There is no signal quality on the digital set-top box. Reasons for poor reception or lack of signal reception on DVB-T2 set-top boxes

That's all today more prefers people digital television analog. For free use 20 channels available, different high quality pictures and good sound. To broadcast digitally, almost all modern television panels are equipped with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner, and for older television receivers you can purchase and connect a digital set-top box. But sometimes channels may not be displayed at all or only analog channels may be broadcast. This can happen both when setting up the equipment, and spontaneously without visible reasons. To understand why the TV does not find digital channels, and what to do in this situation, you need to understand the principles of operation of such television and the procedure for setting up the equipment for reception. All about possible problems that may arise during the connection process, and methods for eliminating them are in the material below.

How digital television works

Digital television is latest technology, providing excellent picture and sound quality, and also offering more TV programs and additional features , for example, interactive TV, video on user request, subtitles, blocking of certain TV channels, electronic guide. The principle of operation is simple: the encoded audio and video signal is transmitted over radio frequencies in the form of a stream similar to that received on a PC when watching videos on the Internet.

Thanks to compression and a digital algorithm, it became possible to send a much larger number of TV channels and radio stations than was possible on analogue television. Another advantage of digital TV is immunity to interference and absence of stripes, blurry images of low quality. Either displayed on TV good picture, or it is completely absent.

Note! In some cases, when broadcasting, the video may crumble into squares, sometimes disappear and appear again after some time. This is related to the operation of the antenna and is eliminated after tuning it, replacing it, or installing an amplifier.

Methods for receiving digital TV channels

Today there are several ways to take digital channels:

  • ethereal;
  • cable;
  • satellite.

Signal for etherealTV distributed by terrestrial repeater towers. To take it, you can use street or indoor antenna. This is absolutely free way, but the signal to the user is often weak. Its intensity depends on the location of the tower, weather conditions or other factors.

Cable television found in apartment buildings. In this case, the signal is transmitted through a cable coming from a common collective antenna. Such services are provided by the operator RTS Telecom, MTS, TTK, as well as other companies. Disadvantages include limited availability (this type of television is usually not applicable for private homes) and subscription fees.

For satelliteTV the signal is broadcast from satellites, and reception is carried out through a special dish. This method provides reception the largest number TV channels. Disadvantages include annual or monthly fees and the need to purchase special equipment.

Thus, the least expensive, simple and accessible way to receive digital television is to install and configure an over-the-air antenna. To receive a signal stably, the user will need, in addition to an antenna, digital receiver DVB-T2, which are produced by BBK, Supra, D-Color, Rolsen and others. Many modern TVs already have a built-in digital tuner, which can be confirmed by looking at the device specifications in the user manual. In this case, you will not need to purchase an additional receiver. An ordinary analog antenna can be used for reception, it all depends on the signal level and the distance of the tower.

Note! The list of free TV channels for 2018 is divided into two multiplexes operating on different frequencies and channels, which vary depending on the region. A total of 20 television channels and three radio stations are available for viewing.

Reasons for the lack of digital TV channels and their elimination

If the user has installed terrestrial antenna, launched an auto search, but the TV did not find any channels, this indicates problems: with signal reception (that is, with an antenna), with the method of connecting equipment, with settings or with the devices themselves. How to diagnose and eliminate the cause is in the material below.


First of all, you should pay attention to the antenna. If for reception analog signal HF antennas are used, then . UHF antennas are more compact, but they often offer combined devices that are suitable for receiving different bands. From such antennas you can remove the long structural elements that are necessary to receive a meter signal, and then you will get a good, compact, small-sized decimeter device.

Some users instead decimeter antenna install the Polish (or “grid”), which is inexpensive. It is also suitable for receiving digital signal, but in some cases (depending on the installation location) it may be necessary dismantling the amplifier. There is a high probability of this if the tower is nearby - then turning on the amplifier can lead to the disappearance of a very strong signal.

Advice! It is not recommended to use an indoor antenna to receive digital television, since a positive result is only possible in areas with a very good signal. Otherwise, the user may encounter the fact that the found channels will regularly disappear, and the image will crumble into squares and often freeze.

To receive digital channels reliably, the antenna must be installed correctly. It must be directed towards the tower (you should focus on the direction of the antennas from neighboring houses/apartments), and there should be no obstacles in front of the device - trees, buildings, etc., for which it is advisable to raise it as high as possible.


