Style formatting of a document is used when... Style formatting technology

If errors were found when viewing the table, they must be edited.

Excel allows you to edit the contents of cells in several ways:

    typing new information on top of erroneous information in the active cell (used, as a rule, when completely replacing information);

    activating the formula bar by clicking the mouse to enter editing mode;

    by pressing the function key F2 in the active cell.

Erroneous information is deleted by pressing the key Delete in the active cell.

Exercise. For ease of orientation among electronic documents, it is recommended to give appropriate names to the sheets of the workbook. It is proposed to name the first sheet of the workbook “Price List”. To do this you need:

    Place the mouse pointer on the title Sheet1.

    Right click.

    Select the item in the context menu Rename.

    Using the keyboard, type the new sheet name.

    Click Enter.

Note. You can also rename a worksheet by double-clicking the left mouse button, first placing the cursor on its name, and then entering a new name.

Spreadsheet Design

Each spreadsheet requires its own design, that is, giving it a certain aesthetic appearance.

As a rule, table headings, the names of their columns, and the final line can be highlighted with a font size, color, and background that differs from the general text. In addition, it is customary to use column and row separators (borders) and other graphic effects in tables.

Most table design operations are concentrated on the tab Home. The most commonly used operations (fill color, font color, alignment according to various criteria, borders, bit depth, etc.) are displayed as buttons in groups Font, Alignment, Number.

Exercise. At this stage, it is necessary to draw up a table in accordance with Figure 3, for which:

    Select a block of cells A1:B2.

    On the tab home in Group Font Click the arrow button (to the right of the group name).

    In the window that opens Format cells on the tab Font in option Typeface choose Bold, in option Size install 12 and press OK.

P note: The same actions can be performed using the button Format in Group Cells on the tab home, after pressing which you need to select the command Format cells, as well as using the command Cell Format in the context menu, called by right-clicking after selecting the corresponding block of cells, or the corresponding mini-panel.

    Select the entire table (block of cells A2:B10).

    On the tab home in Group Font press the button Borders and left-click on the arrow to the right of it.

    Select from the list of options External borders(border around the entire table).

    Left-click in any free cell of the sheet to deselect the block.

    By highlighting individual parts of the table (header, columns), complete the design of the table in accordance with Fig. 3, using the button Borders group Font on the tab Home.

Saving tables to disk

To reuse the spreadsheet in the future, you must save it to disk.

When you save the file, the settings you have made for the workbook are also saved, including window configuration and display characteristics, formulas, functions, fonts, and styles.

By activating Office button In the upper left corner of the window, you will see several commands that allow you to save the EXCEL file: Save, Save How, Close. Each of these commands has its own specifics. Team Save How, Typically used when saving a document for the first time or to select how to save it. Team Save used to save changes made to an existing document. Save asWeb- page saves the document on a Web page. When choosing a team Close To avoid accidentally losing your work, Excel always asks if you want to save your changes. In addition, by clicking Save in the toolbar, you can quickly save the current document just like using the command Save from the menu Office. After saving a book file using one of the save commands listed above, the book remains open. File is removed from the screen only when the book is closed.

Exercise. It is necessary to save the workbook where the Price List table of Technoservice LLC is located as a file with the name “Sales” (this name is entered taking into account the fact that new tables with data on sales of goods will be created in the same book). You must save the file in a network directory, on a floppy disk, or in a folder specified by the teacher. For this:

    Activate Office button.

For ease of use, you can create your own autocomplete list.

To delete the created list, in the window Lists in field Lists select the unnecessary list and press the button Delete.

Editing cell contents

Replacing content

To replace the contents of a cell, just select it, enter new data and confirm the entry.

Please note that when you enter certain types of numeric data (dates, times, numbers with thousands separators, percentages, etc.), the data format in the cell is automatically set. Entering new numeric data instead of existing ones may cause them to be displayed incorrectly. So, if a date was previously entered in a cell, then after entering a regular number, Microsoft Excel converts it to a date. For example, the number 178 would be displayed as the date 06/26/1900. In this case, you should clear the cell format.

