Which watch is better, mechanical or quartz? How do quartz watches differ from mechanical watches?

Today wrist watch rather used to demonstrate wealth and create a certain style in conjunction with other accessories, rather than for use intended purpose. The exact time can always be found out from a phone, tablet or other technology that has become an integral companion of every modern person.

Therefore, when choosing a watch, the first attention is often paid to design, style and prestige. But you should also think about the mechanism of the product, on which the duration of its operation depends.

The main difference between quartz watches and mechanical analogues is the power source used to ensure the operation of the watch mechanism.

Mechanical products are equipped with a coil spring, which is housed in a drum with serrated edges. To wind the watch, the spring must be tightened. The clock mechanism is set in motion as the spring unwinds.

Quartz watches are powered by a battery that lasts for several years. continuous use. The owner of such a product is freed from the need to constantly wind the mechanism so that the watch does not break down.

Quartz watches appeared relatively recently, unlike mechanical products, and attract many buyers with their accuracy, devoid of any deviations. Thus, the maximum monthly discrepancy does not exceed 20 seconds, and in more expensive watches this figure is even less.

Another significant advantage of quartz watches is their reliability, because these products are not equipped a large number parts and complex internal mechanism.

The lifespan of a quartz watch, during which the user does not have to worry about stopping it, depends on the battery. In the majority of models, the battery charge lasts for three years, while newer and more expensive analogues are equipped with a battery whose charge will last for ten years.

Quartz watches attract with their affordability. Low prices due to complete automation of assembly, eliminating the use of more expensive human labor. Therefore, such an accessory is available to almost all segments of the population.

The disadvantages of quartz models are related to:

  • insignificant but regular financial expenses for purchasing new batteries;
  • low maintainability (if there are no spare parts on the market, there is a need complete replacement the whole mechanism);
  • fragility.

But there is no reason to worry about low maintainability, because quartz watch quite resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress, so they don’t fail so often.

The disadvantage of quartz watches, which is their fragility, is a big question, since these models are relatively new and it is still difficult to judge their potential lifespan.

Quartz watches appeared only a few decades ago, so they are often the choice of buyers who want to keep up with the times. Many modern models Additionally, they can perform the functions of a stopwatch, chronograph, alarm clock or calendar, which significantly expands the possibilities of their use.

In case of choosing a mechanical watch, the buyer is freed from the need regular replacement batteries, so the purchase is not accompanied by subsequent cash expenses.

Mechanical models are more sensitive to shock due to the characteristics of the parts that make up the mechanism. But there is no reason to worry even if the purchase breaks down, because “mechanics” are characterized by great maintainability. All broken parts can be made by appropriate craftsmen, regardless of the age of the mechanism.

Mechanical watches will last much longer than their quartz counterparts, since all parts are made of durable material. This advantage determines the prestige of mechanical models.

Unfortunately, not every buyer can afford a “mechanics”. The use of exclusively manual labor in assembling watches and the use of high-quality materials creates all the conditions for the formation of a high cost for such products.

The main drawback of the mechanical mechanism is associated with the uneven speed of unwinding of the spring, which results in inaccuracies in the hour rate. Accuracy can be affected by temperature changes and the life of the mechanism. The deviation from the exact time is about 20–30 seconds per day and after a long period it becomes more noticeable.

To sum up all of the above, it is difficult to give preference to one watch or another. Quartz and mechanical watch are endowed with a certain list of advantages and disadvantages, so you should focus only on financial capabilities and individual preferences.

In this article I want to tell you more about quartz movement in wristwatches, which is given to wristwatches from the cheapest to the most expensive.

A little history of quartz watches.

For the first time quartz movement The watch was released in 1957. They were produced by Hamilton. Due to its small size and ease of manufacture, the quartz movement is widely used among inexpensive watches, as well as in miniature ones. women's watches. Today, watches with quartz movements can be purchased for a very small amount of money.

How do quartz movements in watches work?

