Training in Photoshop adobe photoshop cs6. Photoshop Lessons for Beginners: Free Videos to Practice at Home

Computer scientists strive to invent many programs. In turn, PC users keep up with new products and try to study them. One of the most popular and famous inventions is Adobe Photoshop. A powerful graphics editor allows you to create a wide variety of images. But to work with such a program, you must know all the possibilities and be able to use them.

Where is Photoshop used?

Many users ask the question: “where to start learning Photoshop?” This is an excellent program that allows you to turn your fantasy into reality. For example, on Adobe Photoshop CS6 you can perform the following manipulations:

In the editor you can create comics, layouts, collages, drawing, retouching, make comics and infographics, optimize images and convert formats. Now it becomes clear why Photoshop is needed.

Basic Tools

How to learn Photoshop on your own and where to start? The answer is simple: with basic tools. The installed Photoshop is initially launched. After the program opens, you should pay attention to the upper horizontal and lateral vertical. The toolbar is located here. They need to be studied first. Just hover your mouse over the icon and a hint will pop up.

To bring a tool, for example: a brush, into an active state, it is recommended to left-click on the icon. With the selected instrument the horizontal panel will change, and many possibilities will appear specifically for the brush - pressure, transparency, color and much more. Specialists involved in professional photo editing already know the settings for a certain manipulation, for example: retouching.

At the very bottom of the screen there is an additional set of tools, so you need to pay attention to the triangle located there. Right-clicking will open additional options.

The Photoshop CS6 menu is an integral element, without which it is impossible to perform photo manipulation. Initially you need to click on the menu and open the file. It contains a list of images that are subject to processing. After the work is done, do not forget about saving. The function is also in the menu.

All other options are for photo editing. They start after "file" and end with "help".

The first steps of photo manipulation

The program is mastered only with the help of the selected image. Everything is done simply - you need to go to the menu and click on “file”. Then a list of pictures will open and all you have to do is select the photo you like. You should start working after adding the print to the Photoshop editing window.

On the right side of the photo a small window with tabs is formed And. With each new action, for example: blending mode, it is recommended to create new layers. Don't edit just the original photo.

You won’t be able to perform the manipulation right away, because the picture is blocked by default in the program and is in the background. To remove the lock and make a “layer” from a photo, it is recommended to double-click on the “background”, which is located on the right side of the window - the “layers” tab. After that, the photo will become active and you can start working.

What are layers for?

In Adobe Photoshop CS6, it is not possible to edit photos without using layers. The created duplicate layer will serve as a backup version of the image. All Photoshoppers encounter unsuccessful actions with an image, so it is very easy to make a repeating image without harming the source.

Layers help with applying new effects. For example, an inscription is made on a wedding photo and doves are created in a translucent form. To perform a similar manipulation is done a new layer that is placed on top of the main image. Then two options will follow: you can draw the doves using a brush or select them from a photo file and paste them onto a new layer.

Layers can be given a translucent or transparent tone. Just move the slider and set the transparency to 50%. Thus, the same pigeons will not be flashy. After inserting a translucent picture, you should add more detail, for example, make chiaroscuro and draw feathers with a brush.

The difference between Photoshop CS6 and all versions of Adobe Photoshop

You can give the drawing the desired effect and color only through the horizontal tools and the tab with layers, which you should right-click on, after which “properties” will appear. All Adobe Photoshop programs are practically no different from each other, and for a beginner, in fact, it makes no difference which one to use.

Eg, Photoshop 5 or CS6 are almost identical. For this reason, any version is suitable for a person who is not knowledgeable about a photo editor. For example, the filter gallery and color mode are the same, these are standard features. New generations of programs may have additions, but they will be minor.

Is Photoshop difficult to learn?

Often, many beginners are interested in: is it difficult to master the program? There is no exact answer to this question. It all depends on intelligence. Adobe Photoshop is a tool, like any other equipment, for example : “washing machine” requires mastering. Therefore, the mechanism must be studied to understand all the possibilities. After some time, a beginner will become an expert if he begins to understand the essence of Photoshop. But there is one rule - you need to train from light to hard. For example, you need a photo:

First, you should experiment with such simple functions, and then learn to outline an image, create chiaroscuro, make collages and create truly unique drawings. With help graphics tablet can draw prints from scratch. To fully master the program, you will need to spend a lot of time and be really diligent.

