What to do after the blue screen of death. Blue screen of death

First you need to understand that there are two types of blue screens (BSoD) in the system. One is called standard check hard drives, which can start after a small power failure when your computer turns off. And the second one is called technical failure or a conflict of some parts in the computer or drivers.

Let's look at both types in detail.
Let's first compare the two types of blue screen. When checking the hard drive ( hard drive), the following window appears (Fig. 1).

Take a closer look at these screenshots so you know what you're dealing with.

Fixing a blue screen with a hard drive problem

Let's take a closer look at Figure 1. This blue screen is caused by electrical problems, non-standard shutdown The PC (for example, was pulled out of the socket or a button on the system unit was kicked) or during a thunderstorm there was a sudden power surge that shut down the computer.

Such death is not scary, it’s just that when the system starts, the built-in utility chkdsk is automatically activated. It happens that I manually launch this utility from command line in order to check performance of hard disk with which problems and glitches were detected.

If you suspect that some hard disk clusters are damaged, you can run a scan. Open a command line interpreter. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “cmd” or through the search, write “cmd”.

The first way to launch cmd.

The command line must be run as an administrator, otherwise the command will not work.

The second way to launch cmd.

Enter the command:

"Chkdsk /F" (without quotes).

Press "Y" and "Enter".

The next time you start your system, a blue screen similar to Fig. 1 will appear.

What will this command do?

Will start special utility, which will check the hard drive for errors and correct them if it finds them. They could just appear during the failures described above. It is best to wait until all five stages of verification are completed and treatment of severe disk, however, if you do not have time at the moment, you can interrupt the verification procedure by pressing the ESC key. I do not recommend interrupting, because glitches and errors may remain, which will greatly slow down your PC in the future.

If you start to see the blue screen more and more often, then it’s best to copy photos, videos, documents, etc. that are important to you. on any external media and it is advisable to reinstall the operating system with full hard formatting disk, such formatting will mark damaged clusters and will not allow information to be written to them.

Complex blue screen of death

Now let's look at a more complex death. Such a death, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly, interrupting the work of all programs and preventing the user from doing anything. He is talking about a serious system error that the operating system itself is not able to correct. To prevent some parts from burning out or other problems, Windows is deactivated, i.e. turns off.

In this case, it only helps forced reboot system with a button on the system unit. If you have your settings set to automatically reboot when system failure, then after a few seconds the PC itself will reboot. Unsaved data will be lost. When a blue screen of death like this occurs, the operating system lets us know where exactly the failure occurred with the help of a so-called error code.

Using this code, we can solve the problem ourselves. But if you do not have experience in solving these problems, then it is better to call a friend who has already encountered this and is popularly called a computer specialist. It is also worth noting that in this case, the error code is automatically written in the system log and a report is created in which the system records everything related to this problem.

While repairing computers and system software, I was able to identify a number of reasons why the Blue Screen of Death occurs.

  • Drivers. When either old ones are installed ( outdated version) or non-native drivers, they may conflict with operating system or built-in equipment. I recommend downloading the latest version of a particular driver from the part manufacturer’s website.
  • Overheat. If any part inside the system unit overheats, this indicates a lack of ventilation. And it can also cause death. The reasons for overheating were written here, reasons for computer overheating.
  • Incorrect operation of the software. It’s rare, but it happens that it’s thrown into a blue screen due to the last installed program. You can try to restore the system, it was written about.

Which of these reasons (or maybe not listed here) is causing the failure can be easily determined by the error code, and then use your brains and logic and fix it without calling a technician.
It happens that the PC reboots so quickly that the user does not have time to write down the error code, which means we need to make sure that the PC does not automatically reboot. Open the Start menu, then My Computer and right-click (Right mouse button) on the My Computer icon, select Properties, in the properties we need the Advanced tab, there, in the Recovery and boot subsection, select options. Opposite the item Perform auto reboot, uncheck the box and make sure that all other checkboxes are as indicated in the figure.

Loading window and Windows recovery XP.