Let us examine in more detail the operation of the quartz mechanism. Quartz is a natural material that is part of sand. In order for it to be used in watches, it is thoroughly cleaned and shaped into a tuning fork. The tuning fork is placed in a special capsule. Why is everyone doing this? Quartz has the property of vibrating 32,768 times per second under the influence of an electrical impulse. Thanks to these vibrations, the quartz releases its electrical impulses, which control the running of the quartz watch.

Here is a video that clearly describes the operation of a quartz watch and its mechanism.

Briefly about the operation of the mechanism as a whole:

  1. The battery supplies energy electronic unit, which sends electrical impulses to the quartz.
  2. From electrical impulses, quartz begins to vibrate 32,768 times per minute.
  3. Each vibration is one impulse, which is immediately sent to the distribution block.
  4. The distribution block distributes the quartz frequency to one pulse per second.
  5. These pulses are not enough to rotate the second hand, so they are transmitted to the drive unit.
  6. From the drive unit, the impulse is transmitted to the stepper motor, which is responsible for the movement of the hands.
  7. Thanks to electrical impulses, a magnetic field is created in the engine, which, through a set of gears, rotates the second hand.

Use of quartz movement.

As I already said, quartz movement is used in cheap wristwatches. Branded Swiss companies use quartz movements only in miniature women's watches and rarely in men's watches. Quartz clocks can also be wall clocks or regular ones, which are usually on your shelves. We tend to think that quartz is only used in watches that have a visible second hand, but this is not true. It can also be used in electronic watches.

Pros and cons of quartz watches.

  • Quartz watches keep time much more accurately than mechanical watches;
  • They don't need daily planting;
  • Quartz watches are much cheaper than mechanical and automatic watches;
  • Quartz watches can be very compact in size;
  • The service life of one battery can be up to three years.
  • If these quartz watches are no longer produced, then repairing the mechanism will not be cheap;
  • Batteries need to be changed;
  • Over time, the quartz begins to age, and the watch itself begins to rush.

Where to buy quartz watches?

You can buy quartz watches at any online store that sells wristwatches. You can see all the ones I wrote reviews about on my website. All watches can be purchased in the VipTimeClub online store. Also, in each watch review I wrote what mechanism was installed in the watch.

I hope you liked the article, so don’t forget to rate it and share it with your friends. If you still have questions about the quartz movement, you can always ask them in the comments to the article.

Do you want to buy a watch, but don't know which one? Let's figure it out and answer the questions that most often arise when purchasing: what are quartz and mechanical wristwatches. What are their pros and cons?

How do mechanical watches work?

The main difference between quartz watches and mechanical watches is the energy source that powers the mechanism. In mechanical watches, this is done by a spring in the form of a spiral. It is located in a drum and has a serrated edge. When winding the watch, the spring is wound, and when it unwinds, the drum is activated, which starts the entire watch mechanism.

What are quartz watches?

A quartz watch is powered by a battery that powers the entire electronic unit, as well as a stepper motor. The engine receives an impulse from the electronic unit once per second, as a result of which the arrows turn. High stability of the frequency of generated pulses is ensured by a quartz crystal - hence the name of this accessory. Such a watch is wound once (the next winding will be carried out only when the battery has to be changed). Quartz watches are highly accurate and comfortable to use. Most often we call such watches electronic, although in fact they are quartz with a digital display.

Modern manufacturers offer quartz wristwatches, which are a mini-computer. Thanks to the programming of the microcircuit, they can easily be equipped with a stopwatch, chronograph, alarm clock or calendar. There can be many additional functions.

Mechanical watches appeared more than four hundred years ago, but quartz watches entered the market only in the second half of the twentieth century. Today there is a constant debate about which watch is better - quartz or mechanical. But they all have their pros and cons, which we will discuss.

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical watches

One of the main advantages of “mechanics” is the absence of the need to constantly change the battery. This means that such wristwatches do not require additional service, there is no need to buy batteries, which means there are no additional financial costs.

Mechanical watches are highly repairable. Today, any watchmaker can make a broken part. And even despite the fact that such watches could have been made a very long time ago, they can be repaired with the possibility of preserving the original mechanism. They have a long service life. All parts of such accessories are made of metal, which, of course, prolongs the life of the mechanism itself. That is why mechanical wristwatches, both women's and men's, are considered more prestigious.