In addition to the antenna, the lack of digital TV channels can also be caused by software problems. To fix them, you need to do one of the following:

  • when searching for TV channels, set the “Country” field to “Other”;
  • search for channels in manual mode;
  • reset the TV (if the tuner is built-in) or the receiver (if used external device) to factory settings and re-search for TV channels;
  • update the firmware of the set-top box.

If the action performed did not bring positive result, you should consistently implement all of the above.

If manipulations carried out with the antenna or device settings do not eliminate the problem, it is worth checking the cable - it may be broken or burned out. You also need inspect the plug and connections- the contact may disappear at the site of one of the twists.

Advice! Checking the plugs, connectors and cables should be done first if the TV was previously working properly, but suddenly stopped showing TV channels.

To exclude a malfunction of the TV, you need search for channels on it using a different antenna, obviously working. Next, with the TV channels configured, you need to connect it to your own antenna and in this way look for the problem. If the user’s actions are effective, that is, an image appears on the turned on TV with the antenna cable connected, then you will have to purchase a new antenna or cable. Otherwise, you will need to contact a telemaster.

General procedure for setting up digital channels

You can configure your TV or receiver to receive digital TV channels automatically or manually. The first method is used in case of reliable signal reception, the second - in case of unstable stream or in a situation where the TV does not see channels through auto search.

Yes, to start automatic search you need to plug in the TV, connect the antenna or receiver and start detecting digital channels, then wait for the process to finish and save the result.

If the TV does not receive channels in automatic mode, you can run manual search . To do this, you will need to know information about the channels and frequencies on which the signal of each multiplex in the user's region is transmitted. In the TV menu you should select desired mode, enter these parameters and start the search. At the end of the process, the result should be saved.

Features of setting up television receivers of some brands

On TVs various manufacturers Digital channels are configured differently. Below are the setup methods using the most popular brands as an example.


The process of setting up digital channels on LG television panels is as follows.

Settings Algorithm of actions
Automatic 1. Press “Settings” on the remote control.

2. Select “Channels”, then “Auto search”.

3. Check the “Terrestrial TV” box for conventional antenna or "Cable TV" for cable television.

5. If analogue channels are not needed, check the “Digital only” field.

6. Click “Run”.

Manual 1. Take the remote control and press the “Settings” button.

3. In the first line, select “Digital TV”.

4. Set the channel and broadcast frequency corresponding to the region, after which two scales will appear: “Signal level” and “Signal quality”.

5. Click “Add” to start searching for channels.

6. Repeat the steps for the second multiplex.

Note! On various models On LG TVs, the process of searching for digital TV channels looks similar, the only difference may be in the names of the sections in the menu.

Sony Bravia

The search for digital television is carried out in a similar way on television receivers from other manufacturers. However there are some differences in the access path to the beginning of the process at the TVs Sony Bravia. So, automatic setting will be carried out as follows:

  • press on the remote control “Home” or “Menu”;
  • click “Options”, and then click “Auto-tune digital channels”;
  • choose digital, analog or both;
  • click “Ether”;
  • to start the search, click “Start”;

  • save changes when the process is complete.

In the same way, but with some differences in the names of the sections in the TV menu, automatic and manual setting digital television via antenna on Samsung devices, Philips, Toshiba and other brands.

According to statements by the Government of the Russian Federation, by the end of 2018, analogue television broadcasting will be stopped at the state level, so today digital television is broadcast almost everywhere. Unlike analogue, it provides a bright and detailed picture, good sound and a larger number of channels, some of which are transmitted in HD resolution. The easiest way to set up such television on your television panel– buy and correctly install an over-the-air antenna, and then perform an automatic or manual channel search.

Even as a child, living in the village, I always tried to tune the TV to good reception large quantity channels. The only option that I understood for myself from these attempts is that the higher the antenna is, the better quality channels and more. But there is a limit to the height of the antenna mast. Therefore, some channels were always shown well, some were shown not so well, and some were not shown at all. Nowadays, living in the city, you don’t experience any problems with the quantity and quality of the TV channels provided, but when visiting a village, sometimes you want to turn on the TV and change channels by choosing interesting program. But in the countryside, time moves slower and modern technologies arrive there late, and sometimes don’t arrive at all.

In this regard, I set out to set up as many television channels in the village as possible. To begin with, I propose to consider what options are available today for obtaining a high-quality signal and picture on the TV:

1Cable television- television, in which the signal is distributed through tv cable, which directly connects to each TV

Pros: high-quality TV.

