High conversion. #2 - Special offer

How to evaluate the effectiveness of a website? How to evaluate the quality of an online advertising company? There are many similar questions you can ask. And all the answers revolve around the concept of “site conversion”.

Website conversion- this is the ratio of users who performed the target action to the total number of visitors. Most often, conversion is measured as a percentage, so the division result is multiplied by 100%.

Formula for calculating website conversion

Conversion = / * 100%

  • Sum_Deystvie - the sum of users who achieved their goal
  • Sum_All - total amount all site visitors

The target action can be almost anything. Most often this is:

  • Purchase of goods (in the case of an online store)
  • Submitting an application (for example, for a conference, for a loan)
  • Registration of the service
  • registration on the site
  • Order call back
  • Visit the address and contact page

Conversion can be attributed not only to the website, but also to offline businesses. For example, what percentage of people who come into a store buy something.

The higher the conversion, the higher the efficiency of your website. All good webmasters and online store owners strive to increase the conversion rate.

2. Why is it important to improve and study your conversion rate?

Having studied the actions of users, we will begin to understand what the problem is - why many do not reach the action we need. We can improve and refine the functionality and design of the site so that the maximum number of users turn into buyers. You should also strive to increase traffic volumes from those places that convert well. In my opinion, this is the most important task of any website owner.

Knowing the conversion it is easy to estimate your costs per visitor, which is the most important metric for business.


We attracted 100 people through advertising and spent 1000 rubles (1 visitor cost us 10 rubles). For example, one client who places an order will bring us 300 rubles net. If the site conversion is 5%, that is, 5 out of 100 people make an order, then we will earn net 5x250 = 1250 rubles. Taking into account our costs of 1000 rubles, our net income at the exit is 1250 - 1000 = 250 rubles. Those. It is very profitable for us to attract traffic. However, if the conversion drops to 4%, then we will only be recouping our costs, which means it is not profitable for us.

Such calculations are most often made during traffic arbitrage.


Not always high conversion this is an excellent result. For example:

Despite such different site traffic (100 vs 1000 vs 5000), the average income turned out to be almost the same. Even though the conversion of the third site with higher traffic seems to be the leader at first glance.

3. How to check website conversion

Checking and studying website conversion is not the most simple task. But still there is already ready-made solutions, which will help you avoid spending money on developing your metrics. The most the best tools for tracking conversion there are two popular counters from two leaders search engines:

Yandex Metrica, in my opinion, has somewhat greater capabilities and is generally more intuitive. This can be explained by two reasons:

  • Yandex Metrica appeared much later than its Western competitor, which means it took into account all the shortcomings of Google
  • This is purely our development. Apparently that’s why we like it more, although I have nothing against Google Analytics

1. Yandex Metrica capabilities for determining website conversion

  • The number of pages viewed by visitors to your resource;
  • Number of views specific page resource;
  • An event that is a successful indicator for the owner;
  • The sequential steps that visitors take to complete an action;
  • Webizor (recording mouse actions and user movements around the site);

2. The capabilities of Google Analytics in determining website conversion

  • The visitor reaches the page you need;
  • Conducting a visitor on the resource a certain amount time;
  • The visitor views the specified number of pages;
  • The user performs the action you require;

4. What kind of conversion is considered good?

The conversion rate will vary greatly across different topics. As an example, you can bring a banal order for a taxi or pizza. Many users don’t care which taxi to take or which pizza to order. On such sites, the conversion should be around 10-30%, i.e. on average, every fifth person visiting the site must take an action.

If we take an online store household appliances, then the conversion here will be significantly less. Products here are often not cheap, so buyers choose and think about their purchases more carefully before ordering. Here, the factors of the lowest price, trust and delivery conditions of the goods are of great importance. You can't please everyone (except for the price at least). Even despite the relatively low conversion online stores of household appliances, the profit in this industry from one client is much higher than in the same taxi or pizza.

5. Impact of traffic quality from different sources

Conversion is greatly influenced by the source of traffic. For example, a user came with the request “buy a refrigerator of such and such brand.” His request clearly contains a desire to make a purchase. Clients who come in response to sales requests should be better converted into buyers.

Information requests are another matter. For example, the query “what to look for when choosing refrigerators.” It is clear that the user is interested in buying a refrigerator, but this is a “cold client”. He came to your website for information, and then perhaps he will look at the catalog with the product. The conversion rate for such users will be very small, but nevertheless, these are also potential clients.