On Windows 7 the steps are the same. Click OK and restart the computer. We are waiting for the next failure in the system and on the blue screen of death in the Technical Information section we write down the error code we need. This is the most important information cause-and-effect relationship in case of breakdown of software or components.

Code 0x00000050 for blue death

Very often, users display the code 0x00000050. In 90% of cases this is due to RAM. In this case, the system very often complains about the system files ntoskrnl.exe, igdpmd64.sys, ntfs.sys, win32k.sys, dxgmms1.sys and dcrypt.sys. It is also possible that the video card may be the cause.

For code 0x00000050, do the following:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Take out the RAM.
  3. Clear the tracks, perhaps there are simply no contacts between the RAM and motherboard computer.
  4. Follow the steps described above with the video card if you do not have an integrated one.
  5. Insert it back and turn on the computer.

Among other things, the cause of error 0x00000050 may be a driver conflict. In practice, there is a known case when antivirus files conflicted with some other program, and because of this Windows system transferred to blue death. Uninstall your antivirus and see if it works positive result. If the problem disappears, then it is better to switch to another antivirus.

You can also try disabling BIOS memory caching.

Some explanations of error codes:

Experts also know that any error, among other things, is also recorded in a memory dump, which is located in the operating system in the mini dump folder and has the dmp extension.

And at the end of the article, I also want to say, of course, it’s difficult for a beginner to understand this right away, but once upon a time I was a beginner, and if it weren’t for curiosity and the desire to achieve the goal, it’s unlikely that I would have left such instructions.

If you have any difficult case or an addition not listed in this article, then write a comment.


The majority of BSoD errors occur as a result of corruption of certain system files. In addition, this malfunction may be due to the lack of drivers or their incompatibility. Do not restart your computer immediately after a blue screen appears.

Find and delete the files indicated in the error text. Please remember that when it comes to system files, their removal can lead to permanent damage to the OS.

If you are not sure about the correctness of your actions, use the “System Restore” option. Open the System and Security category in Control Panel. Follow the "Backup and Restore" link.

Select the "Recover" mode system parameters" Activate the recovery process previous state operating system. To do this, select the appropriate control point and click the "Next" button.

If the described procedure did not help fix the error, re-examine the text of the message. If the BSoD is related to driver files, completely update their configuration via secure Windows mode.

Try installing new copy operating system. If after this the computer is still unstable, it means cause of BSoD is a malfunction of any equipment. Replace the damaged device.

Video on the topic

The death screen appears when an error occurs in the system. The display shows information about what exactly led to the failure. For some users, such information may help troubleshoot problems, but for others it means nothing. In the latter case, you can disable the death screen.


When the screen of death, aka "blue screen", "blue screen of death" appears, you can only physically turn off or restart your PC Power buttons or Reset on the computer case. The system does not respond to any other commands from the keyboard or mouse at this time. To automatically reboot the system instead of the death screen when an error occurs, set required parameters.

Call the System Properties component. There are several ways to do this. Click the Start button or Windows key, select “Control Panel” from the drop-down menu. In the Performance and Maintenance category, left-click on the System Properties icon. Will open required component. More quick way: From the Start menu or desktop, click right click mouse over "My Computer" and select context menu the last item is “Properties”.

In the System Properties dialog box, make the Advanced tab active and find the Startup and Recovery group. Click on the "Options" button to open an additional settings window. In the new window, in the “System failure” group, check the “Perform automatic reboot” field. Pay attention to the field “Record event in syslog" If you mark it with a marker, you can read information about the error that led to the failure in the log at any time.

Today I want to tell you how to deal with such a system error as “ BSoD" she is also better known under the name “ Blue screen of death". If you tell me that you have never had a blue screen in your life, this will mean two options: either you have been sitting at a MacBook since birth, or you purchased a computer only yesterday =)

In general, the blue screen of death (aka BsoD) refers to special types of errors Windows family and can be either critical for the operating system or a serious warning. Here's a look at what Bsod is all about:


  • 1) Error name
  • 2) Recommendations for elimination
  • 3) error code
  • 4) Error parameters
  • 5) Driver name
  • 6) Error address

Is it really creepy? =)

If the system was able to boot after bsod, then in your case the error can be considered not so critical, but the next time when the blue screen pops up again, then write down point No. 1 and number No. 3 shown in the screenshot on a piece of paper and with the help of this article you You will be able to figure out what is the reason for such a thing to appear on your computer.

