Wifi connection error on android saved. WiFi security

Quite often, many users of devices running mobile operating systems encounter an unpleasant situation when the device displays an authentication error when connecting to wireless network. Such problems can equally be attributed to stationary systems, but it is in them that failures of this kind are much less common. For them, a method for eliminating the problem will be proposed separately, but for now we will focus on Android devices. It is to them that the occurrence of this failure is most often attributed. Accordingly, the proposed methods for eliminating such situations are mainly designed for mobile devices, and not stationary systems, although they cannot be discounted. But first things first. And first, a few words about the nature of the failure itself, without understanding which all solutions to correct the situation may turn out to be completely ineffective.

What is an authentication error in a general sense?

Let's look not even at the error itself and the nature of its failure, but at the authentication process itself. Don't confuse it with initialization and authorization. These are different things.

Authentication when trying to connect to a WiFi-based wireless network is a check of the key entered for access, or, more simply, the password that is used in the settings of the router or stationary computer device that distributes the signal to prevent unauthorized connection.

The most common situation associated with the appearance of a Wi-Fi authentication error is the usual inattention of the user himself, who enters the wrong combination as a password. In this case, you should go to the network settings, select change parameters and check the box next to the password display line, and after entering, compare it with what is used as the default access key.

Authentication error when connecting to WiFi: reasons for the failure

However, in most cases, this is not the main problem. It may very well be that the mobile device and router have different types protecting or encrypting data transmitted over a secure connection. Sometimes there may be short-term disruptions. It is especially worth noting that the router settings were incorrectly set in terms of selecting the connection type and the channel used. You can completely fight all this elementary methods, after which the problem will disappear. Below are several basic techniques.

Checking the current operating mode of the mobile device

So, we assume that when trying to connect to a network, the device generates an authentication error. What to do?

First of all, check the operating mode of the device. Every user should understand that when Airplane mode is activated, absolutely all connections are blocked. It may well be that you were trying to install silent mode by lowering the speaker volume, but accidentally made a longer press, which activated the corresponding “Airplane” mode. Just unplug it and check the connection.

The simplest method to resolve the error

Error WiFi authentication on Android, strange as it may sound, may be associated with short-term system failures, especially when you have some kind of optimizer installed that disables everything background services to speed up the device.

Try simply rebooting the device, but do not use a restart for this, but turn off the device completely and turn it on again.

If we talk about home users whose Android system gives an authentication error when connecting to WiFi at home, the problem may also be related to the router itself. Execute full reset its settings by completely turning off the power supply for about ten to fifteen seconds, then turning on the device again. Some experts advise taking a longer pause (up to ten minutes), although, I think, the specified initial period is quite enough.

Difference in encryption systems

Let's understand a little about what an authentication error is. Now a few words about the most common reasons for its appearance. The problem is that the router and mobile device may use different types of selected security systems.

Very often this problem occurs with mobile devices. model range Samsung Galaxy. The router is set to WPA-PSK Personal by default, and the phone is using WEP. This mismatch causes the device to generate a WiFi authentication error.

Router setup questions

Thus, eliminate this problem can be installed correct parameters both on the router and on the mobile device.

On the router you can use automatic settings, and as additional means select mixed connection mode (11b/g or 11b/g/n). Typically, these settings are located in the Wireless section. Yes, here's another thing. Don’t forget to check whether distribution is enabled on the router, otherwise the Internet connection indicator may blink, the provider’s router will be detected by external ping, but there will be no connection and there will be no connection.

Setting a priority channel on the router

There is another common problem related to the settings of the used channels allocated for connection. In this case, a failure message may also appear. What is an authentication error in in this case? Nothing more than the inability to connect via an automatically selected communication channel.

To fix the problem, log into the router’s web interface through any browser installed on a desktop computer system (for example, in Windows), and in the corresponding settings item, alternately select the use of one of the eleven available channels, saving the settings and checking connectivity.

Pairing setup

Finally, one of the global solutions to the problem of interconnection mobile technology with routers or stationary distribution devices, is to establish pairing with standard IP protocols of the fourth and sixth versions. You need to set such options specifically on a smartphone or tablet.