Important! The 64-bit version of Photoshop is more powerful, especially when it comes to RAM. You should know that Photoshop CS6 and CC are installed exclusively on x64 Mac O.S.

Example of photo processing

It is important to understand how to work with photographs in Photoshop, so you need to study an example of image processing. It is not always possible to find a certain ideal picture in which you can implement the intended manipulation. For example, you want to take a night landscape, but many of the photos have already been edited or are too dark. There is always a way out. Using Photoshop, you can easily transform a daytime landscape into a nighttime one.

Step-by-step process for turning a daytime photo into a nighttime one:


To give the sky more effect, you should make stars.


  1. A new one is created on top of all layers. It is filled with black and the paint fill tool is applied. Then the “noise” function is added, which is located in the “filter” menu. Black and white noise is increased (Amount).
  2. In the filter gallery, select “linocut sketch”. To get the desired effect, you need to play with the settings.
  3. To position the stars correctly, use the move tool.
  4. On the layer with stars you need to adjust the blending mode (Blending Options).
  5. Next, a mask is added for the same layer. The gradient color is black and white. The bottom is made invisible and, by adjusting, the opacity is increased to a certain extent.

Illumination of objects

Photoshop CS6

For the best photo effect, it is advisable to make the windows backlit.


  1. Using the straight lasso tool, select windows. To make multiple selections without clearing previous selections, it is recommended to hold down the Shift key.
  2. Next, duplicate the selected objects and place the copy on top of the layers.
  3. Then select blending modes (Blending Options). Check the box for Color Overlay. The object should take on a light orange tint.
  4. To improve the effect, it is recommended to scroll through the color overlay items in the menu and select Hue.
  5. Opposite (Outer Glow) check the box - this is an external glow.
  6. You can play with the blending points again and choose the appropriate shade.

Secondary Light Sources

It is necessary to reflect the incident light from the windows onto the ground and walls.


  1. You need to select the “brush” and set the opacity to 20%. A new layer is created.
  2. Next, select the window color using the eyedropper tool.
  3. Using a brush, shades are outlined on the ground and walls. The light should be diffused.
  4. The saturation is adjusted using the layer opacity.

In order to correctly distribute light and shade, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with their reflexes. You need to understand how light glides across this or that object. Metal is smooth, but wood is rough. This greatly influences the creation of high-quality realistic images.

I present to you an excellent selection of books on Photoshop CS5 and CS6, which will appeal to all Photoshop lovers. For you 6 best books from the most popular authors. All books are in color and in good quality.

  • The first book on Photoshop in our selection will be Official Adobe Photoshop CS6 Training Course. This course is designed for both beginners and experienced designers. Beginning Photoshop lovers will be able to master all the basic tools of the program step by step in practice, while more experienced colleagues will learn how to get the most out of Photoshop. Thanks to a simple description of the various methods of working in the program, You can become a good specialist in working with. The lessons in this educational material cover everything from the simple basics of working with photographs to creating 3D images. The book is full of various tips and step-by-step instructions, which will help you master the material as efficiently as possible.

  • Next we have Adobe Photoshop CS6. Master class from Evgeniy Tuchkevich. This is a very beautifully designed and well-made book, based on an educational methodology for training professional designers that is distinguished by its effectiveness. For beginners learning Photoshop, this book will also be useful, as it begins with a simple examination of all the tools of the graphic editor and photo processing techniques. In practice you will gain high-quality knowledge on methods of creating collages, learn how to restore old photographs, as well as do retouching. In addition to working with raster images, techniques for working with vectors will also be discussed.

  • It will be quite useful for beginners to learn the basics of design. A clear tutorial on Photoshop CS6 from Vladislav Dunaev. After reading the book, you will quickly master the basic techniques of working in the latest version of the best graphics editor, Adobe Photoshop CS6. The most necessary tools and functions will become available to you, so you can easily perform any operation - from creating and processing an image to outputting it to a printing device.

  • For those who have Photoshop CS5 installed, it will be more convenient to gain knowledge from a book on Basics of working in Adobe Photoshop CS5 from Molochkov, as well as from the course CS5 in examples from Karchevsky. Both options are good, where basic information about the basics of working with Photoshop is presented in a simple and accessible way. The reader will have access to a large number of practical examples and exercises, which tell about everything that a designer or photographer needs to know when solving any problems. Both books contain a lot of color illustrations.

