How to make the start disappear. Using drag and drop

Often when opening a video file in full screen mode The taskbar remains visible and is not hidden. This covers part of the screen and spoils the entire experience of watching the video. Moreover, the problem may appear when viewing online videos in full screen mode, for example on YouTube, or when launching computer games. In the latter case, part navigation menu becomes inaccessible, which makes it impossible to play normally.

If you are faced with the problem of an unhidden taskbar, then you should take the following steps in succession.

What to do

First, try just restarting your computer, in most cases this is enough. Since the main reason for this behavior is incorrect work the explorer.exe process, which is responsible for the operation of the Windows interface.

You can also try to restart this process. Why open the “Task Manager” (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and find the “Processes” tab, sort by the first column and find the process in this list explorer.exe, after which we click the “End process” button and confirm our intentions. In Windows 10, you need to go to the “Details” tab in the task manager, where you can remove the task from the explorer.exe process.

The system interface (taskbar, start button, etc.) will disappear, but don’t worry, in the Task Manager we can now click File -> New task (Run). In the window that opens, enter explorer and click OK. You just rebooted everything Windows interface without restarting the computer.

If this does not help and the taskbar is still located on top of the video, then you can try the following. Right-click on the taskbar and uncheck “Pin taskbar”.

Now we change its size (width) by pulling the edge up and down. Increase the size of the “Taskbar”, and then return it back to the initial state and secure it again by checking the appropriate box.

You can also use the option to automatically hide the taskbar. To do this, right-click on the panel and click “Properties”. In Windows 10, click "Options". In the properties window that opens, enable the “Automatically disable taskbar” option, then click OK to save the changes. In Windows 10, this option is added with the label “in desktop mode”. In this mode, the taskbar will be hidden all the time unless the mouse cursor is hovering over it.

On Windows 7, it may be useful to disable preview desktop using Aero Peek. This parameter is set in the taskbar properties window. It may also help to simply change the theme.

If you were unable to get rid of the problem either by restarting the Explorer process or by using additional options and changing the theme, then most likely the system files and operating system on your computer are damaged. But before this cardinal decision integrity can be checked system files SFC utility, which can be run from the command line like this:

sfc /scannow

System files will be checked and restored, but may be prompted during the process. installation disk with Windows.

Today we'll look at how to do transparent panel in Windows 7 all editions, as well as Windows XP. By default, in the seventh edition, Basic and Home, you cannot create a transparency effect; this is available in higher versions, for example, Maximum. The same goes for XP.

They will be presented special applications. If you are ready, then go ahead and consider all the ways.

Transparent taskbar in Windows 7 Ultimate

You must have installed Aero theme if so, then follow these steps:

1. Open the “personalization” window by right-clicking on the desktop (screenshot below).

2. Go to the very bottom of the window and select the “window color” link.

  1. Download and run TBsetup.exe.
  2. When installing, always click “next”. On last stage check the “run transbar” box and click “finish” to start the program.

In the TransBar window, immediately check the following options:

  1. Enabled – gives access to moving the transparency slider.
  2. Auto apply – allows you to watch the taskbar transparency change as you move the slider.
  3. Run at windows startupautomatic start when the OS starts. You don't have to turn on the utility and configure it every time.

Adding a transparency effect in Windows XP

The program is only suitable for XP and it is called AlphaXP, to use it do this:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Install and launch AlphaXP Lite through the start menu.

The program has an easy interface and a minimum of settings. In its window there will be the following options that you can check:

  1. Keyboard shortcut – allows you to assign hotkeys that control the degree of transparency.
  2. Taskbar transparency – provides access to the transparency level slider.

Click the minimize window button.

In the tray, right-click on it, point to “options” and check the boxes “start minimized”, “start with windows” so that the taskbar is transparent every time Windows boot XP.

With these actions you can make the taskbar transparent in Windows 7, XP. There are all sorts of incidents with it, so I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it just in case, this lesson will definitely be useful to you.

WITH Windows release 7, a new Start menu has appeared. Well, it’s like new, the OS came out a long time ago, although not everyone knows about the settings of this menu. Today we will look at these settings.

  • Customizing the Start Menu
  • The new menu is a little better than it was in Windows XP, although there are still no significant differences in it. For example, now the button All programs opens a menu in the same area as the Start menu itself, but there is no longer a large list if you have many programs installed. Now you can scroll through it, and if the list is very large, you can use the search form:

    Now let's go to the Start menu settings, to do this, right-click on the icon and select Properties:

    Customizing the Start Menu

    In fact, in the Start menu properties, there are settings not only for the menu itself, but also for the taskbar, since they are interrelated.