The sixth protocol, apparently, will not have to be used, since in the post-Soviet space there are not many providers using DHCP servers of the sixth version. Therefore, you can limit yourself to pairing with IPv4.

Windows Solutions

But so far everything described has applied mostly to mobile systems. You shouldn't forget about Windows either. This is especially true for situations when a distribution server is installed on a computer or laptop.

As a rule, IPv4 settings indicate automatic receipt addresses of all types, but often the problem may be that the system cannot convert standard requests to domain name V digital combination, what DNS servers are responsible for.

To fix the problem, try simply changing the Preferred and Alternate settings DNS server, setting the parameters in the form of free Google combinations (options with eights and fours).

Sometimes, if distribution is not carried out, it is necessary to call the services section (services.msc in the “Run” menu), find there DNS clients and DHCP, check their status (they must be active with the priority set to “Running”). If the services are stopped, you should go into editing options (double-click or RMB menu), press the start button to start them manually and set the startup type to automatic. After completing all actions and saving the settings, the computer system should be rebooted into mandatory, and after the restart check the possibility of connecting via WiFi.

Another common problem is blocking of incoming and outgoing connections on the created server by installed standard antiviruses and Windows firewall. At least, the occurrence of such situations is very often associated with the Avast package.

To fix the problem, disable your antivirus for ten minutes and check the connection. If it works, get rid of this software. If there is no effect, deactivate the Windows Firewall.

If you suspect exposure to viruses, use portable scanners like KVRT or Dr. Web CureIt, but it’s best to check the system before booting using disk applications like Kaspersky Rescue Disk. The uniqueness of such utilities is that when recording to removable media you can use built-in bootloaders, select a graphical interface and scan your computer system even before Windows boot. Such tools are not provided for mobile systems (unfortunately).

The maximum that can be used is mobile antiviruses or programs that disable everything unnecessary services like Root Booster. Such applications, however, will require superuser rights, but the effect of increasing productivity cannot be compared with anything. In practice, this particular utility has shown itself to be the best.

Instead of a total

In general, if we summarize what an authentication error is, it should already be clear. And you shouldn’t associate its appearance solely with mobile systems. As follows from the material presented above, in the presence of dispensing devices based on virtual server For Windows systems, the occurrence of such a failure is also no exception. As for troubleshooting, of course, you should start with the settings of the router and mobile device, since the same types of protection systems may not match. Otherwise, the proposed solutions can be used exactly in the order of their description, although in most cases it can be quite difficult to name the true cause of the failure, especially since the error message itself almost never indicates anything particularly specific about the description. And this is precisely the biggest disadvantage, because of which it is simply impossible to initiate a failure.

Often, users have problems connecting to the Internet when the network is active, but the signal is not heard. The device tries to connect to the access point, but the message “Saved WPA protection" and as a result there is no connection.

Sometimes it happens that the device connects to the network, but in fact the Internet distribution does not work

What to do about it? In most cases, the problems do not concern the phone or tablet, Android devices, but the router itself. There are several ways to change its settings to get it to work correct operation and high-quality connection with your equipment.

Sometimes, to solve a connection problem when “WPA protection saved” appears, it’s enough to reboot Wi-Fi points and reconnect to it. There is probably simply a problem with the router that can be easily fixed by restarting it.

Another one possible reason associated with incorrect operation of the equipment may be due to the fact that its firmware is outdated. Download the most current firmware for the router from the manufacturer’s website and upload the file to the settings menu.

The settings open like this: enter the router’s IP address into the address bar of any browser, enter the value “Admin” instead of the login and password if you have not changed them.

After logging in, update your hardware. Even if the issue is not with the firmware, install it again new version It’s always useful, because by releasing it, the manufacturer corrects all previous problems.

Regional settings

Access to the network may be unavailable for a trivial reason - the region where you live is incorrectly set in the equipment.

To find out, go to the router settings, select the Wireless section, the Wireless Settings line (for TP-Link brand models) and check which region is indicated in the line with the same name. If the data is incorrect, correct it.

If you have a router of a different brand, look for this data in the section where, in addition to the region, the device name and connection parameters are specified.

