Bots increase views in telegram. Purpose of creating a channel

This article will talk about free and paid methods increase subscribers in Telegram.

Most well-known and popular social networks have long become boring to users. And all the “hot” places for the development of any ideas or projects are occupied. Therefore, something new is required, different from the old resources. In this regard, social networks began to be replaced by instant messengers, the functionality of which is practically no different from outdated platforms. One of these messengers that is gaining popularity at tremendous speed is Telegram. This network became especially in demand when it became possible to create various communities in it - groups and channels.

Respectively. Users have new free niches to implement their plans. Therefore, most of them immediately began to approach the matter thoroughly, and questions about where to buy began to appear frequently on the Internet. Telegram subscribers? Due to such popularity of this request we decided to answer it.

Where to buy subscribers in Telegram/Telegram and how much it costs

Since this social network is just gaining momentum, services in this area are quite rare and not available from all services. Therefore, searching not only for high-quality material, but also for a reliable seller can take quite a lot of time. But we tried to find for you a couple of decent Telegram promotion services with high quality material and fairly low prices:

1. Prtut is a reliable, proven site with fast results and high level service. Orders on this site are completed almost instantly after payment, and the promotion process itself takes a very short period of time. Here, you can buy 1000 subscribers to your Telegram channel for 1300 rubles. The site also offers other services for boosting Telegram: subscribers to the group and views. In addition, you can view options for promotion of other social networks;

2. DoctorSMM is still a young, but already quite well-known and developed service. The launch of services on this site occurs within 2 to 36 hours (minimum and maximum values). At the same time, you will not regret the quality of the material. Well, if you have any questions related to the services, you can instantly get an answer to them from experienced employees who are constantly in touch. Well, the cost of 1000 subscribers to this service will be from 1190 rubles. up to 3990 rub. (depending on the type of your community).

3. Avi1 is an old service where you can get not only Telegram subscribers, but also many other social networks at a cheap price. The price for 1000 subscribers per channel on avi1 is about 1050-1200 rubles per 1000 subscribers per channel.

By using the services of these services, you will be able to get the desired resource with high quality in the shortest possible time with excellent service from the employees. Thus, it turns out that buying Telegram subscribers is not so difficult, and inexpensive.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about one already quite well-known, but extremely effective life hack, how you can make money on cheating with minimal investment. To do this, you will only need to buy enough live Telegram subscribers once and sell advertising in your community. Accordingly, the larger your audience, the larger sums advertisers will pay for posting posts on a channel or in a group.

How to make a free boost for Telegram channel subscribers

Whatever one may say, acquiring subscribers to the service means that you will have to invest in this process. And this stops many users, because some do not think that they will devote quite a lot of time to the development of Telegram, and the money will be paid. Of course, to begin with, any project must be tested and understand whether it is worth pursuing it at all and developing it further.

Therefore, we would like to suggest that you first try to achieve the first results on your own, without investing Money. In other words, we will look at options for getting subscribers on Telegram for free:

1. And the first of them is the most common way to increase your audience - advertising in Telegram catalogs. Exist special services on the Internet, which publish lists of the most popular channels. And here everyone is invited to leave a comment containing a link to their Telegram communities. Such spam messages are not only not deleted, but are also placed in leading positions;

2. Raising the topic of links, when answering the question of how to get subscribers on Telegram for free, one cannot help but mention next way: You can leave advertising comments on all possible resources to which you have access. Of course, this method is considered more risky, since most of such messages are simply deleted, but it is still more effective due to the larger audience reach;

3. In this case, you can also use the following method, like in other social networks. To complete it, you just need to find other groups or channels and subscribe to them. Expecting a response from the owners in the form of the same subscription. However, you shouldn’t completely rely on this method, since everyone has known it for a long time and is pretty tired of it, and Telegram is not a familiar social network;

4. Don’t forget about the main function of Telegram as a messenger – sending messages. You can also use this tool. Besides, Telegram is like mobile app, easily synchronizes with the contacts of your smartphone, which is a must-use. Start sending out invitations to join a group or channel to all your friends and acquaintances;

5. You can try to find any services that boost Telegram channels for free. But here it is worth considering the fact that you will have to take part in spam in order to earn points or bonuses, and this is a rather risky activity. If you do not work properly with such services, you can easily get your account blocked even in such a still loyal social network;

6. And the last, perhaps the most labor-intensive way to get subscribers is creating and developing content. At the same time, no matter how hard you try to find other options for achieving your goals, without this process you will not succeed. It’s not enough just to attract a crowd of subscribers, you also need to interest them and keep them in the community. And this can only be done with the help of high-quality interesting content.

