Competitor analysis. Link analysis of competitors

Competitor market analysis- a mandatory and indispensable first step in developing any marketing campaign. This business planning framework

This includes both a general study of activities and detailed check various areas, including prices, assortment, and Internet activities, much more. The success of future business activities and chosen strategies depends on the correct assessment of the information received.

The final product or service will become as competitive as possible, low operational risks will not cause trouble, and correct channels and implementation of communication is the key to acquiring an extensive network of partners and a base of regular customers.

The work consists of a number of stages, for which various schemes and tools are used. An effective action plan is selected individually, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, preferences and capabilities of the customer. It is important to clearly formulate a conscious goal, assess the boundaries of competition and select the optimal means to implement your plans. Only in this way will the result be high-quality, reliable and accurate.

When is competitor analysis necessary?

The modern market is characterized by oversupply in most industries. More and more organizations offer similar products and services. That is why it is important to stand out from similar analogues. Competitive analysis can become a powerful tool in the fight for the attention of the target audience. Based on the results, you can choose a scheme for future self-presentation and positioning yourself in the market. This is an excellent source of ideas and relevant information that will help you find strengths, weaknesses and original features. At the same time, this leads to a reduction in risks for the company. A unique selling proposition is always the result of comprehensive analysis and processing of collected data.

Competitive analysis can be carried out in detail or partially, in the case of solving short-term problems. Among the situations in which you should immediately contact specialists:

  • Development marketing strategy, product promotion scheme.
  • Development of product policy, creation of assortment.
  • Development of a separate product, its key characteristics and properties.
  • Forecasting plan.
  • Formation pricing policy.

Analysis results

Timely comparative analysis of competitors allows you to constantly keep your finger on the pulse and have information. Of course, to cover such a voluminous information field on our own almost impossible. For this purpose there are specialized companies and corresponding software, adapted for specific tasks. Of course, each company can create its own analytics and marketing department, but in practice such a solution is feasible and available only for major players market. At other times it is better to use alternative methods and resources.

Among the main advantages that it provides competitor checking service:

  • Relevance.

The reliability and timeliness of all data allows you to objectively assess the market situation, your position, prospects and predict material costs.

  • Completeness.

A complete data package allows you to form not only an objective, but also a comprehensive picture that will cover all areas of competitors’ activities. You cannot neglect the little things, because further success may depend on them.

Competitive Analysis Framework

  • Determination of growth rates and market volumes.
  • Determining the profitability of the chosen niche and the ease of entry into it.
  • Identification of leading enterprises.
  • Identifying the main characteristics of leaders.
  • Calculation of competitive prospects.

A separate aspect of the analysis is working with the target audience, its needs, requests and current trends. Based on the data obtained, a further strategy is planned and suitable promotion tools are selected.

The last component is research into the Internet segment of the chosen area. This is an estimate virtual instruments competitors, their activity in in social networks and on the Internet, viewing search engine results, compiling a list of the main promoted queries, studying the effectiveness of various advertising platforms.

The audit results include indicators of both the macro and micro environment of the company, due to which the practical usefulness of such information increases significantly.

Step by step analysis

Before carrying out any manipulations, it is worth understanding their essence. The stages that make up competitor market check, may vary depending on the specifics of a particular project. But understanding the basic steps will allow you to navigate and clearly imagine what procedures will need to be carried out.

  1. Preparation

    Before starting a competitor analysis, these competitors need to be identified. For this purpose, the geography of the market is determined: city, regional, state, district or other, depending on the scale of the enterprise and the distribution of the target audience. Based on this data, you can create a list of competing businesses adjacent to the same location.

  2. First step. Systematization.

    The resulting list must be systematized, identifying those companies that can really influence the success of a business by luring away customers. The so-called indirect competitors, whose field of activity is related, are considered separately.

Both lists collect basic information, which includes:

  • The range and quality of goods or services.
  • Location of the company and representative offices, contacts, management.
  • Availability additional services, quality of service.
  • Pricing.
  • Advertising campaign.
  • Potential and prospects.

If possible, it is better to immediately assess the quantitative level of sales of a competitor and other available nuances.

  1. Second step. Intensity.

    Competition in any industry can be weak or intense. It depends on many factors and circumstances. A market with weak competition is quite static; it rarely undergoes changes and for a long time remains stable.

    Otherwise, the conditions of coexistence can change almost constantly, at any time. Here it is important to always receive up-to-date information in a timely manner and promptly respond to it, taking decisive action.

    It is necessary to clearly understand the number of competitors, the level of their activity, the frequency of changes, as well as the quantity and quality of advertising in all forms and manifestations.