To the disadvantages of watches of this type can be attributed to: sensitivity to shock, inaccuracy of the watch, as well as high cost - exclusively manual labor is used in their assembly.

Although it is still worth paying money for such jewelry work by a watchmaker. In addition, today you can find a decent model in a more budget price segment. Moreover, you don’t need to go far. Here, look at excellent mechanical watches for reasonable money.

Pros and cons of quartz movement

The main advantage of a watch with a quartz movement is its accuracy. The time difference per month can be up to twenty seconds, and for the most best hours such a deviation can be up to five seconds in one year.

Such wristwatches are much more reliable than mechanical ones, since they have fewer parts (just an electronic unit and a stepper motor).

A watch with a quartz movement does not need to be wound daily. Today there are models in which the battery is changed once every three years. There are also quartz watches with a battery that lasts up to ten years.

Assembly of watches with this type of mechanism occurs when full automation, which is certainly cheaper than manual labor. Therefore, the cost of models with a quartz movement is several times less than that of mechanical ones. You can afford such a watch on any budget. And perhaps even several. Under different style and a reason.

But the disadvantages include:

Small but regular cash costs for purchasing a battery.

Low maintainability. If the manufacturer has stopped producing spare parts, such wristwatches can only be repaired if the mechanism is completely replaced.

Fragility - quartz watches that were released at the end of the twentieth century will not work today for the simple reason that modern batteries will not work with them.

All these disadvantages are, of course, relative. Few people would be scared by the prospect of changing the battery when a stylish and fashionable watch accessory is at stake. Moreover, when he has the maximum good value price and quality, and thanks to modern technologies the quality is often even higher than the stated price. Here are three super models for example.

Based on the above, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which wristwatch is better - quartz or mechanical. When choosing one type of mechanism or another, you should proceed from your individual preferences. Which of the benefits we have listed are valuable to you? Think and make your purchase with confidence.

There is so much debate about how to choose the best men's watch in our time. Should you approach the choice of watches with practical calculations or trust your intuition and taste, relying on design and fashion trends? Is there a fundamental difference between inexpensive men's watches, say, for $100 and for $10,000, if produced by the same company? There are a lot of questions in this seemingly familiar item for us - men's watches. Read about all this and much more in a series of 2 articles on our website.

This is my time. This is my lifestyle.

The present time is a transitional stage between the “past” and the “future”, and when I say these two words, I mean not only the digital designation of the year, but also the nature of the changes taking place in humanity. With each new day, people confidently move along the path of technology development, inventing more and more new devices, focusing on their versatility. The past, in in this context, looks like the time for things with a narrow specialization, while the future is a time for total computerization and implementation high technology into all aspects of human life. Today, on the verge of these two eras, we continue to use old devices such as home phones, television, paper media and much more, while willingly letting their more advanced analogues into our lives: mobile phones, the Internet and, for example, e-books. The first is still in use, but is being confidently outdone by the second; this is an invariable feature of development and transition to a new level of technology. This kind of transition from the “past” to the “future”, for the most part, proceeds very smoothly, remaining invisible to the average person, but as soon as you look back, the changes become much more noticeable.

Past, present and future - our time

Fun fact is that if we combine “past”, “present” and “future”, we get time. Let's add the word “technology” to it, and we get the designation of devices recognized to display the passage of time. In other words, hours. Today, watches are present on every second more or less modern thing: on microwave oven, on the refrigerator, in the corner of your television screen, on the bottom of your computer desktop and, undoubtedly, on any mobile device. Each of these things was originally intended for other purposes, but for greater versatility (or for a number of technical features) it has a time indicator. This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. What about wristwatches, you ask? Because of their narrow specialization, they leave everyday life, slowly being replaced by analogues. You may not agree with this, but the fact remains a fact. Today wristwatch is used by far fewer people than before, and in order to keep up with the times and stay afloat, modern watch models acquire a number of functions related to mobile phones, terrain orientation and so on. Despite this, they turn from an essential item into a wardrobe item designed to complement a suit or demonstrate your lifestyle and income level, because it will be much more presentable to look at the dial of a Swiss movement than at a phone screen. It is for this reason modern man When choosing a watch for yourself, most often, you focus not on practicality and functionality, but on appearance and the cost, however this element The wardrobe should not only look good on the hand, but also function properly.