Cons: Subscription fee, available only in large cities.

2 Satellite TV. Satellite television broadcasts using a satellite suspended in low-Earth orbit. The signal is received by TV viewers on an individual dish antenna.

Pros: high-quality TV.

Cons: Cost of equipment, subscription fee.

3 Terrestrial television. Terrestrial television distributes the signal using terrestrial repeater stations; in order to receive this signal, you must use an antenna.

Pros: minimum costs.

Cons: often low level signal, display and quality of channels depends on the weather, distance from the tower, mast height, etc.

You can also say that TV channels can be watched via the Internet, but in this article I would like to talk about watching channels without using a computer/laptop, and especially the Internet.

Of all the methods described, it worked for me only-use satellite TV, but spend money on buying equipment, and then pay more subscription fee- I really didn’t want to. After scouring the Internet, I found an alternative way - terrestrial digital television. The essence of digital television is the following: the transmission of television images and sound occurs using digital encoding of the video signal and sound signal using digital channels. Digital coding, unlike analogue, ensures signal delivery with minimal losses, since the picture and sound are not influenced by external factors (interference). Among the nuances of using digital television, I would like to note the following: television channel in digital television, there are two positions, it will either work in good quality, either will not work at all. Unlike analog TV, there is no borderline state and interference, the only exception is if the channel has very poor communication quality, it can slow down, turn off and turn on again, to avoid this you need to use another antenna, raise the existing one higher or turn towards the TV tower .

What you need to watch digital television:

TV antenna;

TV or set-top box(Set Top Box) with tuner DVB-T2(namely DVB-T2, the outdated DVB-T will not work), support for the MPEG4 video compression standard and the Multiple PLP mode.

You do not need to buy an additional antenna, just use an antenna for an analog signal. But the antenna itself is not enough, to watch digital TV you need a set-top box with a DVB-T2 tuner (some modern TVs do not need such a set-top box, since it is built into the TV, this information can be obtained from the documentation for the TV or on the manufacturer’s website, which discusses a similar case ). Set-top boxes are not expensive, on average from 1500 to 2000 rubles. In fact, you don’t need to buy anything other than this set-top box. Another plus is that you don’t need to pay a subscription fee for terrestrial digital television.

It is important to note that digital TV allows you to view a limited number of channels; at the time of writing there were 20 (possibly less depending on the region of residence).

Digital television is not configured according to the principle - the higher you raise it, the more you catch. You can only tune these 20 channels, plus you can add more analog channels that your antenna will pick up (if your DVB-T2 set-top box or your TV has such a function). To learn more about the number of channels and the possibility of using digital television in your region, you can call hotline RTRS: 8-800-220-20-02 (calls within Russia are free) or on the website: www.rtrs.rf.

So, I propose to move from theory to practice. In my case I used the usual one TV antenna, which was very popular 15 years ago. With this antenna I managed to catch about 3 analog channels in good quality, 2 in satisfactory and a couple more channels appeared in poor quality in good weather.

I purchased a DVB-T2 set-top box. Regarding the choice of consoles, I didn’t rack my brains, since technically they are all as similar as two peas in a pod. Most of them have two outputs - tulip (some SCART) and HDMI, there is a USB connector for viewing content USB media. I got the impression that they are all made at the same Chinese factory, only they are equipped with different boxes and labels. When purchasing, pay attention to the control panel of the set-top box, since you will use it constantly (switch channels, turn the volume lower, higher, etc.).

I connected the antenna to the DVB-T2 set-top box, and connected it to the TV using a tulip (it usually comes with the set-top box).

Tulip RCA connectors for video and stereo audio. Yellow is for video, white is for monaural or left channel of stereo two-channel audio, red is for right channel of stereo two-channel audio.

Let me make a reservation right away: I connected the set-top box to an obsolete CRT TV, so I chose a tulip cable if you have an LCD or plasma TV With HDMI output, then you should connect it with a dedicated HDMI cable (it must be purchased separately), since the image quality will be much higher.

I switched the TV to AV mode and got to the DVB-T2 set-top box interface. Setting up the set-top box requires minimal effort; all default settings will satisfy most users. The main thing you need to do is set up the channels. To do this, I went to the channel search menu and selected Auto search.

A few minutes later, the DVB-T2 set-top box found those same 20 channels + 3 radio stations. But a few days later, channels 11 to 20 disappeared, on the website I saw that the towers to which I connected did not support 2 multiplexes (from 11 to 20 channels), and the fact that they worked for a couple of days was most likely tests. As a result, I purchased a high-quality, “strong” antenna to watch all 20 channels. Test video below.

