Is it possible to use a tablet as a computer? How to choose a tablet: instructions for those who don’t want to make mistakes

Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. All that glitters is not gold. Just like not all technological products that many people use are useful. Do we need to look far for examples? Surely everyone can name two or three products that, even though they are used everywhere, you would not buy for yourself.

“A spinner, a toaster, a sandwich maker - even if others use them and call them at least 1000 times useful, personally they are not suitable for me. I wouldn't spend even a penny on them." However, today we will not talk about them.

In this article I want to tell you about what tablets are for. I will tell you why and for whom they are needed, whether the tablet is suitable for working on the Internet, and much more that will definitely be useful to you. By the end of the publication, you will be able to decide whether you really need a tablet or whether it is better to save yourself from unnecessary expenses.

What is a tablet really?

To be honest, I've owned a variety of tablets ranging from the most expensive to the incredibly cheap. Despite this, don’t expect me to start talking about their necessity, importance and usefulness right now. I tend to admit my mistakes and try to be objective.

To start. What is a tablet? This big smartphone, the main task of which is not making calls, but all other functions - games, applications, e-reader, and so on. You can view news and publish your own photos.

Through a tablet, as a rule, you can also communicate via telephony, but you can also use Skype to communicate with friends and acquaintances via the Internet using a camera. The main thing is that there is a slot for a SIM card inside the device. Pay attention to this when choosing a gadget, otherwise you will only be able to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. This is extremely inconvenient. The tablet is no longer 100% mobile.

Samsung tablets are considered very good. pay attention to Galaxy Tab A 7.0″ 8Gb . It is not very big, but comfortable and functional. Naturally with a SIM card slot.

Alternative to PC and smartphone

If you're thinking about buying a tablet to use instead of a phone, as I once did, I'll tell you right away that it's not a good idea.

Tablet is still bigger regular phone, carrying it with you is not very convenient. After a week or two you will get tired of it and either buy yourself regular smartphone, or stop taking your tablet with you all the time. In my opinion, this gadget is not suitable as an alternative to a telephone.

There are also those who want to use a tablet as an alternative to a laptop. For example, at one time I wanted to write articles, taking with me not a heavy PC, but small gadget. I think many people have thought about this too. And again, the tablet itself does not perform well in this matter.

The on-screen keyboard doesn't allow you to type quickly, your work slows down, and you start to lose your temper. Fortunately, it won’t be a problem to order yourself wireless keyboard for tablet. It turns the gadget into a quite decent small laptop that is convenient to carry with you. For copywriters who like to work outside the home, this is a good solution.

However, you should not forget about the specifics of the tablet. There are versions special programs for PCs that will not install on Android or iOS. You will have to use which ones to install instead of the usual Office, Photoshop, and so on.

A tablet cannot 100 percent be called a good alternative to a computer. This is an independent thing that is needed if you need, excuse the tautology, a tablet.

When and who needs a tablet?

If you have small children, then a tablet is an irreplaceable thing. You can turn on cartoons and all sorts of videos from YouTube, but at the same time you don’t have to worry too much about the baby’s eyesight, or the fact that he will somehow break something in it.

On a laptop, a child finds a thousand buttons that are so wonderful to press. This doesn't happen with a tablet. By the age when the baby begins to figure out where and why to press, his interest in destruction fades a little. He already understands that this thing is quite important and should not be broken.

How to choose a tablet for a child? I recommend paying attention to exhibits at a low price, since the risk of breakage still exists, since we are talking about a child. Another important point– large screen. By the way, there are special tablets for children, for example, Turbo MonsterPad 7 .

When is a tablet necessary for an adult? If you can't live without a phone. If you often play games and use applications, you need a tablet. If you like to watch movies or read books from a mobile device, consider purchasing this gadget. The screen is much larger, and therefore it will be more convenient for you to use it. This item will not disappoint you.

