Remove large font in Yandex. Web content in Yandex browser: setting up scale and fonts

Scale for all pages

To set a common scale for all pages:

","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))" >

Scale specific page

To change the page scale:

You can also change the scale of pages using hotkeys and gestures.

Data about the changed scale is saved in Yandex.Browser. When you reopen the page, it will be displayed at the scale you selected.

To remove zoom settings for individual pages:


To set a common font for all pages:

Fuzzy, faded, or broken font

Disable ClearType

Disable ClearType font smoothing in Windows settings.

  1. Open section System → Extra options systems(in Windows 10 the partition is called system and safety).
  2. On the Advanced tab, in the Performance block, click the Options button.
  3. On the tab Visual effects disable the option Smoothing jagged screen fonts.
Disable GDIPP

If you have GDIPP installed, disable it for a while and check how the fonts are displayed.

Disable FXAA

Disable the global FXAA anti-aliasing function in the video card settings:

  1. In area Windows notifications run the video card management program.
  2. Go to management section 3D graphics.
  3. Disable FXAA anti-aliasing.

Remove Roboto font

In browsers on Chromium engine fonts sometimes become faded. In this case, removing the Roboto font may help:

  1. Open in Windows Panel management.
  2. Open the Fonts section.
  3. Select the Roboto font and click the Remove link above the list of fonts.


If the text on the page does not display correctly, use automatic encoding override or try changing the page encoding manually:

Attention. To display text in rare languages, you will need to install additional fonts on computer.

Font used different browsers for displaying pages on the Internet, has specific size- it is installed by the developers of a particular web browser. As practice shows, they choose best option, which looks equally good on all monitors, is very convenient for perceiving certain information. On the page? Many people ask this question. Despite the standard settings, this can always be done.

Why increase the font

It often happens that you come across some site where everything is very small - the information is hard to read, therefore, it is not very convenient to perceive it. Another interesting article comes across - you have to sit in front of the screen, squint, strain your eyesight. Perhaps the designer has not finalized something, perhaps the resource has not been updated for a long time, is not optimized for modern WEB 2.0 standards and widescreen monitors. In addition, not every person can boast of perfect vision - in such a situation, you definitely need to learn how to change the font on the page.

Moreover, the easier it is to do this, the more convenient it is for everyone: both the visitor and the developer. The first one is enough simple action for getting desired effect, the second one does not have to worry that his information will be perceived incorrectly. For example, when registering on a particular portal, you almost always need to enter numbers from pictures - to confirm your “humanity”. Sometimes even in large images it is difficult to make out text or numbers, and if there are still any problems with vision, you definitely cannot do without magnification.

Ways to change font size

There are two ways in which you can either enlarge the “VKontakte” font on a page or change it on any other network resource. They are so simple that the user may not even understand how exactly the increase occurred.

An interesting feature is that with the help of these easy tricks, the font in browsers changes forever (which is stored in the settings) - it will not be possible to return it to the initial values, even if you restart the web browser (or restart the computer). To reverse your actions, you need to use Ctrl combination+ 0. The only exceptions are Safari and Opera - text sizes here change only temporarily, when next switch on they are restored to the original value set by the developers. So how do you increase the font size on a page?

If everything is clear with magnification, then why might you need the ability to reduce the font? In fact, there is nothing supernatural here: suppose the resolution of your monitor is not too high, that is, when visiting some resources, a strip appears at the bottom of the screen horizontal scroll. This often happens due to the fact that site developers, as if by default, believe that the majority of Internet users own large monitors Therefore, there is no urgent need to improve the layout for small displays. Reducing the font on the page in such a situation will be very useful - the horizontal scroll bar will disappear, and the perception of information will improve. Especially when it comes to various graphics - it’s still not very pleasant when any image does not fit within the screen.

Ctrl + scroll button (mouse wheel)

Just click on keyboard Ctrl and scroll the mouse wheel one click away from you (or towards you). In the first case, the font will increase by one value, in the second - it will decrease. The main thing is to put everything back in place later, so that there is no confusion in the future. The peculiarity of this method is that it is not just an increase or decrease in the text - the entire scale of the page changes, the pictures become larger, as do the interface elements. In short, people with low vision will be delighted.

Ctrl and +/-

How to increase the font on a Yandex page? Easily! Just press and hold Ctrl on the keyboard, and then press the plus (+) or minus (-) button. The font size will also increase or decrease (as will the entire page scale).

Users often use the first method without even noticing it - all it takes is accidentally holding down the Ctrl button. Only in Safari and Opera this method won't work.