Password problems

Checking the correctness of the key

In some cases, the line “WPA Security Saved” appears if you entered the wrong password when connecting. To reset it, click on the network icon, select “Delete”, then reconnect and enter the correct combination.

Changing the password and encryption type

It is likely that the device you are using to connect to Wi-Fi does not understand the password or its encryption type. These parameters can be changed in the hardware settings.

To do this on TP-Link brand models, go to the Wireless menu, select the Wireless Security tab. Here you will change the password - try to create a combination consisting of only numbers. Below, select the encryption method - it is best to select WPA/WPA2 - Personal (Recommended), set the type to AES.

Don't forget to save the changes, reboot and reconnect to Wi-Fi from your gadget. Please note that when you set a new password and change settings, you will need to change the data on the remaining devices that previously connected to this wireless connection.

Changing the operating mode

There is often no connection due to the fact that the phone, tablet or other equipment does not support the router’s operating mode. There are three such modes, all of them are called with Latin letters b, g, n. If the router is set to work in n mode, and the gadget does not support it, then you will not be able to connect them.

Therefore, conduct an experiment: change the way the device operates, for which you need to perform the following actions:

  • Go to the equipment settings, use the previously mentioned Wireless section, Wireless Settings tab.
  • Stop at the line called Mode.
  • Now you have to choose a different mode - use the option with all three letters- b, g, n, so that you can connect to Wi-Fi from all devices running on at least, in one of these modes.

A fairly common phenomenon. At the same time, users cannot connect a tablet or smartphone to Wi-Fi, despite using the standard router settings and entering the password correctly, which is very difficult and interferes with normal operation mobile gadget. This problem is easy to solve if you have some knowledge. It is enough to change some settings so that the mobile device can be connected to the wireless network. Often users are faced with a situation where they do not display available connections or the connection cannot be established. At the same time, Internet access is necessary to set up a mobile gadget, install applications, updates, without which the device will not perform its functions. We recommend that you carefully change all wireless network connection settings to avoid resetting the installed settings router. Any rash action may lead to the need to reflash the router.

Solving authentication problems when connecting a tablet or smartphone to a Wi-Fi router

Authentication when connecting to a wireless connection is the identification of the device and its parameters. It is necessary for security purposes - only this way strangers will not be able to use your Internet connection. On the other hand, authentication “determines” how compatible the settings that are used for the wireless connection are.

Security is ensured through user input correct password. In this case, all router settings must be configured in such a way that the tablet or smartphone cannot accept the connection, which will open up the opportunity for its owner to use the Internet.

Authentication errors occur in three cases. The first involves entering the password incorrectly. Since it does not require changing any parameters, we recommend that you make sure that you entered the combination correctly. If the key is specified correctly, but the connection does not become active, then the reason lies in incorrect data encryption. Often, simply changing the data encryption type is enough to prevent authentication errors from occurring.

The third reason is the incorrect operation of the router itself. This problem often occurs on budget models, since the quality of the device, as is known, depends on the price. In addition, the signals large quantity budget routers that work on standard settings, may "overlap". This primarily causes the signal to be interrupted not during authentication, but during the process of using the connection. Often, incorrect operation of the router can occur due to the load on one device, technical malfunctions of the provider, large volume downloadable in this moment files to high speed. Sometimes power outages can cause authentication issues and the inability to connect to the Internet.

Error Wi-Fi authentication is revealed very simply. Users of Android mobile devices will see the message “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protection” or “Authentication error”. It is worth noting that most often this problem occurs on smartphones, and not on tablets. In any case, the task of each user is to configure the router in such a way that such errors do not occur. They cause great inconvenience, especially at times when there is an urgent need to use the Internet.

What should the user do before making changes to the parameters? First of all, we recommend making sure that you are using correct name network and enter the password correctly. If everything is correct, but the connection is inactive, try rebooting the router by turning it off and then back on. Many devices have a reset button. We do not recommend using Reset, as this will require you to completely configure the router.