Based on the experience of many programmers, this error is caused by the absence or incompatibility of drivers with the software. Only very rarely is the real reason " blue screen of death“There are hardware failures, and if your computer encounters such a problem, then you do not need to prepare it to reinstall Windows.

Causes of Blue Screen of Death

Let's list the reasons why bsod may occur
The first group includes reasons related to software installation, and the second group includes both physical and software problems computer.

Group A:
– Installing a new device (RAM, video card, hdd);
– Installing ServicePack or any windows update;
– Driver update

Group B:

  • failure of the hard drive, RAM, video card, power supply...
  • computer device collision ( the cable from the hdd can get into the cooler);
  • CPU overheating;
  • Inappropriate driver;
  • Driver conflict;
  • Incorrect BIOS firmware
  • flaw free space on the hard drive;
  • overclocking processor and RAM performance.

If the blue screen of death appeared a couple of times, but after restarting the computer the problem disappeared, then for the first time you can ignore it, only if you don’t care licensed windows. Pirate builds always contain many different bugs, which can be caused by Bsod for the wrong reason.

It happens that while working at the computer, it suddenly freezes and after a few seconds the blue screen of death appears. In this case, you need to figure out what the problem is and first of all disable automatic reboot during critical Windows errors. What do I need to do? First, launch windows in " Safe Mode" and do the following:

For those with Windows XP:

Right-click on “My Computer” à then select “Properties” à “Advanced” tab à subgroup “” à “Options”. In the dialog that appears, uncheck the “ Perform automatic reboot” and enable recording of small memory dumps (find the “Record debugging information” group and select “ Small memory dump(64 KB)". In general, we do everything as in the screenshot below:

For those who have Windows Vista 7:

Go to the “My Computer” folder and then select “” from the menu at the top Properties of the system» à further on the left panel “System protection” à tab “Advanced” à subgroup “” à “Settings”. In the dialog that appears, uncheck “ Perform automatic reboot” and enable recording of small memory dumps (look for the group “ Writing Debug Information” and select “ Small memory dump(128 KB)". In general, we do everything as in the screenshot below:

2). After reboot, write down the error code and check it here: http://bsodstop.ru/index.php/kod-bsod

3). Now you need to download the utility " Blue_Screen_View" with which you will determine the driver that is causing Bsod. You can download the program, as well as learn how to use it, by following this link: http://www.oszone.net/10225/BlueScreenView

4). Next, we google the driver, who is the hero of the occasion.
If it is a video card driver, update or roll back it, and if it is a sound driver, motherboard or network card– then it should be updated or an older version installed.

If this does not help, then remember the name of the driver. In the table below, using the same name from the error, we look for the device or program to which it belongs. This necessary procedure to identify the device or program driver that caused the operating system to crash. If the driver belongs to software (software), reinstalling it will help resolve the problem. Otherwise, this program must be removed and a more stable analogue used. If the driver belongs to one of the PC systems, it needs to be updated. Often a rollback of more than earlier version can get rid of similar problems. I think that’s all, now all you have to do is work with the table.

In principle, this is a detailed answer to the question

Now let's sum it up!

How to prevent Blue Screen of Death in the future?

1. Always check if there is free space left on your system hard section disk. If there is little or no free space, then you need to increase it by deleting unnecessary data;

2. Keep your computer clean and scan your computer with an antivirus from time to time to remove all kinds of crap from it.

3. Keep updated officially via Microsoft server, since most errors occur due to OS problems. And with new updates, all the “holes” of the system are closed

4. If BSoD appeared after installing the drivers, then they need to be replaced with older, proven ones. If after installing the program, then removing it will solve the issue. The option “ Launch of the latest successful configuration systems”.

5. If the death screen began to appear after you connected a new device to the system, then you need to check it for compatibility with your OS. Next, install the drivers from the manufacturer’s official website.