Any businessman, regardless of the type of activity, participates in sales, these can be goods for the population or services, the definition of the potential development of his production is ─ sales conversion, what is this, if not an indicator by which the success of a business can be determined.

A store visitor or Internet user always comes for some reason, it turns out that he is a potential buyer. Often people, having examined the counters point of sale, they leave without making a purchase, so it is important to select products according to the assortment and provide quality service. The task of any business is to make a profit, and its development depends on the number of clients attracted. How correctly a businessman runs his own business determines the marketing indicator ─ conversion. Let's look at it and give it full definition this parameter, how to improve it.

What is sales conversion?, ─ and this is the parameter marketing strategy, which shows the ratio among real buyers (people who paid for the service) and potential clients who can buy the product, but for some reason do not.

Experts believe that a novice entrepreneur should become familiar with this definition as early as possible; it is this indicator that provides an in-depth analysis of the business and identifies mistakes made in sales. The parameter (conversion) is calculated in %; there is no general, single conversion value; each business has its own indicator, which depends on the conditions and specifics of small business production.

In business, it is always necessary to improve the growth of sales conversion; the higher the percentage, the better. It is possible and necessary to calculate conversion; as an example, we can cite 100 visitors to a small business outlet who came after seeing a regional advertisement, of which only 30 people made a purchase, one might say. That the sales conversion was 30% after marketing actions.

The conversion rate is also the main one in the information business for assessing Internet resources. Which common mistakes What a business owner does, according to marketing experts, is:

    The client is potentially ready to purchase the goods complete information on it, to make a decision about its purchase. In this case, it is recommended to review promotional activities and supplement the information field about the products. You can make video materials about how the products work or what benefits they have. Use information on Internet resources to reveal the usefulness of products.

    The product quality is not as advertised as stated in the advertisement. For some reason, the buyer is not satisfied with the quality. It is necessary to work on the quality of products and services. Bring the product to a new, higher quality level.

    The seller or manager approaches the fact of selling the goods incorrectly. Working with the client at this stage is very important, when the buyer is ready to buy, and the seller does not respond to his readiness, he may lose the client. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to constantly conduct training, sales training and work with visitors.

Sales conversion, by definition, is a percentage indicator of the ratio of visitors ready to purchase products and visitors: those who entered a store, an outlet in a service atelier, but did not make a purchase.

What is conversion rate

When considering the question of what conversion is in sales, it is necessary to dwell on the conversion level, ─ which is also determined by the percentage of visitors who did not make a purchase to visitors who bought the product.

How to master these terms using conversion examples is:

    conversion level in Internet resources, ─ the ratio determined by the number of people who visited the site to the number of people who performed certain actions, transitions, searching for information, leaving comments.

Conversion rate is an indicator that determines the success of an entrepreneur in a marketing strategy that attracts customers to make purchases.

The interpreted actions of a successful conversion are different for different types areas of entrepreneurship, namely:

    For a businessman engaged in trade, the conversion level is the criterion for purchasing products.

    For people in the information business, this indicator means the number of visitors to the Internet resource.

It is necessary to emphasize that the conversion rate relates not only to electronic means dissemination of an information product as an ultimate goal, ─ but as an indicator for performing actions and obtaining benefits according to the formula: show-interest-sell.

The word conversion comes from the Latin expression “convercio” ─ how to calculate conversion, which means transformation, in other words, turn potential buyer V real client making a purchase. A regular customer is the one on whom sales are based and brings profit to the entrepreneur.

The conversion rate indicator is always calculated as a percentage, which shows how much a novice businessman or small business owner follows the correct policy in working with the client base.

Conversion calculation examples:

    when to the point retail owned by you, 100 people come every day for a month, and only 5 of them make a purchase, then your conversion at the point of sale will be 5%;

    for wholesale trade workers, the conversion indicator is the number of calls you made, say 100, and 4 companies became clients for regular purchases, your conversion is 4%.

With the help of conversion, you can simply determine how the competition for a buyer is going on with competitors; for this, experts suggest general concept divided into intermediate indicators. They also look at conversion rate as necessary definition sales funnels.

Let's consider the proposed model, what it consists of general meaning conversion parameter:

    Indicator No. 1, which determines the number of random people who passed by and, thanks to outdoor advertising, entered it. Determines efficiency appearance retail outlet, store, studio.

    Indicator No. 2, which determines the number of those who came in and began to look at the products, try them on, and ask about the usefulness of the product. Determines how your managers work with clients, how competently they use sales technologies.

