How to upload your template to joomla. How to install a Joomla template - troubleshooting possible problems

If you have just installed Joomla on your hosting and started setting up a new site, then first of all you should take care of creating an original appearance (you need to find and download templates for Joomla). However, there is a small problem: there are not so many templates for Joomla as, for example, themes for WordPress; in the case of Joomla, the choice of templates really looks meager. There are even fewer Russified templates, so you can safely search for the desired design on foreign resources. Some of these are and

If you are using the third version of Joomla, then you need to look for templates for it (as a last resort, you can install/stretch a template tailored for version 2.5).

Installing and subsequently editing a template is a very difficult task, because if installing a template costs nothing, then editing requires knowledge of html and css (we’ll talk about this in other articles).

Before choosing a template, you need to decide on its structure, content placement options, menu appearance, number of blocks, etc. Knowing what you want will make it much easier to find “that” topic.

What's included in the template kit

Let's assume that you have already found the template you need and downloaded it. Now you need to make sure that the archive contains exactly the template, and not a group of archives. This doesn’t happen often, but sometimes you come across archives that contain a whole bunch of other archives, where the templates themselves or generally incomprehensible files are located.

Generally speaking, the standard package looks something like this:

  • templateDetails.xml file, which is required to install the theme in the admin panel;
  • index.php, which contains the template code;
  • params.ini, thanks to which it becomes possible to save user settings;

The template must also contain the following folders:

  • images, which contains all the template images;
  • css, which contains style sheets;
  • js, which stores JavaScript script files.

Of course, we have not listed all the files and folders that are in the Joomla template, but, in any case, these are the main ones; their number directly depends on the type of each template. If, when opening an archive, you find a bunch of archives, then if you focus on these files and folders described above, you can easily find the template. By the way, templates from the earliest versions of Joomla will not work correctly or will not work at all on the latest releases of the CMS.

Installing Joomla templates

There are two ways to install/stretch a Joomla template. The first of them is a standard installation through the system, and the second is copying files to the templates folder. We will consider both options.

To install a template through the Joomla admin panel, go to “Extensions”, and there you will find the “Install/Pull” item. When you click on this link, a window will open that will prompt you to download the file with the template, and then you must immediately click on the “Download file” button. If a suitable file is selected, the download will begin, and just a short time after the download has started, a message indicating the successful completion of the operation should appear.

Now go to the “Extensions” menu and to the “Template Manager” item. Here you will see the template you just installed, as well as those that were installed earlier. You can select this template by placing/pulling the pointer opposite it and clicking on the “Default” button.

The second method involves using an FTP program. It is used when there is a need for bulk downloading of templates, or when a theme does not want to be added/removed in the standard way. So, if you downloaded the archive with the template, now we take out the entire contents of the archive and transfer it to any folder (its name must be written in Latin letters). Launch the FTP client, open the /templates folder on your website and upload the folder with the template.

To check the template loading, simply reload the page.

Some more points

If you want to change the name of your template, you need to find the templateDetails.xml file and open it in a text editor. Now you need to find the template_name tags in the file, where instead of “template_name” you need to write the desired name (in Latin letters only!).

If you have too many templates loaded, the best way to navigate through them is by hovering the cursor over it, and then its thumbnail image will be shown.

Templates for Joomla, as a rule, fall under a Creative Commons license, which gives the green light to copy, rework and distribute the work, but only with attribution. Some developers place their authorship in the form of an active link to the site, but some templates do not contain anything. It is not recommended to delete the link to avoid future problems due to copyright infringement.

“Dark horses” come across not only among people, but also among CMS. One of these “horses” is DLE.

While there is a lot of information about other PHP engines on the Internet, you can find only a few decent materials about this CMS. Let's make this article worthy by telling readers how to install a template on DLE:

Known about unknown CMS

This engine is not as popular on the world Internet as WordPress or Joomla. It is the creation of Russian programmers. Therefore, you can most often stumble upon a site running on this CMS and template for DLE in RuNet.

CMS DLE is positioned by its creators as the basis for the deployment of information portals and blogs. The internal engine system is adapted for heavy loads and has a high degree of fault tolerance:

Like most engines, DLE (DataLife Engine) runs on php and MySQL. The main disadvantage of this content management system is that it is paid. Despite this, DLE ranks fourth in terms of prevalence among resources located in the ru zone. Although most of them (59 thousand sites) use pirated versions of the engine.

