Ambulance from a mobile phone. How to call an ambulance? Emergency call numbers of mobile operator Megafon

The mobile phone is the most common means of communication, and has long replaced the landline telephone, player, computer and game console. And in an emergency, a cell phone can save a life. However, if you need to call an ambulance from a mobile phone, you should not rely on the number 03, memorized from childhood. Mobile communication with emergency services is carried out only through three-digit numbers.

Unified emergency phone numbers

About 2 years ago, a system of unified emergency numbers appeared in Russia, which can be called from any telecom operator. Now, in a difficult situation, you don’t need to try to guess and remember which operator owns which digital combination - to call an ambulance immediately, just call the toll-free number 103. All uniform emergency numbers:

  • 101 – call the fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • 102 – call the police
  • 104 – emergency gas service call

These combinations are easy to remember and will save precious minutes in the event of an emergency.

Calling an ambulance from a cell phone through the 112 service

If an unforeseen situation occurs and you need to call an ambulance from your mobile phone as quickly as possible, a person may get confused and forget about number 103. In this case, a single emergency phone number 112 (Russian equivalent of 911) will come in handy. By dialing it, the subscriber can explain the essence of the problem to the operator, who will connect him to the appropriate department.

You can call a single number for free from a mobile phone of any telecom operator, and the balance may be zero or in the minus - the call will still take place. Even a locked phone or a device without a SIM card is not a hindrance when you need to call an ambulance from your mobile phone. You can also call this number if you need emergency assistance from firefighters, police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Despite the undeniable advantages of the 112 service, you must always remember that the connection is not direct, but through an intermediary, which means that you can quickly reach an ambulance from a cell phone, but not as much as you would like. When switching to the desired unit, precious seconds are lost, which can cost someone their life.

Telephone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone

One of the fastest ways to call an ambulance from a mobile phone is to call directly, using numbers that are different for each operator. They are gradually being replaced by single phones, but they are still valid. In order not to get confused and to always have these numbers at hand, you should save them in your phone.

Call an ambulance using the following numbers, depending on your mobile operator:

Megafon, MTS, U-tel and Tele2 – dial 030;
Beeline - call 003;
Motive and Skylink - dial 903.

Calls to numbers of other emergency services are made according to the same principle, only the number 3 changes to one of the following: 2 - police, 1 - fire department, 4 - gas service.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone? and got the best answer

Answer from Killer - 78™[guru]
Calling emergency services from MTS phones
010 - Call the fire department
020 - Call the police
030 - Call an ambulance
040 - Call the gas service
Calling emergency services from MEGAFON cell phones
010 - Call the fire department
020 - Call the police
030 - Call an ambulance
040 - Call emergency gas service
Calling emergency services from U-tel
010 - Call the fire department and rescuers
020 - Call the police
030 - Call an ambulance
040 - Call the gas service
Calling from Beeline phones
001 - Fire protection
002 - Call the police
003 - Calling an ambulance
004 - Call the gas service
Challenge with Motive
901 - Fire protection
902 - Police
903 - Call an ambulance
904 - Call gas emergency service
Calling from Sky-Link phones
901 - Fire protection
902 - Police
903 - Ambulance
904 - Gas service
Calling from TELE2 phones
Dial directly 01 (rescue service, fire service), 02 (police service, Anti-Terror service), 03 (Emergency medical service) or 04 (gas network emergency service). If the telephone set of a TELE2 subscriber, the site warns, does not support dialing numbers consisting of two digits, when calling emergency services, after the service number you must dial the sign * - for example, 01*, 02*, 03* or 04*.
The number 112 is also available for emergency calls to special services.
Calling from number 112 is possible
- if there are no funds in your account;
- when the SIM card is blocked;
- in the absence of a phone SIM card;
The call is free and is possible with a blocked SIM card, and even if there is no SIM card in the mobile phone. The telephone numbers for these services are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to call an ambulance from a cell phone?

Ambulance is called in emergency cases. For this purpose, all mobile operators have their own short numbers. However, there is also a common one - a single rescue service “911” or “112” (main). You can call an ambulance from a mobile phone in Moscow using these numbers, regardless of the operator.

The “112” and “911” services work both with zero and negative balance, without a SIM card (or when blocked). However, the program includes call forwarding, and sometimes the connection is lost. As a result, the call sometimes has to be made several times.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone?

Combinations of two digits do not work on mobile phones, so the number “03” has changed somewhat. Instead of the general rescue service, you can use the free service of a telecom operator, call an ambulance from your mobile phone in Moscow, MTS - “030” (the same number for Megafon and Tele-2), Sky-Link - “903”, Beeline - “003” "

And other emergency services do not pose any difficulties for cell phone owners. In order to promptly help your loved one who is in a critical situation, you need to know how to call an ambulance from your mobile phone.

Everyone knows perfectly well how to call the emergency room since Soviet times. Set of simple numbers 03 allows you to quickly connect with the dispatcher and transfer a call to a medical team. But today there are several telecommunications companies operating in Russia (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2, and these are just the largest representatives), and they all have their own numbers for emergency calls. And they must be firmly remembered, because human life depends on it.

The easiest way to call an ambulance is to try dialing the combination 03* (numbers zero, three and an asterisk).

You can find out about the current numbers intended for calling doctors for subscribers of different operators below.

In Russia

All Russian mobile operators have introduced 3-digit numbers by which you can call an ambulance by mobile phone:

On some older phone models that do not support speed dialing, you will need to add an asterisk at the end of the number. Like this: 103*. All companies do not charge their subscribers for such calls. Alternatively, you can use the number

Single to call any emergency service. Everyone knows the American 911 rescue service, so the number indicated above is a similar service.