  2. Third step. Competitor profile.

    If all necessary information, you can proceed to creating a competitor profile. To do this, it is important to carefully study the product portfolio, services offered, key positions, price lists and other tricks that ensure a high share of sales.

  3. Fourth step. Anchor products

    Anchor products or services are what the company relies on. They are the ones who receive increased attention, and often they become a characteristic, recognizable feature. The more such features an enterprise has, the higher its competitiveness characteristics.

  4. Fifth step. Cost analytics.

Valuation allows you to identify a specific segment that the company occupies. Usually this:

  • Economy;
  • Average;
  • Average plus;
  • High;
  • Premium

This can help competitor website analysis, studying the range of representative offices and outlets, becoming familiar with other features.

  1. Sixth step. Market positions.

It is important to see a competitor through the eyes of the consumer, which is where surveys, forums, reviews and opinions are a great help. It is worth paying attention to several points:

  • Competitor's fame.
  • The message he carries.
  • Qualitative characteristics from the consumer.
  • Price characteristics from the consumer.
  • Reasons why a consumer turns to a competitor.
  • Frequency of consumers turning to a competitor.
  1. Seventh step. Advertising and promotion.

    It is necessary to clearly understand how exactly the competitor attracts customers, why it is carried out competitor advertising analysis. It is necessary to find out where and in what form the consumer receives an incentive to purchase, which becomes the decisive argument in favor of a particular product or service.

  2. Eighth step. Consumer portrait.

    Based on information about the target audience, it is possible to create a consumer portrait that takes into account the main characteristics of the audience: age, gender, family presence and composition, profitability, field of activity, psychographic characteristics, product selection criteria. This will help determine demand in order to competently plan your own marketing campaign in the future.

  3. Ninth step. Manufacturability.

    It is important to evaluate not only the position and success of a competitor, but also what resources it has, including turnover, funding reserves, working conditions for employees, and other indicators that can be determined.

  4. Final analytics.

    All available results from the previous steps are summarized in a general report that describes all the features, advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of competitors. Based on such a report, specialists can give effective recommendations By further development business.

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Competitors website analysis

Given its importance and continued relevance, work on studying competitors' websites can be identified as a separate area that requires increased attention. Creating an effective and successful website has no universal scheme, and it is calculated individually. To form an idea of ​​the characteristics of a particular industry within the Internet space, you can conduct comparative analytics, which involves a thorough study and evaluation of sites from the top search engine results. This will help track current trends, notice useful tricks and avoid typical mistakes. Qualified specialists can easily handle such work. In addition, you can use a professional competitor analysis service, which is useful tool to collect information.

The comparative analysis is also carried out in several stages.

  1. Rating your site

    You need to make the most independent, objective and even meticulous assessment of your own website, making lists of advantages, disadvantages, tools used, available opportunities and other details, down to the smallest detail.

  2. Selection of competitors

    First, sites from search engine results must be divided into commercial and non-commercial. This will allow you to immediately weed out articles, reference materials, message boards, review sites and other portals that do not have a specific focus. Of course, when planning the promotion of a non-profit website, the results are filtered out exactly the opposite.

    When promoting a specific company, it is better to limit the verification to a certain region within which the main activity will unfold. Separately, it is necessary to consider the portals of leading enterprises in large cities, for example the capital.

    Of course, it is better to choose competitor sites by high frequency queries. This will significantly expand the sample and allow for better coverage of the area.

  3. Checking competitors' websites

    Analytics of competing sites is carried out according to the same scheme as working with your own resource. It is necessary to take into account all the little things and subtle nuances.

  4. Coincidences

    All points that match between your site and competitors’ sites can be immediately discarded, leaving a clear and limited list of differences and characteristic features.

  5. Priorities

    The remaining list should be prioritized. For example, the more often a certain feature is found among competitors, the more important it is to implement it yourself. Among such features are a calculation calculator, a video about the company, a list of additional services, a platform for communicating with clients, detailed information about the company, placement of certificates and other regalia, and much more, depending on the field of activity and the assigned tasks.

A thorough analysis will help to obtain a clear sequence of actions for improvement and, as well as for further planning of the company's activities.

15.04.2016 |

This material is step by step instructions to conduct competitor analysis on the Internet.

Depending on the goals and objectives of a particular study, you can limit yourself to individual objects (for example, study only the product range, only positioning) or conduct a comprehensive analysis of the competitive environment. Let's look at six basic steps that need to be followed when conducting such analytics.

Define the goals of competitor analysis

Of course, every company needs to monitor competitive environment in which it carries out its activities. However, the purposes of monitoring are always different: determining pricing policy; development of positioning strategy, unique selling proposition (USP); selection of distribution channels; expansion of the product range, etc. For example, if the goal is to develop a USP, then you need to first study the USP and positioning of competitors, and not their advertising budgets (and vice versa).

