Mile kg. How to register your E-mail address (e-mail box)

About, how to create an email(E-mail). Why did I decide to write this article? I won’t tell you what E-mail is and why it is needed, those days have already passed. It seems that everything is very simple, I went in and registered and that’s all, but that’s not the case. People often ask me how to create an email, tell me what to click where.

To be honest, such questions make me a little angry, is it really that difficult? I have friends who do not have an email and therefore cannot register on many sites (Vadim, hello! :)) But creating an email is difficult, and also lazy. So I decided to tell you step by step and with pictures how to create an email on

I use email from both Yandex and Google, but to be honest, I like email from Google better and its interface is more convenient. So let's look at the example of mail from Google, aka Gmail .

Follow the link and pay attention to the right side of the page. As you can see, there is a form in which you can enter your password with your login and log into your email box. But this is Later, we don’t have an email yet, and we need to create one. To do this, click on the red button in the upper right corner “Create an account”.

After clicking on this button, we are taken to a page where we just need to remember the registration form. I’ll remember it as an example, and you enter your real data.

Well, here it seems to me that everything is clear. Where “Create a username” come up with a name for yourself in English letters, maybe numbers. If such an address already exists, the system will warn you about it. As for the password, you should come up with a long and complex one. I immediately advise you to write it down somewhere so as not to forget. By the way, you don't have to enter your phone number. When you remember everything correctly, click “Next”.

A new page will appear with some useful text and an offer to upload a photo for your profile. But this is not necessary, so feel free to click “Next” .

All is ready! The service will congratulate us on registration and offer to go to our mailbox. Click “Go to Gmail service”.

After clicking on this blue button, you will be taken to your personal Gmail account where you can read the letters that come to you and send email. As I said, everything is very simple!

As you can see, everything is still very simple in the interface itself. You will already have 4 incoming letters, these are letters from Google. To read a letter, just click on it, and to write a letter, click “Write”.

How to sign in to email from Google?

If you close the page with your mail, you will most likely need to log in to it again. To do this, go to the same address and in the form about which I already wrote, enter your email address and password that we specified during registration.

You can also check the box "Remain in the system", so that you don’t have to enter the password again later. Well, all that remains is to click on the “Login” button.

All! Now you are a happy owner of e-mail, you can receive and send letters as much as you want. Good luck!

Also on the site:

How to create an email (E-mail)? Using Gmail as an example. updated: September 12, 2012 by: admin

We will help you register with email. Registration in this system is free. A few simple steps - and you have your own mail, your own postal address.

What do you need to register with

  1. You need to come up with a password, remember it and keep it secret. Password length is from 6 to 40 characters. What symbols? These can be Latin letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols (parentheses, asterisk, dollar, percentage and others). The password should not consist of only numbers, and should not be too simple. Large and small letters, Russian and English are different symbols. You must always remember the password, this is not just for once! But don't tell it to anyone.
  2. It is advisable to have your mobile phone handy to indicate it when registering. This will help you regain access to your mail if you forget your password. But you can do without a phone; then you will need to ask a security question (more on this later) or another email address (if you have one).

Let's start registering!

Open registration in (click and registration will open in a new tab or window). Then come back here to these instructions.

You can also access registration through the main page.

Where is registration on the main page of

Open the main page of Click on the link and it will open in a new tab or window: main page. Then come back here and read on.

The main page of will look something like this:

Attention: if, after opening, you end up in another person’s mail or in another mail that is not needed now, click “Exit” in the upper right corner. Only then will it be possible to register.

Or “Registration” in the upper right corner:

So, you should see the “Register a new mailbox” page:

Enter your data

You need to fill in your details: first name, last name, date of birth, city (optional) and indicate gender. Enter data in the appropriate empty fields.

The first and last name you enter will be visible to the recipients of your letters. Then this can be changed.

To indicate your date of birth, click on each field (day, month, year) and select the one you need; for example, by clicking on “Year”, find your year of birth in the list and click on it to select.

It is not necessary to indicate the city, but the gender is necessary; just click on the word “Male” or “Female”.

What mailing address do you want?

Next is a very important thing: the name of your mailbox, that is, your address. You need to come up with an address or choose from the proposed options. The address consists of two parts: the name itself (for example, ivanova.nina) and the final part (a dog sign with the name of the postal service, for example, Together they make up your email address, which you will use everywhere - e.g. [email protected].

For a name, you can use a combination of letters and numbers, an underscore, or a period. Some people prefer to come up with a short address, others prefer a longer one, where the full name and surname would be written down. This is a matter of your personal convenience. It is only important that the name is not already taken - if someone has already taken it, you will see a warning. In this case, you need to come up with another option.

Tip: if the mailbox name you want is already taken, it can be free in another version - for example, not, but or Try choosing a different option by clicking on the down arrow next to “”:

Password and phone number

All that remains is to enter the password you created (twice, and both times the same) and indicate the mobile phone to which the confirmation code will be sent. Here's a sample of what you should get:

Is it possible to register without a phone, without SMS?

If you don’t have a mobile phone number (or you don’t want to indicate one), click on the “I don’t have a mobile phone” link. In this case, you will have to indicate a secret question and enter the answer to it (for example, a word):

This may be necessary to restore access in the future. The answer to the secret question should be such that only you (and perhaps those closest to you) know it:

Now press the big button “Register.” You may also be asked to enter the code from the picture to make sure that you are a living person:

If you forgot to indicate something, will ask you to return to this place. Enter the missing data (or correct it) and click “Register” again.

If all is well, your newly created mailbox will open!

Completing registration

The system will prompt you to perform several more actions (you can refuse them):

So, registration is over, congratulations! You are in your mailbox. Most likely, there are already several welcome letters from

On the left is the “Write a letter” button and a menu for selecting the desired folder with letters (“Inbox”, “Sent” and others), and on the right is the contents of the selected folder, in this case “Inbox”, i.e. letters that came to you. To read a letter, simply click on its title.

Always remember your email address (eg. [email protected] ) - you can indicate it on registration sites and communicate it to other people. Also, always remember your password - no one should know it but you.

Mail on your start page

Now you can connect your mail to the start page - you will always see if you have new letters, and you will not need to go into your mail again to check it. There you can connect VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and see the latest information from these sites without going to them. It's very convenient, we recommend you try it.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Everyone starts at some point, so the question of what Email is and what it has to do with email or a mailbox is not that uncommon. Not everyone is comfortable with the Internet, so the request of a colleague or friend "name your email"(or throw off “something for soap”) can lead to a dead end. But in fact, there is nothing complicated here, although many of those who consider themselves experts on this issue will probably find something new for themselves in this note (live and learn).

So, E-mail (previously in the bourgeoisie they wrote this way, i.e. with a dash, but now they have made the standard entry like Email, that is, without a dash) is a common abbreviation for the phrase “electonic mail”, which means electronic mail (e-mail). .mail, email or just email). What it is? In short, this is the technical ability to exchange letters (in electronic form, that is, texts typed on the keyboard and pictures or other files attached to them) with the recipients you need.

Instead of the usual address (country - city - street - house - apartment) in email. mail, again, email addresses are used, which are characterized by the fact that they are required as a separator. This is inherent in all Email addresses, which may look like this: qwertydmitriy@gmail.. However, exactly what your email will look like depends only on you and how carefully you study this article.

Email - what is it?

What are E-mail services and how to get a beautiful Email?

How can you get an email address so that you can receive messages from friends or colleagues, as well as mailings from various services? The answer is quite simple - just below you will find a list of the most popular free email services in RuNet. There you can use it for free (except that advertising will be shown in some cases, but this is nothing).

