We choose a car navigator with Yandex traffic jams. GPS navigators with traffic jams (39)

All navigators, without exception, have one main function - they help the driver plan a route to his destination in advance. An indispensable assistant Each car owner finds the shortest route, thanks to which he warns about a decrease in speed; in addition, if necessary, the gadget makes hints during the trip. However, the navigator is just electronic device, capable of finding the shortest path, which will not always be the fastest and most optimal. IN lately The newest units have appeared on the world market, capable of transmitting to the car owner in real time information about accumulations and congestion of cars along the laid route. For example, a navigator with Yandex traffic jams adjusts the route while driving, taking into account traffic jams and the speed of other cars. Buying a navigator that could realistically assess the condition of the roads for traffic jams would help a person who values ​​time and his nerves.

The device can show not only the map, but also optimal route taking into account various factors

Which traffic jam gadget is better than the rest?

So, let’s figure out how to get relevant information for a car enthusiast on mobile gadget. Data indicating the congestion of the road surface on at the moment, are received by the navigator thanks to the GPRS channel. It is this property that allows us to divide navigators with traffic jams into two conditional groups:

  • in the first case, information from the Internet is received via mobile phone, in which Bluetooth is enabled;
  • the second group of devices is equipped with a complete GPRS modem and a special slot for a SIM card.

The second group rightfully deserves more attention from car owners: the units included in it do not require availability additional devices, in particular cellular, the lack of Bluetooth contact does not affect, in addition, there is no need to do a lot additional actions to connect all gadgets. Let us consider and compare in more detail the devices of the second group. To be fair, it should be said that navigators that require a mobile phone are much cheaper, on average by one to two thousand rubles.

The most optimal models

For comparison, we settled on the following four models that are capable of receiving the title “ best navigator with Yandex traffic jams":

  • JJ-Connect AutoNavigator 4100w Traffic;
  • NaviSpace NS 1200 Discovery;
  • Treelogic TL-5005GF AV;
  • xDevice microMAP Monza DeLuxe.

The listed devices, excluding the last one, are equipped with such software, like Navitel Navigator, in which maps of the Russian Federation are loaded. As for xDevice, it is initially installed separate system CityGuide, which was created for car owners in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Device rating

Which better navigator with traffic jams, they will help you find out technical specifications the devices in question.

JJ-Connect Autonavigator

JJ-Connect Autonavigator has:

  • screen size 4.3 inches;
  • memory 128 MB;
  • size L×W×T - 125×81×19 mm;
  • resolution 480×272;
  • microSD support.

NaviSpace NS 1200 Discovery

The big plus of Treelogic is large size screen, but this is not all its advantages. The gadget has no less high performance than NaviSpace and an attractive appearance.

As for the xDevice, first of all it is worth mentioning its high-quality assembly, a nice and pleasant-to-touch rubber-coated body, the speed of finding all satellites and instant routing, created taking into account existing traffic jams. It contains the CityGuide system, which will be especially useful for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

JJ-Connect has good characteristics, although in terms of the number of purchased models it is slightly inferior to the above devices. The unit copes well with its obligations and has an affordable price.

Let’s compare the presented indicators and make our own rating:

  1. Let's put xDevice in first place, due to the build quality and the presence of CityGuide.
  2. The second position will be occupied by Treelogic - excellent technical properties and adequate cost.
  3. In third place is NaviSpace, high cost did not allow him to rise higher.
  4. The remaining fourth place is occupied by JJ-Connect.


Without modern gadgets Many car owners simply don’t make sense of their lives anymore: such an indispensable device as a navigator with traffic jams without the Internet will allow the car enthusiast to find out about the upcoming route through a built-in module. In addition to the time saved, a person who can “see” the presence of traffic jams in advance will save his nerves, which could have been spent spending time in a traffic jam.

Using navigation is no longer a privilege, but a really convenient thing available to every motorist. Many people mistakenly believe that they only need to use navigation apps or devices when traveling to unfamiliar places. Why is this wrong? The answer is extremely simple - modern navigation is capable of not only forming a route to given point, but also to warn the driver about the presence of accidents, traffic jams, cameras and other road nuances along the way.

One of the most advanced navigation programs is Yandex Navigator. In a number of articles on our resource, this application has already been compared with its competitors and examined in detail from almost all sides. However, until now no attention has been paid to such a part of Yandex Navigator as notifying the motorist about traffic jams and, in general, about the traffic situation on given route. In today's article, this error will be corrected and our resource will consider in detail this aspect of navigation from Yandex.