Enlarge VK font in the normal way

The creators of the popular social network from the very beginning we thought about the convenience of our users. They also decided not to deprive people with low vision - at one point a wonderful function appeared with which you can use one click to make the text larger and always remain that way, even if you access the site from another computer: apparently, On the agenda was the question of how to enlarge the font on the page. All text fragments are subject to changes: personal messages, posts on walls, comments, service pages.

To activate this option, just go to the “Settings” section, scroll down the “General” tab, check the “Use larger fonts” checkbox. That's all - this is one of the best answers to the question of how to increase the “VKontakte” font on a page. If earlier there were some difficulties with the perception of information, now everything will change for the better. But if this technique is not enough, it is recommended to definitely use the tips discussed above.

Deep browser customization

If you think that all the recommendations on how to increase the font on a page are ineffective, you will have to use deep customization your web browser. Any browser has a control panel where you can control, if not all indicators, then very many. You need to find the section where there are options related to sizes and fonts, and set the parameters that are best suited for you.

A lot of questions arise on the topic - How to increase or decrease the font in the browser, so I decided to make this a separate lesson.
Often, when visiting the blogs of friends and acquaintances, the pages of their blogs open very stretched in width. Although on other sites and media the scale is normal. In the browser settings, in the computer too, everything is fine. What to do in such cases.

All popular web browsers ( Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox,Opera, Internet Explorer ) are equipped with a function to reduce or increase the scale of the displayed page. The zoom feature allows users to enlarge or reduce the font and images of the page they are viewing in the browser. This can be useful for people with low vision, or in cases where the screen resolution is excessively high or low.

Someone may have accidentally changed the size, and now he doesn’t know how to get it back. There are three ways how you can change the size of the font and images in the browser: using a keyboard shortcut, sharing keyboard and mouse, and by changing the settings of the browser you are using. Below I will describe all the methods in detail.

1 way. Using the keyboard

Standard keyboard shortcuts for increasing and decreasing font in any popular web browser:

Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "+" key to zoom in.
Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "-" key to zoom out.

Method 2. Using the keyboard and mouse

Also the same for all browsers:

Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel up to zoom in.
Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel down to zoom out.

3 way. Setting up the image

Decrease or enlarge the font in the browser:


1. Click on the wrench icon and select the “Options” menu item
2. In the left sidebar, select the tab "Additional".
3. In the "Web Content" section, change "Page Scale".


1. Click the “View” option in navigation menu at the top of the browser window.
2. From the “View” menu, click the “Scale” option.
3. Click the “Zoom Out” or “Zoom In” option. The page content will change in size.
4. Click the option "Text scale" in the "Scale" menu to display text modification settings. Move the slider to the left to make the font smaller or to the right to make it larger.

1. Open the Opera browser and go to the desired web page.
2. Click the “View” button on the status bar in the lower right corner of the browser window.
3. Drag the slider to a value less than 100 percent to reduce the page display size, or greater than 100 percent to increase it.

"Internet Explorer"

1. Open a web page in the Internet Explorer browser.
2. Click on the arrow next to the setting "Change scale", in the lower right corner of the browser window.
3. Click on required level scale by selecting it on a special scale, or click the “Special” option, and then indicate the required scale in the line "Scale as a percentage." To reduce the size of the displayed page you need to enter a value less than 100 percent, to increase - more.

Any browser, after installation on a PC or mobile device, works with basic settings, designed for the average user. Not all people are comfortable using the browser with default settings. One of these settings is to increase or decrease the font size. In this post we'll talk about how to increase the font in Yandex in several ways.

Because they use the Internet various people, there are differences between them due to their age characteristics and existing diseases. It is not always convenient for people with visual impairments to use a browser with standard settings. The only way for them to fully use the functionality of the browser and the capabilities of the Internet is to enlarge the font.

The readability factor of web pages is very important for the user. The task of a web programmer is not only to create a functional website, as required by the customer, but also to adapt the resource to any user. The programmer takes into account the features of the screen on various devices, background color, font type – this is the color, style and size (the size of the character determined by its height).

In Yandex, as in all other browsers, it is possible to change the settings for viewing Internet pages in several ways. You can, for example, press a certain combination of keys on the keyboard or, using the mouse, manually change some browser settings. There is also the opportunity to customize your PC system or use system program"Screen Magnifier"


Each of us knows that the same page may look fine on a laptop, but when viewing it on a phone, some difficulties arise. If on modern mobile devices And on tablets you can enlarge the screen image by simply touching your finger, but with a laptop and desktop PC this number will not work. Here hotkeys can help the user:

  1. Hold down the Ctrl 1 button on the keyboard with your finger with your left hand and, without releasing it, press the button with the “+” symbol 2 with your right hand - this is a combination that increases the font on the screen of your PC.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl 1 button on the keyboard with your finger with your left hand and, without releasing it, press the button with the symbol “-” 3 with your right hand - this is a combination that reduces the font on the screen of your PC.