  1. Jimail— Google mail, which I personally have used since its inception (2005). The service is advanced, reliable, secure, with good spam cutting and a sophisticated interface, which is why it is not always possible to master it completely right away. You are allocated 15 GB of disk space for mail (read).
  2. Yandex Mail- a very good product from a well-known brand in RuNet. The mail interface is simple and clear, but at the same time quite functional. Recently they have seriously improved security and improved spam filtering. From 10 to 20 GB are allocated for storing messages.
  3. is the oldest free email service in RuNet. Just a few years ago it was seriously redesigned and now it fully meets all the criteria described above (simplicity, functionality, safety, etc.). You are provided with as much as 25 GB for free use.
  4. Rambler mail- this service used to compete with the players mentioned above, but recently it has fallen far behind them in all major indicators, and you will have only 2 GB of free disk space at your disposal.
  5. this email service was previously called HotMile and was the first to provide a free email address. Depending on the situation, you have the opportunity to get from 5 to 25 GB of disk space for free.
  6. Yahoo Mail- despite the fantastic 1 TB of free space, in all other respects it has nothing special to brag about. It seriously falls short of Gmail, but those who need a lot of space, but don’t need the bells and whistles, can easily get themselves an Email on this service. The interface for working with mail will be quite ascetic, but Russified, although replete with advertising.
  7. is a relatively new email service in which the security of correspondence is of paramount importance. If you wish, you can send emails and attachments in encrypted form. Your recipient will need to enter a password to access the message and attachment. You could say this is mail for the paranoid.

The question is what address will your mailbox have?. It is clear that the end of it will be determined by the free service that you have chosen to work with email. This could be,,, etc. But what will appear in front of the dog icon in your email address? Unfortunately, this will not always depend on you. More precisely, it will not always be possible to have at your disposal the email address that you would like. Why is this so?

Everything is very simple. There are a lot of “cunning” people who want to get a mailbox for free (and one of decent size and good reliability). Almost all of the above services have a multi-million army of registered users, and these are millions of emails, each of which must be unique (because they have the same ending).

Therefore, anyone who did not have time to register under the login Ivan (it is the login in these services that determines the beginning of the “soap” address) was late. What to do? Usually they choose something like IvanXXXXX (where XXXX are numbers or additional letters). It suits you? Most are happy with it, because using less popular services (where the logins are not all occupied) to work with email is quite awkward due to their usually very low reliability.

But there is a solution for those who want “soap”, upon seeing which many will say: "Wow, this is a cool email". How to do it? Not to say that it is difficult and free, but it is still possible and, in general, not too expensive. Interesting? Do you want to talk about it?

Domain Email - What is it?

As I already said, on every free email service, each registered Email is unique and should in no case be repeated (meaning only for a given host, i.e. the end of the next one after @). Because of this, you can now have at your disposal a beautiful, concise and easy to pronounce email address. mail is practically impossible, but it’s still worth striving for it (maybe you’ll get lucky).

If a beautiful Email is not only a dream, but also an urgent need, then you can buy a domain name and attach as many beautiful names for mailboxes as you like to it. For example, my name is Dmitry Ivanetscu and let’s say that I am a very ambitious person, for whom the “soap” is not just any kind, but something that speaks. What can I do?

Well, for example, you can start with something like or, at worst,, or Read how to do this at the link above.

As you can see, this domain is free in any zone including the RU zone (i.e. Don't look at 600 rubles - it's too expensive. There is an option to register domains in the RU zone for 90 rubles and without any additional risks. For example, I register a domain in (read the article “”). As a result, for less than one hundred rubles per year (the domain will have to be renewed annually) you will have the opportunity get the email address you want.

After receiving the domain at my disposal, I will be able to rivet at least ten, at least a hundred, at least a thousand email addresses based on it. For example, these:

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Cool! Yes? True, I have a problem, that’s why I didn’t buy this domain. But you may have a different perception of the world and yourself in it. Another question, how to work with email on this wonderful “family” mailbox. The best solution, in my opinion, would be to connect it to some popular and powerful email services (from those listed above). Personally, that’s exactly what I did with my email linked to the domain of this blog that you are currently reading.

So, for example, (follow this link you will learn how everything needs to be configured there), but on Google Apps this service is paid (read the link provided). As a result, you will be able to receive an email of the following type: admin@site, but you will be able to work with correspondence from the Gmail or Yandex Mail interface.

Again, it is not so easy to register a domain name like Petrov in the ru zone, but you can search for something suitable (maybe in other domain zones like net, catfish or regional).