These options will help you answer the question of how to get subscribers on Telegram for free. We tried to bring the most effective and effective ways. Maybe. You yourself will develop a completely new and more effective method. However, remember that free promotion is a rather labor-intensive process. Consuming both strength and time. You will have to persistently develop in this direction, which will undoubtedly bear fruit.

How to make money on a Telegram account

We have already given quite a lot of facts about how to carry out promotion in Telegram. However, some users probably still have a question about why they need to upgrade the messenger at all. Surely, the majority of those who read us understand perfectly well that any promotion is in one way or another connected with the desire to increase the popularity of the resource and, as a result, make money on it. Thus, it turns out that getting subscribers on a Telegram channel is necessary to make money in this social network.

Now another question arises: how can you make money on Telegram? This is exactly what we will be looking at in this section our article. We have tried to collect for you some of the most current methods earnings in Telegram. We will also find out whether increasing subscribers to the Telegram channel will help you earn even more.

So, these are the methods:

1. For sure. Most popular way making money on Telegram is by placing advertisements in communities. You can completely independently agree with any advertiser and post his posts on your channel or in a group. But if you do not already have a verified partner, we suggest you contact the VKontakte community There you can agree on advertising on your page. The only condition is the presence of subscribers on the channel ranging from 500 to 1000 people. Naturally, the larger your audience, the higher your earnings. This is where boosting Telegram subscribers with services, such as PRtut and DoctorSMM, comes in handy;

2. Another option is not exactly direct income, but rather an increase in it. You can create a channel in Telegram and run something like a blog from your company or organization. This way you will increase the number of your potential clients, if you periodically post advertising posts in the community. The main thing is that it looks unobtrusive, and the blog itself is quite interesting. As a result, you get additional traffic and, accordingly, an increase in sales;

3. If you are going to run a private small business, Telegram can also become a platform for its implementation. You can post photos of products with a short description and accept orders online. This is very convenient, since both the platform for placing orders and contact center to accept them – it’s all your phone. Accordingly, no matter where you are, you will always be able to respond to your clients;

4. There are a couple more options for earning money that are no longer directly related to the number of subscribers in your communities. And one of them is the development of Telegram bots. Since such applications are currently very, very in demand, you can get good money for their development;

5. And one more way is to try to find a security hole in Telegram. Pavel Durov personally promised to pay such a craftsman up to $1 million. To do this, you need to hack the security and encryption system of the messenger and present your work to Telegram employees. If you can really prove your success, you can count on a generous reward. Although only one person received money from Durov, he managed to find small problem. He received only $100,000.

With these methods you can make good money from your Telegram account. And, as we found out, in most of these methods, getting subscribers to Telegram channel plays an important role. So, it turns out that the more subscribers you manage to get, the higher your earnings will be.

How to boost a channel, group and post views in Telegram

Telegram is gradually turning from an ordinary messenger into a real social network with many features and functions. However, this platform is still different from the ones we are used to, for example, VKontakte or Instagram. And one of distinctive features Telegram is a lack of likes. On the one hand, this somewhat complicates working with statistics and with the audience, and on the other hand, community owners do not need to chase likes in order to please users. Instead, you can focus on developing truly useful and high-quality content. As a result of this, the ability to cheat Telegram is becoming so popular.

However, along with the number of users subscribed to the community, another Telegram resource is quite relevant - post views. It is precisely their number that is responsible for the percentage of audience interest in the content of the group or channel. The structure of views in Telegram is similar to the same resource in VK. They are also located at the bottom of every message posted to a channel or group and are indicated by an open eye icon. And, just as users choose to increase subscribers in Telegram for free and for a fee, increasing views is also a fairly popular request.

Respectively, this resource You can also earn money through services, such as PRtut, or try to get them yourself. At the same time, working with services will certainly be a faster and more reliable process, since in this case the quality of the audience that views your posts does not matter. But unlike getting subscribers on Telegram for free, independent work with views it will take you a lot of time. This is due to the fact that of all the free methods, you only have one left - developing high-quality content.

Well, we can only summarize how to get Telegram subscribers to a group or channel. So, as we found out, this can be done in two main ways: paid and free. In this case, free promotion can occur various options, That is efficient process, but quite labor-intensive. But a paid increase in subscribers may be accompanied by some risks, which we will discuss later.

Are there any risks when increasing Telegram subscribers?

In the previous section, we mentioned that cheating on Telegram may entail some risks. This is precisely the point that worries many users who are thinking about whether to take advantage of a paid increase in subscribers or not. That is why we decided to find out whether it is so dangerous to use boosting subscribers in Telegram.