A little about Yandex Navigator

Yandex Navigator is a proprietary navigation program from the manufacturer of the same name, familiar to everyone for creating a large search engine"YANDEX" on the network. This application is one of the most used in the field of navigation for smartphones and similar devices in Russia and the CIS countries. The only real competition for Yandex Navigator is navigation from Navitel and Google (more details about the comparison three navigation read the programs in a separate article on our resource).

It is worth noting that Navigator from Yandex is a truly unique and inimitable program, the operating algorithm of which includes program codes, created to organize the best navigation functions for the user. The latter, by the way, are represented by the following functional options of the application:

  • formation of the fastest route to a given point;
  • the ability to choose from several paths;
  • organization voice accompaniment in the process of movement;
  • indicating the presence of traffic jams, accidents and other traffic problems along the route;
  • availability of constant access to maps at the place of residence or any other place where the user wants to go.

Today, Yandex Navigator is a completely free application that anyone can download from the PlayMarket service for phones and tablets. According to statistics, up to 200,000 motorists in the post-Soviet space use this program every day, and the number of people who have downloaded the navigator is about 10,000,000!

Important! Yandex Navigator, of course, has paid features, however, to obtain high-quality and perfectly working navigation, the functionality is quite sufficient free version.

How does the traffic display work?

As it became clear from the previous paragraph of our article, Yandex Navigator is a multifunctional application. One of the most important functions for motorists is to display the traffic situation, or rather, to indicate to the driver traffic jams, accidents or other road problems along the route of his movement. By the way, the traffic situation monitoring system is organized quite conveniently and simply:

  • When creating a route to a given point, Yandex Navigator with traffic jams automatically excludes routes along which traffic delays may occur due to traffic problems.
  • During normal driving, the application indicates with a green line the routes free from traffic jams or other road problems, and the red line to the routes with problems.

Many motorists are interested in “How does Yandex Navigator determine traffic jams?” Forming a road picture is a polished and well-organized process. For the main part of the application, that is, directly for the map of the movement of motorists, information is posted by moderators who monitor the traffic situation and, if any traffic problems arise on a certain road, enter data onto the map as quickly as possible. Of course, errors or some delay in placement may occur here, but, unfortunately, this cannot be avoided in any navigation program.

Important! To be fair, we note that in Yandex Navigator, especially for large cities, traffic jams and other road problems are updated every 5-15 minutes, and are monitored around the clock.

The application also includes a People's Card. It is formed by the users themselves, but is also checked by moderators (from 5 to 120 minutes after information is posted in it). The People's Map often helps motorists a lot in identifying traffic jams, but the information there can sometimes be either irrelevant or deliberately false, which should be taken into account when using it from there. Despite such risks of unreliable data, a considerable number of motorists, before wanting to leave home, first check information about the traffic situation in the Yandex Navigator People's Map, and then track traffic jams and accidents on the main map.

The navigator does not show traffic jams, what should I do?

As you can see, everything is fine with the formation and display of the traffic situation in Yandex Navigator. However, not every motorist actively uses this function. Often, to be honest, this happens not at the will of the user himself, because some of them complain that their Yandex Navigator does not show traffic jams. Let's figure out how to solve this problem.

To get rid of such an unpleasant bug with navigation from Yandex, you need to clearly understand why it happens. Typically, the causes of the problem are:

  • usage outdated version programs;
  • presence of a software failure;
  • lack of internet connection;
  • disabling the traffic situation display function in the application itself.

To get rid of the problem with the lack of traffic jams in Yandex Navigator, first do the following:

  1. Check the Internet connection on your device. If there is none, connect.
  2. Go to the settings and carefully look to see if the function of showing traffic jams and other road problems on the map is disabled. If the option does not work, enable it by moving the corresponding slider to the desired position.

In a situation where the measures presented above did not help display the traffic situation in Yandex Navigator, you will have to act more globally. More precisely, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. First of all, remove Yandex Navigator from your device. To do this, just go to the settings of your phone or tablet and select “Applications” there, and then find the navigator there and delete it.
  2. Then connect to the network and go to PlayMarket or any other download manager. In the application that opens, enter the phrase “Yandex Navigator” in the search. In the applications found, select the first one and download it.
  3. After waiting for the download and installation of Yandex Navigator, you can use all the delights of this navigation program, including the function of showing traffic jams and other road problems.

Important! It will help to prevent any problems with Yandex Navigator timely update, do not forget about this and systematically update the program.