  • Well, in conclusion, an excellent book, which is a classic in this genre - Scott Kelby. Adobe Photoshop CS6. Guide to Digital Photography. This book will tell you about using Photoshop in digital photography. In the book, the author pays great attention to digital image processing processes. It will be interesting not only to professional photographers, but also to many fans of digital photography. A detailed description and clear explanations will help you find out what parameters of the tools need to be set in this or that case during the work process. The book is filled with advice from the best experts in the Photoshop editor. A lot of valuable tips will allow you to save a lot of time when processing photos. In general, for those who are interested in digital photography, this book will be a real treasure.

Adobe Photoshop – a universal program for web designers, content managers, photographers and videographers, animators, media editors and ordinary PC users. The program does everything possible with the files: changes backgrounds, combines two or more photos into one, adjusts and changes colors, adds effects and inscriptions, allows you to create your own images and website layouts.

We have selected the best free video tutorials on Photoshop for self-learning at home from scratch. 

Photoshop for beginners. Photoshop Interface Overview

Beginner retouchers and designers begin by studying the program interface. The lesson is introductory and purely theoretical, necessary for mastering a new course. First, let's find out what tools and functions the program window contains. Backgrounds, palettes, tools for working with images and text - there are a lot of tabs and shortcuts on the toolbar, and at first you can get confused. Some tools, commands, and settings differ between versions. Having studied one, it becomes easy to navigate the others. The next step is to learn the “hot keys” that speed up your work.

How to properly cut out a background or object in Photoshop

The teleport has not yet been invented, but with the help of Photoshop you can instantly be transported from the garden beds to the Champs Elysees. Quick and easy: cut out the image and transfer it to another prepared background. The video tutorial shows how to use the lasso, brush, pen and eraser tools. With their help, the desired object is selected, cut out and carefully transferred to a new background. It is also shown how to work with the background: blur, adjust color and saturation. Professionals say: the job of replacing the background is the simplest, which is why they recommend that beginners start with it.

How to change the color of anything in Photoshop

The problem of changing colors is also solved quickly. The author of the video tutorial gives two ways to change the color of anything, even hair: using an adjustment layer and using a brush. The first method is automatic and fast. The second is done painstakingly by hand and resembles a child’s coloring book. Only the functionality of the palette is wider: you can change and correct color tones and saturation. The activity gives room for creativity and imagination.

How to quickly improve a photo in Photoshop

People often go to Photoshop to improve the quality of photos. Using the program, many versions of one photo are created. Add magical haze, enhance fog, work with saturation, contrast, create additional volume. As a result, the photo becomes colorful, expressive, rich and looks natural, creating the effect of presence. The techniques from the video lesson are used with all types of photographs in the sequence you like. Over time, learn to create your own image enhancement techniques.

How to remove unnecessary objects from a photo in Photoshop

Removing unnecessary objects from photos is monotonous and monotonous. Master the stamp and healing brush tools with the help of a video lesson - and then time and practice will turn a beginner into a professional. The author of the video recommends using the latest version of Photoshop for successful work and shows options for removing small and large objects, from a cigarette butt to a person on a bicycle. The lesson gives advice on choosing the diameter and hardness of the brush used, shows the mistakes of novice retouchers and options for working with the tool. Certain aspects (degree of pressure, shading and frequency of strokes) are reminiscent of working with art supplies.

Frame tool, perspective cropping and cutting

The video lesson teaches how to crop and rotate an image, change the rotation angle and create perspective, zoom in and out of an object, and cut an image into pieces. Shown are options for cutting pictures into equal and different parts for collages or other web needs. Illustrates working with markers and grids. The author gives advice on saving the resulting images in the correct quality and format.

5 tricks every Photoshopper should know

Each updated version of the program is smarter and faster than the previous one. The author of the video clip shows the advantages of the updated CC2018 program. First of all, beginners will be helped by the interactive training function, which is now built into the program itself in the form of step-by-step instructions. The selection and brush tools have been improved, making them smarter and almost automatic. We recommend watching the lesson on how to find new functions on the taskbar.

