Choose a domain name. Generating domain names

Welcome everyone to our blog site! Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you. Today’s post will open a series of educational and practical articles on the topic of creating a blog. And the first post will be devoted to one of the foundations of the site - the domain.

There will be a lot of information, so to structure it and make it easier to read, I have highlighted several subsections, carefully read the contents of the article and let’s get started.

By the way, at the end of the article a small announcement has been prepared for you. I think it will be useful to you))

So, in this article I will tell you:

  1. What is a domain;
  2. Types of domains;
  3. How to choose Domain name for site;
  4. How to choose a domain name for a website. Methods and services;
  5. Types of domain zones.

Well let's begin!

What is a domain

Domain – email address website on the Internete . To find a specific website or someone's blog on the Internet, you need to type its address (domain) into search bar browser being used. For example, to get to our blog, you need to type our domain name website

A simple and clear comparison is the website address and the house address. Each house has its own address; to visit your friend, you come to his house at a certain address, where he lives accordingly. It’s the same on the Internet, every site has such an address and to visit it, you only need to know its domain.

A domain name is a specific combination latin letters, it is possible to use numbers, hyphens, that is, everything that comes before the dot.

Domain zone– this is the zone in which the domain is registered, indicated after the dot . We'll talk about it in more detail below.

Let's look at an example: the blog domain is The domain name of the site is indicated before the punctuation mark, and the domain zone after.

Types of domains

There are three levels of domains.

1st level. Domains belonging to the first or top level cannot be used as a site name. They serve to create 2nd level domains, which are most often used to designate website addresses. Domains top level are divided into two groups:

  1. Domains indicating territorial affiliation. For example, .ru – Russia, .by – Belarus, .cn – China. Using these domains, you can easily determine the country of its origin.
  2. Domains that indicate a specific purpose for sites. For example, .com is a commercial organization, .info is an information site, .biz is a business site. Using these domains, you can find out the direction vector of the site.

2nd level. On any of the first-level domains, you can register second-level domains. It is these domains that are better remembered and read not only by people, but also by search engines, which is why they are the majority on the Internet. In our case, this is

3rd level. Third-level domains are created on the basis of second-level domains; they are also called subdomains. By registering a second-level domain, you can create as many third-level domains as you like. For example

How to choose a domain name for a website

Choosing a domain is quite a serious step in the process of creating a website. As I already wrote, this is one of its foundations. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying, “Whatever you name a ship, that’s how it will sail.” An analogy can be drawn with the site. Perhaps no one wants to drown in the world of the Internet without having time to swim.

So, to prevent this from happening to you, you need to read the next part of the article carefully. And not only read, but apply all the recommendations in practice.

I hope you find them useful too.

So let's break it down What is the difference between a good domain and a bad one? ?

1. Euphony . It's not just a meaningless set of letters and numbers, a good domain should have a sound.

2. Memorability. You need to come up with a site name that will either describe it or be associated with it. Such a domain will be easily remembered by the user and, if he wants to visit your site, he will remember your name (domain) without any problems. By the way, blogs are most often called by the name or surname of the creator/author of the blog, which is also quite logical and memorable.

3. Reproducibility. If your organization name is too long, then you need to think about a shortened version. This will make it much easier for the user to remember, reproduce and type the domain in the browser search bar.

4. Phonetic correctness. Good domain must contain correct phonetic expressions or words.

5. Simple set. It is better to choose a domain in which there will be no, so to speak, potential errors. When typing a domain, the user should have no doubt about the choice of Latin characters indicating a specific letter in the domain.

How to choose a domain name for a website. Methods and services

Exist simple methods selection of domains that are used quite often by users.

These include:

1. Domain name=organization's product or service (for example, An organization positions its brand as synonymous with a product or service.

2. AND domain name=company name (eg The company/organization clearly identifies its brand online.

3. Domain name = bright emotional slogan (for example, The company encourages interaction with it.

4. Domain name=known, but busy domain+ “beautiful” number (for example, bank24, smi2, say7). Beautiful domains have been busy for a long time, so you can use numbers in the name and play up the domain name.

5. Domain name=combination of 2 words (for example, coraltravel, rozatour). The first word, as a rule, is associated with the activities of the company, the second word is associated with either an animal, the name of a flower, the name gemstone etc.

