Remove startup programs in Windows 10. Edit using the task scheduler

Startup in Windows 10 and previous versions is responsible for automatically launching programs during login, which allows the user to immediately start working. The user can independently remove and add programs to the startup list. However, some programs end up in startup during installation, for example, antiviruses and torrent clients. The startup speed of the entire system depends on the number of applications in startup, so it is important to correctly create a startup list.

The list can be managed in the following ways:

  • using a custom startup folder;
  • through the “Registry Editor”;
  • V Windows settings(only after version 1803);
  • in "Task Manager";
  • using special utilities.

Note! After autumn Windows updates 10 (Fall Creators Update 1709) applications that were running when the device was turned off or rebooted will be restored the next time you log in - this process is not related to startup.

To add a program to startup using this method, in special folder its label is placed. Removing a shortcut removes the program from the list.

Step 1. Path to the startup folder: “C:” - “ProgramData” - “Microsoft” - “Windows” - “Main Menu” - “Programs” - “Startup”.

On a note! The "ProgramData" folder may be hidden. To solve the problem, just check the “ Hidden elements" in the "View" tab.

Note! You can open the folder using the Run dialog box, which is opened by pressing the Win+R key combination. Enter the command “shell:startup” and click “OK”.

If you need to optimize the autorun list for specific user, then the path to the folder will change: “C:” - “Users” - “User_name” - “AppData” - “Roaming” - “Microsoft” - “Windows” - “Main Menu” - “Programs” - “Startup”.

On a note! The “AppData” folder will be hidden here. Setting up its display follows the same scheme as with “ProgramData”.

Moving a shortcut to the Startup folder is done in two steps:

Step 1. Click on the shortcut the desired program right click mice. A menu of available actions will open - select “Copy” (or you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+C” by selecting the shortcut with the left mouse button).

Step 2. Go to the Startup folder and right-click on an empty space. In the menu that opens, select the “Paste” option and the shortcut will appear in the folder (you can also use the “Ctrl+V” keyboard shortcut directly in the folder).

Registry Editor

If user folders can only contain applications selected by the user, then programs that were included in autorun during installation will also be visible in the registry sections. The Registry Editor is launched through the Run dialog box.

Step 1. Press the key combination “Win+R”. In the dialog box that opens, enter the command “ regedit" and select "OK".

Step 2. The Registry Editor will open. As with folders, there are two paths to to the required section registry:

Step 3. Follow one of the paths, opening the folders on the left side of the window. On the right will be a list of applications that automatically launch when you log in. To remove an unnecessary program:

To add an application to the startup list:

Note! An executable file is a file that runs a program, but not a shortcut.

To find out the path to the executable file, follow the instructions:

Step 1. Right-click on the program shortcut. In the menu that opens, select “Properties”.

Step 2. In the window that appears, go to the “Shortcut” section. The path we need will be in the “Object” line.


In the spring of 2018, a new update for Windows 10 was released - Spring Creators Update (1803). Among other things, users now have the opportunity to manage startups through system settings:

Task Manager

This is a program for monitoring current processes and the resources spent on them. Working with it is much easier than, for example, with the registry. However, here you can only enable or disable applications already in the startup list: adding or removing them from the list will not work.

Step 1. To start, right-click on the “Start” icon, open the menu in which we select “Task Manager”.

Step 3. By right-clicking any program, you can disable or enable its autorun. There is also an option to view information about the application on the Internet and the location of the executable file.


CCleaner is free utility with the option to purchase a pro version. It is designed for optimization and cleaning different versions operating systems. You can download CCleaner on the official website ( by choosing the option that suits you: pro or free. For basic computer cleaning and startup management, the free version is sufficient.

The default language of the utility is English. To change this setting:

Like Task Manager, the list of applications is based on the registry and the user's Startup folder. The utility provides the ability to enable or disable application autorun. In addition, unlike the task manager, CCleaner allows you to delete unwanted programs from the list, but the “Add” function is still not provided.

What programs can be removed from startups?

Users are often afraid to remove or disable programs from startup. This results in the startup list being filled with useless applications that slow down the system upon login. In such cases, you should find out which applications start automatically. The most convenient way to do this is in the “Task Manager” or in special utilities(the same CCleaner).

You can find out what a particular program is responsible for on the Internet (this option is provided in the “Task Manager”). After this, it will become clear whether you use this program immediately after logging in or you can remove it from the startup list. Remember that even if you disable all programs from startup, this will not harm the system as a whole.

Startup programs use RAM and processor power, so they can seriously slow down any version of Windows, especially if it is installed on a budget PC. What's worse is that we don't need most of them running all the time. Disabling auto-start applications is the fastest and easiest way to improve device performance.

Every application launched with Windows runs until we close it manually or turn off the system.

This means that when the computer is turned on running programs steal part of the RAM. They also take away CPU time from the components we want to run.