Toning in Adobe Photoshop

Toning photographs in Photoshop is performed for artistic purposes. The video tutorial is based on processing a portrait in three simple but effective ways and shows how to improve the color scheme by making it saturated. Tinting involves adjusting the color balance using the teal&Orange technique, that is, in blue-green and orange tones. After watching, you will learn how to work with light and shadow curves, channel mixing, sliders for color alignment and changing digital vibration values, and do light and radical toning.

25 Photoshop secrets and tricks

Knowing the secrets of professionals will help you reach an advanced level of proficiency in the program: convenient key combinations, horizon correction, cloning image fragments, creating a retro effect and converting to black and white photos. Experienced retouchers find ways to solve problems in a matter of minutes that would take a beginner half a day to work on. By increasing their level of mastery of settings, users eventually invent their own life hacks. The video clip will show 25 such secrets.

Website design from scratch in Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop is used in web design or website creation. The work is painstaking and requires knowledge in design, color, arithmetic and geometry. The lesson shows an example of creating a page for an online store. The author of the video recommends starting with determining the scale and choosing the color scheme and comments on the creative process in a language that is understandable for beginners. Using the lesson as an example, it is possible to create a one-page website, electronic business card or landing page without ordering paid development services.

How to create an interior collage in Photoshop from scratch

In interior design, a program is used to create a sketch of a room. The method of creating collages is used by both professional designers and those who have started remodeling an apartment or office on their own. Collages are visual and are used for making notes as you work. To create a living room layout, you will need a superficial knowledge of Photoshop and a small number of tools. Images of interior items are first found on the Internet and then transferred to the work area, creating the intended composition on the principle of a mosaic or puzzle.

Photoshop CS6 is packed with new features and effects that you can use in our tutorial. In this tutorial we'll use the new features of Photoshop CS6, specifically 3D, to create a mini-highway composition on the desktop. Let's start!

We will need the following resources to complete this lesson.

Step 1

Open your desktop image. Since we're going to add a road across the desktop, let's sketch out the paths of the road on a temporary layer. This will allow you to identify problem areas.

Step 2

Use the Content-Aware Move Tool (J) to fix the problem areas to make room for our road. Using the tool, make a selection around the eraser, and then click and drag the selected area to a new location on our table. Photoshop will do all the moving changes for you.

Your result should look something like this:

Step 3

Use the Content-Aware tool in the same way on a pencil.

Step 4

Now we will begin to create the future road. Select the Pen Tool (P) and set the mode to Shape. This will allow us to use fill and stroke. For now, set the Fill to No Color and Stroke to black. Draw a new path from top to bottom on a new layer and name it "Road". We will use 3D mode on this sketch later to match the perspective.

Step 5

Set the Stroke width to 130 points. In addition, open the Stroke options and set Align to Center. Hide the "Background" layer for now.

Step 6

We need to “pave asphalt” on our road. Open a picture with an asphalt texture from our resources.

Step 7

Use any of the Marquee tools to select the bike design and go to Edit > Fill. Make sure to install Content-Aware to use it. If necessary, use the Patch Tool to clean up the image.

Step 8

We need to correct the perspective of the image in order to properly position the texture samples. Select the Perspective Crop Tool ©, which can be found by clicking and holding on the Crop Tool.

Step 9

Using the Perspective Crop Tool, select the four-point rectangle command that corresponds to the image of our asphalt. You can adjust everything manually to get the best match.

Press Enter to finish.

Step 10

Now we have good textures and everything should work out without any problems. Go to Filter > Other > Offset and adjust the sliders so that both seams are visible.

Step 11

Using the Patch Tool, remove the seams.

The result should look like the image below:

Step 12

Press Ctrl + A to select the entire image and go to Edit > Define Pattern. Name this pattern “Asphalt”. Finally, with the selection active, press Ctrl + C to load this image to the clipboard. We'll be inserting it into our scene at a later stage.

Step 13

Let's go back to our original scene and double-click the "Road" layer to access Layer Styles. Apply the asphalt texture Pattern Overlay. Set the scale to 25%

Right-click the moss on the layer and select Rasterize Layer.

Step 14

Create a new layer and press Ctrl + V to paste our image that we copied in step 12. Change the structure so that it covers the road.

Step 15

Rename the new layer "Texture" and turn it into a Clipping Mask for the "Road" layer.

Using the large, soft eraser (E), erase the inside of the road so that the structure appears only on the edges of the road.

Set the blending mode to Overlay.