6. Place BIOS settings default. Incorrect settings BIOS can lead to very sad consequences. And the death screen isn't the worst ending. If you are not confident in your skills, then it is better not to change anything in the BIOS. And contact a specialist.

7. Very often the cause of BSoD is a faulty RAM. To check it, you can use testing programs, for example memtest86+. If detected, the RAM stick should be replaced. When using two or more memory sticks in a computer, eliminating faulty card will fix the problem.

8. Check your hard drive for bad sectors and errors. If possible, repair errors and bad sectors standard means systems.

9. It is necessary to get rid of overheating of PC components. Clean your computer from dust, lubricate all coolers (processor, chipset, video cards, power supply). If necessary, install additional coolers to organize proper air flow and circulation in the system unit.

10. Check that cables and components are connected correctly. Look at their contacts, clean, blow and lubricate them if necessary.

11. As a last resort, reinstall the operating system. Use only a licensed operating system disk. Using different assemblies leads to constant problems. (although this is probably too much =)) I myself have never used licensed Windows.

Finally, I want to give you the most common reasons blue screen of death occurs.

Popular Blue Screen of Death Error Codes

DATA_BUS_ERROR is an error indicating problems with the device itself or its equipment. Often these are memory problems. One of the options may be the reason for the incorrect address of the physical or virtual memory. If you've upgraded your computer, you may have hardware that's not compatible with the system, or more likely, it's a driver issue. If you updated the software or drivers before the error occurred, then the problem is definitely in the drivers.

Correction method: needed correct reinstallation drivers, most often video cards (any other device is possible). This already applies to updating drivers.

NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM– this is a problem with writing and reading from system disk and the system NTFS files. The reason for this may be either large fragmentation or a damaged cluster on the disk. It is possible that there is a problem with the FAT_FILE_SYSTEM view, this is essentially similar, but only concerns file system FAT.

Correction method: You need to defragment.

One of the most common mistakes– KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. This error comes with a second key that refers to the problematic driver or value that caused the error to occur.

In the case of Windows XP, the problem very often resolves itself. If this option does not work, then something happened with “system support in emergency situation" Therefore, you will have to solve the problem manually.

Correction method: There are several fixes. Much depends on the value of the second key.

0×01E– such a key indicates driver incompatibility or device malfunction. Often on a blue screen you can see the names of files indicating problematic drivers. If you enter the file name search engine, then you can easily determine the driver that is throwing errors. The solution to this problem is to reinstall the driver according to the instructions.

Win32k.sys- this key talks about incorrect access from the third side. Maybe there's a special one separate program for such a connection. To fix this you need to use F8 to boot into safe mode and completely remove the program.

It is very interesting that there can even be problems such as firmware incompatibility. In short, old BIOS not adapted to modern hardware. The solution to the problem is updating the BIOS. There is plenty of such information on the Internet, so you can cope with this task.

You are provided with a list of solutions that can help you effectively deal with this problem. Be sure to take note that if you log into the system in safe mode (boot via F8), then the problem should be looked for in the drivers or software. If logging into the system cannot be completed under any circumstances, then look for a problem in the hardware or in the BIOS.

IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL– error when the memory value or location is incorrect. As a rule, it pops up in the form STOP 0x0000000A memory cannot be Read.

Before you start looking at this error, you need to check the drivers. Have drivers been updated or new programs installed? Uninstall them or roll back to an earlier version.

If the problem is resolved, then there was a problem with program incompatibility. If the problem has not been resolved and you have not updated anything, then when booting the system, try selecting the load last known good configuration, which is called by pressing the F8 key. Maybe you had a crash and a rollback will help you. If nothing has changed, then, unfortunately, you will have to reinstall the system.

Failing to end your session gracefully can also cause the problem, but in this case you should try loading the Last Known Known Configuration.

PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA– an error caused by the absence of the requested data. In the most common cases, the cause of the problem is RAM, its incorrect work or failure. There may also be a problem with the antivirus or system service.

Correction method: You can try booting into Safe Mode and clearing recently installed software.

If the download cannot be completed for unknown reasons, then change the memory stick and try to boot. But you need to reset the BIOS first; there may be an overclocking problem.