A license for a basic CMS package for a period of 1 year costs RUB 2,190. Its extension for the second year (and subsequent ones) will cost 1,490 rubles. The price of the extended version is 2790 rubles.

In addition to paid versions, there is also a free version. This version of the CMS is presented by the manufacturer as a trial version of the engine and the basis for creating your first website:

The main disadvantage of DLE is its poor security. Back in 2008, experts criticized CMS for the poor security of its internal system when handling requests. Most likely, this problem has not been resolved to this day.

According to Yandex analytical data for 2011, sites that work specifically on the basis of CMS DLE are most often infected. The latest release of the engine at the moment is version 10.3. It was released in September 2014.

Features of the template for DLE

Templates for DLE websites have a number of features that fundamentally distinguish this CMS from other content management systems:

  • The engine template structure is built on the basis of TPL files. This greatly simplifies the process of layout and adaptation of the template design;
  • The main structure file is main.tpl. All additional template elements ( menu, sidebar) are also specified using TPL files;
  • Style decisions are written in two files: styles for the software part are specified in engine.css, and everything else is specified in style.css:

Before installing the DLE template, download its installation package and place it in the templates folder:

Then you need to go to the site’s control panel (file admin.php). After that, in the menu on the left side, select “ Script settings», « System Settings»:

At the bottom, in the “General settings” section, go to “ Default site template" Select the desired template from the drop-down list. After making changes, do not forget to click the “Save” button:

After this, the new template will be activated and the site will change its appearance. But before you put the template on DLE, do not forget to unzip it.

IN CMS DLE Unlike other popular content management systems, the template installation does not occur from the archive.

Unfortunately, most of the templates for DLE, like the engine itself, are paid. But if you search hard, you can find a couple of decent resources on the RuNet where you can download templates for free. Here are a few of them:

  • – about 50 different templates are available here for free download. But they are all “lumped” in one general section without sorting by category. Although among them you can find very “strawberry” specimens:
  • – the site presents a large collection of paid and free templates. All of them are conveniently sorted into thematic headings. But even among the paid ones you can find samples costing $5-10 and with a circulation of only 5 copies. And this will provide the resource with a design with a fairly high degree of uniqueness!
  • is a cool resource with a huge collection of templates for DLE websites. Tags will help you find the ones you need by topic or even color. You can see how the template works using the built-in demo version or in the video played in the Youtube video player window:

Don't forget that each template was developed for a specific version of CMS DLE. Their compliance must be checked before downloading the selected sample.

How to edit a DLE template

Unlike other popular content management systems, DLE has a simpler template design. Thanks to this, editing them is much faster and easier. The administrative part of the engine includes an integrated code editor.

To access this tool you need:

  • Go to the site admin panel;
  • In the menu on the left, select “ Template management", "Site templates";
  • In the drop-down list located in the " Selected template for editing"Install the desired instance and click on the "Run" button:
  • After this, the built-in code editor window will appear below. But before you edit the template, you need to select a file to edit. The template file tree is located on the left. After clicking the cursor on the desired source, its contents will be displayed in the editor window:

As you can see from the figure, the tpl file is a regular html, the structure of which is easy to understand. But before editing this code, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the design features of the DLE engine.

Hi all!

Today's post will be dedicated to beginners, and in it I will tell you how to install a template (theme) on wordpress? Everyone understands perfectly well that the standard templates that come with the WordPress engine by default do not shine with beauty and originality.

Therefore, every beginner is faced with the task of choosing a beautiful and original template that will delight both the author of the resource and its visitors. Oh, how much pain and time this activity requires. I don’t like one thing, then another, what is in one topic is not in another... Horror, in a word. How would you like a blog to be different from other resources on the Internet?

In fact, there are a huge number of topics on the Internet, both paid and free. And if you want your resource to be like no one else’s, you’ll have to fork out a little and purchase a paid template. In this case, the developer will help you bring it to perfection. But not every beginner is ready to shell out, albeit small, money to purchase a paid theme. Although, the spread in the cost of templates is quite decent, but that’s not about that now.

So in the first couple of days you have to choose for yourself something that more or less satisfies your needs. Here are a few sites where you can choose a template for your resource:

Http:// http://www.

And if you try a little, you can change a free theme beyond recognition and make it at least a little unique in the eyes of search engines. But I will write about this someday, so I suggest you not to miss anything. Now let's move directly to the topic of our post.

How to install a template (theme) on WordPress

There are three different ways to install a template on WordPress, at least I know of only three. Perhaps you know other installation options? I would be grateful if you share them in the comments to this post. And now we will look at each of them in more detail. So let's get started.