On this, perhaps, on the issue being considered today, the most important information ends. We hope the material presented above was useful to you. Good luck on the roads!

Video review of Yandex Navigator and traffic jam functions:

Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? Of course yes :-) That's why we decided to choose a car navigator with the ability to download traffic jams. For sooner or later patience comes to an end. However, there is a way out - download traffic jams from the Internet into your navigator and try to bypass them, saving a lot of time, your nerves (which are not restored) and of course a lot of gasoline. In this article we will try to figure out what Yandex traffic jams are and how to load them into your car navigator. Because many people have heard about this good service, but they don’t have an exact idea.

So, Yandex traffic jams are a popular addition from the Yandex company to all the already beloved Yandex maps. That is, now the map also displays traffic jams, whether the road is clear, where an accident occurred or road repairs occurred, which is why the traffic jam actually formed. In addition to traffic events, you can check the box next to the “video cameras” tab to know where the camera is waiting for you. For those who like to play hard, the importance of such a service is obvious. So, this is what Yandex traffic jams look like.

Where does the information about traffic jams come from at the moment? The following question may arise.
The information is taken from video cameras installed on city streets, and the information is also added themselves navigation programs and of course, the car enthusiasts themselves help each other. To do this you can call toll free phone and report a traffic jam on a particular street, the Yandex maps system also collects information from its users who draw free routes for themselves. So information about traffic jams is timely and relevant. And you just need to use it in order not to get stuck in a traffic jam.

Now let's figure out how you can download Yandex traffic jams into your navigator. Although it is worth noting that not every navigator model can do this. The first thing that is necessary is that the navigator has a built-in bluetooth module or GPRS module for a SIM card. Because you need to download traffic jams via the Internet, and for this you need to connect to it.

Bluetooth helps synchronize your navigator with your cell phone. It is with cell phone you go online (it’s better to immediately buy a SIM card with unlimited data purely to load traffic jams), then with using bluetooth Connect the navigator and phone and traffic jams are loaded. In our case, this is Yandex Traffic.
Navigators with bluetooth have the letters BT in their names - note.

Car navigators with a SIM card are becoming more and more popular; there is a SIM card for inserting GPRS module. Everything is simple here - insert a SIM card, connect to the Internet, download traffic jams. Fast, convenient and you don’t need to synchronize anything, you just need a navigator and a SIM card.

So, how to load Yandex traffic jams into your navigator.
To do this you need to download and install the application " Mobile Yandex cards". This - independent program with its interface, everything is very thoughtful and convenient, even a beginner will not have any questions. As you can see, the Yandex company took care of motorists, for which we all thank it.

Download from here. http://mobile.yandex.ru/apps/maps/iphone/

First of all, before downloading, select the platform on which the application will run. For users of navigators with operating Win system We choose it accordingly. iPhone users may also be glad that there is support for their devices.

If you have a smartphone or tablet with GPS and GLONASS support, it would be strange not to use it for navigation. And for the device to learn how to lay out routes for you, it is enough to equip it with a navigator application with area maps. There are quite a lot of applications of this kind, but not all of them are equally useful. We hope this article will help you choose a navigator for Android that will satisfy your needs in the most worthy way. The rating is based on the opinions of experienced drivers and travelers.


The developer positions Waze as a navigator that the Russian driving community helps develop. And, I must say, such collective support goes to the application to the benefit: many drivers switch to Waze from other navigators that they had previously used for years.

The program allows each traffic participant to add information to it themselves: report accidents, traffic jams, road works, traffic police ambushes, prices at gas stations and other things that may be useful to other users.

Waze features and functionality

Drivers value Waze for its up-to-date information, laconic interface, stable operation and, of course, free use. A big plus is that the program does not lose routes when Internet access is lost and automatically stops accessing GPS if not used during stops. This reduces the rate at which the battery drains.

Some users cited the lack of a 3D mode and voice search that does not always work correctly as the shortcomings of Waze.


Another free application that travelers have ranked among the top navigators for mobile devices. Contains very detailed and detailed information useful for both drivers and pedestrians who are in unfamiliar areas in Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Moldova and even Turkey (note to tourists).

