Throws out error 651. Rollback to an earlier working state

Error 651 usually occurs when connecting to the Internet via WAN miniport (PPPoE) in the Windows 7 and 8 operating systems. Its equivalent in the Windows XP operating system was error 678, and in Windows Vista - 815.

In any case, no matter what the error is called, its essence is the same - a connection error when starting a high-speed connection on Windows 7 and 8 to connect the computer to the Internet via the PPPoE protocol.

Let's look at a few reasons why error 651 may occur.

Checking the cables

First, you need to check all network cables, connections and power to all network devices: modem, router, Wi-Fi adapters. Make sure that the cables are not broken and that all devices are connected to the network. To eliminate the lack of contact, disconnect the network cables from the computer’s network card, router, modem and connect them back. If you are using PPPoE over a wireless connection, make sure you have the Wi-Fi adapter enabled on your laptop or computer.

Create a broadband connection

You can also try to resolve error 651 by deleting and creating a new high-speed PPPoE connection. To do this, right-click on the network icon in the tray and go to .

Next, go to the tab, there we select the high-speed connection on which error 651 occurs, right-click on it and click “Delete”.

To create a new connection in "Network Control Center..." follow the link "Set up a new connection or network".

Select an item "Internet connection" and click “Next”.

In the next window, click on the item "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)".

Enter "Username" and “Password” and click “Connect”.

Unchecking the TCP/IPv6 protocol can also help remove error 651. To do this, go to "Network and Sharing Center""Change adapter settings". Then right-click on your broadband connection and go to Properties. Go to the “Network” tab and uncheck the box "Internet Protocol Version 6", click "OK".

If error 651 still appears, move on.

Multiple network cards

If you have two network cards, this can also cause error 651. For example, your home local network or cable from another provider is connected to the second network card. Try disabling the second network card or the one that is not in use.

Blocking connection

Error 651 can also be caused by an antivirus or Windows firewall. They may simply be blocking the PPPoE connection. Disable the security system for a while.

Right-click on the antivirus icon in the tray and select "Manage Avast Screens", then select any value. If you have another antivirus installed, look for a similar function in it.

To disable the firewall in Windows 7, read the following article.

Setting up a modem or router

If you have a modem, router or router installed, you need to check its settings. In order to go into the router settings, enter or into the address bar of the browser, depending on the manufacturer. Next, a window will appear for entering your username and password. We fill in these fields; by default, you need to enter admin in each field. Next, we look to see if the username and password, connection type, and method of connecting to the Internet match. It is better to reset all settings to factory defaults and configure the equipment in accordance with the recommendations of the provider. Then reboot your device.

Also check that, say, on the router, all the necessary indicators are lit. You can read which flashing green light is responsible for what in the instructions for the device.

Problems on the provider side

Internet connection problems may also arise from the provider. Call technical support and ask them to check the line. Perhaps they will give some more useful recommendations. But they definitely won’t solve problems that have arisen with your home network or teach you how to configure network devices.

Registry Editor

Another way that can help solve the problem with error 651 is to change the TCP/IP settings in the Registry Editor. To do this, enter “regedit” in the search bar of the “Start” menu and press “Enter”.

The registry window opens. In it we go through the following branches: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/Tcpip/Parameters.

Then right-click on an empty space and select the “DWORD (32-bit)” option from the context menu.

We name the parameter “EnableRSS” and set its value to “0”.

In the same way, create a parameter called “DisableTaskOffload” and set it to “1”. Look, maybe such a parameter is already there, then just change the value to “1”.

Close Registry Editor and restart your computer.

Perhaps one of the methods will help you solve the problem that causes error 651 to occur when connecting to the Internet.

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Internet connection errors can occur due to a number of factors.

Most often, we encounter connection problems due to the fault of the provider, but sometimes the reason lies in the negligence of the users themselves.

For example, turning on a computer during a thunderstorm can cause the network adapter to fail, and an accidentally pulled out network cable will no longer surprise anyone. But if we are talking about error 651, then it will take some time to establish the reasons and methods for restoring access.

What error 651 looks like in later versions of the Windows operating system

Definition of error 651

This problem is most often encountered by subscribers of Rostelecom and other providers who use the PPPoE tunneling protocol. It follows that connection error 651 occurs due to a high-speed network connection via the PPPoE protocol. Without this information, users most often try to reinstall the operating system, but even if reinstalled, the problem will not go away. Only the name may change, since in Windows Vista it is error 815, and in Windows XP it is error 678, but the essence is the same.