There are also special services— Domain selection assistants. You just need to enter keywords in certain columns and the service will offer you options from which you can subsequently choose the most worthy one.

For example, services such as,,

Let's look at how to choose a domain name for a website using the example of the first two services.

Let's go to home page site, select “Domains” and click “Select domain”.

Enter the main and additional words that you want to be contained in the site name. For example, I entered start and blog and click “Select domain”.

The service will offer you free options, consisting of your requested words. All you have to do is choose the most attractive one.

I’ll also show you how to select a domain on the service. We go to the site, click “whois” and then “Domain name selection service”.

Enter the keywords in the same way as the first service and click “OK”.

Voila! The selection result is ready. We look at the available names and choose the one we like.

Types of domain zones

When choosing a domain zone, you need to focus on your target audience.

— Russian national domain zones (.ru, .рф, .su);

— international domain zones (.net, .eu, .com, .org, .biz).

Naturally, Russian users find it convenient to use domains on clear language without distorting familiar words and expressions.

In 2014 appeared Cyrillic zones(.website, .rus, .moscow, .rf, .online).

A variety of domain zones allows you to choose exactly what you need. Each domain zone is aimed at reflecting its essence.

.site– emphasizes a certain thematic connection with the network, is easy to type and remember;

.company– a completely obvious and natural choice for all companies;

.guru– declares the status of an expert in a certain field;

.center– choice for all centers, from shopping and entertainment to research and development;

Today – shows the relevance of information, product or service.

If you choose a domain zone successfully, it will complement your domain name. Thus, the domain will be fully revealed to the user.

We wish you to choose a great domain for your project. We have compiled ten, in our opinion, important recommendations to help you.

1. Determine the geographic focus and social affiliation of your project. If the project is designed for multiple target audiences, then choose a domain in the domain zones .com, .org, .info, etc. If the project (site) is designed for a specific segment, for an audience with a specific territorial affiliation, then choose domain zones such as like ru .by .ua .de .us etc.

2. The length of the domain name should not exceed 63 characters.

3. You can use symbols, numbers and hyphens in your domain name. By the way, the hyphen is not used at the beginning and end of the domain.

4. Avoid using the following ambiguous characters in the domain name: the Russian character “y” can be written as “y” and “u”, the Russian character “k” can be written as “k” or “c”. Difficulties arise when using such combinations as “zh”, “ch”, “j”. If you are translating Russian words into Latin, try not to use letters from the Russian alphabet such as Ш, й, etc., since users can write these letters differently.

5. Try not to use numbers. For example, the number “zero” can easily be confused with the letter “o”.

6. To make the domain easier to remember, use a method such as rhyming.

7. Your domain must be unique and different from the domains of your competitors.

8. Come up with a domain that is as short as possible. As they say, “Brevity is the sister of talent.” The user will probably be able to type such a domain accurately and easily.

9. It would be good to come up with a domain containing a keyword that reflects your main idea of ​​the site.

10. Think about the advisability of registering the domain you have chosen in different domain zones at once, for example, both in and in zone.rf. This will protect you from cybersquatting and bring additional audiences to your site. In the future, one of these domains can be used as the main one, and redirected from the second using a 301 redirect.

By the way, soon I will finish my book, which will contain all my experience and practical recommendations on a domain topic. She will become an assistant to all beginners. After reading it, I am sure you will be able to avoid many mistakes, which, unfortunately, did not escape me.

But thanks to them, I had the idea to describe everything in the book, thereby warning other people about the pitfalls in this topic.

How to choose the right domain name for a website or personal blog? This is exactly the question everyone who is thinking about creating their own asks themselves. information resource. The success of the project will depend on how seriously and responsibly each future website owner approaches the choice of a domain name. And before you start choosing a domain for your website (blog), I suggest you get acquainted with the basic concepts that you will need to choose the right domain.

What is a domain?

Domain (domain name) - this is the website address where users can find it on the Internet. Without a site’s domain name, not a single transition to a site is complete, regardless of which page the user goes to.

Example: Well-known site Yandex has a domain name and if I, suppose, want to see the weather in Yekaterinburg, then such a page will open for me , but the domain name will still be present in the page address.

What are the domain levels?

Let's take a look at what domain levels there are and how they differ?
First-level domains are also a domain zone. On the one hand, we know that, for example, the domain RU denotes Russia, on the other hand, it is also a first-level domain.

Let's look at the same example Yandex.Ru. We know that RU This is a first level domain, which means YANDEX will be a second level domain. And if we log into our mail, then a third-level domain will open for us, which will look like this: Based on this, we now know that there may also be fourth-level domains that may look like this: Domain levels are counted from right to left and are separated by dots.

What is a domain zone?

Let's now look at what a domain zone is and what types of these zones there are. We now know that a first-level domain is also a domain zone. A domain zone is a division of a first-level domain by geography and type of activity.

For example, a domain zone based on geography may look like this:

.RU- Russia
.RF- Russian Federation
.UA- Ukraine
.DE— Germany
.BY— Belarus
.EU— Europe
.T.J.— Tajikistan
.KZ- Kazakhstan

And many more...

A domain zone by type of activity may look like this:

.COM— commercial organizations
.NET— resources related to the Internet
.BIZ— business-oriented sites
.ORG- non-commercial organization
.INFO- informational resources
.GOV— websites of government organizations
.EDU- educational institutions
.TRADE— currency markets, forex
.CLUB— clubs
.CASINO— casino
.MARKET- markets, trading platforms

And many more...

How to choose the right domain? Deciding on the choice of domain zone

Before you start choosing a domain, you must first decide which domain zone will be most suitable for your website. First, you need to establish whether your site is specific to a specific region or is suitable for everyone. If, for example, your company delivers pizza in Moscow, then it would be advisable to choose a domain zone MOSCOW, however, if your company delivers goods across Russia, then, of course, we choose RU. If your main audience is located, for example, in Ukraine, then choose a zone U.A., and if in Belarus, then BY .

For an online store, a zone universal for all countries is suitable. COM. Today there is great amount domain zones, however, I recommend using the most familiar and popular Ru, Com, Net, Biz, Org, Info.

Once you have decided on a domain zone, you can start choosing a domain for your website (blog). Be prepared for the fact that most beautiful and short domains in the most popular zones may have been taken for a long time. But we will not be upset and will try to show ingenuity and imagination. A few main rules on how to choose the right domain will help us with this.

How to choose the right domain name for a website? The main principles that must be followed.

The domain name should be short, clear and easy to remember.

The domain name should make it clear what your site is about. Try to keep your domain name short, clear, and no more than two words. It is advisable to use only correct letters. That is, those letters of the English alphabet that are written the same way as they are heard. For example: a, b, d, e, h, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, z. Not very good letters include: c, f, g, i, j, q, w, x, y

When selecting a domain, try not to use double spelling or hissing letters. For example: Russian letter C in Latin it is most often written as TZ and sometimes Z. One well-known info-businessman in RuNet, Kirill Leitsikhovich, acted in a very original way when selecting a domain for his personal blog. He came up with a domain name Ukirilla.Ru since the surname Leitsikhovich is extremely difficult to write in Latin. The domain turned out to be short, interesting and memorable.

A striking example brevity, ease and originality are the domains of such well-known companies as,,,,

It is also not recommended to use letters F, J, S, because there is no single possible spelling for them. Depending on the word, these letters are also written in two ways. Try not to use the same endings OY, OY, OY. For example, in words like “beautiful”, “Russian”, “culinary” these endings are present. A domain with such an ending will not be convenient.

Try to avoid hyphens, numbers and city names

Only use a hyphen if you have two long enough words. This way you can use a hyphen to improve the perception of the domain. You won't have one solid long word. In other cases, using a hyphen is not recommended.

If a domain without a hyphen already exists and there is already a site on it (perhaps your competitor), then there is a high probability of traffic leakage from you to it, since people are more accustomed to typing the address of a site without a hyphen than with one. At one time, one freelance exchange made such a mistake by registering a domain name while theirs direct competitor already had a domain name

In my case, when I came up with a name for my blog, the domain name INETTOOLS.RU had already been bought by cybersquatters and I had no choice but to register website. Of course, I wouldn’t buy a domain from cybersquatters for unreasonable money. To be honest, I liked this option even better, since the hyphen separated two letters TT. Today, many beautiful and interesting domains have been bought by cybersquatters and their domain prices range from $800 to $2000. That’s how things are..