    Indicator No. 3, it determines the people who tried on the product or were interested in it from indicator No. 2 to become a real buyer.

    Indicator #4 indicates customers who liked your products or services and made a purchase again. This is a criterion for the professional efforts of your company’s personnel to attract direct buyers.

With the improvement of intermediate indicators, which can be increased by working on advertising and carrying out certain events, the overall percentage of conversion increases, which increases your sales.

Conversion and sales funnel

Many novice entrepreneurs have little understanding of the question of how to calculate sales conversion, ─ what is a sales funnel and how they are connected, even more so. Let’s define a sales funnel: it is not an indicator like conversion, but a tool for a businessman’s action. This is when a potential consumer of your product goes through the transformation from attracting attention by advertising your product to deciding to purchase it.

An entrepreneur who owns a business tool, a sales funnel, using conversion parameters, can significantly increase the sales of his own products.

There are often situations when there are no offers in the region certain group goods exceeds the real demand for them, for this reason direct attraction of customers becomes less effective; it is necessary to influence the client indirectly, determining his needs.

In sales marketing, this is expressed by the following stages of client transformation (conversion)::

    must be carried out necessary actions for his interest in your products;

    working with the buyer, the manager, using sales tools, achieves the client’s desire to purchase products;

    as a consequence of the previous stage, the purchase of goods by the client.

The seller’s task in this entire issue is to do everything so that the client’s attention develops into the actual purchase of the product. The tool is called a funnel figuratively when the buyer “falls” into it and achieves the final result, the purchase of a product. Factors that influence the increase in potential consumers are:

    How is a product or service promoted on the regional market: advertising materials, organizing promotions with product demonstrations.

    Give a full understanding to the future client of the need to purchase goods only in your network of stores, show clear advantages.

Many ongoing staff trainings do not fully disclose such a tool as a sales funnel.

Every entrepreneur who can own a marketing tool can find out ─ sales conversion, what it is, how to calculate it for the entire enterprise and individual departments as a whole. Using these indicators and the action tool, you can understand at what stage the store is losing greatest number potential buyers.

The sales funnel is calculated taking into account sales conversion rates. The use of Internet resources and its analysis, marketing activities, this indicator is the most important. It’s no secret that many people do business on the Internet; indicators such as website conversion can understand its effectiveness.

As an example, we can consider the creation of an Internet portal, the required amount of money was spent on advertising.

Eventually :

    According to the counter, 4,500 people visited the site in a month;

    According to contact information, only 150 people called to complete the purchase, which means the conversion was only 3%;

    This is not the same result, but it can be raised to 30% conversion.

There is such an indicator as refusals, ─ this is when the user spent less than 10 seconds on the resource and did not take any actions. Often visitors, not finding what they need, immediately close the site window. In this case, there is a formula for sales conversion, this is: Conversion = the number of visitors who made a call (X), divided by the difference between visitors and refusals (Y -Z) multiplied by 100. K =Y /(Y -Z)*100

Stages of correct sales building taking into account conversion rates

Let's consider several variations of building a sales funnel, which will give predictable profits in a small business, and business activity will not be chaotic. The stages of creation are:

    The initial stage, at which proposals such as what product you will sell or what service you will provide are worked out in detail. A sales proposal must be compiled taking into account various parameters to reflect the buyer’s benefit. Examples of correct attraction:

    interest in cost: “If you find a product cheaper, we will compensate you for your search and give a 25% discount for those who buy from us today”;

    attraction by deadlines: “Our company will provide the goods directly to the office immediately upon conclusion of the contract, if this does not happen, every minute of delay will cost 1 ruble as compensation for the wait”;

    a reflection of the quality of your products: “If the product does not meet the stated parameters, we will give you an additional set as a gift.”

    Definition potential clients. To achieve good customer base You need to pay attention to factors such as:

    how the seller communicates with the buyer;

    how competently the seller communicates with the client;

    how he uses gestures and touch correctly;

    how he can make acquaintance with a potential client.

    We create interest.

    We work on the client's objections.

    We successfully complete the sale.

    We analyze successful sales.

    We try to increase conversion using marketing tools, This:

    We offer free delivery of products;

    the ability to add a new type of product at the request of the client;

    consultative communication with the client;

    providing information support.

The basic rule for increasing the conversion rate ─ and making purchases by the client is that the seller should always see the buyer, at the first hitch in choosing a product, he should immediately come to the buyer’s aid and answer all questions.