You must understand that this is not the entire list of errors that may appear on your blue screen of death. The most common Bsod error codes have been listed here.

In order not to write large Talmuds, you can enter any error in a search engine and try to find its solution. You should also not forget about the key parameters that the error throws out.

So how can you diagnose any error and prescribe the correct solution?

There is one unwritten rule for analysis BIOS errors, – in any system, not a single error will arise from scratch.

The fastest and most efficient way to determine the majority system errors- this is to remember previously performed actions on the PC (which appeared before the blue screen appeared). When you can restore all the errors committed in the system, you will be able to fix the problem.

Key factors that cause BSoD errors to pop up.

You purchased new computer, and after the first launch you began to see a blue screen of death. But before that, you haven’t really installed anything yet.
Solution: Without any doubt, you can safely take your computer to a service center. And let them try to point out the reason as proof and demonstrate in your presence how well the computer works.

Again, you just recently purchased a computer. Things went swimmingly. But after a while you installed a couple of programs and after that you saw the blue screen of death.
Solution: Boot into safe mode, uninstall programs and drivers.
It may be that the antivirus also finds poor interaction with certain programs. You can try turning it off for a while and try installing the program again. If this time the operation was successful, then the trusted programs You should add it to your antivirus.

By today's standards old computer, so you decided to upgrade it. After the upgrade and installed drivers A blue screen began to appear.
Solution: in any case, the problem is in the HDD, but it is unlikely to be physical, so updating the file system should help you. In order to successfully log into the system, you will need to remove programs from startup.

I collected all the cream of the Internet on the topic of “bsod” here, two copywriters wrote the text, and then I brought it into a readable state. I think it turned out not too bad!

P. S.

That's all for me, dear friends! I hope now you get it the full amount knowledge about. By the way, how do you like the articles on computer topics? I’m tired of constantly writing about SEO, so I’m slowly unwinding =) Who is the first on the blog to subscribe to its updates, and who is not, leaves a comment =)

If you are reading this article or watching the video, then the blue screen of death error bsod appears on your computer screen.

Greetings, friends. Today's article is quite serious and very important.

And the problem that we will consider in this article arises for most people. Probably every user has had to deal with such a problem - blue screen of death.

and a couple of them had to be solved at the service. Today, many people want to solve computer problems themselves for one reason: lack of money or simply a desire to figure out what the reason is.

There are many reasons for the blue screen error, and in this article we will look at all these reasons in detail.

  • Not enough space on the system partition
  • The computer is loaded with viruses
  • The system is outdated
  • Incorrect driver installation
  • Not correct connection devices
  • RAM
  • Defragmenting your hard drive
  • System overheating
  • Cooler doesn't work
  • Incorrect cable connection
  • Installing a pirated operating system

Wandering through the Internet, each of us encounters various programs and interesting games.

When a person sees interesting game or he sometimes has a desire to try a program, “why is it so interesting.”

This is why the screen of death may appear.

The next reason is not correct installation software. When installing the program, the user does not install correct driver according to the version and the bit size that causes the blue screen of death error.

In most cases, the blue screen of death appears due to the cause of failure of internal and external devices.

And there is another common reason: incorrect connection of external devices (printer, etc.), and internal devices(HDD, RAM, video card, etc.)

Resolving blue screen of death (BSoD) errors

For the reasons listed above, there are twelve recommendations to get rid of the blue screen of death error.