Definitely small risks in this process There are still some, but they are mainly associated with the insatiable desire of users to become popular as soon as possible. A social network like Telegram is quite young and, accordingly, the system for tracking violations and filters are somewhat more loyal than in other social networks. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid of mass write-offs and feel free to turn to promotion services. And yet, before you gain subscribers on Telegram, you need to take some steps to avoid any unpleasant situations. And these are the actions:

1. To begin with, you should be especially careful when choosing the service with which you want to cooperate. Since most of the success and your safety will depend on the chosen site;

2. Do not access those services, when entering which you are required to undergo forced registration or provide data from your account (login and password, for example);

3. You should not install any software. Even if the site you choose offers to do this;

4. Be sure to prepare your community for cheating. It should have a title, main photo and a background that is pleasing to the eye. Also be sure to post a few interesting posts and add it yourself small number subscribers. These could be your friends or relatives;

5. When ordering subscribers, do not immediately buy the entire required volume at once. Try to distribute the wrap over several portions;

6. Most optimal quantity subscribers per day – 200-300 units. Larger number accounts is possible when gaining live subscribers in Telegram. In this case, it is better to maintain intervals between orders of at least 24 hours;

7. Before ordering on a new site, be sure to check its reliability and quality of work by ordering a minimum amount of resource.

Here are the basic recommendations that will help you learn how to gain subscribers on Telegram without risks. However, it is worth considering that not a single service can bring you fans who are ready to stay on your channel or in a group and perform the actions that you expect from them. Still, cheating is, first of all, creating visibility popular community. And, nevertheless, this is a good help for starting the development of an account in Telegram.

It is known that for the sake of an impressive audience on the Telegram channel, you will need to work hard - subscribers here are selective, and if anything happens, they will immediately unsubscribe. Therefore, methods such as promotion are gradually gaining popularity, free or paid - it doesn’t matter, because administrators are ready to go to great lengths for the sake of the audience. Let's figure out how to get subscribers on Telegram.

If you are a novice administrator on Telegram, but have already managed to add your channel to the directory, you have probably already been knocked on the door in private messages with an offer to get live subscribers. Perhaps such slang causes confusion among novice channel creators, but there is nothing complicated here.

Getting subscribers on Telegram is about attracting an audience to your channel. Promotion differs from promotion in that in the first case you have to pay money for a subscriber to voluntarily subscribe to your channel due to interest. But in the second case, he will be paid for it. In most cases, such a subscriber is active, that is, he will not be “alive” - he will not look at posts, he will not show himself particularly.

Getting subscribers on Telegram needs to be done correctly. Now exists great amount services that can quickly figure out whether your audience has been scammed. Constantly buying subscribers and views is too expensive. It's easier to make cool content and buy advertising.

But if you urgently need to increase the number of subscribers on Telegram to a certain number, for example, in order to be able to add a channel to the catalogue, you can use cheating. You just need to do this correctly, and today you will learn exactly how.

Negotiations to purchase 50 subscribers. Request and offer for 400 rubles.

This is what a typical offer to get subscribers looks like.

Pros and cons of free promotion

With features demon paid promotion subscribers sorted out. But what are its advantages and what are its disadvantages? Isn't it easier to use the most in an accessible way– respond to that message from the person who promised to get you subscribers for a few rubles apiece?

The following advantages can be highlighted free promotion:

  1. This saves the budget. In the future, you can spend the money on advertising, contests for subscribers, or something else. In a word, invest them in channel promotion at later stages.
  2. This teaches you how to work with many services. You never know what you might need in life. And many services will become useful in the future, for example, if you decide to boost YouTube instead of Telegram.

But we should not forget about the disadvantages of free methods. These include:

  1. This is time consuming. Often free ways attracting subscribers requires a huge number of hours that could be spent on something else.
  2. Possibility of being known as a bot among administrators. This is only possible if you cheat incorrectly. But still, you shouldn’t get too carried away with this activity - it’s easy to end up on a blacklist as a person with a cheated channel.

If all this doesn’t scare you, it’s time to take a closer look at free ways to get subscribers to your Telegram channel.

Ways to boost Telegram for free

There are a lot of ways to get paid subscribers, but there are no less free ones. You just need to be creative. We have collected five of the most relevant methods.

They may seem very time-consuming to you. Then it’s better to use paid subscriber acquisition. But if you don’t have an extra budget, we recommend that you listen to these tips. At least a few of them are feasible for everyone!

Add 200 users

You can add the first 200 subscribers to your channel absolutely free by inviting users from your contact list on your phone. Please note: you cannot invite just anyone. The contact must have a Telegram account. Then it’s a matter of technique: send messages or simply silently add people to the channel.