It may also be suitable for work if you show some presentations, often work with email via phone, and so on. There is a whole layer of people who really need a tablet. To me Lately I really like Lenovo, so I can offer them to you Tab 3 Plus for 16,500. A very profitable purchase.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog newsletter and group Start-Luck VKontakte . See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

There is an opinion that ideally everyone should have a full set of mobile devices: phone, tablet, laptop. This was the case 5-10 years ago. However, now abundance is being replaced by versatility. Many people choose one tool that would solve several problems at once. “Bikompakt” helped to understand the pros and cons of this approach.

How to make calls from a tablet?

You can use the tablet for calls using a SIM card or programs like Skype. In the first case, you will need a tablet with a 3G\GSM module, in the second - constant access to the Internet. This can again be implemented via a SIM card or with using Wi-Fi, although its coverage is not available everywhere.

Tablets with a 3G module can usually be used to make calls to cellular networks, however not all models have software capability implement this. If the selected model does not have native application to dial a number and sending SMS, then you can download it from Play Market There are many programs for every taste.

Tablet vs smartphone

So why not replace your smartphone with a tablet? Let's compare devices. The table presents three devices each from well-known manufacturing companies: Samsung, Huawei and Lenovo.

Of everything model range We selected one tablet model each with a screen of 10″ and 7″, as well as one smartphone each to compare characteristics. All tablets have a built-in 3G module, so they can be used as a phone. All devices were selected in the price range from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Almost all modern tablets have built-in Bluetooth module, which allows you to connect a headset to it for convenient use as a phone. They also have front-camera, if you need a mobile communication center not only in regular cellular networks, but also for IP telephony.

Stationary regular use

Large tablets are most convenient to use in call center offices (if the necessary software). The operator will be able to use the phone and tablet computer functions simultaneously if he has a headset.

All models in the table support Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and wired headsets. Using a tablet as a phone will also be convenient on the road if you have Hands Free. You won’t need to take it out of your bag to accept or reject a call; you just need to use the control buttons on the compact device. However, to make a call yourself, most often you have to pick up the tablet itself, because only rare headset models support the ability to dial a number directly on it.

For such use, please note Lenovo model TAB 2 A10-70L LTE. It supports 2 SIM cards at once, and it also has a very high resolution screen and an extremely capacious battery.

Pocket tablets

The table shows the model Lenovo Phab PB2-650M with a screen slightly smaller than the standard one, only 6.4 inches - this device is convenient to carry even in your pocket.

If you prefer bags or backpacks, then this will suit you Huawei MediaPad M2 8″. He has a little bigger screen, which will make using the tablet functions more comfortable. Again, it is recommended to purchase a headset for use, otherwise your conversations will look a little strange from the outside. Yes, and holding the device on weight can be inconvenient.

Additional tablet phone

This option involves only periodic use, say, if it is necessary to connect another mobile network operator in addition to those whose cards are in the phone. You can connect yourself Mobile Internet to the tablet and talk on it. Again, it is advisable to buy a headset; in this case, even a wired one will do.

If this is your case, then pay attention to Samsung models - they are practical, very light, have powerful battery And powerful filling, are great for those who equally often need the functions of both a tablet and a phone.

The ideal way to use a tablet with the ability to make and receive calls is to organize its work in stationary mode at work. This will also help optimize costs, since you don’t have to buy a separate phone for a tablet or a special adapter for a laptop.

In other cases, the use of a tablet should be assessed depending on how important versatility and savings are to you. Expanding functionality can be a big plus. In addition, many operators provide mobile Internet in their service packages, so you can not only make calls, but also surf the Internet at high speeds at any time.

The article was prepared in consultation with experts

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. My name is and today I invite you to understand the topic, or rather one specific type: tablet.

Tablets have gained enormous popularity, and this popularity is well justified. After all Tablet PC is a portable device with a fairly large touch display , it is not too big and fits in a bag, and at the same time not too small, like, for example, a smartphone, which in most cases discharges very quickly and has a modest screen. As a result, we get an almost ideal device that can cope with most daily tasks anywhere (some models even underwater).

From concept to life. The first tablets.

Now that we have an idea of ​​what a tablet is, we can familiarize ourselves with the history of development and the first tablets in the world.

