Example of a social network on Drupal. Social network platform

This is a build for creating communities and social networks. Drupal Commons will free you and your community from the tyranny of expensive paid systems. The assembly is a ready-made solution for creating both closed (corporate) and open (accessible to everyone on the Internet) social networks. Drupal Commons gives:

  • freedom of communication, providing community members with easy and familiar ways to interact with each other
  • freedom from restrictions, allowing you to create a website based on your needs, not limited capabilities
  • freedom from license fees, allowing you to save half the budget that would have been spent on purchasing paid software and licenses

The web is open and free, shouldn't software be the same?

Collaborate Give community members the ability to create profiles, groups, and connections with colleagues. Drupal Commons allows members the freedom to build their connections, which is an integral part of a successful community.

Drupal Commons allows you to organize content into topic groups with a blog, discussions, documentation, wikis, and events. Users can create connections with each other (for example, by adding other users to their friends list). Registered users have access to a control panel that displays content from all groups the user is a member of. The site owner can easily and quickly change the design to associate the site's appearance with their organization. The assembly contains a full package of features that are commonly used when creating communities.

Assembly capabilities

Drupal Commons gives community members many different ways to interact, allows administrators to develop the community, and provides the site owner with flexible installation and configuration options. Drupal Commons uses additional Drupal modules, which are most often used when creating social networks and implement all the characteristics necessary for a site.

Build a Community Organize a Community Ensure your community continues to grow by giving administrators the tools to effectively manage content and members.
  • Thematic groups. Reduce the time spent on community management and increase user participation in the community by giving users the ability to create groups of their own choosing. Or limit the ability to create groups to the site administrator. Choose for yourself.
  • Discussions. A group member can start a discussion, and other participants can express their opinions in the comments to the initial message. New comments can be added at the bottom or top of the discussion, branched with indents for each answer, or flat, as you prefer.
  • Blogs. Each group has its own blog, where members of this group can add their entries, share thoughts, voice new data or cover news.
  • Documentation. The ability to maintain documentation can be very useful for teams, and you can also attach files to documents.
  • Vicki. Team members can collaborate on content using a text editor that supports standard wiki markup, making it easy to [[create links]] to other pages.
  • Polls. Find out the opinions of other participants by creating a poll. Monitor responses received publicly or limit access to responses received.
  • Events. Allow users to coordinate meetings, track other people's participation in those meetings, or announce events on the group's shared calendar. Events in the calendar of any group can be displayed in the general community calendar.
  • Ribbons. Using RSS feeds, group members can track events in their group, other groups and collect information from other sites related to issues discussed in the group.
  • Alerts. Community leaders can post messages about important changes or upcoming events, which are shown on community members' profiles.
  • Text editor. Users have access to an editor whose panel contains buttons with the most commonly used functions, such as font size, colors and other styles, which you can customize to suit your needs.
Clear page addresses Page addresses can be made to convey the meaning of the content to which they lead, which makes them very convenient and understandable not only by other participants, but also by search engines. Need support for right-to-left languages? No problem. Do you need to use UTF-8 encoding and support a large number of characters? No problem. Do you want to see all site elements in Russian? No problem. Extensibility Want the Drupal Commons build to do something for you, but it doesn't? In the Drupal world, we have a standard answer: “there is a module for that.” With 7,000+ add-on modules available on drupal.org to extend Drupal's capabilities, there's a good chance you'll be able to find the module you need or quickly modify an existing one to suit your needs. If not, then a flexible API is available to you. In addition, because It's open source software, you're not limited by the API. Wielding the Magic The Drupal Commons build creates an online experience that makes participants feel like magic. Watch for new products, new ideas and new connections emerging in your community. Benefits for site owners No licensing costs The Drupal Commons build is open source software, which means that you do not need to purchase a license to use it. Save your money, spend it on your community rather than on buying software.

Social buttons can be useful for visitors to your website or blog. By clicking on these buttons, they will be able to save links to interesting materials on their social media accounts.

Each of them provides the necessary buttons for installation on third-party sites.

For “VKontakte” the code can be found.

However, as you can see, each such button loads its own js file with a script. This slows down the page load time overall. In addition, using ready-made code, the webmaster will not be able to design social network buttons as he wishes - all the design is located outside the site.

Below is an example of creating a block of three social buttons, when clicked, a new browser window opens (in the center of the screen), where the visitor is asked to confirm to create a bookmark. After publication, the window closes.

We also integrate this entire block with the Drupal 7 theme.

First, a little information:


In this case, the content of the tag is taken as the title

And also, some kind of image similar to the logo is taken. If we need to specify the picture exactly, then we need to insert the following tag into the page title (inside the container):

2. Social button from Twitter - “tweet” allows you to publish a tweet with pre-prepared text and a link. The URL looks like this:


In this case, the tweet text must be URL-encoded, otherwise there may be errors. When you click on this link, you will be prompted to create a tweet containing text and a link.

3. The Facebok social bookmark is similar to VKontakte and looks like this:


So, let's say we want to design a block of buttons something like this:

At the same time, HTML markup is quite simple. All HTML consists of three links: