Power of attorney to receive mail. How to draw up a power of attorney to receive mail from an individual to an individual

Society is in constant motion, so there is less time left for basic things, for example, receiving a parcel or registered letter. In order not to miss them, they issue a power of attorney to receive mail, registered mail, parcels, letters, greeting cards, bills for paying for housing and communal services and other important documentation.

What is a power of attorney by mail

This is a document issued to members of the recipient’s family, or to a stranger who is not a close relative. It allows you to receive all types of postal items; it can be issued at post offices or remotely by downloading a form on the Internet, if it is impossible to be personally present at the organization. After writing the document, powers are transferred to third parties, according to which they are responsible for the integrity and safety of the entrusted property and are accountable to the law.

What is it for?

A power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail can come in handy at any time. As a rule, it is issued under the following circumstances:

  1. The recipient is outside the city or on the territory of a foreign country, if his plans do not include an immediate return. The fact is that parcels and letters with a declared value can be stored at the post office for no more than a month. If this period passes and no one picks up the parcel, it will be sent back to the sender.
  2. Separate residence of members of the same family, but at the same time having a common residence permit. This is relevant in cases where someone goes to work in another city, for example, under the rotational employment system. It will be more convenient in this situation if notifications about parcels and other mail are sent to the registration address. A power of attorney to receive letters is drawn up for a long term.
  3. The employer instructs an employee of the organization to pick up business documents or other parcels that are in one way or another related to the company’s activities. It is written to the secretary or one of the accounting employees. Such a document is signed by the head of the unit or other superior person.

Who can be a representative of the principal

The addressee can be represented by a national of any foreign country or a citizen of the Russian Federation residing on its territory. The authorization can be issued for a group of people, which is more preferable for a legal entity: company, organization, corporation, plant, firm, holding. It can be either one-time or long-term. One-time powers of attorney or documentation are drawn up if you need to receive small single and rarely arriving parcels.

Requirements for a power of attorney to receive postal items

The service's production facilities send out various types of shipments every day. Almost everyone needs to be supported by an authorization, which is drawn up according to certain requirements:

  • simple shipments. They are delivered by foot couriers, that is, postmen and left in the recipient's mailbox. These include: receipts for payment of housing and communal services, letters, simple parcels and parcels, greeting cards. They do not have an identifier (track number), which is why a power of attorney to receive regular mail is not needed;
  • valuable items, valuable letters, parcels, parcels are assigned a unique identifier. They are registered at the department and have a certain cost set by the customer, which is compensated in case of violation of delivery deadlines for damage or loss of contents. Issued to the recipient or a person representing his interests if a power of attorney is granted. The document can be certified at a post office or a notary office;
  • registered letter or parcel post. Registered letters, parcels or correspondence have unique track numbers that determine their location. They are received in person or through an individual authorized to do so. A postal employee will issue correspondence of this type only after he has been given a power of attorney to receive registered mail. The document is certified by another employee of the department, a person representing the place of training, treatment, work or a notary;
  • benefits, pensions and other remittances. These items are received for the addressee only by an authorized representative bearing the notary’s stamp. A notarized document has legal force.

Item type

Organization (representative) - witness

Registered shipment:

  • letter;
  • parcel;
  • package;
  • custom small package.
  • Postal office;
  • Notarial office;
  • representative of an educational institution, employer or medical institution.

Valuable shipment:

  • a letter, parcel or parcel that has a pre-specified price;
  • any shipment made through the express delivery service - EMS.
  • Postal office;
  • Notarial office

financial transfers

  • Notarial office

Pension and social benefits, other types of funds

  • Notarial office

How to draw up a power of attorney

A power of attorney for mail and receipt of correspondence is written on the basis of Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The document consists of the following columns:

  • dates of writing;
  • the name of the locality and the region in which it is registered;
  • body, where the addressee and authorized representative indicate passport details and the number of the post office, which will be the place of transmission of correspondence;
  • signatures of one and the other party.

Document form

There is no unified format that could be widely used, so organizations have the right to write an authorization in any form and independently develop a document template. Large companies often use letterhead to draw up a power of attorney. Their use is optional, so regular A4 sheets can also be used. The main thing is that the document reflects all the functionality assigned by the principal.

The document, as well as a power of attorney issued between two individuals, displays: information about the addressee and detailed personal data of the authorized person, the duration of the document. At the end it is sealed with the signatures of the manager and employee.


The standard validity period of any trust document based on Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is 1 calendar year. On average, postal workers draw up and approve a document for a month, if the principal does not specify a specific validity period when drawing it up (can be anything as agreed by the parties, ranging from two to three weeks to a year).

Features of drafting from a legal entity

From the point of view of the law, the legal entity responsible for issuing a power of attorney to receive correspondence can appoint one or several employees using the same type of document. This is much simpler and more efficient, since the documents must be certified by a notary office.

Regarding the external design, the best option would be to download the standard form and fill it out on the computer, and then print it out. This document is also subject to signing by the parties, as well as further certification by a notary. Such a power of attorney will inspire more confidence in the postal worker, but even after it has been certified with a seal, they may be asked to confirm it with identification documents to verify passport data.

How to properly issue a power of attorney to receive mail

A power of attorney to receive mail is an official document, so it is important to draw it up correctly. It happens like this:

  • the word “power of attorney” is written in the header;
  • below indicate the name of the locality where the document is drawn up;
  • to the left of the title indicate the date of writing;
  • in the first part of the body of the document, write the organizational and legal form, name and details of the organization and enter: job title, personal information and passport details of the principal;
  • in the second, similar information about the representative (except for information about the organization);
  • write the name of the document regulating the action of the legal entity (based on the “Power of Attorney”);
  • indicate the purpose of delivery, the number and name of the post office from where the parcel is picked up; indicating the validity period (line below);
  • the signatures of the legal entity and representative are placed at the bottom;
  • At the end, an additional field is entered where the date of issue is indicated.



In this article we will look at the procedure for receiving parcels at the post office by power of attorney, provide the mandatory and basic provisions of powers of attorney for receiving parcels at the post office, the necessary list of documents, establish the unsteady difference between powers of attorney for individuals and legal entities, and also consider curious cases from practice that arise at the Post Office Russia when receiving parcels by proxy.

There's not enough time

It’s not enough for such simple things as: taking a walk after work, going out for a lunch break, or even cooking dinner, let alone receiving packages at the post office. We increasingly use the services of courier services, home delivery, order clothes, shoes, children's items and even food, endlessly trusting and delegating our rights and responsibilities to third parties.

If legal entities, by law, always carry out the trust procedure in writing by issuing powers of attorney, then individuals often carry out the trust procedure in words, which often leads to the inability of the trustee to fulfill his obligations. This also applies to receiving correspondence and parcels at the post office.

Everyone at the post office needs this document.

At the same time, a power of attorney to receive a parcel at the post office must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of civil law, which many do not know or forget about, and then make postal employees the heroes of jokes.

Requirements for a power of attorney

Let's figure out what kind of power of attorney to receive parcels will be accepted by our mail for sure. And what is the difference between such a power of attorney issued from an individual and from a legal entity, whether there is one at all.

Firstly, civil law says that a power of attorney is always a written authority, therefore, it can only be a text and cannot be conveyed in words.

Secondly, according to the law, an employee of the Russian Post as a communications organization must be able to verify that the person granting a power of attorney to receive a parcel at the post office is the same authorized person (to receive the parcel), therefore, in addition to this paper, the authorized person must take the original identification document: for most this is a citizen’s passport, but in rare cases there may be another option - a sailor’s passport, for example.

There are also regulations that few people know about. Although it has lost force, it has not been replaced by anything, which is why postal workers still use it. It also provides for a number of documents that replace a citizen’s passport: a military ID, a foreign passport, a certificate of a member of the Federation Council or a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, an identification card or identity card with a visa issued by the relevant authorities, or a certificate of registration at the place of residence or stay (for foreigners , stateless persons), residence permit issued in Russia by the Department of Internal Affairs to foreign citizens.

The details of such a document must be fully indicated in the power of attorney for receiving parcels so that postal employees have no doubt about the identity of the authorized person.

Thirdly, on the basis of the Civil Code, a power of attorney to receive parcels issued by an individual falls under powers of attorney that require certification. Of course, you can immediately run to a notary and notarize the document for money, but let’s talk about drawing up a power of attorney “free of charge, that is, for nothing.”

Such a certificate can be produced by the administration of the organization in which the person entrusting the receipt works or studies, or by the administration of the hospital, sanatorium, or dispensary where the author is located at the time the power of attorney is issued. A power of attorney issued by an individual can be certified directly at the post office. Few people know this method, because it is not in the law, but when drawing up a power of attorney directly at the post office in the presence of an employee, such confirmation is made.

Why is this necessary, because then both the trustee and the principal need to be there physically? First of all, you can draw up such a power of attorney to receive parcels at any post office convenient for you, and not at the one where the parcel was delivered. You can also create a durable power of attorney rather than a one-time power of attorney and use it more than once. And finally, this method is for those who do not study or work anywhere.

Special treatment for individuals

This is the difference between a power of attorney from an individual and a legal entity: in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney issued by a legal entity must be signed by the head or an authorized representative of such legal entity. person and put the seal of the organization. All. No additional certification is required.

“Did you bring the certificate of reference?”

However, there are nuances for legal entities at the post office. For example, many believe that the head of such an organization can receive a parcel without a power of attorney. This is not so, in the eyes of the post office, the head is the same as its representative, like others, and therefore must also have a power of attorney. As Russian Post requires, the manager issues the power of attorney to receive the parcel to himself and certifies it himself when he signs it. In such cases, many institutions involve a second authorized person (chief accountant, first deputy) in signing; this is not necessary, but it will not be a violation.

Let's repeat and reinforce

  • The post office requires a power of attorney to receive parcels.
  • A power of attorney can be one-time or long-term, but must be certified.
  • When using a durable power of attorney, you must have a copy of it with you, which the postal employee will pick up. Otherwise you will part with the original.
  • In addition to the power of attorney, you must present a document confirming the identity of the authorized person.
  • The paper must contain all the passport details (in the case of a legal entity - the organization’s data and the manager’s passport) of the trustee and the principal.
  • The head of a legal entity, when receiving parcels by mail on behalf of the organization, must also take on a power of attorney and a document that confirms his identity.

Forewarned is forearmed!

Finally, pay special attention to the following points:

  • Despite the fact that if you have an organization’s seal, you can act on its behalf without a power of attorney, some post offices still require the document.
  • When wondering what a sample power of attorney to receive a parcel looks like, please note that the Russian Post does not have a form of power of attorney to receive parcels. You can draw up the document at your own discretion.

In order to save your time, we suggest looking at the power of attorney to receive the parcel, the form of which is presented below.

You can use it as an example. This sample power of attorney to receive a parcel can be copied several times and used as needed, filling in the required fields. And let the mail bring you only joy, not trouble!

If the person in whose name the correspondence is sent for some reason cannot receive mail on his own, the law provides for the possibility of receiving letters by mail by proxy.

Power of attorney to receive mail, is mainly necessary for entrepreneurs and organizations, since those who are indicated as the recipient do not always have time to deal with mail themselves. But it is often issued by individuals in cases of long trips or illness.

A postal worker has the right to issue correspondence to someone to whom a power of attorney has been issued to receive mail, provided that this document and a document that confirms his identity are presented to him.

Power of attorney for the right to receive mail.

Entrepreneurs and organizations can authorize one or, if necessary, several of their employees. The manager has this right according to the Charter. The power of attorney must be certified by his signature and the seal of the organization. But valuable correspondence cannot be issued to an employee on the basis of such a document. Moreover, the amount that is set does not matter; you will not receive a letter even if the stated price is less than one ruble.

Individuals who do not have a seal, in order to confirm the possibility of receiving letters by mail by another person, must have the power of attorney certified by a notary. To draw it up, the principal and the authorized person need to contact him with passports. In some cases, a notary can draw up a power of attorney without the presence of a trusted person, using his passport.

The powers conferred by the power of attorney can be delegated to someone else, provided that such a possibility is specified in the text of the power of attorney. But in this case, the principal must be warned about the transfer. Otherwise, all responsibility for the consequences of such an action will fall on the first trustee.

What does the text of the power of attorney contain?

If the power of attorney is issued by a notary, he will fill it out himself, discussing exactly what powers are being delegated. It is printed on a standard form and certified by the signature of the principal and the notary, and a seal. But any power of attorney to receive mail contains the following data:

The date it was compiled.
Passport details of the authorized person.
Information about the principal, if we are talking about an organization, you must also indicate the passport information of its gen. director.
A complete list of powers that are entrusted to the trustee.
Its validity period.
Signatures of the parties and seal of the principal or notary.

There are the following opportunities to assign another person the right to receive mail:

In the General Power of Attorney, along with others, such as, for example, powers to negotiate, go to court, etc.
In a one-time power of attorney, which provides a one-time opportunity to receive mail.
And a special power of attorney for receiving letters at the post office, which assumes only the right to receive letters within a certain time.

There are situations when a person, for some reason, is not able to personally come to the Russian Post Office and pick up a parcel. In such cases, a citizen can issue a power of attorney, which gives authority to another individual to receive the parcel.

This document can be drawn up for one-time use or for performing multiple identical actions.

In order to receive a parcel using a power of attorney, a citizen can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Show your passport or other identification document, and leave a one-time power of attorney with Russian postal employees.
  2. Present a passport or other identification document, leave a copy of the durable power of attorney at the post office, and simply show its original. If the recipient does not provide a copy, the branch employee will mark the provided power of attorney directly on the mail document.
  3. Leave the original long-term power of attorney at the post office for paid storage, after which you will simply need to present your passport to receive the parcel.

It is important that the power of attorney is drawn up correctly. Otherwise, the postal employee may have doubts, which will lead to difficulties in receiving the parcel. To prevent this from happening, the document must contain the following data:

  • passport details of the principal and representative;
  • the number of the Russian post office where the parcel should be received, as well as the full address of this organization;
  • date and place of compilation;
  • signatures of the parties, notary seal or seal of another institution that has the appropriate authority.

The parties can specify a validity period, or they can omit this clause, as it is not mandatory. If the period is not specified, then the power of attorney is considered valid for one year from the date of signing.

Attention! The information from the passport must be written down in full.

What are the subtleties of design?

A power of attorney, on the basis of which a representative can receive a parcel, is drawn up taking into account some important points. This document is provided in written form only. If compiled on behalf of an organization, then company letterhead must be used.

The general rule is that a power of attorney must be certified by a notary. However, the legislation establishes cases in which a document can be certified by other persons. The official of the relevant organization puts his signature and seal under the signature of the principal. Parcels that came in the name of any enterprise can be issued according to a document certified by the manager and chief accountant.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not prescribe mandatory requirements regarding the signatures of the chief accountant of the organization and the official, as well as the seal of a legal entity. However, Russian postal employees may pay attention to this.

Advice! If registration takes place on behalf of an organization, then, if possible, it is necessary to indicate the signatures of the accountant and the official, as well as affix the seal of the enterprise.

Can a parcel be issued without a power of attorney?