Therefore, the first step is to determine a specific goal, so as not to overload yourself with unnecessary information in the future.

Identify competitors

Once the purpose of the analysis is formulated, it is necessary to select competitors based on different marketing characteristics. One of the most important is “target audience and its needs.” This characteristic is clarified based on the questions:

Are your products/services aimed at the same audience as this competitor's offerings?

Do the competitor's products/services solve the same needs that you solve?

Do members of your audience encounter the product/service of the competitor in question when searching for ways to satisfy their needs?

If the answer to all questions is “yes,” then the company is your competitor. It is important to know that products may be different from each other but solve similar needs, so you need to be careful at this stage.

Other criteria are also important (price/quality ratio, market share, product range, etc.), and there is nothing wrong if you analyze a competitor who is far ahead of you in all respects (that is, you choose not quite close). Such an audit will give you a lot useful information. The main thing is not to study those who are significantly behind you.

How to find competitors? Possible sources are listed below.

  1. Search on the Internet. You can take on the role of a consumer and search for products using thematic queries in search engines Yandex/Google, as well as in Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. Search several queries, select those competitors that appear repeatedly, and make a list.
  2. Survey of sales managers. Ask managers what competitors they have heard of or encountered. Add the names of these companies to the list.
  3. Survey of several representatives of the target audience. If possible, interview consumers who fit your target audience profile.
  4. Industry ratings. Monitor the ratings, find market leaders, add them to the list.
  5. Online services. The most convenient ones are, and All services are paid, but free versions also allow you to identify similar competitors.

How to identify the strongest competitors?

As soon as you are ready full list companies, study their websites to identify those most worthy of analysis. After the initial selection, compare them using similarweb.comwith your site to determine how similar you are to each other and which of you is stronger.

Then analyze semantic core, visibility and traffic from each competitor's search. Just enter his domain into the service and study the summary report.

The Visibility parameter determines how strong the competitor is. That is, how many pages of his website (products) are in Google/Yandex. The more pages of a site are in the top search engines, the higher the visibility. Be sure to thoroughly research the sites with the most visibility in your niche.

Don't forget to upload key phrases competitor, for which he ranks in search and receives customers to complement the semantics of his site.

Leave the TOP 5 - 10 competitors for analysis.

Define competitor analysis criteria

When a list of competitors has already been compiled, you need to determine the analysis criteria. We repeat: The criteria depend on the objectives of the study.

There are 2 types of criteria:

  • conditionally quantitative,
  • qualitative (we'll look at it in more detail later).

Start analysis (filling out tables)

Start analyzing each competitor based on each criterion. Add all information to the table “in real time”.

On at this stage You should end up with a table something like this:

  1. Conditionally quantitative criteria/indicators. Here are criteria that can be quantified (for example, on a 10-point scale). Such parameters may be: ease of ordering call back Online, reflection of the company's positioning on home page , quality of service description etc. Fill out the table for all the criteria and give ratings (it is recommended to determine the significance of the criteria in advance), after which you will receive a rating that will show in what parameters the company lags behind its competitors, what needs to be improved and what qualities need to be emphasized.
  1. Qualitative criteria/indicators. This part of the analysis is the most exciting. Here you need to study parameters that cannot be quantified, for example: brand packaging features, communication features, emphasized competitive advantages etc. IN in this case you will end up with a table something like this:

Compare the received data

After you have collected all the data and monitored your competitors according to the selected criteria, you need to correctly compare the received data. The more visual the infographics are, the easier it will be to draw the right conclusions. The most common and convenient formats are presented below:

Radar chart

The first figure shows the frequency of mentioning a specific factor by competitors using a specific example (how many of the 8 competitors mention the characteristic in question).

A diagram like this is useful in at least two cases (for conditionally quantitative data):

  1. to track the frequency of mention of certain properties by competitors,
  2. to assess the severity of certain properties among competitors (comparison, second figure: here you can swap “properties” and “competitors” or add any other criteria).

Positioning map

Depending on the objectives of the study and the selected criteria, the map axes may differ. For example, you can build a map based on the price/quality ratio, competitors in terms of product cost and target audience (for adults and young people), as presented in the example of cosmetics, or based on other parameters. Such a visual form gives a clear idea of ​​the company’s position in the competitive environment.

Draw conclusions

Sometimes this is the most important stage analysis. Here, the data obtained is supported by knowledge in the field of classical marketing, experience, cases, and a general understanding of the market situation. All this together makes it possible to correctly complete the analysis and achieve the goal.