Understanding that the conversion rate is a sign of a successful business, if it is high, we must always strive to grow it. To do this, it is enough to consider intermediate conversion indicators. Analyze the company's activities by stages. When accepted correct actions, then the conversion level will increase, which means there will be more sales, and the profit of the business will be higher.

Your business can perform better and bring in more money. You already know this. But! He can do this right now.

That is, with the initial data that we have now. All you need is to increase your sales conversion. What it is and how to get the most out of it, we’ll look at it in this article without cats or complicated words.

It is sales conversion and its increase that influences more buyers to turn from potential to real.

This indicator is included in the TOP 5 required for calculation. And how to do this in a store, sales office, showroom or even an online store, read on.

Oh those concepts

Since I don’t really like theory, I propose to call it a day. The only thing I want to talk about is that there are currently many types of conversions.

However, I will highlight three main types, which are the most common, and which any businessman must know as a prayer:

  1. Conversion in advertising. This is the ratio of the number of hits/clicks on an advertisement to the impressions of that advertising message.
  2. Offline conversion. This is the ratio of the number of buyers to the number of people who entered the shopping area.
  3. Conversion on the site. This is the ratio of people who performed the target action on the site to the number of all visitors.

Based on this you can do main conclusion. If your company uses several platforms (store, online store and office), then there will be several sales conversions and the data on them will vary.

Also, how will conversion differ by: product, target audience, region, etc. But first, start counting the minimum and simple steps, and only then go deeper.

Important addition. In business, when we talk about conversion, we usually talk about it as part of the sales funnel. Therefore, be sure to study our article. Believe me, all this together will change the way you look at your business.

We count and forget

In our materials we constantly repeat that business is, first of all, numbers, not feelings.

There is a small part of luck, but everything else is based on very real facts. And what big amount indicators you own, the easier it is to manage, control and develop it.


For example, how well target clients come to your advertising company or how well your salespeople work.

But! I'll be honest with you, conversion rate is not the main indicator in marketing. He is important, but not the main one.

The most important thing is profit. And if every second person buys from you, but at the same time average bill is three kopecks, then calculating the conversion in this case is of no use.


Therefore, as I already said, it is imperative to calculate sales conversion, as you will see a lot useful information. But conversion can be deceiving.

Always check the purity of the analysis with such additional indicators as: transaction length, net profit.



Therefore, there is no ideal conversion rate in the market. Everyone will have their own. And to determine it, you take the first metrics from your business in a month, after which you make it a minimum plan and look for ways to develop.

Introduce innovations and then look at the results. If everything goes up, then you have a new minimum bar. And so on in a cycle.

Enhancement Methods

IN Lately People write to us a lot of thanks, that there is a lot of sense in our articles thanks practical information, which people can take and apply here and now.

By tradition, this article will not be an exception. And I will give some universal tips for all types of contacts. They will not cover the topic fully, but will be a nice addition.

  1. Count the number of people. Both those who came in and those who bought. Do this daily. This can be done manually or using special systems and services.

    For complete beginners, you can use online table in Google.Docs, which your soldiers will conduct and you will see and check daily.

  2. Simplify your sales. Make navigation, good selling price tags and . For some this will sound banal and perhaps even mockery, but most businesses still don’t have this.
  3. Simplify your purchase. Add the option to purchase using a card, credit or installment plan. This will be especially true if it is an installment plan from a store.

    For example, one of our clients introduced a similar installment plan for 4 months. The results exceeded all expectations. Non-refundability barely exceeds 10%, but the sales conversion rate (especially for expensive products) has increased by 20%.

  4. Organize a competition. If you have 2-3 shifts or 2-3 sales managers, then organize a competition between them for the highest conversion.

    The point of the competition is that whoever has the highest conversion rate over a certain period of time will receive a prize.

    The only thing is to make sure that there is no collusion between these comrades, otherwise your whole idea will go to waste. More details in our article “”.

  5. Add more contacts. You must not only have a telephone number for the region in which the office/warehouse is located, but also a toll-free 8-800 number, Email.

    You want to make this journey as easy as possible at every step. For example, on the site remove great amount fields in the application form or make a call to your company without unnecessary actions with an answering machine.

  6. Implement sales scripts. Sales conversion in staff work is easily increased through training effective communication with clients.

    But you most likely don’t have this. But in vain. When an employee works according to the structure of an ideal salesperson, conversion increases.

