Recording landline telephone conversations. SpRecord telephone conversation recording systems

This article discusses the issue of choosing a system for recording telephone conversations. The criteria that should be taken into account when selecting the optimal system are analyzed and examples of devices are given. Various models with saving conversations on a computer and stand-alone ones with recording on an SD card are described, and recommendations for their use are given.

Why do we need systems for recording telephone conversations on a computer?

Call recording systems are widely used in the corporate world. Using these systems and listening to employee calls makes it possible to improve the quality of work of company personnel and, thanks to this, increase customer satisfaction with the quality of service. The very fact of control disciplines employees. Recording telephone conversations on a computer serves the following purposes:

  • Increased security by recording all conversations;
  • Mandatory registration of conversations in security, dispatch and emergency services;
  • Training employees on successful examples of sales and communication with customers;
  • Improving the quality of staff work by monitoring their activities;
  • Reducing the cost of long-distance negotiations;
  • Resolving conflicts with clients;
  • Recording telephone conferences;
  • Reduce data leakage.

Due to the advantages described above, use of recording systems talking on the phone guarantees increased efficiency company work.

Criteria for choosing a telephone conversation recording system

When choosing a system, you need to pay attention to how convenient it is implemented. The functions of such equipment are usually quite standard. Therefore, the selection of a telephone conversation recording system for your company should be carried out based on the technical capabilities of the equipment. To make the optimal choice, you first need to identifya list of the main parameters that the planned system must provide. The equipment being introduced is an addition to telephony, designed to automatically record telephone conversations and save them as files, and should not make any changes to the operation of the PBX or telephone sets. The equipment must operate simultaneously through several telephone channels to record incoming andoutgoing calls. If necessary, access to the database of recorded files should be provided at any time, and their playback should be of good quality. Based on this, we list the selection criteria:

  1. Reliability of the devices used;
  2. Possibility of registration tax or digital channels;
  3. Work together with a computer or stand alone;
  4. Number of recorded channels;
  5. Availability of a convenient interface for working with recorded files;
  6. Possibility of access to the archive of calls over the network;
  7. Power supply: external or from line/computer;
  8. Presence of a recording warning;
  9. Determination of incoming and outgoing numbers;
  10. Device body form factor;
  11. Possibility of integration with third-party software;
  12. Additional features.
1) Reliability.

An important parameter, since if the reliability of the equipment for recording and storing sound files is not ensured, then all the advantages listed above will come to naught. If the system does not provide flawless operation 365 days/24 hours, then it may turn out that the most important conversation was not saved. You can, for example, use a Chinese phone with a call recording function with an Android program. But it is only suitable for private non-commercial use due to its inability to perform stably under heavy use conditions. The use of domestic specialized devices SpRecord or ICON guarantees high operational reliability.

2) Recording system for analogue or digital channels.With this criterion, everything is extremely simple; the type of system is selected in accordance with the telephone channels used in your organization: analogue or digital. It is possible that your hybrid office PBX works with both analog and digital lines. In this case, it is necessary to provide an appropriate number of recorders of each type.

Analogue telephone conversation recording device SpRecord A1:

Digital telephone conversation recording system SpRecord ISDN E1:

3) Autonomy. If the device works in conjunction with a computer, then the conversation archive is stored on the PC’s hard drive, the amount of available space on which determines the recording time. When working offline, saving is done on an SD memory card, and the recording time depends on the capacity of the card and the compression ratio of the recorded file.

Autonomous call recording system ICON TR1(18 hours of continuous recording on 1 GB of memory):

4) Number of channelsregistration systems. This choice depends on the technical specifications: if it is enough to record only conversations with clients, then the number of channels should be equal to the number of external lines of the PBX. If it is necessary to register all conversations, including those within the organization, then - the number of internal lines of the office PBX.

4-channel analog system SpRecord A4:

5) Availability of a user-friendly interface for working with recorded files. This function is important in order to be able to quickly find and play the required sound file. This requires a clear user interface and convenient search using various criteria: date, time, subscriber number, outgoing number prefix, etc. This also includes the ability to maintain a database on Microsoft SQL Server with the ability to work with call archives using Microsoft tools.

