Android disable updates. How to disable automatic updates on Android: theory and practice

Thanks to the Google Play service, developers of applications for Android phones and tablets have the opportunity to efficiently distribute updates for their products. As soon as they update the application in the Google Play service, it is automatically updated on all Android devices where it is installed. In most cases, this is very convenient. For both developers and users.

But updates are not always successful. Sometimes after updating the application is not stable or contains errors. In such situations, the problem arises of how to remove an application update on Android and return its old version.

Uninstalling updates for Android applications

Fortunately, the Android operating system provides a mechanism using which you can remove an update that was installed on your phone using the Google Play service. To do this, you need to open the Android settings and go to the “ Application Manager" or simply " Applications"if you have a standard shell.

After this, you will see a list of all installed applications on your Android smartphone. Here you need to find the application whose update you want to remove.

Once you open the desired application, you will see a screen with information. Here you need to click on the “Uninstall updates” button, which will be located immediately below the name of your application.

After this, a warning will appear indicating that the system is about to remove updates and restore the original application. Click on the “Yes” button to continue.

After this update, the applications will be removed and the application information screen will appear in front of you again. Here you can see which version you have rolled back to.

How to disable app updates in the future

To prevent this application from being updated again, it needs to be in the Google Play service. To do this, go to the Google Play application on your Android phone and use the search to find the page for the application you need. After opening the application page, click on the button with three dots. It should be at the very top of the screen.

After clicking on this button, a small pop-up menu will appear in which you can disable the update for this application.

Once app updates are disabled, only your grandchild can update the app.

How to disable automatic application updates on Android if constantly installing new data consumes a large amount of traffic and phone RAM?

You can disable the function using the built-in functions of your gadget.

How does software update work?Android

When releasing software, developers cannot make it perfectly adapted to all devices. That is why the program may often not work correctly on certain smartphone models. Noticing such inaccuracies, programmers correct the flaws, test the resulting product and release new components. By installing them, the user will receive a more advanced version of their favorite game or other type of software.

Each update has its own digital designation - version number. It is written in 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 and so on. When you first install something on your gadget from the Play Store, you get the latest version of the update. Over time, more and more improvements to the program will appear.

To prevent the user from uninstalling and installing it again, the store provides an update function - you simply press the appropriate key and get the latest version in a few seconds. All user data and files will be saved. In the Google Store window, you can see what's new and what features have been added to your favorite application.

Rice. 2 – view information about new components on Google Play

Often, in the Android store, the function of automatically updating the software installed on the phone is already activated. This feature will allow you not to monitor the constant releases of components, because developers create them almost every week. If the background installation interferes with your work with the device or consumes a lot of Internet, you should disable the function.

Disable automatic updates usingPlay Market

If you do not want to install additional utilities that are designed to work with updates in the Android system, use the standard Play Market. With its help, you can also configure the operation of updates. Follow the instructions to prevent automatic downloading and installation of new components:

  • Open the application store;
  • The store home page will appear. Open the menu by flicking to the right or clicking on the corresponding icon;

Rice. 3 – home screen in Play Market

  • At the bottom of the menu list, select “Settings” and go to the window for changing the program configuration;

Fig. 4 – main menu of the store

  • In the general settings category, click on the “Automatic software updates” option. A window for selecting an update method will open. Select "Never" and close the window.

Rice. 5 – disabling the update

Disabling the update in the phone settings

By installing any game or program, you accept the user agreement that the software may have access to built-in system functions and other programs. Even if you have disabled updates in the store, the installation of a new version may not be carried out by the Market, but by the application itself. This happens if the automatic software update function is activated in the smartphone settings.

To disable the feature, follow these steps:

  • Go to the gadget settings;
  • Click on the “About device” icon;
  • Select the "Software Update" option;

Fig.6 – “About device” window in Android OS

  • In the new window, deactivate the checkbox next to the “Auto-update” item.

Manually updating programs

By downloading the latest news and versions of your favorite programs manually, you can reduce traffic consumption and simply speed up the operation of your smartphone, because the background processes will not constantly be downloading data. Manual work with updates is suitable for those users whose phones have too many applications installed, and the phone’s resources do not allow them to perform many background operations.

Also, constantly enabled updates quickly reduce the battery charge and make the gadget work slowly. After disabling the installation of new data, you should periodically carry out updates yourself. You can do this as follows:

  • Go to Google Play;
  • Click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the application;
  • In the list that opens, select “My applications and games”;
  • Go to the “Installed” tab;

Fig.8 - viewing and updating installed applications manually

  • An “Update” button will appear next to the software for which an update is available. You can start the process of downloading a new version of the utility for one application or for all at once. Just click "Update All" at the top right of your open store tab.

After clicking on the “Update all” button, the process of downloading and installing the latest program data from the store server will begin. This may take a long time, depending on how much software is on your gadget.

For each program, the process of installing new components through the Google Play Market will begin:

Fig.9 – installation of new components

The advantage of this method of working with applications is that you choose the installation time of the components and they will not start downloading at the wrong time, when there is little traffic on the phone or a low network connection speed.

