How to turn over a separate sheet in Word, instructions. How to turn a page in Word

Consider 5 effective ways, how you can reverse text in Word.

MS Word- this is one of the most convenient programs for creating and editing text documents.

Available to users great amount functions: from easy editing text before creating tables, layouts, figures, notes and references.

The text reversal function is also available in the program, but it is quite difficult to find.

You can adjust the rotation angle individual words, sentences or the entire text at once.

There are just a few ways to do this.

Method 1 – Make all text vertical

If the specifics of the document you are creating require writing all the text vertically, you should immediately set the page orientation to landscape.

This way you can easily type required text without application third party tools Worda.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open a Word document;
  • IN upper area menu, go to the “Layout” tab;
  • Click on the “Orientation” item and in the drop-down list click on “Landscape”.

The layout of the entire document will be automatically repositioned. If there was already text on the page, it will also be flipped vertically.

In the Layout menu you will be able to adjust the margins or apply rotation only to individual pages document.

Note! On the sheet, all information will be displayed vertically: not only text, but also pictures. If you need to flip the picture from a different angle, just click on it right key, go to the editing tab and select the rotation type.

Method 2 – Using tables

In MS Word, users can create any tables and fill them not only with text, but also with graphic content.

Rotating text using tables allows you to adjust the display angle of characters to any desired angle. Table frames can always be hidden.

Follow the instructions:

  • Create a table using the menu “Insert” - “Table”;
  • Then type text in one of the cells and select it;
  • Click on the selected object right click mouse and select “Text Direction” in the pop-up list of actions;
  • The content display settings window will open. Select one of three types of rotation, check the pattern and confirm the action;

If you need to rotate text but don't need to create a table, you can always draw just one cell and then quickly remove the visibility of its borders.

To remove sign outlines, click on the upper left corner of the element. This will highlight the entire table.

Then right-click and select “Borders and Shading” from the menu.

In the border type selection tab, select “none” and apply the changes.

Using this method, you can easily rotate formulas, special characters and other elements for which you cannot apply a direction angle without a table.

Method 3 – Inscription in the figure

Within a document, you can create separate canvases with shapes or blocks of text.

This block can be placed anywhere on the page. The text will be flipped at the desired angle.

Below is an example of working with blocks inMS Word:

  • Open the document and in the upper area of ​​the program click on the “Insert” tab;
  • Select the "Shapes" field;
  • From the list of all elements, select the “Inscription” icon;
  • Next, an empty block will appear on the page, inside which you need to type text. Using the editing tab, you can remove or adjust the borders of the shape, select the fill and shape;
  • To rotate a shape, you need to left-click on the green circle area at the top of the text block. Hold down the key and rotate the element until the text appears the way you want;

This method is convenient when creating block diagrams, various designs brochures, reports and other types of documents.

Note that if you are creating multiple blocks to prevent them from moving around, you can group them.

To do this, select several shapes with text at once, right-click on them and select “Group”.

A single canvas will be created that can be moved around the text.

Method 4 – Rotate the line

If you just want to turn the line upside down rather than rotating the text at any angle, you can use a shape again.

Follow the instructions:

  • Select the shape with the text entered and go to the “Layout” tab of the program;
  • Next, select the “Size” field and enter the degree of rotation in the “Rotation” line. To make the line appear upside down, you need to set it to 180 degrees;
  • To delete an outline text field, right-click on the shape and click on “Format Shape” - “Remove Outline”.

As a result, the text will be displayed as shown below. Near an existing block you can write text in normal mode set.

All of the steps described above can be applied to WordArt style objects.

Let us remind you that WordArt is a mode for creating stylized inscriptions, which can be configured through the “Insert” tab of the program.

Method 5 - UseSmartArt

SmartArt is the basis for creating infographics with already ready-made templates. The function first appeared in MS Word 2007.

With Smart Art you can create lists, diagrams, diagrams, matrices, pyramids, hierarchies, cycles and many other objects.

Text in SmartArt blocks can also be flipped. To do this, open the “Insert” menu item and click on the add infographics button.

Categories are displayed on the left side of the window that opens, and a list on the right side available designs. Select the item you like and click OK.

Then, on the document page, select the cell whose text layout you want to edit. Click on it with the right mouse button.

In the new window, go to the “Inscription” tab and find the “Text Direction” line on the right.

There are three rotation options available - Horizontal, 90 degrees and 270 degrees.

Printing mirror text

If you have a ready-made Word text document and need to print it in such a way that the text appears mirrored on the sheet, this can be done without editing the pages in the program.

All you need to do is change the print settings.

Open the “File” menu item and click on “Print”.

In the new window, find the Print Settings add-on and check the Mirror Margins box.

Bottom line

All methods for rotating text described in this article will work in any version of MS Word.