Changing the connection subfrequency

There are a total of 14 connection subfrequencies. Moreover, the fourteenth subfrequency is used for military purposes. In the Russian Federation and Ukraine, 13 subfrequencies are allowed to be used for widespread use. Often, routers from the same manufacturer select a specific channel by default. We recommend checking this setting and setting it to a new value.

To do this, open your browser and enter the numbers “”. After that press Enter. Next, you will need to enter your username and password to access the router’s web client. Such information is contained in the instructions for the device. After this, you will be able to see the router settings. You should go to the Wireless tab. On the tab you will be able to see the Channel option. To make it easier to use the wireless network on smartphones and tablets, you need to set the Auto setting. It will allow you to automatically select a channel depending on the load on a particular channel. Do not forget to reboot the router after changing the parameter.

It should be noted that such a change will help solve the authentication problem if mobile devices find many wireless network connections. This situation is common in offices and apartment buildings.

The password and network name are great importance when connected to Wi-Fi on tablets and smartphones. The network name must not contain the following characters: \, |, /, $, &, :, %. We also do not recommend using hyphens and dashes. As for the password, it is desirable that it consists entirely of numbers. Alphabetic characters are allowed in combinations, but many users who have encountered problems with device authentication recommend using numeric combinations.

To change the network name and password, you will again need access to the router's web client. After that, go to the Wireless tab again, find the SSID1 parameter and change it. Changing the password is also easy. You must first activate the Wireless tab, and then go to Wireless Security. Password PSK - this is the key that must be entered when connecting to wireless internet. After making the change, you need to reboot the router.

Encryption type

We recommend that you perform this setup simultaneously with changing the connection name and password. The optimal and reliable connection today is WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. This setting should be set in the Wireless Security section.

After this, you need to check the Version parameter. It is advisable to have the Auto version of the security standard installed. This may solve the problem on older devices that simply cannot work with the WPA2-PSK standard. Sometimes on new devices the operating system firmware version does not allow support for WPA2-PSK. The encryption type allows the device to use both WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK2. It is supported by all modern mobile gadgets and represents more advanced settings than WPA2-PSK.

Tablet firmware and root access

An authentication error when connecting to Wi-Fi can often occur if there are problems with the firmware version of the tablet or smartphone. This especially applies to those whose users have made changes to the . In some cases, users are unable to connect to a wireless network if the operating system version is not authentic.

Any firmware contains drivers that are responsible for the module wireless communication. An inauthentic version of the operating system, accordingly, may use inappropriate drivers that prevent normal connection. In such cases, we recommend to fix the authentication error. Choose only high-quality firmware. First read reviews from people who have already installed software to your gadget. But this solution is suitable only for those who are convinced that there are no other options to fix the problem.

Authentication errors when connecting a tablet or smartphone to Wi-Fi are not uncommon. In this case, the solution to the problem is to change the settings of the router, check that the password is entered correctly, or change the firmware. In any case, when such situations arise, the easiest option is to reboot the router and double-check the combination entered when connecting. Before changing the data encryption type and other parameters, you need to make sure that this will not cause other failures in the router.

One of the common problems when connecting an Android phone or tablet to Wi-Fi is an authentication error, or simply the message “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected” after trying to connect to a wireless network.

In this article, I will talk about the ways I know to fix the authentication problem and still connect to the Internet distributed by your Wi-Fi router, as well as what may cause this behavior.

Contact the point manufacturer or router for assistance. . This alert notification is enabled or disabled in the app settings. This warning notification is defined in the application settings. To clear this message, follow these steps:

Connecting to an access point that uses network name by default, may pose a security problem. This access point typically uses all default security and management settings. If you are using personal network, change the security settings and network name to improve network security.

Saved, WPA/WPA2 protection on Android

Typically, the connection process itself when an authentication error occurs is as follows: you select a wireless network, enter its password, and then see the status change: Connection - Authentication - Saved, WPA2 or WPA protection. If a little later the status changes to “Authentication Error”, while the network connection itself does not occur, then something is wrong with the password or security settings on the router. If it just says “Saved,” then it’s probably due to the Wi-Fi network settings. And now, in order, what can be done in this case to connect to the network.