6) Ability to access the archive of calls over the network. This criterion, in fact, follows from the previous one. For the convenience of working with the call database, access to the archive should be provided remotely, via the network. The manager, the system administrator, and other persons who were authorized by management to access this information could listen to the recordings. In addition, in this case, user rights must be delineated to exclude the possibility of accidental or intentional erasure of records.

7) Fooddevices from a computer USB port or communication line are more convenient in that they do not require a network adapter and an additional 220 V socket. However, they may not work on channels with reduced line voltage, for example, if there are several parallel telephones, or on the lines of a private PBX "Kvant" ", In these cases, externally powered devices are required.

Call recording system SpRecord AU1DC powered by 220V/5V adapter:

11) Possibility of integration with a third partyBY. Recording system developers can provide an SDK (software development kit) - development kit - for integration into third-party software. This allows the program to record telephone conversations to be integrated into your existing telecommunications software so that it becomes an integral part of it and is as convenient as possible for work. The SDK kit is provided, for example, by the manufacturer SpRecord.

12) Additional system capabilities. This could be, for example, an auto-informer, an answering machine, an auto-attendant, an auto-dialer. The autoinformer informs about the upcoming recording of a telephone conversation or can play a pre-recorded audio file; the answering machine can record a voice message for a subscriber who is currently unable to answer the call. The auto attendant allows you to dial the subscriber's internal number, and the auto redial makes automatic calls and issues a recorded message.

Device for recording conversations with autoinformer Icon TRX1AN:

Choosing a manufacturer of equipment for recording telephone conversations

Currently, the market for call recording systems offers equipment from several manufacturers, which can be divided into two groups based on cost:

  • Systems Sprut, Forget-me-not, Phantom.
  • SpRecord, ICON devices.

Systems from the first group are quite expensive and are used mainly in large companies and intelligence agencies. R Let's look at system manufacturersrecording telephone conversations for small and medium-sized businesses.

SpRecord- brand of the company Sarapul Systems LLC. Products from this brand are easy to connect and easy to use. The equipment is produced for analogue and digital lines. Basically, the devices work in conjunction with a computer and record on the PC’s hard drive, but there are also stand-alone models, as well as models with an answering machine, support for an auto attendant and auto dialing.

ICON- brand of the research and production company "IKON". Its products are manufactured on the basis of the latest element base from the best manufacturers of electronic components, such as Analog Devices, Atmel, Microchip, Samsung, TI. The products are distinguished by high build quality and reliability, and they are also the most affordable in price.

SpRecord telephone conversation recording systems

The manufacturer of SpRecord brand devices is Sarapul Systems LLC from Udmurtia. SpRecord products can work with analogue or digital channels. Features of SpRecord adapters are ease of connection and configuration, as well as low price. Any Sp Record device includes a CD containing a program for recording telephone conversations.SpRecord devices have the most favorable price for the user, based on the cost of equipment per recorded line.

Sarapul Systems products can work not only with analog or digital lines, but even connect directly to the handset of a telephone set . For example, telephone recorder SpRecord TT records conversations directly from the handsetany telephone set, including analog, system, hybrid, VoIP telephone:

Below is a table designed to help you choose the optimal SpRecord model.

ICON phone call recording devices

The manufacturer of ICON devices and the owner of the brand is the research and production company ICON from St. Petersburg. SPF IKON has long been engaged in the development and production of telephone communication equipment. The equipment is manufactured on the basis of the latest element base from the world's best manufacturers of microelectronic components. Among the products: telephone conversation recording systems, auto attendants, autoinformers, hang-up detectors, current boosters. Features of ICON equipment are autonomy, ease of connection and low price. U ICON devices save conversations to an SD memory card, but there are newer models that record to a computer. Line-powered and AC-powered versions are available.

2-channel phone call recorder powered by adapter Icon TRX2:

For the convenience of choosing the most optimal ICON telephone call recording device for your conditions, the corresponding table is given below.

Recommendations for choosing and using telephone conversation recording systems

Call recording devices from the SpRecord and ICON brands have similar technical characteristics and are in the same price niche. How to choose the right manufacturer and model?

If you don't If you require an offline recording system, we recommend choosing a device from the ICON line . Models of this brand are also convenient ifit is planned to mount them on wall e.