Briefly about the main thing

When the conversation is about new article blog, we spend quite a long time choosing what exactly to write. In the case of sales conversion, we didn’t think long about it.

It is necessary to count the conversion. Without any conversations, objections, etc. No matter what the staff says, no matter how much you hate this innovation, implement, monitor and constantly work to increase sales conversion.

But remember the text you read above, namely the section “conversion can be deceiving.”

This indicator is amazing and if you haven’t calculated anything before, you will be surprised by the results. And if you already think, then quickly go deeper and see this indicator in the context of people, products, advertising channels, time, place, etc.

Conversion is an indicator that characterizes the success of any commercial and non-commercial project. Typically, this term refers to the number of visitors who performed a certain action.

Conversion concept

Store conversion is the ratio of people who made a purchase, i.e., who became customers of the store, to the total number of visitors.

For online commerce - this number is expressed as the ratio of people who visited the site to the number of people who made necessary action. For example, a person who visited an advertiser’s resource made a call to a consultant and went to desired page, subscribed to the newsletter, made a purchase, and so on.

For non-commercial projects, as in the case of commercial projects, conversion is the ratio of visitors who performed a certain action to their total number.

E-commerce conversion

We can conclude that website conversion is one of the most important indicators of the success of any Internet business. It is also a kind of indicator of the quality of the Internet resource and all stages of work with the client.

To increase it, it is necessary to work not only on the number of people who visited the site, but also on tools that allow you to turn a visitor into a client. That is, both qualitative and quantitative characteristics should improve.

In this case, the goal will be to identify site flaws, sources of non-target traffic, poor usability, and so on. Based on conversion data, identified deficiencies should be addressed.

Sales conversion - what is it?

The optimal conversion level is considered to be 2-3%, which means 20-30 achievements of set goals for every 1000 site visitors. However, depending on the type of business, this indicator may differ significantly. In any case, having statistical data, you can carry out very effective activities aimed at increasing impact and increasing conversion.

The goal of increasing conversion is to improve efficiency and impact. If every 1000 of your visitors brings you 2 sales, then this is an extremely low figure. An acceptable average level is considered to be 2-3%, i.e. 20-30 sales for every 1000 visitors. However, this indicator may vary significantly for different lines of business.

E-commerce efficiency

For websites ecommerce There are several factors that significantly influence sales efficiency:

Visitor behavior on the site

Search and advertising traffic

  • Analysis keywords. To increase conversion, you need to find out what queries people come for the largest number refusals. If there are many of them, it is quite possible semantic core the site is compiled incorrectly or insufficiently developed.
  • Contextual advertising and transitions from search engines. Just as in the previous paragraph, it is necessary to identify the most effective key queries. And also work on the content of ads in contextual advertising.

Of course, these are not all the characteristics, and this list can be continued for quite a long time. You just have to understand: website conversion is a value that depends on many conditions. And it is necessary to obtain as much statistical data as possible and use it to improve efficiency.

Other concepts of conversion

This concept is also applied in foreign exchange transactions. Currency conversion is the exchange of one currency for another at the current exchange rate at the time of exchange.

The term is also applicable to the military industry. In this area, conversion is the transition of a plant that produces products for the military complex, for example, tanks, to products for the civilian sector, for example, tractors.
By the way, most machine-building plants built during the USSR were designed for the possibility of rapid reorientation of production.

This term is also used in chemistry and linguistics. In fact, conversion is the transition of one substance or concept to another. Of course, the concept of conversion has gained the greatest popularity in commerce. Since it allows you to reflect the most important indicator the effectiveness of various activities aimed at attracting new customers.

Conversion example

In conclusion, we can say that the achievement high level Conversion should not become an end in itself. The following example can be given as an illustration. Let's say there is a website for a commercial organization. 100 people visit it per day, 5 of them place an order. In this case, the conversion rate will be 5%.

And there is another organization, it also has a website. Its daily attendance is 1000 people. Of these, 30 visitors achieve their goal. In this case, the conversion will be 3%.

From this simple example You can understand that high conversion in trade is not an indicator of the success of the project. This is a parameter that needs to be constantly analyzed and, based on the findings obtained, increase both the number of visitors and the number of customers received. Moreover, there are many ways to increase these indicators.

Kirill Gurbanov wrote a column for VC on how a manager can determine priority areas work in a startup. To do this, the author recommends creating a “weight distribution table.”