Any of the startup applications may not use too much memory. However, with a dozen load modules, resource consumption increases rapidly.

On a mid-budget PC and above, with an i5/i7 processor and RAM 8 GB/16 GB, the slowdown is not particularly noticeable. But on budget model with a 2-core processor, 2 GB or 4 GB of RAM, running programs slow down the system.

In any case, even if we have the most powerful computer within a radius of one hundred km, autostart needs to be sorted out. If these programs are rarely used during Windows operation, why should they take up even a small percentage of system resources?

Disabling autorun programs in Windows 10

To prevent annoying applications from loading your computer anymore, let's use the task manager. It can be easily opened by right-clicking on the bottom panel. In addition, the combination will also cope with this Ctrl keys+ Shift + Esc. As a result, a small window will open.

Windows does not allow you to delete startup items and stores them on your computer. If this is not enough, then uninstall the applications completely.

In addition, you cannot immediately remove all programs from startup. They need to be disabled one at a time.

How to Disable or Remove Boot Apps Using CCleaner

The CCleaner utility helps in managing boot applications. If you don't have it, then be sure to download it. This program helps to remove extra files and speed up your computer. After installing the program:

Note! It's best to disable programs for a few days to test their necessity. If you remove autorun for a specific one and later regret it, you may need to completely reinstall it to resume the former function.

In addition to removing the autorun feature, regarding bootloaders CCleaner applications doesn't offer anything better than Windows. So if you don't use this program then don't install it just for that.

If you decide to download CCleaner, then select portable version, which does not require installation and will not add a monitoring option at system startup.

If you can't find the downloadable program

Is there a specific application that you want to disable or remove from startup, but cannot find it in Task Manager, MSconfig or CCleaner? It probably runs as a Windows service.

To disable such applications, you need to access utilities.

Note! Do not select the Disabled option because this will most likely stop the application from running or cause serious problems with the system. If you don't want to use it at all specific application, it is better to remove it completely.

Also, make sure you haven't touched anything in the Services section. Some of them, if disabled, will prevent booting Windows. Thus, stick to third-party app services.

Which apps to keep

Most startup programs are useless, but not all of them are. There are a couple of favorites that should be enabled even on low-end PCs.

Always save your antivirus when starting, even if it has several loadable modules.

There are also special websites designed to inform users about unsafe processes and logins. In this case, their help will be very helpful.

Video - How to set up autorun programs on Windows 10

Personal computers have become an integral part of our lives, and we cannot imagine a day without a good friend. Installed software, which is designed to help in the fight against viruses and errors, is not always included in startup in Windows 10: how can you add the program yourself? Naturally, there are various methods, and you can choose any of them.

Adding useful programs to startup

So, how to add an application to Windows startup 10 using special user interfacesystem folder? It is enough to place a label in it on required file. Let's follow in order.

We are looking for the system folder!

Again, there are 2 ways to call a directory.

  1. We use the command line:
  • +[R] → enter “shell:Startup”.

A directory will open in front of us into which we can add the program to Windows autorun 10 for the current user.

  1. Using File Explorer, you can also add a shortcut to the right application or program. Below are the paths for different types users, if you need to autostart a program in Windows 10.

for the current user:

  • “C:” → Users → Username → App Data → Roaming → Microsoft → Main menu ( Start Menu) → Programs → StartUp;

for all users:

  • “C:” → “ProgramData” → Microsoft → Window’s → Start Menu → Programs → StartUp.

Place a shortcut for autorun

In order for the program we need to run every time after turning on and restarting the computer, we need to copy the shortcut to the folder to executable file. Instructions:

Let's make sure we did everything right. Absolutely any free software for viewing and editing StartUp will help us with this. Let's look at the example of the “Autoruns” and “Cclener” we have. We launch the above-mentioned programs and in the “Logon” and “Startup” sections, respectively, we find the application we hosted, see the screenshots below.

As you can see, adding the file to the current user’s Windows 10 startup was successful. We remind you that correct work OS and performance (albeit indirectly), but depend on the system load at startup. Many people ignore such advice. We hope you are not one of them.

Using System Tools

Now let's look at working with system tools. Surely, you have repeatedly heard that editing/deleting registry keys can lead to disastrous results. Don't despair. Following clear instructions, turning on the program into Windows 10 startup will be easier than playing solitaire. So, to go to the run registry tree, you should:

Again, everything is not so simple, in system partition. Along with the usual graphical shell, you can install the program in Windows 10 startup both for the current user and for all accounts at the same time. Let's look at the example of all users. We follow the hierarchy:

  • Hkey_Local_Machine → SoftWare → Microsoft → Windows → Current Version → Run.

  • Right-click on the free field on the right and select “Create” → “String parameter” → enter_name_ → OK → double-left-click on the entry and specify the path to the “Value” file.