Only the location of the application tabs may differ. Please note that in order for the main and inverted text to look normal, you need to remove line spacing between paragraphs and a table or between paragraphs and a figure.

Otherwise, the space between these objects will be too noticeable.

If there is a formula among the text that needs to be reversed, you should only use the table method.

Often the block method does not work for complex multi-story formulas and special characters.

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By default, when creating a new document in Word, the sheet is positioned vertically (portrait orientation). Flipping a sheet into a horizontal (landscape) view is often necessary when you need to create a presentation or when working with wide tables when all the columns do not fit across the width of the page.

In this article you will learn how to flip a sheet horizontally (landscape orientation) in Word.

Flip a sheet in Word 2003

Changing the orientation of all pages of a document

In order to turn all pages in Word 2003, you need to do the following.

  1. Click on the left top corner"File" button and go to "Page Setup".
  2. In the window that opens, in the first tab “Fields”, find the “Orientation” setting.
  3. Select the required page type - portrait or landscape - and click OK.

Changing the orientation of multiple document pages

To flip horizontally only a few pages of a document in Word 2003, do the following.

  1. Highlight the text on the required pages.
  2. Click the "File" button in the upper left corner and go to the "Page Options" menu.
  3. Specify the required page orientation and click “Apply to selected text” at the bottom. Click OK.

This way, the orientation will change to horizontal (landscape) only on those pages that have been selected.

Flip sheet in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

Change the orientation of all pages in a Word 2007, Word 2010 document

To change the book orientation to landscape on all pages of a document, do the following.

  1. Click the Page Layout tab (in Word 2016, this menu is in the Layout tab) at the top of the document.
  2. In the Page Setup category, click the Orientation button.
  3. To flip all pages horizontally, select “landscape”.

After selecting horizontal (landscape) orientation, all pages of the document will change their orientation. How to turn only some pages, read below.

Changing the orientation of some pages in a Word document 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

To turn only one or more pages in a document, do the following.

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the first character on the page you want to turn.
  2. Click on the "Page Layout" tab (in Word 2016 this menu is in the "Layout" tab) in vertical menu at the top of the document.
  3. In order to turn only one page, you need to create breaks in the document. Click "Breaks" and select "Next Page".
  4. Click on this page of the document in the “Page Layout” menu and select “Orientation” - “Landscape”.

After performing these steps, all pages will turn over starting from the one on which you set the break.

To ensure that only this page remains upside down, place the cursor at the end last character pages and make another break, as shown above.

Now, you can return the orientation of all subsequent pages. To do this, place the cursor at the very beginning of the next page and select “Page Layout” - “Orientation” - “Portrait”.

Thus, we ensured that only one page in the document has landscape orientation, and the rest are portrait.

Quite often, when working with text in Microsoft program Word, there is a need to rotate the sheet horizontally. And how to rotate a sheet in Word? Let's figure it out.

IN Microsoft Word There are two types of sheet arrangement - vertical and horizontal. Vertical arrangement The sheet is called a book spread, the horizontal one is called landscape.

Default in Word orientation book pages. However, when you are working with charts for example, or when you are creating something like a leaflet, you may need to rotate the sheet 90 degrees, i.e. switch to landscape sheet.

Luckily, Word makes it easy to switch to landscape mode.

Landscape view in Word 2003

If you are using Word 2003, then select the menu item File -> Page settings.

Then in the dialog box Page settings select tab Fields.

Under the heading Orientation click Landscape. A blue outline should appear inside the edge of the window with a picture of a leaf in a horizontal position.

If you want all sheets in your document to be in landscape orientation, then simply click the OK button at the bottom of the dialog box. If you want to apply changes only from the current sheet and to all the following, then select the option until the end of the document Apply In chapter Sample, and then click OK.

In addition, you can make any pages in the middle of the document landscape. Simply highlight the pages you need before opening the " Page settings" And then, following the instructions described above, select the option to selected text in the drop-down list called Apply.

Landscape sheet in Word 2007, 2010

In newer versions Word programs(2007, 2010) changing the orientation of the sheet is even easier. Go to the tab Page layout main menu, in the command group Page settings select Orientation -> Landscape. All pages of the document will change orientation.

If you need to rotate only one or several selected pages, click on the button in the lower right corner of the command group Page settings.

A dialog box will appear in which, as already described above, you can set the rotation of the sheet and the scope of application of the orientation change.

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Most users who work with the Word text editor know how to change the sheet orientation from vertical to horizontal and vice versa. This does not cause any problems, since all you need to do is press one button.

But when it becomes necessary to expand only one sheet horizontally, most users encounter difficulties. In this article we will look at two ways to do this. The article will be useful to users of modern Word versions, such as Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

How to rotate just one sheet using section breaks

The first way is to use section breaks. In order to expand horizontally only one sheet, you need to separate this sheet from the rest of the document using section breaks. One gap should be placed before the sheet and one gap after the sheet. After that this sheet you can expand it horizontally without affecting the rest of the document.