Using numbers in domains Lately became fashion trend. Many SEOs say that it is better to avoid using numbers and region numbers. Of course, if you want to conduct business within one city by linking a region number to your domain, then you are welcome.

Personally, I am of the opinion that everything should be in moderation. If the domain sounds beautiful, is easy to remember and spell, then why not use numbers. For example, an online store like E96.RU began his activities in Yekaterinburg (this is evidenced by the figures 96 and letter E) and gradually reached the interregional level. The domain remained the same, but the business grew. Apparently original, memorable and short name domain played a role.

It makes sense to use city names in domains if the site is targeted only at city residents. For example, the domain would be perfect for the Yekaterinburg city portal

Don't use a domain name that is too long

To choose the right domain name, try not to exceed maximum length, which is 14 characters before the zone. For example , Ekaterinburg.Ru consists of 12 characters. The problem is often that it is extremely difficult to find the right words to describe the essence of your activity, but it is still worth trying and, perhaps, you will be rewarded for your diligence.

So, for example, just recently I registered a domain Blogmagnat.Ru, which I will use for my training course on creating and maintaining blogs. In my opinion, the name turned out to be very successful. The domain turned out to be quite original. It is easy to write, easy to remember and consists of only 10 characters.

Looking back and remembering how I selected a domain for my blog, I understand that now I could make it even better thanks to the knowledge that I have already accumulated.

Keywords in the domain name will help with promotion.

Very often you can hear such an opinion from SEO specialists that the presence keywords in the domain name improves its site position when ranking in search engines. Personally, I think that this method is not always suitable. If this is an online store, for example, then this approach is justified. When I wanted to order weights and dumbbells for myself via the Internet, the site was often shown to me in the top Yandex results, which just contains the keyword.

Of course, we should not forget about the regional affiliation of the site. If you are a resident of Moscow or its region, then you most likely will not see this site in the top Yandex results. And since I live in Yekaterinburg, they showed me an online store, which is also located in Yekaterinburg.

It is very common to see large companies using their brand in their domain name. Here the branded name of this company acts as a keyword, however, it is often not direct key query.

It happens that using keywords in a domain name is not possible, so I advise using relevant queries or so-called associative words. Let's take an example with the same site A direct competitor of this online store came up with a domain name Dumbbells and sports, sports and dumbbells..

Word can be replaced by or It turns out that sometimes you can replace keywords in a domain with words that are synonyms or words that are close in meaning.

Don't use meaningless words

If you plan to develop your website for more than one year and want it to be successful, then of course you should take the choice of domain seriously. Coming up with all sorts of strange names with incomprehensible abbreviations, as they say “out of the blue,” is not a tricky business. However, quite often on the Internet you can find sites with strange names that are successful. A striking example of such a site is The project really turned out to be mega successful, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

Don't imitate.

I don’t think it’s worth explaining in detail that coming up with a domain very similar to the names of other companies or direct competitors is, to put it mildly, a rotten idea. Become unique, stand out from others with bright colors, shout loudly about yourself and then success is guaranteed to you.

Don't mix English words with Russian ones

Cutlets separately, flies separately! This is exactly the humorous saying that comes to mind when you see sites with such names:, or And there are also such funny names: ))

Abbreviate correctly if there is no other option.

It often happens that abbreviated names look, write and read better than non-abbreviated ones. I gave an example with Kirill Leitsikhovich’s blog above. Imagine what the title would look like if he decided to use his first and last name?

KirillLeytzihovich.Ru or Kirill-Leytzihovich.Ru . It’s difficult to write, it’s impossible to remember, and you can make a lot of mistakes when writing. To be honest, I don’t know how to write it correctly)) But Kirill did the right thing by coming up with the abbreviation Ukirilla.Ru .

Also an example of reasonable reduction in in this case my blog can serve website. Could be Internet-Tools.Ru or InternetTools.Ru To some, such a domain may not seem the most successful, but at that time nothing better came to my mind. In any case, this title best conveys the essence of what I am writing about.

Use additional words.

If the word you want to use in the domain is already taken, then good option there will be an addition to the main word of an additional one, which will complement, strengthen and decorate it.

For example, if the domain is busy, then you can try using additional words to search for the following options: , or Many were unable to use the word in their domain Host and took advantage additional words. Such well-known providers have appeared as:,, .