Here we come to the main dilemma that accompanies everyone who has ever entered a watch store or looked at catalogs of online stores. What are they, the best men's watches? Is it worth spending more than $100 on a watch? What should you consider when choosing? Let's look at each of these questions in this article.

Omitting a number of specific features, wristwatches can be divided into two types: mechanical and quartz. What is their difference?

Mechanical watch- this is a complex device that does not work from third party source power supply, but from the movement of a spiral spring, the inertia of twisting and unwinding of which sets the hands on the dial in motion. There are two types of mechanical watches, divided by the method of “winding” the spring: manual winding and automatic winding. The former have less weight and size. Every day they need to be wound, which is done by turning the crown (head). The latter, due to the peculiarities of the mechanism, are heavier and have a much more massive body. These watches do not require regular winding, as they are wound automatically by the movement of the pendulum every time your hand moves. If you take off such a watch and long time leave them motionless, they will stop, but simply shaking them is enough to get the mechanism working again.

When choosing between manual and automatic winding, you should use your preferred case thickness. In addition, it is worth paying attention to whether you are ready to tighten your crown every day, which in some cases, from a psychological point of view, can become a calming everyday ritual, or whether it is for you automation is more important this process. Both types, despite their differences, have one thing in common important detail. They require care and careful care.

Advantages of mechanical watches

The advantages of mechanics include, firstly, their presentability and old-fashioned design, which will appeal to all retro lovers. Reverse side coins, if you do not take into account cheap analogues, is that good mechanical watches have a high price. Secondly, they do not require battery replacement. This fact means not only savings on the services of watchmakers, but also on the tightness of the case, which will remain in its factory condition throughout its entire service life. High-class watchmakers are not present everywhere, you must admit, and trusting an expensive wardrobe item to amateurs is a rather dubious pleasure.

Disadvantages of mechanical watches

As for the cons? I want to disappoint all mechanics lovers, but everything is not as rosy as it might seem. Firstly, it is less accurate compared to quartz movements. The average mechanical watch, due to the peculiarities of the device, lags behind by 15 - 45 seconds per day. Of course, there are samples in which this defect is reduced to 4–5 seconds, but the price of such models will increase in direct proportion to the reduction in the lag. Secondly, this is the sensitivity of the mechanism to damage, wear of parts and temperature. Each of these factors can cause the lag to increase or cause the clock to stop. Thirdly, this high price. If you find a more or less cheap model of a mechanical watch, don’t rush to rejoice. Cheap mechanics will not last long and will quickly fail, since internal structure such a watch does not in itself imply the use of low quality materials or poor assembly during assembly.

Let's move on to quartz. What is it? Quartz watches differ from their mechanical counterparts mainly in that they require a power source (button-type battery) to operate. The average duration of operation on one battery (taking into account the quality of the manufacturer of this element) is three years. In individual cases this figure may vary. There are watch models that require not one battery, but several (both the same and different markings), which also affect the battery life additional features clock mechanism, such as alarm clock, stopwatch and the like.

As an example, we can take two classic samples that are most widespread in the world. A watch that has no functional extensions, run on either a 377 or 364 battery. Watches with the additional function of displaying the day of the week and date usually run on a 370 battery.

Types of quartz watches

There are several types of quartz watches. Let's take a quick look at each of them.

  • Electronic watch. They differ from their ordinary counterparts only in that they display the time on electronic display. In addition to differences in the device, it is worth noting that the range additional functions electronics is much higher. Standard set for electronic watch includes stopwatch, backlight, day of week and date.
  • Watch with combined time display. These watches combine electronic and analog mechanisms, having both a display and hands. Cheap options include a standard analog watch mechanism and a separate mechanism for the electronic component, each of which requires its own battery. In more advanced models, both of these components are “soldered” into one. It is easy to distinguish one from the other. In the first case, there will be a time adjustment crown, like on an analog watch. In the second, it will be absent. Key Feature last option- a much more complex setup procedure.