After this, it remains to implement the already chosen strategy based on the conclusions from the analysis.

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Marketing Manager

Shares a list of sites that will help you get a report on the position of competitors on the Internet (and not only). Search, compare – and win!

Works online today huge number websites: companies and specialists, online stores, portals, the most various services etc. An important step in resource development is competitor analysis. You need to be one step ahead or at least keep up. There are several simple and free ways, which we also use to develop Nethouse.

1. Study of Yandex and Google search results: Site-Auditor

The positions of competitors’ websites in search results and the dynamics (history) of changes are most conveniently tracked in full free program Site-Auditor. By specifying the address of the resource you are interested in, in one click you receive all the key data on the site from search engines, incl. positions according to the generated list of requests (independently or through

With its help, you can also conduct an express audit of a competitor’s website: find out how many pages are indexed, see what statistics systems are installed, TCI, PR and much more. Site-Auditor can also be used to check the SEO promotion of your website and to regularly monitor the dynamics of changes in positions.

2. Analysis of competitors in Yandex and Google search: Spywords

You can find out how your competitors are promoting their website using services such as,,, Their functionality is not very different, so we will consider in detail only one of them - - it provides the most information and has a limited free version.

Using the service you can find out:

    Dynamics of various indicators (number of requests, context budget, etc.) over time;

When analyzing, be careful: do not take statistical figures as absolute and exact values, since these data are calculated using a specific algorithm and errors are possible.

3. Traffic comparison: Similarweb

The service will help you compare traffic with competitors and find opportunities that you are not yet using in your business.

Here's what you can find out thanks to the service:

    Traffic to the site for the last month and traffic dynamics for the last 6 months;

    Behavioral factors on the site: bounce rate, average time on the site, viewing depth;

    Sources of traffic for the last 3 months: ratio of direct, search, etc.;

4. Studying trends: and

Using the Google and Yandex Trends services, you can view the dynamics and history of queries in each country or around the world.

You can find out if your competitors are growing in popularity. To do this, look at the trends by searching for their names in Russian and English language. If the scale on the graph grows, then, accordingly, the popularity of this brand among Internet users also grows. You can check the trend by the names of competitors both in Russia and around the world.

“Tell me and report the whole truth: Am I the sweetest in the world?” - V modern world Few businesses doubt their ideality.

By default, most people believe that competition is for weaklings, or as women say: “Are you jealous?!” It means I’m not confident in myself.”

But seriously, competitor analysis covers all the most important things, because after all, we are fighting for the same clients. Therefore, you need to know everything about the activity of competitors in order to do better.

Know by sight

You have already come to terms with the idea that analyzing competition in the market is good. Now the next step is to find those very “enemies of the people.”

And as practice shows, many companies set their accents incorrectly, and as a result enter into a race with companies that will never stand next to them.

In order to truly understand who your competitor is, you need to start with a definition.

You need to find people with potential for you. Then you determine which companies these customers choose between.

And only then will you truly see which companies are fighting for the same clients as you. These will be your key competitors.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you are not a federal company of the M-Video or Ozon level (our blog is rarely read), then you should NOT set yourself the goal of defeating all-Russian monsters.

I don’t want to offend you, but most likely all your advertising budget(like ours) for federal companies this is a miscalculation error.

You need to be smarter and target your client, and not try to fight with them for the same market.

Besides key competitors, you have direct and indirect. For you, direct ones are just federal networks and other companies for which you are too tough.

Indirect - those companies that may, by coincidence of circumstances in the world, become your direct competitors, or those businesses.

Those who compete for one of your client’s budgets, but at the same time work in a different area (for example, you are a restaurant, and your indirect competitor is a cinema).

Important. The frequency of analysis is determined based on market dynamics. The more and more often changes occur in your field, the more often you will have to evaluate the situation of competing businesses.

Systems approach

“I know everything about them” is the most common phrase we hear when collecting information about competitors in or.

In this case, we have dozens of questions that will solve the client like bullets, and show that he is not immortal and his excessive self-confidence only harms him.

Competitor benchmarking is not a game of “I know - I don’t know.” This systems approach, consisting of techniques, tools and a huge number of tables and graphs.

Therefore, we throw the school approach into the corner and talk about analysis like adults. And to do this, we need to separate the two concepts that we will use in the process.

  1. The subject of study is part of the business being analyzed.
  2. Study method is an approach to analyzing a part of a business.

To put it roughly, you must separate the concepts among yourself - “What are we analyzing?” and “How do we analyze (competitor evaluation criteria)?”

To complete the picture, we will consider both. So get ready for a huge number boring-interesting (yes-yes) words and sentences. And we will start with the subject of analysis, since the method is formed on the basis of it.