Antenna test video ANT-T2-MAX

In order to understand the capabilities and settings of this set-top box, I offer a photo of each of the menu items (I apologize for low quality photo).

A digital set-top box, as I wrote earlier, can play files from USB flash drives. To do this, insert USB device into the set-top box, go to the menu, select "USB" - "Multimedia", select the playable format (music, pictures, video).

In addition, digital set-top boxes have the ability to record images from the TV to a flash drive. To do this, just press the “Rec” button on the control panel of the DVB-T2 set-top box, after which the recording will begin on a USB device.

To sum it up, I am very pleased with the quality and number of digital TV channels (of course you can more channels, but not all at once). In my opinion, for remote places, dachas, villages, towns, where people are not ready to spend 10,000 rubles on purchasing satellite TV + pay a subscription fee, I consider this option the most suitable.

Ostankino tower broadcasting finally switched to new standard DVB-T2 – digital channels are no longer shown in DVB-T format. Residents of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region have been turned off broadcasting since January 15, 2015; the analogue band continues to be broadcast in normal mode. The loss is connected with the program “Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015”, signed by Dmitry Medvedev back in 2009. The point is to switch to digital system with analogue, this will make it possible to receive high-quality broadcasts in all regions of Russia. The televisions of most TV viewers from the outback do not show more than one or two programs, and if they do, the quality of the picture leaves much to be desired. The transition program will be implemented in stages and until more than 95 percent of viewers are ready to accept digital, complete shutdown analogue will not happen. TVs that only support DVB-T will not be able to receive 10 digital channels. For those who have lost digital channels, watch terrestrial television You will need a built-in DVB-T2 tuner, or a digital set-top box. Previously installed antenna, does not require replacement.

Digital broadcasting in DVB-T has disappeared

What to do if digital channels disappear? It is not necessary to change the TV, especially since most often it was purchased not so long ago. You need to buy a special tuner and connect it to your blue screen using an HDMI or RCA cable (tulips, bells). It's bad that it will stand additional device next to the TV and you will have to use two remote controls, but it is still cheaper than buying a new one. Digital channels are not shown on old-style tuners; please note that the specifications indicate DVB-T2. Number of main federal programs reached twenty, in the future their number will increase.

At the beginning of 2015, it consistently shows 20 channels, two of which are broadcast in high quality high resolution HD – First HD and Russia HD. To view HD, the connection must be made using an HDMI cable, not RCA (tulips) or SCART (comb). Another 10 channels are received in test mode. Total – in Moscow and the Moscow region shows 20-30 digital channels, only disappeared in DVB-T. must be carried out by specialists with professional instruments and equipment. You can call a specialist from us, service area is Moscow and the Moscow region.

IN this material we'll talk about the situation when, instead of a television picture of your favorite TV channel You receive a "No Signal" message. At the same time, I will make a reservation that you receive the television picture from satellite receiver. It doesn’t matter which model of receiver you use or which operator satellite television connected. The message will be approximately the same and appears on the TV screen at the most inopportune moment.

In this situation, it is very important to understand who exactly is issuing the message about the lack of signal - the TV or the satellite receiver itself. These are two big differences. If there is no signal from the satellite receiver, the TV itself issues a message about the lack of signal. In the case when there is no signal from satellite dish— a message about the absence of a signal is issued by the satellite receiver.

If we see a message about no signal displayed by the TV itself, then we need to deal with connecting the video cable from the receiver to the TV. Perhaps the connecting cable was damaged, it simply moved away from the video output of the receiver or from the video input of the TV. Another explanation is that the wrong video input is set on the TV itself. The point is that modern TV equipped with almost a dozen different video inputs. And you need to make sure that in the TV menu the video input to which the video cable from the satellite receiver is connected is set as active. Selecting the correct video input in the satellite receiver menu is done using the “INPUT” button on the TV remote control. Another such button may be called "SOURCE". Or it may not be signed at all, but simply marked with a pictogram - see the instructions on the TV.

The question may arise - “how do you understand who displays a message about the lack of signal on the TV screen - the receiver or the TV itself?” It's very easy to understand. You need to pick up the receiver's remote control and call up any element of its menu - a list of channels, a settings window, or something else. If a corresponding window appears on the screen graphic menu receiver, which means the video signal from the receiver goes to the TV and in the receiver-TV connection there is no problem in transmitting the video signal. This means that the message about the signal belongs to the receiver and there is no signal from the satellite dish.