So, let's say you have a sheet that you want to expand horizontally. To do this, place the cursor immediately above this sheet, that is, at the end of the previous sheet. After that, go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Breaks” button and select “Next Pages”. This way you will set a section break before the sheet that needs to be expanded horizontally.

After this, place the cursor at the end of the sheet that you want to expand horizontally, and again click on the “Breaks” button and select “Next Page”. This will place the section breaks above and below the desired sheet.

To make sure the breaks are set to in the right places go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Display all signs” button. This will allow you to see the placement of section breaks and correct them if they were placed incorrectly.

In the screenshot below you can see what a section break looks like at the end of the page.

After setting the section breaks in the desired positions, you can begin to rotate the sheet into a horizontal orientation. To do this, place the cursor on the sheet that you want to expand horizontally, go to the “Layout” tab and change the sheet orientation from “Portrait” to “Landscape”.

If the gaps were placed correctly, then only one sheet should unfold into a horizontal orientation, while the rest should remain vertical.

How to rotate only one sheet using Page Options

You can also expand only one sheet horizontally through the Page Setup window. This method a little more complicated, but it can also be used.

To begin, you need to position the cursor one page above the sheet that you want to expand horizontally. After this, you need to open the “Page Layout” tab and click on the small “Page Options” button. The location of this button is marked in the screenshot below.

This will open the Page Setup window. Here you need to select the “Landscape” option, apply this option “To the end of the document” and save the settings with the “OK” button.

As a result, all pages below the selected one will be rotated to horizontal orientation. In order for only one sheet to remain in horizontal orientation, you need to move the cursor one page down and repeat the procedure. Only this time you need to select the “Portrait” option.

If everything is done correctly, you will get one sheet in horizontal orientation, and the rest in vertical orientation.

When working with text documents Often there is a need to change the page orientation from vertical (portrait) to horizontal (landscape). In this material we will talk about how to make a horizontal page in the Word text editor. The material will be relevant to everyone modern versions Word, including Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

If you want to make all pages horizontal at once Word document, then this is done very simply. All you need to do is go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Orientation” button and select “Landscape”. After this, all pages of your document will become horizontally oriented.

But, very often, this option is not suitable and you need to make only one horizontal page and leave the rest in vertical orientation. There are two ways to do this, and we will look at both of these methods below.

Method number 1. Use “Page Options”.

In order to make one page horizontal you need to place the cursor on the page that comes before the one that should be horizontal. After this, you need to go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the “Page Options” button.

As a result, the “Page Settings” window will appear in front of you. In this window you need to select “ Landscape orientation", apply this setting "to the end of the document" and save the changes using the "Ok" button.

As a result, all pages below the one on which the cursor was placed will become horizontal. Now you need to move the cursor down one page and open Page Setup again. Now in the Page Options you need to select “Portrait Orientation” and apply this setting “to the end of the document.”

If everything was done correctly, the result will be one page in horizontal orientation, and the rest in vertical orientation.

Method number 2. Use page breaks.

The second way is to use page breaks. To make one page with horizontal orientation you need to put one break before this page and one after the page. Thanks to these breaks, you can change the orientation of this page without affecting the orientation of all other pages in the document.

In order to be able to see page breaks, you need to enable the display of all symbols. To do this, go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Display all signs” button.

Next, you need to place the cursor on the page that comes before the one that should be horizontal. After placing the cursor on desired page, go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Breaks” button there and select “Next Page”.

After this, you need to move the cursor to the end of the page that should become horizontal, and again set the break with next page. After setting the breaks, you simply need to change the page orientation to landscape using the Orientation button on the Page Layout tab.

If everything was done correctly, then you should get something like the screenshot above. First there is a page break, then one horizontal page, then another break and the rest of the pages in the usual vertical orientation.

In chapter Other computer to the question How to make a sheet horizontal in WORD 2010? given by the author Roma Caraman the best answer is print... properties... landscape

2 answers

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to make a sheet horizontal in WORD 2010?

Answer from Oleg Smirnov
Maybe like in 2007 - page parameters - fields - customizable fields-orientation- landscape

Answer from Victor Shulga
Page layout - orientation - landscape.

Answer from Vlad Sergiuchuk
Page parameters (select portrait orientation) - Paper size (where A4 is selected, select A4 (rotated))

Answer from Alex Gordon
The video method helped me

Good day, my dear friends. Again with you this, well, whatever his name is... in general, I. And today I want to start a small series of articles about Microsoft Word. Still, this is the main one office program and the vast majority of people use it. But despite this, they do not know very many elementary things. I deal with this almost every day.