Video containing a list of errors when using the PPPoE protocol and the simplest solution to them

Since reinstalling the operating system, according to most users, is the most radical measure, the next step, as a rule, is to call a specialist. But is it worth spending money on finding out the root cause if you can do it yourself?

  • Possible reasons
  • A failure in the RASPPPOE PPPoE client is an operating system problem, and no one is immune from it. To find out whether this is the main reason, it is not enough to simply look into the settings. You need to re-create a high-speed connection and open any browser.
  • Blocking of a high-speed connection by a firewall or antivirus. The reasons can be very different, as developers use various ways to secure the PCs of potential users. To check this, simply disable all security systems and try to log in again.
  • Second network card.
  • If you have two network cards, there is a chance that one of them has a cable from a different provider connected to it, and this could negatively affect the other connection.

Incorrect operation of the driver for the network card and incorrect network connection settings are often the root cause. In this case, it is not necessary to change anything yourself: a virus could have performed the reconfiguration or deletion of important files.

  • Appearance of unknown WAN miniport drivers

The network cable is not connected or damaged. It is worth noting that damage to the cable is most likely if it is laid across the street and not an external one, but a softer one intended for laying indoors is used. The connector or ports of the PC or switch may also be faulty.

  • Network cables: “indoor” and “outdoor”

Problems with the provider. This reason is extremely easy to establish: just call or write to technical support. All contact information is often posted on the provider’s website.

Specifications of Error 651 in Various Operating Systems

Each OS has a number of its own characteristics, and the solution to the problem may also be different for different versions of Windows OS.

Windows 7

Windows 7 users have often noticed that when error 651 occurs, Device Manager displays not only the network card driver, but also other unknown drivers. Most often this is due to certain viruses or initially incorrect installation of drivers. This situation is not excluded in the case of other operating systems. It is better to remove unnecessary drivers, restart the computer, scan the system with an antivirus, and also check for system errors with the appropriate software.

Removing unnecessary drivers using the example of AMD High Definition Audio Device

But in the case of Windows 8, users noted that such an error may occur when installing the 64-bit version. As soon as the 32-bit version is installed, the problem disappears. Most likely, the problem is with the PC itself or the provider, but you should not discard the standard ways to resolve error 651. Also, in Windows 8, error 651 looks a little different due to the features of the interface.

Displaying error 651 in the Windows 8 operating system

Windows 10

Installing a Wi-Fi adapter driver often causes error 651 to occur in Windows 10, and sometimes in earlier versions of the OS. It is recommended to go to the properties of the network adapter and uncheck all the boxes, except for the item “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”. Rebooting the modem may also help.

View of network adapter properties that can be opened through "Network Connections"

Other versions of Windows OS

The lack of communication between the access server and the PC in the Windows XP operating system is displayed as error 678. But users of Windows Vista may encounter error 813. But this is still the same error 651, and therefore the reasons are determined in the same way as in newer versions of Windows OS.

7 Ways to Fix Error 651

Methods for solving the problem and their effectiveness will directly depend on the root cause, so it is very important to initially check all possible options and determine what is causing the connection error.

Resolving error 651 caused by user error

Damaged network cable

  1. Damage to room wiring or related connection elements. In this case, it is recommended to check the contact by disconnecting the cable from the network card and see if the Internet appears.
  2. It also happens that it is not an external cable, but a soft cable intended for indoors, that is laid outdoors, and due to unfavorable weather conditions it can be damaged.
  3. Attempts to change the network connection settings on my own, which caused the failure. To check the connection status in later versions of Windows, you need to go to the Start menu, go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings. The “Local Area Connection” item will open, right-click on it and select the “Enable” option. You can also get this information by going to network connections through the taskbar.
  4. Incorrect driver installation. If you see unnecessary elements in the list of required drivers, then most likely an incorrect installation occurred. You should remove unnecessary drivers and install the necessary ones correctly.

"Network and Sharing Center" in later versions of Windows

Eliminating error 651 caused by various types of failures

Video instructions for connecting PPPoE in Windows 7

  1. Unfortunately, no operating system is immune from system errors and other failures. If there are problems with the RASPPPOE PPPoE client, you need to go to the “Network and Sharing Center” and delete the connection on which error 651 appears. After this, select the “Set up a new connection” item and re-create the PPPoE connection.
  2. Problems with blocking by firewall or antivirus. To resolve error 651, you simply need to disable your security systems. If this is indeed the case, it would not hurt to study the appropriate settings or install other security systems.
  3. Error 651 can also occur due to the fault of the provider. It doesn’t hurt to contact the provider in a timely manner by phone or through the feedback form.

Disabling protection using the example of NOD32 antivirus


Indeed, Rostelecom users quite often encounter this kind of failure, but this only confirms the provider’s use of the PPPoE tunneling protocol.