If you still have any unexplained questions on the topic “what is Email and what is it eaten with,” then write them in the comments. I'll try to answer if possible.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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In this tutorial I will show you how to log into your Mail account. We will learn how to log into email on your computer and phone, receive and send letters from it. We’ll also talk about what to do if you have problems logging in.

Mail login

Mail Mail is the most popular free email messaging service on the RuNet. Through it you can instantly send and receive letters from any country in the world. They are delivered in a few minutes and, in addition to text, can also contain files: photographs, documents, music and videos.

If you already have a mailbox in Mail, now I will show you how to access it correctly. And if you don’t have such an email yet, you first need to register in the system. Read about it.

How to log into your mailbox on a computer

You can log into my Myla page from any computer: PC, laptop or netbook. Even from someone else’s computer: at work, school or in a club.

To do this, you need to open your browser, go to the website and enter your login information. Now I will show you how to do it correctly.

On a note . A browser is an Internet program through which you work on the Internet. This could be Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer or another program.

1 . Open a new tab.

2. Type in the address bar and press the Enter button on your keyboard.

The main page of the website will load. To get to your mail, you need to enter your login information in the rectangle in the upper left corner.

The program may have already filled in your data from a previous login. Then just click on “Mail”. Immediately after this, your box will open.

3. In the “Mailbox name” line, type your email login. Login is the part of the address before the @ sign.

For example, if the mailbox address [email protected], then you need to type ivan.petrov56 in this field. No spaces and no period at the end.

If the mailing address ends not in, but in, or, or, then click on the adjacent field and select the desired ending.

4 . In the “Password” line, type the code for your mailbox (it will be typed in dots). Then click on the “Login” button.

If you open your mail on someone else's computer, uncheck the "Remember" box.

Your personal account will open on the website. This is your email Mail. It looks something like this:

On a note . I just showed you how to log into via a browser. But you can work with letters in another way - in a special program (mail client). The most popular such program is Microsoft Outlook. But there are others: Windows Mail, The Bat!, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail, etc. Read more about setting them up at the link.

How to log into mail from your phone

On modern mobile phones and tablets you can fully work with Mail. There are two ways to do this - through a browser or through an application.

Logging in through a browser is when you launch an Internet program and log into your email account. An application is a separate program that is installed on a mobile phone. It is more convenient to work with mail through the application.

Methods for logging into mail from a smartphone or tablet

Login via browser

1 . At the top of your browser, type and go to this address.

2. Click on the inscription "Mail".

3. In the “Login” field, type the name of your mailbox before the @ sign. For example, if the name is [email protected], then you need to print ivan.petrov56

If your mailbox does not end with, then in the adjacent field, where it says, select the desired ending. This could be,,

4 . In the “Password” field, type the password for the mailbox and click “Login”.

If you access your mail not from your device, but from someone else’s, then remove the checkbox from the “Remember” item.

A list of incoming emails will open. That's it - you're logged into your email inbox!

Mobile app

Working with emails through a browser is convenient, but only if you rarely use email. Rarely means no more than once a week. In other cases, it is better to use an email client. This is an application that helps you quickly receive and send letters.

But there is another option - the official application. It has more features:

  • Search through all letters in the mailbox
  • Grouping emails by subject
  • You can add multiple mailboxes and quickly switch between them
  • You can add not only Mail boxes, but also other services: Yandex, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.
  • There is an address book, a personal spam filter, notes and much more.

You can download the official application using the following links: mail registration

You only need to register if you don’t already have a mailbox in Mail. After all, registration means creating a new email with a new address. If you already have a mailbox, you don't need to register!

1 . Open a new tab, type in the address bar and press Enter on your keyboard.

3. Fill out each field of the form.

Name . Type your name.

Surname . Type your last name.

Date of Birth . Enter the day, month and year of your birth.

Floor . Select gender - male or female.

Desired postal address. In this line you need to type the name for your future box. You can use both letters and numbers, as well as a period, underscore, or hyphen. But the letters must be typed in the Latin alphabet, because all addresses on the Internet are only in English.

Pay attention to the end of the address. Initially it is, but you can choose something else:, or

Password . Here you need to print the code with which you will open your box. It must contain English letters and numbers. At least six and no spaces.