Wrong domains

There is a practice of registering domains with misspellings. For example, if you know that a domain name is guaranteed to contain one of the most common mistakes, then feel free to register it. Redirect from the wrong domain to the correct one and then you can save some of the traffic from leaking.

At one time, when I registered a domain for my project DeloNaMillion.Ru I also bought the wrong one DeloNaMilion.Ru because I understood that many users would write the word million with one letter “L”

How to choose a domain for a blog

In conclusion, I would like to talk about how to choose a domain for a blog. When choosing a domain for a personal blog, you need to approach it a little differently. In general, we use all the basic rules, with the exception of some nuances. So let's look at everything possible options on choosing a domain name for a personal blog:

By first and last name

It is very common to see authors of personal blogs using their first and last names in their domain names. This method allows you to effectively promote the so-called personal brand. If your first and last name in Latin is easy to write and remember, then use this method.

Examples of blogs by first and last name:,, etc. In some cases, if the first or last name is not written conveniently or the domain is too long, then you can resort to the correct abbreviation:

Only with last name:,,, etc.

Abbreviated with first and last name: Zarudnitsky), Evgeniy) or Anastasia), Svetlana) or Mironova)

Swipe brainstorm, show ingenuity, resourcefulness and then everything will work out for you!

By occupation

If you want to position yourself as a specialist in a certain field or hobby, then the most the best solution there will be a domain indicating your profession, specialty or hobby. This method is also suitable for greater expressiveness. It can add a special touch to your blog.

Examples of such blogs:,,,,,

I would like to especially note that a successful combination is rarely obtained. However, if there is an opportunity, then why not take it?

By thematic focus

One of the common options for choosing a domain for a blog is to use keywords that reflect the topic.

Examples:— website optimization and promotion computer games handicrafts— personal development— astrology— about travel

There can actually be a great many options. I tried to show just some examples of how to choose a domain for a blog.

Domain name free

At the end of this article I would like to give one more important recommendation. The fact is that very often, when purchasing a hosting service, many providers give the client a domain name as a gift as a bonus, but at the same time they register it in their name. And if suddenly the client wants to change hosting in the future, he will not be able to take the domain with him. This is a very cunning move on the part of many hosting companies aimed at retaining the client and in the hope that he will not move anywhere with his promoted site. Be very careful and make sure that the gift domain name is registered to you.

In this article, we learned how to choose the right domain name. We have looked at the basic principles by which you can avoid the most common mistakes when choosing a name for your website (blog).

That's all for me today..

Write in the comments whether this article was useful to you. This way I will know that my efforts for you were not in vain.

I wish you success in choosing a domain name. Choose wisely, approach the process creatively and then success awaits you!

Best regards, Sergey Podyukov
"Webmaster's Workshop"

P.S. The domain name examples in this article are not advertisements. Most of them were invented by me while writing the article))

Choosing a domain name – where to start?

In fact, where should you start in this simple but responsible matter? It seems to me that you need to start by choosing a domain zone for the name. That is, first you must define it, and then decide on the name. By the way, a domain registrar can help you with this, where you can view these zones.

It is most convenient to do this in, as for me, because there are 750 domain zones there. Here are the most popular ones for Russia: .ru, .рф,,,,

Recently, new domain zones have also appeared. For example, Moscow. You must determine whether the activities of your resource will be associated with a specific city. If yes, then you can try to search for domain zones of these cities. For example:, .evpatoria.rf

How is this useful? Your site will appear in search results higher in the selected region, which will allow you to bring people who live in it to the site. This will also allow a person to immediately understand that the site is intended for residents of his city.

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If your activity is not tied to any city, then it is better to take a national domain. For example: .ru – for Russia; .ua – for Ukraine; .by – for Belarus

Well, etc. I think the point is clear. There are also so-called international zones. For example, com is a commercial organization, org is a non-profit organization, edu is an educational organization.

It is worth noting that in some areas regular user cannot register the name. For example, gov are government organizations. In most cases, .ru will be enough for you. Okay, now we're moving on to how to choose a domain for a website.

Method 1: your imagination and any employment verification service

Any service that can check for busyness will suit you. It will be very good if he does this in several domain zones at once, so that you can see more options before your eyes.

