossible to upgrade in recent years. In previously released MacBooks, the user could independently replace the memory sticks. The operation is, in principle, simple, but requires the correct selection of modules. If, after an upgrade, the laptop starts beeping while turning it on, this indicates problems with the new memory.

In this case, signals are given with a pause of five seconds. Depending on the model, this may be one repeating beep or a series of three consecutive beeps. The only way out of this situation is to reinstall old modules or purchase suitable ones.


If resetting the NVRAM and SMC didn't help you, then your Mac has serious problems. The best solution would be to contact a certified service for professional diagnostics. Don't forget that your MacBook is covered by Apple's limited warranty for one year from activation and some repairs are free.

Video instruction

In the video below you can see firsthand how the described operations are performed by a professional.

If you are reading this article, then you probably have problems with Apple technology. Do not be upset, perhaps the problem is not so serious and it is possible to solve it even on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists. People often contact us with questions such as problems with their MacBook. It would seem that the perfect quality of perfect technology - what problems could there be? Unfortunately, no manufacturer can provide a lifetime warranty; in addition, the reliability of Apple laptops highly depends on careful handling. Today we will talk about how to determine the cause of problems with your MacBook yourself and when you should contact a specialist.

MacBook won't turn on - what to do?

Before you panic about this and run to the service center, give your device “computer first aid.” The algorithms described below will help determine the cause, and possibly find a solution.

Charging problems

First of all, check that the charger is plugged into the socket tightly; it may have come loose and the charging process is not taking place. If the socket is working properly, inspect the cord and adapter; the computer may malfunction due to their malfunction.

Maybe the display is faulty?

To answer this question we do the following:

  • We turn it on and listen: you can hear the boot melody or the noise of fans and disks - the screen is faulty;
  • Activate the Caps Lock key - if the indicator light works, then again, there is a problem with the screen.

If it's not a display

We take a deep breath and calmly unplug the power cord, freeing all connectors used by printers, scanners and other devices. Next, we even out our breathing and calm the nervous system for a minute - everything is not so scary, right? Next, connect the charging. Turn it on. Has the process started? Smile and with a feeling of pride you can return to the original printer and so on. If nothing happened. This also happens.

Resetting the System Management Controller

The second step is to reset the system management controller (in addition, resetting this controller has a positive effect on the operation of the fan, which will become very quiet). This is necessary because when the settings are not correct, the MacBook cannot recognize its battery. For this:

  • Connect the MagSafe or USB-C power adapter to the power source and to the computer.
  • On the built-in keyboard, press the Shift-Control-Option keys (on the left) and the power button simultaneously.
  • At the same time, release the keys and the power button.
  • Press the power button to turn on the computer.


MacBook is filled with liquid

First aid is as follows: very quickly unplug the power cord, remove the battery, turn the device over and wait three days until it dries completely. Next, we either take it to the service, or turn it on, hoping for our luck. Remember: the composition of what is spilled on a Mac determines the scale of the consequences - clean warm water is not as bad as an iced Pepsi spilled on a hard drive that is pretty hot from work.

The device constantly turns off during operation

This problem will certainly overtake those who like to sit at work in a dusty closet or in the company of their beloved cat. Dirt that gets on the cooler impairs its performance and literally dooms this part and the computer as a whole to a slow and painful death.

MacBook is very slow

In such a situation, we certainly urge you to clean your device! A cluttered desktop, a bunch of useless but “cool” applications, lack of software updates - all this saddens your machine and it protests against this attitude towards itself! Reinstall the system and organize your files, and your Mac will happily buzz with renewed vigor. Did not help? Your MacBook will work faster with a new SSD drive and more RAM.

If your strength is exhausted...

If the above steps do not give a positive result, or other problems arise, we strongly recommend that you seek qualified help.

Reminder for MacBook user

In order to avoid having to turn to specialists for technical assistance ahead of time, it is worth remembering and following simple rules for using the device:

  • It is necessary to work with a computer only on a clean surface: dust, dirt and pet hair are not the fan’s best friends;
  • Do not place a container with liquid next to your MacBook, as a careless wave of your hand can result in costly repairs;
  • Be careful with transportation: falling from a height is not the best way to check the build quality of equipment;
  • If you are not confident in your abilities to install, configure and update software, trust the specialists;
  • If your outlet periodically sparks and smokes, you should not play Russian roulette with the wiring by inserting the MacBook charger plug into the connector.