Initially, they, or rather their prototypes, were used only in science fiction films and were only fantasies, as now, for example, time travel, but unlike it, the fantasy of laptop computers was realized, and already in 1968 Alan Kay introduced a tablet-like device called "Dynabook". It had a keyboard built into the body and was created exclusively for training.

By the way, here I am Alan Kay at the presentation with his brainchild.

Then handheld computers began to appear that ran on Windows XP, but had weak processor and a battery that lasted only 2-3 hours of operation of the device. Also released PDA, which stands for Pocket Personal Computer. To control them they were used styluses(touch pen to which the screen reacts), this device did not perceive finger touches.

One of the first of these was "MessagePad", presented by the world famous company Apple. He was introduced August 2, 1993 in Boston. This device It was very expensive - $800, but despite this, the first 5,000 copies sold out in a matter of hours, like hot cakes.

The history of tablet computers has been going on for quite a long time, but a huge leap in their development occurred quite recently, in 2010, after iPad release(Tablet from Apple). After that, all the stores are simply teeming with offers from various companies.

Apple brings innovation to the world, and others pick it up and create their own products, but is it then worth choosing something other than an apple? Perhaps yes. If only for the reason that not everyone needs such an expensive and such a powerful tablet, because some will not use its potential even by half. Precisely because not everything is so simple, we are here with you, so let's look at all aspects choice And using tablets.

What is a tablet for? Its advantage over other gadgets.

Let's start with the most seemingly simple question - What is a tablet for?

Possible variations in the use of a tablet, perhaps, depend more on the user himself than on the gadget.

But let's still try to list some of its many functions. So, with a tablet you can:

And that's just the basics. Thousands of applications they will exaggerate this list many times over.

Now let's look at the advantages of a tablet. Naturally, I will also mention the disadvantages, because everything has disadvantages. This is all my personal opinion, as an experienced iPad user. Well, in addition I will say that all the advantages can also become disadvantages of cheap models, but below I will describe only high-quality products.


  1. Huge charge reserve battery, which is sufficient in abundance. Since with a larger device there is more space inside, you can put more in there.
  2. Big screen, which is comfortable for reading and watching videos.
  3. Sufficiently powerful hardware (processor, RAM...) and a perfectly optimized application for it (as in the case of Apple, that’s for sure).
  4. A huge number of paid and free applications for any purpose.
  5. A simple, intuitive operating system with a pleasant interface.
  6. Access all your data from anywhere, not just at home.
  7. A huge number of convenient and functional cases, such as Smart Cover.


  1. Big size. Of course, there are tablets different sizes, but none of them can boast of the ability to fit in a pocket, and even if they can, then this is no longer a tablet at all. Accordingly, you will have to take a bag or carry it in your hands.
  2. No access to powerful software, like on laptops.
  3. Compared to smartphones, then inability to call and write SMS. But this is compensated by a huge number of communication programs, such as Skype (although now there is also one), VK and so on.

I thought for a long time about what the tablet’s disadvantages were, but I didn’t remember more than two (the third is completely controversial). But although there are fewer disadvantages, they are quite significant and can, even in small quantities, affect the choice of a mobile gadget.

How to choose a tablet? Which one should I buy?

Well, the choice is naturally individual and I won’t name “the best tablet” now. Because he is the best for everyone, and the title "best" depends on the set factors.

I can make your choice easier only with my advice. Well, then I’ll write "zero" advice right here: I advise you to use the Yandex Market service, which I recently wrote about, to select a tablet or anything else. It’s more convenient to choose from one site right away, all the companies and characteristics are there, in general, I hope you’ll understand, I tried to write in detail. I used it myself when making my choice, and I clearly broke everything down into pros and cons for myself.

Decide on why do you need a tablet. No matter how trivial it may sound.

Yes, purchase depends on budget, but you shouldn’t spend all your hard-earned money on a device that could be replaced with an analogue five times cheaper. For example, if you need a tablet to listen to music on the subway and check your email once a day, then there is no point in spending money on a top-end (best) tablet. But if you are going to use the tablet for a long time and to the fullest (play new games, run powerful applications, surf the Internet and much more), then buying an expensive toy is justified.