File sharing and printer sharing allow other computers on the network to access resources on your computer. To clear this message and restore shared network folders When logging out, follow these steps: If you receive a message with a card that is not detected by the network, the card has been removed or not installed. The card may have been removed or not installed.

  • Click My Computer and select Properties.
  • Select "Hardware".
  • Click Device Manager.
  • Select Network Adapters.
Recommended Action: Select Profile, click Login. The application you configured to run when this connection profile cannot be found. Check the path and name in additional settings profile manager.

Important Note: When changing the wireless network settings in the router, delete the saved network on your phone or tablet. To do this, in Wi-Fi settings, select your network and hold it until a menu appears. There is also an “Change” item in this menu, but for some reason, even on the latest versions of Android, after making changes (for example, a new password), an authentication error still appears, while after deleting the network everything is fine.

To check the path and name, follow these steps: This authentication error is usually caused by incorrect server credentials. To resolve this error, follow these steps: Specified ID must match the identifier that was issued by the certificate and registered with the authentication server used by the authenticator. This requirement depends on the authentication server and typically means that the authentication server must know the recipient of the certificate as the certificate authority. You must log in with the same name that was used when installing the certificate. Click Next to select another certificate from the list installed certificates or specify a different server or certificate name. Click Connect and try to connect to the network and authenticate with the server.

  • The certificate must be valid for the authentication server.
  • Select a profile from the list of profiles.
  • Click Properties to open the General Settings page.
  • Click Next to open Security Options.
  • Enterprise security has been selected.
  • Select a profile.
This error occurred because the smart card was unexpectedly removed.

Very often this error is caused by incorrect input password, and the user can be sure that he enters everything correctly. First of all, make sure that the Wi-Fi password does not use Cyrillic, and when entering you respect the case of letters (capital and small). For ease of verification, you can temporarily change the password on the router to a completely digital one. You can read about how to do this in the instructions for setting up the router (there is information for all common brands and models) on my website (also there you will find how to log in in the router settings for the changes described below).

Router settings for connecting a phone

Authentication failed because the authentication clock expired while authenticating this mobile station. If the rogue access point does not exist or is not suspected, click the profile in the profile list. Click Connect to establish a connection to the network and attempt to authenticate with the server. This error occurs when the authenticator does not accept the profile credentials. To resolve this issue, contact your administrator.

Solving problems with authentication errors on your device

Go to the management console. In any case, the identifiers that need to be filled in are the identifiers of your email address. This makes it easy to send email from unfree external connection. Go to your email management console.

The second common option, especially for older and budget phones and tablets - unsupported Wi-Fi network mode. You should try turning on 802.11 b/g mode (instead of n or Auto) and try connecting again. Also, in rare cases, changing the wireless network region to the USA (or Russia, if you have a different region installed) helps.

Make sure the service is activated. You can now customize your email software with the following new settings. Check your wireless connection. The first step is to try connecting another device to the same network to check the correct function wireless connection and checking that the router is configured correctly.

Save your changes and return from settings. Check your wireless signal strength. Wireless network performance depends on signal strength. You need to connect to a place where the signal is strong. Make sure your firmware is up to date. Try rebooting your device to factory settings.

The next thing to check and try to change is the authentication method and WPA encryption (also in the router’s wireless network settings, the items may be named differently). If you have WPA2-Personal installed by default, try installing WPA. Encryption - AES.

Another method suggested in the comments - try setting a Wi-Fi network password consisting of only numbers, it may help.

AND last method, which you can try if something happens - this automatic correction problems using the Android application WiFi Fixer (can be downloaded for free from). The application automatically corrects many errors related to the wireless connection and, judging by the reviews, it works (although I’m not entirely sure how).

Error: 619: The specified port is not open. Error: 629: It has been disconnected from the selected number's computer. Error: 633: Modem is already in use or not configured for dialing external number phone.

  • Was the computer restarted after installing the modem?
  • If not: do it.
  • Isn't there a microfilter in front of the modem?
  • Modem error?
Error: 638: The wait time for the dish was exceeded.
  • The reason for this error is incorrect setting connections.
  • Check your modem and phone number.
Error: 645: Occurred Internal error authentication. Error: 650: The remote access server is not responding. Error: 651: Modem error reported.