Subject of study

Depending on the goal of analyzing the competitive environment, you will have different zones assessments.

It is quite possible that literally one subject of study from the entire list will be useful to you, but for sure, if you study more, it will not be superfluous. Of course, no one will pat you on the head, but you will have more money.

How touching

1. Basic information

At the beginning of the analysis, everything is like in the army: “Weight, height, year of birth?” We study the introductory information to form general idea about the players on the battlefield.

Most likely, you already know all the information if you have been working for more than a year, but we recommend removing these thoughts, since the world is changing, just as competitors are changing.

The more serious the competition, the more background information You must assemble because every detail can be a path to differentiation.

To make it easier for you to understand what I'm talking about now, check out the list of recommended basic information for collection:

  1. Year of foundation;
  2. Region;
  3. Management;
  4. Number;
  5. Market share;
  6. Working money;
  7. Key clients;

I would like to draw your attention to companies as a separate point. When analyzing, we need to look beyond the “now.”

Of course, it’s more important for everyone to get money right now. But we must not forget that business is not a sprint race, it is a marathon, where the winner is determined after a long journey.

And if you don’t foresee this, then maybe everything will be fine for you now, but in a few years it will go down the drain.

2. Product matrix

The first thing you need to start studying is the company's product, since everything grows from it. Not marketing, not sales, but the product.

People go for services and goods, and only then go to the company. Having studied their proposal, we will be able to understand how competitive the foundation of your company is.

2.1. Product

You must study the product from all sides, paying attention even to details. This will help you find yours not only on a global level, but also in the smallest details.

If you compose basic list areas that you should pay attention to, it will look like this:

  1. Range;
  2. Size;
  3. Appearance;
  4. Package;
  5. Characteristics;
  6. Warranty support;
  7. Color;
  8. Implementation format;
  9. Term;
  10. Degree of fame.

Moreover, it is necessary to evaluate not only the main category of products, but the entire one.

You need to understand what are the main products, upsells, premium products and so on.

You study everything you can get your hands on. After all, if you have spent time at your place, then you know that there are situations when the main profit is made by products from which you do not expect it.

To make the analysis of competitors' products and services more effective, it is recommended to format this whole thing in a table or graph.

But again, everything is at your discretion, because how it will be framed in the end does not matter. You do everything for yourself, not for thesis(remember the institute, right?).

2.2. Pricing

Each product has its own cost. Of course, it consists not only of cost, as is commonly believed.

The larger the company, the more other expenses are included, including overpayment for the brand. Therefore, first of all, you need to find out what is included in their cost and what is the profit.

Then you need to go to the client’s side and evaluate the very fact of the final cost, because the cost is not important for the consumer, he sees the final value and already determines from it - yes or no.

Most likely, you analyze competitors’ output prices quite often, since for many this is an analysis of competition in the market.

If you can’t fight with cost, try to surpass them with other differences, or use one of the strategies described in our article

3. Marketing

Marketing is a huge topic to analyze. You definitely won’t study it 100%. This is due to the fact that you never know exactly where the competitor’s budget is currently directed.

However, marketing is the front door of a business, and whether the client will come to you or to them depends on how well it is packaged and formed.

3.1. Basic Marketing

The first marketing analysis of competitors should begin with examining the fundamentals of their approach.

You need to understand how they present themselves and “what they breathe.” In other words, you analyze.

Even if it doesn’t exist at first glance, you still need to understand at least where they are going. After all, we must remember that analysis provides not only a tactical, but also a strategic vision.

These are the 5 aspects that we pay attention to first after competitors' strategies.

There is no point in continuing on the remaining points, since the topic is obvious and does not require disclosure.

But if I’m wrong, then you can write a comment under this article and we will help you in identifying basic marketing issues for your competitors.

And all this is completely free, because we don’t charge money for small tips. This is our investment in you for the future.


3.2. Attracting clients

We had a client whose competitor was stealing customers right from under his nose.

He did not surpass it in budget, he bypassed it in mind. Namely, he was always one step above our client.

3.3. Customer retention, monetization and return

The most favorite part of business for all entrepreneurs is attracting clients. In 7 out of 10 cases, during consultations we hear the question: “Where to get new clients?”

It feels like the light has converged on them like a wedge. And this erroneous opinion wanders from year to year.

But in vain, it is possible to increase the company’s capitalization without attracting clients. To do this, you just need to work correctly with your customer base.

And most likely your competitors do not miss this opportunity and use everything to the fullest.