1. Installing a WordPress template from the administrative panel of the resource

To manage themes in the administrative panel of the resource, go to the “Appearance/Themes” tab, in which you can manage existing templates:

Or, go to the “Install Themes” tab and select a more suitable template for your resource:

Here you have three options to choose from:

1. Upload an existing theme from your PC. To do this, click the “Download”, “Browse” link, specify the path to it and click “Install”:

Once downloaded, you will be prompted to preview what it will look like, activate it, or go to the Appearance/Themes page:

2. Use a keyword search. Although it is unlikely that you will be able to fully enjoy it. The fact is that the search is, to put it mildly, disgusting. I was only able to find a few templates when I searched for “SEO.” The rest of the keywords I entered were completely ignored.

When I entered any other word, I kept getting the same message: “There are no topics matching your request.” It feels like there are no blogs on other topics on the Internet... :) Try it yourself, maybe you can find a template that answers ?

3. Well, the last point - use filters. Here you are invited to choose a template that meets your requirements for certain features. In principle, you can play around with the filters and find a suitable theme for your site. After you make your choice, you just need to activate the template and its installation will be completed.

2. Installing a WordPress template using ftp - filezilla client

This and the next method are not entirely in demand, because... inferior in terms of convenience, but still I decided to talk about them. Perhaps it will be useful to someone someday. So, how else can you install a wordpress template? If any of you don't know what filezilla is and how to use it, . After reading it, everything will become clear to you. Have you read it? Then you can continue.

To install a WordPress template, you must first download a ready-made template to your PC (personal computer) and unzip it. Then we connect to the server using the client:

And simply drag the template with the mouse cursor from your PC to a folder on the server called themes, path to the folder: httpdocs or public_html (depending on hosting)/wp-content/themes. After which, as stated in the first installation method, go to the administrative panel of the resource in the “Appearance/Themes” tab and simply activate it. This completes the WordPress theme installation.

3. Installing a template using the hosting control panel

And now I will tell you about the last method of installing a WordPress template, through the hosting control panel. I use the services, so I will show her as an example. So, let's go. In order to install the worpdress template, as in the second case, it must be downloaded to the PC in advance. The only difference from the second installation option is that it does not need to be unzipped.

After the theme has been downloaded, go to the hosting control panel, go to the same themes folder and click “Upload file”:

Specify the path to the archive with the template and click “Upload”:

Now the archive will be available in the themes folder. Unzip it and delete the archive itself so that it does not take up extra space on the server:

After that, go again to the blog’s administrative panel in the “Appearance/Themes” tab and activate it. All theme is installed.

That's all for me. I wish everyone good luck. Bye and see you again!

How do you like the article? Which installation method do you prefer? I look forward to your comments!

To create a website you can go in two ways. Make a website yourself, that’s what we do on this site. Or contact a specialized company that creates a website and promotes it online. The second option seems simpler. For example, you need to create a website for Voronezh, your home city. Look for a company that creates a website with localization in Voronezh and after a while you will be the owner of a working website. If you want to do everything yourself, read on.

The Joomla 3 template is quite reasonably called the clothing of the site. We wanted to change the appearance of the site, installed a new template and that’s it. The site has a new design. There are more serious reasons for changing the pattern. For example, the template becomes outdated, is not updated by the author, and with the next Joomla update, the template begins to “glitch”. In any case, whatever the reason is to change the default Joomla template, you need to install the template first. There are three ways to do this.

What is a Joomla template

A Joomla template is a system extension that can be created and published by any author. On the Internet you can find options for free and paid templates from a variety of authors.

The difference between paid and free Joomla templates is the author’s technical assistance (support) and the possible presence of external links to the author’s site or sites. Those. support is present in paid templates, and external links appear on free templates.

How to check a template for viruses

  • It doesn't matter where you get the template. At the end of the article there are several links to excellent free templates (by author). Download the template in a zip archive.

Checking the template for viruses

  • To be safe, check the downloaded template file for viruses. Do this in at least two ways:
  • Check the security of the template with your antivirus installed on your computer;
  • Check the template archive file on the Virustotal website (

Checking the template directory

Check out the downloaded plugin. Unpack it. There is a high probability that the archive you downloaded contains two archives: the template itself, plugins and modules for it. There can be many of them.

You need to select the template archive and the system plugin archive. Template modules are add-ons and are optional for the initial installation.