Users often experience an authentication error when connecting to WiFi on Android devices. Most often it is caused by an incorrect password entry, although situations where a previously working connection suddenly denies access also occur. Read more about why this happens and how to deal with it later in the article.

Reasons for Authentication Error

Any secure network requires a key - code word, which gives the user the right to receive and send information. If you enter wrong password, then when connecting to Wi-Fi, the system will write: “authentication error” and the connection protocol will be disrupted. An incorrectly entered combination of characters is the most common problem. To avoid this, it is recommended to remember:

The most common reason for this is the modem hanger. . Error: 680: No dial tone. Is the service already active? - If not, we can call and find out if the line is ready or wait. Does the signal originate, for example, through the central unit? . Error: 692: Hardware failure in the domain.

Problem with Android device firmware

Make sure your computer has network adapters - if so, disable them in Device Manager. 720 errors have been known to appear when there is a problem with the firewall or antivirus program.

  • Uninstall the floppy software.
  • Other ways to remove this error are described in the section: Error 720.
  • The connection attempt was unsuccessful.
Error: 721: The remote computer is not responding.
  • letter case matters;

  • you need to check the input language;

  • Replacing letters like “s” in English with “s” in Russian is unacceptable.

If, even after entering the absolutely correct password, the device does not connect to Wi-Fi, the authentication error may be on the router’s side. Depending on the characteristics of the connected device, the following can be checked during connection:

Error: 749: Invalid phone number. Properties phone call installed incorrectly. . Error: 756: This connection is already selected. We are creating a new Internet connection, the old connection is damaged and can be deleted. Error: 777: The connection attempt failed because the modem or other device connected to the remote computer is damaged.

Error: 797: The connection failed because the modem was not found. To disable network adapters, go to Control Panel and find the System icon, click on it. The most obvious thing is that the modem was connected before installing the drivers. We remove the drivers and reinstall. Let's remember to connect the modem when asked to do so. Should drivers be installed for the modem? - check, install. Sometimes it's worth creating a new connection. It is also possible that this error occurs when the modem is faulty.

  • Go to the Hardware tab and click the Device Manager button.
  • In the equipment tree, click on the network cards separator.
  • Right-click on the backup network card and turn it off.
  • Restart your computer to remove the installation.
  • Network card drivers are installed.
  • Install them.
  • Disable the network adapter - enable it in Device Manager.
  • Paused voice gateway.
We follow the master.
  • Network SSID;

  • Router MAC address;

If at least one of the points does not match the data stored in memory, the smartphone or tablet will interrupt the connection protocol for security reasons. This discrepancy may be caused by:

Using Wifi Fixer

Follow the link and click the "Add" button. In the “Create a new connection” window, select “Connect to a network using broadband” and click “Next”. In the next window, enter a name for the call and click Done. It was also checked that the new connection is set to default and that the option is always selected: Always select the default connection.

The term "Authentication Error"

As a result of our work, an Internet connection window and an icon will appear on the desktop. You enter a username or password, but do not change anything in the connection settings. Another user connecting with your username and password is a very serious violation of the rules - never give data to anyone.

  • Re-enter your username and password.
  • Everything looks correct and the error is still happening.
Error: 711: A configuration error on this computer is preventing this connection.
  • settings failure in the router;
  • malicious substitution;
  • new.

Regardless of the cause, the problem must be resolved comprehensively: both on the connection device and on the router.

Android Devices: Troubleshooting Authentication

So, there was a Wi-Fi authentication error on Android: what to do in such a situation? First of all, you need to make sure that:

After removing the keys, turn off your computer and turn it on. . Error: 718: Timeout waiting for a valid response from the remote computer. Usually we have a blank user field in the connection settings, please enter the relevant details and connect to the Internet. Error: 735: Ї - the specified address was rejected by the server.

You created a connection but you do not have a network adapter, or you created a connection and then installed network adapter. Error: 741: The local computer does not support the required data encryption type. Error: 769: The specified destination is not available.

  • the connection is made to exactly that network;
  • the password was entered correctly;
  • is there a limit on the number of connected devices;
  • You're the only one with a connection problem.