Therefore, you need to explore all possible additional actions in the field of marketing your colleagues in the shop. As usual, I provide you with a basic list of zones for analysis:

  1. SMS sending;
  2. Additional gifts.

This point should be the most voluminous, since it includes all marketing activities that are aimed at customers.

And since marketing includes more than 5,000 tools among them, I admit that you won’t be able to find everything.

However, you need to go through all the basics and isolate what is good about their marketing.

4. Sales

Marketing is just a tool to attract customers and increase their desire to buy. Everything else in classic business is done by people and sales tools.

Therefore, you need to know everything about sales in a competitor’s company. Moreover, like marketing, this part is roughly divided into several parts.

4.1 People

It is very bad for business when customers deal with people rather than with the company. But from the point of view of analysis, you need to approach it from this side.

To really see what it is about employees that makes consumers work with them, and not just with us. Here the list of analyzed points may be as follows:

  1. Positions;
  2. Regalia;
  3. Personal qualities;
  4. Appearance;
  5. Communication style;
  6. Education.

You need to learn everything about their team. It is quite possible that their entire business rests on people.

For example, because they employ specialists with very famous names. This means for you that if you do not strengthen yourself at least famous people, then you will have to sweat in the fight for a place in the sun.

4.2 Sales tools

In paragraph 3.3, we looked at tools that also help sell to employees.

But here we will talk about something else. In marketing, these are tools that directly contact clients, but in this case we are talking about actions and materials that function only within the company and the client does not see them.

In simple language, I will call this a “sales department audit”, in the most classic sense of this phrase.

You learn everything that makes their sales managers as effective and motivated as possible. I recommend starting with the following points:

  1. Reports;

Only sales scripts can be evaluated without problems. Study the rest without the sent Cossack, Trojan horse or other cunning ways to penetrate behind enemy lines is practically impossible.

You simply will not be allowed inside the company, and the answer to the question - “Why?” is quite obvious - “Because”.

But if you really want it, you can fly into space and get this information. I proudly say that it has been tested on our clients.

5. Terms and business processes

When you know everything about the product, marketing and sales, then you are literally missing the last piece of the puzzle, these are their terms and business processes.

You will receive part of this information when studying the previous parts of the business, but here you again (or again) need to look at this whole matter from a different perspective.

Study their logistics, study their production, study their ability to provide deferments, installment plans, and products for sale.

You need to study all their working conditions from needle to rope. Granted, some of them are not so important for the client, but if a company does it (especially one that is better than us), then it means it understands why it needs it.

Most obvious way studying conditions and business processes means going through the entire customer journey from A to Z, from call to purchase, and even better, to return/rejection of the product, if possible.

And you must be the most meticulous client so that you are fully served and you see all parts of the business.

This way you can understand how to improve your working conditions. For example, you will implement more fast delivery than theirs, or introduce interest-free installments for 24 months, when everyone has 12.

You can also improve your business processes to differentiate yourself from them (this is one way to differentiate), or increase efficiency, or reduce costs.

Study method

In the modern world, there are dozens of methods to conduct competitive market analysis.

There are even those that last several months. We will study the simplest, and at the same time the most effective, methods of competitor analysis for ordinary classic business.

Leave complex and voluminous processes to us, because we also need to learn this. It is very difficult to do this in one article, and without a mentor.

Bad news. Within the framework of this article, we will not be able to consider in detail all methods of analyzing the competitor market, since each of them will take more than one thousand words.

Therefore, we will analyze the concept, and if you are interested in one of them, then read more in other articles.

1. Comparative analysis

The simplest and largest (in terms of page volume) way of analyzing the competitive environment.

You define evaluation criteria (and based on the text above, you realized that there are hundreds of them) and use them to compare yourself with each competitor in the form of a table or graph.

You can rate according to the principle “Yes/No”, “Yes/No” or digital value from 1 to 10. I prefer the second option as it is more transparent.

Comparative analysis

The main disadvantage of this method is that some business aspects cannot be objectively assessed using categorical or numerical criteria.

Also, you can only evaluate the present situation at the moment, and not see what can happen next, what threats and risks there may be. And you also need to know this, since you obviously plan to work for more than one year.

Comparative analysis of companies

Comparative competitive analysis can be carried out both within the entire company and within a specific tool in order to obtain the most reliable information.

But this will take several times more time, perhaps even tens of times, so set your priorities correctly.

Comparative analysis of tools

2. SWOT analysis

The most popular method of analyzing the market and main competitors. A classic of the genre among analyzes that is still taught in institutes.

Its meaning is that you compare yourself with a certain competitor in 4 parts: strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities.

These four parts are divided into external and internal. This method already sees a bigger picture for the future.