To record conversations on a computer, we recommend using SpRecord devices. If you need to have an answering machine, auto attendant or auto dialer, you can purchase models of the appropriate type. In addition, the manufacturer offers an SDK package for integrating its software into your existing communications software.

It is well known that many programs for recording telephone conversations have been written for all mobile platforms. These are well-known programs such as rVoix, AudioSP, Auto-call, Psiloc Xelnex - you can use them. But what if you need to record a conversation over a regular landline telephone or wired speech source? This is where this simple device comes to the rescue, which does not require scarce parts or extensive experience for its manufacture.

In TV shows you can often see how the problem of recording telephone conversations is solved using a camera and a phone with speakerphone turned on. Naturally, the recording quality and intelligibility in this case leave much to be desired. Once I saw a prosecutor have a special voice recorder with RJ11 connectors for recording telephone conversations. This is how the idea of ​​creating a telephone line adapter for a regular voice recorder came about.

Device diagram

Adapter circuit for a telephone line for recording conversations before and after alteration

I took the old D-LINK splitter DSL-30CF as a basis. It turned out to have exactly the same circuit as most cheap splitters. On the Internet I managed to find a circuit diagram for a Zyxel splitter, exactly like mine. The diagram shows that the connectors: LINE and ADSL are connected directly to each other, and the PHONE connector is connected through a high-pass filter. From the circuit I removed both transformers and all four capacitors (They will be useful to me for making a “spy” wire tube). I left only the sockets and varistor (let the phone be protected from voltage surges and the ears from loud clicks). I soldered jumper wires into the circuit so that I could create a telephone splitter (by the way, you can use this device exactly like this). In the top cover of the splitter I made two holes for headphone jacks, so that they fit tightly there, and so that they fit into the space between telephone sockets that was freed up after dismantling the high-pass filters.

In the circuit I used electrolytic capacitors rated at 50V. You can take it with great tension. You can also exclude one of the headphone jacks from the circuit. I installed two so that I could control the recording process.

As a voice recorder I used an old MP3 player from RoverMedia, model: Aria DP300FM, since it has a linear input for recording in one of the selected formats and is equipped with a special connecting cord, which I used. In addition, this player has a great feature: record only when there is a signal. Of course, you can also record on a regular voice recorder or computer via a line input. It comes in blue color. Or if it is missing through the microphone (it can be red). In any case, you should adjust the signal level before starting recording.

If you don't have an adapter cord, you can easily make one from a pair of old headphones by simply connecting the corresponding leads together.

The operating principle of the device is very simple. As you know, telephony uses several components of operating voltage. When the telephone is hung up, the ringing circuit is connected to the line through a capacitor of about one microfarad. There is no direct current flowing through this line, but when a ringing signal is applied to the telephone, greater than 100 volts and about 25 Hz, the capacitor is recharged and current flows through the ringer. When the handset is picked up, the speaking and dialing circuits are connected to the line, creating DC resistance in the line.

This is how the station determines whether the device is ready to dial a number or connect. Since the adapter does not create resistance to direct current, it does not interfere with pulse dialing and does not occupy the line, which means it can be on the line constantly. As can be seen from the adapter diagram, when the voice recorder or headphones are turned off, it has no effect on the telephone line at all (except for varistor protection).

You can connect the adapter using a 15-centimeter cord that is usually included with ADSL modems. You can also make it yourself using a crimper from a piece of telephone cable. It should be taken into account that in analog telephony two middle RJ11 pins are used (usually red and green).

Using such a cord, you can connect your phone via an adapter, or plug the adapter into any parallel telephone socket (only after the splitter, otherwise the adapter capacitors will bypass the ADSL through the recorder input circuits). I plugged the adapter into the additional connector on the telephone itself; it is usually connected in parallel with the main one.

The adapter is now constantly included in our phone, since it turned out that it is very convenient to participate in a telephone conversation through the connected headphones. In addition, you can connect computer speakers instead of or together with the voice recorder. Thank you all for your attention. The article was prepared by Zilord.

Why is a recording needed?

Recording negotiations is a guarantee of peace and confidence in the future. Here are the main advantages of the technology.

