How to disable Word limited functionality mode. How to remove limited functionality mode in Word? How to disable reduced functionality mode in Microsoft Word

Sometimes opening a document is accompanied by the following inscription in Word: “Mode limited functionality" The appearance of such a message evokes very negative thoughts. The most common of them are: “the license has expired”, “Office is blocked”, “maybe viruses” and so on. In fact, there is no reason for concern here, and differences in versions of Microsoft Office are responsible for the appearance of this warning.

When does reduced functionality mode appear?

The appearance of such an inscription usually occurs when new versions software products from Microsoft open older document formats. For example, take at least the same Word 2010 or 2007. Both versions of this application use new format docx, which is native to them. Its use implies a certain algorithm of interaction between the program environment and the way symbols are displayed, graphic objects(drawings, diagrams, diagrams) and so on. When opening a format, for example, doc, the application with its inscription “Reduced functionality mode” notifies the user about the possible incorrect display some elements of the text. But it should be noted that in the vast majority of cases, documents are opened without any problems or errors. Therefore, Microsoft communicates the need to be aware that this may happen rather than notifies you that difficulties or limitations may occur.

What difficulties does limited functionality mode cause?

This question plagues many users who see such a notification for the first time. Here, first of all, you need to take into account that there are no barriers in terms of editing and formatting. Problems in most cases occur when an older version opens a document created in a newer one. That is, when using Word 2007 they open a document saved in Office 2010, or when opening a docx format in Word 2003, and so on. The most common type of difficulty here is text displacement, which is caused by a changed display algorithm. It is also very common for text to stick together, when all the spaces between words disappear, and for diagrams to disappear.

Preventing display problems

Given the difficulties described above, you should take care in advance to prevent the message from appearing that the reduced functionality mode is enabled. Office offers a very simple solution for this. In most cases, all you need to do is save the file in several formats. For example, if a user works in Word 2010, then he needs to open the “Save as...” menu item and select the doc and docx formats. For university students, another option for saving in rtf format will be useful.


Thus, knowing what the limited functionality mode is, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of this, as we already know, completely harmless message. Understanding the reasons for its occurrence, you can always respond correctly to possible difficulties, which owe their appearance to differences in versions of the popular office suite from Microsoft.

Probably many of you, when working with documents in Microsoft Office, have come across such a concept as limited functionality mode. But what is it? And is it possible to remove this mode? We have to find out.

In short, reduced functionality mode is a special option that does not support older formats of some documents in new version Word programs. This means that when a user opens documents in Word 2010, as well as those created in older versions of the application, “reduced functionality mode” is automatically displayed in the title bar, that is, compatibility mode is turned on.

Enabling it guarantees that when working with a particular document, advanced and newer features that are available in Word 2010 will not be used. But at the same time, the limited mode Office functionality allows users to edit and amend texts created in more earlier versions applications. In addition, in this mode saved general structure documents.

I would like to say that it is impossible to turn it off. But there is a chance to enable the compatibility mode option for this version of the application with older ones Word files. Reduced functionality mode in in this case can be automatically disabled. But how is this to be understood? Let's find out more.

The thing is that a Word 2010 document can open in one of three modes. Namely:

1. The first is documents created in Word 2010.

2. The second is documents created in Word 2007, but with compatibility mode.

3. The third - created in Word 97, having a similar mode.

Allows you to work with documents from older versions of the application and use all Word extensions 2010. If it happens that when you open a text, the title bar says “limited functionality mode,” then you need to do some work to determine whether this file is compatible with the new version of the program, and therefore remove the restrictions.

To do this, you need to open the “File” tab and select “Information”. Next, go to the “Prepare for public access", select "Search for problems" and click on this button. After this, you need to select the “Compatibility Check” command and then click “Select versions to display.” Here, next to the name of the mode of the document that you have open, a check mark will appear. And if after this the inscription in the name line “limited functionality mode” disappears, then we can assume that the document is compatible with the application version, which means that all functions of the program are available.

You can continue working on these documents. But if necessary, you can also convert it. To do this, you just need to select the “Convert” command, and after that all compatibility options in Word are cleared. This is when your document layout will look as if you created it in Word 2010.

Please note that if your file Doc format, then in the case of a new version of the program you need to convert it to DocX format. But in principle, the conversion command should automatically change this format.

And if it is still not clear to you how to convert a document, then in this case, below will be given step by step plan how to do it:

1. Go to the “File” tab.

2. Find the Details tab and click on it.

3. Click on the “Convert” command.

That's it, the document has been converted to the format you need. And in order to create another copy this file, do the following:

1. Click on the “File” tab.

3. B empty line In the “File name” field, enter the name of your document.

4. In the “File type” list, select “ Word document».

That's it, nothing complicated. Now you can work in the mode that you need.

When opening old documents, the latest version of the office editor may notify the user that some functions are unavailable when working with it. In what cases does it appear? reduced functionality modeWord2016, how to remove the error and restore functionality?


This is not a bug as some users believe, this function is intended to prevent controversial situations that could arise due to differences between programs. Essentially, it imitates the work of earlier versions of the editor, for example, 2007 or 2013, the set of capabilities depends on the program in which the document was created. In reduced functionality mode, you can perform all basic actions: view, edit, and print a document. The main differences are changes in the interface, as well as restrictions on actions with objects.