To understand how to fix error 651, you will most likely have to resort to all of the above methods. It is better to start by checking the status of the network connection, cable and related connection elements, and then contact the provider. If both the provider and the network equipment are in order, you can proceed to a more in-depth diagnosis of this problem.

Hello friends! Do you have error 651 when connecting to the Internet and don’t know how to fix it? In this article I will tell you in detail what I know about it and how I fix it. By the way, my name is Zhenya, and you can ask any questions in this article in the comments. Ask all questions there or in the (contacts) section. Well, let's get started?

Just recently, an acquaintance of mine called me and asked me to correct this error; I didn’t know how to do it yet, but after surfing the Internet, I found the answer and am sharing it with you.

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet

Let's look at several options to fix this problem. But first, watch the video, it also has the answer.

  1. From the very beginning, you can call your provider and report this error. It may be that they created this error 651 when connecting to the Internet and they will fix it as soon as possible. But as we all know, most of the operators there themselves do not know anything, and all they can advise is to restart the computer and see what happens. But this option doesn’t suit us, right?
  2. If the operator did not help you, you can simply delete your Internet connection and create it again. I think you know how to do this? If not, write about it in the comments, and I will answer you by email.
  3. Sometimes an option like reinstalling the drivers for the network card helped me.
  4. If you have an ADSL router or Wi-Fi installed in your home, I advise you to read the article, but this is after you have corrected error 651.
  5. You can also restore a checkpoint, that is, roll back the operating system a week or a couple of days ago. I'm sure you know how to do this.
  6. Well, let's move on to the real solution to this error, so repeat after me. Click on the start button> run> and enter the command regedit there after that we will need to dig a little into the registry, don’t be afraid, it’s not scary. This is how I’ll write it now, go through the registry branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters as soon as you reach the last branch of the section (Parameters) create a DWORD parameter there and point to the name EnableRSS, also don’t forget to specify the value ( 0-zero). OK! Let's move on, now we need to create another parameter DisableTaskOffload with the value (1-one). And after completing all these operations, you can safely restart your computer and everything will work.

I really hope that the article error 651 when connecting to the Internet helped you. Well, as I said earlier, you can ask any questions that you still have in the comments, and I will definitely answer you!

Greetings to all readers of my blog. Today I want to tell you what keeps popping up for you. I will say right away that this may be a problem both on the part of the provider and on your part.

By the way, have you already started commenting on my articles? No? Then I advise you to hurry, because those 3 people who get the largest number of comments will receive cash prizes. You can see more details here. So you can start right from this article.

First of all, I advise you to call your provider and find out if the problem may be on their side. If they tell you that everything is fine with them, then we will solve the problem ourselves. Most often this happens due to the fault of the hardware, or due to old, lost drivers for the network card. Many times I encountered that due to error 651 when connecting to the Internet, the computer simply froze.

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet

Let's first look at the cases that mostly helped me right away, and these are:

  • Just restart your computer and the problem may go away on its own.
  • Try removing the Internet connection, and then re-entering all the settings.
  • I also advise you to reinstall the drivers on the network card.
  • If you have a WiFi router or ADSL modem, I advise you to check their functionality. Read how to strengthen your router's WiFi signal here.
  • Rolling back to a previous system restore point also helps.
  • If all of the options did not help you and it is still happening error 651 when connecting to the Internet then let's look at another option. You can fix it by digging a little in the registry. You can see how to clean the registry here. To enter our registry, click:

    start>run> and enter the regedit command and then move along the registry branches


    As soon as you get to the Parameters section, create a DWORD parameter in it and specify the name EnableRSS, do not forget to specify the value 0 (zero). Done? OK! Let's go further through the registry and create a DisableTaskOffload parameter in it with the value (1), if you already have it, then just change the value to (1). After completing all operations, I advise you to restart your computer.

    Now you know what this is error 651 when connecting to the Internet. If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, then ask in the comments, I’m always happy to answer and help.

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    Internet access is a necessary attribute of modern reality. On the World Wide Web they watch movies, find the information they need, communicate with friends, and watch the lives of celebrities. Therefore, if error 651 appears when connecting to the Internet, the first reaction most often resembles fear. However, such a message is associated with technical problems that you can try to resolve yourself.

    Error value 651 when connecting to the Internet

    The appearance of error message 651 on the monitor has a hardware and software nature associated with problems in the equipment responsible for accessing World Wide Web resources. It means that something went wrong when trying to connect via a high-speed WAN Miniport (PPPoE) connection. The procedure for eliminating the unfortunate failure depends on the cause that caused it.