If you decide to choose a name yourself, then it all depends on your thinking and creativity. The domain name should reflect the main essence of the site, so if you choose it for a company, it should be serious, and if for your personal blog, then it can be more informal.

Generally, independent selection should look something like this: write down 10-50 words on a sheet of paper that are closest to the topic of your project. It is better to do this on a piece of paper rather than on a computer. In general, it is advisable to go somewhere in nature and think there; something unusual will probably come to your mind. Write down interesting words, as well as their combinations, so that you can check them later for interestingness.

For example, let’s say you decide to choose a name for a website about car repairs. Of course, you must clearly understand the purpose of the site. For example, will the website cover the topic of repairing foreign cars or only domestic cars? And you need to ask yourself many other questions in order to imagine as accurately as possible general idea. And now you can start writing out the words: Auto, automobile, repair, workshop, garage, specialist, mechanic, mechanic, master, etc. Naturally, there may be more words; I didn’t really think about their choice right now.

Then we connect two words and check for interestingness. In this way we arrive at the very optimal option and register it. You can add instrument names, etc.

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By the way, a domain name consisting of two words is more optimal and sonorous. For example: World-of-flowers, car-repair, etc.

Although no one forbids you to choose a combination of three words if you really like it. Another option is generally one word per domain, but there are some restrictions. Firstly, there are fewer and fewer such unoccupied names.

Secondly, the domain should convey the idea of ​​the site as clearly as possible, and if you register something like for a site about car repairs, it will not be completely clear what the repair is? After all, you can repair a lot of things, so, although the domain will be very short and euphonious, it will not convey the theme and the exact idea.

By the way, many people say that having hyphens in a name degrades its value, but I don’t think so. When 2-3 words are combined, it also doesn’t look very good.

Don't be afraid to get creative, even if you choose long name, but if it is sonorous and clearly reflects your activities, then why not take it? For example, if I were creating a website about work, I would not refuse a name like this:

Method 2: Order from more creative people than you

Perhaps you are deprived of the talent of an inventor, then you need to find people who have developed this skill very well. They are called namers. This is a specialization in which you need to invent as much as possible beautiful names, headings, signs, etc.

You can find such people on the namer exchange (just enter it in a search engine). You simply publish your wish there and allocate the money you are willing to pay for best name. People start giving you their versions, choose the best one. Everyone benefits from such a deal.

Method 3: name generator

On this moment I know one and it is located at Let's go and get acquainted. For example, I want to create a website about online work, freelancing, self-education, etc. I'll introduce a couple of words that immediately come to mind: work, at, home.

The service will show me full list all combinations, as well as information about whether the domain name is free or taken.

Eh, I was hoping to get, but, as you can see, some savvy people have already taken this name. All the other free options don't look very cool, so I suggest you enter other words and continue searching suitable option. Don't give up and you will definitely find something interesting.

Well, this is where my recommendations for you end. Choosing a domain is just one step (albeit an important one) on the path to creating your own profitable online business. You can learn about other steps towards this goal from. I hope this information was useful to you.

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The main question when choosing is its subject matter and the target audience. It just so happens that, focusing on Russia, there is no need to register, no matter how global and respectable it may seem. And vice versa - a manufacturer of cool 3D printing machines that sells them all over the world is unlikely to want its foreign potential clients to suffer with [Russian Federation]. The rest is nuances. Let's talk about them.

Top-level domains are divided into two groups: territorial-linguistic (uk, ru, рф) and thematic (info, biz, mil). This division is very arbitrary, because no one can stop you from writing about animal breeding on your own website (this, by the way, is South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) or about politics on

: great and terrible

There is an opinion that the domain [ com] got its name from common. In general, the idea was short for commercial, but everyone loved the zone so much that it began to be used almost everywhere, and commerce went into biz.

Dotcom (or dotcom - transcribed [ com]) is used mainly to indicate that the site is not tied to a specific territory. They are registered by large companies, established startups, popular services, online stores and others who want to show that their goods are sold to everyone.

And in general, all thematic top-level domains are easier to transfer between registrars or sell to another person. They are not tied to the legislation of a particular country and this process is done without submitting a pile of papers to the office of the responsible office.