If, with the receiver turned on, you try to call up the receiver menu, but do not see it, then this clearly indicates a problem in connecting the TV to the receiver.

In the case when the receiver menu appears regularly on the TV screen, we conclude that the “NO SIGNAL” message belongs to the satellite receiver and the speech in this the message is coming that the receiver does not receive a signal via the downlink cable ( antenna cable) from a satellite dish.

There is no signal from the antenna - how to fix it

The receiver may not receive a signal from the satellite dish for a variety of reasons. Let's look at them in more detail:

1. The receiver itself is not configured correctly to interact with the satellite dish. The solution is to check the receiver settings and make sure they are correct.

2. The down cable from the antenna to the satellite receiver is damaged. The solution is to find the damage and fix it. Or replace the entire damaged cable.

3. The satellite dish converter has failed. The solution is to replace the satellite converter.

4. The antenna is mechanically damaged and is unsuitable for receiving a signal. The solution is to replace the satellite dish

5. The antenna has lost its direction to the satellite. The solution is to adjust the antenna to good welcome signal from satellite

This is what a message about a signal looks like when there is no signal from a satellite dish

There are other reasons for the lack of signal from the antenna

6. Solar interference. It doesn't last long. The solution is to wait until the interference ends

7. Prevention in the satellite-teleport system. The solution is to wait until the end of the prophylaxis. Call the call center of your satellite TV operator and find out whether prevention really takes place. Or go to the office. operator's website.

There is no signal from the receiver - how to fix it?

1. Make sure the correct video input is selected on the TV. If not, choose the correct TV remote control

2. Make sure that the required video output is enabled on the satellite receiver. For example, on the GS 8306 receiver, only one of two video outputs can work at one time

3. Try replacing the video cable. Often short hdmi cable from tricolor kits fails

4. Try connecting the receiver and TV using a cable with other connectors. For example. for\ connection was used HDMI cable, you can use a SCART-SCART or SCART-tulip cord instead. Or any other cable that fits the receiver output and TV input.

Connecting a receiver to a TV is not particularly difficult if you have at least a little understanding of how video equipment works.

Our service specialists perform the entire set of works necessary to ensure that the signal from the antenna appears on the receiver again and you can watch your favorite TV channels.

A service specialist can visit Krasnodar and its suburbs to set up the equipment.

This is what the message about the signal looks like when it is not on the TV from the satellite receiver

"NO SIGNAL" message. The message belongs to the TV

Sometimes an error may appear on the TV screen - there is no signal, what to do in such a situation? This kind of breakdown is quite common. So why is there no signal on the TV, what could be causing this and what to do to make it work.

Among the main reasons when TV does not work is:

  • there is no picture on the TV when there is a problem with the equipment itself;
  • if there is an inscription on the screen that there is no signal, this may mean that preventative work may be underway at the broadcast tower;
  • In addition to all of the above, today the operation of TV can be influenced by external changes– weather conditions: wind, snow, rain.

Let's consider each reason separately and decide what to do if there is no signal.

In order to understand what exactly happened, you first need to inspect the cable. If there is damage to it and you can fix it yourself, you are good to go. If not, you will need the help of a specialist to help you set everything up.

If everything is fine with the cable, then you need to check the satellite dish. It's not surprising that you find damage on it. There may also be a situation where the plate, due to weather conditions, turned in the other direction. Pay attention to where your neighbors' antennas are pointing and correct them.

The converter is responsible for the operation of your television. That's why you won't be able to do it yourself. In this case, the help of a professional is required.

Carrying out preventive work

If you see “no signal” on the screen, then this may be due to the fact that the operator is carrying out maintenance work television programs. This happens extremely rarely, and it is impossible to fight it.

Everything you need in in this case, it's just a matter of waiting until the work is finished. In order to understand whether the work is really being carried out, you need to perform several actions:

  • you will need a remote control. We are talking about the PU from the receiver;
  • Next you need to enter the menu;
  • See if the message appears in the receiver menu.

Changing weather conditions

Of course, it is impossible for humans to cope with weather changes. But if you notice that your satellite dish branches from trees are in the way or there is some other obstacle, it is better to remove it. If such a situation occurs when something constantly interferes with the satellite dish, then you just need to reinstall it in another place.