I like this approach, but it also has disadvantages, since there is no digital assessment, and we rely on our own Subjective opinion or the conclusions of independent experts, who may also be wrong.

As a result of a questionable Yes/No assessment, you may focus on the wrong things and waste time searching for non-existent treasures and eliminating ghost pirates.

SWOT analysis

3. SNW analysis

Some say that SNW is an improved SWOT analysis. But in fact, this is a different model that focuses on analyzing the internal environment of the company.

That is, if a SWOT analysis analyzes the strengths and weaknesses (2 of 4 parts), then in the case of SNW you also study the neutral aspects of the company.

In practice, this helps you find your competitor’s points in a normal (neutral) state.

This means for you that you can make them yours. competitive advantage if he doesn't pay attention to them.

SNW analysis

This analysis is less suitable for small businesses, since its focus is on strategic comparison.

Therefore, if you are not particularly focused on the topic of strategy right now, then it is better to return to SWOT or comparative analysis.

In addition, SNW analysis makes an assessment based on the principle of good/normal/bad, which is also not precise measurement tactics.

Briefly about the main thing

In marketing consulting, we always start by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses competitors.

This usually results in us getting a lot of flak from property owners because they don't see the need for it and think we're wasting their money.

And you will be surprised (or maybe not), but have a good ending this story will not happen. After the analysis, no one says “thank you” to us and they still consider it a waste of resources.

There is a phrase: “You should have fought evil, not joined it.” We are precisely those who go against the grain.

Let us lose clients because they allegedly did not see results in the first month of work.

But we will still conduct an analysis of competitors and the company at the beginning of work, hoping to find true connoisseurs of a smart approach, where every step is taken not because it is “cool”, but because it is justified.

And without analysis this cannot be achieved. You will forgive me, but most of you will not do the analysis wisely.

You will have a thousand excuses to do this later. As my friend says, “I’m not getting paid for this argument, so let it be your way.”

Therefore, I will not convince you, but in order to somehow smooth out the situation, I have prepared for you a list of minimal actions to move consciously at least at arm's length.

  1. Which one?
  2. What acquisition channels are used?
  3. By what criteria is their product better than yours?
  4. What is the pricing and discounts for the product?
  5. How well do managers sell when personal contact?

In this article we talk about all the ways to create segments in Yandex.Audience, how to use them on specific examples, as well as about new features.

Segment creation algorithm

2) Click the button to create a segment:

3) Select the data you want to use:

4) Fill in the required fields in the dialog box - more on this below;

5) The service processes the request in 1.5-3 hours.

To customize the display of an ad in Direct, add an audience selection condition when creating or editing it. Select “Audience Segment” and a specific segment:

The purpose of advertisements is additional or repeat sales to loyal customers, Special offers and discounts for those who have not purchased for a long time or have not completed their order on the site.

Use this option if you have target audience contacts (email, phone numbers or device IDs). They can be downloaded from CRM, email sender, etc.

Since Yandex does not check sources and even skips “left” databases, you can take data for parsing from anywhere.

Prepare the list in csv or txt format.

The file contains at least 1,000 records!

Please note that the old phone and email based segments are still available, but soon they will no longer be editable!

Fill in the name, add a file and agree to the rules:

When everything is ready, press the yellow button.

How do Audiences increase their reach significantly?

These are the same users from your file, only in different browsers, devices, mobile applications. Let's say you logged into Yandex from a tablet and a desktop. The service records 2 contacts.

You can expand your reach to include users with the same interests and online behavior as a separate segment of your target audience.

Use this button next to it:

Or follow the standard path:

In our test segment of 15,962 elements, the service collected a coverage of 600,000.

Tip: When selecting, choose accuracy over coverage. This way, the audience size is smaller, but there is a higher probability that these users are converted into clients.

By default, the distribution by city and device type is preserved. For example, if half of the users are Nokia owners, the rest are LG owners, the same will happen in the new segment.

Important! Look-alike technology can only be applied to segments that you have created yourself.

A prerequisite is guest access to edit the counter.

You can create segments based on any parameters from Metrica: average bill, period of work with the product, target action.

Specify the name, counter and audience parameters:

Minimum coverage - 1,000 identifiers.

For users mobile application use the AppMetrica counter:

Segment based on geolocation

You can select users who:

  • Are in a certain area now;
  • Happen regularly;
  • There were so many days during the last week, 1 or 3 months.

How to set up hyperlocal targeting? There are 2 options:

1) Circles

Choose how to add a location:

Attention! When you add a list, keep in mind that any previously added locations will be deleted.

You can increase the coverage radius to take into account the surrounding area:

Please note the frequency of visits:

Important! In the first option, the segment is determined based on data for the last 45 days.