Step 16

Select both layers that make up our path and right-click and select Convert to Smart Object. Rename the Smart Object to “Road”.

Step 17

Now that we have created our winding road, we can place cones along the road. Create a new layer called "Cone". Select the Pen Tool and adjust the options as follows:

Step 18

Set the base color to a nice construction orange and make two outlines that follow the contours of the road. The resulting outlines should look like this:

Step 19

Right click and Rasterize Layer. Select both rasterized layers and merge (Ctrl + E). Rename it to "Cone".

Step 20

Now we can start making our 3D objects. To turn our "Road" Smart Object into 3D, select the layer and go to 3D > New 3D Extrusion from the selected layer. This will automatically create a 3D volume object and also open the 3D panel.

Step 21

In the 3D panel, select the "Road" layer object (indicated by the 3D star icon) to access its properties. In the Properties panel, make sure Mesh is activated and Extrusion Depth is set to 0.

Step 22

Then go to the coordinates section and set the X-angle to 90 degrees.

Step 23

Go back to the 3D panel and click on the drop-down menu for more 3D options and select Snap Object in Ground Plane.

Step 24

Let's go back to the Layers panel and hide the background image. This will make the 3D objects easier to see. Then right click on the "cones" layer and select New 3D Extrusion from the selected layer. Note that the "cones" object is on a unique grid. We know this because there is only one object ("cones") in our scene. Photoshop created a separate 3D space for each object. We will merge both objects so that they are both in the same 3D space.

Go back to the Layers panel and make sure the “cones” layer is on top of all the layers. Select both 3D layers and merge (Ctrl + E).

Since these are 3D layers, merging the layers will only merge them into one 3D space. We can check this by going back to the 3D panel.

Step 25

Using the same methods we used for the road, set the extrusion depth to zero, change the X-coordinate angle to 90 degrees and snap to the horizontal plane. The objects may not line up properly, we will move them to their final positions later.

Also, it's important to note that since we've combined multiple 3D objects in one place, the objects contained in the new groups (usually with the "_layer" suffix) can simply be expanded to find the layer object (indicated by the 3D star icon).

Step 26

At this point, we're going to add a bevel to our "cones" layer, so they resemble the construction of cones. First, select the "Current View" of the camera and using the navigation tools in the top menu, position the camera so it is close to the cones.

Step 27

Select the "cones" layer and go to Cap in the Properties panel.

Use on-screen widgets to form a cone.

Step 28

Then in the properties panel, select Contour Map Edit and add a custom contour as shown in the image.

The results should look like this:

Step 29

Now we can move the camera to the desired position. We'll use a grid to make sure everything matches the location on our stage. Go back to the Layers panel and activate the background image.

Step 30

Go back to the 3D panel and hide the Road and Cones layers.

Step 31

Select the "Current View" layer and, using the top menu of the 3D tools, Rotate (rotate), drag, Slide and scale the grid so that they match the perspective on the scene. This will take several tries. This allows you to find right angles that already exist in the scene, such as buttons on a calculator.

Step 32

Turn on the Road and Cones object layers. Select the "Road" object and click on the Mesh button in the properties panel.

Using widgets, manually move/rotate the road to the desired position.

Do the same with the "Cones" object.

Step 33

We're almost done with 3D. The last part is to adjust the lighting. Currently, our object's shadow does not match our scene. To fix this, select the Lights Filter in the 3D panel and choose the one that suits our scene.

Step 34

While holding Shift, click and drag the shadow so that it matches the direction of the original image's shadow.

Step 35

Let's move on to rendering. We want to make each part separate, so we will need to hide objects that we are not currently working with. In the 3D panel, select Filter by Mesh and hide the Road object. Also, make sure to re-click Cast Shadows for the Cones object.

In order to make our objects appear as transparent layers, hide all of our background layers as shown below:

Go to 3D->Render (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R). Let Photoshop make a few passes and then press Enter to stop rendering. Note that if you are in the Layers panel, the scene must be selected in order to begin rendering.

Step 36

In the Layers panel (the 3D layer should already be selected), select All (Ctrl + A), Copy (CTL + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) on the new layer. Name this layer "Cones Rendered". Hide this layer.

Step 37

Repeat this process for the "Road" object.

Step 38

Show the "Cones" object and hide the "Road" object. With the "Cones" object selected, go to the Mesh section of the Properties panel and turn on Cast Shadows, turn on Invisible and turn off Cast Shadows.