Another update method is to monitor system messages in the running application window. When a developer releases important security or functionality updates, and the user ignores them, immediately after launching the software, a window will appear notifying them of the need to install a new version of the game/utility. In this case, just agree to the installation, check your Internet connection and download the developer data package so that the program works stably.

Even if you have turned off automatic updates, the Play Market will periodically notify you about the availability of new versions of games and utilities. One or more messages will appear in the notification center with information about new features of the program and a button for installation.

Fig. 10 - notification center in Android

Please note that if the Google Play window does not have a button for updating specific programs or all installed data, you should install new components for the store itself:

  • Go to the device settings;
  • Open the “Applications” - “All” - “Play Store” window;
  • Start the update process and also delete the cache to prevent errors.

Fig. 11 – Play Market update

How to remove a program update?

If the update has already been installed, but after it there were difficulties in using the application: freezes, errors, bugs, or you simply did not like the new design. On Android you can always return to the previous version of the software. To do this, disable automatic updates and in the settings do the following:

  • Open the list of all programs;
  • Select the desired application;
  • In the window that opens, click on “Uninstall updates”.

Fig. 12 – deleting the update

Thematic videos:

How to disable auto-update of Android applications on Google Play

Not everyone knows that Google Play may have an option to automatically update applications. This can lead to unexpected expenses if you have a tariff package with payment for Internet traffic. This screencast explains how to disable automatic app updates.

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

How to disable automatic app updates on Android

You have an Android smartphone and suddenly it displays a notification about a system update. Not all updates are good - some may have a negative effect on your phone and you choose to ignore them.

However, the phone keeps you busy and still displays updates. How to disable it?

While for high-end smartphones, system updates are pretty well thought out (though updates like Lollipop for the Galaxy S5 aren't exactly well received), for low- or mid-range phones, upgrading to a new version can result in big device slowdowns.

It's not surprising that some people want to ignore updates and use the current version of Android. How to remove this?

Method one - disable update notification without interfering with the system kernel

As a general rule, in most cases it will likely require kernel intervention to disable Android system update notifications.

However, users of some smartphones confirm that they disable these messages in a phone without root rights (for example, in the LG G3).

The solution is to disable the display for two system applications - "Google Play Services" and "Google Services Framework".

To do this, go to Settings and select Applications. Now move your finger to the side to view all applications or click “application manager” (top first in the list) - depends on the version of Android.

If you selected the second item, then click “Options” at the top right and select the line “show system applications”

Let's start with the Google Services Framework. Find it and click on it.

Now click on the Notifications section.

After going to it, move the slider to the left or uncheck the box next to the “allow notifications” parameter

That's not all. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and move the slider to the right or check the box next to the “Hide notifications” option or disable it (also depends on the Android version).

Now we return to the list of applications and do the same for “Software Update” and “Google Play Services” - turn off notifications in both.

  • ATTENTION: you can also disable application updates, not just notifications about them.

Now restart your device. If the message still remains, then the device needs to be rooted.

Method two - disable update notifications

The second solution is to disable the system service, which runs in the background and is responsible for updating the Android system.

To do this, you need to obtain root rights and install the “Disable Service” application. Launch the application and go to “System” (on the right) to display system applications.

In the list, look for the “Google Services Framework” application and select it. Now, at the top left, select show all services running within the application.

At the bottom we should find the “SystemUpdateService” service. To disable it, simply uncheck the box next to it in the list. Update messages should no longer appear. Good luck.

Today, Android games and programs are regularly updated by the manufacturer. The system often installs them on its own without notifying the user. The question arises: how does updating applications on Android work?


Different applications are constantly updated for different reasons. Thus, with each update, antiviruses replenish the database of viruses, cleaning programs receive new functionality, games receive new maps and levels. The manufacturer is constantly trying to improve applications, so it is forced to release new versions. Updates are also released if the previous version turned out to be “buggy” (it slows down or does not start at all) or the new version of Android does not support old applications that are not optimized for it.

Do I need automatic app updates?

Here it is worth clearly indicating where automatic updating is mandatory and where it is not. Antivirus utilities, for example, should receive regular updates. If the user decides to independently download new versions of firewalls on an irregular basis, the system will be vulnerable to attacks by spyware, advertising banners and viruses. Navigation utilities should also allow automatic updates: each new version of the same Google Maps or Here carries new maps and more detailed diagrams of the old ones. In other programs like Google Chrome, CCleaner or Total Commander, automatic updating is not necessary: ​​an updated design, one or two innovations and the traditional “Minor bugs fixed” - that’s all that the consumer usually receives after downloading the latest version of the utility.

It is better to update such programs once a month. In games, every update brings new maps and levels, so it's better to let them download new versions themselves as well.

How to remove app updates on Android

If the update of the Android application does not satisfy the user (ill-thought-out interface, stuttering, or the program does not start at all), then he can roll back to the previous version. You can only return those utilities that were originally installed by the manufacturer. Those multimedia files that the user downloaded himself cannot be rolled back. How to remove system application updates: go to the device menu, then to “Settings”. There, click on the “Applications” / “Application Manager” tab (it is called differently in different devices). Find the program you want to roll back. Then click on the “Uninstall update” button. If it is not there, go to “Options”, and only then to the “Uninstall update” tab. After this, a menu will pop up asking you to confirm the rollback. It is worth noting that after this the utility returns to its original version (for example, if Google Chrome v 1.0 was installed “from the factory”, and then the user himself updated it to v 2.0 and v 3.0, then when rolling back from the third version the program will return to v 1.0).