Through the @BotFather bot you can create up to 20 bots

If you have several SIM cards, then this is already from 40 subscribers. Therefore, you can recruit at least 20 users.

You can ask for SIM cards from relatives or gain subscribers on Telegram through the database of toll-free numbers

Asking your loved ones to subscribe to your Telegram channel is absolutely free. In addition, there are services on the Internet where you can virtual number a message comes with an activation code. Such toll free numbers and can be used to create several more accounts and repeat the procedure with bots.

Find money for promotion

Complete tasks on a service (for example, a task exchange) and spend money on getting subscribers.

The method is time-consuming, but if you have extra hours, you can try it.

Mutual subscription through administrator chats

In such chats on Telegram there are channel creators who also need a subscription. Usually they write the conditions for mutual subscription, mentioning that you should not unsubscribe, otherwise they will unsubscribe from you too.

Popular services for free promotion

Fully free services There is no free promotion on Telegram yet, because the messenger is quite young. Over time, of course, such sites will appear (for now they are only available for popular social networks, for example, YouTube). However, we found several services that provide interesting bonuses - in particular, they allow you to gain subscribers for free.

Mutual subscription chats

We mentioned this method above. Nothing complicated, all you need is to subscribe to someone else’s channel, and plus one subscriber in your pocket. We advise you to start separate account in Telegram for such purposes.

This is what typical advertisements for chats for mutual promotion of subscribers look like.

A site that offers free subscribers for each “lot” of subscribers or views purchased. For the service, you should contact their Telegram channel, where prices are detailed.

The site is quite minimalistic; for the service, contact Telegram.

On the forums - a large number of positive feedback, where the service is praised for its reliability. It does offer free subscribers.

These are the reviews they write about this service on the forums; they actually give free subscribers.

Catalogs for getting subscribers on Telegram

If you don’t have money, you can add your channel to the following directories for free:


They all have different interface, but the services are the same. Subscribers come slowly but surely, and you save your time. A good option for those who find it convenient to post a link and do nothing.

One of the typical Telegram catalogs.

A service that recently began offering free Telegram subscribers. Of course, you need to order the service for money in order to receive the bonus. So far there are not many reviews about this service, but some administrators have already used its services.

Announcement about the service of boosting subscribers in Telegram.

Possible problems with free promotion


Now you know that cheating Telegram for free is possible – you just have to try. Carefully weigh the pros and cons and decide whether it’s worth going for it. If there is no other choice, you can gain subscribers, but only very carefully. But it’s worth accepting the fact that getting subscribers on a Telegram channel is not the most the best option. It is best to gradually work on your channel, develop the concept in every possible way, and try to maintain its quality. If you try hard and pay enough attention to your channel, then over time you will be able to achieve the desired result and thereby receive a stable income. We wish you success in your endeavors!

“You have few subscribers and would like to increase your audience? You don’t have enough views, but you want it to be from 500 to 3000 with 300 subscribers?”

To bookmarks

Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

So, if you want to increase your audience, take high-quality advertising. Does your channel have few views? What to do? Take quality advertising! And also try to make sure that your content is reposted, so that it is heard in the Telegam media. And never, you hear, NEVER fall for tempting headlines and don’t get yourself subscribers. Neither at your own expense, nor for the “disservice” of your advertiser. Even if he is not a bot, but a living person. Why?


  • If you came to Telegram to make content, there are probably two reasons: either this is your blog/any other entertainment, or you came to make money (from advertising, courses, attracting traffic to your site, etc.). By gaining subscribers, you pay for people who, most likely, don’t give a damn about what you write about in your channel. Whatever goal you choose, with cheating, in the end everything turns out very badly. In the first case, people simply will not be interested in reading you. So why create a channel then? For ghosts? Secondly, if your subscribers are “artificial”, how will you sell advertising? Well, yes, there are a bunch of inexperienced admins who, before taking advertising from you, will not check ERR (engagement), statistics and your latest advertising purchases. What about the rest? It’s already 2018, people are starting channels and starting to figure out where advertising is really high-quality and where it’s not.
  • Overwhelmed subscribers tend to unsubscribe, and bots rarely, but are still cleaned by Telegram.

1. Books (SEO exchanges)

There are some websites (SEO exchanges) that pay for views, subscriptions, etc. Among the famous: SeoSprint, SocPublic. It looks like this:

The same page separately describes the benefits for advertisers:

Fast - yes. Effective - I don't think so.

2. Bots in Telegram

I recently came across a bot that offers to make money on subscriptions and views. You subscribe to a channel and do not leave it until a certain period.

Is it worth paying for a subscriber who unsubscribes after 5 days? In my opinion, this is a new level of masochism.