  1. Have a controversial issue escalated into a conflict with a client? You have evidence that you are right.
  2. An employee who had contacts with business partners quit? His successor will be able to quickly get up to speed by listening to the history of their communication.
  3. One of the operators literally works miracles on the job? Collective training to study his communication style will help improve the efficiency of the entire department.
  4. Teaching beginners will be much more effective if they provide real examples rather than templates from teaching manuals.
  5. Do any of your employees constantly receive customer complaints? Listening to recordings will help to identify an incompetent specialist in time.

How to record a conversation?

The next question is how to record a telephone conversation? There are two ways to solve this problem.

The first and most common is the automatic recording of all conversations and entering them into a special register. The second (more suitable for conversations from a mobile phone) is the ability to optionally enable recording of a conversation with saving data to a flash card.

When automatically recording conversations (configured in your personal account or with the help of technical support), all data in audio file format is saved in a predetermined location (one of the PC hard drives, company server, etc.). The right to access such files is limited to a narrow circle of persons.

Landline phone

Analogue telephony did not disappear with the advent of its advanced digital “sister”, and the usual devices for traditional communications are still found in apartments and on desktops in offices. You can receive a recording of a conversation from such a phone by activating the corresponding function on the answering machine. Recording quality is generally average.

Mobile phones

If the recording is made from a mobile phone, several methods can be used. Among them:

  • Voice recorder - as a stand-alone device or built into another mobile phone. He is pressed against the speaker and the conversation is recorded. You must first turn on the speakerphone, otherwise the recording quality will be very low.
  • If the mobile phone from which you want to record a conversation has a built-in auto-recording function, just activate it in the phone settings. The recorded conversation will be saved as an audio file in one of the menu sections (for example, for Nokia it is “Gallery”).
  • If the auto-recording function is not provided in the mobile phone, install a patch - a program that changes the standard software of the phone. There are patches on the Internet for all existing models of mobile devices. You should begin installing the program only after carefully studying the instructions, and it is better to entrust this to specialists.

Smartphones: Androids and Windows Phone

For such devices, there is a simple solution: installing a special application, which can be downloaded for free on GooglePlay. Then you need to activate the new program, select the “Automatic recording” function and specify in the media settings the type of audio file recommended for the application.

Apple devices

The situation with apple products is more complicated. Software updates can only be installed in these devices from the App Store, the manufacturer’s online application store. But Apple Corporation is an official opponent of recording conversations, and therefore there are no programs that allow this to be done either in the standard firmware or in the online software supermarket.

There are 2 ways to solve the problem. The first is to use an external device. You can purchase a special recorder in specialized online stores. This small device connects to an iPhone, iPad and any other smartphone via a 3.5 mm jack and records conversations that are saved as audio files on the built-in memory card. The card capacity is enough for 144 hours of recording.

The second method is more extreme - jailbreak. This is the name of the action that opens access to the file system of Apple devices. The method is sharply condemned by the developer corporation, since it is, in fact, a hack of “native” software. A user who jailbreaks his smartphone automatically terminates the license agreement with Apple, voids the company's warranty obligations and is deprived of the right to receive technical support.

But such a radical measure allows you to significantly expand the functionality of iPhones and iPads due to the ability to install new programs not only from the official store, but also from other sources - from a desktop computer or a pirated Cydia application. It is from there that you can download a program for recording conversations.

Not a needle in a haystack

In a large company, hundreds of negotiations are conducted every day, taking thousands of hours. How to find the needle you need in this haystack, how to get a recording of a telephone conversation of very specific people that took place on a date known to you? The intuitive interface will help you do this in seconds. All program commands will be prompted by PC user experience.

Having opened the message archive, you will see a register of records in the form of a table, the columns of which indicate the date, time, duration of the call, the number of the caller and the extension number of the company employee who conducted the negotiations.

The task is to group records according to the criteria you are interested in. For example, get acquainted with all the negotiations of one of the managers, or listen to recordings of communication between different employees and the same client. Such an analysis is simply necessary for further successful communication. What to do? Right-click and select the type of sorting for records.

Having found the desired conversation, we select the optimal action (familiar pictures in the right column of the table) - listen, save, delete. Click where necessary. Ready!