How to remove an update for non-system applications: the only way out is to find the installation file (apk format) of the old version on the Internet.

To disable application updates, you must first go to Google Play, then you need to click on the menu icon or swipe from left to right. Find the “Settings” tab, then go to “Auto-update applications”. In the menu that appears, select “Never”. Tip: You can also select "Wi-Fi only" to avoid using data megabytes.

How to cancel an app update on Android

If the Android application is at the downloading stage, then you need to go to the Google Play menu. There you need to find the “Downloads” tab and select the file to download. You can cancel its download by long pressing on the file.

How to update Android apps manually

Go to Google Play, call up the main menu, then go to the “My Applications” tab. A page will open where all installed games and programs will be displayed, including factory ones. Utilities that have updates will be separated from those that do not have updates. There will be an "Update" button on each application's tab. Also in this submenu there is an “Update All” button. With it, files will be updated “chain by chain”. If an application requires access to identification data, multimedia files or contacts, it will notify you about this. Click the “Accept” button. If the program does not need additional special permissions, it will throw out a corresponding message - click “Accept”. Updating multimedia files, however, requires space in the smartphone's memory (namely the smartphone, not the memory card). To free it, you should delete some files from the smartphone’s memory (music, pictures, another application, cache of various programs). Before updating a heavy utility, Google Play will offer to download it via Wi-Fi so as not to waste mobile traffic.

Go to Google Play and enter the name of the required application in the search bar. In the list of games and programs that appears, click on it, then click on the ellipsis located in the upper right corner. The “Auto-update” item will fly out; you need to uncheck it.

The fact is that applications on Google Play are not optimized for the new system. A striking example is the update from Android 2.3 to 4.0. In this case, the best help is: 1) Reinstalling applications again; 2) Complete reset with copying of all data. First, it is better to simply reinstall the necessary games and programs. Don't worry about Google charging you again for downloading paid apps: after purchasing media files on Google Play, you can reinstall it countless times. By the way, when you delete most games and programs, only the executive files are erased: the cache (for example, progress in Angry Birds) remains. However, sometimes you have to completely reset the device settings. Before doing this, you need to make a backup of your data. Download and install the free version of the Titanium Backup utility on your PC. Then we connect the smartphone to the computer. After launching the utility, the user is asked about root rights, click on the “Allow” button. Go to the smartphone menu, then go to “Processing”. Click on “Backup”. Next, Titanium Backup will provide a list of applications from which you must select which media files you want to save. After selecting the applications you need, click on the “Start batch processing” button. After the operation, Titanium Backup will display a list with checkboxes next to games and programs as confirmation of successfully made copies. The backup itself will be saved on the micro-SD card of your smartphone; for reliability, it can also be saved on a PC.

If automatic updating of Android and its applications constantly consumes all traffic, drains the battery or overloads the processor at the most necessary moment, you need to block updating in the device settings. Read today's article and find out how to do this.

Any operating system is configured to automatically download (download) all kinds of updates. Android is no exception.

In addition to regularly updating the operating system itself, phones and tablets almost continuously download something from the Internet. These are updates for all kinds of applications, software modules and games. Some of them were installed by the user himself, while others were preinstalled by the device seller. At the same time, the owner may never use them and may not even know about their existence.

How to disable auto-update of the system

First, let's disable the download of new versions of the Android system itself:

  • Go to the main menu of the device and click on the “Settings” icon.
  • Scroll down the drop-down list to the “System” section.
  • There (usually at the very bottom of the list), select “About device” (or similar).
  • In the next window, click on the “Software Update” line.
  • This is where you need to disable automatic downloading of new versions of the system. This can be a special switch (toggle switch), or a list of options with ticks (checkboxes).
  • If there are several options, select the option that disables spontaneous downloading of OS update files.

Disable automatic app updates

To change the update settings for applications available on your device, first go to the Play Market application store. Further:

1. Select the menu item “Installed applications and games” (or something similar in meaning). Scroll down the drop-down list to “Settings” and click on it.

2. On the next page, click on the item “Auto-update applications” or something similar in meaning - another settings page will open.

3. There are several options to choose from. You must select “Never”.

Tip: You can only allow mobile apps to update automatically when connected to Wi-Fi.

How to disable data synchronization

Another feature that can be disabled is automatic data synchronization for Google services and accounts (Gmail, Gtalk, etc.):

  • In the “Settings” of your smartphone, find the line “Synchronization of accounts” (or something similar in meaning).
  • On the page that opens, disable background data synchronization. To do this, uncheck the box next to the corresponding item.

Tip: If desired, synchronization can be performed according to a specified schedule. By default, synchronization occurs continuously.

By performing the steps described above, you will gain control over the consumption of traffic and resources of your device.

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