3. Fraud

And the final point (my favorite) is subscribers who are not recruited by your will. How is this possible?

Very simple. You find a channel, you like the content and topic. For example, the channel has about 7k subscribers. You scroll up the feed, the channel is not new. On average, each post has about 7k views (good ERR, about 100%). The admin is a very polite young man. You decided to take advertising from him. You make a post, after a couple of days you see that the results are awesome! About 150 people came.

But then, a day later, you look at the views of the last post.

63 views. Although about 150 people came. How is this possible? The person signed up, he must be interested.

You go into history, see strange people with strange names, like Ksyushik333, Rjrj01 and avatars in the style:

And then it dawns on you that you haven’t checked the channel on Tgstat. You frantically run to check, but he’s not there! It's not on Telemeter either. No statistics, nothing - although the channel is quite large, about 7 thousand.

Conclusion - you were deceived. They scammed you either from bots or from real people who were paid money. Good channel nothing to hide. Any self-respecting channel will definitely be found on Tgstate or Telemeter.

By the way, cleaning out “ghosts” is a real hassle. They are online periodically. How to prove that they came to your channel for money? You can try to write to them in a personal message, they rarely answer, but it will take a lot of time. You can manually ban them from your channel if the subscriber seems suspicious to you - but this also takes time.


  • Never cheat yourself with subscribers. Yes, if you have a young channel, it will be difficult for you at first. The most difficult thing in my experience is to score the first hundred. But if you try, analyze your target audience, and you will delight interesting content- people will start following you.
  • Always check the channel you are advertising on.


  • How much can you buy Telegram subscribers for - prices on the internet;
  • How to get to the top in Telegram and what you need to do for this;
  • How to make money from your channel or group;
  • Is it possible to inexpensively buy live Telegram subscribers?
  • What are blocked users and why do they appear?

How much does it cost to buy Telegram subscribers - minimum and maximum

The development of accounts in Telegram is gaining more and more popularity every day. And this is due to the growing relevance of the social network itself. This is where many users find perspectives in developing their ideas and projects. And, since on other sites most of the thematic niches are already occupied, and the level of competition is simply enormous, it is necessary to find new resources to implement your own ideas. This is why most users choose Telegram, since this tool successfully combines the functions of a messenger and a social network.

In this regard, many users are interested in where and how they can buy Telegram subscribers. However, not only these issues worry those who want to develop in this network. Many people try to find only free options for increasing the counter, since it is believed that paid purchase may entail Negative consequences. Also, on the Internet you simply cannot find a truly inexpensive service to increase the number of subscribers in Telegram, which can stop even risky users from purchasing a resource. Let's find out what average price recorded on sites and services on this moment.

So, currently for 1000 Telegram subscribers you can give an amount from 500 to 2800 rubles. Yes, indeed, compared to other promotion services, the prices are simply sky-high. However, there is an explanation for this: the service is still considered a new product, and the social network itself, which has not been fully studied, is a rather promising platform. Hence the overestimation of the cost of the material.

Despite quite high prices, only a small number of users refuse the idea of ​​​​buying Telegram subscribers for their page. And such a rush to purchases is caused by the rather significant benefits of a large number of subscribed accounts. Therefore, it is worth finding out how subscribers can be useful:

    First of all, it's a crowd scene. And extras are most often needed by those users who are going to monetize their community. Advertisers who rent sites pay little attention to the quality of subscribers or their activity. Therefore, with a large audience you can make good money;

    In addition, a large number of subscribers somehow inspires the trust of Telegram users. Accordingly, newly arrived people on your account will study your content with great interest and more carefully;

    You can use subscribers added from the site as a tool to attract real users. Big number subscribers may be interested in other members, and they will try to view your account, and then, probably, subscribe.

Here are some of the main reasons why you might be trying to add subscribers to your Telegram account. When making a purchase, we advise you to consider not only the cost of the service, but also its quality, as well as the level of service.

How to get to the top of Telegram and what you need to do for this

Surely, those users who decided to develop their account or community in Telegram will not be satisfied with just a slight increase in popularity. The main goal of promotion on this network is to bring your page to the top of searches. However, for this it is absolutely not enough to know where to buy Telegram subscribers, as well as other resources, and how to do it quickly. In addition to this process, you need to put in your efforts and spend a certain amount of free time. In this regard, let's find out how you can get to the top of this social network:

    The first thing that users who come to your account pay attention to is what you write about. And here it is important to choose the right format, as well as the size of the publication. You should not copy any other people's posts, even memes. This kind of thing is not held in high esteem here. It is necessary to express only your personal opinion on a particular issue. Of course, the most popular ones are popular fresh news. Also, you should not create text canvases. Telegram welcomes a message format similar to Twitter: short and succinct;