A similar effect can be achieved by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl key. moving forward will enlarge the picture, moving backward will reduce its size. In the settings menu of some mice, you can set this option and specify the required scrolling “step”. If you work without a mouse, then you will have to use the keyboard buttons.

Browser settings

To increase the size of the picture and text characters in Yandex you need to change its settings or use the buttons to instantly zoom in on the page.

In the first case, use the mouse or keyboard to launch your browser, then on the browser toolbar, find the settings menu icon (a symbol with a pattern of three horizontal lines):

Click on this symbol with the mouse, in the window that opens we are interested in the following symbols:

  1. To zoom in on the page;
  2. To reduce the page scale;
  3. “Settings” item to change browser settings.

To instantly zoom in on the screen at the top of the menu that opens, click the “+” symbol (1) several times and see how much larger the size of the characters on the page becomes:

Clicking on the “-” symbol (2) will zoom out the image on the screen:

The “Settings” menu item (3) opens the opportunity to change the default browser settings. On home page, at the very bottom of the settings window, find and click “Show additional settings”:

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

In the “Fonts and Encoding” window that opens, you can also change the default font type and size:

Using this method, you will “in one fell swoop” solve the issue of convenient display of your favorite pages. Regardless of what resource you are on - whether you communicate with friends on VK or play online game, whether watching a video or working with text.

Changing these settings is available in any browser, both on a PC and on a tablet or laptop, except that the path to them will be slightly different. Changes to the display of the content size of loaded pages can also be seen on your e-mail, on news sites, movies and music portals etc.

Enlarge the font in Yandex Browser on Android

To increase the font scale in the Yandex browser on Android you need to:

  1. Open your browser and go to settings. .
  2. Find the item “Scale and text wrapping”. Go to this section. .
  3. Adjust the font in the browser using the slider. .

Everything is very simple. The main thing is to find these settings.


Today we looked at several ways to increase font size in Yandex. I hope I helped answer your question. Subscribe and share this post. Bye everyone.

Best regards, Alexey Antropov.

The page loaded in the browser has its own design, size and font names. For people with poor eyesight or viewing the site on a small screen, you may need to zoom in or zoom out.

Yandex Browser provides several ways to change the scale - from using hot keys to selecting the scale in the settings.

How to change screen scale in Yandex Browser

The zoom tool does not depend on whether you want to reduce or enlarge the page size. The main difference between the methods is that you need to apply the change to all viewed sites or to one specific one.

Let's look at all the methods, starting with the simplest and ending with the most complex.

After this, all settings for individual sites will be erased.

Keyboard shortcuts

By using hotkeys, you will change the scale for one specific site or page. Yandex Browser will retain its dimensions and the next time you open it, no additional action will be required from you.

1. Open the desired site or page in your browser.

2. Hold down the "CTRL" key and scroll the mouse wheel:

  • On my own – to zoom in;
  • On yourself - to reduce.

3. At this time, under address bar browser, a window will appear informing you about the changes.

4. Alternatively, you can use the key combination “CTRL +” and “CRTL –”.

Settings window

An analogue of hot keys is the settings window, by opening which you can change the scale with the same ease.

1. Click on the button with the image of three horizontal lines.

2. Using the “+” and “-” buttons, adjust the page size to the required size.

How to use previous method, amendments for this site will be retained.

How to undo changes you made

All scale edits for individual sites are saved in Yandex Browser separate file so that the next time the page is loaded, the page will be displayed resized.

Return size to previous state can be done in two ways:

  • Use the means described above;
  • By deleting the adjustments made in the settings.

There will be no difficulties with the first point, but let’s look at the second in more detail.

1. In the Yandex Browser settings, find the “Personal data” item.

2. Open Content Settings and scroll to the bottom of the page.

3. Click the button shown in the screenshot and delete the address of the resource for which you want to return the scale to its original state.

4. Click on “Done” and exit settings.

Changing the browser interface scale

To change the size of all loaded pages and the Yandex Browser interface, you need to delve into the settings.

1. Go to your browser settings and find the "Web Content" section.

2. In the “Page Scale” item, select the desired percentage of enlargement or reduction.

3. Continue browsing without restarting your browser.

So, with just a couple of buttons and a few seconds of time, you can both reduce and increase the scale of pages and interface in Yandex Browser.