Don't go overboard with savings. If you buy cheap tablet, then you will spend a lot of nerves with him, and most likely he will soon will break and you'll have to buy a new one. So it's better to check it out first. reviews about the product, with reviews, and if you don’t have enough money, then save up. Quality tablet will pay for itself, will last a long time and will delight you with its service, believe me.

Advice, in principle, regarding any purchase, do not buy a tablet right away where you see it, in any salons, there price very much overpriced. Find a trusted online store and order there (the above will help you with this Yandex Market).

Don't worry, your tablet will come to you safe and sound. 🙂

How to use the tablet?

Let's say you're a guinea pig, you just bought a tablet and don't know where to begin. Then you are at the right place.

Since there are quite a lot of operating systems for tablets, I won’t be able to thoroughly analyze each one. There are many training videos for this. My goal is not to teach you how to use a specific system, but coordinate All in all.

All mobile systems, although they differ in their filling, are quite similar, and having mastered one system, you can quickly switch to another, only by supplementing your knowledge with their differences.

Personally, I switched from Android to iOS without studying the system at all (by the way, I also didn’t read anything about Android, except a couple of articles for solving specific problems). But this is my method, I personally like to learn something new about the system while working with it. And you don’t need to know much, that’s the beauty of it mobile systems, They intuitive, simple and clear. The person who saw it for the first time iPad screen, will already be able to navigate it and do something.

Of course, before buying something, you need to be at least a little theoretically prepared to work with it, but let’s not talk about boring things.

First, remove your device from the box and inspect all the waste paper that came with it. Perhaps the pieces of paper will also include instructions that will solve your problems if something happens. Also inspect the entire package, make sure that it matches what is stated on the manufacturer’s website (you can also find instructions in electronic form there).

Turn on the tablet, usually the power button on the top or side of the case. The button must be held down. Also inspect the case for other mechanical buttons, read the instructions about their functions. Wait until the tablet (from the word “tablet”, for a change I’ll call it that) turns on. For Apple devices, after turning them on for the first time, you need to configure the tablet.

Well, here you are home screen your tablet from an unknown brand. First of all, study the desktop ( main screen). Look what applications are already installed on it, open them by clicking on the icons. Not too hard, just with your finger. If the tablet is not very cheap, then a light touch is enough for it to react.

Dig into the settings, connect your device to wifi, change the wallpaper, in general, customize the tablet to suit you.

Then, when you have set up an Internet connection, try to find the application store on the screen to add to your collection of much-needed software. Apple calls this store Apple Store , for Android - Play Market. There you will have to register. Then install the most important things for working with the device - for example, a browser, social networking applications. Everything depends on you.

Hmm, well, in general, that’s all, it’s not as difficult as it seemed, isn’t it? And if difficulties arise, fortunately we live in the 21st century and the Internet is always at hand, if you do not find the answer to the question yourself, you can ask it in the comments here or on specialized forums.

Bonus for Yabloko beginners

Well, and since I myself use Apple, then I will be glad to give you a couple of places where you can get information about iOS system functions(operating system on mobile devices Apple).

First, this is the official Apple website. I really like its design. And who doesn't like him? Company-level website.

A brief and stylish overview of the new features of the iOS system. In general, use this site. Of course, no one will give you objective information about the device’s disadvantages (this is the manufacturer’s website), but reading reviews of their devices is very entertaining and pleasing to the eye.

In general, all necessary information Apple gives us (which is not surprising, they always focus on the little things, and “polish” everything so thoroughly that it’s difficult to find fault with anything). So Apple also gives us second place (it takes away food from poor reviewers).

And if you are the owner of their device with iOS 8, then you don’t have to go far. This is originally installed application "adviсe".

I'll do it mini review this mini-application.

To open Tips, look for the light bulb icon on a yellow background, like in the screenshot.

This is what the advice looks like - everything is concise and clear, with pictures. To download the pictures, turn on the Internet, after that they will remain in the cache () and you can watch the tips without the Internet.

There are currently 27 of these tips in total, but with new functions their list will be expanded. You can click on the “Like” button if you find this feature useful.