    Try to target your audience by posting new posts at that time. In which they will definitely be able to read your message. At the same time, oddly enough, the best solution will turn off notifications about new publications. Also, you shouldn’t post a hundred posts a day, because, as in any feed, users will quickly get bored with it;

    To ensure that your post is placed in right time, even when you are completely busy, use the scheduled auto-posting tool. This way you can schedule the release of new messages. However, we do not recommend using publishing options from the service or program itself. Otherwise. These will not be your thoughts and opinions, but ordinary plagiarism, for which no one will thank you;

    Use it additional services or tools for editing your messages and pictures. The visual component is also important for the user. But the messenger itself is not intended for this;

    Use it mutual PR. This is the easiest way to reach your own target audience. Only after you acquire fans will you have the opportunity to reach the top. Try to find the owners of more developed communities and agree with them on mutually beneficial advertising. However, it is worth considering that free options there is quite little to agree on. So be prepared for the costs;

    Don't forget to talk about yourself on other social networks. Self-promotion has never hurt anyone. To do this, leave comments and posts on various social platforms;

    Try to achieve maximum activity on your resource. This is what the system will evaluate. If your messages get a sufficient number of Telegram views (the promotion page), and users repost them, your chances of getting your account to the top will be much greater;

    And of course, you can’t talk about any opportunity to reach the top without a sufficient number of subscribers on your account. Therefore, if the audience is still not enough, but the content is quite suitable for people. You can purchase the missing number of accounts. To do this, find out where to buy Telegram subscribers most profitably.

If you follow such nuances and invest a sufficient amount of effort and time, you will be able to short time raise your community in the ranking and bring it to the top of Telegram searches.

How to earn and sell on your Telegram channel

In addition to bringing a Telegram account to the top, users are interested in another aspect of development in this social network. The fact is that this platform can offer its participants real earnings. Moreover, you don’t have to make too much effort for this. So you have real opportunity monetize your channel or group. For this there are various ways, characterized by the complexity of their implementation and implementation. Let's look at the most interesting of them, and also find out whether the opportunity to buy subscribers to a Telegram channel or group is useful:

    The easiest way to implement and therefore the most relevant is the method of monetizing the channel through the sale of advertising. This option is used by almost all community owners who have achieved some level of development of their account. The fact is that to sell advertising on your channel or in a group, it is not at all necessary to bring your community to the top or try to acquire only a real target audience. You can buy subscribers to your account, the more the better. After all, your income from advertising will depend on how many accounts are subscribed to you;

    You can use the Telegram channel to increase existing sales. So, if you have a website or online store, you can post basic news about discounts and new products on this social network. At the same time, your earnings will depend on how interesting the content is to users. Of course, there can be no question of artificially increasing the audience here, since you need real clients;

    You can also sell any goods or services directly on the social network itself. To do this, you will need to create a community where, along with posts about new product arrivals, you will post interesting non-commercial content in order to not only attract, but also retain users. Pros this method quite a bit of. For example, you no longer have to spend money on creating and administering a website, which sometimes costs significant sums;

    In addition to affiliate advertising, you can sell the opportunity to appear in your community. If you acquire a sufficient number of subscribers, you will be able to set your own price for posting posts about other users and communities. This way you can sell PR. Moreover, the more famous your account is, the more income you will receive. However, such a process should be conducted honestly, otherwise bad rumors about you will spread with instant speed, which obviously will not benefit you.

Here are some of the most common ways to use a Telegram account that can bring you good income. These options can be used for both main and passive income. At the same time, it is possible to buy subscribers to a Telegram channel or group. In some cases, it can bring quite a lot of benefits, as well as the likelihood of quickly receiving income.

Is it possible to buy live subscribers in Telegram - myth or truth

As many of you have already guessed, for the most effective promotion your account or community in Telegram, mostly real live subscribers are required. And this is undoubtedly true. Because exactly real users They will be able not only to be an extra and a beautiful number on the counter, but to be active on your pages. Thus, only living subscribers will purchase your products and services, as well as follow the news and updates of your account.

But getting them in a short time can be quite a difficult process. In this regard, many users are interested in the question of whether it is possible to buy live subscribers in Telegram, quickly enough and without any overpayments.

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is clearly negative. Because at the moment no service, website or organization can offer you such a service. Get yours target audience You can only do it yourself. At the same time, it is not at all a fact that you will be able to do this very quickly. To do this you need to have a unique and original idea maintaining an account or community. We will tell you further how you can win the attention of a real audience:

    First, identify a really interesting topic for your account, channel or group. The most popular are news resources (but not serious and dry, but with a more humorous approach), everything related to humor, as well as “star gossip” about celebrities popular among the masses;

Greetings. Yes, this is another article about how someone promoted their channel and is now telling you about it.