  1. The very first thing you need to check is the memory status system partition, usually this is drive (C). It happens that we temporarily save on the desktop, in system folders downloaded files remain there. It is also necessary to empty the basket every time of the garbage stored in it.
  2. Going to different sites and downloading different files, which the virus carries, we risk getting a blue screen of death error. Therefore, try to keep your computer protected. Watch this video about.
  3. Basically, almost all computer users turn off the system automatic update operating system (OS). If your computer gives a BSoD error, install latest update operating system. After the update, the error is not resolved, then look further.
  4. When installing or updating drivers, it may happen that some driver will not install correctly because of this we may get a blue screen of death. In this case, perform a system rollback or install a new OS update
  5. When the user connects incorrectly additional devices or already have it, wait for an error. Try to connect devices correctly. Before connecting any device, carefully read the instructions.
  6. If you have a desire to dig into the BIOS system, stop - it will lead to the worst result - a blue screen death BSoD These are still flowers. Therefore, to avoid such unpleasant situations, it is better to leave everything by default.
  7. Appearance BSoD error Faulty random access memory (RAM) can also be the cause. In this case, we check (OP), if your computer has 2 memory slots, we eliminate the slot that has failed.
  8. Sometimes necessary defragmentation of hard disk. Because of the broken sectors of hard disk system may give us a blue screen of death
  9. If the computer has been sitting for a long time without cleaning, perhaps the system is clogged with dust or it’s time to change the thermal paste on the cooler. Not a solution to these reasons, wait for a visit
  10. Check the operation of the cooler, whether the fan is spinning or whether all the blades are intact. Otherwise, replace the cooler.
  11. Check that the component cables are connected correctly.
  12. Most effective way getting rid of the blue screen of death error BSoD will reinstall the windows operating system.

Conclusion of the topic blue screen of death bsod

Death" means that an irreparable error has occurred during the operation of the operating system, after which further continuation of work is impossible. All data that was not saved before the error occurred is deleted. When a blue screen appears, you can see a large number of information. As a rule, this is a warning that an error has occurred, its name, recommended actions to fix it, the name of the file that caused the failure and its location on the system, etc.

Is the Blue Screen of Death dangerous?

In general, if such a situation happened only once, there is nothing wrong with it. By the way, Windows itself writes about this. How to fix this? As a rule, after a reboot the system is restored, and no problems arise when further using the computer. But if the error appears regularly, you should familiarize yourself with the information presented on the screen. Automatic reboot doesn't allow you to do this, but this option can be disabled. To do this, go to “Computer Properties -> Advanced -> Settings -> Startup and Recovery”, and then uncheck the corresponding box.

Common errors

Let's now take a closer look at the most common errors and find out how to fix the blue screen of death in each specific case.

1. Driver errors. 70% of blue screen cases are due to this problem. The error occurs in a situation when a driver of some kind installed equipment conflicts with the operating system, is damaged or is not compatible with another driver. How to fix the blue screen of death? By using special programs(UpdateMyDrivers, DriverPack Solution, Manager, etc.) and information about the error code, you can quickly find out which driver caused the problem and replace it with a newer or previous one working version. All software should be downloaded from the manufacturers' official websites or installed from disk. Practice shows that the risk of repeated errors in this case is minimized.

2. Overheating. If the computer is turned on for a long time, system unit dust and dirt gets in, the device begins to overheat. This leads to disruptions in the operation of the system. As a result, a blue screen of death appears. Treatment in this case requires diagnostics of all system components. You must find out why and where exactly the computer is overheating and replace the failed parts (most often the problem is the fan).

3. Virus attack. Sometimes errors occur due to intruders in the system computer viruses. To get rid of them, you should scan all files using a modern antivirus program with an up-to-date database. If your computer is infected excessively, you may need to full formatting drive C and new and all drivers.

4. Absence free memory. This is another common cause of errors. How to fix the blue screen of death is obvious here. Remove all programs and files that you do not use, clear the registry, temporary memory, and the diaries of various programs.

5. It happens that the blue “screen of death” is a sign of a malfunction of some computer components ( HDD, video card, RAM, etc.). This cannot be done without the intervention of a specialist: it is necessary to repair or replace faulty parts.

6. Incorrect BIOS settings. The system recovers after changing the settings that caused the error. If you don't remember or don't know what exactly changed, you can restore the default settings.


Don't panic when you see the blue screen of death. How to fix different types mistakes, you already know. In most cases, you will not even be required to spend any money. However, as with any other disease, the Blue Screen of Death is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, never forget to ensure that all device drivers are updated in a timely manner, and that all device drivers are always installed on your computer. powerful antivirus latest version, but were not stored on disk extra files and programs. Also, you should not change the factory settings of devices and programs unless absolutely necessary.