Password confirmation. In this line you need to type the same code as in the previous field.

Telephone . Here the site asks you to type your mobile number. This is not required, but I highly recommend including it. After all, if problems arise with access to the mailbox, the easiest way to restore it will be through your phone.

Example of filling out the registration form

When all fields are completed, click the “Register” button. The system will ask you to print the numbers from the picture, and then your new email account will open. You can use it immediately - send and receive letters.

Learning to use an email account

All actions with mail take place in the user’s personal account. Through it we receive and send letters, photographs and documents.

Your personal account looks like this:

On the left side there are folders:

  • Inbox - all received messages are stored here.
  • Sent is the folder where sent messages go (they are duplicated in it).
  • Drafts is a folder where your unsent messages are saved. Through this folder you can restore a letter after a failure.
  • Spam - advertising junk is placed here.
  • Trash - emails that you have deleted from your mailbox are stored here.

The most important folder is the Inbox. All new messages (except spam) go into it. Messages that have not yet been opened are highlighted in bold, and those that have already been opened are highlighted in light blue.

To open a letter, you just need to left-click on it.

How to send a letter

To write and send a letter, click on the button labeled “Write a letter” in the upper left corner.

A new page will load. In the “To” line, type the email address of the person you want to write a letter to.

On a note . All addresses on the Internet consist of letters of the Latin alphabet (English). Approximately in the middle there is an @ sign, after which the mail site is written. There is no period at the end. Example: [email protected]

In the “Subject” line, type the subject of the letter, that is, briefly say what it is about or from whom. You can print the topic in Russian letters.

The text of the letter is printed in a large white field. If there is a lot of text, this field will automatically expand (a slider will appear on the side).

After you fill out the required lines, click the “Submit” button once and wait a few seconds. If everything is in order, a page will load that says “Your email has been sent.” A copy of the letter will remain in the Sent Items folder.

How to send a file

To send a photo or document, you need to do the same as when sending a letter normally. Namely, fill in the “To”, “Subject” fields and print the text of the letter.

But just before you click the “Submit” button, you need to add a file inside. To do this, click on the “Attach file” sign (under the “Subject” line).

A small window will appear. Find in it the photo, document or other file that you want to send and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

The window will disappear, and the letter will show the file you added.

The website does not open - what to do?

Check if it opens on other devices: on your phone, on another computer. If it opens, then the problem is on your side - most likely it is a virus.

If Mail does not open anywhere, then in this case we are talking about blocking it.

I wrote in detail about how to solve these problems in the VKontakte login article, in the part “What to do if there are problems with logging in.” The principle of operation is the same, only wherever is written you will have

I'm trying to restore access to my mail, but the error "The specified mailbox does not exist" pops up.

This error appears in one of two cases: either you made a mistake when entering the address (see), or the mailbox was deleted.

By the way, according to the rules of the website, the administration can delete an address if it has not been used for 6 months.

Is, and mail also Mail?

Yes, these are also Mail's addresses. But these are all different set-top boxes, and, therefore, different electronic boxes. That is [email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected].

I didn't find the answer to my question

Try searching the official help desk or ask your question in the comments to the article.

Mail Mail is one of the most popular postal services not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The service has a beautiful design and simple operation.

Login methods

There are several ways in which you can log into your mail:

These are the easiest and fastest ways to log into your mail. Let's look at each in more detail.

How to login via browser

This is one of the fastest ways. The browser is installed on every computer or laptop.

Remember that you can use any browser ( , and others...):

  • Check your internet connection or connect to it;
  • Log in to any browser;
  • In the search line (in the center or at the top) write: “Mile”. You can write in both Russian and English letters (it doesn’t matter);
  • Go to the first site in the search results. Beware of fakes and scams. Often, attackers copy the design of popular sites and then steal users’ personal data. When you go to any email service, check its name in the address bar.