Features of Yandex.Navigator

  • Building up to three route options to given object taking into account traffic jams and other road events.
  • Warning about toll roads and ferry crossings.
  • Displays the number of kilometers left to travel to the final destination, as well as the remaining time until arrival.
  • Voice accompaniment of the trip with notifications about maneuvers, speed limits, road events, radars and traffic police crews, etc. Displaying them as symbols on the map.
  • Driver warning about speeding.
  • Voice control. The option is designed much better than in Waze. By activating control of the “Listen, Yandex” command, you can request a route to desired point or search for an object on the map.
  • Reporting information about traffic events to the program, including by voice.
  • Storing the history of trips and routes.
  • Search for parking lots (all - only in Moscow within the Third Ring Road; in other places of the capital and some large cities - St. Petersburg, Kazan, Kyiv, Minsk, Nizhny Novgorod, etc., separate large parking lots are displayed).

The best thing that, according to users, Yandex.Navigator has is the coverage of a large territory (especially convenient for those who travel a lot in Russia and neighboring countries) and the ability to control without hands. Disadvantages: maps are not always up-to-date, especially in regions remote from the center and small towns. And also that the program takes up too much space in the device’s memory due to the inability to move cards to removable media.

Despite the fact that - paid application(the cost of content starts from 560 rubles), it was preferred by more than 20 million users around the world. After all, this is, in fact, the standard by which developers of other navigation programs are compared. Among its analogues, it has perhaps the largest range of functions, and there is no driver who would say that Navitel’s capabilities are not enough for him.

A short list of functions and features of Navitel

If you install Navitel from Google store Play, it will be linked to yours account Google, not to the device. Thanks to this, you can use the program on different gadgets.

The most strengths Navitel, according to drivers, is rich in functionality, always up-to-date information, large selection cards and technical support. Reasons negative reviews As a rule, there are limitations of the 7-day trial version, local failures, minor inaccuracies on maps - the same as with all similar programs.


Maps.me - free Android navigator open source from Mail.Ru Group. It also works without Internet access if you download the necessary maps in advance. Designed not only for drivers: in addition to roads, Maps.me maps contain walking and cycling tourist routes in many countries around the world.

Key features of Maps.me

  • Saving mobile internet traffic and battery charge. Important for those traveling by bicycle and on foot, especially where there is no cellular coverage (for example, in the forest).
  • The routes are always up to date and very detailed. Maps include features that other apps don't have, as the latter are more geared toward the needs of motorists rather than pedestrians.
  • On walking and cycling routes, the degrees of slope of the area are indicated - downhill or uphill.
  • Users of the program, of whom there are more than 65 million worldwide, participate in the compilation of maps. And you can join their community too.
  • In addition to creating routes, Maps.me helps you search various objects on the ground. Search categories: catering outlets, hotels and hostels, ATMs, bus stops public transport, attractions. The search function is available both online and offline (offline).
  • You can book a hotel room directly from the app (only available online through the Booking.com website).
  • The program allows you to send messages to your loved ones indicating your current location. For this purpose they can be used cellular communication(SMS), social media and web messengers.

The main advantages of Maps.me, according to experienced travelers, are: free access to all functions, a large selection of maps (the latter, by the way, are well optimized for mobile devices: with the same amount of content as in other programs, they take up much less space in the gadget’s memory), as well as taking into account the needs of pedestrians and cyclists.

The application has, perhaps, only one significant drawback. Because maps are created by users, the data often contains errors. In addition, some maps are better designed than others. This again comes down to user engagement: where people are more active, maps are more detailed and accurate. And vice versa.

Google maps, transport and navigation

is another free and widely available Android navigation app. Used and supported by perhaps the world's most impressive user community. Helps you navigate unfamiliar terrain and create a route for travel in almost any location. locality globe.

Features of Google.Maps

  • Quickly build routes taking into account the situation on the road. If obstacles appear - traffic jams, accidents, etc., the route is automatically rebuilt. Automatic selection of the least congested lane.
  • Dynamic POI.
  • The ability to quickly obtain information about objects of interest in the area, for example, catering outlets. Information about the latter may include user ratings, interior photos, reviews, opening hours, prices, menus, etc.
  • Possibility to leave reviews about the places visited.
  • Always up-to-date information on public transport routes.
  • Unique feature: displaying interior layouts of large public buildings: shopping centers, train stations, airports and stadiums, which helps visitors not to get lost in them.
  • Description of more than 100 million objects around the world, as well as more than 220 regions and countries.

Travelers appreciate Google maps primarily for simplicity, accessibility and convenience. And many people called the strange experiments of the developers, such as the integration of the Pac-Man game into the program, as shortcomings, or rather, excesses, which only distracts the driver while driving and does not carry anything useful.