You don’t have to scroll through all the tips to find what you need. You can open the advice headings in a list and quickly find yours.

Android owners, forgive me, but I don’t know much about your system, I shared what I have an idea about. By the way, there is a newfangled thing called , and for IOS. Enough cool app. I hope this will be useful.

Let's sum it up

With this article, I hope I helped you decide whether you need a tablet, how to choose it, why you need it at all, and how to work with it. It's not difficult, the main thing is to choose responsibly. Go for it, good luck in your endeavors!

PS: Below I have put 2 videos that review the functions of the latest iOS versions and Android, namely iOS 8 and Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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There are some charms to the fact that today we, in fact, live in the very “future” that we were promised. True, flying cars and robots have not yet been brought to Mars.

But every person has a miniature computer in their pocket, the power of which is hundreds of times greater than the power of the systems that once launched Apollo to the Moon.

A mobile computer today can be much more useful than viewing photos of cats and chatting with friends. Modern tablets rapidly gaining popularity, while the demand for desktop computers is declining quite steadily.

Can a tablet be fully functional today? desktop computer, provided that the user does not infringe on himself in his usual activities? Is it possible to send desktops to the dustbin of history, replacing bulky ones? system units sleek tablets? This is what we tried to figure out.

Iron Throne

So, before moving on to the selection of programs that will serve as an alternative to the usual Microsoft Office, let's immediately solve the energy issue. A desktop computer is connected to a power outlet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; its battery problem does not concern it at all. In turn, most tablets are equipped with a single microUSB port. Once you put the system on charge, you physically cannot connect anything else to it. There are, of course, a few exceptions, but the strict need to recharge your computer from time to time will certainly transform your usual work schedule.

Problem #2 – sensory screen keyboard. You can, of course, buy a tablet with a plug-in keyboard module, and fans Apple iPad probably the famous “Apple” keyboard case. If, for one reason or another, you don’t want to have anything to do with a physical keyboard, you’ll have to spend some time getting used to the touch keyboard (which can be especially difficult for people who have worked with a keyboard all their lives). the usual method text input). However, all of the above is purely a matter of habit and some training.

Regarding work in multitasking mode– after a short practice you immediately understand how much more convenient the tablet is stationary system. All bookmarks can be easily switched with a finger; music and movies can also be started and stopped with a slight movement of the hand. If you search, some functions can even be “reassigned” to a click of your fingers.

Finger to the sky

Office workers, and indeed everyone who has to work with documents, will not be disappointed either. If you take any apple tablet, then the AppStore is literally full text editors. For entering text, for example, it is very convenient to use iaWriter, and for design, the Pages editor is suitable, allowing you to format texts and provide them with pictures. In addition, both services synchronize with iCloud, so they are convenient to use with other Apple devices. Finally, you can just buy office suite iWork, which even supports working with graphs and tables.

Working with texts on a tablet under Windows control even simpler: local users simply have access to good old Microsoft Office, which mobile platform without much change. Users of Android tablets are also not deprived of text editors - take, for example, the comprehensive OfficeSuite package. Another advantage of using a computer running operating system from "Good Corporation" - great amount free applications for every taste.

What you will have to tinker with is printing documents. Apparently, there is no easy way to connect the tablet to the printer directly - this is especially true for Apple tablet users, who will most likely have to find and buy a special printer. Synchronizing Windows tablets with printers is also not ideal, especially if you work with not the latest models. Tablets for Android control Connecting to a printer sometimes requires actions that qualify experienced users like “dancing with a tambourine.”

The question of networks

What tablets do just great is... social activity. If you spend a lot of time on social networks, you will find it much more convenient to do this using mobile computers, rather than stationary ones. Messaging apps, quick visits to social media and for working with blogs and microblogs for all three platforms there are a dime a dozen, and you can launch a separate series of articles about them. Again, touch monitor allows you to switch between applications and windows much faster, edit photos and write comments. The built-in camera of the tablet will be useful for fans of social networks for quickly posting selfies, photos of food, people, landscapes, etc. on Instagram or Facebook.