Every manager who manages a company or part of it is faced with the task of determining priorities on a daily basis - what is more important for the business to do right now, and what can be postponed?

At iPictory, we act quite pragmatically in this regard: for each task, the degree of its impact on the company’s earnings is determined. There is nothing complicated about this - it is enough to identify the key points of growth of your economy once, and then you will automatically begin to pass through their prism any of your tasks and problems.

Disclaimer: This material does not claim to be the ultimate truth. I’m just sharing the approach that we in iPictory, WashApp and other projects managed to develop during their existence. I will be glad to see your comments, clarifications and additions.

How to determine what and to what extent affects the earnings of your business

It is known that the fate of any commercial Internet project is subject to the ratio of CAC and LTV (someday I will write a separate material about the product economy and put a link to it here, but for now...)

Brief information:

  • C.A.C.- Customer Acquisition Cost - the cost of attracting a paying customer, that is, how much you pay on average to New user made a purchase from you.
  • LTV- Lifetime Value - customer value, that is, how much money on average your customer brings you during his lifetime with your service or product.

If CAC > LTV, then by definition the business will not be able to survive, since it will spend more on marketing than it earns. If C.A.C.< LTV, значит шансы у бизнеса есть, но тут очень важно, какая разница между этими двумя показателями, так как именно из нее вам нужно платить зарплаты и прочие OPEX-ы (OPEX - Operational Expenses - операционные расходы).

So, your final profit is affected by CAC and LTV:

Now, for clarity, let's divide CAC and LTV, each into two components:

  • CAC = CPA/c1;
  • LTV = AOV * APC.

CPA- cost per acquisition - the cost of attracting a user (as a rule, this is CPC - cost per click, or CPI - cost per install - price per installation (for mobile applications)).

c1- conversion to the first order, that is, the average ratio of those who bought to those who came or installed.

AOV- Average Order Value - average bill, that is, how much on average you earn per order.

APC- Average Payment Count - the average number of purchases per customer, that is, how many people on average make orders in their lifetime.

We get the following picture:

Now we have four key indicators that directly affect the success of your business. Any metric can be expressed directly or indirectly using these four metrics.

As you probably already guessed, you and I will compare our future tasks and decisions with these metrics, and based on them, select the right action scenarios. However, before we begin, we need to “weigh” these four indicators.

We weigh the metrics of your project

In order to understand which metric influences the success of your business to a greater or lesser extent, we need a table. Let's fill it out together (thanks to the IIDF and Ilya Krasinsky for the table, by the way).

Skeleton table

Each line is one of the economic models of the project. The first one is the current one, basic model. Each next one differs from the base one only in one of the indicators (which is indicated in the line title).

Columns are metrics. Reference columns are highlighted in grey. Blue - weighted indicators, red - calculated figures, result.

Let's fill in the basic economics of the project using the example of some noname mobile application with a good average order total (usually, this is some kind of application related to offline goods or services).

Populating the Base Model

The principle of this table is to see which change will have a greater impact on profits. In order to compare more or less equivalent changes, it is necessary to take only those improvements that can be achieved in no more than a month of work and tests (or better yet, a week). That is, if you are not confident that you can improve your conversion rate by half in a week, then reduce the change to something more realistic. For example, I took 3,000 as the base number of installations on which we look at the impact, and a period of two weeks.

Let's fill in the second line, namely the scenario in which we reduce the cost of one application installation, say, by 20% (with the initial figure of 30 rubles, this is more than realistic to do in two weeks of tests). At the same time, we do not touch all other indicators.

Filling out an alternative scenario

What do we see? That the gross profit, all other things being equal, became equal to 45,600 rubles versus 27,600 rubles in the original scenario.

Now let's fill in all the other scenarios.

Now let's add the "weighting" factors, which are essentially the ratio of gross profit after the changes to gross profit before the changes.

Calculated weights of indicators

Actually, these are metrics weighted by their impact on your business. What conclusion can be drawn from this for the example considered?


All other things being equal, your efforts should primarily be aimed at the following actions(in descending order of importance):

  1. Reducing the cost of acquisition.
  2. Increasing margins (reducing costs).
  3. Increasing the average check.
  4. Increased conversion.
  5. Increasing the number of user purchases during their lifetime.

What does this mean in practice? Before making any decision to develop or improve a product, or prioritization, check this weight distribution. Ask yourself questions: what specific metric is affected by this action? Move up the pipeline those tasks that are aimed at improving higher-priority business indicators.