It's easy to exit this mode, but before you do, be aware that a document created in Word 2016 may not display correctly in earlier versions. Therefore, when another user will work with the file or you need to transfer the document to another PC, it is better to leave it in its original format.

Transition to full functionality

This requires rewriting the document. You must select “Save As” from the menu, and then specify required name file and address. It is better to include in the file name the version of the program with which it was created so as not to get confused. Please note that the format must remain docx; if you save the file in doc, it will not be compatible with the latest version of the editor and functionality limitations will remain. This method allows you to create two copies of the document; this is the most common option because it allows you to avoid losing the original data.

If the user is sure that source file it is not needed, then you can use document transformations. To do this, go to the “Details” tab in the menu and click on the “Convert” icon. Next, a warning will appear that after conversion the original document will be lost. It also happens that this procedure disrupts the formatting of the document, since the original version is overwritten, restore appearance will have to be done manually.

You can completely deactivate the reduced functionality mode using the registry, but this is recommended only for advanced users.

Greetings, friends, to another article in the “Useful Things” section. Today we will look at the issue of limited mode word functionality 2016 and how to remove it.

I think that many of you, having decided to switch from older editions to the more advanced 2016 version of our wonderful assistant - text editor Word encountered the following message: “Reduced functionality mode.” What's the news? We did not download the updated program so that its capabilities would be “cut down” for some reason. Few people will like this. And what exactly does such an announcement mean? Let's figure it out.

What is reduced functionality mode

Speaking in simple language, Restricted Functionality Mode (ROF) is the incompatibility of files made in earlier versions of Word with the expanded functionality of software modifications from 2016.

You will see such an inscription only if you decide to work with a document that was created in version 2010 or earlier.

At the same time, the new features of modern Word 16 will be disabled. This algorithm was introduced so that the structure of the old document is preserved and it remains possible to edit it. When working with Word files from version 2013, there is no conflict of permissible actions, since the two latest modifications of this software are interchangeable.

What to do about this incompatibility?

First, you need to check which version of the editor your document is compatible with. To do this, we will perform a simple operation. Click on the “File” tab, select the “Document Inspector” section, then the “search for problems” and “check compatibility” commands. Your case will be marked with a check mark in the drop-down list.

If this is version 2010, then you will not be able to use many Office applications and post videos. In the case of option -2007, you will also lose new approaches to page numbering, shapes, inscriptions, various WordArt and text effects, and other controls. I'm not even talking about earlier versions. Do you need it? Moreover, converting your file document to the 2016 format is not difficult.

How to remove limited functionality mode

There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to convert the old file to 2016 format (DOCX.) Then you will be able to enjoy all the advanced features latest issue programs. To do this, you just need to select the “convert” command in the “File” tab and its “information” section.

As you can see, everything is simple. Now you can use latest functionality to the fullest. But!.. If among your recipients to whom you want to send the updated file there are users of older versions of Word, then they may have problems editing and even opening this document.

To be on the safe side and not get into a similar situation, it is better to simply make a copy of the file in Word 2016. This is the second way to implement all wide possibilities latest version software in old-style documents. The algorithm of actions will be as follows: “File” - “save as” - indicate the name of the folder and its address - assign a new name to the document - select “Word document” in the “File type” list. At the same time, do not forget to uncheck the box about compatibility with previous versions.

Thus, we receive carte blanche to format a document made in 2010 and earlier using all the advanced technologies of today. The task is completed. In addition, we have retained the previous version of the document - for all occasions.

I think the issue of limited functionality mode and how to remove it is now off the agenda. And so that there are absolutely no “misunderstandings” left, you can watch a short video. It is not for nothing that they say that it is better to see once than to read. 🙂

Goodbye, friends. Still have questions about Word 2016? And I have many more cheat sheets prepared for you. Check it out!

Your guide to Word copywriter GALANT.

Today we will talk to you about an interesting inscription - “Reduced functionality mode”. What does it mean in everyone office programs Microsoft package Office, specifically Word? In fact, nothing serious - this inscription simply indicates that the document itself was created on old version editor from 1997 or 2003 and the full functionality of the new version is not available. In this article we want to tell you how to remove this ill-fated limited functionality mode in Microsoft Word. There is nothing complicated about this and now you will learn about everything.

The easiest way

There are two ways to “overcome” this inscription and both are extremely simple, so we will look at them in one article. I would also like to say that in different versions programs, the interface may change. We are considering the latest one for today Word version 2013 from the latest interface, tailored for use on devices with touch screens. Therefore, in other versions the arrangement of the elements may differ, but they are present in any case.

So let's look at the first method. You must complete next steps:

The problem can be solved in just a few mouse clicks. In the second case, everything is somewhat different, but there are no more actions.

Using Document Conversion

In all new versions Excel programs There is a function to convert documents to new formats so that you can edit them without restrictions. You must do the following:

As you can see, there really is absolutely nothing complicated. You had to make a few mouse clicks and the document was converted into automatic mode, moreover, the original data inside it was not lost, and its structure remained the same.