For the third condition: several visits per day is one visit.

Limitation - no more than 1,000 seats per segment (for the “N days per period” condition - no more than 100).

It is not possible to configure multiple radii and visit settings for one segment.

2) Polygons

Polygon - new option settings for segments by geolocation. On the map you can select an area with any configuration, not just a circle.

To set it, mark at least 3 points. Each one forms a straight line with the previous one. To delete a point, double-click on it. To complete the construction, click on any point and click “Finish”.

Attention! The sides do not intersect. The maximum area is 10 km 2.

You can add no more than 10 polygons to a segment.

Available settings options:

  • Regularly visits, lives or works;
  • There were N days in the period.

The pixel code allows you to track who has seen your media banner on the Yandex network. I didn’t click, I just saw! It is enough to add it to this banner, and for the placement site to allow it.

Segment based on provider data (DMP - Data Management Platforms)

At your choice - data from world databases by age, gender, interests, etc. at different prices (CPM - cost per thousand impressions) and with different coverage. Some are free.

Detailed information about segments can be requested from providers.

For a segment of this type, you cannot view statistics, create a similar one, or give access to other users.

If the provider revokes access to the segment, you will see an "Error" status.

Examples of using Yandex.Audience

Segment based on downloaded data

Or even from VKontakte. Using a parser (for example, Target Hunter) you can collect phone numbers/emails of subscribers from a certain segment. For example, mothers of children under 3 years old to sell children's clothing.

Keep in mind that the data from VK will contain a significant amount of “garbage”. In the phone/email fields, netizens often write abracadabra or false numbers. However, it's worth a try.

The more specific your product, the more likely it is that people with similar interests will be interested in it.

Segment based on Metrics data

You can target users who have made purchases with large checks in the past, but have not visited an online store or launched an application for a long time.

Example: a reminder about the expiration of compulsory motor insurance for motorists or about maintenance for customers of dealership centers.

Segment based on geolocation

What is important to the audience? The closer, the better. This applies to hairdressers, cafes, fitness clubs, food delivery services, car washes, phone repair shops, etc.

Therefore, write this in your ad: we are nearby, just a few minutes away from you.

  • Indicate the location in the title and text of the ad;
  • Use geotargeting bid adjustments in search;
  • Segment advertising campaigns by range;
  • Combine neighboring addresses into one radius;
  • Don't use radii that are too small;
  • Separate mobile and desktop traffic.

We talked in more detail about all the possibilities of hyperlocal targeting - how to set it up in Yandex, Google, VKontakte and Facebook.

Segment based on Yandex.Audience pixel

What to do with this audience?

1) Adjust search bids.

2) Launch retargeting - “catch up” in YAN with those who saw banners on the media network.

The resulting segment can be combined with others for more precise retargeting. Let's say we highlight users who have seen a media banner and often visit a certain area. Or they relate to a similar audience based on a specific characteristic (lifestyle, interests, profession).

The main thing is not to go too far: too narrow targeting does not bring tangible results.

Segment based on data from external sources

Where can you get data about your target audience if you have an offline business? Option 2:

  • Private Yandex.Audience databases. The service has selections for any B2B topic.

Attention! Do not repeat this with your competitor base, as this, at a minimum, will not bring loyal responses, and at most, it will be illegal.

  • “Buy” traffic from related resources. These could be MFA (made-for-adsense) sites, the purpose of which is to obtain search traffic for monetization via advertising blocks YAN or AdSense, forums or required sections news portals. Ask owners to create an audience from the traffic you target, depending on the segment's reach. They only benefit from this, since this is additional income.

Other features of the service

1) Degree of similarity between users

A segment in Audiences can be built based on the level of similarity between users. How similarly they behave online, both in comparison with the original segment and with each other. The greater the similarity, the better the look-alike technology will work on it.

Recommendation: Use look-alike to build an audience with clearly defined interests. Let's say you organize webinars for marketers. This public differs in its interests from all Runet users. And here plastic windows Anyone can order, and creating a similar audience from this segment is pointless.

2) Polygons in hyperlocal targeting

The new option allows you to select residents of a specific block, visitors shopping center or stadium, students and at the same time exclude irrelevant territory. For example, the nearest highway or railway. And vice versa: if this is your target audience, you can include a certain section of the road in the segment.

We described how to build a polygon in the “Geolocation-based segment” section.

3) Pixel Audiences

It allows you to track not only those who clicked on the banner, but also those who simply saw it.

4) Graphs “Interests” and “Categories”

You will see how the interests of the audience in your segment differ from the interests of the average Runet user. 100% is the same as the “hospital average”, and 140% indicates increased interest.

High conversions to you!