Editing Content

You can edit the contents of a cell directly in the cell or in the formula bar.

When editing content directly in a cell, you must double-click on it with the left mouse button so that the text cursor begins to blink in the cell, or select the cell and press the key F2. After this, make the necessary editing and confirm the data entry.

When editing the contents of a cell in the formula bar, you must click the left mouse button in the formula bar so that the text cursor begins to blink in it. After this, make the necessary editing and confirm the data entry.

To delete the character to the right of the text cursor, press the key Delete, to delete the character to the left of the text cursor - key BackSpace. To make it easier to work in cell editing mode, you can select text fragments. To select one word, just double-click on it with the left mouse button. To select an arbitrary fragment, move the mouse pointer over it while holding down the left mouse button. In addition, fragments of cell text can be selected by moving the cursor using the keyboard keys while pressing the key Shift.

Checking spelling in a document

Microsoft Excel allows you to check the spelling of text entered into cells, as well as labels on the worksheet. There is no grammatical or stylistic check. You can check spelling on the entire sheet or in a selected area of ​​the sheet, for example, only in some columns or rows.

Select a document from the archive to view:

Card for PR.doc



Practical work on the topic:"Style Formatting" .

Exercise 1.

    Open the file Article1.doc

    For title: applyHeading 1 , center alignment.

    Start each paragraph with a red line, indent 1.25 cm.

    Change the color of each section.

    Article 1.doc


Practical work on the topic:"Style Formatting" .

Exercise 1.

    Open the file Article 2. doc

    Perform style formatting:

    1. For title: applyHeading 1 , center alignment.

      For subheadings: create your own character style.

    For all text: Red line indented by 1.3 cm, aligned to line width.

    Save the document in your folder under the nameArticle 2.doc

Algorithms for working with styles

Creating a character style:

    Click the Create button.

    In the Name field, enter a name for the style.

    Click the Close button.

Create a paragraph style:

    Open the Style dialog box.

    Click the Create button.

    The Create Style dialog box opens.

    In the Based on style drop-down list, select the desired style.

    Click the Format button.

    In the Name field, enter a name for the style.

    Click OK to return to the Style dialog box.

    Click the Close button.

Style change:

    Open the Style dialog box.

    Click the Change button.

    Click the Format button.

    Make the necessary settings.

    Click OK to return to the Style dialog box.

    Click the Close button.

    File – Create.

    On my computer.


Format – Styles and Formatting

Algorithms for working with styles

Creating a character style:

    Open the Style dialog box.

    Click the Create button.

    The Create Style dialog box opens.

    In the Style drop-down list, select Character.

    In the Based on style drop-down list, select the desired style.

    Click the Format button (two commands become available: Font and Language).

    Make the necessary settings.

    In the Name field, enter a name for the style.

    Click OK to return to the Style dialog box.

    Click the Close button.

Create a paragraph style:

    Open the Style dialog box.

    Click the Create button.

    The Create Style dialog box opens.

    In the Style drop-down list, select Paragraph.

    In the Based on style drop-down list, select the desired style.

    Click the Format button.

    Make the necessary settings using the Font, Paragraph commands.

    In the Name field, enter a name for the style.

    Click OK to return to the Style dialog box.

    Click the Close button.

Style change:

    Open the Style dialog box.

    Click the Change button.

    The Change Style dialog box opens.

    In the Based on style drop-down list, select a style.

    Click the Format button.

    Make the necessary settings.

    Click OK to return to the Style dialog box.

    Click the Close button.

Creating style documents:

    File – Create.

    On my computer.