Now the important thing! To get acquainted with the template, unpack the template archive before opening all files and folders. See if there is an XML installation file in the template directory. If it is not there, the template cannot be installed from the site panel.

Three ways to install a Joomla 3 template

There are three ways to install a Joomla 3 template.

  • Installing a template from the Joomla site panel;
  • Via FTP;
  • By URL of the file from the storage.

Template installation method No. 1. Install template from Joomla site panel

The most acceptable option for installing a Joomla template to understand the quality of the template and its readiness for work. If the author of the template assembled it correctly, then this installation method will work and there is a high probability that there will be no pitfalls in further work.

  • To install the template, go to the tab: Extensions>>>Install;
  • Select “Load file from package” from the manager menu;
  • Select the downloaded template on your computer;
  • Install;
  • Correct and correct installation will be indicated by a green information bar;
  • To check the installation of a Joomla template, go to the template manager and see the installed template in the list.

Template installation method No. 2. Install template via FTP

  • Unpack the Joomla template archive file until all template files and folders are visible;
  • We enter the site directory via FTP using an FTP client (FilleZilla or WinSCP);
  • In the root directory of the site, find the tmp folder. Clean it up by deleting everything except the index.html file;
  • Upload the template folders and files to the tmp folder;
  • Return to the site panel. On the Extensions tab>>>Extension Manager>>>Install, select the “Install from directory” menu item;

  • Check that the path to the tmp directory is correct and click the “Check and Install” button;

Note: You can do the same, but upload the template in your own folder. Then you need to add tmp/template directory to the path.

Template installation method No. 3. Install template by URL from storage

In Extension Manager>>>Install there is an “Install from URL” button. In theory, it allows you to install a template from an open file storage. I have never used such a setup.

Several authors of free Joomla templates

  • Joomshaper (HELIX3 basic).
  • JoomLead.
  • Joomdev.
  • Agethemes.

Date of publication: 01/09/2016

Greetings, dear readers of the site! 🙂

With this article we continue the series of publications dedicated to self-creation.

As general information, I’ll just remind you that this product is one of the top 10 free engines for creating online stores and is one of the best solutions for quickly starting small resources, without requiring any special skills and knowledge from the creators.

So, in my previous article, I helped you overcome the first stage of installing the engine. As a result, you already have a ready-made online store, which just needs to be configured to make the resource more complete and attractive to customers.

And the first step on this path that we will overcome is installing an OpenCart template.

There are a huge variety of templates today – both paid and free. In this situation, as usual, there are pros and cons :) On the one hand, there is plenty to choose from, but on the other, your eyes run wild.

Adding to the difficulty of choosing is the fact that it is advisable to choose one template (aka “theme”), because Due to the installation features of the OpenCart template, it will be problematic to remove it from the store later. And when installing many themes, they can lead to errors appearing in the store window and conflicts in its operation.

How not to get confused in this variety and choose the one that really suits you?

To answer this question, I decided to compile a small list of criteria that will help you in your choice.

And in the second part of the publication we will talk about how to install the OpenCart template and activate it.

Choosing a resource for installing an OpenCart template - 5 options

Before considering the criteria for choosing a template for OpenCart, I want to say a few words about how to correctly select the resource from which you intend to download.

The choice of a resource for downloading should be approached no less responsibly than when choosing the template itself, because on some of them you can download files infected with a virus, or fragments may be inserted into the product code that allow their developers to hack or damage your resource.

These situations when installing OpenCart themes, modules and other extensions, unfortunately, are not uncommon and are especially common in the case of free products.

Therefore, be sure to search the Internet with an antivirus turned on, which will help you weed out potentially dangerous resources. When downloading files, pay attention to the size and extension.

If the size is suspiciously small (several bytes) or has a non-standard extension, then it is better to refuse such a file and look for something similar elsewhere. The modules themselves, in most cases, are packaged in rar or zip archives, so everything else - .exe, .xyz, .whatever - is potential virus software that must be removed immediately.

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to scan the downloaded files with an antivirus either.

However, even these measures will not help protect against malicious files 100%. Sometimes accidental or intentional errors in the code of the modules themselves can cause very serious consequences, including loss of information and control over the resource. The antivirus does not recognize this kind of danger.

However, you can also protect yourself from this by downloading OpenCart templates from resources where files undergo manual moderation. At the same time, add-ons can even be free :)

These resources have been personally verified by me, because... I have actively used and continue to use them, downloading and uploading my developments to them, so you can safely use them :)