But the point is this: yesterday I couldn’t sleep and decided to google it, but how do telegram channels get promoted? This question arose to me after Yandex rejected advertising for my channel and website in Direct. Yandex support told me that this is because it is about cryptocurrencies. This topic is currently not being moderated by them.

Subscribe by the way, since you are here and already reading this: @WhatToNews
Thank you!

So. I read a huge number of identical articles.
I’ll even list some of them:

There will be a million more such links and they will all be about the same thing.
This article is the most important thing I have read. In my opinion.

How to create a channel, why create a channel, what is a channel, how to use Telegram?
A lot of time in all articles is spent on explaining common truths. Apparently, to fill the number of characters in the article, I don’t know. I will skip this moment, in the hope that you know why, how, what, and if you don’t know, then you know how to Google.


  • Don't send invitations to friends
Here everyone decides for themselves. My opinion is why not. Moreover, half of my friends have forgotten about Telegram and won’t even know about the addition. And on initial stages It’s better for the channel to look visited, at least in numbers.
  • Before promotion, add 2-10 posts there
Advice from the category “How to create a channel.” Does everyone understand that there is no point in promoting an empty channel?..
  • Specific topic
If your channel is just another “About everything and nothing”, “Uninteresting news”, then no one will come to you. The subscriber will not even be able to explain to anyone what kind of channel this is. It’s good when he can say “cool channel about cryptocurrencies.”
Again, everyone understands that you shouldn’t send memes to a travel channel, write about politics, or talk about God?
  • Don't make huge text posts
A one-sentence post for Twitter, three for Instagram, 1000 characters for Facebook. The optimal text volume for Telegram is 500 characters. Ideally, your post should not take more than two iPhone screens 5s, otherwise it will be awkward to read.
If you need to post something big, then either link to your website, or you can use the service And with the help of their @telegraph bot, you can log in and your authorship will be automatically indicated with a link to you.
  • Mutual PR
The theme of 2007, when one public talks about another public, and that one about the first. My opinion: it was annoying, annoying and will continue to be annoying. As they say: it works in telegram so far. But if you value subscribers, if I were you, I would invite channels that are smaller than yours and make a selection from them. Once a week, one message with a selection will not offend your subscribers. And they, in turn, either advertise only you, or also in the selection - as you agree.
Remember that now mutual PR will not give you 1000 subscribers in an hour. We got 150 newcomers from a channel with 6 thousand subscribers - rejoice, this is a very good result.
  • Make selections on different sites
Most tricky way. Make a selection based on your topic and add your channel there. It still works. If you're lucky, you might end up in someone else's collection, or your collection will be taken to different sites. The main thing is to choose really useful channels. And don’t hide the fact that you want to mention your channel to get subscribers.
My opinion: there is no need to make such selections. The profit from them is zero, or minimal. Unless the selection is stolen from thematic resources.
All stories about channel promotion are also, one way or another, aimed at finding new subscribers, as well as indexing in search engines. Yes, like this article.
The most effective, but time-consuming promotion. Find as many sites/forums/blogs with your topic as possible, weed out those not visited and get started. Advertise directly, write articles, make selections, organize competitions, come up with your own option that is convenient for you. Try, of course, to do native advertising.
  • Do not make collections of articles/news in the channel
It all depends on your topic really. For example, it’s more convenient for me to read a lot of news in the evening/morning while I’m eating/on the subway than to receive a bunch of distracting notifications during the day (yes, they can be turned off, but still), and then scroll through the feed in the evening.
They say that the selections are repulsive/boring, but judging by the subscriptions to @WhatToNews, they are still relevant.
  • Don't bother with statistics
Telegram has only two metrics - the number of subscribers and the number of views. And that's great. After a particularly successful post, subscribers will come to you, but you will never know where they came from - in Telegram there is no way to find out who reposted the message and where. The project is designed to solve this problem. In any case, channels and chats that are added to this directory will be displayed in your statistics of mentions and reposts.
Make good content without regard to views and subscriptions. This will reward you.
  • Feedback for questions and suggestions
In the channel information, indicate the nickname of the channel administrator. Not a number email or something else, namely a nickname - a person clicks on it and goes into dialogue. When you have a certain number of loyal subscribers, they will start writing periodically: sending typos, suggestions, corrections. And also advertisers.
  • Don't buy advertising until you reach a thousand subscribers
Psychology. To channel from big amount subscribers will subscribe more people. It's simple.
Regarding the purchase of advertising: Paid placement gives results, but the factor of involvement of channel subscribers is very important; if it is low, then the result from advertising will be zero and you will waste your budget. We look at the number of views on posts and the number of subscribers. If views are only 10-20% of the number of subscribers, then you should not buy advertising in this channel. Most likely the subscribers are cheated. Very often I see channels with 10+k subscribers and 2-4k views, even on old posts, that sell advertising for 5-9 thousand. Do not do it this way.
Ideally, the indicators for thematic channels should be close to 80-90%, in the most extreme case, more than 60%. Of course, the result is possible that the indicators are 110%-150%, which means that channel subscribers share your publications, attracting additional traffic to your channel.
  • Don't sell ads until you reach two thousand subscribers
In my channel I gave the first advertisement to 3000 subscribers. I would have launched it earlier, but the first advertisers wrote to me at 3000. There is no rule here, you can push advertising at 500 readers, the only question is appearance this advertisement. For example, in the catalog you can order advertising in the channels that are presented there, as well as offer your own. For internal “points” or rubles. This is convenient, but advertising posts there look like: picture + text + button. Such advertising posts look simply terrible.
For individual advertising posts, I would recommend: text + link. As a last resort, add horizontal pictures; they look neater.
But I still advise you not to send advertising as a separate post. It’s better to highlight a couple of lines in the news or article. It’s better to receive one notification from a channel and ignore the advertisement than two and unsubscribe because of it.
  • Don't disguise advertising
Don’t disguise your advertising as “I came across it by accident,” “they sent it to me,” “I just remembered.” Write directly: advertising. Or an affiliate post. Come up with your own option. If you honestly write that the text is advertising, people perceive it better - honesty is always valuable.
Approximate statistics on unsubscribes due to advertising are as follows (judging by my channel): a couple of people unsubscribe at once, 5-10 people during the day.
If you really want to mask advertising, then do it more natively. Ask advertisers to make some useful articles on your topic so that you link to them. Or something different. There are plenty of options.
  • Don't overdo it with formatting
Using bots in Telegram, you can format text: bold, italic, and sew links into words. Do not overdo it. You go to the channel - and everything there is black and black and crooked and greasy-crooked-blackish and nothing unclear.
  • Create a chat
Just not right away. Make a public supergroup, assign an address. Decide for yourself how to use the chat. Conduct question and answer sessions. Discuss messages from the channel. Initiate discussions. Anything. Over time, chats will begin to live on their own.
Chat is a loyal community. But be prepared to ban spammers who join and immediately send links.
I (perhaps only for now) have not created a chat for my channel, because... I don't see the point in it at this stage. But if your channel is narrowly focused and not many people are interested in this topic or there are no popular thematic chats at all, then it is better to create a chat to get acquainted and unite.
  • Cheat subscribers
No need. Bots do not add views, plus the administration cleans them quite often.
  • How not to promote channels
Fools starting with the letter M who enter chats and immediately post a repost from a channel or a link should burn in hell. Don't do this. Just two complaints and the account is banned.
If you want to advertise in chats, then do it carefully and on topic.