Document selected for viewing Article1.doc


Formatting and printing text

Basic Concepts

What is text formatting

In addition to services for typing and editing text, the Word editor also provides great opportunities for text formatting. That is, the ability to give the text the required appearance, both on the screen and on paper when printed on a printer. We will only use some of the text formatting options. These are the size and type of characters, the alignment of the text relative to the edges of the paper, the indentation of the text relative to the same edges of the paper, and the indentation of some parts of the text relative to other parts of the text. Let's move on to a more specific look at formatting.

Ways to Apply Text Formatting

Text formatting is applied to selected text or to newly typed text. Let's decipher this. If you select a section of text and set formatting commands, these commands will be executed within the selected section of text and will not affect the rest of the text. If you set formatting options without selecting the text, and immediately after that you start typing new text on the keyboard, the formatting options you just set will apply to the newly typed text.

If you move the cursor to the middle of some text and continue typing, the newly typed text will have the same formatting parameters as the character to the right of which you continued typing. If you start typing in a blank Word window, the text will have the default formatting options.

Two Text Formatting Strategies

From the above, there are 2 ways to format text:

1. First type all the text, and then select its individual parts and set formatting for them. This method is probably suitable for small documents.

2. Before typing each piece of text, set new formatting parameters if necessary. This method is suitable for large multi-page documents, in which it is better to immediately, “from fresh memory,” arrange the formatting.

Formatting the appearance of symbols

Font settings dialog

Word's text formatting commands are located in the Format menu. The first item in this menu is called "Font". When you press "Enter" on this menu item, the three-page "Font" dialog of the same name is called up. The first tab of the "Font" dialog is also called "Font". At the top of the first tab of the Font dialog there are three expanded combo boxes that can be edited. They are used to specify the font name, letter style and letter size.

Let me remind you that an editable combo list is a combination of an edit line and a “List View” window. Such a combined element is also called a row with memory. The "List View" type window stores a list of prepared values, and the view line allows you to edit the value selected from the list using vertical arrows or searching by the first letter, or enter it entirely from the keyboard. Let's look at them one by one.

Font selection

The expanded font selection combo box is located in the upper left corner of the main tab of the Font dialog. The cursor goes here when you launch the Font dialog. Therefore, we always hear the name of the current font, because this name is highlighted in blue, both in the list of font names and in the edit line.

To change a font, you need to either select its name from the list of names of available fonts using the vertical arrows, or press the first letter in the name of the desired font on the keyboard, and then use the “Down Arrow” to finish searching for the desired font.

For example, we are looking for the font "Times New Roman". Press the English letter "T". In the list of font names, the font “Tahoma” is highlighted, then with the “Down Arrow” we go through the font “Terminal” and, possibly, several more fonts until we find “Times New Roman”. The font "Arial" is also often used. These fonts are the most familiar and pleasing to the eye. You can use other fonts. But some fonts do not contain Russian letters.

Actually, the font determines the style in which the letters are written. These can be strict straight letters, like on a typewriter, or they can be Gothic letters with all sorts of curls. The font contains drawing rules for each letter. Therefore, if Russian letters are not included in the font, then this font cannot be used to display Russian texts.

Since the font selection combo box is expanded and does not collapse, you cannot use the Escape key to exit the list of font names, since pressing this key will close the entire Font dialog and you will have to start over.

The combined font selection list is also called “Font”. So, we already have three objects in one place called “Font”: the name of the dialog, the name of the first tab of this dialog, and the name of the first combo box on this tab.

When the font is selected or left unchanged, use tabs to move to the combined list for selecting the style of letters.

Selecting a letter style

This is also a combined list. And for some reason, also with the ability to edit, although the list always contains four values: “regular”, “italic”, “bold” and “bold italic”. You need to select these values ​​using vertical arrows.

The "bold" attribute thickens the letters, while the "italic" attribute makes them slanted and more elegant. "Bold italic" makes the letters thick and graceful at the same time.

Sometimes JAWS stops telling you how to move through the list using the vertical arrows. In this case, each press of the arrow must be supported by the command to read the line "Insert+Up Arrow".