You can try to enter the password again. To do this, go to Settings - Wireless networks (wireless connection - depends on Android versions). In the window that appears, find and press the SSID name, select “change settings” in the drop-down list. Enter a new password and try to connect again. If this doesn't help, read on.
In case your phone does not connect to WiFi, the authentication error occurs on the device itself. To resolve this issue, you will need to take several steps.

Password and MAC address filtering should protect you from hacking. In fact, safety largely depends on your caution. Inappropriate security methods, a simple password and a frivolous attitude towards third-party users in home network give to attackers additional features for attack. In this article, you will learn how to crack a WEP password, why you should abandon filters, and how to secure your wireless network from all sides.

Protection from uninvited guests

Your network is not secure, therefore, sooner or later someone will connect to your wireless network. outsider— perhaps not even on purpose, since smartphones and tablets are capable of automatically connecting to unsecured networks. If he just opens several sites, then, most likely, nothing bad will happen except for the consumption of traffic. The situation will become more complicated if a guest starts downloading illegal content through your Internet connection.

If you have not yet taken any security measures, then go to the router interface through a browser and change your network access data. The router address usually looks like: If this is not the case, then you can find out the IP address of your network device through command line. In the operating room Windows system 7 Click on the “Start” button and enter the “cmd” command in the search bar. Call up the network settings with the “ipconfig” command and find the “Default gateway” line. The specified IP is the address of your router, which must be entered into address bar browser. The location of your router's security settings varies by manufacturer. As a rule, they are located in a section with the title “WLAN | Safety".

If your wireless network uses an unsecured connection, you should be especially careful with content that is located in shared folders, since if it is not protected, it will be available to other users. At the same time, in operating system In Windows XP Home, the situation with shared access is simply catastrophic: by default, passwords cannot be set here at all - this function present only in professional version. Instead, all network requests are made through an unsecured guest account. You can secure your network in Windows XP using a small manipulation: launch the command line, enter “ net user guest YourNewPassword" and confirm the operation by pressing the "Enter" key. After Windows restarts, access network resources will only be possible if you have a password, but more fine tuning in this version of the OS, unfortunately, it is not possible. Managing sharing settings is much more convenient in Windows 7. Here, to limit the number of users, just go to the “Network and Sharing Center” in the Control Panel and create home group password protected.

The lack of proper security on a wireless network is a source of other dangers, as hackers can use special programs(sniffers) detect everything unsecured connections. This way, it will be easy for hackers to intercept your identification data from various services.


As before, the two most popular security methods today are MAC address filtering and hiding the SSID (network name): these security measures will not keep you safe. In order to identify the network name, an attacker only needs a WLAN adapter, which switches to monitoring mode using a modified driver, and a sniffer - for example, Kismet. The attacker monitors the network until a user (client) connects to it. It then manipulates the data packets and thereby kicks the client off the network. When the user reconnects, the attacker sees the network name. It seems complicated, but in fact the whole process only takes a few minutes. Bypassing the MAC filter is also easy: the attacker determines the MAC address and assigns it to his device. Thus, the connection of an outsider remains unnoticed by the network owner.

If your device only supports WEP encryption, take immediate action - such a password can be cracked even by non-professionals in a few minutes.

Particularly popular among cyber fraudsters is the Aircrack-ng software package, which, in addition to the sniffer, includes an application for downloading and modifying WLAN adapter drivers, and also allows you to recover the WEP key. Known methods hacking are PTW and FMS/KoreK attacks, in which traffic is intercepted and a WEP key is calculated based on its analysis. In this situation, you have only two options: first you should look for the latest firmware for your device that will support latest methods encryption. If the manufacturer does not provide updates, it is better to refuse to use such a device, because in doing so you are jeopardizing the security of your home network.

The popular advice to reduce Wi-Fi range only gives the appearance of protection. Neighbors will still be able to connect to your network, but attackers often use Wi-Fi adapters with large radius actions.

Public hotspots

Places with free Wi-Fi attract cyber fraudsters because huge amounts of information pass through them, and anyone can use hacking tools. Public hotspots can be found in cafes, hotels and other public places. But other users of the same networks can intercept your data and, for example, take control of your Accounts on various web services.