How I lost my main working tool during a trip.

About a month ago I went to Moscow for a couple of weeks to stay with relatives. And this should not have affected all areas of my activity, because they are tied only to high-quality access to the network and loved ones MacBook Pro 13''. There could be problems with the Internet, but the laptop has never let me down on a single trip. I didn’t even worry about him, and in vain.

Already on the second day in the capital I was left without my main means of production.

My advice is to beware of summer beaches and protect Mac from soft drinks.

Can you guess what happened to him? The guys from MacPlus, who were recommended by a local colleague, took this laptop for diagnostics, and at the same time shared information about the 5 most “popular” Mac defects. Next, based on our conversation, I’ll tell you what problems summer (and not only) can bring with it.

1. Cooling system malfunction

Overheating is often feared, but what exactly happens to your laptop when this occurs:

Despite the fact that the cooling system of any MacBook significantly superior to most competitors PC-solutions, it still needs to be cleaned at least once a year. Otherwise, it gradually becomes clogged with dirt and dust, which is why its performance significantly decreases over time.

The result will not be long in coming - serious overheating and failure of the motherboard elements is inevitable.

Nowadays you can often hear that preventative work - cleaning the cooling system and replacing thermal paste - needs to be done at a minimum once a year.

Of course, this indicator is actually individual and depends on where and how long you work at your job. Mac. If, for example, a laptop has been left switched off for 5-7 months (although this is hard to imagine), there will most likely be much less dust in it than in the same one, but actively used.

The fact is that dust gets into the cooling system through its own “fault”. The fan, removing hot air from the case, at the same time sucks dust from the environment inside.

Let us note once again that the indicators are individual - they depend on the working conditions, its duration and on the laptop model too. For example, a 15” MacBook Pro will get dusty much faster than the same MacBook Air.

It is worth mentioning separately about as thermal paste. Some of its types can easily withstand up to 140 degrees, while others have rather low threshold values ​​at which they cannot cope with the load. In this case, the entire required amount of heat is not transferred to the cooling system; some remains “on the chips”. This increases the load, the temperature goes beyond safe limits, and the resource in this mode is used up much faster.

In some cases, the dust itself not only contributes to heating, but can also become a conductor of current (of course, this does not happen often, but it is still possible).

With thermal paste, everything is also not so simple: it does not always dry out within a year. It all depends on what you do: permanent work in Final Cut or a game of Call of Duty will significantly speed up the process, and gentle use, on the contrary, will delay the problem.

But you still shouldn’t deviate from the rule: at least once a year you need to show your Mac to a specialist. If it is clean, they will tell you so directly. If cleaning is necessary, at first the laptop will simply turn off during operation or slow down, but you definitely shouldn’t wait until it refuses to turn on even after cooling down.

You can remove the cover and look at the condition of the device in a few minutes, but repairing devices that are already out of order is much more difficult. And more expensive.

2. Troubles with charging or power supply

It's not that simple; there are several options.

The battery has died

Here we need to highlight two equal options. Either the battery has exhausted its life and is not suitable for further use, or it was simply blocked by charge controller. Of course, the MacBook will not turn on.

There are many publications on this issue. We'll just reiterate the obvious: Mac batteries are very reliable, but they don't last forever, and sooner or later they have to be replaced.

Practice shows that this always happens unexpectedly. Of course, various utilities can now monitor the condition of the battery, and the system itself does this. But there is always a possibility that the battery will fail for no apparent reason: long-standing and already forgotten contact with moisture, unnoticed overheating or voltage drop, the “fault” of a poor-quality charger.

In some cases, an unsuccessful attempt to charge the Mac may be recognized by the battery controller as physical problem. In this case, part of the circuit is specifically disabled - this is a protective mechanism. The battery cells themselves may be fine, but the battery controller considers it “dead” or dangerous for the MacBook.

By and large, in such cases repair is possible, but it involves transferring the board with the controller from the donor battery to the one being repaired and “coordinating” them using a programmer. This is not possible for all battery models, but in cases where it is possible, the repair process is comparable in cost to replacing the entire battery. And the latter, of course, is much more reliable.

There are problems with the power connector

When using a laptop in a particularly hardcore mode MagSafe may fail for several reasons - the connector contacts are oxidized, covered with dirt or worn out. As a result, the MacBook battery is discharged to zero and the laptop does not turn on without recharging.