My experience
Let's move on to my screaming title. I created @WhatToNews on August 28th, and reached 3,000 subscribers by September 15th.
Statistics from ControllerBot:

I have a bot @WhatToMine_bot, which is used by more than 20,000 users. I talked about @WhatToNews in it. Promotion cost: 0 rubles. Except for the work and time spent developing my bot.
According to the graph above, you can see that the first newsletter (August 28) in the bot brought me 1000 subscribers in 3 days. The channel had 0 subscribers and only 2 posts. The second newsletter (September 14) brought me 1000 subscribers in a day. This is because the channel already had more than 2k subscribers and quite a lot of posts. Visual psychology of subscription.
I advertised the bot itself @WhatToMine_bot on forums and thematic sites. And then word of mouth, reposts, getting into collections.
Reposts to channels and chats work very well in Telegram. Keep this in mind when posting to your channel. What a post should look like so that people want to share it.

Yes, in my article there are no SECRETS of channel promotion. As in all similar articles. Yes, I promoted the channel through my popular bot. But before that, I had to promote the bot itself. And I also didn’t spend a penny on its promotion.
Stop reading articles like this. They don't carry anything useful. Run your channel the way you see fit, do it from the heart and you will find your audience. Even personal blogs gain several thousand subscribers if they are interesting\relevant\funny.
Remember: quality content- the head of everything.
I wish you to promote the channel to the skies and sell it for more than the price of the Former channel.

I recommend these two services, the most convenient:
VKontakte publics about Telegram: