Windows Old is not uninstalled. Uninstall using an installation or recovery disc

The Windows.old folder is considered a system folder because it stores files previous version OS. These include:

The reasons for the appearance of this folder are very simple. It is created automatically in several cases:

  • during update;
  • during installation of any version, if the disk on which installation is taking place has not been formatted operating system.

If you have Windows folder.old.001, then most likely there were several installations in a row, and each time without cleaning the disk.

Be careful. During installation, always press first and only then – "Further".

There can be only one exception - if your system does not boot and you had to start a reinstallation. In order for old files on disk WITH not deleted, it is recommended to install the OS without cleaning. Below we will tell you how to delete the Windows.old folder in Windows 10.

This directory can always be found at the root of the system disk. It is worth noting that it does not always have a letter assigned to it C.

Please note that the size of this folder is usually quite large. It depends on the quantity installed programs in the old OS.

If you need to copy some data, for example, from an old desktop, then just go to the directory Windows.Old. There's a catalog inside. This is where your desktop will be stored. All this can be done through a regular explorer.

You can do the same with any documents or programs. All paths will be similar. Only everything will be put in a directory Windows.old.

What will the system do?

On "Ten" there is special utility, which monitors free space on hard drives. It perfectly detects the presence of old versions. If the partition on which the new operating system was installed is not very big size, the following message will appear shortly after you start working.

If you accidentally forgot to format the disk or have already copied everything necessary files, then you can safely press the button "Delete". Otherwise, your time is limited. After installation, after a certain period of time, the system itself will clear this data without your knowledge.

Is it possible to restore the system from the Windows.old folder

This directory, as was said at the very beginning, may appear in the event of a system update. Delete old version possible at any time. No need to hurry. First, check the functionality of the new system.

If suddenly you notice any glitches or you don’t like something else, you can always restore.

Let's look at this process step by step.

  1. Left click on the menu "Start".

  1. Next, click on the settings button.

  1. After this, the following window will open. Here you need to click on the item

  1. Click

  1. If you had the same system before, the following window will be displayed. To start recovery, you need to click on the button

If you updated from Windows 8.1, then you will have slightly different recovery options.

Please note that returning to the old operating system is only possible within a month, since “Ten” will then erase all references to the old files.

How to delete?

The simplest method, which, unfortunately, most users use, is to delete a folder using the Shift + Delete keys. This method not very good, because in this case some temporary files installations located elsewhere.

Additionally, errors may occur:

  • "ABOUTaccess denied" or something similar;
  • some folders may not be deleted;
  • the path to the files may be too long.

Disk Cleanup utility

You don’t need to immediately think: “I can’t delete it. Save. Help!". You can do everything yourself. For this purpose, Microsoft developers came up with special program which will help you remove everything unnecessary files. Including old Tens updates.

Let's look at this procedure step by step.

  1. Right-click on the system disk.

  1. In the menu that opens, select the item.

  1. Next, click on the button

  1. The utility will show that only 8.85 MB can be freed. Click on the button

  1. After this, the program will begin to analyze what information can be deleted and what cannot.

  1. Once the scanning is completed, the following window will open. Default item « Previous installations Windows" will not be active, and its size is very large.

  1. You must check the box next to this line. Thanks to this, the amount of information deleted will immediately increase. Next click on the button OK.

  1. The utility will ask you again just in case. Click on the button

  1. Now all that remains is to wait until the removal process is completed. The time depends on the amount of information being deleted.

You can periodically monitor the size hard drive. Once cleaning is complete, the dialog box will disappear by itself. The result of the removal is shown below.

How to delete the Windows.old folder using the command line

You can forcefully remove the previous version of the system using the console. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Open your console. For example, using the combination Win keys+ X . Next, select the highlighted item.

  1. Enter the following command.
rd /s /q c:\windows.old

  1. To activate it, press the Enter key.
  2. Using this command you can remove all system files and some hidden folders, which contains information about the update.
rd /s /q c:\$Windows.~WS rd /s /q c:\$Windows.~BT

After this, all information in these directories will be deleted forever.


After reading this article, you should have understood what this folder is and how to delete it. If it doesn't delete, then most likely you are doing something wrong. Try repeating the above methods more carefully. Perhaps something was overlooked as every detail is very important.

It is important to understand that one unchecked box in the settings can give a completely different result. And remember: before deleting, always think several times whether you really don’t need these files, since they cannot be restored later!

Video instruction

If you do not fully understand where the directory with old data came from, or you are unable to delete it completely, then it is recommended that you additionally watch a video in which everything is shown and explained step by step.

In computers modern users terabyte hard drives are installed, but it often happens that there is still not enough free space. With a sharp and significant decrease in the volume of free disk space PC owners face this problem if they upgraded from Windows 7 or 8.1 to version 10.

The emerging Windows.old directory is to blame for this. This article will tell you about the procedure for deleting this folder, as well as what it serves and in what case you can get rid of it.

What is this directory and can it be deleted?

It appears after installing the OS if the disk is not formatted. The files remain in this directory previous Windows. It cannot be removed in the usual way.

It should be noted that if the folder appeared after updating to Windows 10, then it may be required to roll back the system. In this case, it is recommended to delay getting rid of the catalog for at least one month (in case problems arise with the new axis).

If the user does not intend to return to the previous OS, Windows.old must be deleted, because This will free up a significant amount of memory.

First method to delete a folder

This method is the easiest to use. All inexperienced users can use this first method. In order to use it you need a program.

Algorithm for launching the utility:

  1. Through “Start”, enter “All Programs” and then go to “Accessories”;
  2. Then open “Utilities” and find the utility.

Unfortunately, this does not work if G8 is installed on the computer. Windows users 8 you need to follow these steps:

When the utility opens, the following actions will be the same in operating systems:

  1. Specify the files that need to be deleted. To do this, check the box next to "Previous Windows installations» and click on "OK"- \;
  2. Wait for the process to complete;
  3. Ready! Catalog Windows old successfully deleted.

Second removal method

This manual method deleting a folder.

In order to use it, you need rights to the Windows old folder, i.e. The uninstallation procedure is performed with computer administrator rights and at the same time Account the admin must be with full access to the directory to be deleted.

After starting the system under the above “account”, the following steps should be taken sequentially:

Ready! Now, by entering through Explorer the directory where the Windows old folder is located, you can simply delete it normal use"Delete" keys.

The Windows.old folder is automatically created in root directory disk with the operating system installed after updating it to the latest version. It stores copies of files from the previous OS, which are used when “rolling back” the system.

Important! If you have previously updated your OS to new version, or did a reinstallation in update mode, there will be several such folders. They are called Windows.old.000.

If the computer has a small volume internal storage, deleting a folder will save space because it takes up 20 GB of memory.

Deleting folders

You need to delete old files only when the computer is working stably, you have updated the OS to the latest version and do not intend to return to the “seven” or “eight” in the future.

Using the Disk Cleanup utility

IN latest versions operating system now has the ability to remove this file through settings. Let's consider the option for a new one Windows builds 10, and for earlier ones.

Build 1803 April Update and newer

Starting with build 1803, which was released in the spring of 2018, you can delete files from the previous OS from the system settings:

  1. Go to “Settings” through the “Start” menu (or using the Win+I key combination).
  2. Item “System” → “Device memory”.
  3. “Memory control” → “Free up space now.”

    Note! The scanning process may take more than a few minutes.

  4. Check the box next to “Previous Windows installations”.
  5. At the top of the window, click “Delete Files.”

After the process is completed on system disk The Windows.old folder will disappear and will not take up space on the drive.

Previous builds of Windows 10

Note! This instruction relevant for OS builds lower than 1803.

  1. Go to " My computer"(under the Administrator entry) and on the disk with the operating system installed, right-click and select the section " Properties».

  2. “System Disk Properties” → “Disk Cleanup”

    Healthy! The utility can be opened with the “cleanmgr” command:
    Win+R → Run → cleanmgr → select the volume with the operating system

  3. Click " Clean system files».
  4. After re-analysis, select “” in the window and click “OK”.

    Important! To further clean up free space, also select the following:

    • temporary OS installation files;
    • OS update log files.
  5. Confirm deleting files.

You can watch the video for more details on the process of deleting this folder:

Via Command Line

  1. → Search → Command Line(under the Administrator account).
  2. Type: rd /s /q c:\windows.old

Through the Command Line when restarting the computer


You can delete folders with a previous version of the operating system in one of three ways. The editors recommend using removal using the Disk Cleanup utility. This method is safer and more reliable.