The situation with a faulty MagSafe is not uncommon. It can occur in almost any model, but most often it happens with Unibody models from 2008-2012. Now such Macs are no longer produced, but they are used quite actively. Considering the age of even the “freshest” 2012 model, during preventive maintenance it is necessary to clean not only the cooling system, but also the surface of the connectors.

The MagSafe connector is always open and the contact pad dust settles. It somewhat degrades the quality of the electrical connection, and frequent connections wear out the leads. Tenths of a millimeter are often enough to lose contact.

If contact is lost frequently, the MagSafe board begins to heat up, the battery may fail (the system perceives this as frequent connection/disconnection of the charger), and then the motherboard itself.

So, of course, you need to use high-quality power supplies. And keep the Mac itself clean.

The power supply is “covered”

Another reason for the inability to charge a MacBook is a non-working power supply, which could fail for a number of different reasons: from the same voltage drops to simple wear and tear.

At the same time, a “working” Mac may well recognize such a block. Over time, charging performance degrades. They are quite enough for the system to “see” the power supply and show the “battery is charging” status, but it will no longer be possible to charge a turned off and completely dead laptop with such a unit.

The situation is the same as when charging MacBook Pro 15″ block from Air. The process goes on, but much more slowly, and if the battery is completely dead or “went into protection”, a current of sufficient power is needed.

The block must be selected carefully. The point is not only in the quality of execution (the original or factory copy has very good protection against various emergency situations), but also in compliance with the parameters - the power and current of the power supply must meet the requirements of the laptop.

You can use a more powerful charger - it is safe, but a weak charger (as mentioned above) is not recommended. In most cases, the Mac will simply charge slowly (for example, if it is turned off and not drawing power itself).

If you are working on a laptop connected to such a low-power unit, then the system thinks that it is charging, although in fact it is discharging, because during charging the battery receives less from the power supply than it consumes, and the indication on the battery icon will not tell you about this. The result is battery wear and failure.

3. Serious voltage drop

Motherboard components burned out

The worst thing that can happen during a power surge is failure of the motherboard elements. It involves a complete replacement or expensive repair of the MacBook.

Such cases are always the most difficult. The whole circuit or just one single element “burns out.” And the result is known - Mac shows no signs of life. With devices that have experienced a voltage surge, you need to be especially careful - the problems may be ambiguous and may not appear immediately.

For example, you have a completely working Mac, but discrete graphics does not work or does not turn on WiFi, although both the module and antennas are working.

The answer is not always on the surface, but recovery is just as real as, for example, when replacing a hard drive or other basic repairs. Such problems, as a rule, do not affect the durability of devices. And if they were eliminated, then Mac will work without problems.

Most often, “duty circuits” suffer - this is the name given to areas that are always under voltage, even if only slightly. “Power” elements operating under high currents are also at risk.

The battery is “covered”

Due to the large voltage drop, the MacBook battery usually goes into protection mode, but it can also “die” completely. This has already been discussed above.

The power supply died

A voltage drop very often causes the “death” of a power supply that fails completely or partially.

It is safer to replace such a block, because if it saved Mac- it's worth it.

4. Heavy and prolonged load

Chipset or video chip burned out

MacBook can cope with a very large and prolonged load, but only with a working cooling system that is regularly cleaned. Otherwise, it will overheat greatly, which will cause its “death”.

To be more precise, not only the chips themselves can fail, but also the “piping” - auxiliary elements that distribute power to the chips.

The video chip (also known as the graphics processor) is the main element, the “heart” of the video card. In modern Mac this chip is located on the motherboard.

The chipset is also part of the motherboard, and in some models it also includes a graphics processor. Plus the chip performs many other important functions. But even if all the chips “survived,” the problem may still appear.

Overheating may cause contact failure BGA- leads of the crystal itself and landing spots on the chip substrate (mirror square and PCB square with elements soldered onto it).

Even more often, and even in the overwhelming majority of cases, the crystal lattice itself fails. Temperature changes its structure, and the chip must be replaced. In this case, the problem can be temporarily solved by heat shrinking the chip, which makes it possible to partially restore the structure of the crystal lattice or return the crystal-substrate contact.

But, as a rule, when the graphics fail, the chip needs to be replaced with a new one, and the technique itself serves more for diagnostic purposes.