It is not surprising that tablets have a huge number of programs for photo processing and even video editing. However, people who edit large videos or even films are unlikely to leave desktop computers. Full workstation The “tablet” cannot yet be replaced due to technical limitations. If your interests are limited to photo processing, then all platforms have the familiar Photoshop or.

There are no problems with music and movies either: iTunes, Apple Store and Microsoft Store provide any materials you are interested in. Netflix apps, Google Play Music, YouTube and much more will allow you to do whatever your heart desires around the clock. In addition, many people find a tablet more convenient for web surfing - if you feel more comfortable interacting with Internet pages with your finger than with a mouse. On the other hand, it is not always convenient to open small drop-down menus, or click on small icons without affecting others.

Sum of technologies

As for games, any tablet is unconditionally inferior to a desktop computer, unless your interests are not Angry Birds and other similar “time killers”. Games for mobile electronics are simple, primitive, rarely interesting, but they willingly extract money from you. If one day you decide to completely abandon your desktop computer, you will have to forget about regularly released hits with gorgeous graphics. Most of the leading game developers today are just looking at tablets and producing simple crafts for them.

In conclusion, we can say that a modern tablet computer, in general, can replace a stationary one, however, only for the most regular user. Professionals who create certain high-quality materials who require computing power and big choice peripherals will never give up a full-fledged desktop system, no matter how many programs and cores there are in the “tablet”.

Why you need it: seven reasons to buy a tablet

Before talking about the advantages of tablets, it is worth deciding what exactly this term means. Traditionally, a tablet is a type of laptop that allows you to enter handwritten information using touch screen. In other words, you can imagine that a tablet is either a much larger smartphone with a touch screen, or a netbook without a traditional keyboard. This is why the tablet is so often compared with the first or the second, but this is not entirely true. Tablets usually run on dedicated operating systems, such as Android, iOS, webOS, and so on.

What reasons prompt us to buy a tablet?

Reason one: it makes the job easier

Tablet computers make simple everyday tasks much easier: checking email, surfing the Internet, viewing and simply editing documents, viewing graphs and drawings, reading e-books. The diagonal of most tablets usually ranges from 7 to 10 inches, which is quite comparable to netbooks. A screen of this size allows you to fully load web pages and view office documents with almost no scrolling. Tablets are quite convenient for displaying, for example, your own portfolio, graphs, diagrams and so on. The presence of a touch screen significantly reduces the time for such small movements as scrolling through files or changing the scale, and the finger-oriented interface is much more convenient than a mouse or touchpad on laptops.

Thanks to the abundance of programs for tablets, it can become a real professional tool. Office applications allow you to create and edit documents and spreadsheets on the go. Available for iOS and Android devices, Photoshop Express is a great tool for mobile image retouching. Famous application Garage Band for the iPad tablet is a real mini-studio for music lovers.

In a word, thanks to application markets for tablets, you can solve almost any problem. Nevertheless, the essence of tablets was very accurately described by the former CEO Apple Steve Jobs at the iPad 2 presentation: “Tablet and desktop computer- How is that a car and a truck. A passenger car copes with many tasks, but for more difficult work you need a truck.” So the tablet should be perceived as handy tool for simple work and do not expect more serious functionality from it.

Reason two: it is suitable for home

You can find a lot of uses for a tablet at home. When tablets first appeared, many considered them just a prestigious photo frame, but this is far from the case. It’s much more convenient to read the latest news, check your email or select photos from your next trip while sitting on the couch rather than at your desk. In addition, many tablets today have the function of connecting to a TV via HDMI, that is, it is possible to play videos or photos on the TV screen through the tablet. For example, tablets Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Apple iPad 2, Acer Iconia Tab 501 and others are equipped with similar outputs, but connection will require special adapters and cables. Again, thanks to the application market, the tablet can become convenient planner current affairs and shopping, an alarm clock, an adviser and a true friend.