There are several cases when receiving a parcel at Russian Post is possible without documentary evidence:

  • if the parcel has a value of no more than 100 rubles, then it can be received upon presentation of a passport and documents that confirm his relationship with the addressee;
  • if the parcel arrived in the name of a citizen who is under 16 years of age, then it can be picked up by legal representatives upon presentation of a passport and documents proving their relationship to the addressee.

Thus, the execution of a power of attorney must be carried out taking into account all the nuances and certified by a notary or, in some cases, other officials. In any case, this document must be in written form and valid for no more than three years, after which the power of attorney can be reissued.

What does a power of attorney to receive mail contain? Why is this document needed, to whom can it be issued and what rights does it give to its owner? In this article we will look at the intricacies of filling out a power of attorney for correspondence, and also answer all the questions that arise.

In September 2013, changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation came into force, some of which affected the institution of power of attorney. From now on, almost all power of attorney forms, including those relating to the receipt of postal correspondence, can be drawn up in a slightly different form.

Power of attorney for correspondence: what is it and what is it for?

In general terms, a power of attorney is usually understood as the transfer of powers to a trusted person to perform any actions. The right to receive mail is no exception - this is a document issued by an organization or individual to a specific person, and contains the right to receive postal items. The authority to receive correspondence is assigned to:

  1. in a one-time power of attorney, for one-time receipt of letters or parcels;
  2. in a special power of attorney, issued only for receiving correspondence;
  3. in a general power of attorney, which, in addition to the specified powers, can secure a number of other rights for the trustee.

In accordance with the Rules for the provision of postal services, a postal employee must issue correspondence to the person to whom it is addressed upon presentation of a passport or other document, as well as to his authorized representative.

As a rule, a power of attorney is drawn up in the case when the recipient, for objective reasons, cannot receive his correspondence himself. For example, if a person is absent from the city for a long time, he can write out a power of attorney for another person in order to receive his correspondence.

Power of attorney form to receive mail

A power of attorney to receive correspondence from an organization is drawn up on a white sheet or letterhead of a legal entity. The power of attorney has a free form, which must contain the following:

  • Title of the document;
  • date and place of document preparation;
  • information about the principal - the full name of the organization, TIN, actual address of location, as well as the full name of the general director and his passport data (full name of individual entrepreneur, TIN, residential address, passport data);
  • information about the authorized person - full name, date of birth, residential address, passport details;
  • the scope of powers granted, that is, those actions that the authorized person has the right to perform on behalf of the principal - for example, receive and send letters;
  • the validity period of the power of attorney is prescribed (if the period is not specified, the power of attorney is valid for 1 year - Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the signature of the authorized person is certified;
  • signatures of authorized persons, seal of the organization/individual entrepreneur.

A notarized power of attorney to receive correspondence has a single form; the document is drawn up by a notary and printed on a special state standard form, certified by the seal and signature of a notary.

Whether or not to have a power of attorney certified by a notary

A power of attorney to receive parcels and letters is issued by legal entities and individuals, as well as individual entrepreneurs. In accordance with Art. 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney issued by a legal entity for the purpose of receiving correspondence from an organization is not subject to mandatory certification by a notary, however, the form must bear the seal and signature of the head. It is worth noting that civil legislation has some exceptions, so, according to paragraph 3 of Art. 185.1. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, valuable correspondence of the company can be issued to authorized persons only if there is a notarized power of attorney. For example, when receiving a letter with declared value, the recipient is required to present an official power of attorney from the organization, certified by a notary.

Powers of attorney to receive correspondence can be transferred to a third party if there is appropriate wording directly in the document. But at the same time, the trustee is obliged to warn the principal about this, otherwise he may be subject to liability for all the consequences of the transfer of trust.

If we are talking about granting a power of attorney from one individual to another, the document must be certified by a notary. To draw up such a document, the principal and the authorized representative simply need to contact any notary office and present their documents.