Cookie Protection. Some attack methods are truly so simple that anyone can use them. Firesheep extension for Firefox browser automatically reads and displays in a list the accounts of other users, including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Twitter. If a hacker clicks on one of the entries in the list, he will immediately receive full access to your account and will be able to change user data at your discretion. Firesheep does not crack passwords, but only copies active, unencrypted cookies. To protect yourself from such interceptions, you should use the special HTTPS Everywhere add-on for Firefox. This extension forces online services to always use an encrypted connection via HTTPS protocol, if it is supported by the service provider's server.

Android protection. In the recent past, a flaw in the operating room has attracted everyone's attention. Android system, which could allow scammers to gain access to your accounts on services such as Picasa and " Google Calendar", as well as read contacts. Google Company eliminated this vulnerability in Android 2.3.4, but most devices previously purchased by users have older versions of the system installed. To protect them, you can use the SyncGuard application.


The best protection is provided by WPA2 technology, which is used by manufacturers computer equipment since 2004. Most devices support this type of encryption. But, like other technologies, WPA2 also has its own weakness: Using a dictionary attack or brute force method, hackers can crack passwords - but only if they are weak. Dictionaries simply go through the keys stored in their databases - as a rule, all possible combinations of numbers and names. Passwords like “1234” or “Ivanov” are guessed so quickly that the hacker’s computer doesn’t even have time to warm up.

The bruteforce method suggests not using ready base data, but, on the contrary, selecting a password by listing all possible combinations of characters. In this way, an attacker can calculate any key - the only question is how long it will take him. NASA, in its security guidelines, recommends a password of at least eight characters, and preferably sixteen. First of all, it is important that it consists of lowercase and capital letters, numbers and special characters. It would take a hacker decades to crack such a password.

Your network is not yet fully protected, since all users within it have access to your router and can make changes to its settings. Some devices provide additional functions protections that should also be taken advantage of.

First of all, disable the ability to manipulate the router via Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, this feature is only available on certain devices, such as Linksys routers. All modern models Routers also have the ability to set a password for the management interface, which allows you to restrict access to settings.

Like any program, the router firmware is imperfect - small flaws or critical holes in the security system are not excluded. Usually information about this instantly spreads across the Internet. Regularly check for new firmware for your router (some models even have a function automatic update). Another advantage of flashing firmware is that it can add new functions to the device.

Periodic analysis network traffic helps to recognize the presence of uninvited guests. In the router management interface you can find information about which devices connected to your network and when. It is more difficult to find out how much data a particular user has downloaded.

Guest access - a means of protecting your home network

If you protect your router with a strong password using WPA2 encryption, you will no longer be in any danger. But only until you share your password with other users. Friends and acquaintances who, with their smartphones, tablets or laptops, want to access the Internet through your connection are a risk factor. For example, the possibility that their devices are infected cannot be ruled out malware. However, because of this you will not have to refuse friends, since in top models routers, such as the Belkin N or Netgear WNDR3700, provide guest access specifically for such cases. Advantage this mode is that the router creates a separate network with your own password, and the home one is not used.

Security Key Reliability

WEP (WIRED EQUIVALENT PRIVACY). Uses a pseudo-random number generator (RC4 algorithm) to obtain the key, as well as initialization vectors. Since the latter component is not encrypted, it is possible for third parties to intervene and recreate the WEP key.

WPA (WI-FI PROTECTED ACCESS) Based on the WEP mechanism, but offers a dynamic key for extended security. Keys generated using the TKIP algorithm can be cracked using the Bek-Tevs or Ohigashi-Moriya attack. To do this, individual packets are decrypted, manipulated, and sent back to the network.

WPA2 (WI-FI PROTECTED ACCESS 2) Uses the reliable AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm for encryption. Along with TKIP, the CCMP protocol (Counter-Mode/CBC-MAC Protocol) has been added, which is also based on the AES algorithm. Until now, a network protected by this technology could not be hacked. The only option for hackers is a dictionary attack or "method brute force"when the key is guessed by guessing, but when complex password it is impossible to pick it up.