In addition, there are watches with built-in solar panels, battery charge indication system, but we will not dwell on them.

Advantages of quartz watches

Firstly, this is their reliability. Quartz is less affected external influences than its mechanical counterpart. Secondly, there is much greater precision, which can only change by a couple of seconds per month. Thirdly, incomparably lower cost and more wide choice design of the case and bracelet/strap.

Disadvantages of quartz watches

The disadvantages include the need to periodically replace the battery. If your city does not have an authorized service center, you will have to contact a third-party workshop. In this case, the owner of the watch needs to be careful, because many watchmakers are accustomed to installing cheap batteries for high cost, and sometimes even portray as if the entire mechanism is faulty (in order to increase the cost of the work). If it so happens that you visit a watchmaker to replace the battery, be sure to ask what brand the battery will be from. It is unacceptable to use companies such as “Trophy”, “Chameleon”, as well as similar cheap analogues. The watch will not work for them for long and, roughly speaking, does not matter. It is also worth asking whether the watch will retain its previous tightness after opening. It is for this reason that you should not change the battery yourself. Not only will the seal be broken, but you may also inadvertently damage the glass, scratch back cover or even, without wanting to, put the mechanism into a faulty state, but quartz watches have less maintainability than mechanical watches.

Can't recognize what's in front of you? It is very easy to distinguish a mechanical watch from a quartz watch; you just need to put your ear to the case or look at the movement of the second hand. Mechanically, it runs smoothly and is accompanied by frequent ticking. In quartz, on the contrary, the needle moves step by step, and the accompanying ticking sounds at short intervals.

Rules for choosing analog clocks

Choosing analog clock you should operate solely on your taste preferences, but there are several general rules which it is advisable to adhere to.

  1. If possible, do not purchase watches from online stores and do not be fooled by beautiful banner advertising. Most often, models with beautiful pictures turn out to be of unacceptable quality or may be subject to critical shocks during transportation. If you decide to order a watch online, make sure that this product certified, and also read reviews about the manufacturer.
  2. When choosing a watch in a watch store, pay attention to the movement of the hands when changing the time. U good models they will move slightly tightly, and not dangle back and forth. This sign speaks not only about the quality of the mechanism and assembly, but also allows you to set the time especially accurately.
  3. Try to choose those models that have a ridge on the sides of the crown. This attribute will protect the head from being pulled out and damaged.
  4. Pay attention to the material from which the glass is made. In cheap samples it is made of plastic. It is considered the least cost-effective option and is intended only to protect the dial from dirt and dust. The middle option is mineral glass. This type dial protection has a good indicator of durability and is distinguished by at an affordable price. In the most expensive and most quality models As a rule, sapphire is used (mandatory Sapphire glass marking). It has the highest strength index. Only a diamond can leave scratches on such glass.
  5. If you are not sure about the manufacturer and for some reason cannot read reviews about it on the Internet, but want to check the accuracy of the watch you like in the store, proceed as follows. Ask to show you the model you like, display it on it exact time, then suggest postponing these hours for a couple of days, if possible. When you arrive after the designated time, evaluate the accuracy of their work.
  6. Don't buy a watch that has stopped. If you have chosen a certain model, and it turns out to be non-functional - refrain from purchasing and choose something else. Even though the battery could simply die there, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  7. Also, you should know that battery replacement is not included in the package. warranty service hours. In addition, if the watch stops a short time after purchase, there is no need to sound the alarm. This model could have been in a display case or warehouse for a long time, which led to the battery being discharged.
  8. When purchasing a watch, ask the seller to adjust the bracelet to your wrist. Usually this service is carried out free of charge. The best option It is considered when the index finger fits between the bracelet clasp and the wrist.
  9. Choose your watch based on what you will do in it. You should not buy strict mechanical watches for sports, because they are quite sensitive to damage. Also pay attention to the degree of water resistance.