    Reasons for the error

    The range of reasons that cause error message 651 is quite wide:

    • unconnected network cable;
    • viral infection;
    • network card malfunction;
    • problems with the performance of the router;
    • outdated/inoperative drivers;
    • raspppoe.sys file mismatch;
    • presence of a connected second network output;
    • encoding differences, etc.

    If the problems are related to a malfunction in the signal line itself, then a call to the provider’s technical support service will solve all the problems. If the problem is with the network equipment or the user’s personal computer, then you will have to fix the problem yourself.

    How to fix the problem

    How to resolve the problem depends on the cause of error 651.

    Restarting the computer

    A universal method that allows you to cope with most problems that arise, if they are not caused by more serious violations. You can simply activate the restart button or completely turn off the computer and turn on the power again. In both cases, the system will be loaded from the very beginning, and if the problem was untimely delivery of a signal about the health of the network card or router, then the message will no longer appear.

    Setting up your network connection again

    This method involves deleting the existing connection and running the Internet Connection Setup Wizard. Depending on your operating system configuration, the wizard's dialog boxes may differ slightly, but the essence remains the same. As a result, after rebooting the OS, a working connection will be created that will not disturb the user with an error message.

    The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    Reinstalling or updating network drivers

    In any case, you will need to use another computer or device that connects to the Internet without problems, since working drivers must be downloaded from the developer’s official website. In a situation where there is no second computer with network access, we reinstall the drivers manually. If the problem is related to the functioning of the network card, then it is enough to perform a number of the following manipulations:

    Video: updating/reinstalling network card drivers

    Disabling the second network access

    There are situations when the user’s computer is equipped with two network cards or can connect to the Internet in two ways: wired and wireless. In this case, one of the connections “interrupts” the action of the second, causing an error message. The solution to this problem is obvious - disconnect the second connection and check its functionality. For prevention, you can disable and enable each of the network access channels. Manipulations are performed in the Network and Sharing Center by changing adapter settings.

    Checking the modem's functionality

    This method will require another device capable of accessing the network. The modem is connected to it and they try to access the World Wide Web. If the error message no longer appears, then the problem is not at all with the router. If the system again classifies the connection failure as error 651, then you will have to call the provider’s specialists to replace or repair the unit.

    Disabling the security system

    In this case, it is necessary to disable not only the antivirus, but also the Windows firewall and firewall. If the connection is restored after this, you need to enable the security system and run a total anti-virus scan of your computer.

    Reinstalling the operating system

    To implement this option, you will need a disk or flash drive with the OS. The user will need to enter the BIOS settings and enable booting from removable media. After which the installation wizard will offer an installation option and carry out all the required procedures.

    Restoring router settings

    For this option, you need to open the modem management web interface; the specific address is indicated on the equipment or can be clarified by calling the provider’s technical support specialists. The settings are located in the Internet or WAN section. A few notes, taking into account which will allow you to restore your Internet connection:

    Rollback to an earlier healthy state

    Implementing this method is possible if you have restore points. The essence is simple - a request to repeat the configuration of all parameters in accordance with the nearest system restore point.

    Checking the correctness of the VPN server address

    This option is used in cases where access to the network is through a proxy server. When you set a specific IP address in the settings, problems with accessing the network may occur. The appearance of an error indicates that the connection is functioning, but due to the incorrectness of some parameters, it cannot connect to the nearest server.

    Checking sockets, cables and connections with a special tester

    Interference in the signal path does not allow the device to connect to the network and causes error message 651. Having discovered a faulty element, replace it yourself or with the help of a specialist.

    Adjusting registry settings

    This solution to the problem is used in cases where the computer is running Windows 2003 and displays error 651 when manually installing the PPTP protocol, and error 800 when automatically detected. The procedure in this situation is as follows:

    1. Open the command line (Start/Run) and enter regedit.
    2. In the registry that opens, we sequentially go through the following path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/Parameters.
    3. We create a function of type DWORD, calling it EnableRSS and assigning the value 0 - it will disable ReceiveSide Scaling.
    4. Here we create the Disable TaskOffload parameter with the value 1 - if such a parameter already exists, then we check and adjust its value.
    5. Reboot the computer.

    Thus, the occurrence of error message 651 when connecting to the Internet is associated with errors in the software or hardware for accessing the network. Understanding the mechanism by which such problems occur, you can try to solve this problem yourself by consistently performing the actions and manipulations suggested above. The solution options are presented in order of their complexity; in the absence of minimal knowledge about the operation of the modem and computer, it is wiser to seek help from the specialists of the provider or the nearest service center.