    How can I make the taskbar hide automatically?

    This can be convenient when you have a very small monitor, or you simply rarely use the taskbar itself. When it is hidden, it simply won't take up space and the screen will be a little larger.

    On the tab Task bar check the box and click OK:

    How to change the location of the taskbar?

    On the same tab Task bar In the Start menu properties, you can specify where exactly you want the panel to be located - top, bottom, right or left:

    How to make taskbar icons like those in Windows XP

    If you are more accustomed to the old style (Windows XP), where the icons were rectangular and labeled, then don’t worry, you can configure it like this in Windows 7:

    After this setup, you will have a little similar to Windows XP:

    But still not as we would like, isn’t it?

    But you can do even better - on the same tab, check the box to use small icons:

    Group icons or not, it's whatever you like. This means that if you have several folders open, they will all be in one menu of one icon on the taskbar. To have each folder have its own icon, then select Do not group.

    How to change the value of the power button in the Start menu?

    If, for example, you often do not turn off your computer, but restart it, then it is logical that there should be no Shutdown, A . On the tab Start Menu specify what exactly the power button should do in the menu:

    How can I turn off the display of recent documents?

    If you are not interested recent documents, or rather, so that they are displayed in the menu, this can be disabled on the tab Start Menu, just uncheck the boxes:

    How to remove items from the Start menu

    You can customize the menu so it only has what you need. To do this, on the tab Start Menu click the button Tune…, in the window that appears, you can now specify what to display in the menu and what not:

    How to open a website directly from the taskbar?

    You can install some tool on the taskbar, the choice is really small, but there is one interesting opportunity- This Address. If on the tab Toolbar check the box, then a line will appear on the taskbar in which you can enter the site address, as in a browser and press enter. This might be handy:

    And as a result, you will have an address entry field like this.

    Sometimes users encounter that taskbar disappeared. Neither should you go to the Start menu, nor running programs look... In general, a complete inconvenience. How to return the taskbar to its place?

    If the taskbar disappears, do not rush to panic and roll back the system or reinstall the OS: perhaps not everything is as bad as it seems. If only the taskbar is missing on the desktop, but all shortcuts and gadgets are in place, most likely the taskbar is just hidden.

    To show the taskbar again, you need to move the mouse cursor to the place where it was (the standard location is at the bottom of the screen). If the taskbar is not showing, move your cursor to the top of the screen and to the sides: the taskbar may have simply been moved. The cursor must be moved to the very edge of the screen.

    How to make the taskbar no longer disappear? For this you need disable hiding taskbar. To do this, go to the Control Panel (Start - Control Panel) and select "Taskbar and Start Menu". Alternatively, you can right-click on the taskbar and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, uncheck the box next to “Automatically hide the taskbar” and click OK.

    If the taskbar disappears when Windows startup XP may be to blame parameters damage account user. The “symptoms” of this problem are the taskbar not being displayed when logging in and the inability to open the Start menu using the Ctrl+Escape key combination. Moreover, if you log into Windows in , the taskbar is displayed.

    Eat several ways to solve this problem:

    • Start Windows in clean boot mode with minimum set drivers - possibly downloadable specific program The driver is the reason why the taskbar has disappeared (usually video adapter drivers cause this problem). If this is the case, you just need to remove the problematic drivers.
    • Log in as an administrator and create a new user account to replace the damaged one.
    • If previous methods did not help, perform a system restore. At the same time, everything damaged files Windows will be replaced with normal ones, and your personal files And installed programs will remain untouched.

    If your taskbar not only disappears, but your desktop (icons, gadgets, etc.) does not load, this means that The explorer.exe process could not execute. We have already described ways to solve this problem in the article “”, but just in case, we will repeat the main points.

    To start launch task manager using the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Ctrl+Shift+Escape. In the "File" menu, select "New task (Run...)", enter explorer.exe, click OK. The desktop should return to its place along with the taskbar.

    After this it is necessary scan the system for viruses, and also check the registry for keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe And HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\iexplorer.exe. If these keys are present, remove them.

    So, if your taskbar has disappeared, you should be suspicious three main reasons:

    • someone turned on automatic hiding of the taskbar;
    • the user account in Windows XP has been corrupted;
    • The explorer.exe process did not execute, most likely due to a virus.