Reason three: it's easy to travel with

Perhaps the main advantage of a tablet is its mobility, the ability to always have it at hand without unnecessary problems. The average weight of tablets ranges from 600 to 900 grams, which is significantly less than most netbooks. The tablet will easily fit into a briefcase or a handbag and will become an excellent companion on the road. The memory capacity of most tablets today is at least 16 GB, which is enough for a collection of your favorite tunes, a good hundred e-books and a couple of videos to pass the time on the road.

Using your tablet, you can immediately create photo galleries (for example, Acer Iconia Tab A500 has a reading connector microSD cards and a USB connector for flash drives). The battery life of tablets ranges from 6 to 10 hours (for example, the well-known iPad tablet from Apple works for at least 10 hours), which means you don’t need to constantly carry a charger with you. In this regard, the tablet is much more like mobile phone, which today you simply cannot do without.

Many tablets are equipped with a GPS navigator and contain maps, which can be convenient when walking or driving in unfamiliar places. Of course, when large size screen, the tablet will not be as convenient to use as a traditional GPS navigator, but in difficult times it will tell you the way.

Reason four: it is also interesting for children

The good thing about a tablet is that there can be many scenarios for its use. However, as practice shows, tablets are much more accessible to children than computers or laptops due to their simple design.

According to numerous user reviews, two-year-old children can easily learn to work with a tablet on mobile system iOS, which runs the popular tablet iPad 2. More and more companies today are developing new educational and developmental applications for children - interactive alphabet books, bright books, fun games. In this regard, tablets represent more freedom for creativity, more interactivity in games and applications due to touch capacitive screens and support for multiple touches (multi-touch). Thus, the tablet can become one of the most original ways education and development of children, especially since currently from mobile technologies there's no escape.

Reason five: it is easy to modify

Bluetooth Keyboard Case and Keyboard Dock

The good thing about tablets is that most of them can be easily modified depending on the needs of the user. The ability to connect tablets to a TV to watch movies has already been mentioned above. For those who print a lot, tablets with detachable keyboard(for example, Asus EEE Pad Transformer). A Bluetooth keyboard is also suitable for many tablet models; in this case, it is worth purchasing a docking station to fix the tablet in certain position. For the iPad 2, for example, there is a keyboard with a docking station that also charges the tablet computer. Accessory manufacturers have even gone so far as to create special cases with a keyboard already built into them, which quite elegantly solves the problem of typing on the road or during private moves.

Case with notepad

By the way, the range of cases for tablets is incredibly diverse, and you can choose convenient options exactly for your needs. There are even somewhat redundant hybrids: for example, a tablet case contains additional block for traditional handwritten notes. In a word, with the help of additional accessories you can turn your tablet into a truly functional and convenient device for you.

Reason six: tablets are different

HTC Flyer Asus EEE Pad Transformer And Sony Tablet P

Despite the fact that the tablet market is currently just gaining momentum, many manufacturers are already delighting users with a variety of options that are completely different from each other.

Already mentioned above Asus tablet The EEE Pad Transformer features a detachable keyboard that, when connected to the tablet, makes it feel incredibly similar to a regular laptop.

HTC's Flyer tablet is an interesting combination of mobility and functionality - a seven-inch screen, light weight and a special stylus for taking notes in almost any application. Similar tablet due to its size suitable for those who travel frequently and want to be constantly in touch. The tablet is comfortable to hold in your hand and work with it on the move.

Samsung offers a compromise option between seven and ten inches - 8.9-inch Galaxy tablet Tab 8.9. Recently, an elegant solution for ladies appeared on the market: the Sony Tablet P tablet in the form of a clamshell with two screens based on the Android operating system.

All this diversity indicates that manufacturers continue to look for new forms and variations of tablets for different categories of users, which means choosing something suitable will not be difficult.

Reason seven: he looks impressive

Whatever you say, a tablet is a fashion device, effective in almost any environment. Undoubtedly, your friends and colleagues will appreciate and envy the convenience and portability of your tablet, and will also feel the benefits of this device when demonstrating its capabilities.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the tablet is not a complete replacement for either a laptop or cell phone, so it can hardly be called one of the most necessary devices. Nevertheless positive sides The features of a tablet are quite obvious, so it can become quite a useful assistant in your mobile family.