In conclusion

We figured out how watch mechanisms differ, looked at their advantages and disadvantages, and also got acquainted with a number of simple rules, which will help you choose the watch model that will serve you for the longest possible time. In the next part of the article, we will look at the most popular watch companies in the mid-price category, and also talk about how to care for your watch.

Quartz or Mechanical

Thanks to advances in the modern watch industry, most watches you will find on the market are quite good quality, and executed in various forms and design. One of the main things that distinguishes all these wristwatches from each other is the type of power from which the watch movement is driven: quartz or mechanical.

Quartz watch.

Mid-level prestige watches usually use a quartz movement (quartz watch). The quartz movement elements do not move. Instead, a small quartz crystal is used in combination with a battery to generate signals at a specific frequency. This frequency is used to maintain the movement of the hands within a certain interval. Because the quartz movement is powered by battery quartz watches do not require winding.

The precision of electrical quartz signals makes quartz watches more accurate than mechanical watches. As a result, quartz watches will have to be adjusted less often than mechanical watches. Because of this advantage, quartz is still used in many luxury watches, especially in the lower end of the premium watch spectrum, particularly Tissot and Citizen.

In 1969, Seiko released the first Astron quartz watch for commercial use. Since then, quartz watches have become the predominant form of watch - accessible, lightweight, cheap to produce and extremely accurate.

Mechanical watch.

For expensive premium watches, from $1000 and above, a mechanical movement is the standard and the rule. This may seem counterintuitive since quartz watches are more accurate than mechanical watches. However, when it comes to watchmaking, tradition is much more important than the latest technology. The best manufacturers Premium watchmakers have been practicing their craft for hundreds of years (for example, Vacheron Constantin, the oldest manufacturer of luxury watches, was founded in 1755), and the mechanical movements used for these watches represent an important heritage.

At present, mechanical technology still embodies traditional ways watch production, but the mechanisms of such watches have various complications and are ultra-complex. The main component of a mechanical watch is the mainspring. This spring stores the energy of the winding, which ultimately makes the hands of the watch move. Energy is replenished every time you wind the watch, turn the crown and thereby tighten the mainspring. The spring, when released, sets in motion the gears, which in turn set the hands of a mechanical watch in motion.

Most modern mechanical watches need to be wound every one to two days. Once the spring has fully opened, releasing all the potential energy, the clock will stop until it can be wound again. The best watchmakers try to come up with more effective ways using spring energy to increase the operating time of the watch before the next winding.

One of the important innovations in mechanical watch technology is the invention of automatic mechanical watches. Automatic mechanical watches use energy generated by the natural swing of the wrist. Because of complex design moving parts in such parts, owners should service their watches every 5 years professional service. A well-maintained, well-designed mechanical watch can remain in excellent working order for generations.

Pros and cons: quartz or mechanical.

Now that we have figured out what quartz and mechanical watches are, we need to consider subtle points everyday use these types of watches. On the one hand, if quartz watches are more accurate, why should I be interested in mechanical watches? Indeed, if you are interested in extremely precise timekeeping (for example, in scientific experiments), then the choice of quartz watches is obvious. However, technology is often not the final criterion when choosing what will be on your wrist for 12 hours every day. Mechanical watches today are an art that constantly comes into contact with you. A fine mechanical watch also imparts status to its owner. Such watches attract attention that mass watches cannot compete with. Another advantage of mechanical watches is that the winding mechanism does not require replacement, while quartz watches require battery replacement, which can happen at the most inopportune moment, on vacation or, even worse, on a work trip.

Final word

If we talk about which watches are the best (quartz or mechanical), then it is impossible to give a specific answer. Quartz watches are considered more practical to use, while mechanical watches are the classics of watchmaking. If you are considering a quartz or mechanical wristwatch, you will probably notice that there are many various types luxury watches, both quartz and mechanical. To make the selection process easier, keep in mind that quartz watches can usually be found in the price range of more than low level, while mechanical ones are in the more expensive premium segment, thereby emphasizing the unique skill of the watchmaker.