So, to fill these gaps, I will prepare special articles for you. And we’ll start with a topic that really gets many people confused. There are times when you need to write text or something else on a horizontal sheet of paper, but no one knows how to implement it. And today I’ll tell you how to expand a sheet horizontally in Word to fit it to your needs. I will do this using Office 2013 as an example, but for 2010 and 2007 this method is also relevant.

The entire document

The easiest way to deploy our work area horizontally or vertically - go to the "Markup" menu, then select "Orientation" - "Landscape". Voila. Thanks to this simple method, you can expand all the pages of the document.

Specific Pages

There are often times when it is necessary to rotate only one sheet, or several pages, horizontally. What then to do in such cases? It's very simple here. To begin, you need to select one or more sheets that you want to flip. Done? Handsome guys!

Now we go to the menu again "Page layout", only now we don’t select the orientation there, but look for the “Options” item, after which we click the tiny icon to the right of it.

The page settings window will open. This is exactly what we need. Pay attention to the very bottom. There, opposite the orientation, there is a drop-down list. Expand it and select "Selected pages". Well, now you can switch to landscape orientation.

After this manipulation, only the leaves you selected will be rotated horizontally. Well, accordingly, you can return the vertical view in the same way, that is, portrait orientation. Just keep in mind that if you select all the text on vertical page, this does not mean that it will fit entirely on one horizontal one. Therefore from one book sheet it may turn out to be two landscape ones.

This is where I end my article. There seems to be nothing more to add. I hope that I helped you in resolving your issue. If so, then do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates and share the article with your friends on in social networks. Good luck to you, and of course don’t forget to visit my blog again. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Turning the page of a Word document may be necessary in many cases. For example, when you need to place graphic object, which does not fit on a vertical format page, i.e. book orientation. That is why in our article we will tell you about several ways to turn a page in Word.

To begin with, we note that by default in the Word text editor, all pages are arranged vertically, i.e. book orientation. In addition, the program’s functions allow you to place them horizontally. Even a novice user can do this, because the methods that we will tell you about allow you to turn a sheet over with ease and without special knowledge of working in Word.

Is it possible to turn only one page in a document?

If the user needs to flip it to vertical or horizontal position If you only have one page in the entire document, then first you need to select the part of the text whose orientation you want to change, and then go to the “Options” item. Next, we need to select the horizontal or vertical orientation we need. Then in the section called “Apply”, select the “to selected text” option. Afterwards we confirm all actions by pressing the OK button.

How to flip all pages to landscape orientation?

It will take very little time to turn over all the sheets of the document and make a landscape layout. To do this, the user needs to go to the “Page Layout” menu tab and click on the “Orientation” button.

After this, in the menu that appears, the user must select one of the proposed types of page layout:

  1. “Portrait” when the page is positioned vertically, like in a book. This format is often used in official documents when writing scientific works etc.
  2. “Landscape” when the page lies horizontally, as in a photo album. This option is especially suitable for placing graphic objects, diagrams, graphs and tables. Often used in the Applications section of scientific papers.

The option you choose will be applied to absolutely all sheets available in the Word document. By the way, new pages that the user will create in the document in the future will also be placed in the specified orientation.

How to turn a page in Word 2007

If you prefer to use text editor Word 2007, then this section is just for you. In it we will tell you several options, how to flip a sheet in Word, making landscape or portrait orientation in the entire document or a separate part of it. So, what the user needs to do:

  1. First, you need to go to the tab called “Page Layout” located on the toolbar.
  2. Then go to the “Orientation” section and select the option you need.
  3. Then click OK. The pages will automatically turn.

If you need to turn only one page from the entire document, then the algorithm of actions will be slightly different. First, select the part of the document that needs to be turned over. Afterwards you need to go to the “Options” item, while selecting the right type orientation: landscape or portrait. In the tab called “Apply”, select the “to selected text” option. Afterwards we confirm all actions by pressing the OK button.

How to turn a page in Word: how to work in Mac OS X 10.6

In order to change the orientation of the pages of a Word document, the user must first open the document. Then select “File” on the toolbar, then go to the “Page Options” section. Next, the user must select the Page Attributes option, which will appear in the Settings pop-up window. Next, you need to select the option called “Any Printer” from the “Format For” pop-up menu. Once you have set the format option for "Any Printer", you are setting up that your document can be printed on a printer that supports this format paper.

In the event that the command called “Page Setup” in the menu is not available, the user needs to select the “File” section and then the “Print” option. At the end of the work, the user must press the “Orientation” button, which will correspond to the method of printing the document.

In our article, we looked at several ways to turn a page in Word. As you already understand, there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is to carefully and clearly follow the specified algorithm of actions. In this case, the result will please you, and the process itself will not cause any difficulties or hassle. Go for it and you will succeed!