Calls to a single number are possible even if the money in your personal account has run out, your cell phone does not have a SIM card or it is inactive. When you call 112, the signal is sent to a satellite, which finds the nearest ambulance station to the subscriber. Next, a connection occurs with the dispatcher of this point. This operating principle allows you to call the necessary specialists as quickly as possible.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone abroad?

To call rescue services in the European Union, you should use a single number 112. It also operates in Ukraine and Belarus. In these countries, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia, the number 103 is used to call an ambulance. In other countries, the ambulance is called by the following numbers:

  • - Bulgaria;
  • - Georgia;
  • - Poland;
  • - Croatia;
  • - Hungary;
  • - Moldova;
  • - Romania;
  • - Czech Republic;
  • - USA, Canada (a single number is also used here);
  • - Iran;
  • - Japan, Korea;
  • - Israel;
  • - Afghanistan.

How to call an ambulance correctly?

Which allow you to call an ambulance from your mobile phone, you also need to know how to act correctly so that help arrives as quickly as possible. First of all, you need to report the gender and approximate age of the victim. If several people need help, you need to indicate their number. It should be remembered that each outfit is designed for only 1 victim.

If the incident happened at home, you must indicate the address, entrance and intercom number. If the exact address cannot be specified, landmarks should be provided. You also need to tell who the person who called the team is and provide your phone number. To later quickly find out about the fate of the victim, you can write down the brigade number.

The banality and simplicity of this reason is obvious - many people simply do not have the slightest idea how to call an ambulance, police or firefighters from a mobile phone.

Calling emergency services through a single short number

Just recently, the general number “112” became valid in the country, by dialing it you can instantly reach a particular service. After making a call, you will reach:

  1. Rescue service.
  2. Police.
  3. An ambulance.
  4. Gas service.

“112” today is a single number for all Ukrainian emergency services. The privilege of these numbers is that it is possible to call from different Ukrainian operators. You can easily call emergency services (ambulance, gas workers, police, firefighters) from your mobile phone, and it doesn’t matter if it is a Life, Kyivstar or Vodafone operator. Read on to find out how to call an ambulance directly.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile Ukraine 2019?

Today, in order to quickly call and get help, people resort to using these numbers. Calls to all numbers presented can be made from both landline operators and mobile operators.

Do you know what you need to say when making an emergency call?

Of course, in order to call emergency services, some unforeseen incident must occur that causes stress. When this happens, even the most basic things involuntarily fly out of a person’s head. The state of panic ends with the specialist operator having to delve into some incomprehensible, incomprehensible explanations in a raised voice. Thus, people lose their precious time, which they so desperately need. How should you communicate on the phone in such cases and what should you tell the operator first?

  • The first thing to do is try to articulate why you dialed the emergency number. If, for example, you don’t need an ambulance, then try to find out whether the person had any diseases or ailments in the past, when was the last time he received treatment, at what point his condition began to worsen, and other similar nuances.
  • If you called the fire department or the police, use the same principle to indicate what happened. After this, you always need to indicate the exact address, down to the floor and entrance number, intercom code, etc.
  • When the dialogue is coming to an end, do not forget to give the correct contact phone number and address. Even if a person confuses something and it is difficult to find him, they will call you back to the number from which the call was made to clarify all the details.

How to speed up calling an ambulance or police from a mobile device?

There is nothing surprising or supernatural in the fact that when a person deliberately makes a call to the helpline, he expects that his complaint or request will be responded to as quickly as possible, and that help will arrive almost instantly.

However, due to the fact that there is one number for all help services, the call is initially answered by a dispatcher, who, in turn, is responsible for redirecting information directly to the department of a specific area, etc.

Based on this, we can conclude that in order to respond to a call as quickly as possible, you need to immediately call the department of city services that relate to your area.

Oddly enough, many people do not know how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone in Ukraine in 2018. It's quite simple. To do this, you need to press “0”, followed by the long-distance code of the city where you are located, and a suitable short number. There is no need to enter "1". This makes it possible, in a list of cases, to significantly influence the acceleration of the response to an incoming call.

What if the number to call from your mobile phone doesn't work?

There are situations when dialing one of the numbers fails to establish a connection or the dispatcher simply does not respond. How, in this case, can you call an ambulance and other authorities from your mobile phone?

If when you dial the number of the service you are interested in you cannot get through, which completely ruins all your hopes, then it makes sense to dial one of the above-mentioned existing regional numbers. It is highly desirable to have such numbers in your phone book, so take care of this in advance.

In addition, you should in any case remember that even private healthcare organizations that provide security services have a database of short numbers used by people in critical cases.

Other short numbers for calling from a mobile phone

Obviously, the short numbers don't end there. There are many others that people can easily call for free from their gadget.

It may turn out that, based on the current incident, people may need not only such knowledge as dialing the police, firefighters or ambulance from their mobile phone. It is for this purpose that we have developed other short numbers, by making a call to which you can consult in detail with highly qualified specialists. Below we offer you a list of these numbers:

Question answer


Thanks to this article, you now know how to call an ambulance and other emergency services from a mobile phone of any telecom operators (Kyivstar, Life, Vodafone) so that they can help you quickly and efficiently. Use all the information received to quickly resolve unpredictable situations; it is better to add these short numbers to your mobile phone contacts in advance.