Removal method Reliability Speed Complexity Editor's rating
Command line on rebootHighlowHigh3

Have you noticed that as soon as you install a new version of Windows or upgrade an old version to Windows 10, a folder called Windows.old appears on your hard drive? Moreover, this folder can reach very respectable sizes. You may have a completely logical question “ Windows.old - what is this folder?"This folder combines files from a previous, older version of the operating system, but they do not play any significant role in the new one.

Is it possible to delete the Windows.old folder? The answer is definitely yes. Usually this folder created for the purpose quick recovery previous version of the system. If before installing a new Windows versions you forgot to copy important files from your desktop, you can find these files in the Windows.old folder. However, during the removal process, you may encounter problems. This article will describe several ways to delete the Windows.old folder.

Methods to remove the Windows.old folder from your computer

Uninstall using Disk Cleanup

If the Windows.old folder is not deleted, then this method will be the easiest and in a fast way. To do this, click on “Start” and open “Computer”.

Then select the properties of drive C and in the “General” tab and click on “Disk Cleanup”. After clicking, you will be presented with a list of files that you can check. Now just check the box next to “Previous Windows installations” and the Windows.old folder will be deleted.

Uninstall using the command line

In order to remove Windows.old using this method, you must have administrator rights. Now press the Win+R key combination and type the command in the window that appears cmd, and then click “OK”.

In the black window command line, you need to enter " Rd /s /q C:\Windows.old" (without quotes) and press Enter. After this action, the Windows.old folder should be deleted.

Removal using the Unlocker utility

If the methods described above did not help you and you are still tormented by the question “how to remove Windows.old”, then a rather small and simple utility called Unlocker will help you with this.

First you need to download and run it. In the program window, select Windows.old and click on the OK button. Next, select the desired “Delete” command. After a short period of time, the utility will complete its task.

After installing a new version of Windows, you can find the Windows.old folder on the system drive. Sometimes it takes up tens or hundreds of GB, but there is no payload from it. This folder stores files and settings of the previous version of Windows, incl. files from Documents folders and Settings and Program Files. It is not only possible, but also necessary to delete the Windows.old folder. However in the usual way It won't be possible to do this. We will tell you about options for solving the problem.

Preparing for removal

Don't forget to copy the necessary files from the Windows.old folder, such as documents. It is usually located in the root directory of drive C. And only after there is nothing valuable left in it, you can start deleting it.

Removing via Disk Cleanup

This is the simplest and effective way get rid of unnecessary folder. Open the Start menu and select Computer.

Right-click on the C drive and select Properties. In the General tab, click on Disk Cleanup. Wait for the software analysis to complete.

Check the box next to "Previous Windows installations". Click “Ok” and wait for the operation to complete.

Useful: If Windows.old appeared after Windows updates 8 to the new version, it will be automatically deleted after 28 days.

Uninstall via command line

You will need administrator rights. If they are not there by default, log in as admin. Press the Win+R combination, enter cmd Click "OK".

In the black cmd window type " Rd /s /q C:\Windows.old" and press "Enter". Or copy the command and click in cmd right button mouse – the command will appear there immediately. After deleting the directory, close the Command Prompt.

Removal using Unlocker

This little one free program will allow you to delete any files and folders that, for one reason or another, cannot be deleted in the usual way. It will also cope with Windows.old if the first two methods did not work. You can download the program

Open the downloaded file, select the version for your system (32 or 64 bit) and run Unlocker.exe. This portable version programs that do not require installation or disk. Just open the program, select the Windows.old folder and click OK. Specify the “Delete” command and click “Ok”. After some time, a message indicating the success of the operation will appear.

Useful: How to find out the bit capacity of your system? Open “Start”, click right key mouse over “Computer” and select “Properties”. In the "System" section you will see the computer's bit type.

Removal via installation or recovery disk

This method should help if for some reason the removal of Windows.old is blocked from a running OS. Insert installation Windows disk or system recovery disc and restart your computer. When the language selection window appears, press Shift+F10 to open the command line. Type "Rd /s /q C:\Windows.old" and press Enter.

From under Windows environment PE drive C might change its name to D, for example. So don't be surprised if the command doesn't detect the folder right away. Just replace C with D and repeat the operation.

In the future, format the disk before installation. new Windows, to avoid the appearance of huge .old folders and the difficulties associated with deleting them. By the way, if you have repeatedly reinstalled Windows without formatting, there may be several such folders, named Windows.old.000, Windows.old.001, etc. Delete them just like a regular .old, remembering to save the necessary files.