The chip almost always fails under overloads, especially long-term ones. There are many options here: you can “burn” your Mac in exciting gameplay, leave it overnight to edit a video, or render a large project.

A clean cooling system will help here, but it is also not all-powerful. Particularly difficult Mac cope with overloads Windows, at least previous versions (maybe also because there are much more demanding games for this operating system than for OS X).

5. The device was filled with liquid

Keyboard failed

The keyboard is the first thing that suffers when it hits MacBook liquids. In this case, it may fail completely or partially. If the power button fails, the laptop simply cannot be turned on. Interestingly, this may not happen immediately, but rather a long time after the incident.

Therefore, it is cheaper and more reliable to strictly follow the rule: Fill up your MacBook - go to the service center, even if everything is fine, especially since diagnostics can be done for free in any case.

The keyboard is one of the most vulnerable places in Mac. The easiest way to fill it is. Often it dries up and works, but even then it is at risk and may someday suddenly fail.

The fact is that the keyboard itself has a flexible transparent substrate on which tracks are laid out for each key. They are the ones that oxidize. Technically, the keyboard can be repaired, but given the labor costs, such work will cost almost the same as replacing it with a new one.

Often the keyboard backlight “saves” everything else - a small amount of moisture penetrating through the keyboard is blocked by the backlight (it is glued to the keyboard quite tightly and is equipped with a thick film on the back side). This is exactly what happened with my Mac.

Short circuit on the motherboard

If liquid gets on the motherboard, a short circuit may occur immediately or over time. It's all due to oxidation of contacts.

Approximately 40-50% of devices that are repaired are flooded or have ever been flooded. Let us once again draw attention to what has already become a well-known fact: contact with moisture will not pass without a trace for almost any device, no matter Mac This, iPad or iPhone.

Oxidation almost always occurs very quickly, especially if you do not physically disconnect the battery from the motherboard. It is simply necessary to do this, but most owners of modern equipment are unlikely to have a screwdriver with such a favorite Pentalobe, which is now used in almost all new Mac.

Simply turning off the laptop is not enough; power is still supplied to the board, and the liquid that gets on it acts as an electrolyte. The result is a homemade battery - the electrolysis reaction is started, its products appear on conductive elements and tracks, and especially small components can be completely destroyed in the process.

Therefore, if you have a suspicion, or you know for sure that water has got inside, you should not delay MacBook repair. At least you need to check the condition. Again, it’s better to play it safe and contact us as soon as possible, when the damage is still small, because the further you go, the more difficult it is to bring your Mac back to life.

Sometimes the tracks themselves have to be restored. Particularly difficult is moisture under the microcircuits. They are not sealed to the board, but the microscopic gap is enough for water to get in.

Cleaning in an ultrasonic bath in technical alcohol solves two problems at once - moisture is removed from hard-to-reach places (water is heavier than pure alcohol), and ultrasound allows you to remove oxides from the surface.

It is also worth noting here that water itself is not so dangerous for electronics, but from experience, almost everything that gets into Mac– aggressive environments – soda, coffee, sweet tea, alcohol and so on. If the board is disconnected from the battery and the unit, electrolysis proceeds much more slowly, but in practice the battery is almost always connected.

And let's repeat it again. Even if everything is fine with your computer immediately after the incident (at first glance), the equipment is still worth inspecting, because the problem may appear much later, when you have already forgotten about what happened. And, as practice shows, restoring such laptops is much more difficult (and not always possible).

All's well that ends well - that's for sure

As it turned out, without my knowledge MacBook Pro filled with something like "Mojito" summer on the beach almost a year ago. The liquid was hastily wiped off the case, but it got inside. In the end, the keyboard contacts oxidized, and the power button simply did not work. The keyboard was completely replaced and the laptop came back to life. It's good that the cocktail did not reach the motherboard.

While I was drinking coffee and talking with MacPlus specialists, they managed to check the laptop for other problems that were not identified. He escaped with little blood.

How has your Mac ever let you down?

P.S.: For those who are experiencing problems, we offer battery replacement ( 3.71 out of 5, rated: 7 )

website How I lost my main working tool during a trip. About a month ago I went to Moscow for a couple of weeks to stay with relatives. And this should not have affected all areas of my activity, because they depend only on high-quality network access and my beloved MacBook Pro 13’’. There could be problems with the Internet, but the laptop...