There are Word shortcuts that allow you to enable or disable different character styles without going to the menu.

Control+B - toggle the "Bold" attribute.

Control+I - toggle the "italic (Italic)" attribute.

The combined list for selecting the style of font characters is called "Style".

Having finished choosing the style of the font letters, tabulate it into the combined list for selecting the size of the characters.

Selecting Character Size

This is the last of the expanded combo boxes at the top of the Font tab of the Font dialog. The size of the letters can either be directly typed from the keyboard, or selected using vertical arrows from a list of prepared values.

The height of letters is measured in points. This is approximately one third of a millimeter. That is, one centimeter is approximately equal to thirty points. To be completely precise, there are 72 points in one inch.

The remaining controls of the first tab of the font format settings dialog

At the bottom of the "Font" tab of the "Font" dialog, there are several more collapsed combo boxes and many checkboxes that set various visual effects in the lettering. You can easily understand their purpose from the names of the switches and from the quick help text called up by the combination " Shift+F1".

It’s nice that older versions of Joz even began to voice the dialogue for choosing the font color and background color. These dialogs are a rectangular panel containing small square windows painted in different colors. You can navigate here using arrows and tabs. Previously, these movements were not voiced by Joz, since there is no text in the colored windows. Now Jos names the color.

Other tabs of the Font dialog

The "Font" dialog contains two more tabs: "Spacing" and "Animation". These tabs allow you to set rarely used parameters for various visual effects. You can get to know them yourself using a quick hint.

Word has 3 levels of text formatting: font formatting, paragraph formatting, and page formatting.

Font formatting includes choosing a font, choosing the style and size of letters. Selecting the style and size of letters can be accelerated by pressing the hotkey combinations “Control+I”, “Control+B”, “Control+U”, “Control+Shift+P”.

Font formatting applies to selected text or newly typed text. After you move the cursor to another area of ​​text, the newly typed text will receive the same formatting options as the surrounding letters.

Paragraph formatting includes setting indents in centimeters to the left and right of the document edges, setting intervals in points before and after a paragraph, determining the nature of the alignment of lines within a paragraph, and also setting the nature of the first line of a paragraph. Setting the character of line alignment can be accelerated using the hotkey combinations "Control+L", "Control+R", "Control+E", "Control+J". The alignment applies to the current paragraph or a group of selected paragraphs.

You can also declare the current paragraph as a heading of one of nine levels. Setting heading levels is regulated by the combinations "Alt+Shift+Left or Right Arrow".

Page formatting includes setting text indents in centimeters from the top, bottom, left and right edges of a sheet of paper, determining indents from the edges of the paper for headers and footers and binding, and specifying the size and orientation of the paper. Page formatting can be applied to all pages of a document or only to pages from the current page to the end of the document.

Using the preview, you can see how the document will be printed and calculate the required number of sheets of paper.

Joz can speak the formatting parameters for the current character using the combination "Insert+F". You can configure Joz to announce changes to text formatting settings using the Message Details settings dialog (Insert+V) or through the JAWS Configuration Manager.

In the print dialog, you can set the interval of printed pages, the number of printed copies of the document, select and configure the printer, and more. Documents are printed in the background with the formation of a print queue to the printer. To clear the print queue, you need to open the list of printers.

In the printer properties dialog, you can configure print quality and other printer operating parameters.

Document selected for viewing Style formatting.doc


Teacher of computer science and ICT Ladyga Liliya Valerievna, Raduzhny MBOU Secondary School No. 6


Basic tutorial

Computer Science, textbook for 7th grade L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova - M.: BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory, 2015.

The purpose of the lesson :

Learn to use style formatting operations for a text document.



    develop the ability to run a programMicrosoft Office Wordand exit the program;

    to develop students’ skills in formatting text;

    organize student activities to systematize and generalize methods of action for formatting a text document;

    learncreate, customize and apply text styles.