: how to please everyone

About the domain zone [ ru] there is practically nothing to say:

  1. popular and time-tested - included in the top 10 of all zones by the number of sites and in the top 5 among geographical ones;
  1. suitable for any topic - there are no restrictions on the placement of sites, except those that violate Russian legislation;
  1. ideal for Russian target audience – [ ru] is known to most Internet users as an identifier of Russian content, and even an element of the symbol of winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

There are a number of situations when you still have to use dotcom instead of the established dotcom:

  • You don’t want to draw up and submit an application or bother with passport scans whenever you need to change your domain contact information.
  • Do you want an easy transfer between . Let’s say the person who registered the domain does not answer the phone or SMS, and the renewal period has almost expired. Without this person to extend [ ru] will not work, and you will most likely lose the site.
  • Are you afraid of the court system? Russian Federation and you think that your site will be divided at the request of the local court. [ com] is not under the jurisdiction of Russian authorities, so decide for yourself

[rf]: rise and fall

Let's dig deeper into the myths

  • Robots love [ com]

Robots love optimization. It will not be possible to ride to the top on a golden chariot with a standard [ com]. Google says that for their search engine there is no difference between different top-level domains - all other things being equal, they all rank the same.

  • Need to be trendy: [ com] – not fashionable and no one needs

Yes, you need to be fashionable, but dotcom, like a three-piece suit, never goes out of fashion. A huge number of new zones are appearing and old ones are opening. For example, the recent boom in projects on [ co], which was chosen by 93% of startups from 2013 to 2014. And in 2015, the number of websites of high-tech companies on [ co] amounted to a little more than 450. At the same time, the share of dot-coms is still huge - from 2010 to 2015, more than 20 thousand new companies chose it - 81% of all zones. If this doesn't mean anything to you, here's data from research company DomainTools:

You don’t have to look at the colors of the diagram - it is needed to visually represent the dominance of dot-coms on the Internet.

  • [RF] is progressing worse/better than [ ru]

If you follow several simple rules, then the promotion process Cyrillic domain becomes the same as anyone else. You can read about these rules.


The national domain, indicating the linguistic and geographical origin of the content, attracts the user with its relevance. By going to [ ru] or [ RF], the Russian will know that the information received can be applied to him.

On the other side, [ com] more solid, and adding subdomains to it creates a certain “yours/ours” framework, showing that the information is suitable for a person in a specific geographic area.

There is also a third party – legal. We can talk a lot about it: how to choose the right registrar, how the rules of registration in the Russian-language domain zone are interpreted, anonymous registration or providing personal data... But we are talking about SEO.

To get the most out of your internet marketing, you need to make sure you choose the right domain name for your website. A domain name is what helps people identify your brand online.

Follow the rules of the current time

There are many variables worth mentioning when talking about a domain name. Not only are there a lot of them, but they can also vary depending on the situation. I believe that the question of choosing a domain is the most important thing for a business.

Some people create short domains for their sites to make them easier for consumers to remember; others, on the contrary, prefer long domains (to more accurately describe their site). It's all a matter of preference, like most things related to .

Errors in choosing a domain

Let's talk about the 7 main attributes of domains, which will make working with them easier later. They negatively impact the value of your domain, so avoid them at all costs.

  • Hyphens. Hyphens are a big problem, which occurs when it comes to purchasing a domain name because they seem more spammy than a regular domain. The separation of words is really not that important, since the domain name is one word anyway; in most cases, people use hyphens to steal someone else's idea or website name.
  • The name is consonant with a famous brand. This is one of the worst solutions you can come up with. Not only is this an attempt to travel at the expense of a competitor, but they can also sue.
  • Inappropriate TLDs(Domain zone). TLD is the end of a domain name and it plays important role for SEO. There are regional domains (RU, BY, UA, etc.), and there are international ones (COM, NET, INFO, etc.). By choosing a regional domain and deciding to promote it in another region, you may encounter difficulties (but it gives a small advantage when promoting in the region). The international domain does not have such problems. This relates to the question of whether it is better to choose RU or COM.
  • Length. The length of your domain name is also very important, and you should not stretch it to more than 15 characters. Short domain names help the consumer to remember them better and this will also avoid any typos.
  • Numbers. One of the signs of a Shit Site. If you want the site name to be miserable, add numbers, and even someone else’s brand with a dash: Shmepsi-3.rf.
  • No compound consonants. This includes Sh, Shch, Ch, Zh, Ts. It’s just difficult to write in translit, it will be tough :)
  • Russian-English. Should not be combined Russian word with English, it looks comical.