  • To avoid entering a location without errors, use “copy” → “paste” to help. Pay attention to the instructions final file– it will not be listed in the properties.

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER → SOFTWARE → MicroSoft → Windows → Current Version → Run

What are the dangers of startup programs?

A careful and competent approach to autostarting programs along with loading the system simplifies the work, taking some of the tasks on yourself. But we should not forget that it also includes malicious utilities. You should definitely know - about this in more detail on our website. What could result from the penetration of unwanted software:

  • may provoke spontaneous opening of browser windows with unpleasant banners;
  • block the operation of some services;
  • can lead to blue screen death - BsoD.

One of the common reasons constant reboot maybe it was a virus that sneaked into the OS startup unnoticed by you. Keep the situation under control and periodically check with various available means. More details about this are disclosed in the article on our website.

If you remove the program from autorun in the operating room Windows system 10 is quite easy for most users to cope with (how to do this in detail), but adding the desired application to startup is a more complicated undertaking.

No matter how surprising this fact may seem to someone, sometimes startup programs not only slow down the system, but make working on a computer really more convenient. For example, many people know how long it sometimes takes to start Google Chrome, office applications Word, Excel or PhotoShop. It turns out that first we wait for the computer to boot, and then we spend time manually launching each of the programs we need in turn. By adding them to autostart, we will ensure that the system starts with “heavy” applications already running. We pressed the Start button on the computer, came back five minutes later - and everything we needed was already working.

Adding a program to Windows 10 startup step by step

The easiest way add program to startup- do this through the settings of the corresponding program. Since this method is individual in each case, it is simply impossible to describe it in detail. You need to figure it out yourself by studying the settings of the corresponding application.

If you can’t figure it out or this option is not provided in this program, then you can add the application to the “tens” autorun in a universal way. It works for all programs. To do this you need:

  1. Press keyboard shortcut Win+R.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, write shell:startup(or shell:common startup - if you need to add a program to startup for several Windows users at once).
  3. Click OK.
  4. The Startup folder will open. Most likely, there will already be shortcuts to some programs loaded with the system. To add a new application to autorun, first of all you need to click RIGHT key from scratch in folder.
  5. In the menu that appears, select the items sequentially “Create” - “Shortcut”.
  6. Click " Review” and through the explorer find the program we need. Usually all programs are located on drive C in folders Program Files or Program Files (x86).
  7. Ready.

Many programs have a built-in function automatic start together with operating system– it can be enabled in the settings. But not all applications have it. What should we do in this case if we want to add a program to Windows 10 startup?

It is quite common for users to install small applications or tools that make, for example, changes to appearance systems or add other useful components for comfortable work at computer.

However, these programs cannot always be automatically launched with the system and you have to enable them manually after each reboot. Fortunately, any application can be added to the automatic launch list.

Let's look at several ways to add a program to startup.

Method 1: Adding a shortcut to startup At any There is a "Startup" folder. Everything that is in it automatically starts when the system starts. There you can add shortcuts to some utilities that we want to include when starting the computer. In Windows 10, this folder is not as easily accessible as in Windows 7, but you can get to it in several other ways.

To see which applications are launched when the OS starts, you need to go to the Task Manager using the Ctrl+Shift+Esc key set. Then go to the “Startup” tab, where a list of them is displayed. Here you can disable them; to do this, right-click and select the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.

The folder itself is located along the path:

By default, this folder is hidden in Windows 10 and to access it you need to remove the “Hidden” attribute.

An easier way to access the Startup folder is through the Run window. To open it, press Windows +R, and then enter:

shell:common startup(access to the Startup folder for all users)
shell:startup(current user only)

After clicking OK, the Startup folder will open. It may already contain programs that are loaded when the system starts.

For adding new program create a shortcut for it or drag it (for example, from the desktop) to the Startup folder. Now it will turn on when Windows 10 boots.

Method 2: Create an autoload task in the task scheduler

Now let's look at the method of adding a program to startup through the Task Scheduler.
Go to the Start menu and type the corresponding name in the search or in the Run window (Win + R) enter the command taskschd.msc

Then in the scheduler window, select “Actions - Create simple task" The New Task Wizard will then appear.

The first step will ask you to enter a name for the created task (for example, the name of the application). In the second, we select the time when we need to start it - set “At system startup”.

In the third step, select the Action tab and check the “Run a program” checkbox. Then we indicate the path to exe file. Afterwards, the application will automatically run every time you turn on the computer.

Method 3: How to add to startup via Registry Editor

Let's look at another way to add a program to startup through the editor Windows registry 10. To do this, use Win+R to open the Run window and enter the regedit command. Go to:

Here you can see a list of all utilities that run with the system. To add, right-click on an empty field, select New, then in String parameter specify the utility name and path to it.

In order for it to load for all users, you need to go to the same path above, but the section is not in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, but in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.