Developmental :

    develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practical work on a personal computer.

Educational :

    establish safety rules when working at a computer;

    instill independent work skills;

    cultivate the ability to express personal opinions and listen to the opinions of others;

    create an information culture.

Planned educational results:

Subject – an idea of ​​text formatting as a stage of creating a text document; an idea of ​​style formatting;

Metasubject – a wide range of skills and abilities in using information and communication technologies to create text documents;

skills of rational use of available tools;

Personal – understanding the social and general cultural role of skilled keyboard writing skills in the life of a modern person.

Lesson type


ICT tools used in the lesson

Teacher’s personal computer (PC), multimedia projector, student’s PC.

Forms of organizing educational activities of students

Frontal (when learning new material);

Group (when consolidating the material covered);

Individual (when performing practical work).

Forms of organizing the work of a teacher:

- educational;
- controlling.

Basic concepts studied in the lesson:

    First line indent


    Types of styles

    Style options

Materials for the lesson

Lesson summary,presentation “Style Formatting”, handouts.

Technologies :


    Problem-based learning


    Differentiated approach

    Test technologies

    Project technologies.

During the classes:

Hello guys!

Greetings from teachers

Updating knowledge

Slide number 1.

Guys, look at the slide.

In the last lesson, you independently completed tasks in workbook No. 196, 197, 198. Let's see what mistakes you made in the tasks.

Checking homework:

You were given a creative task at home, to create an article.

? What formatting options were specified in the text?

? What formatting did you use in the text?

work in groups:


    There is an algorithm on the card. Remember the definition of what an algorithm is?

    In what form is the algorithm presented on the card?

On the card you need to put the corresponding number next to the name of the button and, conversely, opposite the number indicate the name of the button

Criteria for evaluation:

Rating "WELL DONE" - from 10-11 errors

Rating “MUST TRY” - 6-9 errors

Rating “MUST REPEAT” 3,4 errors

Work on mistakes.

Answer:Checks the answers.


Asking questions

Direct and stylish

Answer questions. Verbally.

In graphic.

They conclude that the graphical method is an image, a block diagram.

Formation of new knowledge

You completed the tasks and demonstrated your knowledge on the topic “Direct formatting of text documents.”

Slide 3. Look what's on your desks?

How do pages in a newspaper differ from each other?

Slide 4 . That's right, they differ in the way they are designed.

You and I know some ways to format text in text documents:


    Main menu windowfont and windowparagraph

? And there are tools that can simultaneously change the style, size and type of font

? What are their names

Newspaper excerpts

Method of registration.



Goal setting

? What is the process of text formatting called?

? Let's think about what text formatting you will do

today in class

Slide number 5 . Subjectour lesson today:Style formatting. We write down the date and topic of the lesson.

? To learn how to create style formatting, what tasks should we complete today in class:

    Learn what style formatting is.

    Consider the differences between style and simple formatting.

    Learn to create style symbols.

    Learn to create text documents with style formatting in practice.


Style formatting

Students answer

Learning new things

Today I invite you all to become employees of the publishing house of the school newspaper “School Express”. TOAs publishing house employees, it is necessary to design the layout of pages with terms"Formatting and printing text."

Each ofYou, working independently, must design one page of a newspaper using style formatting.

Slide 7. Formatting style a set of formatting parameters (font, style, size, first line indent, line spacing, ...).


    Character styles

    Paragraph styles

    Table styles

    List styles

Slide 8.

    saves time - apply the style as a set of parameters

    formatting is much faster.

? What are the benefits of style formatting?

Write it down in a notebook

answer a question from the textbook p. 164

Exercise for the eyes

Now guys, let's take a little rest.

Do the exercises.

Learning new things

Slide 9-10. Creating a character style:

R.T. page 121 task 199

Do it yourself in a notebook.

Fixing the material –

practical work

Slides 12. Practical work