    If “soft” methods of dealing with the problem do not help (creating a new account, removing defective drivers, cleaning the system from viruses), you still should not rush to reinstall the system. Better try to restore the system by rolling back to one of the created ones, then you will not have to reinstall all programs.

    The taskbar (also known as taskbar) V operating systems Windows family called a special control and visualization element showing the current launched applications, connected devices, watches, etc. Initially located in bottom parts of the screen. It also contains icons of programs or folders for fast launch if this function has been enabled in the settings. To the left of the taskbar is the famous button Start, by clicking on which most users begin their work. Let's go through the points related to settings and other features taskbar.

    Returning the panel to its original position

    You need to perform some steps to return the taskbar position to its original position.

    Through standard settings

    Right-click on the menu Start or a free part of the taskbar in the opened context menu select " Properties«.

    A window for changing startup settings and taskbar will open. Switch to the tab " Task bar", In chapter " Position of the taskbar on the screen» select what you need. For example, let's try changing it to " From below". Press the button " OK» to save the results.

    Users Windows XP will not find setting the position of the taskbar in the standard start options, as can be seen from the screenshot, there is no such section in the design section at all, so they are recommended to use the following instructions.

    Using drag and drop

    Move the mouse arrow to panels, right-click on the empty area and uncheck the “ Lock panel". We do this in order to enable the user move taskbar in Right place, otherwise the system will block the panel and will not allow you to perform the necessary manipulations.

    Now right-click on free part of the panel and, without releasing the button, drag it to necessary edge of the screen. Can be moved to the left edge, top, right or bottom. Afterwards, click on again free taskbar parts and we fix panel by checking the corresponding box.

    Using the Registry Editor

    More experienced users can use the following method. The position of the taskbar is controlled by the registry key " StuckRects2", which is located at " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2". In this registry branch we find the file “ Settings", which will need to be changed.

    Open the settings file double by pressing. In the window that opens, we will see a set of numbers and letters, and this is what needs to be changed.

    Delete everything and enter the values ​​below (do not enter commas):

    • For moving down: 28, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 02, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00, 00 , 00, 00, 00, 82, 04, 00, 00, 80, 07, 00, 00, b0, 04, 00, 00
    • Up: 28, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 02, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00, 00 , 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 80, 07, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00
    • Left: 28, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, b0, 04, 00, 00
    • Right: 28, 00, 00, 00, ff, ff, ff, ff, 02, 00, 00, 00, 02, 00, 00, 00, 3e, 00, 00, 00, 2e, 00, 00, 00, 42 , 07, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 80, 07, 00, 00, b0, 04, 00, 00

    After that reboot computer

    Hiding the taskbar

    Windows allows you to make the panel appear only when you hover over it with the mouse (over the area where the taskbar is located):

    Changing the size of icons

    I have an opportunity decrease or increase panel icon sizes, if they were previously reduced. For this we open properties menu Start, activate the tab “ Task bar" and check the box " Use small icons"or remove it if such a result is required.

    We return to Windows XP again. There not implemented Changing the size of icons through launch properties. Coping with the situation in the following way:

    Can increase number of icons in the section quick launch. For this:

    Frequent taskbar problems

    It may happen that the taskbar and Start are simply disappeared, and instead of them only the desktop picture is displayed. Causes may be different - this is the malicious work of viruses or various system errors. The solution may also be different, sometimes it is necessary manually edit some sections system registry and sometimes it helps simple computer or a separate restart of the service " explorer. exe«.

    Restoring the taskbar in Windows 10

    If the panel not displayed in Windows ten:

    • launch command line as administrator, enter the command or copy from the article (then right button mouse and paste the copied text) " exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth". We are waiting for the completion of the execution process;
    • upon completion, enter a new command “ Sfc /scannow", press the button " Enter"and wait for the end.

    Upon completion restart system.

    Method two:

    • run the program with administrator rights " PowerShell«;
    • paste or print » Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml")"(without quotes), press Enter. Reboot.

    If the user cleaned the system registry before the problem occurred third party programs, That recommended restore cleared keys (if archiving of cleared results is supported by the program and was enabled earlier), the program may accidentally deleted the necessary data along with garbage.

    Additional features of the taskbar

    Taskbar displays Quick Launch Bar, which can be disabled in the Start menu settings, open folders and launched programs. You can add various toolbars to the taskbar. You can turn on the display hours or hide them altogether.

    Can be enabled grouping similar panel buttons or disable this function, configure the button action shutdown on the keyboard, change design And functional menu to classic or standard, enable or disable display list recently used programs and open files.