Determining Your Needs

If you want to use your brand name on a domain, it makes sense. This will be good advertising that does not contradict any canons. But if you don’t want to include your brand in the domain, that’s okay, that’s also quite normal.

If you still decide to use a brand, and its name is too short, try stretching it; if it’s too long, try shortening it, but in neither case should it look comical, ugly, or lose its meaning. Although, domains are not expensive - you can buy several and test them ;). Here is a list of what you should follow when choosing a domain name:

  • Which path are you on? Do you want to create a commercial website? Or are you selling something specific and it’s better to come up with an unusual name? You also need to consider the shape of your site and the demographic group it appeals to, otherwise there won't be any growth.
  • Internet presence is very important nowadays. Anyone and everyone needs to create a website; By at least if he wants to stay in business for more than a few weeks or days. Without a strong online presence, you won't be able to reach the billions of people living on this planet.
  • Domain names come in all shapes, sizes, and shapes, but without some planning ahead, you won't be able to find something that's truly worthwhile.

Keywords in the domain

Keywords are one of the ranking elements. If you want to fill your site with at least some content, you need keywords; when you're trying to find the perfect domain name, guess what you'll need? That's right, keywords! It's no secret that keywords are a constant variable in SEO. These are certain phrases that people search for on Google or Yandex; and these are the phrases you should focus on.

What are "Keywords"?

Each domain name or website can be associated with keywords. For example, your site is called “” - this means that every keyword associated with your domain name should be related to cookies (which are incredibly delicious).

Everything is simple here. If you don’t have a brand (and you don’t plan to pour money into it), then you should use a keyword in the domain, for example:

  • SEO website;

For this, you can sacrifice some rules.

Without keywords, you won't be able to reach your preferred demographic group. A domain name without any keywords is fine, but only if it is branded.

Branded domain names

Look at big companies like Nike or Adidas, their domain names are very simple. Simple, not in the literal sense, but in the sense of being short and easy to remember, which is why they are so popular. If you already have meaningful name in your industry, then just use it for your domain.

You can use a branded domain only in certain cases, i.e. if your brand is unknown (and there are no plans to increase its popularity), you should not do this.

Budget for a domain name

The budget for the chosen domain name must be calculated in advance as there is an annual fee. You should include this in your overall budget, as well as any additional costs that may arise – having a brand can be both a blessing and a burden. If you want something short and simple, but very effective, you will have to pay a pretty penny for it.

For example, the domain “” seems simple enough, however, these domains have been sold since the early 90s (and possibly even earlier). Domain names that consist of one word are definitely worth big money and they are in demand! People are ready to give sums with six zeros for them (and this, by the way, is in dollars).

If you cannot afford this, then you should pay attention to other options. You can choose a domain that is good based on other parameters of your preferences - and it doesn’t have to be price. The cost of a domain is determined from:

  • Current popularity. If the site is very popular, then buying the domain associated with it will be very expensive. With this domain name, you will already have success with potential clients– they will already know about it and this is the first thing that will pop up in their memory when they look for products from this industry.
  • Length and service life. If a domain is longer than 15 characters, then it's not worth the investment (but that's entirely up to you). The domain must last for a long period of time.
  • Efficiency. If you have a basketball-related business, your domain name should not be based on football or tennis. Not only will this confuse people visiting your site, but it will also be a waste of money. All material on the domain names of the pages will not correspond to reality.

Domain zone prices

I do not recommend working with dubious sites; it is better to use the services of, or (I take all domains from the latter, the cost of popular ones is lower).

TLDs Price per year
.RU 2.59$
.RF 2.59$
.INFO 9.99$
.BIZ 10.99$
.SU 7$
.COM 9.99$
.NET 10.99$
.ORG 10.99$
.WS 17.99$
.COM.UA 8.99$
.KZ 24$
.CC 18.09$
.PRO 13.29$
.WIKI 32$
.PRESS 17.99$
.BY 23$
.CLUB 19$


It seems that I covered all the questions that could only arise in the imagination when choosing a domain for a website. While this isn't the most difficult thing to deal with - it is VERY important. If you want to sell a service or product online, you need to make sure that your domain name works to your advantage.