Stylish css buttons. Pink CSS3 button with Pacifico font

Every day the new standards css3 and html5 are becoming more deeply involved in the lives of layout designers and web developers, and browsers are becoming more compatible with these standards every day.

In connection with this event, I would like to present you with a selection of 10 css3 buttons that can make your life easier when coding and web creation applications.

1. Super Awesome Buttons.

This set The buttons use a set of css3 and also RGBA coloring.

Adding this set of buttons to your page is not difficult, you need to connect css template and add the necessary classes to the links to change their color, shape, etc.

Connection example:
Super Awesome Button" Awesome Blue Button" Awesome Magenta Button" Awesome Red Button" Awesome Orange Button" Awesome Yellow Button"

2. Google Buttons.

These buttons were based on home page They are also simple and minimalistic.
Connection example:
I'm Feeling lucky

3. CSS3 Gradient Buttons.

The buttons are very similar to the Super Awesome Buttons mentioned above. This set is available in several colors (9 colors) and various shapes.
Connection example:
Rectangle or Rounded Can be Medium or Small Span


4. Kick-Ass CSS3 Button.

This button is not the most interesting from a design point of view, but at the link below you can watch a video tutorial on creating such buttons, which will be useful for novice web developers.

5. Pure CSS social media icons.

This set is an icon pack social networks, rather than buttons. The set is represented by ten icons of social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and others.
Connection example:
  • RSS
  • Flickr
  • Delicious
  • LinkedIn
  • Google
  • Orkut
  • Technorati
  • NetVibes

6. Extremely fancy CSS3 buttons.

All owners of iOS devices will undoubtedly recognize these buttons; similar buttons have been present in iOS devices since the first versions. These buttons, like many presented here, have color and size settings and are made in pure css3.

Connection example:

7. BonBon: Sweet CSS3 buttons.

Are you a born sweet tooth? Then these buttons are designed for you. They are made in such a way that you just want to eat them, or eventually use them in your project. You will undoubtedly like the different colors, shapes, and conditions.
Connection example:

8. Realistic Looking CSS3 Buttons.

An interesting set of buttons, strict colors, curves, undoubtedly deserves attention.
Connection example:

9. Simple CSS3 Github buttons.

You have already seen the implementation of similar buttons earlier on; they are very easy to install, convenient and minimalistic. It is also possible to add icons to buttons.
Connection example:
This is a Button This is a Pill Button Divide by Zero

10. Flexible CSS3 toggle buttons.

These Css3 buttons are made very nicely, but are not practical, as they are implemented only with Firefox support; other browsers, unfortunately, are not supported.
Connection example:

First you need to download the sources and select a design theme for the buttons. You can choose the design that you like. For example, let's take the first theme, winona.


Similar articles on this topic:

Open the file in the editor index.html from the source, we find the tag we are interested in. In my case:

From this code we take a line with the class button.

We paste the code into any necessary place in the file with the code of our project between the tag .
Change the name of the button to the one you need. In my case, I will change the name to “Open”

Copy it and paste it between the tags in your project's index file.

The example shows that a certain style is added to the button using an additional class corresponding to the name of the theme.

In our case this is the class button-winona. Therefore, styles named winona will be added.

This is very convenient, because... if you want to change the design of the buttons, you will only need to replace the name of the additional class in the tag

CSS styles for all buttons

Different browsers, some standard ones CSS rules display slightly differently. Therefore, in the following CSS code we will reset all styles, and add some default values. This is what the code looks like:

Button ( display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px 0 0; padding: 15px 45px; font-size: 48px; font-family: "Bitter",serif; line-height: 1.8; appearance: none; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0; ) button:focus ( outline: none )

It's not difficult at all. Well, now let's take a closer look at each of the 4 styles of our stylish buttons.

Flat buttons filled with background

This type of button is very popular nowadays as it meets all modern trends web design. In other words it is flat style or Flat design. Moreover, people are accustomed to such buttons and willingly click on them.

This image shows the button's three states, normal (default), on hover, and on click or action:

The CSS code for these buttons is very simple. This seems to me to be a huge plus:

Section.flat button ( color: #fff; background-color: #6496c8; text-shadow: -1px 1px #417cb8; border: none; ) section.flat button:hover, section.flat button.hover ( background-color: #346392; text-shadow: -1px 1px #27496d; ) section.flat button:active, section.flat ( background-color: #27496d; text-shadow: -1px 1px #193047; )

Style buttons with borders or borders

This style of buttons is in the same class as flat buttons. The only difference is that here we remove the fill, and instead set rules for displaying the border of the buttons. This image shows everything clearly:

And as usual the CSS code is very simple, we just add rules for the border to appear:

Section.border button ( color: #6496c8; background: rgba(0,0,0,0); border: solid 5px #6496c8; ) section.border button:hover, section.border button.hover ( border-color: # 346392; color: #346392; ) section.border button:active, section.border ( border-color: #27496d; color: #27496d; )

Buttons with shadow and gradient in CSS

This style of buttons can easily be called outdated, but even now it can be found on the Internet. If these buttons fit the style of your site, then they are just for you. They are also very easy to make, here is an image:

In CSS we will use shadow and gradient fill rules. When hovering, a shadow will appear around the button and when clicked inside.

Section.gradient button ( color: #fff; text-shadow: -2px 2px #346392; background-color: #ff9664; background-image: linear-gradient(top, #6496c8, #346392); box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #27496d; border: none; border-radius: 15px; ) section.gradient button:hover, section.gradient button.hover ( box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #27496d,0 5px 15px #193047; ) section.gradient button:active, section.gradient ( box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #27496d,inset 0 5px 30px #193047; )

Stylish click effect

This style is also very popular now and is widely used in website design. It seems to the user that the button is actually being pressed. Here you can see the details in the image:

The CSS here is a little more complex and requires a bit of math. But this can be easily understood. In general, it's not all that scary. Below the button we will place a non-blurred shadow so that it gives the effect of a 3D button or appears to stick out a little. When you hover over the buttons, we will make the background darker. And when the user clicks on the button, we will change the position of the button itself in the styles. And to make it all look more impressive and smooth, we will add a CSS3 transformation (translateY). This way the button will smoothly move down. And here is the CSS code itself: button ( color: #fff; background-color: #6496c8; border: none; border-radius: 15px; box-shadow: 0 10px #27496d; ) button:hover, button.hover ( background-color: #417cb8 ) button:active, ( background-color: #417cb8; box-shadow: 0 5px #27496d; transform: translateY(5px); )

Demo Ι


That's all! Now you have stylish and modern buttons, which you can use for your needs. Naturally, you can change them until they are unrecognizable, this is only the simplest example of the implementation of this kind of buttons. I hope you enjoyed this lesson. See you soon!