Turn on render and copy it to a new layer just like we did in the previous steps.

For the last renderings, turn off Invisible and Cast Shadows. Go to the Cap section and click Reset Warp. We get flat disks.

Again, Render (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R) from the scene and copy to a new layer.

Step 39

Name the three resulting files appropriately and hide the 3D layer. If necessary, change the order of the layers.

Step 40

Select the "Cones Rendered" layer and add the following layer styles to make it appear as if the road is actually running across the table.

Step 41

Select the "Cones Rendered" layer and apply a Gaussian Blur to it (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) of 4 px. Set the Blending Mode to Multiply and Opacity to 4%.

Step 42

Select the "Base Render" layer and move it down so that it is barely visible under the cones. Adjust the color level of the discs to pure black.

Apply a Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) of 1.7 px and set the Blending Mode to Multiply.

Step 43

Make a copy of the "Base Render" layer and apply a Gaussian Blur filter, but this time with a value of 5.5 px. Set the Blending Mode to Multiply and Opacity to 55%.

Step 44

Let's group all our cone layers together and add a layer mask to the group.

Use masks to hide the cones that overlap the blue pencil and eraser.

Step 45

To organize our scene, group all of our composite layers.

Step 46

Our next step is to add a car to our scene. Open the car image, it already has a good shadow. We'll try to use this shadow. Use the Pen Tool (with Path mode) to draw a path around the car.

Step 47

Using the Pen Tool (P), right-click and select the Make Selection path. Copy and paste the car onto a new layer. The top layer will be the car's full color, while the bottom layer will be used for its shadow.

Group these two layers together. You need to double-click on the "Background" layer to unlock it.

Step 48

Drag the "Car" group onto our scene and set the dimensions to fit it.

Step 49

Inside the "Car" group, set the layer's blend mode to Multiply. Rename the layers. Please note that the car does not match our scene. We will try to fix this in the next step.

Step 50

Select the "Car" layer and Transform (Ctrl + T) the car subtly to better match the perspective. Use Warp Mode
(activated by clicking the Warp icon in the top menu) to fine-tune the transformation.

Note that this causes unnecessary parts of the "Car Shadow" layer to be visible. Use the Eraser Tool (E) to remove.

Step 51

Use Levels (Ctrl + L) to adjust the "Car" layer.

Step 52

In addition, you can draw more shadows if you see the need.

Step 53

The next step is to make sure our components match the depth of field in our original image. Start by combining the "Composite Layers" group onto a new layer.

Step 54

Before adding the blur, use the Burn Tool to darken the corners of our new layer.

Step 55

Now add an Iris Blur (Filter > Blur > Iris Blur). Set the blur level to 4 pixels and the screen widget settings so that the blur matches the original image as closely as possible.

Step 56

Our image is technically ready, but we can go a little further with it. Make a merged copy of all layers by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E.

Using this new, merged layer, add additional adjustments. In this case, I added additional blur using Tilt-Shift Blur (Filter > Blur > Tilt-Shift). This adds more depth while blending the components.

Let's soften the scene a little. This is done by duplicating the layer, increasing the levels, and giving it a moderately high Gaussian Blur. After that, set the Blending Mode to Soft Light and also adjust the Opacity to your liking.

Step 57

The last step is to use the Crop Tool © to crop the bottom of the image. This will hide any layer styles that are visible around the edges of our image. Make sure to uncheck Delete Cropped Pixels.

Final image

OK it's all over Now. The final image should look like this.

In this tutorial on creating special effects in Photoshop, we'll look at how to apply an interesting texture to a human face using the Displace filter and a displacement map. The displacement map allows you to wrap a texture around the face, taking into account its contour; it's not the same as slapping a flat texture onto a portrait. Displacement maps first appeared in Photoshop 2.0, so if your version of Photoshop was not purchased 20 years ago, then you will succeed. We will explain using Photoshop CS4 as an example, but any recent version of the program will be suitable for this lesson.

Vignetting effect
with blur in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use the new Iris Blur filter in Photoshop CS6, which makes it easy to create a blurred vignette on any photo. We'll use the Layer Mask option of this filter and create a couple of adjustment layers to lighten the vignette and mute its colors. The same effect can be achieved in earlier versions of the program, but this tutorial is designed for Photoshop CS6.