  • On the left side of the screen you see a window for logging into mail. If you do not have an account, then register;
  • Click “Registering a new mailbox”;

  • Enter your first name, last name, date of birth, and your gender;
  • Come up with and enter a name for your mailbox and specify the domain. You can specify any domain, because they all belong to the Mail Group service and are stored protected on their servers;

  • Create and enter a password. Be sure to write down the password on a piece of paper;
  • It is not necessary to enter your phone number, but if you forget your password, using it to recover it will be several times faster;
  • Click the button "Register";
  • Enter the code (set of letters and numbers) that is indicated in the line. If you can’t enter the code, click “I don’t see the code” and it will change to another;

  • The mailbox has been created. You can fill in your information (this is optional) and start using the service.

Advice: If you often work with email, you can save your password. To do this, click on the mail logo. On the main page, enter your login, domain, password for your email and check the “Remember” box. Also, if you hover over the mail logo, you can see the line: "Make main". This will help you immediately get into the browser when you open it and not waste time.

How to log in through other email services

In addition to mail ru, there are many other mail services.

If you have a mailbox in , Yahoo and others, then each of them can be linked to your mailbox:

  • Log in or create an account in any mail service. For example, in Yandex mail;
  • Create a mailbox. The process is exactly the same as when creating a mailbox;
  • Click on the gear;

  • Click: "Collecting mail from other mailboxes";
  • Enter your email account details;
  • Confirm the binding.

This way you can log into your mailbox through Yandex mail.

You can also, on the contrary, link other services to mail ru mail and log in through them

  • Click "Mail";
  • Select the service you want to link to and through which it will be convenient for you to log in;

  • Enter your login and password for the mailbox;
  • Confirm binding and synchronization;

  • Set up your account or skip this step.

After some time, all messages from the linked account will be transferred to mail.

Advice: Do not link several mailboxes at once. All the letters will be mixed up and it will be difficult to sort them out.

How to log into mail through the application

If you don't feel comfortable opening your browser all the time, you can download the app.

The application will allow you to quickly respond to messages without opening .

  • Go to any browser;
  • In the search line write: “Mail Agent”;
  • Go to any website where you can download the application;
  • Select the operating system ( , );
  • Download the app. Specify the download location as your desktop. If the system does not ask you where to download the application, then go to “My Computer”, “Disk C”, “Downloads”;
  • Install the application. The application does not require special permissions and works on any computer;
  • After installing the application, find it on your desktop;
  • Enter your details (login, domain, password). If you do not have an account, you can create one directly in the application;
  • Use the service. Each message will be accompanied by a notification and animation.

This method is convenient for those who constantly work in this mail service. You are not distracted by switching between browser tabs and respond to messages faster.

How to log in from a smartphone

In addition to the full version for working from a computer, mail has a mobile version. The mobile version is almost no different from the PC version.

  • Speed ​​of work;
  • Portability;
  • Constantly in touch.
  • Does not have all functions;
  • Work depends on mobile Internet;
  • The operating time depends on the charging of the smartphone.

To log into the mobile version of mail you need:

  • Open a browser on your smartphone (make sure you have Internet access);
  • In the search bar write: "login to mail ru";
  • Go to the website;

  • Enter your login information and click Login. If you often work in your mailbox from your smartphone, you can save your login information.

Just like in the PC version, you can link accounts of several email services.

  • From your smartphone, log into the mail service website
  • Click on the “Mail” tab;
  • Select the email service through which you want to log into your account;
  • Enter your login and password for the service;
  • Click "Login";
  • Confirm that you are logged in and allow your account to be linked;
  • Take advantage of mail capabilities.

How to login via mobile app

  • Go to your browser and type: “Google play”;

  • Confirm the installation and wait until the download completes. It is advisable to download the application via wifi so as not to overpay for traffic;
  • Click open and enter your email login information.

Advice: If you want to save money, then download the application from any other site. Just write in your browser: “Download agent mail”, go to any website, download the application, connect your smartphone to the PC (don’t forget to unlock it) and transfer the application to the smartphone’s memory via USBcable.

Similar to the browser version, you can use multiple mails for work. To do this, click on the menu icon, then click on the plus and add the mailbox you need (same as in the mobile version).

In addition to your smartphone, you can log in from a tablet or iPad; the application and mobile version of mail are available for them as well.